Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Groaning, the silvery-white-haired girl slouched on her mount. "This is boring, and it's hot, and I think my butt's gluing itself to the my snake's back," she complained loudly. She was an elven girl, which was obvious due to her pointy ears and somewhat pale skin despite the fact they're living in a desert. Granted, the desert was once a forest, which got buried under a ton of sand, and the trees were tall enough to still tower over everything despite the many miles of sand underfoot, but it was still a desert. And it was blazing hot, even though the sun was a glowy ice crystal in the sky... This world is odd indeed. And that's not even taking into account the fact that elves apparently ride on giant snakes here. Frowning, she started playing with her hair, tied back into a mid-back-length ponytail, her violet eyes darting about. As for what she was wearing, well it was essentially a green tunic that extended far enough past her hips to count as a mini-dress, a pair of tan pants, light boots designed to make it easier to walk around in the desert, and of course there's the black hair-tie in a visible knot. Hanging from her back was a backpack, a bow and quiver full of arrows slung over her shoulder. This girl was Catiel of the elves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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The man she was riding with didn't respond, his own violet eyes, far colder than Catiel's, slowing eying the landscape. After a few moments, he spoke.

"I told you, wear a cloak." His voice was soft, yet tinted with harshness. "Protects you from the sun, and places something else in between you and the snake." He explained, tugging at the orange cloth wrapped around the section of the snake he was riding. A giant Eastern Hognose, orange with a black strip down the middle, tan lines going across it's body.

The older elf was wrapped up in an orange cloak, hood up, hiding his short, also orange hair. Orange being the color of his family, with which they were known throughout the elven kingdom. He stooped, pulling the hood down. His face seemed to be made out of stone, despite his young age of 16, with his eyes being oddly devoid of life.

"Catiel, do you know why we're out here?" He asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Training," she sighed. Absent-mindedly, she scratched the side of her snake's head, a just as huge serpent with the coloration of a Ribbon Snake, black with streaks of green running down its length. It flicked its tongue in appreciation, slithering along behind the older elf's snake. "It's just that it gets really boring out here, Ateznus." Slouching slightly, she stared out at the desert-forest. "I mean... Hardly anything interesting actually happens out here." She was three years younger then Ateznus, and it definitely showed with how she was acting. She really hates these training sessions, especially with him. Whenever they're out here, he always runs her ragged. And by the time they get back, she just wants to go to bed and flop on top of the covers and pass out. As it is, she's still tired from yesterday since she didn't get much sleep last night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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"You would rather it be boring than have it be dangerous." He said. Lifting up his hair on the right side of his head, he showed the scarred flesh and the fleshy hole where his ear was once. "Father has told you, and all who will listen, the story, many times over. Bragging, for sure, but when he told you it, he was trying to warn you, Catiel." He explained, patting his serpent on the head, pointing towards a rather large tree. The serpent slithered towards it, moving up it's bark. Ateznus held on to the grips, untill they snake reached a bran, crawling out onto it.

The older elf thanked it, getting off and standing on the branch. "Arm your self, Catiel. Try to hit me, as I tell you the story again. You need your memory refreshed, it seems."

He watched his snake head back to the desert floor, heading off to circle around the area. It was large, but it was quick, and would get to the elven siblings faster than any enemies could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

When Ateznus revealed his scar, she cringed a bit. She always hates it when he does that. "Are you sure?" Catiel asked as she got off her snake, petting it on the head as she thanked it. "I mean, arrows are not exactly known for safe for a sparring session." Although that's partially an excuse. Since not only does it rarely end well when they spar, but she really does not like hearing this story. But even if it was just an excuse, the fact of the matter is that her weapon of choice, the bow and arrow, is something that will injure him it she manages to hit him.
Her snake watched lazily from outside of the area, flicking its tongue out every once in a while to check for the scents in the air. Sensing no threats nearby, it curled itself up to take a short nap. She happened to notice this, and smiled fondly at her snake. While it's true that it was a rather lazy snake, she really did like it. It was really friendly, and when it had to act, it did a good job. She remembered when she got it, every day she'd spend hours recounting her day and it patiently listened. Basically, it was both a close companion and a scaly diary to her, with extra emphasis on the former.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Metal Zeta came here to laugh at you

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Ateznus closed his eyes, recounting a chant, a light blue glow washing over him. "I'm sure, those arrows are nether strong enough, nor enchanted to break through this magic." A simple enchantment, a week barrier of magical energy. Nothing that would stop a blade or hammer, nor arrows imbued with magic. But imply arrows, like Catiel's, would fall with ease. "Now, begin." He said, walking down the length of the branch. As so he begun his story.

