Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Covenant Academy, situated on a small island off the coast of Japan, is unique in that its students are all Contractors, people who have made pacts with beings from another world. The academy has facilities to teach students from elementary school through to university and takes applicants from all corners of the world. Thanks to one of the staff's contract abilities, all students are able to communicate clearly with one another regardless of whether they know each other's languages.

The academy is more like a city than a school. It features a large shopping district, restaurants, cinemas and almost anything else the students are likely to want or need. Most of the people working in these establishments are current or former students of the academy.

As with most Japanese schools, Covenant Academy has a large number of clubs, ranging from normal things like sporting teams and anime appreciation societies to clubs that couldn't possibly work in more normal schools. Among the academy's many clubs and associations is the Covenant Academy Security Team. The Security Team is made up of students of all ages who use their abilities to enforce the school's rules, effectively functioning as the island's police force.

Members of the security team or academy staff can authorise "duels" between students, either as training or to help settle arguments. The system was established to help with the inevitable fights that would break out in the school. Given that many of the students had dangerous powers, a system where these fights could be carried out with supervision that ensured proper medical care when needed and gave incentive to avoid potentially lethal attacks seemed like a good idea. Combined with the rumours about the severity of the punishments for unauthorised powered fights, the system has been mostly successful.
A few points about how magic works in the setting:
•People have no special powers of their own, but can gain them by forming contracts with magical beings.
•There is no limit to the number of these contracts a person can make. However they carry a risk of injury, death or possession, so most people don't make them and those who do tend to stick to one or two.
•These powers increase in strength with time, use or compatibility between the contractor and the contracted being.
•Magical beings live in a world separate to the human world; however, they can be summoned to the human world by a contractor. In the past, there were other ways for them to travel between worlds, but these are no longer useable.
•A contracted being's powers are generally stronger in person than when being used by their contractor, however they are also fairly draining. So while most beings are able to stay summoned into the human world almost permanently, many can only take part in combat for a short amount of time before needing to return to the other world.
•A magical being can temporarily combine with its contractor, granting a strength boost and sometimes, entirely new abilities.
•When combined, the contractor's appearance generally changes somewhat. This can be something as simple as a coloured aura or an outfit/suit of armour that bears some resemblance to the contracted being or can involve temporarily gaining traits of the being (cat ears and a tail from a contract with a bakeneko, wings from a contract with a phoenix, etc).
•In some cases, the contracted being's personality can take over in this state.
•Magical beings range from simple monsters from folklore/myth up to gods/titans. All non-creation myths are more or less true.
•Folklore and myth, as they're being used in this RP do not refer to things like Area 51, the Illuminati or invisible/teleporting battleships. Think more along the lines of things like gods, frost giants, faeries and dragons.
•All contractors are tougher/stronger than normal humans, some more than others due to the nature of their contracted beings. All but the weakest contractors can more or less shrug off small arms fire.
•Try to keep your characters' abilities fairly close to what the contracted beings are capable of in their real world myths/stories. Feel free to nerf/buff them as necessary, maybe take some minor liberties here and there, but don't just come up with entirely new abilities. For example, getting the power to set your fists on fire from a nekomata, dragon or other fire-breathing monster is fine, getting eye lasers from a contract with Poseidon...not so much.
•Undead creatures (ghosts, banshees, vampires, mummies, etc) exist and you can make contracts with them, however, if it's something you can contract with; it's not something that was once a normal human.
•While summoned beings can be damaged, "killing" them simply forces them to return to the other world for a while, during which they can't be summoned or used for fusion.
•If there's something I haven't covered here, feel free to ask.
•No godmodding, ghosting, autohitting, metagaming, etc.
•If you're going to drop out/have to leave for an extended period, please say something in the discussion thread.
•The intended tone of the RP is light-hearted, though serious scenes are fine. Ideally, there will be a balance between slice of life and action elements, with players being able to avoid the latter if they want to.
•Player created plots are encouraged.
Banned Powers:
I apologise if this causes problems with anyone's ideas, but I don't feel comfortable allowing any of the following powers into this RP:
•One hit kills, for the obvious reason of removing the threat of any combat encounter for the character. This refers to things like a contract with the Fates or the Grim Reaper, not something as simple as having a weapon.
•By the same token, freezing, petrifying or otherwise turning people into inanimate objects, while not strictly a one hit kill have the same general impact on combat.
•Mind control or possessing other people's characters, in part due to basically being another one-hit win ability and in part because it can get in the way of the affected player's enjoyment.
•Depowering other characters, in the form of anti-magic abilities or some way of breaking people's contracts (or anything else I haven't thought of) is unacceptable due to the importance of those abilities in any combat that may occur.
•Reality warping, due to the fact that it kind of ruins any dramatic impact of any plotline people might try if someone can simply wave their hand and fix everything.
•Powers used to no sell attacks; this doesn't mean that you can't have a character with enhanced toughness, the power to go incorporeal, regenerate injuries or even resurrect themselves if they die, however they should not be completely untouchable and regeneration or resurrection will be expected to take time and/or have some other drawback.
And finally, the character skeletons:

