Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean leaned against the door after shutting it, and took a deep breath, before turning to see Mika in a different place from where he had left her. Hopefully, she hadn’t woke up. He pulled his flannel off, and quickly whisked his t-shirt over his head to get a better look at the scratches on his chest. They were bleeding, and had dripped a bit down his chest, but they were nothing special that were particularly concerning.

He stepped into the bathroom, wetting down a wash cloth and began dabbing at the scrapes, to get them to stop bleeding and also wash some of the blood from his chest as he glanced at his lip in the mirror. His lip was a bit more torn up than his chest, almost as if he had been punched.

He shuddered at the thought of what Mika would have done if she had seen the situation outside, and the way the woman manhandled Dean. But he could see why they sent her. She was sexy, which he wasn’t known to turn down in the past, and she was obviously very very good with her hands…and claws.

Tossing the wash cloth in the sink, Dean turned from the bathroom and exited shirtless, walking over to his bag to get a shirt. He hoped that Mika wouldn’t stir with all the noise, but he also knew she wasn’t the heaviest sleeper in the universe. Grabbing a t-shirt, Dean crawled up onto the bed and turned at the headboard to sit flat against it, so he could think. While he stared into space, thinking, he pulled his t-shirt over his head, glad for once that most of his shirts were black.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dean was right to shudder at the thought of what Mika would have done or how she would have reacted if she had witnessed the woman manhandle him outside. She wouldn't have cared that the woman was a skin walker, she would have seen red instantly and gladly shot the woman on principle as she was fed up of women coming onto him without consent. She also would have thought about going after every single skin walker she could find and made it very clear that no one was to touch Dean or herself.

Even if it caused an argument they both knew Dean would react the same way if the roles were reversed and some male skin walker came onto her just to make them back off and get out of town. Luckily for him though, Mika was too tired to properly wake up and question him about what it was that went on outside and see the scratches down his chest. She just wanted the painkillers to properly kick in and let her sleep get rid of the remaining pain in her head and on her face. That didn't mean however that she couldn't hear him walking around the room, doing whatever it was then coming back to the bed but sitting upright instead of laying down beside her.

Over the course of the night, the bruising on her face really started to show up and get a bit more tender by the time she woke up in the morning, her back still facing Dean, hugging her pillow slightly. She flickered her eyes open eventually with a groan, wishing morning hadn't come round so soon but also realising that they never did get anything done about the hunt last night. She hadn't intended to sleep all night, in fact she would have rather just napped then got the hunt done in the evening, but it seemed her body told her otherwise.

She turned over to face Dean to see if he was awake or if he even got any sleep at all, "what time is it?" she grumbled, scooching close to him, pulling his arm out so she could cuddle into his side pulling his arm gently back round herself.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As morning broke and Dean noticed a groan from Mika as she woke up, he glanced down at her, having made a decision for them both before she ever had a chance to talk it over with him. They were leaving, and they weren’t going to fight the town of skinwalkers. He scooted himself down the headboard and turned onto his side as she rolled over.

“Hey…it’s like seven in the morning.”, he said softly, pulling her close to his side. As his arm wrapped around her body, he ran his fingers up and down her arm, almost holding his breath hoping that she wouldn’t throw an arm over his chest, “But I think we should get out of here, after we get good an awake.”

Dean thought about it for a few moments, trying to decide what to tell Mika. He finally settled, “I went out for some air, while you were sleeping and um…turns out that no one in town wants us here. It might be a better idea for us to just…head back to Bobby’s. They made the message pretty painfully clear.”

He pulled his shirt up carefully, the fabric sticking to the claw prints it covered. He bit his lip and raised his eyebrows at her, as if asking permission to leave town, “They said this was just the beginning.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Luckily for Dean, she didn't move her hlarm over his chest for once and instead kept it close to her and nearer his shoulder and her face than on his chest. She noticed it was a different shirt to what he was wearing the day before but didn't think too much into it other than she realising she did in fact hear him up and about during the night. His running of his fingers up and down her arm keeping her relaxed and wake up more.

She hated that it was still so early but wasn't entirely surprised. She had a habit of waking earlier in motels and hotels than she did at home. What did surprise her was how Dean said they should just get out of town and leave the skinwalkers to be. He never left monster roam a town freely so why was he doing it now she pondered. It made her look up at him with a raised eyebrow which clearly was enough as he seemed to give her more clarification for his decision.

