Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by VeyrinDay
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VeyrinDay Appreciatrix of Beauties

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Big McLargehuge
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Big McLargehuge "Rock climbing, Joel."

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Mayday! Mayday! This is Yamada Airlines Flight 217! We have lost power and are swiftly losing altitude! If anyone can hear us, our coordinates are-!"

For two and a half hours the flight had gone normally. No turbulence, no weather. A clear, beautiful day above the Pacific. Bored children misbehaving and some college kids caught trying to join the mile high club, but nothing drastic. It had been business as usual. Then...

A jolt rocked the airliner, accompanied by the smell of ozone and the sensation of static in the cabin. Outside the sky had become pitch black, punctuated by the occasional jagged crack of lightning. The "fasten seatbelt" signals flashed on as oxygen masks dropped for each passenger. A voice came over the loudspeakers, sounding as calm as possible despite the circumstances.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Please remain calm, fasten your seatbelts, and put your oxygen masks on. We are attempting to make an emergency landing."

A second, harder impact hit the plane, sending bags, trays, and cups flying. Children cried, their parents trying to calm them down. Prayers in different languages to different gods could be heard in the air.

And yet, through all of it, Yoshinaga felt a kind of serenity. Like she no longer had to worry anymore. No guilt, no worry, no nothing. Soon she'd be relieved of everything. She breathed slowly, taking her glasses off and slipping them into the case in her jacket before closing her eyes. Sorry, Mom. Sorry, Dad. Seems I won't meet you at the airport after all.

She felt the plane tipping backwards before something struck her in the face. The last thought that went through her head was a semblance of thankfulness that she wouldn't feel anything when the plane went down.

When Yoshinaga came to, everything hurt. Bones, joints, muscles, everything, however nothing felt broken. Maybe a bruise or a sprain here or there, though. Well that means I didn't bite it in the crash, she thought. Koi opened her eyes... or, rather, eye. Her left eye refused to open, and a quick probing with her fingertips told her that it was swollen shut from whatever had hit her.

The next thing that Koi felt was the air: hot and sticky, like back in Guam, but magnified. The pilots must have managed to get land on an island or something. The odds of that happening seemed astronomically low, and yet, it had happened. Yoshinaga unbuckled herself and slowly stood up. The movement made her head throb.

Her throat was dry and scratchy but she did her best to make herself heard, speaking English as clearly as she could. "Hello? Is anyone there?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by VeyrinDay
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VeyrinDay Appreciatrix of Beauties

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Suzy Lawrence

Of all the things Suzy had never thought she had to prepare was this kind of situation. The emergency landing alarm was blaring and the oxygen masks were dropped. Announcements were made in English, Japanese, and Mandarin, repeating the same word of telling the passengers to put the life vest on, tighten their seatbelt, and cover their head low. Suzy did this quite quickly, the cries of panicking travelers inside the cabin did not affect her. She took her time to help the other passengers sitting beside her, even when Suzy was not sure both herself and the stranger she helped would survive the situation. Everyone in Suzy's reach were able to follow the protocol quickly as the pilot's speaker repeated the words that would make even any atheists to doubt their choice of not believing in higher power. "Brace... brace... brace...!"

Suzy did not know how it felt when the plane finally touched the ground. The tumbling and the stress knocked her unconscious. When Suzy eventually opened her eyes, people were already out of the cabin, or dead. The passengers by her side were not there anymore. The plane's remain was stable enough for Suzy to stand. She did not regret of choosing to wear her travel boots and more functional clothing instead of any fancier dress. Suzy had her jacket, shirt, trousers and belt with pouches on both sides. Even so, someone had taken her backpack; Suzy could not find it inside the cabin. Fortunately, she kept her compass and the necessary medical kit inside her belt pouches.

The first thing she needed to do was to check the pilot cabin; the radio could still be online and the pilot might still survive. While doing so, Suzy also looked beyond the window and tried to recognize where they had just landed. Were they on an island, or maybe somewhere in the continent? Were they on the shoreline, or deep inland?

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Christopher Tang

The YouTuber was relaxing in his seat, enjoying some music downloaded through a premium account. Christopher’s ears were filled with the sounds of old school R&B, his head slightly bobbing along to the beat. With how much flying he did as part of his job, Christopher always came prepared with a play list long enough to cover the entire flight. In this case that meant he had prepared just under four hours of music to cover the entire journey.

As Christopher was listening to a classic nineties hit, he decided to take a drink from the airlines complimentary water bottle. But as he took off the lid, the plane jolted greatly, causing water to fall over his shirt. Christopher swore at his now wet clothing. But before he could get up to attempt to try it in the restroom, the plane began to jolt again. Out of the corner of his eye, Christopher saw that out the window that the sky had become pitch black.

As the plane continued the rumble, the fasten seatbelt sign turned on and oxygen masks fell from the ceiling. The pilot then told everyone to remain calm and that they would attempt to land, before repeating the statement in several languages. As Christopher tightened his seatbelt and put on the oxygen mask, the plane was struck again, causing items to fly all around the cabin.

As he felt the plane plummeting, Christopher wondered if this was it. Out of the countless flights he had been on, it was the one taking him to what could have been his biggest video, a collaboration in Japan with a much bigger YouTuber. Regret immediately swarmed Christopher’s mind as the plane lurched forward. The force of this movement caused Christopher’s neck to make a rapid movement, the stress causing him to black out.

Christopher then awoke slowly, unsure of his surroundings and how much time had passed. As his eyes fluttered open, he saw that his oxygen mask had been torn from the ceiling of the cabin. As he tried to move, Christopher immediately became aware of body pain. His neck was very sore and his chest stung. Christopher prayed that it was just a bruise and that he had not broken a rib.

As he unbuckled himself and stood up, he realized that some of the other passengers hadn’t survived the landing. Christopher had to look away from the dead as he tried to get his bearings. Inside the cabin was hot and sticky, far too much so to be Japan. In fact Christopher didn’t know that they were near any place to land when the plane was still in the air.

The confused Christopher realized he might be in shock as he just stood still. He was aware that one of the passengers was trying to get into the pilot cabin. And across the row was a woman asking if anyone was there in less practiced English.

“Yes,” Christopher replied in English as he was brought back to reality, “I’m here. Are you hurt?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Big McLargehuge
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Big McLargehuge "Rock climbing, Joel."

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Yoshinaga coughed. She could hear other people stirring around her. A few people sounding off in English, muttering in Mandarin or Japanese. She looked out the window. All she could see were trees. The plane had crashed had crashed somewhere in a jungle, from the looks of it. It was a miracle they hadn't been shredded and pulverized when they hit the ground.

She moved toward the cockpit, seemingly having the same idea as someone else: a young woman around her own age, though she couldn't tell her ethnicity in the low light. Yoshinaga cleared her throat. "Do you need some help?" Koi asked.

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