Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zonanese Diplomacy
The Ambassador retained her stare for some time. The soldiers began to raise their rifles to several of the Commune Haches' heads, before Hoya burst into a childish laughter. She stepped from the circle towards Admiral Dunom.

"My sincerest apologies, Admiral. We understood that the Domu are fervent enemies to the Republic of Sazkarjhia, so under certain security stipulations, I was ordered to remain wary and to intimidate. Sometimes we forget that most Hach races in your trinity live rather far away from each other."

"What of it? They all burn the same..." muttered one of the soldiers, who was glared at by one in silver-striped armor, the silver striping indicating the rank of a Captain. Hoya turned to the soldier. "That's enough, this one is not aggressive. And if you dare show any kind of hostility I will speak with your superior officer and ensure that you are removed from this station, am I clear?"


The diplomat turned back to Dunom. "Now that that's out of the way, why don't we recess to an assembly room to discuss further matters, yes?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sazkarjhiat Diplomacy
Blue Moon peeked up a bit
"Wells it good that you enjoy it! The Earth ponies do take pride in there farm work." said Blue Moon in response to the diplomat. He began speaking up again
"While I am a Diplomat I also act as a Trade Negotiator, working out trade deals with other nations and making sure they go smoothly. Sakzar is actually in perfect place to setup what would be a integral part of the Galactic Trade Route that we have been working hard to build. It would bring a lot of riches to Sazkar." Blue moon finished this part of his speech and cleared his throat and spoke again "The terms are simple, no trading of materials or substances considering illegal by either nations, and no trading military grade ships, defenses, or weapons. Beyond that everything is fair game. While I am at it the Princesses would like to extend a offer of military alliance, we understand your military is a well oiled machine, but you could surely benefit from having our expertise and much larger forces."
Unknown Contact
A larger ship appears, this time carrying the typical silver with gold trimming style of Equestrian ships. A message is sent to send a shuttle to dock with the diplomatic vessel, where they will be able to better translate languages and estiblish formal contact.
Galactic Front 06
The Draconian War had resulted in the Equestrians pulling out of Andromeda as it was to much of a leech unlike the other galactic expansions. With the end of The Draconian War there had been many more fronts opened up, and with it a whole new era of expansion and learning. Drac Technology was being incorporated as the Equestrains hoped to bring peace to the universe, not just there little Galaxy anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Sazkarjhit Diplomacy
"Oxygen? Are you aware that it can be extracted from water by electrolysis? We've been using that method for centuries, without it we would still be trapped inside the atmosphere of our homeworld. Anyways, we would be happy to give you this technology along with some already stored oxygen. As for the silicon, we would gladly trade it for samples of these other materials. The trade caravans should not be a problem with our FTL methods. Normally we send starships fitted with their own drives, but unknown to many is our internal trade network. Using the same technology used by the warp drive, we can create... corridors that we call 'Krasnikov Tubes'. Most internal ones were made in the pre-warp era by relativistic spacecraft, but now we can make them while at FTL speeds. Using these, we can have ships travel between star systems without the need of onboard FTL propulsion. They also prevent piracy, as ships inside the tube move at the exact same speed. No enemy could catch up, and they wouldn't dare take the tube the entire way to the target system. Any ship using these tubes would need to accelerate to relativistic speeds first, but that can easily be accomplished with antimatter drives, which are used in all of our internal tradeships. As for the military alliance, please allow me a moment to converse with others."
Fergus suddenly seems extremely far away, just staring off into space. Inside his head a conversation was taking place, with hundreds of voices. Some shouted "No! They are below even us!" others simply responded with indifference, but most said yes. After about a minute or so, Fergus stops gazing off and returns to reality.
"The Council and other leaders have agreed to an alliance! Attacks on your troops will not be a problem, as long as they are fitted with our sensory nanoprobes. They have been in use since the tail end of the Common Sense War. We used them to make sure that nobody within our ranks was causing harm to other troops, mainly because everybody hated everybody else. If any attacks happen, we would know exactly what kind of attack, who initiated it, and where. Security would be dispatched and the attacker given the punishment associated with his actions. Also, during the neural link the subject of medical technology was brought up. We agreed that if you wanted, we would give you our medical technology. Of course, we have no idea what kind of capabilities you have in the medical field, or even what your beliefs say on the matter."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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TehAlphaGamer Elite Memester

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

EA Diplomacy
Ambassador Shigano'vum considered the terms to herself. Certainly what the humans brought forth were things that some of Sazkarjhia's best scientists couldn't fathom. And to not mostly, but completely eliminate the threat of pirates? The merchants certainly would be happy about that. She considered the terms, realizing that what the humans presented was perfect; intergalactic symbiosis.