She sat up just a little bit as he spoke more wondering when he ever took some thing's dislike of their presence as a reason for leaving. No monster liked hunters being in town, that was just the nature of the job to her and she didn't like the idea of Nick getting away with what he did to her.

Yet when he lifted his shirt to show her the scratches down his chest, she sat up properly and inspected the scratches. Now it all made sense why he was wanting to just leave. She looked up at him and saw the look he was giving her, recognising it all too well. With a sigh, she nodded in agreement even though she didn't like the idea but she didn't like the idea of them killing Dean more.

"I don't like the decision, especially as they hurt you but I agree. I'd rather have you alive than risk our lives to get rid of Nick and his cronies" she told him honestly, placing her hand on the side of his face. If she was more awake she would have probably put more of a fight over this, still not realising this whole town was full of skinwalkers but she was just dosile enough to agree without a fight.

"guess I should freshen up so we can get going. You need patching up more or you gonna be okay?" she said to him, concerned about the scratches on him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean sighed in relief as Mika reacted the way he had hoped to the scratches on his chest. He normally wouldn’t just leave a hunt unfinished, but considering they were vastly out numbered, and had no idea what kind of animals some of these people turned into, this wasn’t a chance he was willing to take.

“We still don’t know if he’s going to come after us. They have to be good trackers.”, he muttered plainly when she mentioned Nick and the others. He had to smirk a bit at how protective she was over him, as he leaned into her hand, turning his head to kiss her palm, “We’ll let Bobby know, and maybe he has a crew that has more experience with these guys than we do. This is our first hunt with this type of thing, and we’re already being overrun…”

He shook his head as she asked if he needed more patching up. The scratches were relatively shallow, although they bled. He didn’t feel the need to have an itchy bandage covering his chest if it wasn’t necessary, “No. I should be fine. It's literally just a scratch and a banged up lip, nothing I’ve never dealt with.”

Leaning in, he placed a soft kiss to her lips, brushing her hair back behind her ear as he did so, and then pulled back, “Get some coffee and a shower, and we’ll head out. I hate this. But I want you safe, especially when your face looks like you came out of a boxing match on top.”

He chuckled and ran his thumb across her cheek.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 hr ago

As Dean spoke, Mika had to admit he had some very valid points about everything they were currently facing. His smirk at her protective was also being greatly noted by her as she felt glad that he noticed how she was just being protective over him, as he always was with her. Smiling at his kiss of her palm, she nodded at his suggestion of letting Bobby know and seeing if he knew more experienced hunters to sort this town out, rather than leaving it to them.

Hearing that he didn't need any more patching up with his chest was of a great relief to Mika, as she was worried about him but she trusted him when he said they were just scratches and nothing that wouldn't heal up easily enough. She kissed him back revelling in how he always brushed her hair back behind her ear before he pulled away, making her do so also.

His remark about her face after agreeing that they should head out once she had freshened up and had coffee in her made her chuckle and scoff. With his touch to her cheek, she leaned into it out of habit and natural instinct. "okay, I won't take long" she told him, kissing his hand before pulling herself up and off the bed, walking across to the bathroom where she closed the door behind her and turned the shower on before proceeding to strip down out of her clothes and stepping inside, pulling her hair out of the ponytail it was still in.

As the hot water hit her skin and hair she let out of sigh of relaxation, even if it did sting her face where she was bruised. For her there was always something about feeling the heat of water running down and over her that brought her comfort and made all her aching muscles soothe and relax. She had to really refrain from letting out a melody escape her lips, reminding herself that she was in a motel and not the comfort of her home.

She spent a good ten minutes in the shower washing and cleaning her hair before she turned the shower off and steppe dout, grabbing one of the supplied towels as she left her own one in her bag in the main part of the room, wrapping it around her torso from under her arms and used another towel to dry off her hair so it didn't drip everywhere.

Satisfied her hair was dry enough, she stepped back into the main room and walked over to her bag to grab some clean clothes and underwear, bringing the pile over and perching on the edge of the bed so she could get dressed. "Bobby is seriously hate us when we add this hunt to the list of things we wanna tell him." she thought out loud. "that's if...you still want me to go with you to join your dad on hunts" she added.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean smiled, glad that she agreed to everything, considering it was the center of a hunt. Things could go really badly for the people, here. But things would go even worse if they were involved and ended up killed on such a hunt. When she kissed his hand, he nodded, sitting up as she entered the bathroom.

