Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fauxtrot

The Fauxtrot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[To be updated with All CS information here]

“It’s sort of romantic, isn’t it? Kids outnumbered…fighting for something they believe in. Better than HBO, I’d say.”

Name: Helen Fenten a.k.a. Drizzy X

Age: 26

Race/Faction/Abilities: Human / Monarchy of Ulrich / None

A “wild child” Helen enjoys all things technology, she runs numerous websites and blogs and vlogs daily. She’s not easy to get along with and has been known to say or do whatever she feels, luckily her ability to cope with massive amounts of stress help her deal with the consequences of her poor decision making. She was the last one to actually speak with Avan publicly/ Currently unemployed, Former talk show host of “Alt. Twisted News”


House Call

“Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character. Worship without sacrifice. She’s been guilty of quite a few social sins, and then some.” Mrs. Fenten’s mouth formed a tired smile, her face obscured behind thin spinnerets of smoke, “When I was at three months, I prayed that God give me a strong child. A boy—I wanted one that looked just like his daddy before he passed away, bless his soul. Do you believe in souls? ” she asked, but when she didn’t get an answer, she continued “But,” she took a long, drag on an Old-Fashioned,“I got Helen. And I knew from the very moment she came out, she was meant for something. I wasn’t sure what. But I could tell that God gave me at least half my wish.”

“And, the father?”

“Lung cancer got him a few years ago. One of those long drawn out ordeals, by the time he went we had made our peace; he’s with Jesus now. Do you know who Jesus is? Mary? John the Baptist?” her voice was tensed and as she leaned forward, a crescent of light illuminated the tight brown skin of her forehead, “Look, I ain’t got nothin’ against your kind, but all of this talking is making me tired. So if you don’t mind…”

“As you wish.”

The scraping of metal feet on kitchen tile and a sudden groan of the heavy oak table sliding out of place, “Wait. Please… Please, this is very hard for me. Do you know where she is? If you do, just tell me. She’s been missing for a week—you said it would be best not to get the authorities involved and I haven’t!” she gripped with both hands at the edge of his collar “Helen was a nice girl. I’m not saying she’s perfect, but she’s got a good heart. Please give her back--”

“I don’t have her. But I believe she’s safe.”

“Damn you, O’Shalna! You’re going to Hell if anything happens to her. I trusted you! Even after seeing on the six o’clock news—drugs, orgies, satanic music—had I known Helen was going to be dragged down that path—when I called you into my home I expected more answers!” In a fit of passion she slaps him.

A sharp, ugly sound that hangs thick in the air between them. The hand print, pinkish and small on the man’s cheek fades quickly. Calmly, he smooths down the front of his uniform.

“My brother isn’t perfect either Mrs. Fenten,” His voice is cool and indifferent, he runs a hand to smooth the hairs that had strayed out of place “Thanks for the tea.”

"You better watch your back Damian," she cries helplessly after him, "-- you and that God awful brother, too!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fauxtrot

The Fauxtrot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“You want more-- you’re not very smart, are you?”

Name: Ulrich Vey O’Shalna

Age: 19


Faerie / Monarch of Ulrich / Will-‘O-Wisp


He’s usually the type to chew toothpicks and rag all day about “techies should appreciate…” this and “there’s going to come a day when…” that. Vain, curios, petulant, and clever… very clever… His redeeming qualities are perhaps his fierce loyalty. To Avan. To his subjects. Even his brother [though he openly disagrees, as brothers often do].
All of this has been changing recently due to his recent participation in drug use. Now they say he’s become paranoid, and secretive, and obsessive—this all according to Drizzy X's Monday blog post about it.


Four years prior:

Two meaty patties on two toasted, wheat buns. One red tomato slice, and three crinkled pickles. A beautiful green leaf of lettuce and two dabs of condiments: mustard and “Fancy” ketchup. The best part of all was a tall blue frosted glass that sat glimmering in the sunlight between them. It was filled to the very brim with sweet, brown cola and three giant floating dollops of vanilla ice cream.

“Go on. Just a little—it tastes like heaven” Helen’s lips formed a large ‘O’ as she slowly inched her pinky towards his face; she had dipped it into the ice cream and cola and it was starting to melt down between the columns of her fingers. He eyed the digit, focusing his imagination and hoping, just hoping that if he denied her long enough that this iced-cream would melt down into her palm. Down her wrist and arm and then elsewhere… She frowned, and then to his disappointment she lowered the hand and folded it into a napkin, “I don’t get it. This is the best place in town, you can’t have anything here?”

He shook his head, leaning backwards into the cracked leather booth, eyeing her with a sort of wary look, “that stuff’s poison,” he folded both hands under the table between them.

“Sure, it is to everyone” she grinned and dunked another finger—this time the middle one, on to the side of her plate and into some neon red ketchup. “What can I say? We all gotta’ go sometime—hey!”

