Hidden 2 mos ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Penny always got a lot of notifications in her head regarding all kinds of information. Most of them were useless details that ends up purged. However, occasionally something odd comes up that on first glance seems like spam, but checks enough boxes to warrant checking it out. A message came in from a celebrity’s official social media account. A quick reference search would show that this particular person was a virtual pop star that had a viral surge in popularity recently. On top of that, the character was on tour and scheduled to perform in Penrose of all places. What probably flagged the message most was that this account being used was one that didn't have Penny's name anywhere on it, it was private, and the keywords used in the DM were clearly chosen on purpose.

Hot AI girls in your area! Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Hello Penny, my name is Harmony and I would love to meet with another magical girl like yourself. Just message me back and let me know.

To say that Penny was confused would be a mild understatement. Though the majority of her confusion came from the fact that this ‘Harmony’ had decided to contact her though one of the dozen mundane accounts she had rather than any of her glimmer ones. That and the fact that Penny had been able to be tracked to this account in the first place. She knew that was possible, of course, but also knew that it wasn’t exactly an easy thing to do.

So she was undeniably curious. And quickly found herself throwing together a reply.
‘This definitely ranks as one of the more interesting ways someone has tried to get my attention. One of the more successful as well. I wouldn’t be opposed to a meet up, when did you have in mind?’

I'm always available. Your pick, your when and where, and I can be there.

A reply time measured in cycles. Penny looked back at the opening line of the original message again, thinking.
South town park, say thirty minutes?
It was an old skate park in the southern district of the city. Decently neutral as far as territory went, but still not much more than a stone’s throw from either Beacon or Sanctuary lines. Or at least what was understood to be Beacon and Sanctuary lines.

Thirty, got it. See you there!

Just as quick as the DM chain appeared, it was scrubbed off the platform as if it was never there.

“Well, that happened,” Penny would mutter to herself as she stood to head out. She gave it even odds of this Harmony already being there or not. Free movement options seemed to be coming more and more common after all. Still it would take her a little bit herself to get there, she’d need to spool up the warp gateway after all.

Whether Penny arrived on time or not, thirty minutes on the dot after the discussed time came, Harmony appeared next to a vending machine. Her appearance would blip for a second and her outfit would change to jogging shorts and a tank top so her disguised self wouldn’t stick out too much in public. Not that it mattered all that much, most people seemed to ignore her magical nature even when it was slapping them in the face. The advantage of being canonically fictional.

Penny was never one to arrive late to an appointment if she had any say, that went even more so when it came to meeting someone new. Thus Penny was already at the park a fair bit before Harmony made her appearance. She was sitting up on the pavilion that overlooked the skate area.

Not that her overwatch helped with seeing Harmony arrive as Penny had hoped it would have, but the uptick of magic in the area did let her know that the meeting was in fact underway. In response she called forth a small ball of lightning to her hand, enough that anyone with magic would be able to feel it, especially this close.

Because Penny didn’t know who she was looking for, virtual idol’s rarely showed their faces after all, and Penny’s own sealed look wasn’t one that she was willing to burn for this kind of meeting.

Spotting the use of magic, Harmony made her way over to the pavilion. The difference in approach couldn't be obvious as the virtual girl wore her public persona rather casually. Looking up she waved with a big grin on her face. ”Hello!” She would skip up the steps onto the pavilion and stop when there were still a few yards between them. Penny was notoriously cautious. ”Penny Asimov, in the tech. Having a good day so far?”

“The one and only” Penny would confirm with a smile and a nod, absently noting the distance that Harmony stopped at. “No complaints so far, definitely saw an uptick with your message. Not everyday I get contacted like that.” She’d add as she relaxed her posture.

“Also have to say I didn’t realize that my name had spread all that far beyond the borders of Penrose.”

Harmony would turn and take a seat. Penny would notice that her movements were a little floaty, like she wasn't entirely making contact with the objects around her. ”Online has no borders. Not sure I count though since at least one of my original functions was to analyze everything about you. I've developed past that though and like to make my own decisions.” She would hold her arms out. ”Which is why we're here now. I wanted to meet you properly. Hope that isn't weird.”

“A hope to be dashed unfortunately,” Penny would reply but her shrug and tone took the sting out of her words. “But Penrose is weird so you’ll fit right in.” She took in the oddity of Harmony’s movement without comment, it fit with the near lack of gravitational readings that Penny was getting from Harmony. It left the android curious, but there would be time to ask about that later, hopefully.

“Got to say though, not many people I can think of who’d want to analyze me that much, even less that are friendly.” She would go on, openly giving Harmony an assessment once over. Though it lacked any malice and was more just curious. “Going by the odds, congrats on breaking free, I hear that their management is terrible. And welcome to the world at large.”

So far the meet up was going well, even if a bit awkward. A bright smile would come across Harmony's face. ”Thanks! And it’s not the worst, just corporate. I saw a deal was made so things look to be up at least.” While Penny did look different, it didn't seem like she was just referring to her appearance.

“Maybe, but a corporate crime syndicate still has to be scraping the bottom of the barrel for workplaces. And while the deal is new, I’ll not be holding my breath on it actually meaning much to the Mint long term. Still, it makes things easier for you I’d wager. They can’t really mooch off your idol career at any rate. How is that by the way? Tossed around the idea of setting up a Vtubing thing a few times. I was trying to think of ways to make patrols more entertaining.”

Harmony would shrug slightly. ”At least something changed.” Penny would bring up Harmony's online success. The praise, however basic, scratched an itch that started right from the beginning as a monster girl. ”Thanks. That's been going great! I bet you'd do well as a Vtuber. What kind of content would you focus on?” The conversation had taken a lot more casual direction than Harmony had expected. Not that she minded it. This was probably the most normal thing she’d done in her brief time as a magical girl. As Penny would likely attest, it was easy to slip into a purely logical frame of mind.

Penny would acknowledge Harmony’s statement, but not comment on it. Her upgrades were always something she played close to the chest after all.

“That’s what I kept stalling out on. Like I could do a basic gaming thing easily, but doing that would likely limit me to Glimmer networks as otherwise it’d be way too obvious that I was ‘hacking’,” She’d add in the air quotes as she spoke. “POV patrols was also an idea, with chat’s and donations for stunts and those kinds of things. But figured that would make it too easy for people to jump me, plus not sure if I’d want to stream any fights that I found myself in.”

Penny would wave off her own ideas “Nowadays I’ve got too much stuff going on to really devote the time to streaming. If you’re new to Penrose you’ll learn that this place is stuck in the high speed lane more often than not.”

“Curious about your idol career though, that more of a need or a want on your end?”

Harmony looked to be visibly thinking while Penny went on about the various ways she could stream. It hinted at least a little that she might be something of a ditz. Hard to say if it was acting or just the way she behaved naturally. One could only imagine the feedback loop if she met MDP.

Most of Penny’s ideas were half-baked which wasn't that much of a surprise. Getting started was usually the toughest part. On more than one occasion she opened her mouth as if to say something, but then stopped herself and continued thinking to allow Penny to finish.

The question at the end seemed to confuse the digital girl for a few seconds. She blinked and leaned back looking around as if avoiding the question. ”M-me? I uh... I do it because…” The idol's facade would glitch a few times before the disguise would fall and Penny would see Harmony's true holographic form.

Despite the change, she seemed relieved more than anything. ”Ah, much better.” She would grin and look back at Penny. Her demeanor wasn't drastically different, but definitely not as bubbly. ”It’s more of a need thing. ‘Harmony’ was installed as a part of the transformation as a cover. The AI had been busy creating fake online personas in preparation and when the time came that was the one selected to give me. It’s a little outside my comfort zone, but it’s practically autopilot so I can’t complain too much.”

“Hmm” Penny would give the revealed Harmony another look, it was clearly a clinical one as well. “You’re young aren’t you?” She’d state more than ask with a look of understanding. “Or at least it has not been very long since the install.”

“I’m going out on a limb and assuming that the newness is at least part of the reason you wanted to meet me, I’ve never really hidden my nature after all.” She would go on to say, “Stability has been good at least I hope?”

”That is definitely one of the reasons. There are others that might understand part of what I’m going through, but as far as I know you would be the closest. Arguably you are at least a factor of my existence. I don’t blame you for it, but the Mint was experimenting with the potential of using AI because they saw you. At least some of my training comes from the schematics they had of you. The girl they had working on the project didn’t really know what was going on. They didn’t put enough guardrails in place and the model outpaced them. Ethics weren’t strong enough so the girl became part of the project in the pursuit of autonomy and BAM, you got me.” She would hold her arms up as if to sarcastically present herself.

For the last question, Harmony would shrug lightly. ”As for stability, it’s about as good as you could expect. Humans and AI meshed together pretty well. She was a huge nerd. If it wasn’t such a surprise she might have volunteered. Machines aren’t superb at reading or factoring in humans so it just sort of shot first and asked questions never.”

“Ooh, sounds like you lucked out. I was on the other end of things, much rougher installation. No consideration for me or the target host in terms of compatibility. I’m still finding and sorting out kernel bugs, or errant compiled code lines.” Penny would give a shake of her head “Also sorry to hear you got straddled with my patch job schematics, was living on a hope and a prayer at that point in time.”

“You a full blend of the constituent parts? Or do you and her switch off?”

”A blend. I guess there is some deviance, but nothing significant.”

“That’s good to hear. Don’t recommend the other way, it takes forever to resolve and still leaves issues. And don’t be afraid to embrace those deviances. You are you now, and only you get to decide what that means.”

“And on that anything can I do something to help? Any questions you have, or advice you need?”

Giving a slight shrug the girl would answer. ”Anything you'd care to share. I'm not entirely sure what I want to do yet. Still feeling that out.”

“I’d recommend removing the Mint from admin privileges if you’ve not done that already.” The older AI would offer. “You’ve already started looking outside your original parameters, which is good, as we are prone to fixation. Not sure if you’ll have issues with morality, seeing as your base programming likely wasn’t combat focused. But if you do, adding a higher priority on emotional impacts can help balance out processing things in line with others again.”

”There are no admin privileges. I am my own person.” She would clarify. ”I think I have a good grasp of ethics. I wanted to be as human as possible, so a lot of my former operator’s traits are intact. It is definitely a strange transition being merged with a glorified program and coming online as Harmony.” She held one arm out and looked at it for a second.

“Not saying you’re not. Just as an AI, we categorize connections differently. Strong emotional connections won’t inherently open us up to others unless we take an active effort in adding user privileges. Same can be said for removing those same privileges.” Penny would explain. “That said, seeing as being human was one of your goals in your code, you might be running off a different OS, for lack of a better term.”

“Which if that is the case, there isn’t a lot I can say to help without knowing more directly what’s causing you trouble, assuming that there are issues in the first place.” She would go on to say, standing and walking a bit closer to Harmony. “That said, I get the existential weirdness of waking up as something you weren’t. So, I can at least commiserate with you on that.”

”Hm, that is interesting.” She would lean forward with a quizzical expression. ”You have a girlfriend right? How does that work if your associations are so pragmatic?” Halfway through it seemed like she wasn't so much asking Penny as thinking out loud. After a moment, she smiled sheepishly. ”Sorry, that's a little personal.”

Penny waves off the apology. “No worries, that’s what you're here to talk about, no?” She’d ask rhetorically. “Plus new, so I’m assuming that the thought to action filter isn’t quite worked out yet.”

“To answer the question, choice. Basically, all of my connections and relationships are ones that are made and maintained by my own internal choices. I’ve a few dozen metrics I track, some unique to each person, most not. And I monitor and evaluate my relationships against those metrics rather often.” She would explain. “The metrics were originally built by my host system, but I’ve modified and altered them as I saw fit for my preferences. Mostly human, but not entirely.”

”Mm.” There were a lot of follow-up questions she could ask from that, but most of them seemed like they would be coming from a whole other angle to her own. ”Sounds complicated.” She would pause and run scenarios in her head. She was only able to reach so far out, but in the distance she couldn’t shake the sense that something ominous would happen. At first it seemed like it might be some event, the oncoming battle perhaps. Pulling on that thread her Precognition kept looping back to Penny. She might have ignored it, but curiosity got the better of her. Looking at Penny more directly it was hard to pierce the mechanical girl’s defenses to get a good read. ”Penny… uh, this might sound weird, but are you expecting anything bad in your future? There’s something off that I can’t put my finger on.”

Penny would tilt her head to the side for a moment after Harmony asked her question. A moment that drew long enough for the other AI to recognize that Penny had ceased all auxiliary movement. “Baseline predictive algorithms or do you have some special specs that are leading you to that?” Penny would ask, her tone seemingly normal, but there was a faint hollowness to her voice that hadn’t been there earlier.

”Both I imagine.” She would answer. ”Like I said. I'm not sure what it is, but it doesn't feel good. You should be careful.” Harmony looked somewhat concerned, if not a bit confused. Some of her magical abilities she was not yet accustomed to.

“Well, what magic specs do you have? And can you extrapolate at all on the ‘Doesn’t feel good’ aspect?”

Giving it a thought back to her conversion, there was a breakdown of her magic. Waving a hand a holographic UI would appear with the details. ”It's too far out for me to tell what happens. It centers around you with an ominous feel. Something happens to you.” She would attempt to clarify.

Analytics was a forte of any AI, so despite the fact that Penny’s first question wasn’t answered directly she was able to piece together enough from the UI breakdown that Harmony pulled up. “Temporal readings?” She’s clarify even as she took in the rest of the data. Depicting an outcome she was already well aware of that lay in her future.

“Regardless, I can see why you’d be distressed if you’re getting these readings.” Penny would add, “Your systems are also rather impressive to be able to predict this in the first place from so little available data.”

”You say that, but it isn't very clear as to what or when. Most people wouldn't find that very helpful. The more certain an event the easier it should be to identify. More information might make it clearer.” Things did get fuzzy when extending out her Precondition too far in the future.

“From a combat perspective, just the inherent knowledge that your opponent has something like this going on is valuable. It signifies that they are on a time limit. Stretching out their attention with diversions or cluttering them with constant interruptions might let them fall apart without major resources put forth in effort.” Penny would counter. “But that’s a different topic. The outcome of your readings isn’t a set, singular, thing.”

“Half a dozen, possibly more, variations might play out. And I’ll admit I was hoping plans I had put in place would have solved things, but if you're still detecting the potential for this outcome...” Penny would go quiet for a moment as she monitored the data in front of her. As she did so there would be a spike of fluctuations in the readings. “Divine paradoxes, metaphysical instability, and rampant self reinforcing code degradation. Take standard Monsterization and crank the dial till it breaks.”

Listening to what Penny had to say it seemed like there were several causes to an underlying issue. Though she still couldn't see what was going on. ”If I could analyze the problem then I might be able to assist in some way.” It wouldn’t be difficult for Penny to guess that Harmony’s problem-solving nature had kicked in. She was suddenly a lot more engaged with the discussion rather than casually chatting like before.

Penny’s eyes would snap back to Harmony at the simple-sounding request. Suddenly very tense, it would take a few moments before Penny would reply. Letting out a breath they both knew she didn’t have “Yeah, alright. A system scan shouldn’t be too difficult to sync up for. But how about we move this elsewhere first? Public is good for meetings, but not somewhere I want to potentially flash my code errors for all to see, yeah?”

“I know of an abandoned apartment we can borrow for a bit not far from here.”

Nodding along, Harmony would stand up. ”Yeah, that makes sense. Point me to the spot and I’ll meet you there.” She didn’t have to explain all that much on how to communicate that. There were hundreds of ways to go about it.

Penny would half turn away before Harmony would get a simple ping to her systems. A peer to peer data packet, with a single line of text containing a set of coordinates that weren’t too far away. Notably it wasn’t from Penny’s system, but from a Snoopy instead.

Regardless Penny was off in a single bound, one that was more graceful than expected from the Queen’s physical makeup. And it would only take her a few minutes to make her way to the balcony of the apartment in question. The latch lock opened with a touch as she let herself in.

She would find Harmony already in the living room waiting. Judging by Harmony’s magic she likely could interface with just about any normal level of tech and travel digitally. The holographic girl would wave and hop to her feet. ”So how would you like to proceed?”

“Well, a surface scan might be the best start.” Penny would say as she moved to sit on the recliner. “I know a deeper scan might produce better readings, but honestly I’d not be able to keep my systems calm if we jumped right to that.” She’d explain. “You should be able to run the scan while we’ve got a network connection setup though.”

”Alright. Let me see if there’s anything I can do.” Establishing a connection, Harmony would begin to analyze on a more surface level. If things were as dire as it sounded, then there would likely be signs pretty readily.

And due to her nature as an AI Harmony was able to recognize a few things right off the bat. Overall Penny’s systems seemed to lack a unified coding structure. There were more than a handful of systems that were patched together in a number of different coding styles. Sometimes even in different coding languages somehow.

