Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane was hard to hear when he said “give her the shock now! Don’t wait! Her mind is going too fast for her heart to handle. We need a shock now or she will stroke!”

John nodded and took the pen. “This will do…now just have to see if we are going to need it or not…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Kay just about heard what Bane said which made her quickly turn her head back to Serena and the others as Chas and John seemed to be hesitating in when to give Serena the adrenaline. "bloody Hell's" she muttered under her breath as she walked over with two strong strides, took the pens out of John's hands, removed the cap and just moved Josh out of the way, administering the adrenaline into Serena's chest where she then pressed down on the pen to get the medicine into her.

She then pulled the pen out of Serena and dropped it into John's hands. She was done waiting and if Bane was feeling that invading her mind to chat with her was important, then she was going to listen to him and not the others. "come on girl... Don't make me administer another dose" she said to Serena, checking the woman's pulse in her neck and brushing her hair out of the way.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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As soon as the drug hit her system Serena gasped and coughed, shaking and breathing hard as she sat up snd moved around. John cursed snd said “Serena love it’s alright. Josh catch her before she falls off the couch”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Kay slumped back a step or two as she sighed with relief when Serena woke up and the adrenaline did its job. Josh didn't even need telling as he was already going to Serena's side as John was telling him to do so. "you scared the living crap outta me woman" he told her, pulling her into his arms and hugging her.

Kay stepped over to John and Chas to give Josh, Trish and Serena space. "she scared all of us" she pointed out.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Trish looked up and said “ya…that was scary” she rubbed her arms. Serena hugged josh back and said “I’m sorry…I don’t know what happened…” she closed her eyes and rested against his shoulder.

John nodded and said “we need to put a ward in her room…she can’t get another hit like that. She needs rest and to heal…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Josh rubbed Serena's back just like he would when he needed to calm Trish down from a nightmare, figuring that it might help calm the woman down. "you're back with us now, that's the important thing" he told her soothingly, before gesturing to Trish that it was okay to come hug Serena if she so wished.

"then lets go get warding her room. The sooner we do it the better" Kay replied to John, agreeing that it needed to be done. Serena couldn't keep taking these hits as they were now almost killing her. "What about this person that needs our help? What are we gonna do?" she then asked, knowing they needed some kind of plan if they were going to help them.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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John lead her upstairs as he said “Chas make sure she is alright would you?” When they got to the bedroom he said “I have a friend up in that neck of the woods, I can ask them to look into it and let me know” he started moving furniture around to get to the floor fully and then said “in the study there is a box of spray paint. Can you grab a can?”

Serena nodded and shook against him as Trish moved over and hugged her. “It’s okay, Serena…your okay now…”Serena muttered weakly “I heard Bane…he was trying to help but…he was in pain too…something is wrong…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Chas nodded at his mate, "of course" he told him as he let John and Kay go upstairs to deal with the warding of Serena's bedroom. He looked over at Serena and smiled softly as he saw Trish hug her but the smile didn't last long when he saw how much Serena was shaking against Josh. "John will deal with that, don't worry. Just focus on resting yourself" he told her.

Upstairs, Kay listened to John say he knew someone who could see into the situation in Bellevue and she nodded. "sure thing" she then replied after he mentioned about a box of spray paint being in the study. She walked off toward the study in a power walk and looked around trying to find the box, which she eventually did under a desk. She pulled it out and grabbed a spray can, putting the box back where she found it she then headed back to Serena's room and held out the can to John. "here" she said to him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena looked at Chas and nodded weakly, her eyes looking dull. She tried to move a little to be in a more comfortable position but her body was done being beaten up. She sighed and said weakly “it’s my duty as the guardian of night…something must be truly wrong…” Trish frowned and moved in front of Serena, looking at her eyes. “Guys? I think she’s in shock or something”

John took the van and started to paint the floor, muttering under his breath as he did. When he finished he nodded and moved the bed back into place. “There, magic free room apart from mine, Serena’s and yours. It was a little tricky but I think I got it. How did you know when to use the pen?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Josh helped Serena get into a more comfortable position, being careful to not hurt her in any more than she already felt. "darling, we'll fix whatever is going on, I promise" Chas told her. At the mention of her going into shock, Chas instantly went to the kitchen and got her a glass of water and some snacksized food, bringing it out to her. "Serena, if you're going into shock I need you to eat and drink. It'll help" he told her.

Kay watched on as John did what he needed to to make Serena's room a safe place for her. She helped him move the bed back into position and looked at him when the question she was expecting to hear finally got asked. "I heard Bane in my head telling me to do it then" she told him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena blinked hard and nodded slowly, taking the glass and drinking slowly. Trish frowned and said “her eyes are dull…what does that mean? Is she in shock already?”

John looked at her and nodded. “Makes sense. You have a link with her and so does Fee since she spoke with Bane…” he looked around then said “I hate I can’t do more…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Chas ooked at Trish when she said what she did making him kneel down and make Serena look at her for a moment so he could see for himself. "she's going to be okay Trish" he said, satisfied that it was just no doubt the fact Serena was coming back round. "she's not in shock already, just worn out from everything" he reassured the kid.