•Name: Self-explanatory.
•Age: Self-explanatory. While teachers are acceptable, I'd prefer if most of the characters were students.
•Appearance: Pictures and written descriptions are both acceptable.
•Personality: How does your character act? I don't expect a full essay, but at least a couple of sentences would be appreciated.
•Clubs: What clubs (if any) is the character a member of?
•Brief Backstory: Optional. You can elaborate on your character's past in the thread if necessary. Don't take this as permission to leave the field blank and introduce a grimderp past in the RP itself though.
•Contract(s): What being(s) does your character have contracts with?

Contracted Beings:
•Name: Optional, as some beings aren't likely to have names and others may be hesitant to give them out.
•Type: What is the contracted being? A god? Yuki-onna? Demon?
•Personality: Self-explanatory. Optional in the event of something that's effectively an animal.
•Powers: What abilities do they grant the contractor without combining/being summoned?
•Fusion: How do they look when they've combined with the contractor? What powers do they have in this state?
•Summon: How do they look when they've been summoned in the flesh/whatever they're made of? What powers do they have in this state?
Accepted Characters:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This is a totally original idea that has never been done before, I shall now express my awesome interest in the most subtle and endearing way possible~!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anderiel
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

You have summoned me!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Anderiel said
You have summoned me!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anderiel
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tatsua Aiisen said

This is not a dream my companyan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Love this idea! Reserving a spot until I can get to the pc x3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aqua Regis
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Aqua Regis Gentleman Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

ooh this sounds interesting, now I need to think of a character
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

•Name: Juliet Veranda
•Age: 17
•Bio: Juliet is the dashing, charismatic young leader of the ever-so popular Photography Club who has earned quite a following among her peers as a quirky, but strangely likeable presence. Her insight is razor sharp although often nonsensical, and while she may seem carefree and overly-relaxed at first, she is an extremely compassionate and helpful person for those in need. She possesses a great deal of confidence in her own abilities, and whether she's capable or not, she will always rise up to the challenge and find a new and more enjoyable way to achieve success. She has a bit of a weakness for cute girls...
•Clubs: Photography Club
•Contracts: Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aqua Regis
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Aqua Regis Gentleman Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hope this is okay :)

Name: Angelo Moreno
•Age: 17
•Appearance: Tall and slender, he tends to wear loose fitting clothes that mask his athletic build. He has dark tanned skinned and black hair that sweeps across his brow and often obscure hard brown eyes that are perpetually fixed in scowl. He has a crooked smiling mouth that makes him appear to be smirking a lot of the time.

•Personality: Angelo is very mistrusting of people and tends to keep people at a distance rather than trust them, that isn't to say he is socially awkward however and he can amicable and friendly when he feels like it. He is also rude and sarcastic to people, especially to people he doesn't respect or like and this has a habit of getting him into trouble when combined with his short temper and stubbornness.

•Clubs: None, so far he has avoided joining any but that may change if he gets in much more trouble

•Brief Back story: Angelo was born in London, his mother having moved there from Columbia when she was young. He spent most of his early childhood either in trouble or in a fight, and this didn't get any better as he grew older. Eventually he got in over his head, petty crimes and thuggery were his day to day as he seemed to spend more time suspended than he did in the various schools he got shunted back and forth from. Eventually he managed to cross a particularly nasty gang and, fearing for his life as he tied to avoid them, made his first and so far only contract. After coming close to killing the gang leader in a subsequent fight he was sent to the Covenant Academy to learn some control and hopefully some discipline.

