Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Jellial, the Wind

Age: Twenty Nine

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Appearance: Jellial is a handsome man with long red hair, dark olive skin and hazel green eyes. His features are strong and defined, as is typical of his homeland’s finest men. His body is atypically toned for someone who addresses themselves as a mage: and his face bears a few small scars that give his appearance a more rugged edge.

Jellial stands at six foot, three inches, and weighs little over two-hundred pounds. His attire varies, but his body is used to the furious heat of the desert and as such he feels the cold much more than the average man.

Homeland: Kingdom of Tuleria.

History : Born the second son of an unhappy whore, Jellial was never expected to live a fulfilling life. Perhaps it was a touch of fate that surrounds the boy, or perhaps it was just happenstance that affected the boy’s life in such dramatic ways. Either way, it is Jellial’s fate to live an interesting life it seems, for it took very little time for the young bastard son of a whore to become a player in the grand scheme of things.

It started when he learned how to talk: and his first gift became obvious. The way in which he spoke to people, saying the secret thoughts they hid away at the foreground of their minds, quickly forced the realisation amongst the whorehouse he called home that a Telepath was amongst their midst. A few wanted to sell the boy off: make a quick fortune on the young man’s gift, yet he remained; if only because a few of the more industrious whores made plans of the boy’s gift.

The boy’s gift was nurtured, and soon he was using this talent to help the whorehouse grow rich off of swindled secrets. As his home grew more affluent off the back of his gift, Jellial grew up the spoilt son of a house of women. It was at this time that his charisma and charm began to mature.

On his Nineteenth birthday, Jellial left the whorehouse he’d called home for so long due to a desire to explore the world. His mother had passed on long before then, but it had hardly mattered to the enigmatic Jellial. His mother had spent the last few years of her life in comfort thanks to the money Jellial’s gift brought into the whorehouse, and he felt no attachment to the whorehouse without his mother there.

During the period between Jellial leaving his home and the banishing of the gods, Jellial fell into the lap of Morgan Le’Fay. He met a lycanthropic woman called Maylene: a thief with whom he shared a very eventful night. Sometime during the ecstasy, the woman infected the young Jellial with the Lycanthropic curse in a single lapse of control. The thief-woman was apologetic, and Jellial found he not overtly unhappy with the change: especially when the woman gifted him a piece of artifice that would help control the curse. The two left on friendly enough terms, and have met on a number of occasions after the fact.

The banishment of the gods presented a strange time for Jellial. It was a time of great turmoil in the Kingdom of Tuleria, but for him: it was a time of great profit. Jellial had made a name for himself on the streets as a man who could swindle a woman of the diamonds in her ear: and while he didn’t relish some of the rumours that surrounded him, he did appreciate the work it got him as an insider with certain thieving crews-Meylene’s included- The time of turmoil benefited Tuleria as it allowed the Kingdom to grow in wealth exponentially. As wealth trickled down to the rich, the thieves gained more targets to steal from; and as more targets became worth stealing from, more people needed Jellial’s unique talents.

One particular job changed Jellial’s fate immensely. The ambitious young man had gotten a taste for theft, but more importantly he had developed a taste for the deceit and wit that came with each successful heist. His jobs were steadily getting more and more daring until he targeted one of the most important institutions in Tuleria: The Mages Society. Jellial’s mark was a relatively mid-level mage woman, and his target was a relatively valuable artefact. The heist was set to be perfect: except for one unexpected variable: Janelle.

Janelle: she was and remains the head of the Mages Society, a woman of considerable power, wit and arcane power. She discovered Jellial’s intentions with the simplest of ease, and thwarted his plans all because the artefact he had chosen happened to be an item of research-significance to her. Jellial had never been so thoroughly bested before. His pride was gone, replaced with a confusing admiration for the woman who so soundly trounced him in a clash of wits she seemingly never even knew she was a part of.