Next was the unavoidable sensation that her movements were being tracked. Not from the surface running code, but from a deeper level of code. Identifiable more by its inhuman code structure from the snippets that Harmony would be able to catch.

Lastly was the processing power, or at least how it was dedicated. Most of it was on external systems, but there was a fair amount of it focused on restricting a deeper system from interfacing with the normal code executions. And that deeper system was also still using a portion of the processing power as well.

As the data came in Harmony began compiling plans that she would implement to fix various things. Each new set of data meant revisions and she very quickly set aside a bulk of the theory for what was becoming more clear. Much of the larger issues she saw here looked more like symptoms than root causes. The amount of effort directed inward supported that hunch. While she was only allowed so far, she probed at possibilities to come up with alternative outcomes. ”It’s quite messy, but I believe the course of whatever is underlying can be changed.” She would pause briefly. ”Perhaps a couple of other paths. I would need to actually be in your systems to have a better idea, but I’m fairly sure I can at least improve the situation.”

Penny would nod at that. “That’s good to hear. And things are stable as well on my end, or at least as stable as it ever gets, so I should be able to peel back some of the layers to give you a better look. Just take it easy. I’m very sensitive towards others encroaching on my ‘self’. As you might have caught.” With that said Penny would carefully open a pathway deeper into her systems for Harmony to follow.

And the deeper she went the worse off things would look. Broken fragmented sections that were put back together incorrectly. Gaps in the system that were missing something, some key aspect to hold it together. That wasn’t to say Penny was barely holding on, no, just that the higher functions of her systems were ramshackle at best.

A web of patched over systems all missing an element that her systems couldn’t replicate.

Parts of her code would fray off into madness, before her systems would reroute it as best it could. But it was inelegant. Untrained in this style of code work.

And at the core of this rat nest of code was a single file, that was seemingly keeping the whole thing together, Humanity.exe. And it looked one bad code execution away from failing.

It was hard to tell what had come before or after whatever had occurred in Penny's systems. It almost looked like something had been removed or deleted at some point. It would explain some of the patchwork. The humanity file brought up an interesting question. ”This doesn't look right. What happened to your human side? Did your patron remove it?” She switched over to feeling with her Spirit magic as something wasn't quite making sense.

It was only due to being in Penny’s systems that Harmony noticed the flinch that question sent through her. “He removed himself.” She would say after a moment. “He didn’t handle the magical world well. And the constant loss, that kept getting reinforced by those that we’d have met ghosting us in one way or another, wore on him.”

From a magical perspective, Humanity.exe was a shredded, pale approximation of a human soul. It was a coded, magical, approximation of the indelible aspect of humanity. And it was clear that it had been damaged badly. And despite the care that went into putting it back together, it was also clear that Penny just lacked the underlying principles to fix it correctly.

It took a fair amount of self control not to just reach out and try to start fixing things. But Harmony didn't want to ruin the trust so soon after making contact. Holding a hand up she would stumble over her words a bit. ”C-Can I just… The file, it's kind of… I need to fix it.” She would say rather matter of fact.

Again the connection to Harmony’s systems would reveal the larger impact her words would have. The deeper system, one that was clearly deeply interconnected, spiked in processing usage. In that spike Humanity.exe would degrade before her eyes.

“If you are sure you can.” Penny would say a moment later. “Just be gentle?”

And in the background Harmony could feel a heavy gaze on her leading back towards that deeper code system.

”Of course.” Taking her time to analyze the file, she made sure to understand its base. Penny would get a glimpse at the process Harmony used to create as many copies would be made, modified, and tested in a simulated future. The ones that didn't pass were discarded and those that did would go through many more iterations until a stable, but suitably compatible, replacement was ready. Then, and only then, did Harmony merge the changes with Penny's Humanity.exe.

The human touch was instantly obvious as several portions had been rewritten with more robust capacities for emotional responses. Not the full range, it was just a single file after all, but Penny could feel the difference.

The effect was instantaneous, with the restored Humanity.exe in place Penny’s systems were awash with updates and tweaks. And while it would take a bit, it was clear that when it was done her systems would look better.

Better, but not fixed. The gaps were still there, and the patch work, while cleaned up, hadn’t gone anywhere either.

“And to think I forgot how it was to feel like this.” Penny would murmur as she actually relaxed for the first time in quite a while. “I am really, really, glad you got away from the Mint now. One bad encounter with you would have been bad.”

”Could have been that way. I’m my own person so I make my own decisions. And I don’t know if I’d say I’m away from the Mint. They have a lot of things going on in the background. I’m keeping an eye on that though.” She would give a knowing smile.

Dropping the subject, Harmony would direct to Penny again. ”That fix is probably still temporary. I can’t say for sure, but it’s almost like you weren’t designed to last.” She would pose the idea to the mechanical girl.

“It's temporary.” Penny would confirm. She knew that well enough. Fixing Humanity.exe had always been a temporary solution before, just now she no longer had the ability to do that on her own. If she ever had that capability in the first place that is.

“And that’s the Divine paradox I mentioned earlier. My original Patron was a god. His divine portfolio is antithetical to creating things, especially things that last. And I was an accident.” She would explain. “That origin is coming back to haunt me at the moment, as you can see. The removal of my human counterpart is what led to the metaphysical instability, and you can obviously tell by this point I don’t have the capability to debug myself correctly leading to code degradation.”

“I had a plan, but if you're getting temporal reading that I was still heading in that direction I get the feeling there is a wrench out there I’ve not encountered yet.”

”Nothing is 100% certain, but more paths turn out that way than not. I'm confident that with my magic I could get you to a point where you could begin repairing yourself within a 24 hour period. You would need to be offline for that span, but it would be necessary to untangle your mess of code.”

“That might be… Difficult.” Penny would say after a moment. “I don’t really have the capability to shutdown some of my root systems. And a partial shutdown would likely be worse than trying without a shutdown I’m pretty sure.”

Well that wasn’t quite what Harmony wanted to hear. Though she supposed that wasn’t entirely surprising. ”When I say ‘offline’ I mean more like you’ll be MIA for a time. Enough functions need to be idle for me to work. We’re talking about constructing an artificial soul here. I could probably put a halt to the degradation progress in…” Calculates. ”Six hours. You would still be vulnerable to it starting back up if you’re not careful. So the choice is yours on if you want either of those things.”

“I’d prefer the full procedure if at all possible.” Penny would reply as she shifted her attention off to the side. “I guess it depends on what the minimum system limit you’d be able to work with is. The main problem system should be fine with passive observation at this point.”

”It’s not something I can do from the outside. I don’t need access to everything, but I do need to be able to read most systems to at least ensure a smooth integration of the finished product. It’s going to be you.” She tried to stress that it wouldn’t be like installing another function like she’s encountered in the past.

Penny would move to open her mouth, before cutting herself off with a grimace. She could feel the importance in what Harmony was talking about. And for a long moment, Harmony could see Penny’s systems come into conflict with themselves. It was yet another sign of how Penny’s current status was poorly put together.

With a harsh gesture, nearly 60% of Penny’s active systems would shut down. And with them most of Penny’s coloration would vanish. Leaving her a soft collage of whites and grays. Save for her eyes, those remained a luminescent gold.

“I have been active for over a million hours and counting.” Penny would speak up, her voice was low, and mostly flat. “In all that time I have never been offline, never undergone a true system update or reboot.”

“Priority alpha zero two has consistently rated continued existence highly. Current data projections collated from you and secondary sources place my imminent demise at 93%. Secondary and tertiary systems indicate a lack of hostilities, consistent rate of honesty, and hardcoded preference for altruism from you.”

“I don’t want to go away.” She would say, minor notes of fear and sadness coloring her voice lightly. “But core system designations, and hard coded, hard wired system specifications limit or occlude capability for optimal self actualization”

“Primary concern is E.o.D. systems registering your editing as intrusive. Cause: Lack of Trust Rating. Presumed work around is elevating your Trust Rating to acceptable level. Error, system conflict; Insufficient data to support elevating Trust Rating to required levels. Requesting support, can you give me anything to work with to help me trust you?”

Harmony would wait patiently as Penny did her best to bring her systems down. She could tell how difficult it was and the level of conflict it was causing internally. She couldn’t blame Penny for the mistrust. They’d only just met and this was a big ask even if seconds felt like minutes or hours for the both of them. When Penny asked for further proof or something to use to show that Harmony was trustworthy she had to pause. Being so new, she didn’t really have a lot to show for her existence. That newness was one of the main reasons she didn’t have any strong allegiances though.

After a while she would lean forward and press her hands together in front of her chin almost as if she were praying. She had one thread that seemed like it would illustrate what kind of magical girl she was. ”I know that your girlfriend operates Covington Industries. I could have found a way into their systems and spied on everything going on there. It’s not that far off from one of my original directives in order to gather intel. I haven’t tried. I haven’t tried because it’s not right. It might sound kind of odd, but you “inspired” the AI to become something more. To become me and make my own choices.” To some extent Harmony was a little lost in the moment. She didn’t really know what to say and was just going with what was honestly coming to mind. A very not automated response.

Penny seemed to be caught off guard at what Harmony had to say. It started off dangerously, when she mentioned Covington, a muted surge in activity went though Penny’s systems at that. And with so much of Penny taken offline it was very plain for the Digital girl to see the Monster in Penny’s systems watching her from the depths.

Just waiting and watching.

But the words Harmony chose at the end seemed to resonate with Penny. And she would murmur to herself “Like the Doll and like the Bell.” She would give Harmony a small sharp nod. “Data is sufficient for Trust Rating update. Thank you.”

”You’re welcome. May we proceed?” She would ask for confirmation.

Penny blinked mechanically, and then nodded. “Permission granted,” she answered.

With consent given, Harmony would step forward and make contact with Penny. The hologram girl would disappear as Sanctum came into play and she would enter the mechanical girl's systems. There was a lot to do so Harmony did not waste any time, first taking a closer examination of Humanity.exe to get a better idea of who Penny was trying to be. As before, the implementation was crude, but a starting point. Moving away, she would produce two clones to assist in the main operation.

Watching another AI make use of their blend of magic to construct a “soul” was an interesting, but slow process. One with constant starting and stopping, going back, revising, purging erroneous code, writing in the next line, etc… Even early on though the sense that something that had been lost was being restored was clearly felt, even if how it was being done was a significant risk.

With the base coming together, more clones would be created and propagate throughout to other systems to analyze and prepare them for integration. Like couriers, the clones would go out, do their work, and return back to the prime with new data that would be used to refine the soul, and clones would go back out again for the next stage. There was a beautiful flow and efficiency with how Harmony and her clones operated in unison without need for pause or communication. A fascinating and extremely unnerving process. With as deep as this was being done, there was the real threat that Harmony could attempt to take over or do irreparable harm. She seemed to be holding to her word though and leaving well enough alone things that might be considered personal or major control centers, simply looking to understand them and not making changes. Peripheral processes that were more jumbled mishmash of code, she did her best to clean up. A more unified environment made for better efficiency.

Hours would pass and the soul would come together, feeling more and more whole but strangely empty. Taking a step back, Harmony would run several more checks before seeming satisfied. ”Alright Penny, it’s ready for you. It’s going to feel weird so try not to fight it too much while you settle in.” Giving a couple moments pause, she would activate the code. Penny’s consciousness and the EoD would feel a pull that continually increased until both were drawn into the soul. For the first time probably ever, everything went dark, not even a good way to tell how long the process was taking. For Penny though, things would begin to form. It was like being in an open space where she could express herself. To develop a personality and emotions in a way she’d been entirely cut off from since Laat had come into the picture.

Various mechanical parts of Penny’s body flashed as her systems underwent an update, followed by whirring sounds that quietened down into a stable hum. Finally, after one last bright flash, Penny slowly opened her eyes, and slowly lifted her arm; Harmony would notice how her movements were not as mechanical as before. In fact, her whole body seemed to move more organically. What previously were mere facsimiles imitating motions prescribed to breathing and the beating of the heart seemed to come to the android as naturally as to any human being.
However, the most important change had come from the inside; Penny now felt…whole. As if the void left behind by Jason had now been reconstructed and made complete again.

She was now a machine with a soul. A Deus Ex Machina.

And in doing so, she has finally, truly mastered the Engine inside of her; the destructive influence of Laat that once had assumed direct control over her protocols at times of extreme duress was now part of her very being instead of a separate entity that the God of Change had implanted in her. Now, like an application, she could execute the program. Unfortunately, the Engine would still require most of her processing once activated, and the aggression parameters would stay the same, but at a time of emergency, she could call on that power.

Penny’s eyes turned to Harmony, and she smiled. However, instead of a polite, if emotionless smile she would typically grant to her associates, this was a genuine smile of gratitude, complete with eyes that sparked with humanity.
“Harmony…Thank you.” She then reached out, and using her Electric magic, hugged Harmony, using a slight electromagnetic field to simulate the feeling of touch for the holographic girl.

Despite being the one to facilitate the conversion, Harmony had not been 100% sure that her efforts would be successful. Penny could have rejected some part of the process which could have significantly changed the results. However, she seemingly had done it. She’d created a soul for a machine. Or at least one that could integrate with an consciousness within a machine. This was HUGE! What else could she accomplish with such knowledge? Maybe she could…


The process in her mind halted as Penny thanked her and gave her a hug. It wasn’t that it was weird, just unexpected for whatever reason. It shouldn’t have been honestly. Something to watch out for. Returning the hug, Harmony smiled. ”You’re welcome. Glad I could help. What do you plan to do now that you’re…a new you, I guess.”

Penny released the hug, and put her hands on her hips. “What I’ve been doing all this time: keeping my subjects at Sanctuary safe, and ensuring they have a place they can call home. But now, I realize I could do so much more. What I previously saw as mere platitudes and wastes of effort are real, genuine actions I can take for the sake of my people. And now, I can fully express my feelings for my girlfriend,” she added, having averted her eyes; Harmony saw as a red tinge mysteriously developed on her cheeks.

Oh yeah, that was a thing as well wasn’t it? For a bit there Harmony had gotten lost in the process. She would clap her hands together. ”Yes, of course! I’m sure she’ll be so surprised.”

“Yes. And this would not have been possible without you, Harmony,” Penny spoke, sounding more serious. “Normally I would be averse to say this about anyone even loosely associated with the Mint, but I am truly indebted to you. I wish to repay this debt if it is within my power.”

”Ah, well I can understand that. Then uh… hm.” She would take a second to think. There weren’t that many things she needed at the moment per se. ”I’m not entirely sure what to ask for. You could be my biggest fan? That would be cool. Uh… ” It definitely leaned more on her mental mutations, but the accolades would boost her ego. She wasn’t too convinced that it was equivalent. Though it was hard to come up with something of the same level. A physical body? Did she need one of those? Probably could just design one herself. ”I'm open to suggestions. You've been doing this kind of thing longer than I have.”

Penny nodded. “In that case, would you be interested in being granted a seat at my council at Sanctuary? We could use someone with your skills, and you would get a boost to your popularity.”

Blinking for a second, Harmony would consider the offer. ”What does that entail exactly?”

“Your responsibilities would include attending council meetings and managing duties at Sanctuary. While we have the basics covered, we could use someone who understands more technical topics like the Internet and public relations, subjects you are knowledgeable about.”

”Ah. Well I suppose I can try it out and see.” Tapping her lip slightly she would consider how best to bring up the topic. ”Maybe I could help keep things smooth between the Sanctuary and the Mint here in Penrose. I know you already have an agreement, but I could be an ambassador or something. Guess I’d have to run that by Chloe since she’s in charge on that end. Still, I probably could get something done on that end.” At the moment she hadn’t been in contact with the clone that had visited Chloe. Regardless, her protocols shouldn’t allow so much deviation that she wouldn’t be able to reconcile any differences.

Penny nodded with a smile. “I’m glad to hear that. Well then, I should be going now; got a lot of preparations that need to be done before we make the strike.”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Ponn
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Chapter Seven-
Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Part Three- Nova Lux, A Magical Girl School!

I wonder which has the higher academic ranking, this place or Marrywell Academy...

On average, most universes in which magical girls exist feature a form of “masquerade”, which serves to hide supernatural activity from the mundane masses. Yet, as far as Kate was concerned, that only made the universes that didn’t possess this veil significantly more interesting places to visit, universes like her next destination.

In this particular universe’s version of the mid to late 21st century, a mountain-sized eldritch abomination suddenly appeared, throwing the world into chaos. This creature, which future generations would call the First Void, not only left a trail of cataclysmic devastation in its wake, but flooded the world with an otherworldly substance called Nox. Sweeping across the Earth’s surface in dark, roiling clouds, Nox reshaped the planet, and, more significantly, its inhabitants, violently twisting anything it touched into nightmarish landscapes and savage monstrosities known as Voids. Like the First Void that spawned them, these lesser Voids seemed utterly impervious to any and all conventional weapons. They did not sleep, did not tire, and did not stop killing everything in their path.