"We would be more than happy to agree to your terms! Once I report to the Grand Vessel, we will have routes constructed to allow our merchant ships through, and we will be ready to place a station near your regions of space to serve as a reserve base. We are ever more than happy to form an alliance with the likes of you!" she exclaimed.

Equestrian Diplomacy
Grommic chuckled. "I'm sure you're right. Albeit how powerful our military is it can always have more additions to it. With your considerations for our medical expertise, we're some of the best! While most races believe that our zeal for our religion means we base recuperation on "faith healing," as they call it, I can assure you that we have excellent medical technology. Everything from treating plasma burns to completely and safely removing tumors. With your options for trade, we are fine with this. Although we earn a fair amount of business through weapons trading, we also offer our finest minerals and similar resources to exchange. With a military alliance, we would be more than happy to! We can assure you that our soldiers will work fine with your own, and that in the event of an invasion we will stand there to help your kind."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hacher5


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ODS Kunbato: Sarkazjhit Diplomacy

"...Let's" was all Admiral Dunom had said. Taking note of the soldier's...remark, Dunom turned to one the Lieutenant Lep.
"Make sure that wasn't sent the to the Trinity" he ordered.
"Too late sir..." replied the lieutenant. Dunom swore under his breah and led his lep soldiers and the sarkazjhits to an assembly room. The room had a window stretching across the right corner, showing perfectly the planet the station resided by, and the sun's beams illuminating the room. Lep soldiers were flanked by Grozz teams as the group entered the room. Dunom sat at the end of the table by the window, and lep soldiers stood at attention on the right side. Behind him stood a handful of Grozz soldiers. Once his Haches were seated, he said "Alright, let's talk, friends. How have you been doing? We haven't been in contact with your race in almost a decade"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


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Equestrian Fringe Space

One of the various pods of the spindle-like Kuuros scout-ship would disengage from the main vessel, engaging thrusters and setting itself on a lazy course towards the larger Equestrian diplomatic vessel. Given a cargo bay to set down in, the ship would gently set itself down, waiting for any sign of their hosts before opening up its landing ramp and allowing a trio of odd, gleaming-white bird-people to step out of the shuttle.

Two of them were wearing strange robes consisting of long sheets of ashen fabric held together by straps and buckles, while the third seemed to be clad in some sort of orange jumpsuit and was lugging around a heavy mechanical backpack; in point of fact it was their mobile translator device, keyed to the neural relay headsets they were all wearing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Construction update (No story post this time)

The Triarian Collective has begun constructing even more ships to fill it's vast space. More worlds are turned into Forge Worlds, mining operations are stepped up... and some of the resources are siphoned off to the 'Alpha Strain' project, of course
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Orc Contact
"Your statement is acknowledged. Searching database."
There is a slight pause as the database of the EA is searched for any former contact with ships of the design just encountered, when none was found, the message continues.
"This has been noted as the first contact between out peoples." Says another voice, this time much more friendly. "It is an honor. I am Hakeshi Tares, the diplomatic officer for this fleet." She begins. "If you wish, we can have a diplomatic meeting on either of our ships. We are always happy to learn about new cultures, and it may be possible to negotiate territorial trade if you want to set up colonies. We use this area only for the intergalactic gate, which will soon see little action as the war has been won."