He stepped over to their bags, and threw a few of his things into his own duffel, before packing up some of the weapons he had spread throughout the room, just in case. It wasn’t long after he zipped his duffel shut that Mika came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. He couldn’t help his eyes scanning her body as he tossed both his zipped bags in an empty chair and walked over to her.

As she spoke her thoughts out loud, he couldn’t help furrow his eyebrows, thinking about telling Bobby about not only the skin walker situation that now as falling into the poor man’s lap, but also the fact that he wanted to take Mika with him, when he left. It wasn’t a conversation that was necessarily going to go well, and would either end in Bobby hating him for the rest of his life, and locking Mika up like a princess in a tower, or it would end in Dean having a solid partner that wasn’t his dad.

“Of course I want you to go. I don’t see why you couldn’t, unless Bobby handcuffs you in the attic or something.”, he let a small smirk tug at his lips, before shaking his head, “But I won’t leave unless you come with me, not now. I would just be paranoid and want to get back to you every second of every day. That sort of distraction would probably hinder a few things, don’t ya think?”

He chuckled, stepping in front of her. He knelt to his knees, just in front of her own and placed his hands on her thighs, looking up at her eyes, “The question is: do you want to go with me?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Mika knew that Dean was scanning her body as she exited the bathroom in a towel and didn't mind in the slightest as she always considered herself his. She didn't like necessarily the whole 'I'm property of' inclination her thoughts gave off to anyone who wouldn't understand their relationship, but she still felt like she was his and his alone.

Her thoughts were making her slightly anxious on how Bobby would react to them not being able to finish this job, but she really hoped that with a bit of explaining he would understand their reasonings for leaving the hunt in question. She also realised that if she was anxious about telling Bobby the updates on what they found here, then Dean must be as well, not to mention the fact they had to tell him they wanted to go together when Dean was ready to go back to his dad.

She listened to his reply about him still wanting her to go with him, a smirk appearing on her own lips at his remark about Bobby handcuffing her in the attic, which she legitimately wouldn't put passed her uncle in the slightest. She managed to get her bra and vest on as he spoke, listening to his confession that he didn't want to leave without her, before looking at him as he stepped in front of her and placed his hands on her still bare but dry thighs.

"that's one question that has never needed me to hesitate or think about answering. Of course I want to go with you. You're not the only paranoid and worried when we're not together. Even if John will go apeshit about it, I'm not going anywhere you're not. We're a team Dean. You and me are always and people need to accept that" she told him.

"we're unbreakable, despite everything. We're better together. So I will always go wherever you go" she added, putting her hands on top of his, never wavering from his eyes, leaning down kissing him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean scanned Mika’s eyes as she confirmed that she still wanted to come with him. He couldn’t help the excited smirk that came up on his lips, and his hand tightened against her right thigh. She spoke the same words that he was thinking in his brain. There was no way in hell that he was leaving her behind, anywhere. Now that he had her, and could kiss her and touch her as much as he wanted…as well as having her fierce overprotection matching his, he wouldn’t be able to leave her behind if he tried.

Glancing down at her hands coming down to rest on top of his, he bit his lip and smirked a bit wider, “We’re better together…”

He repeated her words to her, before kissing her back, bringing one of his hands up to cup her jaw as he sighed through his nose. He had wanted to kiss her properly since they had arrived in town, seeing her in her cute little FBI get up and having to force himself to pretend she was his boss. He was going to take advantage of this moment, while he had it.

Dean kissed her a bit deeper, brushing her hair back with his hand and then after a few lingering moments, he pulled back from the kiss and gave her a sweet smile against her lips, “I love you…”

He kissed her again, pulling himself closer to her body to further take advantage of the free moment. The hunt was over, but the stress of the day was just beginning, and he was in no hurry (other than the monster threat on their timeline) to leave this room.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Seeing his excited smirk on his face, Mika knew she said exactly the right thing to him even if it was the truth. She always felt happier when he was obviously happy, knowing that she was managing to keep him sane and feel like a normal guy, despite their job. She smiled more as he tightened his grip on her right thigh, nodding slightly as he repeated her words back to her.

