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See, Roche? I'm trying to be sociable!
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

The weeks following Roche’s unexpected visit to her home saw a marked change in Nyxia’s interactions with the Rule Keeper. Where once there had been an understated agreement to work together as well as could be expected, while limiting conversations to the most taciturn minimum amount possible, now, the pair had begun actually opening up to one another, engaging in small talk that would have been unthinkable a week prior, and genuinely enjoying each other’s company. Needless to say, their teamwork had skyrocketed as a result, with Unstoppable Doom really living up to their name as they slaughtered Miseria more effortlessly and efficiently than ever before. Meanwhile, Roche’s tutoring visits had become greatly anticipated high points of Norika’s otherwise dreary days, the track captain’s friendly encouragement allowing the sickly girl to make progress she’d never before imagined possible. Of course, this newfound sense of camaraderie with her partner didn’t extend to any of the other members of the Detention club, and that went triple for Suki.

Thus, when Nyxia stopped outside the club room window before yet another boring meeting and saw that the piranha-mouthed pervert was the only person present, her first inclination was to climb back up on the roof and wait for Roche to arrive. After all, the girl’s nose seemed to be buried in a (probably pornographic) book. Yet, in light of the Rule Keeper’s efforts to get her to socialize more with the rest of her club mates, the Neon Tempest was forced to reconsider that plan and ultimately resolve to give the idea of conversing with Suki another shot.

“Sup?” the teal-haired terror announced as she nimbly slipped through the window and strolled over to stand before what was almost certainly the club’s most loathed member. “Did you have fun seeing that stupid play with whatever brainwashed sex toy ya dragged along for company?” she inquired, one hand idly caressing the Omega Obliterator while the other rested on her hip.

Why, Finn? Why must you always do these things?
-Ashley Avenir

As Ashley charged up her techno-wand with transcendent power, her eyes widened upon seeing a familiar, blue-haired young woman rush over to Big Tony and attempt to yank Regina out of his clutches. Gale?! However, the floaty freelancer’s actions, while heroic, were also foolhardy in the extreme and seemed destined to fail, with Tony’s strength being far greater than even the mightiest espers. Fortunately, the Knight of Tomorrow had prepared her forthcoming attack to fully avoid the possibility of striking anyone other than the massive weretiger, even if he went so far as to use them as a human shield. Unfortunately, not everyone was so cognizant of such potentialities…

To Ashley’s shock and horror, before she could fire her charged up weapon, Finn, in complete contravention of her orders, unleashed a beam of his own, one which only succeeded in blowing Regina’s arm off at the elbow. Timekeeper?! Still, as enraged as she was, the Knight of Tomorrow had no time to rebuke her disobedient subordinate. Although Tony had dodged into an alley, the high-tech heroine had thoroughly established a target lock on him, and so the ensuing cylinder of neon green annihilation was able to easily curve around the corner after the titanic tiger in complete mockery of the laws of physics. While she couldn’t see the results of her massive attack, the torrent of blood that shot out of the alley to splatter across every nearby surface and accompanying howl of anguish provided more than enough indication that Tony had been severely wounded at the very least. Of course, whether or not that damage would prove fatal was anyone’s guess, and Ashley wasn’t about to go down and pursue the monstrous mob boss to find out, not with a small army of Maverick espers waiting nearby. Besides, she had a more immediate issue to address…

“What the hell was that, Timekeeper?!” the Knight of Tomorrow snarled as she turned an infuriated glare upon the young agent. “I told you to focus on helping the freelancers eliminate Crazy Train!”

"Okay for one, considering my current streak of fuck ups consider just severing a limb lucky." It had taken Finn a moment to process what had happened. He really did consider that failed shot a lucky break, anything more and anywhere else would've meant death for Regina or Blue.

And no doubt would've marked him as a Depraved, himself. Elroy already despised them for what happened with Dante and Amanda, no doubt he'd hunt him down for killing his twin.

Whatever powers-that-be were toying with him, that was a warning from them. In contrast to Ashley's stark anger over his decision, he merely scowled back. "Two, if anyone was even bothering to listen to me beyond sparing Peace Train you'd know that I don't think killing either of them is a good idea." He tiredly sighed, turning to face her. "But frankly I should've expected it. No one really takes me seriously."

The Machine's expression then, surprisingly, softened.

"Look, forgive me for going against your orders again, but the last time I killed the wrong being I had ripped a father from his daughter." His voice gradually grew quieter. "I don't even know...I don't..."

Great, and now he’s starting a pity party… Ashley took a deep breath. “It’s understandable if you had misgivings, but then why would you take such a reckless shot instead? I made sure my attack wouldn’t harm Regina, or anyone else that might have gotten, or been placed, in the way. You just fired off a deadly shot and hoped for the best! Yes, the loss of only an arm is lucky, but it never should have happened in the first place!”

"Well I could've just thrown myself off this train but I figured we'd lead up to here either way." He furrowed his brows. So much for trying sympathy again. "You really still don't get it, don't you? You don't see it?"

Ashley exhaled in clear exasperation. “No, Timekeeper, I don’t get why you continue to disobey orders just so that you can put people in danger with these reckless stunts of yours, and I don’t exactly have the time to discuss it right now.”

As if to prove her point, a blinding light burst into being where Crazy Train was currently spiraling through the air. Ashley doubted Paradise was responsible, especially when she noticed the “holy man’s” charred form plummet off of the spinning behemoth.

What the…?!

"I knew it..."

The next thing she knew, Mika had begun asking questions whose answers should have been blatantly obvious.

“No, that was almost certainly an attack,” the Knight of Tomorrow replied. “Although it didn’t appear to be directed at Crazy Train itself.”

Even now, the behemoth in question was rapidly ascending into the tempestuous sky above. At the speed it was moving, it wouldn’t be long before the twisted train disappeared inside the billowing thunderheads.

“Looks like you’ll get you wish,” Ashley added, turning back to Finn. “There’s no way we can eliminate it now.” She sighed again. “At least the city made it through all this relatively unscathed…”

"Ah yes, pity how my theory about how the behemoths behave was correct. I'm sure there'll be another one you lot can kill with glee next time." Finn rolled his eyes, stepping over to the edge of Peace Train. It was a long way down, but he still had a bit of mana left for a simple slow melody.

"Unfortunately what you imply isn't what I meant. And I fear with the way things are going, there won't be a time."