Sazkarjhit Diplomacy
"Wonderful! Krasnikov Tubes will be laid down soon, I have alerted the crews through my neural link. It is my hope that this alliance allows both our people to prosper."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CommandoKhan


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[EA Contact] Extreme Outskirts of the Milky Way - Aboard the Fleet Flagship, the Muzmeg, Grinaz-Class Super Carrier:

Hearing the message, Overlord Mogor moves his face slightly closer to the communications input device embedded within his main control panel. "I shall be sending a diplomat soon for the meeting. He shall be arriving in a rather small vessel and will be landing in your hangar if you don't mind." Overlord Mogor said. He pushed a button next to the microphone-like device which disabled the device from picking up any further noises from within the bridge. Overlord Mogor looks back up from his control panel where he then locates a Grunt. "You there, notify Overlord Thakva of the situation and tell him he just became a diplomat. Then, send him down to the hangar, he'll have a Gulrok waiting for him." Overlord Mogor said to the Grunt who then replied with an affirmative gesture.

Overlord Thakva and 29 Roggurks, equipped with standard guard gear, entered the Gulrok assigned for the diplomatic mission. The Gulrok's engines began to light up and roar as the pilot prepared the ship for space flight. The Gulrok lifted itself off the hangar floor and slowly exited the ship's hangar. Then, it headed off towards the foreign fleet while also awaiting for instructions on the ship to board.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hacher5


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Commune: Congressional Meeting/b]
"Do you think we'll get our point across?"
"Possibly, just don't screw up and we should be fine". Senator Kon gulped at that remark. A few minutes later, and after much chatter between the senators and the Trinity, a subordinate stepped onto a balcony almost 15 feet above the Trinity's booth.
"We will now begin this week's Congressional Meeting, all rise for the Pledge of the Empire" Everyone in the room a few dozen or so, stepped up, and announced their pledge to the Empire: [b]Pledging allegiance to this Empire of Zonan, we follow basic morality, hold our values, keep our strength, charge into darkness. Knowing our creators, waiting for our rapture, fighting for the freedom and survival we all deserve.

"Comu Senator Kon has been given the floor to speak" said the subordinate and he ran out of the balcony to another room. Senator Kon stood up, the room's intensity, the people's eyes all staring down onto him.
"Gentlemen, we hold a territory that holds over a few thousand planets. We have only colonized over 500. Half of these planets are gaseous, while the rest are volcanic, iced, flooded, or simply un-colonized. However, every planet we have colonized so far, small and large, has shown signs of numerous resources. We are bound to find more of these resources on our un-colonized planets. Currently, we are running a defecit on the most basic of supplies to our current colonies, food. We also have technology to amplify our basic rates of farming. By designating at least one planet as a farming planet-for domestic life, grains, fruits and vegatables- we will have the ability to colonize hundreds of more planets into our collection. This ability is given through harvest drones. While our manual drones can harvest a couple dozen kilometers an hour, our automated service drones are capable of doing over 500% of that rate. Not only that, they leave the grains and harvests as if they were done by hand. Currently the only problem facing us with these drones is that they run off of a rare metals. The only way to make this a reality is to either colonize planets and imposing artificial foods onto the colonies for a short time, or buy our way out of food supplies or even buying the metals. We believe the first option would be the smartest, and would like to request the colonization of over 100 planets that are home to a vast amount of resources, all of them more valuable then our most resource rich colony, colony 257. These planets would eventually be ran by drones, allowing for even more colonization, but for now it would be Haches" he sat down after that. The congress sat through some more discussions, one concerning possible trade deals with the sarkazjhit, until voting began. Results unknown.

Colony 257

The hanging was gruesome. After a short five minutes of stoning, the Hach was lashed by whip until his back smeared in a dark red mesh, Finally, his noose was tightened, and hung without a proper bag covering his grim face. Gruesome, yet no one seemed to budge. After some time, the town folk were allowed to leave the premisice.

The boy walked with his father, side by side, as his little brother and sister, both four years younger then his age of 13, ran ahead playing.
"Is it bad?" he asked his father.
"What is?"
"That we didn't...cringe or anything. Even sis and brother didn't cower"
"Sooner or later in life, hell wears off"
"I thought hell was worse" remarked the boy.
"We'll find out if we deserve to" returned the father. After some more walking, the boy asked "So why do you think he was hung?"
"They said 'crimes against the Empire'" said the father
"Not too specific"
"Never are, never will"
"I heard he robbed someone of their rations for his family" said the boy.
"Possibility, but I didn't see anyone that looked like they were crying for him, then again if they did they would be arrested". The father sighed "Look what happens after a decade, you were too young to understand"
"I understand, Pa'" he said "Cousin told me"
"He shouldn't have, he could be arrested. Crimes against the Empire"