She didn't even reply to him as he returned her kiss, feeling him cup her jaw in one of his hands, pulling closer to her as he kissed her properly. The kiss that always drove her wild inside, made her just melt into him and not wanting to pull away. Like him, she had always wanted to kiss him properly and just be close to him ever since they arrived here, but things put a halt to it all which she did holy a bit of a grudge against.

As he deepened the kiss, so did Mika, letting him brush ehr hair behind her ear as he made the kiss linger and it was in that linger she kenw he was going to pull away, which he did and made her slowly open her eyes again and smile back at him, a smile that grew as he told her he loved her. "I love yo--" she started to say back at him when she felt his lips upon hers once more, making her smile into it and close her eyes once more.

With his movement in pulling himself closer to her, she reacted to it, wrapping her arms round him and began to lay back on the bed, pulling him with her. Sure, they had skinwalkers wanting them out of town and were possibly stalking the motel waiting to physically watch them leave town but she wasn't going to hurry up just because they wanted them to. In this moment, she needed her boyfriend, not a hunter colleague or fake FBI agent colleague. She just needed and wanted her boyfriend, the love of her life and to forget just for a while that they weren't hunters and hadn't been threatened to be killed if they didn't leave. No, she was going to take her time leaving the room by making most of being alone with Dean.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean climbed up onto the bed, hovering over Mika. He reached behind his neck, as his tongue parted her lips and pulled at his shirt. Pulling from her lips momentarily, he pulled his shirt off, and tossed it to the side. He raked his hands down from her face and up from her thigh to take both sides of her newly pulled on vest, and pull it up over her head with a swift motion and a smile.

“I’ve wanted to kiss you since we left the house.”, he murmured with a smile against her lips, before crushing her lips with his again, his entire body rolling against her as he wiggled one of his knees between her legs to hold himself a bit better. He kissed down her chin, across her jaw, and began placing small bites and kisses to her throat, his breathing hot against her skin.

He knew the little bites and kisses against the sensitive skin of her neck always drove her crazy, and if he could help even a little with loosening her up, after this hunt, he would kiss up and down her neck all day. But the odds of her letting him stop there were low. He growled against her neck and bit down a bit harder, taking both her hands and placing them against the waistband of his jeans, giving her as much control as she wanted.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 hr ago

She let him take control for that moment, letting him part her lips as they kissed more passionately. She let him part from the kiss just long enough to remove his shirt as he then proceeded to rake his hand sober her and remove the vest she had only put on moments ago. She knew in that moment that attempting to get dressed was completely a pointless idea. As he spoke against her lips, she smiled, "likewise" she just managed to get out before he crushed his lips against hers yet again.

With his knee wriggling between her legs, she gladly moved with him, giving him the room he needed to hold himself better on the bed and above her. As he kissed down her chin and jaw before kissing down her neck, she leaned her head back, biting her lip as he did so, feeling his breath on her skin, her toes clenching into the sheets.

She knew he knew how much she liked it when he did this to her, how much it drove her crazy that he knew every single sensitive point of her body and it always worked on loosening her up and getting her out of the tense work mode she had a habit of getting stuck in. As he growled against her neck and bit just that bit harder, a groan escaped her lips as she exhaled a breath and let him take charge of moving her hands.

Feeling them being placed on the waistband of his jeans she smirked and moved her fingers round his waist and and undid his jeans gladly, pulling them down his legs and even used her feet to help get them down his legs. She was completely and utterly distracted by him, just as he always successfully managed to do when they got like this with each other.

As it got more and more intense between them, Mika began to care less and less about what was going on outside the motel walls.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean smiled, bringing his lips back to hers as she unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down, pushing at them with her feet. He was glad to see that she was just as excited as he was to just unwind. He kicked his pants the rest of the way off, taking both her hands and guiding them above her head, pressing them together with one hand as he pressed his chest against hers.

Maybe they could wash the stress off this hunt, and be more relaxed when they broke the bad news…both of them, to Bobby.

Dean laid with his head on Mika’s stomach, catching his breath with a smile. He traced light circles around her navel with his fingers, taking in the goosebumps he was still able to cause. He pulled his head up and smiled up at her sweetly, “So much for getting out of town early.”