"It was my tenth year of life, and my third month of training. Father brought me out into the woods. The part called the Dragon's Woods. We were to train for three days." He paused at that part, letting Catiel appreciate the fact she only had to train a few hours a day. "On the second day, a group of Lost attacked."

Lost, the name for those unfortunate to meet their end in the forest after a time spent in it. The magic their bodies absorbed bound them to the forest, even after death. Even after the body had rotted, the soul remained, somehow physical, until they were slain.

"Father told me to climb into the lower branches, which I did. The tree, was weak, however, and it broke. I had no choice but to take up my blade and fight alongside father. I was young, however, and could not watch my surroundings as well. One appeared behind me, grabbing it's claws into the side of my face, grabbing my ear, and pulling." He stopped, holding his hand up to where his ear was, closing his eyes. His father told the story with much more bravado, swelling with pride. For Ateznus, however, it was just another event in his past.

"I spun around, cutting through the Lost. And then another fell by my blade. Four more followed. Father had taken care of the rest, and rushed me home." And with that, he opened his eyes,taking a single step back as an arrow narrowly missed his nose.

"Catiel, are you even trying?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Yeeees," Catiel said, unenthusiastic. Truth be told, this is the fourth time she heard this story. No matter how many times she hears it, it just never interested her. She just... Doesn't like this story. At all. Sure, she gets that she should be careful and all that, but still. Notching a couple arrows, she fired them at the same time, Without even waiting for their arc to finish, she brought out another one and fired it off. The young elf girl really didn't want to be here. If she ever actually saw the Lost, that might change things a little. However, since she hasn't, these training sessions just seem tedious to her. Especially target practice with Ateznus, since she generally winds up missing for hours on end because, what do you know, this generation's 'greatest prodigy' is just too good for the 'lame second child' of their family to land a hit on him unless he actually let's her. That's sort of how things have been for as long as she could remember. Ateznus gets praised, and people practically worship the ground he's walked on... And people generally whisper behind her back that she was likely born just for the purpose of marrying her off. No matter what she did, someone somewhere just acted like it wasn't good enough. As a result, she'd probably spend her days laying about, occasionally leaving the house just so she could spend time with her snake, if no one pretty much dragged her out kicking and screaming. She just saw no point in any of this, since she probably really will wind up in some kind of political marriage or something, at least that's what she figured.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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"Now, can you try the truth?" He asked. He knew his sister wasn't trying, and he knew why. "Catiel, enough."

He made his way down, walking towards her. "I have told you tens, if not hundreds of times." He said, placing his hand on her bow and pushing it down. "If you listen to the things they say, and let them get to you, then you prove them right. This leads to them saying it more and more and more." he explained, a smile pulling at the edges of his lips. "And you do."

He stepped besides her, pointing up, behind the tree he was standing on. Another tree grew by it, this one covered in arrows, one even piercing a small lizard. "Notice how they're almost perfectly in a row, with little divergence? Your aim is steady, and any target you sneak up on, or is unmoving, has a sure death."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Catiel felt a slight twinge at the corner of her mouth, a grin trying to form... Which she mercilessly beat down, looking away. "Even if you say that... I wouldn't matter to them," she muttered. "If it's a moving target or something, that wouldn't mean anything. So... Even if what you said was true... In the eyes of the others... It's still nothing impressive. And they'd still say that stuff." Staring at her bow, she sighed. "I remember when this used to be fun... But now, it's just... What even is the point anymore...?" She mumbled to herself.
Noticing its master was upset, the giant black and green snake unwrapped itself, and slithered over. Butting its head against her hand, it got her attention so that it could tickle her on the nose with its tongue. "H-Hey, Seth, stop that!" She giggled, the snake continuing to tickle her. Eventually, she just couldn't keep her sour mood anymore, and she just started petting the snake, a slight smile on her face. "Thanks Seth..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Ateznus smiled, watching the scene. He reached out, to grab her shoulders, to comfort her. However, he heard the shifting of sand, and the hissing of his own serpent.