It wasn't too late to see the end of the sports games that night, so when the group entered their house, the young-lings hustled to bed as the father and eldest boy sat on their dilapidated couch. Their was multiple games going on that night, but the pair focused mainly on the three different sports games involving their home colony, colony 257. Since the culture bomb from the humans, the colonies relished in two human sports: Baseball and football, the latter going by another name as soccer. The Haches also had their own game called Post-Guard, where a team tries to kick a ball into the other teams net by staying in one box positioned by their own net.

"Who's winning in Baseball?" asked the father as he began to fix a cup of broth.
"We are against 492, 4-2"
"Football?" asked the father. The boy turned to the next channel, watching the game intently.
"145 is beating us- wait, hold up" Colony 257 scored a goal as the boy was talking, tying the game 1-1. The boy tried to mimic the expression the announcer gave, screaming goal for a good ten seconds.
"Nice" said the father as he returned, holding two cups of broth and giving one to the boy. The boy changed the channel to the Post-Guard game.
"Wow, we're killing em" he said.
"Colony 257 was always known as the big dog when it comes to anything, sports, mining, you name it, that's why we're pampered with television and not radio, why we get food other colonies could only dream of"
"Pretty sure the states could dream of something better than broth made of forest bones" remarked the boy. The father sighed, and they continued their night of sports in silence. Colony 257 won all their games in the three sports, now poised on making the playoffs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sukui


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Large Magellanic Cloud (Makudan Designation: Extretus)
"It's larger than we imagined. It's the best place to eradicate the troubles inhabiting the stars and bask the Cloud in our glory."
The High Admiral glanced towards the astronomical features of the Extretus. Bright stars were littered across the fascinating, colorful displays of molecular clouds, some even bright enough to read a book within the ship with no lights on. And the design of the flagship, there were curved beams of armor spiraling and wrapping around the intricate, aerodynamic shapes of the spacecraft. A huge cloud of smaller ships surrounded the High Admiral's, which led the expansion fleet.

She made a few gestures, splitting the fleet and directing the subfleets towards the nearest star systems with identified planets. The ships raced towards their respective locations, arriving within a few moments of the command. The slaughter began afterward.

It was a fairly cloudy day. Various tribes of different cultures, all in the same world, began to do their daily duties. The farmers were busy harvesting their crops, the miners were occupied with slamming their tools to the rocks, carrying their load back to within carts, wives selling whatever their husbands had made in their jobs, and warlords preparing their armies for combat with rivaling tribes. The creaking sounds of the wheels of carts, the aroma of grilled meat in their homes, the grunts of farmers carrying sacks of their harvest, they were all around the busy villages.

Today, however, something caught their interest. Odd glowing balls in the sky suddenly appeared, slowly descending down the sky. Some moved in erratic directions, some gradually growed larger, and some were orbiting larger balls. The people knelt before the sight, for they have taken the mysterious event as the sign of their Gods appearing. Some prayed fervently, some held wooden crafts of worship in their hands, others, simply stared while kneeling, left astonished.

Once the chaotic explosions began, people were raising their hands up the sky, as if they want to be claimed by their "gods". Indeed they were, figuratively.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Triarius, Videt, Castellum
Primicerii primary meeting area