And once again, Finn was making the situation all about himself. How predictable… “We’re not killing anything with ‘glee’, Timekeeper,” Ashley replied with an annoyed scowl. “We’re just trying to protect this city and its inhabitants from threats.” Like the very familiar golden dragon chasing after Crazy Train… “You need to decide right now whether or not you want to be a part of that, or if you think you even can.”

"Hmm... Protecting behemoths is grounds for getting fired, is it not?"

The machine glanced back at Ashley. He smiled, turning to where his back was towards the edge.

"Consider this my formal resignation from everyone. Don't wanna keep jinxing everyone I meet, right?" He gave those still gathered a two-finger salute.

"Let this be the last time we meet as allies."

Finn let himself fall backwards, off and away from Peace Train.

Well, I suppose that’s that... Ashley sighed to herself in sullen resignation before turning away to begin attending to the operation's aftermath as best she could.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)



It would be grrrreat if I can manage to do this...
-Ashley Avenir

To Ashley’s considerable relief, her team’s attempts to prevent Crazy Train from damaging any of the structures it crashed into seemed to be succeeding. Even as she and the twins kept a fancy hotel from getting demolished, the Knight of Tomorrow noticed that nearly all of the behemoth’s unwanted passengers had either jumped or fallen off it. However, two, in particular, were of special note. First, a badly wounded Elroy plummeted through the air, only to be caught by an unknown esper, while Regina was soon revealed to be in the claws of none other than the aptly-named Big Tony himself. While the trains’ motivations didn’t appear to be particularly hostile, the enormous tiger’s most assuredly were. Not only was Tony the leader of the infamous Weretiger Mafia that had abducted and assaulted G.E.M.I.N.I. agents, he was also an important member of The Hand’s command hierarchy. Thus, his elimination was a top priority, one significantly outranking the destruction of either of the train behemoths, at least as far as Ashley was concerned.

I’ll deal with him, Timekeeper!” the Knight of Tomorrow replied after Finn asked how they planned to fight a foe of Tony’s size and power. “I want you and Paradise to focus on assisting those freelancers in taking out Crazy Train! As soon as they’ve damaged it sufficiently to expose its weak point, hit it with the strongest ranged melodies you have!” she instructed. Of course the monstrous priest who appeared to be leading the freelancers was going to jump on Crazy Train the moment it had just gotten rid of everyone else riding on it, Ashley groaned mentally, but if what he said was true and The Hand really were planning on using the creature to aid them in accomplishing their dark plans, then it would need to be taken out, one way or another. That said, the safety of Pax Septimus’s populace still needed to be addressed. “Cereza, Cerise, continue protecting any structures Crazy Train might try to crash into!” the high-tech heroine continued. “Cerberus, keep watch over the nuns and make sure they don’t try anything.”

With that out of the way, the Knight of Tomorrow aimed the twin-pronged tip of her techno-wand at Big Tony’s hulking form and focused her remaining mana into a truly devastating attack. As the neon green orb nestled between her instrument’s twin prongs glowed with ever increasing transcendent power, she only hoped that the staggering energy waiting to be unleashed would be strong enough to spell certain doom for the titanic tiger…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Gold Beam][If: Foe][Homing][Avoid][Piercing][Powerful][Charge][Damage X] = -432 mana


Unfortunately for Octolys, his perplexity only grew even more pronounced when his scout ship reached its destination. Although it remained mysteriously incapable of independent movement, his mental link with the servitor craft remained completely intact, allowing him to gaze through its ocular nodes to find that it had landed in an area that was mostly free of the hoards of recently escaped inmates that seemed to be in the midst of a chaotic free-for-all throughout the rest of the massive prison. The artifact the mysterious voice had spoken of was nowhere to be seen, although a glow emanating from within the depths of a large pile of confinement cases hinted at its possible location. Yet, further investigation would have to be postponed for the time being as a more immediate threat soon presented itself…

The shattering of glass and a glimpse of movement drew Octolys’s attention to where, a short distance down his confinement block, a small army of green-skinned creatures was climbing up to his topmost level. It only took a second for the Domiarch of the 94837568th Negaprism to identify them. They were Orks, with a “k”, not a “c”, a rather unique kind of green-skinned, fungoid race from a particularly unpleasant universe, indeed. They were good for dumb muscle, Octolys had mused upon first learning of them, but little else, their hypothesized ability to warp reality itself to their crude beliefs brushed off as the superstitions of races with intellects far below the 815th level of mentalic ascendancy, such as his own. Yet, these Orks possessed a particular peculiarity that Octolys found most disconcerting. Their feet seemed to be attached to circular plastic “bases”, for lack of a better identifier. This prevented them from using their feet to aid in climbing, or from moving in more than short hops, but, to their credit, they still managed to ascend to the top level and then begin moving towards where Octolys sat with commendable alacrity.

Thus, the dark-matter Domiarch knew that he would need to take swift and decisive action in order to curtail the mounting threat the rapidly approaching green tide posed. With a mighty sweep of a titanic tendril, he sent several dozen tightly packed Orks flying off the the wide lane upon which they traveled to plummet to their certain doom far below. Simultaneously, he disgorged a chitinous cannon crawler, its hunched from lowering to the ground and aiming its cosmic cross-continua hyper-quantum singularity coil cannon at what had to be the Orks’ leader, the so-called “Warboss”. While fearless in large numbers and under the direct command of a strong leader, in small numbers, and bereft of a Warboss’s commanding presence, it was all-too-easy to cause Orks to succumb to a panicked rout, and this was precisely what Octolys’s strategy was intended to induce.

Yet, even as this battle played out, Octolys was still cognizant of events unfolding before the optical nodes of his scout craft. Not only had a strangely garbed woman appeared in the vicinity, but from the pile of confinement cases had emerged a gargantuan gestalt of over two dozen assorted entities, now fused into a singular, titanic abomination, at the heart of which was the glowing artifact he was seeking. This revelation seemed to indicate quite clearly that the knowledge he’d been given was indeed nothing more than a trap, although seeing the sword-wielding young woman engage the amorphous amalgamation in battle promised to provide copious insights into both combatant’s abilities...