•Contract(s): Shadow Demon

Contracted Beings:
•Name: Sucio
•Type: Demon
•Personality: Chaotic evil, Sucio enjoys encouraging Angelo to act on his impulses and will take every opportunity to exploit emotional weaknesses even in his own contractor.
•Powers: Shadow manipulation, night vision, the ability to hide within shadows and greatly increased agility
•Fusion: Angelo becomes encased by darkness and shadows as well as forming wings and sharpened claws of shadow, his speed and strength are massively increased. Angelo is unable to achieve a fusion at this point
•Summon: able to use all the abilities granted to Angelo but can also move from shadow to shadow near instantaneously, physical attacks are also pretty uneffective

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldmarble

Goldmarble Old

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


•Name: Kermack Sturrock

•Age: 19


Standing 5'11" in height, Kermack weighs in at 153lbs. He is fairly thin, and seemingly lightly built. He has moderately dark skin, owing to his partially native heritage, and has dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes carrying out the traits.

•Personality: Usually, Kermack is a peaceful young man who enjoys cycling, his friends, building things from wood, and growing plants. Yet his favorite pastime, is nature photography. He dreams of returning home to Canada, getting an old SUV, and going out exploring the wilderness, taking photographs of the wild landscape. He pays attention to his classes, and generally comes across as approachable.

However, he doesn't take lightly to people instigating fights, outside of the official channels. In his capacity as a member of the Security Force, he acts as an enforcer. In this capacity, he lets the rumors of his past become twisted, and unbelievable. When asked about them, he usually gives a devious smirk and just walks away. He knows there is value in the majority of the school population thinking that he is a ticking time bomb of a monster, waiting to eat them whole, or whatever the story has evolved into. Of course, deterrence and he has been forces to use his abilities to restrain, or subdue the occasional student. After he does however, he always makes sure to try to communicate with them, and try to help them with any problems they have been facing. It is rare the moment,s when he has been forced to Fuse with his Contracted being, but no one can remember him ever summoning Giiwos. Which is because he will not, as he cannot control Giiwos when summoned. He can point the monster in a direction, sometimes, but he cannot stop the monster, until it runs its course and returns to its own land, or is forcefully repressed.

•Clubs: Security Team, and Photography Club

•Brief Backstory: Born in The Pas, Manitoba, Canada, his family moved to Clearwater Lake when he was three, though he would still go to school in the city of The Pas when he got older. Up in this remote are, he grew up as a fairly normal kid; helping his father keep the forest, camping, hunting, fishing, biking, building forts with friends in the back woods, etc. When he was thirteen however, the accident changed a great deal in his life. His father was driving the family home after a new years party at a family friend's. His mother was in the front passenger seat of the old Isuzu Trooper, his brother and sister were in the middle seat, and he was in the back. All he really could remember, was the massive figure standing in the road, behind the lights of the oncoming car, and the roaring of the engine right before the impact.

The RCMP reports later claimed the vehicle had to be traveling in excess of 140 kph when it struck the moose, ricocheting sideways into the path of the oncoming truck. The Isuzu, already weakened from the collision with the animal, nearly exploded as it slid into the nose of the truck, passenger door first. His mother was dead on impact, as was his sister, the youngest of the three. His younger brother was unconscious, bleeding from a brutal head wound. His father's right arm and leg were snapped like twigs. Kermack crawled out of the shattered window, his leg arm partly crushed, and and wincing from his fractured pelvis as he dragged himself out using the shredded remains of the truck driver who had been launched through the windshield.

Trying to get his family free of the wreckage, Kermack begged, pleaded for help. He swore he would give his own life to save them. A voice in the darkness answered. It could give him the power to save his family, so he accepted. When rescue crews arrived, they found the father, trying to console his son who cradled the torso of his mother, and the pulped, decapitated head of his sister. The remains of the Isuzu had been shredded in ribbons, peeled open and out, as if a bear and rescued his family. The driver of the truck though, nothing could be found.