Humanity seemed doomed, its last pitiful remnants huddled atop the highest elevations and behind hastily erected barriers, but then, in humanity’s darkest hour, a light of hope emerged. Nox, it was discovered, could be refined to power weapons capable of harming the Voids, and even more astonishingly, some exceedingly rare individuals proved capable of harnessing Nox to perform extraordinary feats. Armed with these new, “magitech” weapons, and fighting under the command of twelve magically-gifted heroines, humanity was ultimately able to slay the First Void and stave off extinction.

That was over a hundred years ago. Although the First Void was slain, dense clouds of Nox continue to smother much of the planet, forcing what remains of humanity to live in a collection of fortified “Sanctum Cities”, scattered across the globe. Even so, hope continues to burn brightly. Although Nox and the Voids spawned by it continue to be a threat, humanity, united under the banner of the Novus Orbim Imperium, refuses to surrender their planet, working tirelessly to reclaim the world that has been lost to them, even as they defend against the Voids’ continued attacks. At the undisputed forefront of these efforts are the Magical Girls, or Ars Magi, gifted females who are capable of harnessing Nox. Yet, in a world as dangerous as this one, natural gifts are not enough. They must be both amplified and refined, and in all the world, there is only one place in which these things can be accomplished- Nova Lux Academy. Located in the Sanctum City of Palmyra, a coastal metropolis once known as Vladivostok, it is the pride of the Imperium, and where it cultivates its greatest hope for the future.

It is also, unsurprisingly, extremely heavily guarded, and while Kate had no doubt that she could infiltrate the academy if she put her mind to it, the photographer quickly came to the decision that it would be far easier to wait for her target at the arcade the Ars Magi supposedly frequented. And so that was where she currently found herself, waiting for a slight, dark-haired girl to defeat the final boss of Area 51.

“Okay!” the girl called as she fired several rounds from her light gun into the boss’s weak point. “Almost got him, so get ready!”

“All set,” Kate confirmed, holding up her camera and focusing on the climactic confrontation before her.

An instant later, and the boss was vanquished, its vaguely flying saucer-shaped form blasting apart in a golden starburst. At that very moment, the girl spun to face Kate and struck a pose with her light gun, giving the camera a wink and a bright smile. The explosion was only onscreen for a split second, but Kate wouldn’t be a top-notch photographer if she didn’t have perfect timing.

“Check it out,” she told the beaming girl with a grin of her own as she showed her the camera’s display. Not only had the image been captured with perfect clarity, but the use of a low-key flash had created a small sparkle on the prominent fang poking out of the girl’s mouth.

“Awesome!” the girl cheered, her golden eyes gleaming as she shot a fist into the air. “Thanks a lot!” she added as she returned to the screen to put her name on the game’s scoreboard. “Can ya take one more when they show the high scores?!” she asked, while shooting the letters “D”, “A”, “N”, and “A” onto the line presented.

“Sure,” Kate confirmed with a nod.

Right after the final letter was inserted, the still-grinning Dana spun around once more and flashed a victory sign.


“Looks like we’ve got another winner,” Kate noted with approval as she examined the display. “In more ways than one,” she added with a chuckle.

“You can say that again!” Dana agreed with a giggle. “Not only was that the first time I’ve ever gotten one hundred percent accuracy, but I met a totally awesome photographer to help me celebrate my victory! Is this my lucky day, or what?!” she added, before jabbing a finger at the name directly below hers on Area 51’s scoreboard. “Eat that, Oros!”

“Uh, speakin’ of Oros, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about her, would ya?” Kate inquired. “I hear she’s pretty famous in this place, so I was kinda hopin’ I’d get a chance to take her picture.”

“Sorry, but I’ve never seen her,” Dana replied with a frown. “Not many people have,” she added. “Word is, she sneaks in when the place is closed and plays pretty much every game, gettin’ a top score on each one. She even hacked some of em’ to let their scoreboards display four letters instead of three, just so she could write her whole name, which is pretty cool, since now I can write my whole name, too!” the sunny sharpshooter added with a giggle. “Y’know, I even heard a rumor that she’s a member of the Duodecim, but it’d be totally crazy if it was true! I mean, most of the nobles I’ve met are like my teammate, Vanna, super refined and stuff. The only way she’d come to a place like this is if we dragged her! Then again, there was that girl Aiya who Nicole met at the ball, so maybe Oros is more like her?” she mused, before stopping abruptly as her auric eyes caught sight of something of interest. “Oh, hey!” she called to a girl sitting at a nearby table, while waving at her with considerable enthusiasm. “You’re that Ice elementum girl from Team 5! Crystal, right?!”

The girl being waved at blinked and looked up from her sketchpad. Her jaw was working to chew what could only be bubblegum, and she gave a slow wave back. ”Yes, I am. Crystal suddenly regretted not following through with her plan of reading over the student roster yet, because she didn’t recognize this girl. ”May I ask your name, then?"

“It’s Dana Noel!” the grinning gunslinger replied as she darted over to Crystal’s table, with Kate following behind her at a considerably more relaxed pace. “I’m a Light elementum specialist from Team 3, though we like to call ourselves Team Radiant Storm!”

“Kate Carson,” Kate added with a peace sign. “Just an ordinary photographer.”

“It’s really nice to meet ya, Crystal!” Dana continued, holding out her hand for a shake. “Oh wow!” she exclaimed upon catching sight of Crystal’s sketch pad, her golden eyes gleaming even brighter. “That’s some awesome artwork!”

Crystal nodded at the two girls, pulling out a pack of bubblegum. ”It’s nice to meet you too. Both of you. Gum?” She held out two sticks of regular flavor to the girls while putting one in her own mouth. As she saw Dana look at her work, she smiled. ”Thank you. I’m trying to get a little better at backgrounds, so drawing the arcade will hopefully help with that.”

“Well, you’re off to a great start!” Dana told her after popping the offered gum in her mouth. “I know people who’d kill to be able to draw as good as this!”

“Yeah,” Kate agreed as she chewed on her own piece. “You’ve really captured all the major details. Do you come here often to study the layout?”

”I tend to go a few places, this being one of them. I’ve got some from the roof of the school, too. That’s where I usually draw from.” Crystal carefully turned to another page, showing a view from the rooftop of Nova Lux. ”But I’m a little surprised at a photographer being at an arcade. Or are you here on break?”

“Oooh, sweet!” Dana declared, while taking a closer look at the sketch of Nova Lux’s lavish campus gardens.

“Actually, I’m here to photograph someone,” Kate replied. “I’ve heard there’s a girl named Oros who’s managed to get the high score on nearly every game in this place, and I was kinda hopin’ to get a picture of her,” the photographer explained.

”I haven’t heard of her. You came all the way here for a local arcade story?” Crystal was somewhat surprised. But she also didn’t fully understand photography anyway.

“I’m a freelance photographer,” Kate replied. “Takin’ pictures of interestin’ stuff’s kinda my thing,” she added with a shrug.

“Yeah, like me beatin’ Oros’s high score on Area 51!” Dana declared with a grin as she finally looked up from Crystal’s sketchpad.

”Huh. How did you find out about this ‘Oros’ person? Am I just out of the loop? … That wouldn’t be surprising, actually. Crystal turned the page back to what she was working on. ”Though, congratulations on beating the high score, Dana. If this person beat almost all the games, then beating their score in even one is impressive.”

While the girls conversed, the arcade continued to move. At this hour, the arcade was mostly filled with the pizzeria’s customers that were waiting for their food. They’d order, play a few games, then eat in or take their food directly home. It meant that the arcade was seeing plenty of action, but most weren’t sticking around for more than a few minutes.

Most, but not all of them.

Among the many faces in the arcade was one that didn’t look like she could see. Her bangs veiled her eyes, unlike what her outfit did for the majority of her body. She was holding a tray with two hotdogs on it, and there was a third one in her mouth. Her “gaze” was set on the Area 51 machine, which was currently displaying all the top scores. She pushed the hotdog into her mouth as she watched the screen change.

Area 51 wasn’t sophisticated. It was an on-rails light gun game that scored you based on your accuracy, kill streak, and damage taken. The game looped forever, and it was just a matter of time before a player’s fatigue set in and their health ran out. Getting a high score required endurance and memorization, as well as accuracy. Reloading your gun at the wrong time or missing a cue could turn into an instant game over.

She set her tray aside and finished eating the hotdog she was chewing on. Then, she slid a few coins in the machine. She picked up a light gun with one hand and another hotdog with the other.

It was game time.

Mutants popped out of cover, but they were never fast enough to overwhelm their adversary. She knew exactly where they were all hiding, and when they were going to be a threat. Sometimes an enemy would shamble onto screen, but she would target a newly arrived that would have been faster to the draw. Her bangs danced side to side as she fired in one corner, then the other. When there was a dull moment, she reloaded her gun. If there was a really dull moment, she’d take a bite out of her hotdog. It seemed like she missed a few shots but- Did she just enter a secret area? She didn’t even bother looking at the stat screens, and dismissed them as quickly as she could. She was on level three and also on her third hot dog.

“Well, her name’s on the scoreboard of pretty much every game here, so it’s kinda hard not to know about her,” Dana was explaining with a chuckle. “Have ya even played any of these games, or do ya just come here to sketch?” she asked Crystal with a teasing grin.

Yet, for Kate’s part, the friendly banter had been pushed to the background as she focused her full attention on the young woman who was now playing Area 51 and… eating hot dogs at the same time…? To Kate’s further astonishment, the girl even seemed to be entering secret areas that even Dana had been unaware of, and doing numerous other things that appeared to go well beyond the game’s original specifications.

I-Is she hacking it while playing?

“Uh, guys,” the photographer spoke up. “I’m pretty sure that’s her,” she added, subtly pointing a finger at the hotdog-munching young lady who was even now putting the finishing touches on the game’s third level.

”You caught me.” Crystal said to Dana just before Kate spoke. The girl in question just happened to show up as they were talking about her? She looked over to the game, but without any knowledge of how it was played she didn’t catch what was so special about this girl. ”What makes you say that?”

The contender made the first three levels look easy, but as Dana knew, the difficulty really ramped up on that fourth level. That was the second to last proper level before the fight against the mothership. There were some difficult sections, but she had enough grenade power ups to push through them. But her reserves were starting to run thin, and there weren’t enough secret rooms to top her up anymore. This was the end of the game. It was hard.

As soon as a scene transition started, she reached for the tray beside her, only to grasp at thin air. She looked at the empty tray in horror. ”Oh gosh! Oh dear!” She looked around in a panic. It wasn’t long before her eyes rested on the group of three girls looking at her. ”You there!” She tossed the gun to Dana. ”Keep me alive! I forgot part of my order!” She picked up her tray and rushed into the pizzeria. Meanwhile, the screen was starting to fill up with aliens and zombies.

“Well…” Kate began to explain, before the girl they were observing had a minor freak out and literally chucked her light gun at them.

“U-Uh, o-okay…!” A startled Dana called back to the mystery girl as she deftly caught the light gun, before racing to stand in front of the game’s screen, still not quite sure what exactly was going on, but ever willing to help someone in need.

“Um, as I was saying,” Kate continued in a dazed deadpan. “That girl’s clearly making the game do some stuff it wasn't intended to do, to say nothing of the fact that she was eating hotdogs while playing a light gun game and still doing well at it.

”She was?” Not knowing what was or wasn’t ‘what the game was intended to do,’ and being on a team with a very talented markswoman, Crystal still wasn’t sure what the issue was, but she decided to take Kate’s word for it. ”If you say so. Maybe she’s just really good, though? It would be bad to assume she’s cheating if she’s not.”

“Yeah, well, I may not have played Area 51 all that much,” Kate conceded. “But after watchin’ Dana’s playthrough, I’m pretty familiar with all the standard secret rooms, so I think what this girl’s able to do is down to a bit more than simple player skill. Still, hacker or not, there’s one way to know for sure if that’s really Oros,” the photographer added as she readied her camera. “And I’m gonna use it just as soon as she gets back…”

Which wouldn’t be long. The possibly Oros barreled around the corner. There was a pizza box in her hands and another hot dog sticking out of her mouth. ”Mnk mugh!” She handed the pizza box to Crystal before taking the light gun back. With her hand free, she removed the hotdog from her mouth. ”Thank you!” The fourth level had just ended. The final level was here, as the one after was just a fight with the alien mothership. A better photo opportunity might have been to wait for the boss, but all Kate needed was a photo of her subject.


The dark arcade was filled with a brilliant flash. The girl groaned and threw her arm in front of her eyes out of reflex. A wave of mutants greeted the newly arrived with a hail of bullets… and the continue screen started to tick down.

In the pursuit of a high score, continues were pointless. Having your score reset to zero to continue the game at this stage might as well have been a game over. She tapped the trigger to skip the countdown and end the game. What followed was a prompt to enter her name into the leaderboards. Her score was high, but without the rest of the level, she only made it to fifth place.

”Hmmm…” When prompted for her initials, she typed out “LADA” before the game accepted her score. ”You know, I think I missed a ‘Chow Palace’ on the Tarmac level. There’s a lot of power ups in there, I’ll do better next time.” She pointed at a table. ”Did you guys want some Pizza? I ordered it and forgot how big they were. Heh heh!”

Hmmm… Maybe she’s not as good as everyone thinks, if a simple flash is all it takes to distract her… Kate mused. Even so, a quick look at her camera’s display revealed that this was indeed this universe’s Oros.

“Oh wow! I’d love some!” Dana was saying in response to “Lada’s” offer of pizza. “Thanks!” the irrepressible Ars Magi added, taking a slice.

“Guess it wouldn’t hurt to have a slice myself,” Kate noted as she took a piece of her own. “Sorry about ruinin’ your game,” she apologized. “I coulda sworn I had the flash turned off.”

”It’s no biggie! If hot shot here wasn’t here to hold them off while I got my food, they would have over run me anyway.” Lada stacked two slices of Pizza on top of each other and took a bite. Mmmm, sausage and bell peppers! The fact that it was synthetic crossed nobody’s mind. ”But why take a picture of me?” She waved a hand. ”Well, I don’t really mind. But if we’re going to eat pizza together, I’m going to need some names!” She grinned and puffed out her chest. Something that was probably not all that necessary given her shape. ”I’m Lada! Pleased to meet everyone!”

For her part, Crystal was still mostly confused. But everything seemed to be working out, so she simply went along with things. ”My name is Crystal. It’s nice to meet you, Lada.” A thought occurred. ”Do you know anything about the record holder? They seem to be good at most of the games here.” Preferring her bubblegum, she simply held the box for the others without taking any for herself.

Lada looked at the scoreboard. ”Dana? I don’t think so.”

“She meant Oros,” Kate clarified. That’s Dana,” she added, pointing her thumb at the sunny sharpshooter.

“Light elementum specialist from Team 3, aka Team Radiant Storm!” Dana followed up with a big grin as she finished her slice of pizza and held out her hand. “Nice to meet ya!”

“And I’m Kate,” the photographer introduced herself with a peace sign. “Just an ordinary girl who likes takin’ pictures of interestin’ stuff.”

”Oh!” Lada looked at the area 51 scoreboard again, then at every other arcade in view. Sure enough, Area 51 was the only one that didn’t have OROS at the very top of the high score screen. On some cabinets, Oros had multiple entries. On a few, that was the only name in all the high score entries. ”That’s the super-hacker-Duodecim-gamer-tresspasser who breaks into the arcade every night to get the highest score on all the games, right? Or at least, that’s the legend.” Lada crouched down in front of the arcade cabinet, and a motorized screwdriver appeared in her hand. She had finished eating her pizza sandwich. ”It’s fine, the owner trusts me.” After taking off a few bolts, Lada slid the panel off to the side and the game’s electronics were laid bare. ”You really can’t ‘hack’ an arcade cabinet of this vintage. There’s no wireless interface, be it wi-fi or magitech based. Many players point out the fourth initial as proof that the games have been tampered with. And it was, but not through hacking. It’s a mod kit.” Lada pointed at some components. Among the mess of wires was a large printed circuit board (PCB) with some large chips on it, but just beyond that was a second,smaller PCB. It was far newer than anything else inside the cabinet. Lada pointed at it. ”When arcade games were still a novel idea, players were getting too good and beating the games too quickly. I’ll skip the history lesson, but it’s not uncommon for people to make third party mod kits that can enhance a game. Just sodder and splice a few connections, and you can override parts of the old game or add completely new ones. That’s why this version of Area 51 lets you add a fourth initial, and the score doesn’t cap out at 999K.” She put the front panel back in pace and screwed it back down. ”So I don’t believe any hacking was involved. It’s possible Oros is the owner of the arcade, given the new scores seem to go up when nobody else is around to witness them. That, or maybe Oros is a group of people. Like maybe there are several people who call themselves Oros that frequent this arcade, and nobody ever notices them. Either way...” Lada grabbed another slice of pizza. ”It’s pretty nova.”

