Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I was more using Ouroboros as the alchemists' snake and rolling with the whole turning metals into gold thing. I figured the other goal of alchemy, immortality, would be way too OP, so I scaled (pardon the pun) that back to an invisible armor covering his body. You're right though that Ouroboros usually has to do with immortality or time. I can change him to more of a "Oh you just blew my head off? Well screw Death, I'm gonna go ahead and rearrange your face now." type of character if you want me to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

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•Name: Vladimir "Vova" Kirillovitch Volkov

•Age: 18

•Appearance: Vova is a tall, well-built boy, with blue-grey eyes and dark hair. He usually dresses warmly in furs, hoodies, combat pants and boots.

•Personality: Quite a friendly fellow, Vova warms up to people quickly and is fond of physical contact; handshakes, hugs and slaps on the back can all be expected from him with regularity. Excitable and eccentric, he has many varied hobbies that he engages in with a great deal of vigor, and this passion carries into many other things as a general zest for life. He is sometimes surprising with his intelligence, as he can quickly find a deeper insight to things as those around him are pondering the surface details. He is very much a social animal, growing bored and lonely very quickly, and can be somewhat flighty in his moods, though he tries to stay positive and pleasant. Quite an optimist, he tries to see the best in things at all times, and grows quickly tired of complainers or pessimists.

•Clubs: A ghost member of nearly every club in the school, he attends whatever suits his fancy for that given day.

•Brief Backstory: Born and raised in North-Eastern Russia, Vova was the eldest son of a moderately wealthy family that made their fortune after the fall of the Soviet Union. While he had a fairly normal upbringing, he became fond of nightly walks through the cold forests around his home. It is on one such of these walks that Vova claims he formed his contract with Dracula. Always eager for new experiences, he quickly begged his parents to allow him to attend Covenant Academy. While the staff found some discrepancies between his story, the records presented by him, and the general history of his region of origin, he was accepted, and has since had quite a productive school life.

•Contract: Dracula
•Name: Dracula

•Type: Vampire

•Personality: Dracula strikes most as an affable, gentlemanly fellow, almost pleasant in common conversation. He fancies the finer things; good food, classic literature, and tasteful company. However, this is mostly superficial dressing that serves to disguise what he truly is: a completely inhuman monster. Dracula cares nothing for human lives, seeing them as cattle at worst and helpful tools at best. While he sees his contractor (being his only means of entering our world) as an exception, he is not above manipulating Vova. He is remorseless and vicious, and at times his needless cruelty exposes his sadistic streak. At his very core, Dracula is the slave of his constant, insatiable, all-consuming thirst.

•Powers: Vova is granted strength, speed and resilience, that are beyond that which a normal human is capable of. He has a unique affinity for darkness, capable of flitting between shadows as easily as breathing. By temporarily taking the form of a mist, he can slip through knife-thin cracks or spaces, and he can turn himself invisible for a moderate amount of time.

•Fusion: When fused with Dracula, Vova's hair darkens to an inky black, his eyes turn blood red, his skin becomes white as chalk, and he gains great fangs and claws. His physical attributes are heightened to the point of being legendary, and he gains the ability to shapeshift into whatever animate or inanimate form that his mass will allow, including that of a cloud of mist. However, he loses his shapeshifting ability when exposed to sunlight, and he gains Dracula's maddening thirst for human blood.

•Summon: Dracula's true form is far from what one may expect. An almost unstoppable engine of destruction, Dracula is almost completely out of Vova's control when summoned. With scales like granite, he strikes with the strength and speed of a bullet train, ripping through all in his way with claws and fangs sharper than razors. The only thing truly limiting him is that he uses up his power extremely quickly, and his time spent in our world can only be extended if he consumes the flesh and blood of humans, and Luca invariably recalls him before he has a chance to do so. Sunlight has a dampening effect on his power, but it does not destroy him, as he is far above common vampires in terms of power.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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@Aqua: I see. That makes more sense. I'll have to make a decision on whether or not he's acceptable later though.

@Jay: Honestly, depending on how it's done, immortality would be totally fine, and more acceptable than something unrelated to what Ouroboros represents. Regenerative immortality, for example, isn't something I'd have an issue with so long as it's balanced properly (ie. it actually takes time and they're not at full power immediately afterwards). The kind of immortality where they can shrug off absolutely anything thrown at them without caring on the other hand...not so much.

@Dead: I'll have to decide if he's acceptable or not later, sorry.