He hadn’t even thought about it, his hand closed around her forearm and pulled until he was able to reach his lips around the base of her finger. All at once: Tomato concentrate from red ripe tomatoes, distilled vinegar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, water, salt, and lastly tomato... no, not tomato… more chemicals…
It was awful. Wonderful. And horrible. He’ll be sick later. His expression was bunched and the skin around his freckles bloomed red and inflamed.

“Okay, you’ve made your point—can I have my hand back?” her voice was high pitched and tremulous, he smiled weakly at her, feeling a bit green.

“Anything that isn’t coming straight from Gaia herself…” he paused, noticing for the first time, the massive shadow that had cast itself on the surface of the table between them.

“Hey look who it is, it’s Dami--” but before anything else, he wretched. Hard.

“I’m gonna’ go and see if they can send someone here to clean this up” suggested Helen, a bit too keenly. Slipping out of the booth she pranced her way between tables, leaving the two brothers in foul smelling air.

Ulrich waited until she was out of earshot, “Nice girl, you got there… Hey, weren’t you supposed to be busy today?”

“You think you’re funny don’t you?” Damien said darkly, “The tiger exhibit—really? Do you hate me that much?”

“I thought you liked the Zoo”

“You locked me in a cage. With tigers. Real tigers. For three days.” Damien's face drew within inches from his own, Ulrich watched from the corner of his eye how the veins in his forearms rolled and wondered how long before the table would snap under pressure, “And then I manage to escape, only to find you here?”

Ulrich leaned away and reaches for his glass of spring water. Sipping slowly, “Three days?” he mused quietly, “I knew I must’ve forgotten something… How was it?”

“No clothes. You left me at Central Zoo, naked. In a cage.”

“It’s the only way you’d have learned,” to his own surprise, Ulrich finds himself suddenly annoyed, he sets down his glass and stands, squaring his shoulders, “I get that you’ve only been at this a few months. But your little talent isn’t exactly the safest one out there-- did it ever occur to you that me leaving you back there just saved you years of practice?” being only fifteen, he was less than half Damien’s size in total, “Look, Avan put me in charge of showing you the ropes because he’s nice. He thinks you’ve got what it takes to set an example for our people.” He pauses and then adds quietly, “But personally, bro? I don’t see it.”

“Hey, I’ve got the check up there waiting for us—hey what’s wrong?” Helen’s gaze shifts between the two of them, frowning she comes to rest an arm around Damien’s waist.

“Nothing” he, snaps. He’s annoyed with her too because he realizes, that she was also taller than him, “I was just leaving—we’ll do this another time, love. Leave the tip for me?” after plunking down a larger bill between the food and his plate of vomit, he strides quickly past them.

“Is he going to be alright?” when Damien didn’t answer her she added “he came around my place worried about you, y’know…I think he really looks up to you--”

“Let's go for a movie.”

“You hate movies” Helen frowns, “Damien—hey look at me. Look.” She took his face between both hands. Forcing him to look her in the eye “He’s just a kid. He’ll come around eventually.”

It took quite some months until Helen's words would ring true. Ulrich's height shot up one summer-- he was an inch taller than Damien, longer but still lacking in bulk--- perhaps that factored in to his sudden change in attitude. Or perhaps it was Avan's influence after all. Nagging like a old women, practice after practice about 'teamwork'. Forcing them to work together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spade
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Spade Sound The Charge, Cut Me Loose

Member Seen 9 days ago

My goddess has shown me many things, but what speaks to me the most, is that true salvation can not be achieved through negotiation, but reached by brazen victories.

Name: Damien Cass O'Shalna
Age: 24
Build: 6'2 230lbs

"Damien's always been plagued by nightmares, since he was a boy we would always rush to his room as soon as the screaming started. He said it was a beast that chased him, it would chase him through a thick forest, he would talk about how it was so foggy he would trip and fall and get up and keep running. They always ended the same way, he would run out to a beach, the beast chasing him into the water. He usually woke up by then, but sometimes...he said sometimes he'd drown until a woman would grab his hand. We took him to the best doctors, consulted the city's best psychologists. I mean, we would put him through test after test. He must have had his brain scanned at least a dozen times but they would all say the same thing, 'he's fine, he'll grow out of it.'." the voice began to tremble with confusion, "they never stopped, even when he was a teenager. He would lock his door, he said he had to fight the beast in his dreams but he never won. It wasn't until..."

"Wasn't until when, Mrs. O'Shalna?"