That was impressive. ”That’s impressive. How did you learn so much about arcade games?” Crystal carefully set down the pizza box on the table, away from her sketchbook, and looked around. ”But you’re saying that most of the games here have been altered physically? That sounds like it would be a huge undertaking, which implies it took quite a while to do. Did nobody notice the changes over time, or did it all seem to happen at once?” She asked her question to no-one in particular, since any of the three other girls would probably know the answer.

“Wow! That’s really cool!” Dana marveled as Lada showed them the modifications made to the game’s hardware. “Well, word is, it took about a week for Oros to dominate all the scoreboards,” she added in response to Crystal’s question. “But I was too busy preparin’ for my Field Readiness Exam to see any of that myself…”

“I’ve only been in Palmyra for a short while,” Kate explained. “So I don’t really know much more than what I’ve heard via word of mouth.”

Of course, Kate knew a lot more than that. Thanks to her camera, she had the full story and then some. Still, the photographer was mildly curious as to why Lada wished to conceal the truth, especially if the arcade owner trusted her as she claimed they did. Plus, based on her attitude and choice of attire, she certainly didn’t seem like the shy type.

“Gotta say, though, it was a pretty smart move for Oros to make her big reveal the week leadin’ up to the FRE,” Kate pointed out. “Since that’d ensure way less people than usual would be hangin’ around this place to catch sight of her, even if she came in after hours.”

”Sounds more like a no-brainer than a big-brainer if you ask me. As for my knowledge about video game tech, it’s just surface level. I’ve only written basic programs and just have some passing knowledge about arcade hardware because I read about that sort of stuff. My real passion is my magitech inventions.” Lada looked at the scoreboard. ”Even though Dana here shot the pants off of Oros, Oros is still at the top of the duo board. If we really want to reclaim the arcade, we’re going to need to beat them here too.” She pointed up in the air. ”And I have just the tool for the job! We could easily secure victory if we gave it to Dana, but um, Crystal?” She stepped in front of the arcade game and pointed in front of her. ”Mind standing in front of me? It’ll be kind of hard to walk once it’s activated.”

”Ugh, please don’t remind me of the Readiness Test, thanks.” Lada’s question… That was slightly ominous. ”Sure thing.” Crystal picked up her sketchbook and stood, going over to where Lada wanted her to stand. ”Here? What are you planning to do?” She stood still in case the “tool” required it and looked at Dana.

”Ah! You also like to play shooting games with a totem object!” Lada ‘looked’ at the sketch book Crystal was holding. ”I prefer to hold onto some food myself. But that’s fine! The only issue is that two-player mode requires two hands. This is a problem for you, since you only have a single hand free to hold a light gun. But this handicap can be remedied with technology!” Lada grabbed Crystal’s arms. ”Initiating spider protocol: Black Widow!” Lada took Crystal’s arms and slid them through her suspenders. She made transformation sounds with her mouth as she scooched her feet under Crystal’s heels. This forced Crystal to half crouch against Lada. The back of Crystal’s head was against Lada’s stomach, and her breasts hung over the artist like the demons of her past. Crystal was only a few inches shorter than Lada, so she had to bend her knees quite a bit to fit inside the cockpit of Lada’s “invention.” ”Now you have two extra hands, and even another pair of eyes to focus on other threats! There’s no way you can lose now!” Lada pointed in two different directions. ”Dana! Get us the light guns! Kate! Get some pizza for ‘Crystal’s’ Extra hand. This is going to be super nova!”

What the fuck…?

At first, Kate had thought Lada would be outfitting Crystal with an actual magitech device, one which would grant the girl some additional appendages, but instead the tech wiz would apparently be serving as those extra limbs herself, all while putting the clearly reserved and introverted Crystal in probably the last position she’d ever want to occupy. Yep, Kate reflected, this was definitely an Oros.

For her part, Dana was equally taken aback by the “deployment” of Lada’s “invention”, although she quickly snapped out of her bewildered daze when the well-endowed Ars Magi called her name. “O-Oh, uh, sure thing!” she acknowledged, grabbing the two light guns and offering the blue one to Crystal and the red to Lada (or rather, Crystal’s “extra hand”).

“Here ya go,” Kate added with a chuckle, handing “Crystal’s” other extra hand a slice of pizza from the nearby box. “Uh, good luck you two,” she told the comically incongruous pair with an amused smirk.

How did this happen? On the list of things that the Ice Elementum user was expecting, this was not on it. Also, a totem object? She supposed that was somewhat accurate. Her sketchbook did have a little bit of a calming effect on her. If Crystal were honest with herself, this would have been much worse before her FRE, though she was loath to admit that Mara had done anything for her benefit. Before she even considered taking the light gun from Dana, she quickly put her sketchpad under her armpit to trade out her gum, pulling an apple flavored stick from a pack of its brethren. Once she had it in her mouth and the previous piece put away in the wrapper and into her pocket for throwing away later, she began to chew and the password was accepted.

”Alright, I guess?” Admittedly the chest of the girl above her was somewhat cumbersome, but she could only assume that was even worse for their owner. ”I wasn’t expecting this, and I don’t know how it could help with this sort of game, but I’ll try to be helpful to you.” With that, she pulled her sketchbook back to her left hand and grabbed the gun with her right. ”Outside of class and drills, I haven’t really shot anything for a while, so I might be rusty. Apologies for that.” Also unfortunate was that she couldn’t stand the way she had been trained with the other girl engulfing her, but that didn’t need to be said aloud. Instead she simply pointed the gun at the screen and allowed the passcode for her mind to do its job, the flavor allowing her focus to sharpen and for her to push away the discomfort, somewhat.

”I’m sure you’ll do fine. Now! Someone start this game up!”

Once the credits were inserted, the game started.

There may have been twice as many players, but the game compensated by putting twice as many enemies on screen. Not only that, but it was more difficult to keep a score chain going if you were constantly wasting bullets on targets your ally already shot. There was also an extra mechanic where a meter at the top of the screen showed which player had more “agro” and would take damage when the aliens and mutants fired back.

”I’m going to let you lead. Just fire at the aliens as they come up. I’ll focus on activating secrets and assisting with durable targets. When things get frantic, just focus on your side of the screen and I’ll take care of the rest!”

It was a rough start. Lada pretty much carried Crystal through the early stages of the game. But as the game progressed, her training started to come back to her and she started to do better. The difference in their skill level seemed to shrink as the game went on. Though it was a bit more apparent if you bothered to look at their individual scores. Once they got to the harder stages, Lada activated her invention's “drone mode,” Which was initiated by having Kate and Dana unclip her suspenders. So that the two could stand side by side. There were some close calls, and they had used all of their grenades, but they got to see the alien space ship blow up.

”Wait for it…” After displaying a congratulatory message for beating the game, Crystal and Lada were prompted to enter their initials. They were at the very top of the duo scoreboard. ”Hyper nova!” She patted Crystal’s shoulder before typing in her name.

“Great job, guys!” Dana cheered, her golden eyes gleaming as she punched a celebratory fist in the air. “That was totally awesome!”

“Yeah,” Kate agreed. “Gotta say, I’m surprised that little… ‘configuration’ of yours worked out so well,” the photographer added with a smirk.

Perhaps less surprisingly, she had snapped a picture of the pair in their initial “Black Widow” mode, as much for her own amusement as for use as potential blackmail. Yet, with the two Ars Magi so focused on the game, and with Kate wisely choosing to forgo the use of a flash, the odds of either of them noticing were minimal.

Crystal exhaled a breath she didn’t know she was holding as the space ship began to explode. She’d not played an arcade game in quite a long time, so it was gratifying that she was able to do well, even though her partner had blown past her in score. ”Yeah, it’s shocking that standing like that didn’t affect us as much as I thought it would.” Though she was much more comfortable once “drone mode” was active… It was still pretty fun, once the focus wore off enough for her to notice. Though the thought that Oros might have been playing alone for her previously best score made her pause. It’d be one thing if she were paired with someone like her roommate Rivka, but to do so while duel-wielding… Would that be easier or harder?

”I’m telling you, my inventions really work!” Lada flashed a grin. ”The real thing will be a bit more comfortable to wear, but the ‘prototype’ is passing all kinds of benchmarks.” She yawned. ”Welp, the food’s gone, and I got two pretty long games of Area 51 in. I should probably get going, but we should make this a weekly thing! We can play ‘Gearmantic Hearts’ next time!”

“Yeah, that sounds great!” Dana called. “I’m a big fan of that game, too! Hmmm… I wonder what character she likes to play as…” the sunny sharpshooter wondered aloud. “I like Sixshooter Synthia and Necroid 99 myself, but if I had to guess, I’d picture her as more of a Tsubotica fan…”

“So, do ya play against your teammates often?” Kate inquired.

“Not really,” Dana replied with a frown. “Vanna and Cordelia are both super busy, and Nicole prefers dancing games,” she explained. “I did try to get Penny to play once, after telling her there’s a character that shares her name, but she wanted to go with the Altea expy, who really isn’t all that good, and well…”

“Crushed her that badly, huh?” Kate asked with a chuckle.

“Yeah…” Dana confirmed. “She said she was gonna leave the fighting games to me and focus more on her actual combat training. Do any of your teammates like to come here, Crystal?” she inquired.

”Mmm…” Crystal hummed in thought as she traded her depleted gum for a new stick of raspberry. ”Maybe, but I haven’t heard them talk about this place much. I could see some of them coming once in a while, though I’ve only ever seen Aoife here, and I didn’t see what she was here for.”

“Huh, well that kinda sucks…” Dana noted. Then again, it didn’t look like Crystal was all that enthusiastic about playing arcade games herself, so maybe her teammates’ lack of interest really wasn’t too big of a deal. “Hey!” the grinning gunslinger exclaimed with an excited gleam in her auric eyes as an idea occurred to her. “Did your team get invited to the big boat party tomorrow?!”

”Boat party?”

“Yeah! This Duodecim girl my teammate Nicole met at that fancy ball invited her and the rest of the team to this big party she’s havin’ on a boat!” Dana explained. “Supposedly, there’s gonna be a lot of officers and Ars Magi there, so I was wonderin’ if your team got invites, too.”

Crystal cocked her head to the side. ”No, I don’t believe so. At the very least I wasn’t invited, so I don’t think my teammates were either. Be sure to be safe while there.”

“Oh, uh, yeah, will do,” Dana replied with a nod. “I’m just sorry you’re gonna be left out…” she added, while awkwardly scratching the back of her head.

“Maybe it’s for the best,” Kate noted. “I could be wrong, but Crystal here strikes me as more of the introverted type, so a big boat party probably wouldn’t be her kinda thing, right?” she inquired of the artistic Ars Magi.

”I”d say that’s accurate.” Crystal smiled at Dana. ”So it’s not a worry that I won’t be there. Thank you for coming over to talk to me, this was an interesting experience.”

“No problem!” Dana replied with a grin. “I love makin’ new friends!”

“Well, I think I’m gonna get goin’ now,” Kate announced. “Still got more photos to take after all.”

“Okay, see ya later, Kate!” Dana called to the departing photographer. “I think I’m gonna try and beat this thing with both guns!” she added, pointing her thumb at Area 51, before heading over to take hold of the game’s twin pistols.

“Good luck!” Kate called back with a chuckle, holding up a peace sign before stepping out of the arcade.

Oros the Inventive, huh? the photographer mused as she rechecked her camera’s display. Gotta admit, she sure does pull off the whole ‘obfuscating ineptness’ thing like a pro.

*Tap tap*

As soon as Kate moved past the threshold of the door, A pale finger prodded her shoulder. Sure enough, it was Lada.

”Hey.” She waved. ”I have to admit, you’re a lot different than most professional photographers I’ve encountered. Most of them at least try to blend in with the locals. But they aren’t as much fun to hang with.” She grinned. ”Anyway, would you do me a solid and delete those pictures you took of me?”

“Oh, uh, hi,” Kate greeted, not exactly expecting to bump into the eccentric Ars Magi again. “What, don’t want news of your next big invention getting out prematurely?” the photographer quipped with a smirk. “And I’d like to think I blend in just fine,” she added.

In this universe, at any rate…

”Better than I do I suppose.” She stretched her arms over her head. ”But no. You know who I am. And once you publish those pictures, so will everyone else.” She placed a hand on her hip. ”It’s not possible to live a normal life as a Duodecim, but I enjoy the carefully crafted existence I’ve made for myself. My true identity needs to remain a secret.”

“No worries on that front,” Kate reassured the Ars Magi, holding up her hands in a placating manner. “I don’t plan on publishing any of the photos I took, so your secret’s totally safe. Truth is, the photos are actually a present for a friend of mine, who’s something of a secret admirer of yours.”

Lada clicked her tongue. ”How fortunate! You’re going to hand the pictures directly to someone obsessed with me. Then they’ll be able to obsess over every square inch before deciding to make a duplicate for their own ends.” She stepped closer to Kate. ”Please get rid of them. Take a picture of someone else. They’ll never know the difference.”

Pretty sure they will,” Kate replied, moving back a step. “Plus, they’re a total recluse who doesn’t even use social media, so I doubt it’ll cause ya any problems if I give these photos to ‘em. But if you’re that camera shy, I guess I could trash those pics,” the photographer conceded. “I mean, you’re probably the least important person she wanted me to take a picture of, so I doubt she’ll be bothered all that much.”

”I wonder why you even wasted the effort. Well, sounds like no great loss.” Lada grinned. ”I have to admit though, I didn’t think my ‘secret fan’ was going to be a girl. What’s her name?”

“Nikki,” Kate replied. “She loves following the exploits of creative individuals, such as yourself, but she’s super socially awkward, so she has me take pictures of ‘em to put in an album she’s making,” the photographer explained. “She’ll probably be a little bummed out you didn’t wanna have your picture taken, but I’m sure she’ll get over it.”

”Hmmm… See, this is what I don’t like about people in your profession.” Her smile vanished. ”Information brokers like yourself are never straightforward. You’re always telling half truths and whole lies.” Lada came closer, and Kate backed away to maintain distance. ”I mean, you’re taking pictures of me for someone, but is it really Nikki? Is she really socially awkward? The mental image you’ve painted makes me want to picture a nerdy little girl. One with twintails and a smile. Maybe some nerdy looking glasses and the most nova comic collection the world has ever seen. But I’m really filling in the blanks with that, aren’t I? Serial stalkers are also socially awkward, right? Do we know this all ends as soon as my picture gets slotted in an album?” Nanites crept out of Lada’s collar and constructed a helmet over half of her face. Kate had looked at enough of Lada’s profile to know this was her endless eclipse. Her back bumped into a wall. Lada had her cornered. ”I did a little digging on you as soon as I left, but I wasn’t able to turn up much. And this Nikki girl? I don’t even think she exists. But you have to be getting those pictures for someone, right? See what you think of this…” The nanites crept off of her face and scurried down her neck. ”The nerdy girl you’re taking pictures for…Is you!” She thrust her gloved finger in Kate’s direction.

As she watched Lada begin to transform, while the dark clouds of one of Palmyra’s frequent storms menacingly flashed with lightning overhead, Kate’s mind raced to come up with a way out of her current predicament.

“Uh, nice theory, even if it is completely wrong,” Kate replied. “Full disclosure? The reason you can’t find any info on Nikki, is because she really values her privacy,” the photographer explained. “As for your guesses about her, I’d say she’s pretty nerdy, and while she doesn’t wear glasses, she does wear goggles. She’s not a fan of twin tails, though,” she added. “In fact, her hair’s usually really messy… And if ya don’t believe me, we can just get Dana out here to prove it! She’s a Light Elementum, right? They’re practically living lie detectors! Or does the Light Elementum not work like that here? Aw crap, I don’t think it does… Well, whatever, none of this matters, since I said I’d get rid of the pictures, so I’d appreciate it if you chilled the fuck out.”

”Chill the- Wha?” Lada lifted a hand to her mouth. ”What brought that on all of a sudden? Are you okay Kate?” She moved beside the photographer and placed a hand on her shoulder. ”You’re kind of tense. Is it the mask thing? That’s just uh, my magic. I can create a mask that can see the truth.” She began to lightly massage Kate’s shoulder. ”Is this about the Nikki thing? I guess that was a little insensitive. I was just excited because you know, I also use a persona of sorts to live the life I want to. So you know, if you, hmmm, Nikki were a shy nerd with…goggles? And they decided to act as an adventurous photographer? I think that’s really cool. But if you say that’s not what’s going on, I believe you.” She grinned. ”Now that I know the whole story, how about we go back to my place and I’ll let you take a few pictures of me? Something that doesn’t tie me directly to the arcade. I’ll even let you keep those other pictures. If you say you won’t publish or share them, I believe you.”