Jellial knew his destiny, and it wasn’t pretty. Theft was a heavily punished crime in Tuleria: even more so if against a person of such importance as Jellial. He would likely spend most of the rest of his days as a labourer in a work camp, or rotting in a cell. He wanted a way out of the prison sentence, and he was offered it by the very woman who had bested him. The offer was simple: Trade shackles for servitude. Jellial would become her agent and hone the raw magics he’d already began to tap into, in return; he remained a relatively free man.

Jellial accepted this offer with a certain delight. He hadn’t had a purpose before the chance meeting with Janelle, and now he was going to be trained as a mage and given purpose as an agent of Janelle. It seemed far too good to be true: and he took to the mage training with a hunger that was almost as supernatural as the power of his telepathy. Soon, he had mastered the elemental school of wind magic within a mere two years. Upon completing the first school of magic, Janelle started to employ Jellial as an agent more often, and for more important missions; using both his talents as a sorcerer and his talents as a seducer.

During his time in Janelle’s services, Jellial made a few good friends: and none more so that Que’la’quin. The fearsome Lizardman acted as Jellial’s shield on more than one occasion, and the Mage earned his trust during their time together. Que’la’quin declared Jellial a blood brother, and the two rose in Janelle’s favour together.

Jellial continued to live this way for a number of years: forming bonds with a select few that gave him an incredible net of safety and the potential to thrive in the trade state of Tuleria. Despite this, Jellial seemed intent to flout every chance offered to advance socially and politically. Instead of seizing opportunities to earn estate or even the bedside of some noblewoman: Jellial would instead hop between brothels as a means of accommodation. Even the Archmage grew to trust the enigmatic man, in part due to his unwavering loyalty, and yet in equal parts due to his lack of political interest and his apparent skill at whatever mission she assigns him to.

Years passed, and Jellial focused on self-improvement under the tutelage of Janelle. He became a journeyman in a second form of magic, and during his continued improvement in illusionary magic, whispers of cults and the seven hells began to circulate. Janelle knew of the call to arms put out by the Renaltan military, and would have sent a greater force: was it not for the political movement of Varro. Instead, she sent Jellial. His leaving would spare her the obvious show of weakness that came with the sending of a force to assist the mission of the Queens of Renalta and perhaps Jellial’s unique charm could curry some favour amongst the fledgling nation of tales. Jellial gave little complaints to Janelle: and left within a day.

Motivation: Jellial is a complex individual in that his motivation is limited at best. The man himself is happy as a passenger to life’s machinations: with little plans or desires for conquest. He exists merely for the thrill of life itself. The main motivation he has for joining the Queen’s blades is the orders of Janelle; however Jellial’s long standing ambitions of self-improvement mean that the wind mage was hardly reluctant to travel to Renalta.

Stats & Traits

Strength: 1/10
Agility: 3/10
Charisma: 5/10
Magical Endurance: 5/10

Fighter: 0/10
Sniper: 0/10
Leader: 0/10
Seducer: 5/10
Sneak: 0/10
Mage: 5/10
--Magic School 1: Elemental, Wind
--Magic School 2: Illusionist

Experience Traits

Faceless One- Jellial is adept at using his Illusionist arts in order to tweak his face to the tastes of whom so ever he lies with. Should it mean he needs to remove a scar here, or sharpen a feature there, or perhaps just a slightly squarer jaw… All are within the grasp of the cunning mage. ( this character has the ability to modify their facial architecture, their waist, and their weight and height to slight extents. Can be used to look more attractive to individual people, making seduction more effective. At the same time, since this character knows how it’s done, they can sometimes see through other shapeshifters and know what they are.

Linked-Jellial’s telepathic strength is able to be further augmented with a touch of magic. Through it, the mage is able to form a bond between an ally that transcends mere conversation and touches on a symbiosis that is without equal. The bond allows Jellial to split wounds with an ally and share sensory data instantaneously. Best of all, Jellial can use the linked target as a conduit for his spell-craft, which opens several deadly combinations. ( Character and Linked character share pain and emotion, Character can cast spells through the linked character. The link can only be used once per day and lasts the whole day. It can be severed by anti-magic, walking into areas that repress magic, and by no longer being in the same general area.)