His hands quickly grabbed her waist, lifting her up on Seth. "Return home, quickly." He ordered the serpent. It had before listened to him, and he hoped to whatever gods were listening that it would now.

He spun around, taking out his sword. Finder, named the day he lost his ear. Named so because "It makes those who are Lost, no more." A good blade, serving him well his ears of using it. He pointed it forward...as they appeared. The Lost

All different, yet all the same. Ragged and rotting, somehow walking like mortal men. Elf, human, and dwarf, the forest cared not who died in it's grasp, it took them all the same. They appeared physical, yet were only souls of those damned to stay in the forest for the rest of eternity. They said if you slayed them, it freed the souls, but Ateznus knew better. He knew the only thing that happen was the trees taking the souls, ripping away even the freedom of moving through the forest.

"Catiel, take Seth and leave. Do not look back." He ordered
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Catiel squeaked, terrified. Seth hissed at the Lost, slithering away to save its master. It kept going for some time, the elf girl slowly regaining her nerves. However, once she regained control over her nerves, she remembered... They were leaving Ateznus behind. Her brother... One of the few people who believe in her. He may have killed some when he was a kid... But this was an army. If he died...
She patted a hand on Seth's head, making the snake look at her in curiosity. "We can't leave," she said. Before the serpent could figure out what she meant, the elf girl pretty much threw herself off, grasping at her bow. Notching an arrow, she watched the Lost. Good, none of them seem to realize she's still around. If she could just get a good shot. Like... About... "Now!" She fired an arrow, which imbedded itself in a Lost's head. Not letting up, she notched two more arrows, firing them to get a couple in the chest. Then she fired another one to get a fourth in the neck. Taking a deep breath, she started to mentally congratulate herself... When she realized that the shots didn't kill them at all. If anything... It just made them pissed. "W-What? B-But those were direct hits, to lethal-" She stopped mid-sentence, eyes widening. That's right. These things aren't really alive. They're more like solid ghosts, a few arrows will do nothing to them. Lost started to shamble in her direction, intending to rip her apart, or do whatever they do when they want to murder the fuck out of someone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Metal Zeta came here to laugh at you

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A group of three Lost shambled towards Catiel, one of them filled with arrows.

The leading one would have felt cold steel cleaving through it, if it could. It's upper torso dropped tot he ground, Ateznus spinning around and decapitating the second in a single stroke. He held his arm up to the third one, releasing a blast of flames, kicking it away. "Catiel, what did I tel-"