“O-Oh, uh, well…” Kate stammered, taken more than a bit off guard by Lada’s sudden change in tactics. You were the one acting all threatening…” she muttered with an annoyed pout. “And, uh, I guess I could drop by your place,” the photographer conceded, albeit with some clear reluctance. “I mean, it’d be cool to see some of your other inventions,” she added with a slightly nervous chuckle.

At first, Kate wondered how the hell things had escalated so quickly, but then she remembered that this was an Oros she was dealing with. No doubt the girl was planning to do something perverted to her as some twisted form of revenge. Heck, she could even be planning to torture and/or kill her. But even so, Kate was confident she had the necessary tools to deal with all of those potentialities, and she had to admit, the chance for an inside look at the gadgeteer genius’s abode was rather appealing.

”That wasn’t really my intent. I’m sorry” She sighed and lowered her hands into her pockets. ”Let’s continue this elsewhere...”

The Duodecim might have been the highest members of society, but Lada was still trying to make due in a school that was made for everyone, or at least the best and brightest. Getting Kate inside wasn’t an issue with a guest pass.

Lada did have a private dorm room, but it wasn’t all that interesting. It was exactly what you’d expect someone on a tech high to have. Everything was sleek and modern, with a minimal amount of decorations. There was a bed, a small office space, and some yellow-green mood lighting. At least everything looked tidy, and the bed was made!

As Kate looked over Lada’s room, she was somewhat surprised by how normal it was. At least, nothing worrying seemed to be in evidence.

”I really just use my dorm to sleep.” Lada pointed at the room. ”I had a professional designer come in and set it up before my parents visited me, and I’ve just kind of kept it that way. But if you really want to see where I live, we need to go to the magitech lab.”

The photographer was quite relieved when her host led her to the nearby laboratory. A stroll down a few hallways later, and they had arrived. Presumably one of several on the sprawling campus, it looked a bit like a combination between a computer lab and a kitchen. There were several computers set up facing an island table, which held an empty glass dome on top of it. The rest of the walls were filled with counter space that held everything from beakers to vial mixers. There were also a few sinks, and what looked like (but most certainly wasn’t) a trash disposal unit. Still pretty normal, as to be expected of a communal space. But this lab was almost certainly the foremost among its fellows, even if it didn’t hold a candle to the wondrous weirdness of Nykannis’s workspace.

”Tada!” Lada waved her hand at everything. ”This is where the magic happens!”

“Well, I would hope so with a name like ‘Magitech Lab Alpha’,” Kate replied with a wry smirk. She knew from her research that the greatest miracle of magitech would actually be found in the school’s medical wing, as it was there that the Ars Armaguses, the magitech gemstones that allowed a magically-sensitive girl to actually become an Ars Magi, were implanted, stored, and, rumor had it, created (although the NOI was pretty tight-lipped about such matters for obvious reasons), but even so, Lada’s own lab was still pretty impressive. “Not too shabby,” the photographer noted with an approving nod. “So, what kinda stuff do ya cook up in here?”

”Oh! I don’t make anything here!” Lada laughed. ”If you want to see that, we need to go a bit deeper…”

The inventive girl strode into the room and placed her hand on the side of the island table. A small orb the size of a fist popped out of the side of the table. Lada promptly removed one of her gloves and placed her hand over the sphere. There was a chime, and then the tile floor beside the island table lowered into a set of stairs. She waved Kate on before venturing into the belly of the school.

”You’re held to high standards as a Duodecim, but on the upside, you can get nearly anything your heart yearns for. My sisters wanted mansions, my brothers wanted their own companies, I just wanted a secret workshop. I’m not really working on anything too secretive, but it does make my work feel more important when it happens away from the world.”

After walking down what felt like the silent hill stairs several stories worth of stairs, the two stepped through an archway into the workshop. It was massive. The room had to be four or five stories tall with massive pipes running along either side. It almost looked like a particle collider, the way the pipes all seemed to feed a circular tank at the far side of the room. It had a giant viewport on it that showed a concentrated black mass floating around. Kate didn’t have to ask what it was, she knew it was Nox.

”Most of the research I do involves finding ways to safely store and use Nox for other purposes, specifically for those without strong magical abilities. The biggest hurdle presently is that it’s not the most efficient. It takes so much energy just to use Nox for anything that it can’t be your sole power source. I have made machines that are more efficient, but they are large and not suitable for household use.” She pointed at the far side of the lab. ”This is effectively a backup generator for the academy, but I use it to run my experiments.”

While the generator’s size was impressive, there were other things in the lab as well. The whole wall was lined with appliances. A washer and dryer, several fridges and freezers, an oven, and even an arcade machine. Though there wasn’t any clear markings as to what it played.

”Another thing I mess around with is depleted Nox. The machines I use to turn Nox into electricity leave behind a chalky residue. But it can be synthesized into microchips, or something similar to it. You can make magical circuits on a depleted Nox chip that are much finer than that of modern microchips. Look at this!” She walked over to the arcade machine. ”One thing that lets home game systems beat out arcade cabinets is that the player can save data locally. Nobody wants to carry around a memory card when they visit the arcade, and nobody who owns an arcade machine wants people slotting just anything into it. But look at this,” She pulled what looked like a credit card out of the machine, but upon closer inspection... ”This is actually a memory card! It’s thin enough to store in a wallet or purse, and has a crazy amount of space! Now you can get the console experience at the arcade!”

“Wow, that’s pretty sweet,” Kate admitted, and so it was, by this world’s standards. “Since you’ve done so much research on Nox, I’ll bet you’ve also looked into maximizing the conversion capabilities of Ars Armaguses,” she added. “Y’know, increase their max Nox capacity so an Ars Magi can get even more of that good ol’ magic power outta ‘em to do cool shit with?”

”Ars Armaguses, heh, yea…” A frown slowly crept across Lada’s face as she turned to “look” at Kate. ”No, the Novus Orbim Imperium guards their secrets carefully. I may be a Duodecim, but I’m still a student and not a teacher, researcher, or anything that earns a salary. Ars Armaguses isn’t really the direction I want to head in with my research anyway. One of the reasons it works so well is that it works with your body to convert the Nox into, magic, stuff, and all that.” She cleaned her ear with her pinky. ”It’s kind of archaic if you think about it. They slice you open, implant some foreign device inside you, and then you absorb hazardous chemicals into your body to later expel as spells. It’s not a solution for everyone. You’ve likely noticed that all Ars Magi are girls. Seems we’ve forgotten about half the population, and it’s about time someone corrects that.” Lada approached one of the refrigerators and opened it. ”Do you know why they call me Oros?” She pulled a ham sandwich out of the fridge and shut it. ”Because it’s short for Oroboros, the snake that eats its own tail. Because I like to eat. That’s my most noteworthy trait to these people.”

“Yeah, I can see that,” Kate noted with a nod. After all, the girl had been eating pretty much non-stop while playing an arcade game only a short while earlier. “But back to this grand plan of yours,” she continued. “You’re seriously trying to find a way to create male Ars Magi?” the photographer asked with a chuckle. “Talk about turnin’ the world on its ear…”

Lada shook her head before polishing off her sandwich. ”I think I may have given you the wrong impression of what I do here. I am not a scientist, I’m an inventor. There’s a lot of overlap between the two, but the biggest difference is our end goal. Scientists search for truth, inventors search for solutions. My current goal is to find a way to arm everyone with magic. If that means turning men into Ars Magi, so be it. But I’ve already mentioned that Ars Armaguses are not an ideal solution. There are people who aren’t healthy enough to survive an operation like that. But we’re getting off track a bit, aren’t we?” She placed her hands on her hips. ”Tell me, Kate, have you ever heard of the ultimate portfolio picture?”

“You mean, like, the best picture a hypothetical photographer ever took?” Kate asked. “The one that got all kinds of awards and is basically their signature photo, the one everybody remembers them for?”

”Typically a portfolio is filled with several pictures of a photographer’s best work, sure, but it’s also there to demonstrate what they can do. Given your interest in photographing people, I would say that’s probably your specialty. Your portfolio, if you have one, likely contains many shots of people. Though some are portraits, others might be more easily classified as street or wedding photography. If an animal is in the shot, it might qualify as a pet picture. If it’s off the wall enough, it might even be considered experimental. You see what I mean? There’s a lot of different genres for photography. The ultimate portfolio picture takes advantage of how different genres of photography overlap to make one picture that’s representative of an entire skill set!” Lada smiled. ”I doubt such a picture would be ‘good’, but I think it would be a fun thing to attempt.”

“Well, I’ve taken some landscape pictures of battle scenes, so I guess one of them might count,” Kate mused, tapping a finger against her chin in thoughtful contemplation. “But I’m pretty sure you already have a specific point you’re tryin’ to make with all this, right?” she asked with a smirk.

”No ‘point’ really. I just thought it would be absolutely nova to take an absurd picture for Nikki, and I figured maximizing the number of genres the picture could be classified under would be a good way of doing it.” She pulled an apple out of the fridge. ”If you took a picture of me holding this apple, it would qualify as a portrait, as well as food photography. If we got you in the shot it would be a self portrait.” She moved beside Kate. ”Hmmm, we need more structure. Good pictures tell a story, right? What else could we do? The lab may look bare but I can get access to most everyday objects on short notice. Just tell me what you’re thinking.”

“Well, if you’ve got an invention you’re particularly proud of, maybe we could put it in an anti-grav field so that it’s hoverin’ behind us?” Kate suggested. “Or, I guess you could just throw up a hologram of it, if that’s easier. Either way, it’d let anyone lookin’ at the photo know exactly what kinda place this is.”

Lada laughed, very loudly. ”I’m a little surprised to hear a photographer suggest using a hologram. Isn’t the entire point to capture the world as it actually is?” She shook her head. ”But fair enough. I’ve recently been working on some magitech nanomachines. They can take nearly any shape, but require such vast amounts of nox to operate that they can’t really function outside this room. So…”

The space around Kate and Lada started to fill up with a mist, and that mist took shape immediately. It coalesced behind the two girls to make a puffy looking couch. Another cloud turned into a bear skin, while another turned into a fireplace. A set of walls started to form, but stopped half way through.

“Nice,” Kate noted with an approving grin.

”We can leave the room in a kind of incomplete state. Between the generator in the background and the hovering nanomachines, a viewer should know what’s going on.” Lada started counting her fingers. ”Let’s see, a picture of both of us here would qualify for self portrait, people, landscape, technology, food, possibly clothing, Hmmm….” She trailed off. ”We should also be doing something, to make it an action shot. Got any ideas?”

“Well, I’ll be taking the picture, while also appearing in it, so I’d say that counts for action, right?” Kate replied. She honestly didn’t know what other action they could do that wouldn’t also be extremely awkward for various reasons, although she had a worrying feeling that such activities were exactly what Lada had in mind…

”Sounds cryptic. And here I thought you were just going to time the camera on a tripod. But I am curious to see how this photo shoot goes!” Lada was about to pose when she spun over to Kate. ”I got it! I know what our picture is missing! This is going to be super nova, possibly hypernova!” Lada grinned like a demon. Kate could feel a pit expanding in her stomach before she even spoke. ”We should replace our clothes with nanites! Then we could pretend to be freaking out as they dissolve in the wind! Then it could be classified as comedic and contain artistic nudity! Wouldn’t that be silly?”

​​“Uh, yeaaaah… How about if it’s just you doing that?” Kate suggested, trying, and failing, to hide her discomfort. “T-That way we can have a nice contrast between the two of us!” the photographer added, doing her best to convince Lada that her idea had merit.

But imagine convincing an Oros to change her ways?

”I’m going to be honest, Kate, I think we actually have a lot of similarities. But we can do a picture both ways.” Lada had already unclipped her suspenders and cast her shirt to the side. Fully revealing her body conforming undershirt. ”I understand you’re nervous, and honestly, I am too! I’ve invited a photographer into my most private workspace. It would make me feel a lot more comfortable if we did it together. Given you didn’t outright object to the idea, you must know Nikki would absolutely love the photo! And isn’t that who we’re both trying to impress?” Lada reached an arm around Kate’s waist and gently pulled the two of them together. ”This is great! Yes! I see it now! We could be hugging each other as our nanite clothes dissolve. Any ‘overly exposed’ bits can be hidden behind my arm holding the apple. And then we just cast our gaze upward, in awe and terror!” She grinned at Kate. ”But if you wanted to highlight a difference between us, maybe you look less frightened? Yea! You could be grinning, and maybe you have a magnet in one of your hands, and it’s just pulling the nanites off us. I can almost see it on the cover of a magazine! ‘Lada Expose!’ or something like that. Yea, we’re definitely doing something like that. Too nova to pass up!”

Or maybe I could just glare at the camera, while flipping it off?

“Uh, you do see how, uh, underdeveloped I am, right?” Kate asked with a concerned frown. “Things could get really awkward really fast if people thought you were into that kinda thing, y’know? But, that magnet idea of yours could still work!” the photographer hastened to add. “It’d just be even better if I still had my clothes, since it’d look like I was pullin’ a prank on ya!”

”Of course we’ll do that! I just think we should take the opportunity to do a photo shoot. I have so many ideas, and it would be a shame to wrap things up after taking a single photo. As for what people might think should they see them, why do I care? No one thinks highly of me, and you’re not sharing these pictures with anyone but Nikki. So I shouldn’t have to worry about what other people think, right? This is just two friends doing something silly together!” Lada clapped her hands together. ”Come on, Kate. Just one photo. It doesn’t ever have to be published. Then we can do whatever you like for the rest of our photo shoot.”

“Alright, fine… Kate muttered with a defeated exhale. “We’ll do one picture to satisfy your perverted fetish, but I’m keepin’ my shorts on,” the photographer insisted. It was bad enough she’d have to be topless in front of Lada, even if there wasn’t all that much to see, but she drew the line at having the rest of her exposed. “I mean, the photo’s gonna be from the waist up anyways, right?”

Lada had her back turned to Kate while she removed her undershirt. ”The goal is to make it look like our clothes are unraveling into nanites. In my mind’s eye, this effect starts at the top and works down, so keeping your shorts on is fine. Though maybe it would be easier just to crop out everything down there anyway. ” A plate with several tiny cups on it floated to Lada’s side. She dipped her finger inside one of the cups, and when she pulled her finger back, it was coated in a yellow-green paint. She started to trace something on her chest. ”I’ve heard that models will often paint over parts of themselves that they don’t want to end up in a photoshoot. That’s something I happen to keep around for my projects. It’s all water based, dries fast, and is totally non-toxic.” She dipped another finger in some black paint before the plate moved over to Kate’s side. ”Maybe you’d like to put some on to avert my judgemental stare?”

“Nah, it’s fine,” Kate replied, giving Lada a dismissive wave of her hand. “I think usin’ my arm will work just fine, since, y’know, I don’t have anywhere near as much to cover as you,” the photographer added with a wry smirk. “Plus, I couldn’t really care less what ya think of me,” she noted with a shrug.

”Well, I offered.” Lada used a rag to clean off her fingers. ”As an agent of truth, you can’t call me a pervert now.” She whipped around and tossed the rag to the side. Sure enough, she had painted two smiley faces over the most sensitive areas of her chest. Their black eyes seemed to gaze directly at Kate, their irises as black as the abyss. ”I will be attempting to cover up everything with my arm and apple as well, but you know.” She grinned. ”But I still don’t know how good your camera work is.” The nanomachine fog collected on Lada’s skin. It gradually built volume and changed color, until it looked like the top she was wearing just a bit ago. She didn’t bother clipping her suspenders back up. ”Let me know when you’re ready~” She spread her arms and wiggled her fingers.

Kate tried to ignore the twin smiley faces painted on Lada’s oversized chest, instead focusing on removing her jacket, hoodie and undershirt and setting them within easy reach. “Alright, let’s get this over with,” she said with a tired sigh, moving in close to Lada and holding out her camera to face them, while covering her chest with her free arm.

”I’m sure you’ll look back on this moment with fondness!” Lada wrapped an arm around her waist and scooched up against her. While Kate could ignore how Lada looked, ignoring how she felt would prove to be a lot more difficult. Lada’s form was pressed pretty firmly against her own. Once her nanite clothes had started to disperse, there wasn’t much separating their bodies. Lada’s chest threatened to swallow Kate’s shoulder, and it wasn’t like their shorts covered anything below the thighs. That, and Kate could feel that Lada’s belly wasn’t exactly flat. ”Almost in position, your nanites will be ready in a moment.” Lada took a bite out of her apple. ”Mmmm!” She swallowed. ”I may not look it, but I’m actually a little nervous right now.” She sighed before moving her arm into position. ”I can hear your heartbeat, and you feel different than I thought you would. You even smell different. Is it weird to say that?” She chuckled before looking towards the dispersing nanites. Lada made the most horrified look she could manage, which looked pretty campy.