It was soon realized that Kermack, had become a Contractor, and the spirit that had answered his cries of desperation, was a Wendigo. A spirit of great strength, speed, senses, endurance, and most of all, an insatiable hunger for flesh. He had managed to save what he could of his family, but the Wendigo took its payment in blood. Without many options, Kermack was sent to the Covenant Academy where he could be contained if he became possessed again, and hopefully, come to control the monster he forged a contract with.

It took him four years to dominate the Wendigo. Four years of brutal training and iron discipline. As part of his reforged contract, Kermack is strictly a carnivore. Since being allowed to participate in regular attendance for the last year of training, until now, Kermack was recruited by the Security Force, where the intimidating and frightening origins of his abilities are put to use best, so he doesn't need to resort of force, most of the time. Of course there are those who see it all as a challenge. At heart, Kermack wants peace, he finds joy and relaxation in pursuing photography, wood working, and gardening.

- Giiwosewinini Iiyaas, Wendigo
Contracted Beings:

•Name: Giiwosewinini Iiyaas

•Type: Spirit

•Personality: Giiwos is a hunter, it is his second passion after consuming flesh. He is cunning, violent, vicious, and ruthless. To him, this contract is a game, a hunt in a different
fashion as he seeks to possess Kermack once again.

•Powers: Standard abilities are increased senses, strength and speed, and surprising tolerance to cold. Giving Kermack the ability to see slightly into the infrared (at night he can see vague smudges of a different colour from hot objects, and during the day he can see faint halos of heat around infrared reflecting, or emitting objects), his enhanced strength lets him lift up to six hundred pounds, and his speed lets him run like a professional sprinter. His tolerance to cold though, is slightly shocking, able to tolerate down to
-20 Celcius, in a mere t-shirt and jeans.

•Fusion: When Giiwos combines with Kermack, it is a very noticeable transformation; Kermak grows taller, hitting just over eight feet in height, mostly in his legs, while his arms elongate so his fingertips reach below his knees. His hair turns pale white, and wicked claws grow from his fingers, to three inches in length. Yet his body gains no weight; while already thin to begin with, Kermack's body becomes hideously emaciated, his face leans out, his arms become spindles of bone and sinew, his ribcage almost seems skeletal; it's as if his skin and muscle simply stretches to accomodate over two feet of extra height. His eyes seeming to grow larger while the iris turns red, his canines elongate slightly, sharpening as they grow. His strength, speed, senses, everything grows in great proportion; just able to lift a light car (no throwing cars like superman), to being able to run at 92 kilometers per hour, just shy of a cheetah. His eyesight becomes honed like a hawks, his sense of smell like a hounds, his ability to see the infrared clarifies greater than man made devices. Kermack's resistance to cold becomes near immunity, able to withstand -100 Celcius, an essentially requiring direct application of cryogenic liquids to phase him. The cost of this immense resistance to cold however, it's a similar weakening in heat. Where regular people will find +50 C brutally hot? Fused Kermack will weaken within minutes if he is idle, seconds if he is active. +30 for most is a beautifully hot summer's day, while Kermack fused with Giiwos will start suffering heatstroke within half an hour, even just sitting idle. +20 and he can survive, for extended periods, but he is moderately weakened. To be at his best, Kermack prefers to be in temperatures below 10 degrees.


The summoned form of Giiwos, is a nightmare walking on earth. Fifteen feet tall, with immense strength, speed in excess of 100 kph, durability to take punishing blows, chameleon like camouflage abilities, senses honed higher than most predators, Giiwos' ability to see infrared is so finely attuned, he can track people by the remaining heat they leave in an area, up to 5 minutes later on a still night. While the Summoned form of the Wendigo is similarly affected by heat as the fused form of the two, the Wendigo has the ability to chill an area within 100 feet of him by 20 degrees, although this is a draining trick to perform.