After equipping their anti-brainwashing devices, the trio was ready to head out. Connie and Gaia stepped through the portal first, but before MDP could skip along after them, Ronin approached her and asked a question that made the whimsical girl’s eyes light up with glee.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess was able wable to remember wember all that stuffy wuffy because of her super duper helpful welpful dreamy weamy journal wournal thingy wingy~! (giggle!)” she replied, producing the bright pink book in question and holding it out for Ronin to see. It was covered with glitter and dozens of sickeningly cute stickers, while several multicolored tabs protruded from the side, the hand written labels and adorable hand drawn pictures upon them serving to help the ADHD-addled girl find whatever she might be looking for in at least a somewhat expedient manner. “Like, Penny Wenny suggested wested that Magical Dream Princess should, like, totally wotally get one to helpy welpy with her brainy wainy problem woblems, and, like, she was totally wotally right~! (giggle!) It, like, totally wotally helpy welpied lots and lots~! Like, Magical Dream Princess can remember wember soooo much stuffy wuffy nowie, even weven with her super duper terrible werrible memory wemory~! (giggle!)” the bubbly girl explained with a happy smile. “So, like, whenever wever Magical Dream Princess does something womething special wecial, she just writes about it in heresie weresie, and thensie wensie she can look it uppy wuppy any wany timey wimey she can’t remember wember on her ownsie wonsie~! And, like, she’s been having waving soooo much funsie wunsie writing stuffy wuffy in it and drawing super duper adorable worable picture wictures in it, too~! (giggle!)” she added, bouncing up and down in delight, before opening to a page depicting a childish colored marker drawing of “Mister Wister Flower Wower”, accompanied by some notes about her new friend. “Like, isn’t Penny Wenny the smarty wartiest~?!” she asked, closing the book and hugging it to her chest even as an array of small hearts materialized in the air around her like rising balloons.

Once she’d finished chatting, MDP bounced through the portal with her typical excited energy, whereupon she found herself in a broad valley covered in colorful stripes, but that wasn’t what grabbed the Princess of Dream’s horribly fickle attention, nor was it the oddly shaped fortress that loomed before them. It wasn’t, in fact, anything she saw. It was what she heard

“Oooohh~! Like, Magical Dream Princess wuvs that songy wongy~! (giggle)” she declared with innocent delight. “It’s, like, super duper catchy watchy~!” the bubbly girl added as she began to hum and dance along to the enchanted melody, her movements cute, silly, and completely carefree.

“I-I k-kinda hear it, t-too,” Connie noted, slightly tilting her head, while idly tapping a foot along with the rhythm. “B-But it’s r-really f-faint…”

“Yes, it would appear this melody is an aspect of Wonderland’s attempts to mystically brainwash visitors,” Gaia observed in her typical serene tone, even as her hips began swaying from side to side. “It is most fortuitous we came equipped with sufficient countermeasures, although I fear I may have some doubts as to their efficacy…” she added with a concerned frown as her gaze focused on MDP’s silly little dance.

Of course, it didn’t take long for the verdant maiden to realize that she shouldn’t have worried. Indeed, the Princess of Dreams’ childish performance came to an abrupt halt the moment the Mad Hatter’s deranged voice rang out. However, while Gaia had stepped in front of Connie and raised Nature’s Blossom to fire upon the view screen equipped top hat copter the moment it showed any signs of hostility, MDP simply skipped closer to stare up at the odd contraption in wide eyed wonderment.

“Oooohh~! That thingy wingy looks super duper silly willy~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl declared, although as the Mad Hatter continued his deranged speech, her giggling glee soon turned to silent confusion, and then to utter horror…

“N-No…!” Connie gasped as she watched the Hatter fry one of his underlings to a smoldering crisp, her trembling hands covering the mouth of her mask.

“Mother’s Mantel…” Gaia breathed, her eyes widening along with those of her masked friend.

“Y-You… Y-You… YOU SUPER DUPER MEANIE WEANIE HEAD!!!” MDP shouted with unbridled fury, her earlier joyous whimsy having completely dissolved into righteous indignation. “Magical Dream Princess thinkie winkies you’re, like, the worsty worstiest! she told the Mad Hatter, her eyes filled with tears. “Like, how could anybodywody who listens wistens to such a happy wappy songy wongy do such a totally wotally awful waful thingy wingy?!”

“I believe the answer is present in the heathen’s very name, your highness,” Gaia replied in an even voice.

“Humph! Well, Magical Dream Princess is never ever wever gonna play any wany gamey wameies with a horrible worrible person werson like thatsie watsie!” MDP declared, crossing her arms as she continued to glare up at the Mad Hatter’s gleeful visage.

Gaia was also reluctant to take part in this deranged game, and it was clear that Connie and most of the others were as well. Only the Egyptian-themed girl who the verdant maiden couldn’t quite recall the name of seemed unbothered by the myriad risks involved. Yet, finding and destroying the eggs was only one of their objectives. They also needed to rescue Alexander, and as the botanical beauty’s attention was drawn to the frantic activity of Lily’s animal friends, the urgency of accomplishing that goal was only accentuated.

“Pardon my observation, Lily,” Gaia whispered to her fellow greenette, while gently placing a hand on the energetic girl’s shoulder. “But we must also consider Alexander’s potentially perilous situation, and I believe your three friends may be able to guide us to his location,” she added, gesturing to where the trio of animals were desperately attempting to pull Lily’s attention towards a particular direction.

I really hope this works...
-Ashley Avenir

Even as Crazy Train continued to speed away, information on its capabilities, vulnerabilities, and intentions scrolled across Ashely’s glowing visor. Employing the proficiency at speed reading that had served her so well in school, the Knight of Tomorrow quickly ascertained the most pertinent points and formulated what seemed to be the best possible response based on that knowledge.

“Crazy Train’s planning to leave the city, but it’s going to attempt to scrape off its passengers first!” Ashley told her team. “Cereza, Cerise, get ready to put a shield on any structure it might try to strike!” she instructed the twins. “I’ll back you up!”

Not wasting a moment, the high-tech heroine aimed her techno-wand to track the writhing behemoth’s movements, ready to fire off a defensive melody the moment it looked ready to crash into something. Trying to kill a full-strength behemoth in a single shot would be nearly impossible, and would probably just anger the creature further. Even if they managed to succeed, that would still result in the massive train-like creature crashing into populated structures. As far as Ashley could tell, the only practical course of action was to ensure no buildings were damaged by Crazy Train’s efforts to remove the espers still riding atop it.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Gold Beam][Shield] = -96 mana


I hate collabs because I hate people. It's not because I'm painfully shy or anything...
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, signaling the definitive end of the club’s eventful day at the beach, Nyxia sat atop a building in an otherwise unremarkable part of Hibusa Town, staring down at the utterly ordinary street below her. Far from a major thoroughfare, it was largely bereft of traffic, vehicular or otherwise, although not much farther along its path was the access ramp to the expressway that led to the city’s airport. The airport her brother was heading to when he…

Nyxia grit her teeth and hugged the Omega Obliterator tightly.