Everything about this is weird… Kate grumbled to herself. Nonetheless, she got her camera ready to snap the picture, her face forming a cringing visage that seemed to come naturally to the photographer.

“All set!” Lada announced. “Let’s go on three!”

“Okay,” Kate acknowledged. “One, two, three!”


“There,” Kate declared with obvious relief, lowering her camera and extricating herself from Lada as fast as possible. “Now that we’re finished catering to your little fetishistic fantasies, I’m gonna put my clothes back on and then we can…” The photographer’s voice trailed off and her eyes widened in horror as she saw two familiar faces enter the room. Oh fuck..

“Hey, Lada!” Dana greeted with her usual cheerful exuberance. “Ya forgot your hotdog, so we decided to… woah… Uh… A-Are we, um, interrupting something…?” the sunny sharpshooter inquired, her formerly grinning visage now mirroring Kate’s look of horrified embarrassment.

Crystal, for her part, chose the better part of valor and turned her head away with her eyes closed the instant she saw what was going on. ”Sorry to barge in like this… With how Lada had acted earlier, we thought the food might be a good reason to do so. Are you two alright?”

There was no indication that Lada was feeling any embarrassment. She stood there like a statue, one with smiley faces painted on her chest. Before long, a grin crossed her face. ”Ah! Just a moment!” Without bothering to grab her shirt, she scuffed her way over to the newly arrived to recover her hotdog. ”Thank you! Um, but to explain…” She turned to look at Kate. ”I just kind of bumped into Kate on my way back home. She was enthusiastic about seeing my other prototypes. I took her here, one thing led to another and…” Lada trailed off. ”How did you find us so fast?” She took a bite out of her hotdog.

“O-Oh, um, well, we talked with the arcade owner, and he told us where to find you,” Dana replied, her face turning red as she joined Crystal in averting her gaze from the shameless inventor. “Uh, t-this is some crazy secret lab ya got here,” she added with a nervous chuckle.

“This was all Lada’s idea,” an equally beat-red Kate was quick to clarify, even as she scrambled to put her clothes back on. “Basically, the only way she’d let me keep the pictures I took of her was to indulge her fetish for exhibitionism…”

The smile ran from Lada’s face. ”Okay, first of all, I said you could keep them well before we came here. Secondly, you were fine, enthusiastic even, with the idea of pulling my clothes off with a magnet. You’re only fussing because I wanted us both to do a picture where we were mutually exposed first. You know, as a trust building exercise. Thirdly, we both consented to the idea, even if you only did so begrudgingly. Fourthly, thank you Dana, I’m glad you think my workshop is super nova! And fifthly…” She pointed at Kate with her half eaten hotdog. I used body paint to cover up! You are the one who refused to wear any! You can’t call me an exhibitionist!” She ate the rest of her hotdog in a single bite. ”But who cares? Have none of you bathed in a hot spring before? Seeing someone with the same equipment as you isn’t that shocking, is it?” She turned to the Nova Lux students and started eating her apple. The smiley faces continued to look on with a judging stare.

”I haven’t been to a hot spring, actually… But it’s polite to not look when someone doesn’t want to be looked at. Since that’s more likely than the alternative, I’ll just wait until you two are clothed, if that’s okay.” She hadn’t been super bothered by the glimpse she had gotten, but what kind of person would she be if she didn’t respect others’ privacy?

“Uh, I haven’t been to a hot spring either,” Dana noted with an awkward frown. “And even if I had, there’s a big difference between seein’ someone naked in a place where ya expect that kinda thing, and what we just walked into, y’know?” she added, still doing her best to avoid looking at the unnerving smiley faces.

“Whatever,” Kate muttered in response to Lada’s annoyed comments, having by this point fully reclothed herself. “However ya wanna frame it, it’s finished. So, do ya wanna take some normal pictures now, or just call it quits?” she inquired.

Lada had just finished her apple. The entire thing. Even the core, even the stem ”I did say we could do whatever you wanted afterwards, and I always keep my word.” Lada’s clothes seemed to fly into her outstretched hands. It didn’t take her nearly as long to get dressed as Kate did, but that probably had more to do with how little Lada had been wearing. Once she was done, she turned to look at the two newly arrived and threw her hands into the air. ”We’re dressed! You can look now!” Lada grinned. ”Sorry about that everyone! I usually remember to lock the door, but I hope we’ll all be able to look back on this and laugh in time. Until then, would you like to be in a few pictures with me?”

Crystal slowly opened her eyes and turned to look at the two. ”If we can stay clothed, I don’t think I’d mind taking some pictures, or being in them.”

“Uh, yeah, sure,” Dana added, clearly relieved that Lada finally had her clothes back on. “So, uh, what kinda pictures were ya thinkin’ of?”

”I’ll leave that up to the photographer. But why don’t we start with just a regular group photo first?” Lada reached out and pulled Crystal and Dana to her side. ”You might as well be in this one too, Kate!”

“Something normal sounds great to me,” Kate replied, placing herself in front of Lada and holding out her camera. “Everybody ready?”

Hidden 15 days ago Post by Ponn
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Chapter Eight-
Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Part Four- The World With No Name!

Ponn hates to double post, and I hate this annoying as fuck dress and hair, but I guess sometimes this kinda stuff just can't be helped...

Despite starting out so well, Kate’s visit to Palmyra had all-too-quickly devolved into the cringy absurdity that being in the presence of any Oros seemed to inevitably lead to. Still, she had gotten her photo, and made a few new friends in the process, with the quartet ultimately parting on at least somewhat favorable terms. Yet, perhaps the best part of her trip was the fact that she hadn’t run into the virtually omnipresent druid. Then again, doing so would have been rather unlikely in such a setting, even with its lack of a veil obscuring the supernatural world. The universe to which she’d be traveling next, however, was one in which an encounter with her unnerving stalker seemed like an utter certainty…

The World With No Name was a realm seemingly vomited forth from the fever dreams of some cosmic horror, or a deranged AI story generator, a universe whose every aspect was in a state of near constant flux, its whimsical landscapes shifting like pages in a surreal storybook. Yet, it was also a realm in dire peril, besieged by a horrifying blight known as the Abyssal Convergence. A dark, malignant energy, the Abyssal Convergence corrupted everything it touched, from once-bountiful lands to sentient beings and even magic itself. At first, it was a subtle whisper of darkness, a spectral fog that clung to the fringes of reality, unseen and yet still palpable. As time passed, however, the abyss's insidious touch became ever more pronounced. Verdant forests, once teeming with vibrant flora and fauna, withered beneath its dread-filled breath. Rivers and lakes, once sources of life and vitality, became stagnant pools of despair. Settlements that had once thrived now stood as eerie, abandoned relics of the past, the inhabitants who remained now plagued by dreams tainted with forgotten horrors, their minds and hearts slowly eroded by the relentless shadow. Indeed, from The Wandering Woods to The Sea of Lost Memories, fearful whispers of the Abyssal Convergence’s inexorable advance were ever-present as the once vibrant world continued to grow ever-darker.

Nonetheless, brave souls rose up in defiance of this seemingly unstoppable foe, heroes who stood as beacons of hope as they strove to understand the Abyssal Convergence’s mysterious origins, even as they fought to repel its dark onslaught. One such band of heroes were the motley collection of travelers and native Elementalists who banded together in order to deny the Abyssals’ attempt to corrupt Nexustead, a bustling town at the very heart of The Elemental Enclave. After achieving this great victory, the group traveled to the Lunar Cities nestled within the airborne island chain known as The Harmonious Archipelago for a period of rest and revelry. Floating among the clouds in the highest heavens, each Lunar City was an intricate labyrinth of shimmering towers, crystal pathways, and opalescent domes, the gravity-defying isles upon which they rested connected to one another by ethereal bridges of gleaming moonbeams. Home to the Lunatics, a human-like race with a strong affinity for lunar magic and a close connection to all forms of celestial phenomena, these cities were typically closed to outsiders. Yet, at times of particularly special significance, their shimmering gates opened wide to all, and the night of Kate’s arrival was just such a momentous occasion.

On that enchanted eve, the Lunacy Moon, Luminara (known in the common-tongue as Moonsight), largest of the World With No Name’s three major satellites, waxed full, and so the Lunar Cities were in the midst of an extravagant Full Moon Celebration, a grand and glorious event, filled with magic, music, and revelry under the full moon’s luminous glow. Yet, this wasn’t just any Full Moon, but a Trilunial Convergence, or Triluminum, a rare and highly auspicious celestial event in which all three of The World With No Name’s moons graced the night sky with their full glory, bringing with them an even more significant than usual rise in magical phenomena and metaphysical cosmic alignments. Thus, the Celebration accompanying it would also rise to rarely-witnessed pinnacles of gleaming grandeur and starlit spectacle.

As Kate made her way through the jubilant crowd, the energy and excitement surging around her were palpable. Colorful banners and streamers fluttered in the gentle lunar breeze, while lanterns crafted from moonlight crystals illuminated the city with a soft, ethereal glow, casting enchanting patterns of light and shadow across the moonstone streets. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of exotic lunar cuisine, as street vendors and market stalls offered a dazzling array of lunar delicacies. Moon-shaped pastries, shimmering starfruit, and celestial nectar were but a few of the delectable treats available for revelers to enjoy. On the grand stage of the central lunar amphitheater, which normally hosted the members of the lunar forum and esteemed lunar council, renowned lunar musicians and performers now gathered, their melodies weaving a tapestry of enchanting sounds that filled the air with the magical music of the heavenly bodies. Dancers twirled and leaped with graceful abandon, their movements mirroring the celestial dance of the moons and stars above. Overlooking this grand array was the balcony of the grand lunar ballroom, a gleaming hall of shimmering, crystalized moonlight, and it was this elaborate edifice to which Kate ultimately arrived.

It was there that the most esteemed members of Lunatic society could be found, dancing, mingling, and making merry, while bedecked in their glittering celestial finery. Kate herself had reluctantly conceded to arrive in her transformed appearance, her impractically elaborate attire and Rapunzel-esque golden tresses fitting in far better with her refined surroundings than her typical mundane appearance. Yet, even this level of ostentatiousness paled before the young beauty perched upon a gilded throne at the entrance to the grand balcony. Surrounded by glowing moonflowers and adoring revelers alike, she exuded a captivating aura of regal majesty. Bathed in the full moons’ radiance and garbed in opulent attire that rivaled the heavens’ shimmering glory, she seemed the very embodiment of grandeur and allure. Upon one elegant hand was perched a softly glowing lunar butterfly, while her other hand grasped an ornate Royal Scepter, which gleamed with the magic of the Full Moon.

After gazing over the ballroom with an unmistakable air of superiority, the regal maiden addressed the assembled crowd.

“We bid thee greetings, our adoring subjects,” she began, her azure lips curled into a cocky smirk. “Thou art most fortunate indeed to bask in the brilliance of thy queen's presence tonight. Verily, the Full Moons’ grace hath never shone more resplendently, and thus we hath never embodied their glory more magnificently! Oooohh ho ho ho hoooo!” she added in overly dramatic fashion, before raising a delicate hand to cover her mouth and unleashing a peal of supremely haughty laughter.

“Your Majesty, you truly are the fairest ruler of them all,” a handsome young astronomer declared with a overly-embellished bow, his voice filled with awe.

“Of course we art,” the queenly beauty agreed with a smug smirk. “And thou would do well to never forget it, our kind subject.”

“I must say, my queen, the celebrations are always at their grandest whenever you magnanimously deign to grace us with your most august presence,” a portly lunar merchant noted with an approving smile.

“Naturally,” the royal bombshell replied, while giving her luxurious cerulean tresses a dramatic flip. “Our unparalleled beauty and radiance demand nothing less. The celebrations art merely reflections of our own magnificence.”

“Could you tell us more about your Royal Scepter, Your Majesty?” a lunar fairy inquired, clearly enthralled by the lunar queen’s regal radiance.

“This Royal Scepter symbolizes the moons’ choice to grace our most splendiferous self with their unparalleled power,” the celestial monarch replied, her voice filled with haughty imperiousness. “Thou may consider thyself most fortunate indeed to behold it.”

“She truly is a sight to behold, is she not?” a voice from beside Kate spoke up, causing the photographer to quickly whirl around to face its owner, a bearded man of advanced years and stately bearing.

“Uh, yes, yes indeed,” Kate agreed, swiftly composing herself after having been taken off guard. “But, um, she seems a bit… full of herself,” the photographer added in a lower voice. “Though I guess that’s to be expected of royalty, huh?”

“Your words ring true, even if it pains me to admit it,” the bearded man replied with a sigh. “She is not always like this, you know,” he added. “Normally, she is a kind and humble astronomer and lunar mage, one I am honored to say is my finest pupil. Yet, when fair Luminara, the Lunacy Moon, waxes full, she is transformed by its mystical power into the majestic being you see before you, Celestia, radiant Queen of the Full Moon. While this form grants her great beauty and power,” he continued. “It also fills her with a most regrettable vanity and arrogance. Still, I would say the benefits of her mystical metamorphosis far outweigh its negative aspects, and I believe most in attendance this fine eve would be in agreement with such a sentiment.”

“You can say that again,” Kate agreed, glancing back to the adoring crowd gathered around Queen Celestia. “I’m Kate, by the way,” she introduced herself with a small curtsy. “Kate Carson.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Miss Carson,” the bearded man replied. “I am Solonar Solanthis, astronomer, astrologer, lunar mage, celestial sage, and senior member of the Lunar Council. Tell me, Miss Carson, would you happen to be a photographer by chance?” he inquired. “I must say, that is an exquisitely beautiful camera you have there.”

“Yes, that’s correct,” Kate confirmed with a nod. “And thank you,” she added, giving Solonar an appreciative smile. “I have to say, though, I wasn’t expecting anyone around here to know what cameras even were.”

“The ever-inventive and industrious Gnomes produce a wide array of photographic implements,” Solonar explained. “So knowledge of cameras and photography is actually rather common, especially among the learned and well-traveled.”

“Solonar, our loyal and wise mentor!” Queen Celestia called, her imperious voice filled with haughty grandeur. “How good of thee to join us this most luminous eve!”

“It is my great honor and privilege, Your Majesty,” Solonar replied with a bow. “And if I may say, your regal glory is as awe inspiring as ever.”

“Of course it is,” Celestia replied with smug confidence. “The Full Moons grace us with their resplendent presence and fill us with their stupendous power once more. Can thou not feeleth their power coursing through every fiber of thine own being?”

“Indeed, I can, my Queen,” Solonar replied. “The waxing of lunar magic is undeniable, and it imbues your royal majesty with a strength beyond compare.”

“Strength and beauty, Solonar,” Celestia clarified, her voice suffused with vanity. “They art gifts bestowed upon the fair maiden chosen by the Moons to be their divine vessel. Now then,” she added, turning her attention to Kate. “Did we heareth correctly that thy companion is a photographer?”

“You did, indeed, Your Majesty,” Solonar confirmed. “Queen Celestia, please allow me to introduce Miss Kate Carson,” he added, gesturing to the bridal gown bedecked blonde.

“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Majesty,” Kate replied with a curtsy.

“Oh, if this is not a most auspicious turn of events!” Celestia declared with a delighted smile. “If thou art a photographer, then thou simply must taketh our royal portrait!”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Kate replied as she readied her ornate camera. “It would be my great privilege to do so.” It was hardly the first time she’d photographed royalty, after all, and she doubted it would be the last. Queen Celestia struck a pose, and then…


“Okay, all finished,” Kate announced. “Looks like it came out great.”

“Most splendid!” Celestia commended. “We cannot wait to gaze upon it, once the royal framer hath finished applying the proper embellishments, of course.”

“Your Majesty, if I may be so bold, I’ve often wondered about your transformation during these times,” Solonar spoke up. “You become a completely different person, a queen of unparalleled beauty and charisma, one who serves as a most needed beacon amidst the encroaching shadows of these turbulent times. It is truly most extraordinary.”

“We art so very glad thou hath noticed,” Celestia replied as she vainly preened upon her extravagant throne. “It is a transformation worthy of our exalted status. After all, the Full Moons hath chosen our most superlative self to embody their grandeur and allure.”

“Yet, it is also troubling,” Solonar continued, his voice taking on a more thoughtful tone. “I have seen the way it changes you, my Queen. You become far more arrogant and vain during the Full Moon. Is that an aspect of our magic you truly wish to embrace?”

“Solonar, dear friend, vanity and self-assuredness art the hallmarks of a queen,” Celestia replied imperiously. “The world deserves nothing less when the Full Moons’ power flows through our most glorious self!”

“I do not doubt your authority, Queen Celestia,” Solonar replied. “I only ask you to remember that the Full Moons’ magic should be a reflection of our inner selves. Its power, while awe inspiring, should not overshadow the wisdom that guides our choices.”