Powerful Connection- Jellial is intimately involved with Janelle: one of the three members of the triad that rules the Mercantile superpower that is Tuleria. A trusted agent, Jellial has become closer to Janelle than most, their relationship echoing that of a fond student and master. He has earned her trust, and his loss would likely be a blow to her. ( Grants your character a special connection with a legendary hero or villain of the realm, whom may come to your aid in times of great need or upon request.)

Non-Magic Telepathy- Jellial discovered at a very young age that he had a habit for hearing people’s thoughts. It was instinctual at first, and mostly useless due to a lack of control. Yet as the youth developed, so too did his gift. The power has been useful in his time as an Agent of the triad, and he savours the power his gift gives him over people: for it is the finest of instrument for playing melodies upon the body. (Allows for communication with Non telepaths over a short distance and Long range communication with Telepaths. They can read the surface thoughts of people they come into skin contact with, and can “mine” for deeper thoughts if they can hold a person down for a few minutes, though this is generally uncomfortable for both involved. Telepaths are also capable of leaving thoughts of torture, pain, and nightmares using the same “mining” method, and in this way can turn some people into deranged vegetables.)

Lycanthropy- Jellial was infected with lycanthropy at a fairly young age; during the infancy of his Mage training. He made the mistake of bedding a Lycanthrope woman and as a result, he was transformed after a particularly saucy evening. The woman gifted him an enchanted bracelet that inhibits the Lycanthropic transformation which he keeps to this day. The woman occasionally writes to him, and they share a good enough relationship: despite the fact she made a monster of a man.( Infects the character with Lycanthropy, which grants impressive regeneration both in their form and out of it, and improved strength with natural armour and weapons when in their form. Character may optionally start with an item to help them remain in control of their Lycanthropy.)

Unique: Loyalty through Apathy- Jellial is well known for a few things: his looks, his sorcery and his amorous nature, amongst other things. Yet above all else, Jellial is known for the loyalty he holds and the trust put upon him. A big part of this trust is down to Jellial's complete lack of interest in advancing socially, as well as a reputation for having never betrayed an ally. This reputation has followed the wind mage outside of Tuleria and has reached a great many people: most notably the nobility. As such, Jellial is considered especially trustworthy by the Nobles of the land, who are more inclined to reveal secrets to Jellial. This reputation for trustworthiness extends onto the battlefield, but is less powerful due to the devious nature of war itself. (This character receives a bonus on any Charisma or seduction check when speaking to any character of higher status than Jellial. He receives a much lesser, flat bonus to other NPC's as well: which would grow with his reputation.)

Personal Section
Romance: Natural romance is one of the most delightful things to take part of in RP. I'm a sucker for either romance or a good PC murder.
Play style: Dialogue heavy missions will favour Jellial more, but as a roleplayer I'm more practiced with combat-based missions. Complexity is golden, and forcing Jellial to agonize over what is right or wrong will be a delight.
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: I’d like to believe so.
Signature: LimeyPanda.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yep sure is Brovo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tan S Lake

Tan S Lake

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

EDIT: Got rid of this and posted an updated one later on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tan S Lake

Tan S Lake

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pseudonym, the guy playing Tristan Whitemarch... do you have any specific plans for his third brother (the living one), Cristoff? If not, I would like to consider the possibility of playing him. Of course, I'd adjust him to suit myself, so if that's not okay with you, it's not a problem. Nevertheless, from first impressions, he's not too different from the character I've been thinking of. Let me know, 'kay?

Also, another thing. Brovo, could you give a short description of the magic types, in terms of what they can do? I'm a little confused about what arcane and druidic can do. Also, for a custom magic style, can it incorporate a limited set of spells from different schools? I was thinking of giving my character something like "debuff" magic, things like slows, stuns, blinding attacks, etc. Additionally, a sort of 'flare' to mark a position. Generally I'm thinking he's been meticulously trained in a specific role, and his magic training is specifically suited to squad-sized ground engagements against small groups, but he lacks any broad knowledge on magic, or brute firepower. Does that work? I could get rid of the flare if it clashes too much with the 'debuff' school. Thank you :-)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pseudonym


Member Offline since relaunch

Edited Tristan's CS. The edit is (can also be found at the bottom of the CS) -

Added one stat point to the Charisma section because I am paranoid after seeing so many K.I.A in Brovo's post :P He will likely not be very charismatic in the early part of the game towards other characters though considering what he was recently forced to face.