This was where it had happened. This was where her beloved brother had been so cruelly taken from her. If only she had been there on that fateful night, if only she had possessed these extraordinary powers then, there was no doubt in her mind Kaito would still be alive. Yet, in the most painful of all ironies, she hadn’t gained the strength that would have allowed her to save her brother until after he had perished. Such knowledge served only to fuel the Neon Tempest’s seemingly unquenchable fury, but in the end, she knew that it was nothing more than a temporary setback. One day, she would be strong enough to set right what had gone so horribly wrong, to finally mend the gaping wound in her soul. Her weekly visits to the site of that heartrending tragedy served to ensure that she never forgot her reason for attaining that goal, no matter how unreachable it might have appeared to others. Yes, the other members of the Detention Club would merely laugh at the hopelessness of her quest, that much was certain, but Nyxia didn’t care what any of those losers thought. She already had all the support she needed.

“We’ll bring him back, baby,” she whispered to her massive weapon as she gave it a loving caress. “I promise.”

Several days later, summer break was drawing to a close, and while Norika didn’t attend school in the usual sense, she was still dreading the return of her personal tutor and the torrent of disparaging insults they would hurl upon her as she desperately struggled to succeed at her lessons, only to fail time and time again…

As if my parents and the servants weren’t enough… Norika thought glumly.

Indeed, poor Norika had been forced to endure an even greater level of verbal abuse than usual of late, her parents having taken their ire at the recent, unsolved break in out on their “incompetent” servants, who then proceeded to take their own frustrations out on Norika herself. While she knew full well that she was the ultimate source of her increased suffering, being the one who’d committed the theft in the first place, Norika was also well aware that even if she hadn’t stollen the money, it would only have been a matter of time before something else sufficiently enraged her parents enough for them to place her in the exact same situation she currently found herself in.

At least they’ll never find out I was the one who robbed them, Norika reflected with no small measure of relief as she played an fps game that had given her and her brother many long hours of enjoyment. As bad as things were for her now, she didn’t even want to think about what would happen if her parents ever discovered the truth behind the break in. Thankfully, being a magical girl meant that such a possibility was practically non-existent. Yes, becoming a magical girl had certainly brought many improvements to her life, but the sickly girl would’ve gladly traded them all for the return of her brother.

Kaito was always so much better than any of those stupid tutors… Norika grumbled to herself, while doing her best to keep her haggard breathing steady and ensure that her trembling hands didn’t shake the controller too much. He was always so encouraging and he never berated me for being terrible at everything… From time to time, she would consider the possibility of taking revenge on her tutors and myriad other tormentors as Nyxia, but she had always ultimately decided against it. Even if she succeeded in forcing them to quit their jobs, her parents would inevitably find people who were even worse. Of that, Norika had little doubt. To suffer was simply her lot in life. There were only two people in all the world who truly cared for and supported her, and it was Norika’s firm belief that no one else would ever join that number, certainly not a tutor.

Or a fellow member of the Detention Club…




Between an athletic club that required a regular commitment, duties as a Dark Magical Girl that took up most nights, and scholastic standards to uphold, it would come as a surprise that Roche would volunteer for yet more work that infringed upon the little time she had open to her.

After the mixed results of the beach excursion, it seemed even less likely she’d volunteer to be alone with one Nyxia Torrentia, let alone her civilian aspect given her response to Roche’s flirtations. Disquiet is lightly putting what existed between them after that rejection, but there yet existed a greater impetus for Roche to not just volunteer, but to push for the tutoring session.

She was the Club’s Rule Keeper. There wasn’t a slothful bone in her body and Roche took her responsibilities very seriously. Even if half the club didn’t give a crap about their grades, she’d make the effort if they asked for help.

The Track Captain came up the drive of Norika’s estate in her school uniform, windbreaker and shorts forgone for the sake of formality. A shoulder bag laden with books dug into her shoulders but it was the farthest thing from her mind as she approached the door and politely knocked for entry.

Animosity, apathy, and anti-social behavior weren’t going to be obstacles to Roche in reaching out to Norika.

“Yes?” a blank-faced servant inquired in a disinterested tone after opening the front door. “Ah, you must be the new tutor,” he added after noticing the visitor’s book bag. “Right this way,” the immaculately attired man instructed, gesturing for Roche to enter and follow after him.

The extra security was no longer the obtrusive presence it had been a few days earlier, but guards could still be seen here and there as the pair moved through the palatial mansion. No one seemed to be in good spirits, be they guard or servant, and it felt as if the entire manor was cloaked in a palpable shroud of melancholy.

“Due to recent unfortunate circumstances, the master has been forced to reevaluate expenses,” the butler noted in an offhand manner. “Thus, he has chosen to make use of your services rather than those of a more qualified individual. Of course, such skilled instruction is utterly wasted on one as intellectually deficient as the young miss,” he went on. “I dare say a mere student such as yourself should have been their first choice from the outset. That is, if they even made any provision for her education at all.”

Reaching a door at the end of a long hallway, the butler stopped and rapped his gloved hand against it. “Young Miss, your new tutor is here for your daily lessons.” Without waiting for a reply, he opened the door, revealing an opulent bedroom, complete with a canopied bed which took up much of the space. Atop that bed, and mostly hidden by the blankets, was a small, emaciated girl with long, dark hair. She gave voice to a yelp of fright when the door was opened, her blanket-covered form bolting upright before freezing in place, her eyes wide and filled with terror at the sight of what lay beyond it. The only exception to her panicked petrification was the trembling of the frail hand clutched tightly to her chest as she rapidly gasped for breath.

Roche had not been so foolish as to think she was going into a house of lavish extravagance that would have left her dazzled and envious of Nyxia’s lot in life. By their very nature, Dark Magical Girls did not come from stable, loving homes. And given Nyxia was….well, Nyxia, her home life was decidedly taking the cake.

At least for girls who still had a family. If the trauma wasn’t so routinely poked with a stick Roche would have almost, almost been grateful for an empty home compared to the cold, pervasive animosity that one Butler could convey to their employer’s daughter. If they were this cavallier with a stranger then she shuddered to think what he said among fellow staff and the family themselves.

But for the betterment of all involved, Roche was not there to solve family issues that seemed best handled with a tragic housefire, but instead to tutor Norika on what the rest of girls her age were expected to know.

It simply hadn’t dawned upon Roche with any gravity just what it entailed to meet Norika rather than Nyxia. If there had been any effort to maintain secret identities, the tanned girl held no doubt Norika’s identity as Nyxia would never be discovered, for the only likeness between them was the instinctual reaction to reach out for the Omega Obliterator. Even if it were only a raygun shaped pendant upon her neck.