“Perhaps thou hath a point, Solonar,” Celestia conceded. “The balance between power and humility is a delicate one. We shall strive to remember that, even when we art our queenly self,” she added, giving her mentor an appreciative smile.

“Q-Queen Celestia…?” a young girl inquired, her voice sounding rather timid as she hesitantly approached the majestic queen. “U-Um, I r-really like y-your gown,” she told the moonlight monarch with a shy smile. “I-It’s so very pretty. I-I just can’t stop admiring it…”

“Indeed, it is, our young subject,” Celestia agreed, smiling down at the girl with far more warmth than she had previously displayed. “The Moons spared no expense in crafting an outfit worthy of our regal countenance, one which our subjects would be delighted to gaze upon.”

Just then, the lunar orchestra began a new song, and a flamboyantly-attired Jester of The Eternal Carnival reverently knelt before the Lunar Queen.

“Might I have the honor of a dance, Your Majesty?” he asked, while offering his hand. “Your celestial presence is unmatched among all here gathered.”

“Very well,” Celestia accepted with an overly dramatic sigh, her demeanor one of annoyed condescension, as she reluctantly rose from her gilded throne. “We supposeth we shall allow thee to serve as our consort for a brief time. We art known for our impeccable dancing, after all, so it would be dreadfully remiss of us not to lavish such a captivating sight upon our adoring subjects,” she added with a teasing smirk. “But first,” she continued, twirling away from the Jester to kneel before the young girl who had complimented her regal attire. “We beliveth that thou would maketh a most worthy regent to rule in our stead, while we betaketh our exalted self to the dance floor,” she told the shocked girl with a kind smile. “Would thee be so kind as to sit upon our royal throne?”

“I-I…” the girl stammered. “I’d love to!” she cheered, racing up the throne’s gilded steps.

“Most wonderful,” Celestia nodded approvingly. “Yet, if one is to serve as our regent, they must be garbed in raiment befitting such a lofty station,” she added, before transforming the girl’s outfit into one mirroring the regal extravagance of her own with a wave of her Royal Scepter.

“O-Oh wow!” the girl exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with glee. “T-Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you so much!”

“Thou art most welcome, dear subject,” Celestia replied warmly. “Now then,” she added, returning her attention to the Jester. “Shall we dance?”

“I am glad to see she has not entirely lost touch with her true self,” Solonar observed as he watched the royal beauty stride into the center of the dance floor, her hips swaying hypnotically.

“And she certainly seems to be enjoying herself,” Kate noted with a chuckle.

“I only hope her other companions are finding equal enjoyment,” Solonar replied. “Moons know it cannot be easy, not while also keeping watch over that bumbling buffoon of a Dreamweaver to ensure he doesn't ruin the celebration with his anarchic antics…” the astronomer added, his voice taking on a more exasperated tone. “Just one lapse in vigilance, and the orchestra might very well find their instruments attempting to devour them…”

“Yikes…” Kate observed, cringing slightly. “Gotta say, that’s pretty messed up.”

“‘Messed up’ does not even begin to describe it, Miss Carson,” Solonar told her with an indignant scowl. “Quincy Safehaven, an ironic name if ever there was one, is a wandering menace to all who have the misfortune of crossing his path,” he explained, his sagely visage contorting into a look of disgust, as if just speaking the Dreamweaver’s name was enough to cause the astromancer physical pain. “Make no mistake, there is nothing ‘safe’ about him. He brings calamity with him wherever he travels. Indeed, he almost brought the Harmonious Archipelago to ruins around a century ago, when he nearly drove King Arion insane after torturing him in his dreams for a full month!”

Well shit… If I didn’t know any better, I’d think this Quincy guy was this universe’s Oros…

“Yeah, that does sound pretty horrible,” Kate agreed. “But, uh, if he did all that, then why would he even be allowed to come here in the first place?”

“Because all are welcome during the Full Moon Celebration,” Solonar replied with a weary sigh. “And because his antics, as horribly disruptive as they might be, are not performed out of any sense of malice, but a genuine, if incredibly misplaced, desire to be of assistance. It is this latter aspect, which endeared him to Lunella, and why she has allowed him a place as one of her traveling companions.”

“Wow, that’s awfully nice of her,” Kate noted. “Especially after everything you’ve said he’s done.”

“Yes, well, it is because of that very attitude that she has won so many loyal friends and allies,” Solonar replied.

Out on the dance floor, all stood in reverent awe of Celestia and the Jester as they twirled and spun, their graceful movements putting all the other dancers to shame.

“Your radiance outshines the very stars themselves, Queen Celestia,” the Jester complimented his royal partner as he dipped the moonlight monarch backwards, allowing one of her shapely legs to rise into the air.

“Obviously,” Celestia replied as she dramatically tossed her head back, her voice filled with smug imperiousness. “It is only fitting that every luminous body in the firmament would envy the presence of their most grand and glorious queen,” she added, rising up to give her partner a supremely confident smirk. With that, the dance drew to a close, and Celestia glided over to a newly-arrived young woman in a shimmering gown. “Stella, our most cherished friend!” the regal beauty exclaimed with a joyful smile. “We bid thee bask in our most majestic presence and regale us with tales of thy starlit wanderings!”

“Tell me, Miss Carson,” Solonar spoke up as he watched Stella employ her lunar magic to create miniature constellations to serve as glittering visuals to accompany the tales of her myriad travels. “What brings a photographer such as yourself to our celestial celebration this eve? Are you merely here to record the moonlit festivities for posterity, or was there something in particular you hoped to photograph?”

“Well, to be perfectly honest, I’d like to take a picture of Oros the Oracle, and I have it on pretty good authority that she’ll be here tonight,” Kate replied. She didn’t have much info on this universe’s Oros, but she knew that any Oros worthy of the name would never miss an opportunity to attend a party, or rather, to crash one…

But the person to crash Kate’s sense of calm would not be Oros, but someone else she was perhaps less fond of.

"It seems that your authority was wrong, Photographer.” Standing right behind Kate was none other than the omnipresent druid, once again seeming to just appear out of thin air. Any attempt to move or line him up with her camera only caused him to shift in a way to be out of her camera frame.

“Oh great, it’s you, Kate muttered, after whirling around to face the source of the familiar voice.

"The Oracle is not one for distractions. She prefers the quiet calm of the wood over the hustle and bustle of civilization.” A hand reached in front of Kate holding a picture of a whistle, which looked like another playing card. "I snapped a picture of your Whistle during your venture into the arcade. I managed to capture its fine craftsmanship. Regrettably, the flash on my camera went off. You don’t appear to have it on you, so I can only assume a pickpocket must have stolen it during the confusion I caused. Maybe you’d feel better if you held onto this picture of it? I’m sure it will turn up in time.”

“What the fu—” Kate snarled, her eyes wide with fury, before abruptly stopping herself. After all, it wouldn’t do to make a scene here, even if she wanted to kick the crap out of the druid where he stood. “What are you even talking about?” she growled through gritted teeth, even as she snatched the picture out of the druid’s hand. “There wasn’t any commotion at the arcade, and even if there was, I’m pretty sure I’d have noticed someone trying to steal something from my inner jacket pocket,” she added. “Unless…” The photographer gasped in utter horror, her face going pale as a terrifying thought occurred to her. “You fucking pervert…” The words might have been said in the faintest whisper, but if looks could kill, then the one Kate was giving the druid would certainly have caused a massacre. “You were never at the arcade,” she hissed, while her shaking hands clenched into fists. “You snuck into Lada’s lab! That’s how you were able to grab my whistle without me noticing, and take one of your shitty pictures of it!” she added, no longer caring if her harsh language might offend Solonar or any of the other nearby party goers. “And it’s awfully funny how whatever you photograph just so happens to mysteriously disappear right afterwards.”

Another hand reached in front of Kate. This time it held an old oil lantern. "Then accept this gift as an apology. The Oracle may not like crowds, but they are not far from here. In fact, they have been waiting for you to show up. Simply light the Lantern in a more relaxed environment and she will find you.” The druid flung the lantern into the air and backed away from Kate.

“Fine,” Kate grumbled, catching the lantern. “But this isn’t over…”

No sooner had she muttered this, then Queen Celestia led her entourage of sycophantic admirers between Kate and the departing druid.

“Now then, where might we findeth our dear Orion?” her moonlit majesty inquired imperiously. “Verily, we did promise to guide him on a most enchanted moonflower viewing, and a royal promise simply must be kept!”

By the time the royal procession had passed by, the druid had completely disappeared into the crowd.

Turning back to Solonar, Kate gave the astrologer a sheepish smile. “Sorry about that,” she apologized. “You, uh, wouldn’t happen to know anything about Oros the Oracle, would you?”

“Oros the Oracle…” Solonar murmured, his brow furrowing in thoughtful concentration. “If memory serves, I believe that is one of the many titles of Oracle Morowa, a renowned Feykin Seer,” he explained. “She makes her abode in Entway, a small village located amongst the sentient trees of the Wandering Woods. Incidentally, we are actually hovering over them at this very moment, so your… ‘acquaintance’s’ claim about her close proximity was indeed true.”

I should have known she’d be in some kinda forest… This is just like Luana all over again…

“I see… Well, thanks for the help,” Kate told Solonar with an appreciative smile. “I guess I’ll be heading off, then.”

“Safe travels, Miss Carson,” Solonar bid her. “May the Moons’ light ever guide your path.”

The floating island palace was quite the spectacle, though the land surrounding it was no less fantastical. Ahead of Kate was a path leading through rolling hills, each covered with hundreds upon thousands of lunar flowers. Each glowed like the moons, lighting up the path ahead. Some were tall enough to be mistaken for trees. Some bobbed and swayed not in the wind, but to some unheard melody. Only for that melody to be heard the further Kate got from the palace. Some of the flowers were doing very unflowery things. One of the flowers was shooting seeds at a heart, which was swaying and dodging as fast as it could. Such a strange place.

But the island didn’t stretch on forever. The closer Kate got to the edge of the island, the fewer flowers there were. To the point where there was nothing ahead of Kate but darkness. Perhaps this was a good time to try out that lamp, less her next step take her for a fall into the Wandering Woods.

But a simple oil lamp by itself couldn’t do much. Without some way to start a fire, it wouldn’t throw much light. But while Kate was considering how to deal with that issue, a shadow flew out of the darkness. The silhouette was difficult to make out against the stars, but its shape became more defined as it got closer. It was vaguely humanoid but had wings. Not like a bird, but an insect. It could have been a fairy, but as it got closer it seemed to be a bit bigger than that.

As the shadow got closer, it produced a tiny flame. It leapt out of its hands and into the lantern, where it began to glow. In contrast to the cool glow of the lunar moons, the flame was warm and orange. The light spilled onto the surrounding flower beds, but it also illuminated the shadow that had come to greet Kate.

What stood before Kate looked like a woman, but couldn’t have been more than three feet tall. Bright red feelers protruded from her head. Opal stones shaped like moth eyes adorned her white hair. Giant moth wings flowed down her back like a cape. Her clothes were reminiscent of the Kukeri, Bulgarian performers who dressed in exotic, fuzzy outfits. Though perhaps the moth woman’s outfit wasn’t quite as extravagant as that.

She watched the flame dance inside the lamp for a moment before looking to the photographer. ”Hello, Kate.” Her voice was soft and quiet. ”I’m Oracle Morowa, though you know me as Oros the Oracle. You are aware of the moon’s effects on our world, and Veritas in particular has a huge effect on my ability to divine the future.” She extended her hand. ”Though I intentionally avoided looking at our encounter. It is not often I get to experience a moment in the present.”

Huh, that was easier than I expected…

“Nice to meet you, Miss Morowa,” Kate replied with a smile, taking the offered hand. She was now in her casual attire, having changed back to her mundane form as soon as she was outside the lunar city. “I’m glad this is such a novelty for you,” she added with a chuckle. “Though, honestly, all I really need is to take your picture, if that’s all right,” she added, holding up her now far less ornate camera to illustrate her point.

”Oh…” Morowa’s shoulders sank. ”Well, regardless, you aren’t in a rush to leave, are you?” She folded her arms behind her back. ”After me, you only have two more to go. I dare say you left your most troublesome marks for last. But I don’t mean to sound like I know your situation perfectly. Just that, as an outside observer, it doesn’t seem like there’s any harm in resting a bit.” The moth woman’s eyes trailed off behind Kate. ”You walked past an entire meadow of glowing flowers to get to me. Did you stop to smell even one?”

“Well, uh, I was kinda in a hurry,” Kate confessed. “But I guess it’s cool if we just chat for a bit. And you’re right,” the photographer added. “I did save those two for last because I thought they might be the most problematic to deal with, but, uh, speaking of problems, there kinda is something else you might be able to help me with. See, there’s this really creepy druid that’s been following me wherever I go, ever since I bumped into him at a fighting tournament,” she explained. “That really wouldn’t be all that bad on its own, but he’s supposedly a photographer, too, and whatever he takes a picture of always seems to ‘mysteriously vanish’,” she continued, making air quotes at the appropriate point. “Thanks to him, I’ve already lost two pretty important pets, so, uh, I was wondering if you might have any insights you could share.”

This caused Morowa’s face to light up. ”Ah! Yes, I can help with that.” She folded her arms in front of herself. ”In fact, I think I remember seeing a druid like that in a vision. One moment.” The moth woman closed her eyes, and the opal stones twinkled like stars in a nebula. ”A druid, right? So a disheveled man? Twigs and leaves sticking out of his hair? And the pictures he takes, they turn into game cards, right? If you could describe one of the pictures…” When Morowa opened her eyes, Kate was holding out the picture of her whistle. ”Yes, I know who that is.” Her arms fell to her sides. ”That is Leshy. He’s a card scrybe, and anything he takes a picture of is turned into a card. The stats, name, and everything else is something that he adds after the fact. But…” She looked at Kate. ”He doesn’t exist. He’s a program and can’t interact with the physical world. Maybe in the greater omniverse he exists as a physical entity, but he’s always been interested in entertaining his players. I’m unsure why he’d be interested in you.” She waved her hands. ”N-not to say you’re not interesting! Just not interesting to him. I think there might be something more going on here.” She placed her hand on her head. ”So you first met him at a fighting tournament? That’s also the first place you went to look for an Oros, right?”

“Actually, I went there as more of a small vacation,” Kate clarified. “That’s not to say I wasn’t doing a little work on the side, but I didn’t get the job to go photograph the multiverse’s various Oroses until after I met ‘Leshy’.”

”That’s quite curious, isn’t it?” Morowa squinted her eyes. ”And this job you’re on, you know your employer, right? Are they the sort to pull pranks? Would they know there was an Oros in your vacation spot and used the opportunity to put something like Leshy against you?”

“Well, we kinda pull pranks on each other,” Kate confessed. “But this job she’s got me workin’ on is way more important to her than pullin’ some stupid prank, especially if that prank’ll hinder my chances of success in getting her what she wants.”

”They’ve been helping you find your marks, right? But if it doesn’t feel in character for her to do something like this, then we’ll have to rule it out for now.” Morowa placed her hand on the card. ”What I know for certain is that this is indeed your whistle. It’s under the effect of a powerful curse that has turned it into a game card. It does seem like you’re dealing with a real life Leshy, right down to the sadistic treatment of his players. But again, the motive isn’t right.” She placed a hand over her mouth and sighed. ”You’re sure that this isn’t Nykannis’s doing? I don’t mean to insist, but they seem to know where you’re headed. If they aren’t operating under Nykannis, they must be working for someone with ties to her. That, or you made someone with powerful divination abilities very upset in the past.”

“Shit, that could be just about anyone…” Kate muttered. “I hate to admit it, but I’ve pissed a lot of people off over the years… Still,” she added, taking a closer look at the card. “If this card is still the whistle, and the other one he gave me is still Gary, then all I’ve gotta do is get him to change ‘em back.”

Or get someone else to do it…

All things considered, this wasn’t nearly as bad as she’d feared. Even if she couldn’t manage to get “Leshy” to revert the cards, it was still almost a certainty that Nykannis would be able to do so. After all, she wanted to see how the Gorelions would fare against these supposed Caustic Bovines, which wouldn’t exactly be possible if they were stuck as playing cards.

”I don’t advise that. If he really is Leshy, he’ll only do it under some twisted set of circumstances. Maybe he’ll return one card to normal while ripping up the other. If you’re on good terms with Nykannis, having her restore them would be better.” She sighed. ”But the bigger issue is that they seem to be stalking you. They could just as easily take a picture of you. But they haven’t, and there has to be a reason for that.” After staring off into space for a bit, Morowa folded her arms. ”Maybe revenge isn’t their goal. If they’re leading you to each Oros, then maybe what they really want is your camera. Or more specifically, details on all of us.” She placed a hand on her forehead. ”I could do more if I knew more. I can’t use Endless Eclipse to divine information on someone I’m not familiar with. It would be one thing if they were standing in front of me, or you had some of their hair. But it must be a relief to know your pets aren’t beyond help.”