Also, changed his history starting from the point he finds his brothers in the woods. Tristan doesn't kill Devan immediately, but instead baits him out and kills him later on. This has one significant consequence as now his father only (strongly) suspects that Tristan did indeed kill Devan, but doesn't know it for a certainty. Hopefully this doesn't screw around with the Fate.

Tan S Lake said
Pseudonym, the guy playing Tristan Whitemarch... do you have any specific plans for his third brother (the living one), Cristoff? If not, I would like to consider the possibility of playing him. Of course, I'd adjust him to suit myself, so if that's not okay with you, it's not a problem.

Sure go ahead! Howeveeerr, Brovo's Fate to Tristan contained this cheery part:

Brovo said
"for your fate is sealed, a murderer of brothers once, to be twicefold... "

So it sounds as if Brovo has something planned out for Tristan already regarding his only remaining brother. And that it includes death D: So perhaps wait for Brovo's approval first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tan S Lake

Tan S Lake

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haha, I did notice that. You're probably right, I'll wait on Brovo. By the way, has anybody got suggestions on where I could get pictures for my character?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

EDIT: Personal Section and Unique Trait added.
EDIT2: Realized that I had my Training numbers wrong for Matyrdom trait, now fixed.

Name: Thailen Vicarris
Age: 28
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Appearance: Linked for huge (Art by Jason Chan, copyright Wizards of the Coast)
Homeland: Kingdom of Liveria
History: Before the fall of the Third Age, the noble Vicarris family of Renalta gave birth to a girl, with hair as strikingly red as her fathers. And his father before him, back for uncounted generations. She was raised to follow the religious principles of the twin Gods Erri and Inmi. Principles of devotion, duty, and strength in the face of uncertainty. She followed the scripture as diligently as her parents demanded, and then some. Her family ruled with an unmoving sense of responsibility, and combined with a strong intuition for the fiscal, slowly gained in power and influence. That is, until Queen Kouri banished the Gods from the mortal realm.

Horrified, the Vicarris's abandoned Renalta for Liveria, unwilling to be ruled by what they viewed as a blasphemer unrivalled. With Erri and Inmi now lost, they vowed to keep the scripture and values that they followed alive in the new age, and began to follow them more strictly than ever before. They were able to instate themselves as nobles once more in Liveria using thier previous riches, but were unable to achieve the same level of power that they used to hold. They were mocked for their continued worship, seen as outsiders, and were often accused of being Renalta loyalists.

Angered by the shame and distrust poured onto her family, Thailen began to train in the ways of battle, seeking an outlet for her frustation. She developed a dislike for any who had renounced the Gods, and a hatred for most other races, who she saw as mockeries of the images and intentions of Erri and Inmi. So when word reached the family of a band of tiefling bandits on their land, she was the first to draw her sword and lead a group of soldiers to deal with the criminals.

She and her men spent weeks searching for them, until one night Thailen was struck by a strange intuition. A feeling that compelled her to head West. Within hours, she came across the tiefling camp, and waded into battle. Neither she nor her soldiers dealt in mercy that night. Afterwards, she removed the tails from several of the corpses and had them made into a cat o'nine tails, which has been her weapon of choice ever since.
Motivation: A religious loathing for all things demonic and a strong sense of duty, which combined overcame her anger towards Queen Kouri.