Let me know if any changes, or nerf-bats are necessary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by musicway
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'm working on my CS. Should hopefully be up by the end of tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hisami


Member Offline since relaunch

Would love to join, will add character later!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Name: Kasuga Mira
Age: 16("Yes, sixteen!")
Appearance: "... Who are you calling a little girl?! Let's dance!"
Personality: Mira is... the best way to explain her behavior would be to say she's kind of surly. Mira has a tendency to snap, or complain, or generally be grumpy about most situations. That said, she's not without her happier times, but she's quick to anger and very quick to complain. Normally she's at her happiest if she's shown direct approval or affection(though she's unlikely to directly admit it), or if things are going her way. She very intentionally projects a strong image to compensate for her tiny appearance, and has no qualms with... physical methods of correction if someone ticks her off enough. Mira has a passion for cakes, and while she doesn't entirely mind her body, she will not hesitate to point out that she's actually seventeen and she should not be called a child. She is a very capable, straight-laced student who takes her work with the utmost seriousness. Among the things she takes very seriously is martial arts, taught to her by her father.
Clubs: The Martial Arts Club, the Light Music Club(Guitar)
Brief Backstory: The daughter of a French summoner and a Japanese martial artist, Mira has learned from both(getting a black belt in the process) and developed into a stern and serious girl who dislikes nonsense. A stern and serious girl who dislikes nonsense who has... remained small for her age.
Contract(s): Lily

Contracted Beings:
Name: Lily
Type: Demon
Personality: Lily likes to describe herself as a perfect example of a demon. Not the evil ones, the mischief-makers. She loves to mess with people and tease them, and generally fool around. Lily is also a tremendous pervert of massive levels, which she especially likes to use to mess around with poor Mira. She likes to flaunt her body, which is why the clothing she wears is rather revealing. She also likes perving on and messing with... just about anyone she finds cute whatsoever, much to Mira's utter dismay. She also thinks Mira needs encouragement to let loose and be kind of pervy. Mira feels this is stupid and Lily is stupid for thinking it.
Powers: Demonic strength and some additional durability. That's... about it, really. Coupled with Mira's small size and martial arts expertise this is pretty dangerous, though.
Fusion: "Oh, don't you like getting a 'boost' like this~?" "Sh-shut up!"
Mira grows taller and more... mature. She can also hover for brief periods using her wings and use her tail to grab small objects. She retains her demonic strength and durability, and gains a minor healing factor(broken bones and severed fingers, for example). Unfortunately for Mira, Lily often takes control and tries to do somewhat perverted things using her body. This makes Mira very very reluctant to fuse with Lily.
Summon: "Ah, it's nice to get out and stretch my limbs~"
Lily is of average demonic strength, capable of easily outdoing a grown man but having trouble dealing with other summons through strength alone. Lily is capable of complete and free flight, and her tail is remarkably strong and can be used to pick things up or hit them. She can unrestrictedly produce and hurl balls of hellfire, extremely intense flames capable of melting even steel. Lily can also regenerate some injuries(up until severed limbs. Serious harm to her body is not possible for her to heal) and take quite a beating.
Name: Tomoe Sakura
Age: 17
Appearance: "Oh, hello there, would you like to play a game?"
Personality: Sakura is a pleasant, if sometimes teasing, girl with a penchant for games. Games of all sorts, really. She enjoys video games, card games, and board games equally. She tends towards being polite, unless she's decided to tease someone. Teasing is, however, generally a sign that she likes a person. She avoids being too harsh when she teases, and all her kidding around is very good-natured. Actual anger is marked by very direct and sharp, angry comments, or silence. Basically, if she's teasing someone, she's not angry with them in the slightest.
Brief Backstory:
Contract(s): Artemis