Kay nodded at his words, walking over to him and reaching out for his hand. "hey.. You've done what you can here which is more than a lot of people would or could have done. She's going to be just fine." she tried reassuring him as she noticed their bond softly pulse in a glow from their hands touching.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Trish nodded as Serena finished the water and sighed, rubbing her head as she held the food he brought. She blinked a few more times and said “it’s all a blur…man that hurt…” she looked at josh and smiled weakly. “I’m okay now…really…”

John sighed as she held his hand and said “this should be a safe place…a lot of stuff can’t get in here…the fact something that is just supposed to be a warning would do that to one of their guardians…” then he paused and looked at Kay, his eye wide. “Guardian…that’s it. It’s another guardian like herself. It’s why the mark is silver. If it were a GOD, it would be gold. Another vessel must be in danger…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Josh reluctantly let go of Serena when she said she was okay now. Placing his hands casually on his lap as he did so. "it looked it. Thought we were gonna lose you for a moment there. You're lucky Kay knew when to administer the adrenaline" he commented to her.

Kay listened to him speak, knowing he was still partially blaming himself. Yet when he looked up at her from their hands being together and went wide eyed, she looked at him confused, giving him the look that asked for what he was figuring out. Hearing his realisation she had to admit it would make sense. "then maybe we should get onto your contact stat or head to my old stomping ground ourselves" she replied to him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena nodded and said “I think Bane told her…” she looked at Josh and added “I have a goddess’s right hand wolf living with in me…it’s a really long story” she looked at Chas and said “so, I was dead wasn’t I”

John pulled out his phone and said “we need to get Serena on her feet first…I have a feeling we will need her. I’ll text my pal and we will go from there”
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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At her words 'I think Bane told her', Josh found his eyebrow raising in an questioning manner, wondering what on earth she was on about. His questioning look must have been evident enough as Serena continued to explain briefly which just brought up a whole load of other questions, but he didn't want to overwhelm her a ton of questions when she needed to recoop. Abut first. Chas looked at her when she aimed her next comment to him, a somber nod coming from him, "yeah, for about a minute you technically died. But the main thing is we brought you back. John has warded your room with Kay to make it a peaceful place where you won't be bombarded like that again" he explained to her.

Kay nodded, agreeing that getting Serena back to her usual strong self was the best course of plan in this moment. "sounds like a good idea" she replied, letting go of his hand and letting him get in contact with the person he was convinced could help them. She had to admit to herself, she was nervous baout going back to Seattle but she couldn't help but wonder if this the universe's way of telling her she had to face her past.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena nodded and looked at josh, smiling that he was fighting to ask a million questions. “You see, the shadows you see, I can control them thanks to a being that uses me as a…host you could say. His called Bane, the right hand of the goddess Nyx. I am his vessel and he helps me. It’s a partnership.” Trish tapped Chas on the side and asked “is that what Kay is?”

John was texting fast when he looked up and said “it will be okay Kay…I promise. Now, let’s go check on our shadow master shall we?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Josh listened to Serena and found what she was saying was utterly mind blowing and something he knew would be going round his head for a while as he tried to wrap his head around it. "that's uhh...wow. I don't know what else to say.." he replied, smiling sheepishly with a light chuckle.

Chas looked down at Trish when he felt her tap him on the side and smiled as she asked her question. "not quite. She's a phoenix. Born from a human father and phoenix mother. Kay a but more complicated but that's the easiest way to explain it to you. She's very rare and very special." he told her.

Kay nodded with a small smile. "right" she replied to him after he sent the text he needed to. "John? If we get there, I gotta go find Sam. And make sure my folks are safe, which means I'll have to travel into the heart of Seattle" she finally told him, having decided to not put it off any longer. She just needed to know her folks were still alive, they may not have been her biological parents but they raised her from age 9, so to her they were her parents.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Trish nodded and said “so that’s why they are after her? And Serena is the one who protects her? Like a knight and princess?” Serena smiled at Trish then held her head, suddenly getting dizzy. She fell against josh, her face tight in pain. “Chas…”

John smiled and nodding as he put his phone away. “Of course love…and I’ll be with you every step of the way” he headed out of the room then paused, looking around. “She’s done a lot to protect us…I wish I could do more…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Chas smiled at the innocent way Trish was trying to understand the link between Serena and Kay. "kind of yeah" he replied to her. "not sure Kay would like being called a princess though" he chuckled when Serena started feeling dizzy again.

Josh instantly wrapped his arms round her as she fell against him, brushing her hair out of her face to try and see if she was okay. He looked at Chas as she mumbled his name, "what's is it Serena?" Chas asked her.

Kay nodded, glad that John was feeling understanding of her decision to finally not ignore what she had been needing to do all this time. "thank you." she replied walking out the room with him, stopping as he did, "we will do all we can to make it up to her over time. Don't worry" she replied to him, looping an arm through his and giving his arm a soft squeeze before kissing his cheek.
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