”Thank you. If you’ll excuse us, we’ll need our space to focus on the bookwork.” Her voice as clipped and dry as the Butler’s own, sparing him only a glance as she awaited his departure before approaching the foot of Norika’s bed. The surrealness of the moment was not lost on her, but it wouldn’t hold her back either.

”I’m going to be very upfront about this; Nothing that happens here will be told to anyone else. Not the school, you family, or the Club.”

To say Norika was having a panic attack was a bit of an understatement. Her frantic thoughts raced with lightning speed, while her heart pounded so rapidly, and with such intensity, that the sickly girl feared it might actually burst free of her heaving chest. W-W-What is she doing here?! I-I can’t let her see me like this! Crap, crap, crap, this is so embarrassing! W-What do I even do?! This has to be a nightmare! It just has to be! H-How did she even find out where I live?! Did Rei tell her?! Or is this just some awful coincidence? Does she even know I’m actually Nyxia? Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! She does know! Oh crap, oh crap! What do I do?!

By this point, the poor girl was starting to hyperventilate, but even as she squeezed her eyes shut and clutched her hidden pendant tighter, the facts conveyed by Roche’s words finally broke through the whirlwind of fear and confusion that had so thoroughly enveloped her mind. The Rule Keeper wasn’t going to tell anyone. Her secret would still be safe, at least if Roche was being truthful. For all Norika knew, this was just some sadistic form of psychological torture. But then, why would Roche do such a thing? They hadn’t been in an argument since the night they’d first met, and the track captain had never been one to beat around the bush when someone had done something to earn her ire. Yet, if that was true, then what was she actually here for? Was Roche really just planning to serve as her tutor?

As she pondered these possibilities, Norika’s breathing slowly calmed, her heartbeat settling into a slightly less frantic rhythm. Whatever the case, she wasn’t just going to play right into Roche’s hands. If the Rule Keeper didn’t actually know she was Nyxia, and merely suspected it, then Norika wasn’t going to just give her that confirmation without calling her bluff. Taking a few deep breaths to compose herself as much as possible, given the circumstances, the frail girl opened her fearful, confused eyes to look up at Roche and in a meek whisper inquired, “C-C-Club?”

Keeping her composure as another descended down the familiar spiral of panic was something Roche had experience in. At least, she was more comfortable being the watcher and instigator then the one collapsing upon themself. Then she was as much of a mess as Norika now was. She’d hoped to nip the concern in the bud but it had only been a half measure, and she needed to be more direct.

”Yes, the after school club Rei invited you to. The School wouldn’t have sent someone unaware of your obligations.” Her voice was steady, projecting a rock of surety amidst the other girl’s emotional turmoil.

”This is entirely for your school tutoring, however. We don’t need to discuss anything else if you don’t want to, but there are still education requirements you have to meet.”

Of course she knows… Norika groaned mentally. That control freak Rei must have told her everything and sent her here as some sick way of exerting dominance… Yet, even if that was indeed the case, Roche still seemed genuinely concerned about her academic performance, and as mortifying as her presence here was, Norika had to concede that even the Rule Keeper was probably a more preferable alternative than any of her usual tutors. And speaking of…

“O-Okay,” Norika whispered, finally breaking from her petrified shock to turn away from Roche and stare at the floor. After giving voice to a defeated sigh that sounded more like a whimper, she worked up the courage to ask, “B-B-But, u-um, w-w-why are y-you h-here and n-not my u-usual t-tutor?”

”A few reasons. First, your family seems to have stopped paying for the usual tutor.” Roche was blunt but honest, knowing that even if Norika lacked Nyxia’s confidence she’d share her disdain for lies and half truths. ”Second, I’m the Captain of a sports team and a member of another club. The school wouldn’t let anyone do that without maintaining a high GPA. So I’m qualified. ”

Setting her bag down she opened it and pulled out several heavy textbooks, laying them out facing Norika. They were followed by a crisp, untouched notebook and a rubber gripped pen.

”Lastly, I volunteered. Now let’s start with a topic you feel comfortable with. Momentum helps the mind get into a proper mindset for engagement. What are you best at?”

So that was it, Norika reflected. Like so much else of late, this was yet another result of her own reckless, albeit well-intentioned, actions. Even so, unlike the other recent developments, there was still the chance, however slim, that this particular change was actually one for the better. Only time would tell…

“I-I-I’m n-not really g-good at a-anything…” Norika conceded with a sullen sigh, her head still turned away from the Rule Keeper and her eyes firmly fixed on the floor. “N-Not when I’m l-like t-this…” she added, before giving voice to a small cough.

A pause, hand set upon the sheets as she conjured up a response to the sullen Magical Girl. Then she grasped a text and inhaled, chest swelling as she circled the bed and came to sit at Norika’s side with a healthy distance still separating them.

”It’s easy to see Nyxia as a different person from yourself. That there are things you simply can’t do as Norika, and physically that’s true for all of us. But the mind? The conviction? That doesn’t change. If you can hold onto your dreams in and out of transformation, then you are the same person with just as much competence and ability as the other.”

The book was set between them; Trigonometry.

”I couldn’t take a speeding car and walk it off right now. But if I had to, I know I could jump in front of it for one of you girls. None of us are weak. We’re just wounded.” Roche said softly, radiating a certainty that gave an inkling of a thought as to why she’d been made Rule Keeper besides her rigid nature.

”So let’s start with something practical. Understanding angles is an essential skill for ballistic calculations, even if you can just bend your lasers by will alone.”

Norika flinched when Roche sat down on the other side of the bed, but despite that, or her small gasp of panic, she didn’t try to scramble away. She didn’t begin to hyperventilate either, although it was certainly a challenge for the frail girl to keep from doing so. Instead, she simply sat and listened to what the Rule Keeper had to say, her head now pointed at the sheets directly in front of her, while her eyes stole quick, furtive glances at her tutor and the textbook the tanned girl had chosen.

Of course she doesn’t understand… Norika thought gloomily, another weary sigh escaping her thin mouth. Even without her magic, she’s so strong and athletic. And she does well in school. I… I’m nothing like that…

“A-All right,” she spoke up after several seconds, her eyes once again slowly finding their way to the textbook. “B-But, um… I-I’m r-r-really t-terrible at m-math, s-so, um… p-p-please d-don’t g-get m-mad if I m-mess up…” she almost pleaded, her meek visage wincing as she spoke.