Contracted Being:
Name: Artemis
Type: Goddess
Powers: Sakura gains excellent eyesight, increased endurance and reflexes, and excellent marksmanship.
Personality: Artemis is serious-minded and calm... most of the time. She is prone to making biting, sarcastic comments to those she perceives as idiots, and has little to no tolerance for stupidity or fooling around. She takes a great deal of pride in her abilities as an archer and a hunter, and sometimes boasts that she has perfect aim. Which isn't really a boast, as her aim is beyond fantastic. Enough irritation will drive Artemis to yell and insult the source, berating them rather relentlessly. She does show softness towards young girls... provided they don't act stupid, too. She is extremely, absurdly protective of Sakura, holding Sakura's protection as an important duty of hers.
Fusion: The fusion between Sakura and Artemis is closest to Sakura. However, Sakura is clad in Artemis' clothing, and her hair has changed to the same shade of purple as Artemis'. In this state, Sakura gains the godly speed and strength of Artemis in full. It also enables her to run. She gains Artemis' skill with a bow and arrow.
Summon: "Four targets...?"
Artemis is divinely strong. But she is weak by comparison to other gods, instead relying on agility and speed(also to divine levels, though she is not the fastest deity). However, her real abilities lie in what she can do with her bow and arrows. Curving arrows, firing them through walls, rapid-firing them, aim so impossibly near perfect that she nearly always hits her target unless they have abilities to match her own, firing dozens of arrows at once, Artemis is a master of archery. She is also capable of, oddly, turning men into young girls. The latter of these abilities is not something she's going to use pretty much ever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anderiel
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Hoshimiya, Natsuki

Age: Eighteen years old~

Persona: Absent-minded, Accident Prone, Delusional, Inept, Awkward, Bold, Lecherous. Oh, and she has something that she likes to call a 'World Domination Complex' which in a nutshell is. "Laugh at me now mortals, but one day, I shall be your queen!". Natsuki is overall a friendly girl, but has serious problems with distinguishing right and wrong, and furthermore the outcomes of her actions.

Clubs: N/A


Yuuen, The Unlucky One

Type: Story/Spirit~


Powers: Through contract with Yuuen, her will is carried out through Natsuki. She is given the power of calamity, or rather just sheer bad luck. Although, it was never properly explained if the bad luck was exclusively to her, or is a process that effects that which is around her. In retrospect however she does have the ability to give luck to others at the price of paying some of her own, which is one of the few reasons people approach her.

Personality: Yuuen is very childish, her appearance of a women is very deceiving to the fact that she acts like a kid. She has a soft spot for cute things; like animals, over-the-top clothing, and romance 'or at the least what she perceives as romance. There is however a darker side to her, like the story tells she was betrayed and taken advantage of at an early age and her life came to an end in a very sad way, before becoming under contract she was a malevolent spirit and some of those traits have carried over to her current self causing scary outbursts and violent fits to happen occasionally.

Fusion: When joining with Yuuen, a small black rabbit emblem appears on Natsuki's forehead and soon after, she magical girl suits up into a voluptuous black outfit with a rabbit ear headband and matching white fluffy cuffs. Her abilities become externally visible, as an ethereal 'yet cute' pink scale is visible behind her showing her current amount of luck with complimentary 'good' and 'bad' sides.

Summon: The pink haired rabbit-eared spirit is brought forth, standing awkwardly and giving off no hints of danger. Her glossy brown eyes scan her surroundings before she moves, and then once she knows it's safe- her power is unleashed. Guaranteed Gamble is it's name, the dice at her ears floating clumsily at corresponding sides of her head, glowing brightly they roll and spin of their own will, once this takes place any wager she makes are guaranteed to work in Yuuen and Natsuki's favor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Anderiel confirmed cutest senior.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I love the concept! Can I haz a spot?

Question: Would someone be willing to pair up for this? As in, I'd play the contracted being, and you play the contractor student? That would be quite fun, and I have some ideas that
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 32 min ago

Behold, my totally original contract monster.

*Name: Momo Ibuki
*Age: 17
*Appearance: Whee.
*Personality: Hammy, silly and something of a perv, with a notable love of boyish girls and girlish boys. Refuses to act her age most of the time, but when she does it's usually a bad sign. She has a strong sense of justice, and is quick to jump to the defence of anyone she feels has been wronged, but other than that she's kinda lazy. She's also kind of a nerd, and enjoys cooking, reading and random bouts of philosophy. Unfortunately, she also suffers from an inferiority complex and tends to put everyone else before herself, and has a habit of apologising far too much when she believes she has done something wrong. She often finds herself frustrated and infuriated by her partner Jin, and wishes she could make another contract so at least she had more options than "hit things really hard".
*Clubs: Cooking Club
*Brief Backstory: Really, there's not been much of note in Momo's life until just recently, when she finally made her first ever contract. Unfortunately, rather than getting something she could actually work with, she got a loudmouthed, arrogant oni. Since then, Momo has been constantly at blows with Jin, to the point that she is currently looking to make another contract.
*Contract(s): Jingisukan the Oni