Also, I have to say I'm a bit surprised by the number of generally nice contractors with contracts who want to murder everyone that are showing up...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aqua Regis
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Aqua Regis Gentleman Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fair enough, if it's not ok I'll prob make a new character from scratch. Quite a lot of dark/shadow related power users have joined since anyway
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aqua Regis
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Aqua Regis Gentleman Bastard

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hello? :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Tachi is having trouble accessing the internet for the time being.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aqua Regis
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Aqua Regis Gentleman Bastard

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oh poo :(
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krodin


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If it's not too late, I'll get a CS up tomorrow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YandereNoodle


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Not sure if this is still open... but here goes :D

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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It's still open, Tachi just can't look over the signups for the time being.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Sorry I vanished for a few days, my ISP was being dumb...and refused to accept that it was an issue with the equipment they gave me, which would've had me back several days ago. ):

Um, anyway, I'll look at profiles in detail later, however I'll say that I think I'd prefer if we avoided having contracted beings that are just bloodthirsty chaotic evil monsters. While those probably exist in the setting, people with them probably wouldn't attend the academy, since chances are they'd end up with the contract broken.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 2 days ago

Good thing Dracula is a bloodthirsty Lawful Evil monster, I suppose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Honestly, Dracula's one of the contracts I'm thinking of with that. It doesn't matter if he can pretend to be a nice guy, he's still a bloodthirsty monster (who, to make matters worse, passes this thirst for blood onto his contractor) that can be needlessly cruel, treats humans like cattle and is generally remorseless about his actions. And keep in mind that even if he's capable of consistently pretending he's a nice person, Vlad Tepes would've had a contract with Dracula in this setting, meaning chances are there'd be something in the history books about how bad he can be.

Also, while I get the thought process behind it, I don't agree with Dracula being an actual dragon.
•Name: Alex Quilldrake
•Age: 17
•Appearance: Here.
•Personality: Alex is generally a nice, easygoing boy. He has always been fascinated with stories of heroes, whether they're in comics, anime, tokusatsu or ancient legends. He has a strong sense of justice and, when the situation calls for it, can be rather hammy. He believes there is good in everyone and that those who do evil are just weak-minded enough to fall prey to their desires. In line with the way many of the heroes he looks up to handle such problems, he believes that the best way to handle these situations is to disable the offender through (ideally non-lethal) combat before taking them in for detention.
•Clubs: Anime appreciation society, gaming club and the security team.
•Brief Backstory: Maybe later.
•Contract(s): The Lady of the Lake

Contracted Beings:
•Name: Nimue
•Type: Fae/Lady of the Lake
•Personality: Nimue is...somewhat of a troll. While this normally takes the form of fairly subtle teasing with an overall amicable personality, if she finds someone's reactions amusing, it generally gets worse.
•Powers: Alex has the ability to summon and wield the legendary sword Excalibur. While wielding it, his strength and reaction times are increased and his already impressive swordsmanship skills are improved. By raising the sword above his head and invoking its name, he can cause the blade to release a blinding flash of light.
•Fusion: When Alex fuses with Nimue, he transforms into a girl. Something he really wasn't expecting when he made the contract, after all, not many stories about King Arthur feature him spontaneously turning into a girl. He tries to avoid using it when possible and, when forced to, makes sure to get out of public view first. Of course, most people can still easily tell that it's him...the fact that the girl's hair and eye colours are the same as his and she wields the same legendary sword are kind of big hints. In this form, Alex's speed is enhanced. While it doesn't cover his entire body, Alex's armour is capable of taking hits from most mundane weaponry and some weaker contractors' attacks without any damage. In addition, due to having Excalibur's scabbard as well as the sword itself, wounds Alex receives will not bleed in this form (although they will when he returns to normal). Finally, he is able to tap into Nimue's magical power to enhance Excalibur's special ability, turning it from a blinding flash to a focused destructive beam.
•Summon: Just pretend that Excalibur is the same one as the one in the fused image, ehe...Nimue is a powerful sorceress, having learned from Merlin himself. Many of her spells are based around water or light. The former allows her to heal other people by infusing water with her mana and pouring it into their mouths and create walls of water which, thanks to being infused with magic from a powerful spellcaster, are surprisingly good at stopping attacks. The latter allows her to create illusions by bending light, as well as being able to produce the blinding light and beams Alex channels through Excalibur on her own.

In case anyone's wondering, I'm going with one of the versions of the story of King Arthur where there's more than one Lady of the Lake (ie. the one that shoved Merlin in a cave/rock/tree/whatever is a separate character to this one).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 2 days ago

Of course he is.

The important thing to note here is that Vova is very much under control of Dracula. Vlad Tepes was not a brutal warlord because of Dracula, he simply was one, and gleefully used Dracula's power to means corresponding with the monster's demeanor. He wasn't the only violent autocrat to be a contractor of Dracula, either, as he first came to Russia under the contract of Nicholas II. However, as I said, Vova is much different. He really acts more like a prison for Dracula than a true contractor, which is important to his backstory.

And my idea with the dragon thing was to show how far and away Dracula was from other vampire contracts (eg Carmilla, Lamia, Jiangshi), and that his monstrosity could not be expressed through a human form.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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You say he's under control of him, but...that's really not how it looks to me. I mean, when they fuse, you've said Vova gets Dracula's maddening bloodthirst and you made a point of saying there's pretty much no controlling him when he's summoned. As far as being a "prison" for him goes, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that, but even ignoring the previous factors...the academy wouldn't allow it. In part because of the fact that Vova gains the thirst for blood if he's forced to fuse and in part because given the choice between having the powerful evil monster contracted to someone whose mental state he is capable of affecting and having the powerful evil monster not contracted to someone, they'd choose the latter.