His scolding was cut short as a sharp pain came from his back. He stumbled forward, placing his handon Seth to keep from falling to the ground. "An arrow?" He asked, looking behind himself. How was that possibly? The Lost didn't use weapons....as far as he knew. "Catiel, LEAVE." he yelled, turning around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Ateznus," Catiel gasped, checking on him. "This... This doesn't look good." Seth's tail whipped out, slamming a Lost's skull against a tree when it tried to take advantage of the older elf's injuries. Before he could tell her to leave again, he felt something that he was not used to from the perpetually sad-eyed girl. He felt a glare on his back. "I am not leaving you alone with that kind of injury." Looking around, she saw a low branch. Remembering how in the story, dad had advised Ateznus to get on one for safety's sake, she allowed a slight grin. "I'll fill them with arrows from up there. Would that be safe enough for you?" She asked. Without waiting for his answer, she got on Seth's tail, and gave him the order to catapult her onto a branch. Catching it, she swung herself on top, her bow slung over her back before she got this far so that she could use both hands to get on the branch. "If a few accurate non-magical arrows won't work... What if I try turning them into pin-cushions with an enchantment on my arrows?" She muttered, drawing an arrow. The arrow began to glow, as she notched it and drew it back. Releasing the arrow, she watched as it flew and nailed a Lost in the chest, making it stumble back a few paces, a noticeable burn on its torso where the magic scorched it. "Yes!"
Before she could start notching another arrow however... Something she did not foresee happening... Happened. Namely, the branch choosing that time to snap off the tree, dumping her near the Lost... Which decided to all swarm her en-masse, with the exception of some Lost that were attacking Ateznus and the snakes still. Dazed, she barely managed to get back up on her feet when a Lost grabbed her roughly by the back of her tunic and tossed her into a tree. Wait... Since when did Lost use things that used more skill then blindly charging at someone? When her vision cleared, she saw a sight that would forever mark itself upon her mind. The rotting face of one of these physical ghosts, these poltergeists, staring balefully into her eye, before it grabbed her by the neck and lifted her overhead.
"C-Can't... Breath," she gasped, the monster somehow restraining itself to slowly choking the life out of her instead of just snapping her neck. "H-Help... S-Seth... M-Mother... Father..." She struggled for air. "Atez-... B-Brother," she could barely see now. Consciousness fading. "S-Someone... Help... I-I don't... I don't want to die... Someone... Anyone," she pleaded, tears starting to flow. She was afraid. So afraid her brain couldn't even process the fact that someone was closing in on her and the Lost. She could only think of one thing. One thing that continued to repeat. She didn't want to die. She didn't want to DIE. She DIDN'T want to die. She didn't WANT to die... SHE DIDN'T WANT TO DIE! And with that thought echoing in her skull, her eyes closed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Before her eyes closed, she would hear her brother yelling out her name, his voiced filled with something she had never heard from him. Pure, burning, anger.

Steel and fang soon met rotting flesh, Ateznus' hope being that it would end within moments. When it became obvious there were far more than thought, the tiniest hints of despair filled his eyes, knowing how diffifcult it would be to protect Catiel and the snakes at the same time.

His movements become sluggish, his blows softening as time went on, arrows piercing him, claws swiping at him, his blood and the sand mixing. It was a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity.

He then stopped, a pained hiss filling his ears. "No. No. No." Disapproval filled his thoughts, as he turned to face his snake, seeing it fall to the Lost, the little life showing in it's glassy, black eyes fading away.

Ateznus felt his hands burn, as his grip around his sword tightened, wetness falling down his cheeks. "No...No...NO NO NO NO NO!" He roared, rushing to his fallen mount, showing the Lost no mercy as Finder tore through them, pride filling the raginf Elf as he saw the slain Lost around his snake, filled with giant holes, the size of the Hognose's fangs.

After the Lost who had fell his companion had fallen themselves, Ateznus hurried over to Catiel's body, cutting any near her down. He fell to his knees, grasping for breath, the Lost surrounding the siblings. He looked around, seeing Seth, fighting to protect them. He was wounded, and Ateznus knew soon to fall. "...Forgive me." He muttered, ripping an arrow out of his arm, forcing some blood into his hand.

He reached over, drawing a intricate circle on Seth's side with his blood. "H-here." He grasped, forcing magic into the circle. There was a flash of light, and Seth was gone, replaced with a small, spherical gem, cut in a way that gave it the appearance of being scaled. He grabbed Catiel's unconscious body, slipping the gem into one of her pockets. He forced his legs to stand him up, trying to walk forward. He fell.