Contracted Beings:
*Name: Jingisukan (or just "Jin")
*Type: Oni
*Personality: Prideful, boastful, somewhat arrogant and above all immensely hotblooded; Jin has no indoor voice. He's also very enthusiastic about fighting, although this is less from him wanting to cause general mayhem and chaos and more from him wanting to prove that he's the best. He has a habit of giving nicknames to everyone he meets, partially to mock them for not being as awesome as he is but mostly because he can never seem to remember their names. Jin happens to be a great lover of coffee, which is unfortunate for his host who absolutely hates the stuff; often the first thing she does whenever he depossesses her is gag on the taste of coffee. Not only that but as an oni he is rather fond of his alcohol; again, something his host is not too keen on. It has no real effect on Jin, but Momo still has a hangover afterwards...
*Powers: Contracting with Jin has granted Momo great physical strength that just slightly breaks the threshold of superhuman. That's about it, really.
*Fusion: "I... Have arrived!" And yes, the scarf and the Kamen Rider Den-O t-shirt are part of the transformation. Jingisukan grants Momo vast levels of superhuman strength when they are fused, enough to lift cars above her head with no visible strain, or to uproot sizable trees and use them as clubs. In addition, she gains the ability to summon small storm clouds and ride them through the sky.
*Summon: Totally original, I know! Really, there's not much difference between fused Jin and summoned Jin in terms of abilities, other than the fact that he comes with a sword baring his likeness. He's also even stronger and can also fire lightning from his hands, but unfortunately his strength is so great that he causes far too much collatoral damage, and thus Momo rarely if ever summons him, prefering the more controllable level of strength gained from fusion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh god, so many cute girls, I want to rainbow them all...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 1 yr ago

This is a CS for a contractor being, so if anyone is interested in forming a contract with this nice (mean) yokai just give a shout :)

This is a CS for a contractor being, so if anyone is interested in forming a contract with this nice (mean) yokai just give a shout :)

Name: Wakahisa Kuro
Type: Yokai
Personality: Will expand more
Kuro is a reserved being. Soft spoken in demeanor, this boy gives off the impression of a quiet, if slightly indifferent creature. This image however is not true. Beneath the first layer of politeness, the young yokai has a sarcastic streak that accompanies his playfully mean spirited personality. A quick, sharp tongue will cut anyone not prepared for his wit. With an intellect that exceeds most expectations when laying eyes on his blank visage, Kuro is a yokai in the truest sense; cunning, selfish and out for more. This does not mean that he is inherently evil; He simply knows what he wants and will do a lot to achieve it. As his affection and loyalty for his contractor develops, he will likely use this uncompromising self-interest for the good of that student that chose him.
On the outside a calm, if slightly cold boy, blank eyes will often stare indifferently at the world. Keeping his hands in his pocket most of the time, this boy has a certain légère kind of attitude that speaks of silent self confidence and being at peace with himself.
Following his nature as a yokai, Kuro is very self-reliant. He knows how to do things for himself, by himself. If it wasn't for his contractor, this boy would probably be roaming the world, doing whatever he pleased. However, bound to a mortal by mismatched fate, kuro grumpily stays by his contractors side and, though not entirely willingly, lends them their power.
Kuro is a very young yokai, in comparison to the other members of his kind. Having just reached the age of 50, this boy is yet to achieve anything of merit both on the yokai realm and the world of mortals. However, his powers are already remarkable for someone so young, and he has just begun making a name for himself.
For reasons he cannot quite discern himself, Kuro has taken a liking to cats. Obviously, he would never admit to this, and only in the most subtle of actions will his love for anything feline be visible to the knowing eye.

Powers: Time warp. -Details TBA-
I'm not sure how exactly yet, but I want Kuro to rotate around the themes of time and darkness

Fusion: -To be discussed-

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldmarble

Goldmarble Old

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just all about the cute girls, hunh?
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