The highest ranking of the Primicerii stood around the holoterminal in the center as it rose from the floor and activated. Suddenly it burst to life, and a holographic star map filled the chamber. There was a pause, and then the Primicerii all hovered from the floor as their eyes exploded in Orange. They hovered around the chamber, examining the map as one of them began to speak and gesture to area's of it "Nos bene fecistis in Honos' Lacerato Oculus" He said, and the star map flew forwards towards the Honos' Lacerato Oculus galaxy, filling the chambers with it's stars, tinted slightly for Collective, Enemy, Allied, Neutral, Uninhabited and Unexplored, of which there was a sizable amount. It cast it's light around the chamber, bathing it in beautiful lights as the stars swirled around, like decorative lights on a Christmas tree, with small tints to their natural detail "Non est qui potest coram maiori bono" But as he spoke another one cut in
"Una diem, socii nostri erit trans cum hostis" She said, shaking her head as the star map changed from the Honos' Lacerato Oculus Galaxy to the Milky Way. The colours of the map updated, and there were few stars unexplored now. The Star Map zoomed into an allied star, then in again, until Equis was displayed "Contingentiam consilium est?"
"Absens" The first replied, and a third chimed in, shaking his head in disdain
"Illi non pugnant nobiscum tunc, et non volunt" He said, and the others nodded slowly before the female one replied again
"Maiorem simius?" She said, and then the map changed again to Earth Alliance space and to one of their known major planets "Sint novellae Nam fames et potestas" There was a pause as the Primicerii considered
"Illi sunt imbecilliores" The Second said, but a fourth one spoke, flying forwards slightly towards the planet and placing his hand over it
"Illi fortiórum tu putas"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Orc Contact
The main hangar of the EAS Vengeance slowly opened, revealing the gigantic space. Small spacecraft moved around inside of it, carrying fighter craft from other hangars to the cargo bay of the flagship for storage. A line of buoys lit up, guiding the Orc craft into the hangar. As it got closer, invisible laser beams locked onto it and pulled it towards the docking port slowly. While the two ports were completely incompatible, the EA one shifted into the perfect shape for the Orc one. A quick scan shows that no major atmospheric adjustment is needed, but the inside atmosphere is changed slightly to the exact same mixture inside the Orc shuttle. The docking port then opens, revealing a blue-haired, pointy-eared woman. When compared to the Orcs, she is laughably small and frail. Her garment clearly shows that she is no warrior, and instead a diplomat.
"It is an honor." She says, bowing slightly. "Welcome aboard the EAS Vengeance, I have the honor of representing the Earth Alliance in this contact. As is standard for contacts of this type, I have been asked to give you a quick overview of our nation. We are composed of three species, the humans, the Abh, and the Dolphins. I am an Abh, a genetic construct created by the humans to be the perfect fighter in space. However, we were allowed to choose our line of work and I chose to be a diplomat. The humans are the founders of the Earth Alliance, and were the dominant species on their homeworld, but they have a doctrine that states that they are inferior to all other species due to a war in the past. The Dolphins were also native to the human homeworld of Earth, but occupied the oceans instead of the land. They have no natural grasping appendages, and rely on robotic avatars to work. The war that we just got out of spanned the entire local group of galaxies, and a few outside that group. All of them were controlled by the Draconian species, which has since been entirely wiped out by allied forces and our own. If you want to know anything, just ask."

Somehow cracking the codes of Draconian systems, the EA has been able to colonize hundreds of Draconian worlds with infrastructure intact! A rush has begun to reverse engineer the technology and colonize the rest, with colonists being cloned constantly to satisfy the demand. Starships have been sent out to create dozens of Krasnikov tubes between each galaxy, in addition to the already existing wormgates. The Earth Alliance seems bent on taking over as much of Draconian space as they can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CommandoKhan


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[EA Contact] Extreme Outskirts of the Milky Way - Aboard the EAS Vengeance:

Overlord Thakva looked at the alien woman before he began to speak. "Interesting. Well I am Overlord Thakva, a diplomat for the Zurosh Empire. Been a diplomat since less than an hour ago so my apologies for any poor diplomatic skills that I might show. Anyway, I suppose it would be appropriate to share a bit of knowledge of my empire as well. The Zurosh Empire is composed of one race known as the 'Orcs', so if you want to know about physical features then you can just take a good long look at me. Also, I have a question. Could you give me some information about this galaxy? Information such as inhabitants, available space, etc." said Overlord Thakva in a semi-formal manner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sazkarjhit Contact
"We are glad you have accepted our offer of alliance and our trade deal" said Blue Moon, he paused for a minute to take a drink from his cup and spoke up again "I will arrange for the cargo ships to begin establishing the trade route immediately. A few of Peace Stations officials are having a meeting here so you kill need to leave but it has been a honor to speak to."
The Equestrians have in response to the EA's rush to expand have also begun capturing as many Drac Worlds as possible. With a larger fleet and a lot more population they are expanding faster onto Drac worlds then they are.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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TehAlphaGamer Elite Memester