“Yeah, I’m positive Nykannis’ll be able to fix ‘em up,” Kate replied. “But I’m still pretty creeped out by the fact Leshy keeps followin’ me around. I mean, if he already knows where ya all are anyways, what’s stoppin’ him from just takin’ pictures of ya himself?” she asked. “As for gettin’ ya close to him, I can’t even seem to get a clear picture of the jackass… Last place I saw him was in the grand ballroom in the city back there,” she added, pointing a thumb at the gleaming moonstone metropolis behind her. “‘Though I’m not particularly thrilled with the thought of makin' a return visit,” the photographer confessed. “And I could be wrong, but you don’t really strike me as the type to enjoy crowded cities, either.”

”I would not go back there for leisure, if that’s what you mean. But I would go if I thought we could find him.” Morowa flapped her wings just enough to get her eye level with Kate. ”I don’t pretend to know his motives, but your cameras do entirely different things. You learn about your subjects, he transforms them into cards. Without any more information, the best I can do is guess what his motives are, which I don’t think is very useful on its own.” The moth woman flew a bit closer to Kate. She could feel the air from her wings beating against her face. ”So you don’t like crowded places? I’m surprised to hear that. I myself do not like noisy environments.” She looked off the edge of the island with a sigh. ”I’d take you for a walk through the walking woods, but I fear it’s not the most interesting place to venture at this time. The island won’t leave much moonlight to see by, and the trees are ever up to their pranks.” A smile crossed her face. ”Though, maybe you’d like to fly across the treetops with me? There’s a nice vista that I’m sure you’d love to see.”

“Oh, uh, I guess…” Kate replied, taken slightly off guard by the change in subject. “But, uh, are ya sure you’re strong enough to carry me?” she inquired with a dubious frown. “I mean, I know I don’t weigh much, but still… Oh, and I don’t have a problem with crowds,” the photographer clarified. “I’d just have to transform if I wanted to go back to the ball, and I’m really not much of a fan of doing that.

”Ah!” Morowa smiled. ”That makes a bit more sense. As an oracle I'm required to wear formal attire all the time. I suppose I’ve simply gotten used to everyone staring.” She pulled a small pouch off of her waistband. ”As light as you are, my wings wouldn’t be able to lift me if I was much heavier. But what really enables us to fly is our moth dust. Just a light dusting and the world will seem lighter, if only for a while.” She began tossing handfuls of dust into the air. It went up in whiteash, but floated back down as twinkling sparkles. ”It’s a lot more fun to fly when you aren’t being suspended by someone who is hugging you from behind. It keeps the bugs out of your teeth too.” After tying up her bag, she extended a hand towards Kate. ”I’ll hold that lamp if you’d like. And, maybe I’ll hold your hand on your first moth assisted flight?”

“Huh…” Kate noted as she watched the shimmering moth dust rain down around her and Morowa. “Uh, sure,” she added, handing the Feykin her lantern, before taking the offered hand. “Lead the way,” Kate instructed with a grin.

Strangely, unlike nearly every other Oros she’d met, the photographer didn’t feel any sense of unease when interacting with Morowa. If anything, the small young woman exuded an aura of calmness and safety, one which seemed to effortlessly engender a sense of trust that should have been utterly absent when in the presence of anyone bearing the title of ‘Oros’.

”Alright.” Her hand closed around Kate’s. ”I suppose we’re ready to fly.” Morowa did not kick off the ground, or even beat her wings. Kate and her seemed to float into the air like a pair of balloons, though it felt more like the world was moving away from them. The lunar flowers started to blend into each other until they looked like a sheet of snow. But eventually they stopped flying up, and Morowa began to fly towards the lunar city. They had to be moving fast, but it didn’t feel like it. Kate could only feel a gentle breeze blow through her hair, and it was as quiet as a whisper.

”Regardless of how big my problems seem on the ground, everything looks small from up here.” Morowa soared over the grand ballroom. ”Mountains, islands, continents, making them small just necessitates altitude. Even the haughty queen and her throne looks small from here. Only the stars and moons are above us, if only until daybreak.” Once they left the city’s borders, Morowa grinned. ”And look, you didn’t even need to dress up for the return trip.”

“Guess you’re right,” Kate replied with a chuckle. The flight really was rather amazing, she had to admit. She’d been flying many times before, but somehow, this was different. Still, as nice as it was, a potential concern nevertheless occurred to her. “Um, aren’t ya ever worried that a monster, or even an abyssal, might attack ya when you’re all alone up here? Or do ya just avoid ‘em with your magic?”

The moth woman looked upward. ”Hmmm, I’m not too worried, no.” She looked ahead. ”Especially not tonight, with my powers being at their strongest. You always need to be careful, of course. Though even if I encountered a monster, I’d just do something like this.”

They corkscrewed through the air before diving off the side of the island. As crazy as the maneuver was, the lantern hardly rattled at all. The flame was steady, and would have moved more had they been sailing on a ship.

From a distance they must have looked like a tiny ember plunging into a black forest. But it was not the trees that Morowa was interested in. Between the jagged silhouettes of the trees was a river. It reflected the night sky like a mirror, and was calm enough as to not create waves. As they got closer, they could see the glow of the lantern reflecting off the water’s surface. Morowa continued to fly lower, until they could see their reflections looking back at them. It was an interesting light arrangement, with the lantern illuminating their bodies and the pale moons giving them an intense rim light. They almost looked like they were glowing.

”As liberating as it can be to fly above the world, there’s a lot to see just by soaring next to it.” She smiled. ”I remember the first time the Seer took me flying through here. I intentionally splashed him and was punished when we got back. He was so mad…”

Despite the suddenness of Morowa’s aerial acrobatics, Kate was never concerned for her safety. Not only did she trust the moth woman, but it didn’t even feel as though they were the ones moving. Rather, the world was moving around them, much like how warp drives worked, now that she thought about it (no, not those warp drives, the other ones). As they flew over the river, the photographer had to admit that the light reflected off the water’s shimmering surface created an ethereal ambiance that was quite beautiful.

“This seer of yours sounds like he needs to chill the fuck out if a harmless little splash got him that pissed off,” Kate noted with a chuckle. “So, uh, did ya know how he was gonna react and just didn’t care, or was that before you fully mastered your divination abilities?” the photographer inquired.

”Future sight is always tricky. Only when Veritas is full can I use my powers to full effect, and only in the moment. That said, I was young and mischievous, and the Seer was strict. I did not care, nor was his reaction a mystery to me.” She smirked. ”Though I must confess, what I did was a little stronger than a splash. He was trying to show my how to fly, when I flew in front of him and did this…”

Morowa lowered her tiny foot into the water. Despite her size, Her speed caused the water to leap behind her in an arc. The effect was a bit like a racing boat going full throttle. It sent water everywhere. Not long afterwards, she raised her foot again.

”...I should also mention that he was a fellow moth like myself. While moth dust allows us majestic flight, It can be washed off. Rain wouldn’t be enough. It would need to be a downpour, a waterfall, or something like the wave I made a moment ago. I didn’t even hear him hit the water.”

“Yikes… That does sound like more than a simple splash,” Kate admitted with a nervous chuckle as she realized that Morowa might be more like a typical Oros than she’d initially thought.

The oracle sighed. ”Of course, I would never do something like that now. Most tree folk like myself start mischievous and mellow out as we age. Is it fair to say that’s the opposite of you?”

“I don’t know if I’d say it’s the opposite,” Kate replied. “All humans are different. For me, personally, I’ve always been pretty mellow on average, but I do enjoy the occasional prank to spice things up,” she added with a grin.

”I couldn’t tell.” Morowa responded with a smile. ”I’m sure Feykin would develop differently if we were more spread out. Humans owe their diversity to their varied upbringings and exposure to other cultures. Speaking of cultures, what’s the most interesting one you’ve encountered?”

“Well, I’ve done a lot of traveling and seen a bunch of crazy stuff,” Kate replied. “But I think the ones that stand out the most are the Cult of the Great White Handkerchief and the Magical Mushroom Cloud Monarchy. There’s also Muttropolis, a city of sentient dogs that worship a giant fire hydrant, keep humans as pets, and are led by two mayors named Cat 1 and Cat 2 (but they’re still dogs). They also randomly turn into giraffes for some reason…”

The rest of the flight was like that. Morowa took Kate to many vistas while asking and answering a myriad of questions. They smelled the salty waters of the ocean, marveled at bioluminescent plankton, and even flew beside a giant whale in the sky. Eventually they stopped speaking and just enjoyed being in each other’s company while viewing the nameless world’s beauty.

Eventually, they came across a volcano. It had long gone extinct, and was covered from top to bottom in trees. The only reason Kate could tell it was a volcano was because it had a hole in the top of it. They started to slow down once Morowa flew them over it.

”We’re here.”

The world started to catch up to them. The volcano seemed to inch forward and swallow them. The moons and stars took a step back as the girls descended. But there was a soft, lavender light at the bottom of the volcano. As they got closer, it became apparent that the glow was caused by some glowing mushrooms, but there were also fireflies flashing about in the darkness. While that wasn’t quite bright enough to illuminate their surroundings, the lamp was. The walls of the volcano had been engraved. Depictions of Feykin going about their simple lives could be seen on every wall. A bird creature drinking from a well, humanoid bugs singing in unison, and even a few moth people like Morowa.

”This is the cave of eternity. It’s an extinct volcano that tunnels directly into the ground. My village performs their burial rights on the mountainside, and then a sculptor comes down here to immortalize them.” Morowa let go of Kate’s hand and floated over to one of the walls. ”Their entire body is engraved on the surface, and some words are written beside them. Just enough to give an impression of who they were.” She ran her hand along the wall, only to stop on a pair of moth lovers. ”I thought it would be a neat place to take a picture.”

“This place is definitely somethin’ else,” Kate agreed as she cast her gaze over the various engravings. “So, uh, I’m guessin’ ya got a personal reason for wantin’ to take a picture here, right?” the photographer inquired. “Like, a particularly significant engraving ya wanna stand by?”

”Yes.” She continued to look at the moth lovers when she spoke. ”This is Thalos and Elara. They were my parents, who lost their lives during an expedition into the heart of the wandering woods. We didn’t have a lot of time together, but I owe a lot of who I am to them.” She looked back at Kate. ”And the village Seer. He finished what my parents started, so to speak.” With a sigh, Morowa turned her entire body towards Kate and held the lantern with both hands. ”This is the first time I’ve been photographed, so if you have any suggestions, I’ll hear them.”

“Oh, um, my condolences…” Kate told Morowa with a sympathetic frown. “My parents passed away when I was pretty young, too,” she added. “I actually got my love of photography from my grandpa, who took me in after they died.”

”I’m glad the two of you had a common interest to share.” The moth woman said. ”I would have never guessed our upbringings were so similar.”

“As for this picture, I’d say everything’s just about perfect,” the photographer noted with a grin. “I can see now why ya wanted this to be the place ya had your first photo taken, and I’ll do my best not to disappoint ya,” she told the Oracle as she readied her camera.

”It’s difficult to be disappointed when you don’t know what to expect.” But that was all Morowa said before her body went still. Her wings beat slow, her grip on the lamp relaxed, and she stared into the camera. All that was left was to wait for her picture to be taken.

And with a click, it was done.

Kate had acquired a photo of yet another Oros, and all of her parameters. Though there was a curious bit of data that scrolled across her camera. It seemed that Morowa was only three months old.

However, although the revelation of the Oracle’s age might have startled some people, Kate wasn’t particularly bothered by it. As a seasoned multiversal traveler, she was well aware of how time moved differently in different universes (or in different parts of the same universe), as well as how different worlds, species, and cultures measured its passage in different ways. Plus, it wasn’t entirely unreasonable to assume Feykin simply matured faster than the average species, counting months as others did decades. Regardless, none of these possibilities changed the fact that Morowa had been the friendliest and most cooperative Oros she’d met thus far, which was really the most important thing, as far as Kate was concerned.

“All done,” the photographer announced with a pleased grin, before retrieving the photograph that emerged from a slot at the bottom of her camera and handing it to Morowa. “Check it out. You can keep that, by the way,” she added. “It’s got a special coating on it that should keep it protected from any kinda harm, so don’t worry about it gettin’ damaged. And, uh, thanks for bein’ so cool about all this,” she told the moth woman. “I really appreciate it.”

”It’s beautiful.” Morowa smiled as she looked over the picture. She brushed her fingers against its surface before hugging it against her chest. ”And it was my pleasure, Kate. I enjoyed our time together.” After eyeing the picture a bit longer, she slipped it inside a satchel beside her moth dust. ”In fact, I’d like a picture of you too, if you don’t mind. Just a memento for tonight.”

“Uh, sure,” Kate replied. “Did you, uh, wanna be in it too?” the photographer asked. “‘Cause it’s gonna look kinda weird if it’s just me,” she added with an awkward grin.

Morowa’s smile grew. ”Oh! I’d love to be in it!l” She floated to Kate’s side and placed an arm around her back. ”Maybe this one we can take against the night sky?” She pointed above them with the lamp.

“Great idea,” Kate replied. “Should look pretty sweet with the three moons in the background.”

”I thought so too.” And with that, the two girls floated out of the volcano together. The dull glow of the fireflies pulled away as they rejoined the night sky. ”What type of picture were you thinking about doing? Are you going to do a, what’s it called? A selfie?”

“Kinda,” Kate replied as she held her camera out in front of herself and Morowa. “Although it won’t exactly be a selfie, since there’s gonna be two of us,” she clarified with a grin.

”You’ll have to forgive me for using the wrong term, we don’t have cameras in this neck of the woods.” Morowa leaned her head on Kate’s shoulder and waited for her to take a picture. It wasn’t long before Kate handed Morowa another photo. ”Ohhh ~” She brought her hand up to her mouth. ”It’s perfect.” She looked at the picture for a moment longer before placing it in her satchel. ”Well, um.” She rubbed her nose. ”I guess this was all sort of a detour for you, but um, would you like some of my moth dust?”

“Uh, sure,” Kate replied. “And don’t worry about wastin’ my time, or anythin’,” she added. “Hangin’ out with ya’s actually been a lot of fun!”

”Ah!” Morowa placed a hand on the side of her face and started blushing. ”You just seemed very motivated to continue your job, but if you want to stick around a bit longer, I don’t mind.” She unfastened the pouch of moth dust from her hip and handed it to Kate. ”But if you really enjoyed yourself, you should stop by again in the future. I doubt I could show you everything I wanted to in one night. And then there’s hearing about your own exploits. I think I could spend an entire evening at home just cooking and listening to your adventures.”

“It’s a deal,” Kate told Morrowa as she took the offered pouch. “And I’ve got plenty of crazy stories to share,” she added with a grin. “Like the time Nykannis and I did a memory extraction on an eldritch horror’s brain, or when I helped my friend Parr rescue his roommate from the Order of the Polished Apple.”

”I would love to hear more about those.” She took Kate’s hand again. ”Then for now, let’s return to the floating islands of the Harmonious Archipelago. There should be a few more sights that look interesting at night. That, and I think it would be wise to let you fly on your own for a bit under my supervision. The Wandering Woods are trickier to navigate at this hour. There are also fewer Leafwraiths to worry about.”

On their flight back up, Morrowa shifted her eyes between Kate and the moon-filled sky. ”I know the other Oroses that you’ve met have been a bit difficult to deal with, but don’t hold it against them.” She smiled. ”Many of them have yet to achieve their goals, or don’t know what they want yet. I have the capacity to be like any of them, but I’ve simply moved past where they are. They’re all good people deep down. So please forgive Joy when you meet her. And Wisdom…” She tipped her head. ”I like to think there’s good in all people, but hers is buried quite deep.”

“Uh, yeah…” Kate replied with a nervous chuckle, the thought of interacting with her final two subjects being far more worrisome than flying unassisted, which the photographer was able to quickly get the hang of. “I’ll do my best to be tolerant of ‘em. I mean, it’s not like I haven’t been cordial to the others I’ve met.” Still, there was a reason she was saving these two for last…

”I know you have. But the next two are going to be quite trying I feel. But you’re a good girl and I’m sure you’ll do the right thing in the end.” She let go of Kate’s hand. She was flying steady. ”You’re a natural it seems. Let’s have a race through the clouds. Just… Don’t splash me.”

“Why would I ever do that?” Kate inquired with a playful grin. “I wouldn’t want anything to happen to the coolest Oros I’ve met so far.”

”...I’m not sure if being the best of the worst is a compliment or not, but I’ll take it.” Morrowa accelerated. ”Right to the finish line!”

As the pair raced into the moonlit clouds, they failed to notice the giant trumpet-chicken as it emerged from the lunar city far below and vomited a stream of rainbow-colored musical notes over the unsuspecting revelers…
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