"...Catiel." He muttered, about to blank out himself. It was then...he felt a great heat on his back. And turning around...he saw the Lost washed in a wave of flames. And then he saw only the blackness of unconsciousness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She was floating... Or at least, that's what it felt like. The elven girl no longer felt fear, she just felt like she was being gently carried somewhere. Absent-mindedly, she noticed it felt like something was floating away. Too bogged down with the peaceful feelings, she couldn't identify what they were. At least, not until the image of her father started to fade away. Horrified, she figured it out. Her memories. Her memories were floating away from her. Despite how horrified she was... She gradually began to even forget to be horrified by the prospect of losing her memories. Instead, she just felt sorrow. As the image and name of her father disappeared, her mother soon followed. Her subconscious was frantically grasping at memories, trying to save as many as possible. The memory of her beloved snake was saved, albeit damaged into a state of being little more then a niggling feeling of something being missing. This, she had to save this. As well as that. No, the memories of her race and culture are gone! Damn, there goes the memories of her training, well at least there's still muscle memory. Ah, it managed to save some history, albeit only the most general of facts. However, despite the few victories it managed, there was still one loss that even in her current state she couldn't stop the tears from dribbling down her cheeks. Her brother's image... Already gone. Both his name and the memories of their time together already faded away. But at least... At least her subconscious saved some important details. For example. Her name... Her name is... Her name is...
Catiel groaned, covering her closed eyes as the sun got in them. "Where... Am I?" She mumbled, pushing herself up. Looking around, she saw... Sand. A lot of sand. And... What is that blue stuff to her right? And those brown and green things? Dully, her mind started to interpret the images. Ah, those things are water and trees. So much water... What do they call this much water...? Ah yes, a lake. Wait, this water is salty. Ohhhh, so this must be the 'ocean'. Looking at her reflection, she frowned. Why are her ears so pointy? Looking at the sand, she ran her fingers through it, feeling the grains running out using the gaps between her digits. Absently, she noted she had something on her back. Removing it, she stared at the curved piece of wood and string. Now... What was it called again...? Oh yes, a bow. Does she know archery? Glancing at a tree, she noticed a claw mark on it. "Perfect," she said to herself, pulling out an arrow. To her amazement, she instinctively knew how to notch the arrow and draw it back. Without even realizing it, she started to adjust for the wind, and let loose the arrow. Blinking, she saw it hit the very edge of the mark. "That... That was..." When she drew the arrow, when she pulled the string, when she released the projectile, when the string sung... She felt a burst of joy. She was... Having fun. Smiling a little, she drew another arrow and tried again. A few arrows later, she swiped the sweat from her brow, and smiled gleefully at the fifth arrow in a row that hit the mark dead-center. "I did it," she cheered. She blinked, what was running down her cheek. A tear...? Somewhere deep within her sub-conscious, buried so deep that she didn't even notice it, a tiny voice said one thing. 'I wish big brother could have seen it.'
Years later, the wayward elf was standing in a small human village. It was now her 16th year, as she managed to remember. Staring out over the nearby farms from this fenced off ledge, she sighed. Once again... She felt so alone. Over the years, she realized that she was the only one within a thousand miles with pointed ears. That she was in a place ruled by 'humans', and that she is an 'elf'. Sure, some humans were sympathetic to the amnesia-plagued girl, but just as many, if not more, humans were not so kind. Over the years, she had been discriminated against, gossiped about, had stones thrown at, and flat out ignored. Over the years, she came to hate the humans who despise her so. But, deep within human territory, there was only one time where she could truly be alone. When it rained, when the sky seemed to cleanse the earth with its tears, when most creatures would seek cover in order to avoid being drenched. It was at those times when she was at peace, when she could let her mask of indifference drop, when she could... Cry. As it was raining now, she leaned against the fencing, her sad violet eyes counting the crops. Hm, looks like the humans have a good crop this year. With her slender build, lean muscles built up from repetitive practice of the one joy she still has in this world (archery), she probably was fairly attractive, if the stares she saw that had no anger or pity in them were any indication. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a pendant. It was a simple, silvery thing. A silver chain, holding onto a simple silver oval with a violet crystal in the middle. It was very simple, yet somehow that simplicity made it more beautiful. She often considered wearing it, but decided against it for fear of it being stolen. She had long since out-grown the tunic and pants she wore, considering they were getting too short as well as too tight in certain areas. Now, she was wearing an outfit composed of a brown jacket that was intentionally stopped short of her belly with a red band of cloth wrapped around her left arm, a pink mini-dress, 'panty-hose' (as the merchant called them), and a belt made of three large circles connected to a plain brown belt that wouldn't wrap completely around her waist otherwise and a (somehow) silver false gem in the middle circle of metal. It pretty much cleared her purse, so now she didn't have enough money to afford many luxuries, which left this pendent and the gemstone still in her pocket as her only possessions that had nothing to do with archery or staying dressed. She would have trouble making ends meet, if it weren't for the time-honored art of killing the fuck out of creatures that might want to eat you and then turning their remains into something edible. Oddly enough, no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get the feeling that she was used to something different then bug-things. "And another year goes by in my personal hell," she mumbled bitterly, staring at the sky. No, those certainly were not tears running down her cheeks, those were just raindrops... That got in her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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"Gah! Wah! AAAAAAAA!"