He laughed lightly and bent to place a careful kiss to her skin, “I think they might understand stress relief, and we saved Bobby from having to listen in.”

He was honestly just glad she was okay, banged up and bruised or not. She was fine, and the hunt was over, for the most part. He had managed to save her, and prevent any serious injuries for once. With all things considered, he was on a high, and it was a high he could get used to.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 hr ago

As Dean lifted her hands up above her head, she smiled up at him as he took control and made her hands remain above her head as he pressed against her......


Mika smiled contently as she tried to catch her breath, one hand on Dean's shoulder and her other just laying on the mattress. His small light actions still very much giving her goosebumps on her skin, just as he always did and she knew he was being very pleased with himself that he could still elicit this reaction from her skin. She smiled back at him as he smiled up at her and chuckled slightly at his comment.

Her smile grew as he then kissed her skin before continuing his thoughts out loud to her, "I think you're right and yeah, I know Bobby definitely wouldn't appreciated what we were just like" she chuckled lightly. She also could tell he was happy that she was okay, just as she was glad that she was okay. Last night she was secretly concerned that she did genuinely have a concussion, something she didn't want to tell Dean because she knew he would be absolutely worried sick if she had said something.

She was also glad that he did come to her aid in time and they managed to not get mauled by a skinwalker of one sort or another. Sure, they were still wanted out of town but right now she was in utter bliss, just like she always was after they slept together. "I guess we should move at some point but I'm so comfortable" she chuckled, gazing down at Dean as she made the most of the rare time where she wasn't laying on him after their rampant moments. Like him, she was on a high and she didn't want it to go away any time soon.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean leaned down and kissed her stomach again with a wide smile, thinking about Bobby’s reactions to them having ‘fun times’ in his house in the past. It was always nice to go on hunts, because they were free to do whatever they pleased in between business, without having to worry about disturbing the old man from his research.

“I don’t wanna move. You’re a good pillow and I’m comfortable too.”, he grumbled, wrapping his arm further around her waist to pull her close to him. He laid his head down on her stomach once more and nuzzled into her, “But unfortunately, they’re probably waiting for us to leave…and I’d hate for them to break in on us, like this. It’s a bit harder to defend yourself in the nude.”

He chuckled, lifting his head before crawling up the bed to lay beside her. Now nose to nose with her, he pulled her face to his for a gentle kiss, pushing all of the small strands of hair stuck to her face away. His hand came to rest gently against her hip, and he smiled against her lips, “But if things go well with my dad, maybe we can have our own room. God knows I’m not going to want to stay with the old man, if you’re around…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 hr ago

With Dean kissing her stomach, Mika couldn't help but smile more as she listened to what he proceeded to say about her being a good pillow which she always found strange as she never considered her slim frame to be a good pillow, but it seemed Dean seemed otherwise. She let him pull her closer to him so he could lay on her once more and nuzzle before speaking up again about the skin walker situation and their very well heard warning.

She couldn't help but smirk at his comments about defending themselves in the nude, a point she thought was extremely valid as she really couldn't see themselves being good at defending themselves in their current state. "you got a point there" she agreed as he pulled himself up the bed to be nose to nose with her, kissing him back.

Smiling back at him as their faces were extremely close to each other, she hoped that things would go okay with his dad when he mentioned John. "I hope they do. I know he really dislikes me, or at least doesn't fully trust me. But I promise I'll be in my best behaviour if it means we can be trusted to share a room like we're used to." she told him honestly, having her arms round him also, "I know I won't be able to sleep if you're not beside me" she added, making the most of them relaxing before they would have to get up and get dressed again.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean tilted his head to the side as if he was thinking, and then he shrugged, “I’ll work on dad. Don’t worry. His problem with you is more with my inability to work when you’re around. You’re capable of taking care of yourself, now.”

He kissed her deeply, fighting to keep his hand from tightening around her hip, and starting things all over again, like they were known to do. If they didn’t get up soon, they would likely be run out. So, putting his dirtier thoughts on pause, he carefully pulled away from the kiss and pecked her lips, “But for now, we need to put a pause on this, and get dressed. I don’t want to, but I don’t want to tempt whatever timer they have us on.”