Then her eyes went wide and she inhaled sharply.

W-Wait! W-What am I saying?! W-Why the hell did I even ask that?!

“U-U-Umm…! F-F-Forget I s-said that!” she stammered, her head whirling to look directly at Roche for the first time since the conversation began. “I-I-It’s j-just that t-this is r-really embarrassing f-for m-me,” she tried to explain. “A-A-And I h-hate a-anyone s-seeing me l-like t-this, s-so I w-wasn’t t-thinking straight, a-and… a-and…” Her weak voice trailed off as she realized her attempts to play down her blunder had only succeeded in making the situation a thousand times more humiliating.

W-What’s wrong with me?! W-Why am I saying all this?! W-What the hell am I even doing?! This couldn’t possibly be any worse! Yet, to her even greater dismay, the sickly girl was almost immediately proven wrong. W-What?! I-I’m crying?! You stupid, useless idiot! she cursed at herself. Y-You can’t bawl your eyes out now! N-Not in front of her! She’ll think even less of you than she already does! She’ll… S-She’ll…

But it was no use. The tears flowed unrelentingly, and Norika’s small body shuddered as she broke down in anguished sobs, her trembling hands covering her face.

Roche remained a steady rock in the midst of a stream, not turning away or letting even a shred of emotion that might have been construed as judgement show on her face.

The Rule Keeper was a mess of a person. Her own life was held together by popsicle sticks and glue long since run dry. It was the lot of every Dark Magical Girl who had drank deep from the same poisoned chalice that stained the light from their souls.

Despair. The bitter drought that wet their lips yet parched their being.

”Norika, I want you to understand that what I said earlier wasn’t just about the lesson.” The Rule Keeper’s words were feather soft, yet touch was defter still as she came alongside and curled an arm around Norika’s shoulder. At one point she might have entertained certain fantasies along these lines, but seeing the girl beneath the Nyxia mask put them to rest.

”I’m an orphan, yet your home is just as cold as mine. Rage. Cry. Let it out, and I’ll tell no one what happens here.”

At first, Norika's eyes widened and her frail body tensed when she suddenly felt Roche’s arm around her, but she soon relaxed after hearing the softness in the other girl’s words and realizing just how gentle and comforting the Rule Keeper’s embrace felt. N-No one’s ever held me like this before… the sickly girl reflected, even as her tears continued to flow in a seemingly endless stream. N-No one, except… She swallowed. Kaito… Yes, Kaito was the only other person to ever treat her with such kindness and compassion. He had been the only person to see just how worthless and pathetic she was, yet still care for her anyway. At least, until now…

M-Maybe… M-Maybe she really does understand… While Norika despised the thought of being pitied just as much as she hated showing such weakness in front of a fellow club member, for some reason, she couldn’t help but feel that Roche’s actions were motivated not by pity, but by empathy. After their first tumultuous meeting, Norika had seen a glimpse of this unexpectedly softer side of the otherwise harsh and stoic Rule Keeper, but she had dismissed it as merely an act, a means of garnering trust through empty gestures of commiseration. Indeed, that belief had persisted, even as she had seen Roche’s impassive veneer crack on several other occasions to reveal a deeply wounded girl who genuinely cared about her teammates’ wellbeing. Yet now, those thoughts of ulterior motives had been thoroughly shaken. Perhaps she had been wrong about the track star. Perhaps they really did have more in common than she had wanted to believe…

“T-T-Thank y-you,” Norika whispered once her sobbing had finally ended. “F-For not t-telling a-anyone else a-about how p-pathetic I a-am. I-I-I… I-I’ve always h-hated how w-weak I am,” she continued in a quiet, trembling voice as she clasped both hands over the hidden pendant on her chest. “K-Kaito was t-the only p-person w-who w-was ever k-kind to me. T-The only p-person who d-didn’t t-think I w-was w-worthless…”

”He sounds like a great boy. I wish I could have met him, and I wish you could have met my dad. He’d have called your parents complete idiots and carried you out to our car for a real family dinner in a heartbeat. Kaito and him….would have gotten on well.” Roche’s voice was halting and dry, but she knew she wouldn’t cry. She’d had all the time in the world to expel her own tears.

”I think….I think most of us Dark Magical Girls gave up. We stopped hoping we could have what we wanted most. You haven’t though. You tell the world to get bent every night you hunt Miseria, and that is incredible. You are incredible, Norika.”

Roche couldn’t do that. Couldn’t dare to hope and fight for something like bringing back what she’d lost. But what she could do was give Norika and the others back the support that had sent their lives tumbling down into darkness.

”You aren’t worthless, and if you ever wanted to introduce the Club to Norika, they’d all say the same.”

“I-I d-don’t k-know about t-that…” Norika’s quiet voice said dubiously, even as the first hints of a blush began to color her cheeks. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Roche was actually… complimenting her. A part of her wanted to dismiss it as nothing more than empty things the Rule Keeper was just saying to be nice. But no, if she was being honest with herself, she knew that Roche actually meant every word. The pain in the athletic girl’s voice when she spoke of her father gave proof of that. “A-A-And I d-don’t w-want a-anyone else to k-know about t-this p-part of m-me,” she quickly added. “B-B-But, um… T-Thank y-you… for b-being so n-nice,” she told the track captain, the corners of her formerly frowning mouth forming the faint beginnings of a smile before drooping down once more. “A-A-And, I-I’m s-sorry about your f-father,” she whispered after a moment. “I-If he w-was a-anything like Kaito, I-I’m sure the p-pain of l-l-losing him w-was unbearable…”

Yes, if what Roche said was true, then she had suffered in the same way as Norika herself. Even worse, while she had her precious baby to give her strength and comfort, what did the Rule Keeper have? The other club members? Norika highly doubted someone as composed and commanding as Roche would ever confide in any of them.

“U-Um…” she began hesitantly, her shaking hands still clenched around the pendant beneath her robe. “I-I-If y-you, uh, e-ever w-want to t-talk a-about it, I-I, um… I-I w-wouldn’t mind l-listening…”

The Rule Keeper didn’t doubt the sincerity of Norika’s words when she made that offer. On reflex she opened her mouth to politely decline, but the words didn’t emerge. Something in her gorge rose up, and she realized she did want to talk.

With a smile working its way onto her lips her one armed hug loosened just enough she could reach over and pluck up the math’s textbook. ”Tell you what, Norika. Let’s give a crack at some of this material, and we’ll spend the last half hour talking about Kaito and Dad. It’s okay if we don’t make any progress. I’ll just bring some earlier material next time and work our way up.”