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zonanese Diplomacy
"We have been doing well, thank you, Admiral!" Grommic started. "Things started a bit rough. After the ousting of Vessel Suar'kum we found ourselves going through a series of problems. Fakeem, poor boy, was so traumatized by his father's execution that he couldn't even talk without incomprehensibly blubbering for months! We couldn't allow him to lead for that time until he could get over it. After which, we set to explore and industrialize. Our colonies are developing well, and we have accumulated a vast wealth of resources. We've also accelerated and strengthened development in our military program. How have you all been doing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Triarian Update

The EA and Equestrian rapid expansion has not gone unnoticed. The Triarii themselves don't have the man power to expand at such a rate... but they have their minds. A plan is quickly drawn up. Small groups of Corruptelae Insectum are to be dropped onto the planets, and allowed to reproduce at their exponential rate, allowing the Collective to infest the worlds and have secured them for future exploitation.
This is quickly put into action. A single Triarian vessel would appear in system with a world, and a single dropship would be launched down to the planet. They would contain around 20 Corruptelae Insectum and an Argutus who would be using his Psionic powers to control them. The Corruptelae Insectum would then begin breeding using any surviving wild life, allowing them to lay claim to the planet. The Triarian in control prevents the metamorphis of a Corruptelae Insectum into a Queen by using his Psionic powers to impersonate a Queen.
The Triarian can then perform research into the Draconian tech through using the Corruptelae Insectum, and some of it is secured for off world transport, after which an ONUS class transport would come and be loaded up before withdrawing it to a secure research facility
Using these methods, the Triarian Collective is able to quickly claim world after world
The result? Infestation. Entire worlds stripped barren as the Corruptelae Insectum use it to create more and more of themselves, leaving the technology untouched and available for Argutus exploitation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hacher5


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Sarkazjhit Diplomacy

"Very fine, thank you. After the war we bassically cut off contact with the humans and triarians when they went off to fight the Draconians. We still kept in touch with the Equestrians, however. We've also colonized a lot of worlds, and have thousands more in our territory left to colonize. Military's also good. Currently we are trying to colonize other galaxies, though we don't know how. So why did you come to us once more? Trade? Alliance? Technology agreements?" said Admiral Dunom

Congressional Meeting Update

Vote have been tallied, current proposals ennacted:

Colonization of worlds for automated drone farming and mining (supplies will be acquired through foreign trade)
Approval of extended Military0
Ration boosts to Colonies
Creation of ANMs

Report to: Trinity/Department of Intelligence/ Department of Research
From: Research Team 20-Nutrition Project

"Sirs, tests have shown promising signs, we believe we have accomplished beyond our set goals. Current nutrition rates of artificial foods have been around 34% of natural grown food. With this new strand of machines, we have boosted this to over 95%. The original machines, AFM (Artificial Food Machines) can now be replaced by a new strand: ANMs (Artificial Nutrient Machines). Flavors can be set from any known meat and vegetable. Mass Production can be made immediately; this will know doubt solve the food shortages we are experiencing in the colonies."

Message to: Equestrians, EA, The Collective

We are in the interests of technologies, trade pacts, and other sorts. If you would like, go to these coordinates (The planetery state, Allimone) in no less than 576 hours, or one week or/and reply to this message
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Triarian Collective Argutus Craft Spirit Of Endeavor

The Spirit Of Endeavor launched from a Space Station above Gaudium and glided through the black void of space. Then it split open the space before it, with exact cuts like a surgeon with a scapel, disappearing from the system in a blink of an eye. It entered slipspace and powered it's engines to full, gliding the across the slip space.
It wasn't long before the space ship slowed again, splitting the slip space with unnatural precision before dropping out above the planetary state of Allimone. It broadcasted a single message down to the planet, composed by an AI in the standard cold and dissected female pattern that was usually used when contacting other races
"Attention, please. Spirit Of Endeavor responding. Confirm Status. Confirm Location. Confirm Species."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hach Diplomacy
A few Equestrian ships arrived above Allimone. It held a Golden Diplomatic vessel with several Dragoons surrounding it as a escort. The ships positioned themselves and awaited for the Haches to invite the Equestrains to Allimone.
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