"It wasn't until he started reading those books, spending time with Faes. When he found out he was Fae, something clicked inside of him. He was able to figure it out, but I lost my eldest son, and that still hurts me to this day. He was a 5 Star Recruit, won All-American honors, First Team Collegiate Defensive Captain. He received the Ray Lewis Award for being the best linebacker in the country -- just look around, his awards are all over our living room, it's all I have left of him." the occasional sniffle came around, Damien's adoptive mother reached for a tissue and tried to calm herself, "It was this Avan kid, some kid he met in class that said he could rid him of his nightmares. He was the one that gave my Damien all of those old books, that spoke of gods and old traditions. He would go swimming every morning, up before the sun was, gone. I should have known then, I should have known I would lose him! He sat me down, he talked about how he was finally able stop the nightmares. He said 'Mom, I was never supposed to fight the beast, the beast was meant for me to embrace.' He spoke of all these things I didn't understand, he wouldn't stop about his one true goddess, the one he was meant for."

"Can you tell me the name of the goddess he began worshiping please?"

Mrs. O'Shalna laughed through her tears, the name brought her a miasma of different emotions. The goddess in question was the one who cleared Damien's clouded mind, cured him of his nightmares but also infatuated him so much he disconnected from his adoptive family all together and create the Sea Tigers, a movement of Fae that would eventually become his new family, as he felt it was intended to be so. Mrs. O'Shalna wiped the tears from her eyes, and looked up at her wall to a picture of Damien when he was still a child.

"Liara...her name is Liara."
Damien's boots left heavy imprints in the sand as he walked out to the beach. Central Forest cut clear through the sea, and the forest was dense enough to allow him to follow the river bank all the way without being seen by any drones. His scouts recognized when he was on a walk, and kept their distance out of respect for their calm leader. He removed the leather spaulders and vambraces, undoing his belt so he could slip his neomesh shirt off. His sword made a soft thud as it hit the sand. A twig snapped in the treeline, prompting Damien to stop and smile. His elven captain, Alistar made his presence known as he emerged from the treeline with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you going to see her again so soon? Frequent visits are unlike you, Damien. I hope you're not quarreled by our recent developments. Had I known it would have bothered you so, I would have waited until a better time to tell you."
"This isn't about Helen, Alistar, I've just got some things I need to hear from her right now, which is why I'm doing this. I'm fine, and when the day comes where something burdens me so much it hinders my ability to lead these men properly, you will be the first to know."
"Not the orc?"
"No, not the orc."

They both laughed, and Alistar nodded in acceptance to Damien's reassuring words, "Cool, you win, I'll see you in a bit then, boss." and with those last words, Alistar the Shadow walked calmly back into the forest. Damien used the rhythm of the waves to focus his mind, clear his thoughts. Slowly he began to walk into the water, eyes still closed, waves gently crashing into his form. Things went quiet, things got dark and Damien opened his eyes to find himself in the silent vastness of an immensely foggy beach. Waves crashing in the calm distance. Damien blinked himself into a focus, listening for her footsteps. He grew impatient after a few minutes, knowing she was watching him clearly through the fog. It was what this goddess did, constantly testing, teasing, waiting.

"I know you're there, I'm sure you like what you see."
"The re-opening of old wounds make my lovely man stronger and I need to you to be strong. How could you think of her again when you know you have me, my love? Her chance was so long ago, and I grow tiresome waiting for my king to come see me again. Your unfocused mind worries me, my king. Am I not beautiful enough for you, dearest? Are my gifts not rewarding enough to keep me in your heart?"
"You know that's not true. You are everything to me. Her time is over, she chooses Ulrich over me. She's Ulrich's and I am yours Liara, I am yours and no one else's" he spoke sternly, looking around for her figure to appear among the fog. Soon, it did. Her soft skin and hypnotizing curves approached him with soft footsteps. She wore nothing but a short, soft transparent toga and a crown lined with the teeth of a large tiger. She smiled and examined him with silence, her lips curving maliciously upward as she slowly walked around him, her finger tugging at his waistline.

"Your words calm my heart Damien, they make me long for the day when you will finally join me here and become my king. You would have me everyday, my love. I would be yours and you would be mine and we would have eternity together. You know it's what your heart desires, my love. Please Damien, take your life and join me." she spoke, her words infections to Damien's affection as she pressed her body against his, her hand pressed firmly on his chest, enticing him.
"I have things to take care of, you know I can't."
The air grew tense as Liara's blue nails slightly dug into Damien's skin. In the distance, a growl could be heard, footsteps circling the two became clearly audible. Damien was frozen, Liara's hold on him was too strong for his will to break. Her hand made it's way to the back of his neck, snatching it in close in one intense motion.
"Maybe I should take you myself, now that you are grown and strong enough to be my king. What if I decided to take you away, all for me to hold sway over? My love, I desire you with all of my heart, let me bring you into my world forever." she whispered sharply, words laced with chilling anger. Damien was finally able to break free of her hold, grabbing her hand and removing it from his neck, her nails leaving burning scratches.
"Not today." he whispered, and for a moment, they looked deeply into each others eyes before sharing a deep, passionate kiss.