Roche looked sidelong at Norika, holding out the text to the first unit with an encouraging expression.

“O-Okay,” Norika replied with a nod. “I-I p-promise I’ll d-do my b-best,” she added with as much determination as her frail body could muster.

Now that she thought about it, Norika realized that she had always done better when Kaito had helped her with her studies, his kind words of encouragement seeming to clear away at least some of her mental blocks, and she found herself fervently hoping that the same would be true with Roche as well.

The pair hadn’t bothered shifting from the bed, only parting long enough for Roche to pull closer the notebooks and texts she’d already laid out and stuff some extra bolsters between her and the headboard. She’d gone in expecting Norika would not be as up to date as students in her age group, but she wasn’t that far behind either.

It might take months, but the fundamentals were all still there, nurtured by Kaito’s support and only needing a little polish to start growing once more.

With a thump the book closed and Roche checked the time on her phone, thinking it was a good point to cut off so Norika could unwind before the Butler came to sour their session.

“S-S-So, u-um… D-Did you w-want to t-talk about y-your d-dad now…?” Norika inquired tentatively.

”Well, my dad was pretty awesome. Raised me himself. Mom….isn’t in the picture, but he was always there for me. Super dad, never letting any of the stress show….at least till it got to be too much.” Roche’s head tilted back, resting against the pillows as her nails drummed along the closed book cover. ”Everything was so happy, till the day I came home and he was hanging there.”

Norika gasped in shock at this horrifying revelation, but she allowed Roche to continue.

”It all came out when I was getting his affairs in order. The unpaid debts. The work pressure. Impossible goals and unpaid overtime grinding him down till he was just another statistic. You probably get how quick it was to turn dark from all that, but there was something Rei told me not to tell anyone. A rule no one is allowed to break, and she would have killed me if I hadn’t fallen short.”

“I-I-I’m s-so s-sorry…” Norika managed after a moment, her fragile face filled with sorrow as she hesitantly reached over to place a shaking hand on Roche’s shoulder. She’d never tried to comfort anyone before, but knowing the pain she felt at Kaito’s death gave her a good idea of what the Rule Keeper was feeling, and she wanted to do whatever she could to lessen some of that pain, if only a pitifully small amount. Then there was the secret rule Roche was referring to, and while the frail girl didn’t know precisely what it was, she was fairly sure she had a good idea…

“D-D-Did… D-Did you t-try to k-k-kill someone?” Norika inquired, her voice a faint whisper. “W-W-When Kaito died, t-the f-first thing I d-did after b-becoming a m-magical girl w-was k-kill the M-Miseria that m-m-murdered him,” she told the Rule Keeper, her eyes taking on a far harder and fiercer appearance than their usual meek softness. “A-At least, I t-think it w-was the s-same one,” she added after a moment. “I-It l-looked the s-same… A-A-Anyway, I-I w-wanted to c-completely destroy the f-filthy p-piece of s-shit, a-and it f-felt so g-good when I was a-able to, s-so, I c-completely understand i-if you f-felt the s-same w-way towards w-whoever m-made y-your dad d-do… t-that…

Unconsciously she leaned closer into Norika’s embrace, struggling to recall the last time she’d held or been held like that. It was soothing, letting her words flow like water along a stream.

”Y-Yeah, I wanted that too, but you know how I am. I take abuse then I dish it out, even then. Normal people, they can’t see us when transformed. I stopped living as Roche for awhile. I was there, in that office building, staring into the faces of people trying to figure out who it was that pushed him over the edge. I didn’t speak for weeks, just watching like a ghost…and in the end, there was no easy answer. There wasn’t some targeted campaign of terror. No abuse. Just….just…”

”Pressure. Pervasive, all-encompassing pressure without release.What killed him wasn’t some bastard, but a system that didn’t care.” Her lips curled but there was only bitterness as she dredged up the well-trodden revelation. That shred of insight that tore up the heart of a Magical Girl and left the wretch she was behind. ”That didn’t stop me from lashing out. His manager was supposed to look out for him, wasn’t he? If anyone could have seen the signs it was him, right? Why should he get to live while my dad didn’t?!”

Roche was breathing hard and her limbs were tense, curled like a bug in its death throes before realizing she was clutching Norika too tight. She forced the limb to relax, but the mania remaied in her eyes.

”It didn’t matter to me that he was just as worn by the system. That I had looked in his eyes and stood in his office while he was unaware. Living like his shadow till the two of us were standing on a train platform. I would have pushed him. In my dreams I saw it clear as day, and some days I still do. But before my hand could even reach him, someone else bumped into him.”

The difference between bystander and murderer was measured in a split second. Hesitation. Indecision. Perhaps the intervention of a twisted god granting her mercy at the expense of damning another with the guilt of a stranger’s death.

”There’s only one rule for Dark Magical Girls; Don’t kill the mundane. Cheat, steal, torture, and abuse all you like, but killing them changes you…or at least, so Rei said. If I’d done it, she’d have killed the monster I became, but I don’t think there’d have been anything left to care one way or the other. I could fall off the face of the earth and stalk a company for weeks, and no one cared. Not a soul.”

Norika simply listened in silence as Roche emptied her heart out, wincing slightly at the momentary tightness of the athletic girl’s embrace, but not making any move to pull away. Roche had shown great sympathy towards her, after all, so it only felt right to do likewise. The Rule Keeper’s revelations on why Rei prohibited the premeditated killing of ordinary people weren’t all that surprising, but the fact that Roche had come so close to succumbing to the consequences of doing so nevertheless sent a chill down the frail girl’s spine. The world truly was a dark and awful place, Norika reflected, its painfully few bright spots snuffed out all-too-quickly. That was why she fought so hard to cling to and protect them.

“N-No one c-cared a-about me, e-either…” Norika whispered as she continued to embrace the track star. “N-No one, e-except Kaito, m-my b-baby… a-and y-you… She swallowed. “I-I-I k-know I’ve b-been a t-terrible p-partner, b-but I w-want t-that to c-change. F-From n-now on, w-whenever y-you n-need someone, I-I want t-to b-be there f-for you.”

”You weren’t terrible.” The words come reflexively, a note of tenderness as she deepened the embrace, lingering in the feeling of holding and being held both had been starved of. ”You just weren’t used to it. We all have to start somewhere.”

”I’ll be there for you too. More than just tutoring and magical girl stuff. If you need to get out or get away, I’ll be there for you, Norika.”