I still don't agree with him being a dragon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 2 days ago

I only mentioned that Vova gains the thirst for blood, not that he acts on it. I can't imagine any sort of situation wherein he'd be "forced" to fuse with Dracula, anyway.

Dracula gets a much longer leash when summoned, yes, but Vova takes care of this by A) almost never summoning Dracua and B) only summoning for short bursts when doing so. Part of Vova's control is that he can fuse in and out, and summon and unsummon with the speed and ease of flicking a switch.

Vova is a "prison" for Dracula, because the monster is stuck in a contract with a person that refuses to let him run amok, has the willpower to resist possession, and isn't swayed by his attempts at manipulation.

As far as the dragon thing goes, I don't plan on budging on that. I think having Vova summon some goofy guy in with a cape and an accent is pretty silly. That's all I really have to say about that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Well, I'm sorry to say I can't accept the profile as is. Again, the academy would not let a student serve as a "prison" for a dangerous monster, regardless of the circumstances. I don't plan on budging on the dragon thing either, to be honest. The character is rejected.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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•Name: "I might tell you... eventually."
•Type: Vampire
•Personality: To many things, the vampire's reaction seems to be polite disinterest. She lacks any care for almost anything that exists, finding much of it worthy of very little attention. However, she will be polite unless pressed and annoyed, in which case her responses become sharper and less patient. That said, she often speaks in a very charming and polite manner, and is generally somewhat willing to talk provided that something she's actually enjoying isn't interrupted. While perhaps not very much, she does find people somewhat interesting most of the time.
The vampire will make for even more animated and pleasant conversation if she finds herself more interested then usual in a person. The more interesting she finds someone, the more pleasant and energetic she becomes. However, the charm, and in some cases teasing attitude, grows. In fact, the vampire often places some teasing in her interactions with others. One of the reasons the charm grows when she interacts with someone she finds more interesting is because she becomes interested in... tasting them. She does need to drink blood, after all, and while she wouldn't take enough to kill someone(that is simply unacceptable in her current situation), she enjoys... getting a taste of those she takes a liking to. So her intent is quite simply to charm them into allowing it.
The vampire is also a highly intelligent and articulate girl. She enjoys reading and has a vast knowledge of a great many works. She is somewhat playful about her identity, asking people to figure it out themselves, though she will reveal it if she feels it is appropriate. Finally, she finds fighting only somewhat interesting... most of the time. If a battle really gets her attention, she becomes quite a bit more energetic. It would be easy to describe her as incredibly hammy if she gets going. She also becomes much more threatening, her smiles becoming much less friendly grins.
•Powers: The powers granted by a contract with the vampire are enhanced speed, strength, and regeneration. The regeneration is fairly basic, allowing recovering from a fair amount of dangerous wounds and even the severing of non-vital body parts. However, while blood is regenerated during this process, blood lost mysteriously vanishes, leaving even the sites of the most violent injuries totally clean. The contractor also becomes capable of creating minor illusions.
•Fusion: Will work this out later, when she gets a contractor.
•Summon: Rin recolored her eyes for me! And this is a better choice for the character even if it's still borrowing an appearance, eh-heh.
When summoned, the vampire invariably appears sitting in an armchair, clutching a wine glass filled with what is certainly very red and definitely not wine. She is highly mobile and very fast, as well as dangerously strong. Even a very strong grown man would be easily overpowered by her. The only ways to kill her are the destruction of her heart or the severing of her head. All other damage is regenerated completely. Sunlight, while an irritant, does not effect her "Any longer", in her terms. It does sting her eyes and she requests a parasol if she must travel in it. In addition, she is incapable of tanning and simply gets painful sunburn. However, natural running water(including magical sources) renders her powerless until she can dry off, and religious objects make her sneeze(longer exposure to them causes her to develop a cold).
The vampire can create illusions, disguising herself and others. These illusions are highly convincing, and it is difficult to pierce them. She can also disperse into a cloud of bats, reforming perfectly for rapid travel and dodging attacks. Injuring one or more of these bats will injure her, though she will regenerate upon reforming. She can manipulate the blood from her own body, or blood that's been spilled, to create spears and other weapons. However, if she uses blood from her own body it will drain her rapidly and make it highly necessary for her to drink very soon. Finally, the vampire can summon familiars out of her dress. The appear in a dark mist that pours from it, taking the form of shadowy wolves and bats. While they are capable of seriously injuring a target, it takes only one strike or any kind to dissipate them entirely.

Um... I'll write up her contractor some time unless someone wants to make them but yeah. I just sort of had this idea and really liked it, eh-heh. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aqua Regis
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Aqua Regis Gentleman Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

hmm ok, guess ill come up with something else
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Um, gave my vampire a new appearance, still trying to decide what her contractor situation is, eh-heh.
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