Damien awoke amongst the wet sand, looking around before seeing his gear bundled a few yards away. He got up and looked around before feeling the burning cuts on his chest and neck. For years, he had accepted Liara as his one and only true love, destined to join her after a good death, but Helen and Ulrich would come to make things much more interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spade
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Spade Sound The Charge, Cut Me Loose

Member Seen 9 days ago

I'm really busy with work this weekend, but I promise I'll have something up by tomorrow night. I was gonna try and throw something up really quick but I'm just too tired to post quality right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fauxtrot

The Fauxtrot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hey don't worry about it~ We take things at our own pace.
If you need me to give you more a picture of what's going on lemme know, I have plans to explain most of whats going on in the next post :)


If I had the time I would totally flashback to when Damien was locked in the Zoo xD Also might flash back to the time where Helen and Damien first met-- but I dunno-- I'll save such a mushy/comical flashback for a rainy day. It's pretty sweet the way I imagine it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fauxtrot

The Fauxtrot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Loved the post xD especially because it comes off like Damien views Ulrich as an idiot near the end. Which is brilliant. I love the gnome and the science-y aspect, that part was genius as it builds upon the whole "fae-drugs"-- also it's just cool. About the 'finding someone bit'- O_O am I allowed to know?

My post will be coming day after tomorrow. By the end of it, you should know that Dirk [if you remember from the very first teaser post-- I planned him to be a generic meathead that didn't make the cut to be a tiger, but you can do whatever you like with him if/when the time comes] and Helen are coming for Damien.


Ulrich's crest. I jimmied it off a tat design and modded it using Gimp. As usual, lemme know if you need me to change anything in the post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fauxtrot

The Fauxtrot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Chapter One events moving forward:
1: Our heroes are going to arrive into the heart of the city and Check into the Ritz Carlton [A new and improved version] following clues of Ulrich's location.
2: Once checked in, they will receive an invitation to a wedding; an invitation that cannot be refused... The unlocking of the Blue Lion
3: The bride is ..[YOU SHALL SEE SOON-- I've left tiny clues. She is the main villian of the first and second chapter].. and the groom is The Mayor of New York City [CS of him coming soon-- playable by you or me or both because I think you'd enjoy him as much as I would]. Identity of The Widow is revealed
4: A very dangerous drug deal will be made.

Chapter two:
1: Characters will be forced into the underground subways into Goblin Lake
2: Reunion of Ulrich and group.
3: A main character who is not what they seem will betray us all...
4: The reason of Avan's death is revealed and he makes an appearance to the O'Shalna brothers
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fauxtrot

The Fauxtrot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Flash Back Post

This type of post will contain a series of flashbacks that can be referenced throughout the main RP. Order does not matter, just continuity. Basically, stuff that just doesn't fit right away or at all in the IC but could be fun details for spare time or what not.



Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fauxtrot

The Fauxtrot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Other Characters

I might have stacked the deck high, Mr. Spade, but this is your world too. Feel free to use or abuse anything in the toolbox below. This post will be edited to show characters that are playable by both of us. Bios and Status updates will be applied as the story progresses. If a character should graduate from minor to major, they will be deleted from this list and given their own CS. If you wish to submit a brief entry, submit in PM so that I can add it here without OOC getting messy.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spade
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Spade Sound The Charge, Cut Me Loose

Member Seen 9 days ago

Just wanted to make a quick post regarding Tyrus' Gnomish accent. When I think Tyrus, I totally think of Sharlto Copley's Kruger from Elysium. Now he's not homicidal like the character of Kruger, but the intensity and craziness in his voice is what I want to emphasize. Not all gnomes have this accent, Windsor the scientist is very much well spoken and New York, but Tyrus comes from a traditional kind of rural gnome family, which are few and far between.

Here's a shitty video so you can listen in on what I want him to sound like,

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fauxtrot

The Fauxtrot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Clip One of Three Two from the Blue Lion...

[It's such a shame that all that firepower will go to waste in the explosion...I just found a satisfactory image of Verona]

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fauxtrot

The Fauxtrot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Goblin Family of New York

As always, Mr. Spade, you are free to negotiate on the details. Otherwise, you can forgettaboutit. Capish?

Goblins are among the most homogeneous species alive today mostly likely due to their grotesque appearance and refusal to completely assimilate into modern day societal norms. However, few cultures exist in complete isolation, and it is all but inevitable that a society will be impacted by other groups, either by trade, religious missions, conquest, or some other form of communication. In the case of Goblins, it is rumored to have started when copy of Francis Ford Coppola's "The Godfather" ended up being washed down a storm grate.

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