The world was indifferent to the plight of people. It turned, grinding them like grain upon a mill. With neither malice nor care it broke wills and shattered lives.

That was just more reason Roche had to care for what few bright points she could shelter beneath her.

​​Norika had to admit, Roche’s words truly brought her a sense of comfort she didn’t think she could ever experience again after her brother’s death. Was this… Was this what having a friend was like?

“T-Thank you, Roche,” Norika told the Rule Keeper softly. “F-For e-everything. I-I, um, I g-guess I’ll s-see y-you again t-tonight?” she asked tentatively as she and the track star finally separated from each other.

Roche looked warmly upon Norika before nodding her agreement and rising from the relative comfort of her bed. The books remained where she left them but the bag went over her shoulder as she came to her feet.

”I’ll be there. And if you wanted to show up outside of Nyxia, I’m sure the others would welcome you too.” The Rule Keeper reiterated softly, though she wasn’t going to push too hard for it. Norika could take things at her own pace.

”Otherwise I’ll see you at our next session. Look over the books and see what you're comfortable with. Then think what you want to do afterwards. Movies, games, etc.” With one last wave she reached out to the door, her expression turning placid as she preempted the butler’s grasp of the handle.

”It was a productive session. I’ll be looking forward to the next one..”

“Y-Yeah,” Norika agreed with a small, yet genuine smile. “M-Me too.”

I probably should have expected this…
-Ashley Avenir

Despite being applied to so large a target, Finn’s melody appeared to have indeed succeeded in speeding up Peace Train enough so that its inevitable rendezvous with Crazy Train would occur over the park. However, to Ashley’s considerable shock, the Art Deco behemoth didn’t harm the other train as it passed by, but rather healed it…


Even if her bewildered eyes had been deceived, the Knight of Tomorrow could feel the restorative power of Peace Train’s magic suffusing the very air around her. This was unprecedented. All analyses and predictions had pointed to the two behemoths engaging each other in combat, or uniting to destroy the city, but to meet for something so benign as a healing? Ashley was still having trouble believing it. Furthermore, even if Peace Train meant no harm to anyone, mundane human or monster alike, could the same be said of Crazy Train? Had it really just come to have its wounds mended and then continue on its inscrutable way, or would the now fully restored behemoth descend upon Pax Septimus with renewed fury? The high-tech heroine had no idea, and she wasn’t gong to simply wait around to find out.

As the two trains raced by each other, Ashley aimed her techno-wand at Crazy Train and charged it with transcendent power. Her eyes widened at the sight of a familiar blue-haired esper atop the other behemoth, but she didn’t allow that to distract her, nor did she permit the subsequent swirling of storm clouds around one of Crazy Train’s cars to prevent her from enacting her plan. Adjusting her aim to avoid the mystic meteorological obstruction, she fired a lance of neon green energy into the side of the behemoth. However, this was not an attack, but rather a finder beam, which would hopefully ascertain the monstrous locomotive’s imminent intentions, especially in regard to Pax Septimus and its inhabitants. And if those intentions were hostile, then learning its weak point also wouldn’t hurt.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Gold Beam][Powerful][Charge][Reveal] = -48 mana

I really like your waiting theme. I could listen to it for months.

Being a leader sure is fun...
-Ashley Avenir

Ashley’s mind raced as Elroy spoke, the fiery freelancer apparently willing to cease hostilities for the moment, even if his ostensible allies were considerably less enamored with the notion. His revelations were troubling enough, but no sooner had he finished speaking, then Mika voiced her own opinion on the situation. The Knight of Tomorrow knew she was in a tough spot. She had an exceedingly difficult decision to make and an exceedingly small window of time in which to make it.

On the one hand, what Mika said made a great deal of sense. Up until now, she’d never seen a monster do anything other than endanger innocent lives. Stacy and Elzy might have been possible exceptions, but there were fairly good odds that both of them were just human espers with monster-like esper states. Not only that, but the fake nuns had indeed murdered a fellow agent and were almost certainly working for The Hand, an organization responsible for brainwashing multiple people. Was it really such a stretch to imagine them doing the same to Elroy, even in light of his great power and experience?

Yet, on the other hand, this monster had yet to harm anyone, despite having ample opportunity to do so. Plus, the “holy man” Elroy mentioned might very well have been the mysterious “High Priest” that had helped The Maiden, Gale, and herself eliminate Sofron a month prior, although she couldn’t exactly tell Mika that. Even so, after taking Elroy’s actions into account, it seemed far more likely that he was telling the truth, especially in light of the fact that there was a second, far more dangerous looking behemoth heading for the one they were currently riding on.

If she was being honest, this entire mission seemed insane from the onset. Even if her small team somehow succeeded in destroying a monster of this size before it entered the city, there was no way they would be able to eliminate the second one as well. And of the two possible behemoths to attack first, why was the less aggressive one chosen to be that initial target? Mika herself already suspected that there was a mole in G.E.M.I.N.I.’s ranks, and with each new puzzling piece of information Ashley encountered, that possibility seemed ever more certain.

Still, even if Elroy was right, and this “good” train wished to defeat the “evil” train, their choice of battlefield was decidedly less than ideal. Although most of Pax Septimus’s populace had either evacuated or were huddled indoors, a battle between two behemoths in the heart of the city would be devastating in the extreme. As far as the Knight of Tomorrow was concerned, her team’s primary objective was to prevent loss of life, and the destruction of only one of the trains (and the supposed good one at that) would do little to achieve it. A quick glance at the rapidly approaching second behemoth told Ashley that Crazy Train’s writhing path would soon bring it over Pax Septimus Park. It wasn’t ideal, but if any place in the city would be free of civilians during a storm like this, the park was it. However, at their current speeds, the two behemoths would meet a fair bit beyond that zone of relative safety, which meant that, for her hastily formulated plan to work, one of the trains would either need to slow down or speed up…

“Timekeeper!” the high-tech heroine shouted. “I need you to give this train as big of a speed boost as you can!” Then, turning to Mika, she added, “Listen, Cerberus, I know this is a long shot, but the best way to mitigate civilian casualties is to ensure Crazy Train is taken down over the park. If Elroy thinks Peace Train can help us accomplish that, then I’m willing to give it the chance to prove it,” she added, making sure to keep her shield up and her techno-wand ready in case the train’s ghostly crew started getting too close. “If not, then we’ll have no choice but to take it down, too. And rest assured,” she promised with narrowed eyes, her voice low enough that only Mika could hear her over the roaring tempest. “No matter what happens, those nuns are going to pay for what they did to Angel…”

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


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