Dean frowned and brushed a bit of hair from her cheek with his hand, leaning in to place one final kiss against her lips before tearing himself from her. He rolled off the bed and stood up, stretching his sore muscles, raising his arms high above his head with a groan. He stepped back from the bed and walked over to his clothes that were scattered around the end of the bed, gathering them as he started getting redressed.

“I’m kinda ready to get back to our own bed anyway.”, he teased, shooting a toothy grin over to her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Mika listened to what he said about his dad and nodded lightly, careful to not headbutt him in the process as she did so. She knew he was right, she was only disliked because of the knock on effect she had on Dean, she just had to keep reminding herself of that fact, or in this case, have Dean remind her of that fact. It didn't mean it didn't hurt though deep down as as a kid she remembered really respecting John Winchester. That was of course before she truly found out how he treated his boys and then the respect went downhill.

She kissed him back just deeply, also reminding herself that it had to stop at the kiss and not let their feelings for each other or their past habits of letting it go further happen. They weren't truly safe until they were out of town. She smiled at him when he pulled away, pecking her lips then saying they really should get back on track. "yeah, you're right" she smiled softly, despite whim frowning a bit at the reality in front of them.

She pecked his lips back before letting him go and grab his clothes as she also grabbed her clothes that she had set aside before they got utterly distracted. Picking her clothes off the floor that had at some point been kicked off the bed where she originally had them laid out, she got dressed standing up to pull her leggings up her legs before pulling her boots on once more lastly.

She chuckled and smiled fondly but widely at his toothy grin that always made her heart flutter. "you and me both. Especially now we have the nicer bigger bed" she agreed, going to her bag and grabbing it to put anything she had laying around inside and then zipping it up. Slinging it over her shoulder she looked around for her jacket before laying eyes on it over the back of one of the chairs and walking over to it and picking it up. Rummaging in her pocket she pulled her car keys out.

"fancy driving back?" she asked him, holding the keys out to him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean buckled his belt and then stepped into each of his boots, not bothering to lace them up. He sighed and stepped over to the table to pick up his jacket. Shrugging it over his shoulders, he reached out and grabbed the strap of Mika’s bag from her shoulder, pulling it onto his. He then picked up the duffel he had brought in after they had returned to the motel, and slung it over the same shoulder, sitting it on top of hers. Running his hands through his hair, he flattened it down as best he could and reached out to take her keys from her.

“After how groggy you seemed when we got back yesterday? Yeah, I’m definitely driving.”, he muttered softly, swinging her keys around a finger, and catching them in his palm playfully. He stepped forward and pressed a soft kiss against her forehead, before turning to the door.

“Are we ready to blow out of here, before we get eaten?”, he asked as he opened the door and stood in the doorway, scanning the nearby parking lot carefully, “I don’t see any animals other than birds out here. We should be able to get out pretty safe, and then I promise we can continue cuddle time.”

He chuckled and reached a hand out to grab hers, pulling her through the door with him. The hunt may or may not have come up bust, but it gave him plenty of reasons to touch her, and for that he was thankful to the monsters in town.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Mika was more than happy to carry her own duffel bag but it seemed that Dean had other ideas before proceeding to take his own duffel and flattening his hair. She was so tempted to make some quip about him being more fussy over his hair than she was over hers or Sam over his but decided against it as he was being incredibly helpful and taking her car keys from her.

His reasonings for being the driver today made her smile softly and nod, after all he did have a point. She didn't want to admit it but her head did feel worse than she ever let on to him and judging by his remark, he knew it anyway. She smiled, closing her eyes briefly as he stepped up and kissed her forehead, opening them again as he turned to the door.

"oh I'm definitely ready to get outta here" she replied, letting him scan the area to make sure they were safe to leave without any drama. She chuckled at his promise and walked up to him, letting him take her hand when he did so, pulling her through to the outside world. "I'm holding you to that" she replied.

She walked with him to her car that was parked right in front of their door luckily and she could t help but scan all round it to check for marks or dents incase the skinwalers in town decided to make another warning to them, but luckily there was none and her baby was in perfect Co diction, albeit slightly dusty and dirty and in need a good wash.

Like Dean, despite how the hunt went she was thankful for the fact it gave the two of them some time to be close with each other with no real interruptions and for that she would always be happy. Making her way to the passenger side, she leaned against the door waiting for Dean to be done with putting the bags away so he could unlock the car and she could get in.
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