The red head stumbled back, a satisfied look on his blood strained face. He faced his enemy down, a wild wolf, with bloody and tattered white fur. "Sorry, buddy." The red had said, pointing his blade at it. "But I need the money, and you need to be FREE."

He kicked off the ground, stabbing with the blade. The wolf jumped forward to meet him, it's claws and fangs bared.
"There we go!" The red head said, counting the gold he was paid for the wolf. 600, enough for a another night at the end and some food. He could have taken more if he had taken the wolf apart himself and sold all the parts himself, but that took far too long. Better to sell it wholesale, quicker!

"Oh man, when did it get so late?" He asked, covering his blue eyes, He was wearing simple clothing, tan pants and a blue shirt, with blue shoes. The shirt had a belt going around the chest, two straps going over the shoulders to connect the front and back of the belt, and to keep it from falling off. The straps and belts were dark blue in color.

He couldn't help buy smile, liking the feel of the rain. It felt...smoothing.
As he passed the farm lands, he noticed the decent harvest. HE should talk about getting a job as a farm hand, might be good pocket change. As he looked over the crops, his eyes moved tot he side of his field of vision, seeing an....elf? What was an elf doing HERE?

He turned his head...and froze. He looked the elf over, gulping. She's....beautiful, he thought, his eyes widening. Should..Should he talk to her?

"Uhh.." he said, stepping up to her, trying to think up how to talk to her.

"...Why are you out in the rain, in the middle of the night?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

When Catiel heard the sound of footsteps, she stopped looking skyward. Great, a human. He's probably just passing by, maybe if she ignores him he'll leave her alone. That possibility was laughed at and soundly pounded into mulch when he started walking towards her, and started up a conversation. 'Let the torture begin,' she thought to herself sardonically. "I was hoping to have some peace, but it seems you humans have to ruin even that," she replied, giving him a look filled with disdain. Why would she show this human any respect? Most humans his age just saw her as a bulls-eye to shoot torment at as if they were arrows. The sad thing is, she didn't even know why they were so cruel to her. All she knew was that they hated her, and so she'll return the favor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Metal Zeta came here to laugh at you

Member Seen 8 days ago


The boy looked around, thinking. Somebody seemed angry....
"You know, it's not good to be in the rain." He told her, smiling. "You could get really sick!" He said, walking over to her, standing by her, still smiling. She was an elf, and he knew not everyone liked them. He was fine with them, but..she didn't know that. Could be awkward to bring it up, but...he could tell she was uncomfortable, maybe telling ehr that would calm her down.

"I mean, doesn't matter if you're and elf or not! I would hate for you to get sick out here!" He looked around, seeing a near by tree. "How about we move by the tree! We'll still get wet, but less so."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Why is he being nice to her? Does he pity her or something? Although she was hesitant to let him tell her what to do, he did have a valid point. As much as she liked the rain, it wouldn't be good for her to get sick. "Fine," she conceded. Catiel started walking over to the tree, mentally cursing how uncomfortable her shoes had become over the years. Slipping her pendant back into her jacket pocket, her mind started to list the ways this human might try to torture her. He might be acting nice now, but he might just be pretending to make her lower her guard. And then he'd make her suffer. Well, she most certainly will not let her guard down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Member Seen 8 days ago

"Sooo." He said, walking with her, trying to struck up conversation. Might as well start with his name. "I'm Sun! You know, like that big blue thing in the sky." He said, pointing up...at the moon.

"..That's in the sky half of the day." He smiled, chuckling. Giving a happy sighed, he turned to her, looking her over. She....really was nice looking, more than anybody Sun had ever seen. Wait, would she think he was only talking to her because of that? Ah, he better made sure she didn't think that!

"You know, no need to be in the rain if you want to be alone." He said, quickly turning away. "There's this big tree near by! REALLY big. There's a rock by it, and if you roll the rock over, you can find a little tree cave thing! Want me to show you? Way better than the rain!"
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