Strength: 4/10
Agility: 5/10
Charisma: 4/10
Magical Endurance: 1/10

Fighter: 5/10 {Slashing; One Handed + Exotic (Whip)}
Sniper: 0/10
Leader: 5/10
Seducer: 0/10
Sneak: 0/10
Mage: 0/10

Experience Traits:
-The Underdog Always Wins

-Rich Family
-Unbreakable Faith
-Unholy Bloodline

Unique Trait:
Stubborn as a Fool - This character will stand firmly by any ideas, opinions and decisions that they make. A person this character distrusts will have a hard time earning they're loyalty, and this character will forever stand by those that they consider friends. It is hard to dissuade or coerce this character, and nearly impossible to convince them to take a course of action that they don't agree with. In battle, this stubbornness causes the character to carry on despite their wounds, unwavering against hopeless odds, and relentless in taking down their enemies. (Thanks to Holmishire for the idea)

Romance: If the Fates demand. Or if it just happens by some other means.
Play Style: I enjoy a mix of actions and dialogue, yeah.
Does the Kouri Plushie Exist: I don't know and I don't understand why this is being asked.
Signature: Herzinth

Notes: Yes she has Tiefling blood. No she doesn't know about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tan S Lake said
Haha, I did notice that. You're probably right, I'll wait on Brovo. By the way, has anybody got suggestions on where I could get pictures for my character?

DeviantArt in general, this collection of artists in specific.

EDIT: Each art piece in there is done a different artist, most of whom are a great source of fantasy character art.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

Tan S Lake said
Haha, I did notice that. You're probably right, I'll wait on Brovo. By the way, has anybody got suggestions on where I could get pictures for my character?

The thing about fate and destiny is that they are quite vague. For instance, a brother could be nonliteral, a metaphor for a battle brother for instance.

Also, can review sheets when home from work. Will slowly start adding missions as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tan S Lake

Tan S Lake

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'll take that as a 'go ahead' then :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pseudonym


Member Offline since relaunch

Awesome, brothers it is! :D If you want to change Cristoff's name go ahead, I'll change it on my CS as well.

@Brovo, the Chosen Ones don't actually know their fate/destiny, do they? And how advanced are the guns in the RP? In my head it's the Civil War era guns, where you had to reload after each shot but could still be reliable at a far distance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

They are all black powder guns single shot. It says so in the google docs
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Think Flintlock. One shot powder charges that are slow to reload. A bit inaccurate, but in the same instance, if they hit... You do have issues of, ohhh, lead poisoning, armour piercing, breaking bones. My Templar got hit with one in the last one, it broke his shoulder and he had to go to a healer, ahaha.

LimeyPanda. I <3 you for your character decisions. Seriously, you... <3<3<3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

Pseudonym said
Awesome, brothers it is! :D If you want to change Cristoff's name go ahead, I'll change it on my CS as well.@Brovo, the Chosen Ones don't actually know their fate/destiny, do they? And how advanced are the guns in the RP? In my head it's the Civil War era guns, where you had to reload after each shot but could still be reliable at a far distance.

Actually they do. Each character knows from one method or another. (If you can't think of one, dream sequence is classic and works.)

Depends. Pistols are reliable at mid range, blunderbus at short, and rifles at long like civil war era. However, the longer the range of the shot, the lower the armour piercing gets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tempest said
Think Flintlock. One shot powder charges that are slow to reload. A bit inaccurate, but in the same instance, if they hit... You do have issues of, ohhh, lead poisoning, armour piercing, breaking bones. My Templar got hit with one in the last one, it broke his shoulder and he had to go to a healer, ahaha.LimeyPanda. I <3 you for your character decisions. Seriously, you... <3<3<3

Oh you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

LimeyPanda said
Oh you.

Okay, you gotta tell me. I feel you were in a previous RP of Brov's... but I can't exactly place you, not to seem rude. Just a lot of names and I've been a bit out of it in the past few months. Were you in one? Which one? Did you have the same name? If you were in one, what character? I tend to identify characters at least a little better :X
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I feel as if my character isn't going to be very popular with the mages.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kangaroo said
I feel as if my character isn't going to be very popular with the mages.

I can see your character now....

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tempest said
I can see your character now....

Heh it's not just rival mages.

It's all mages. He doesn't even have anything against mages, it's just what he does,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kangaroo said
Heh it's not just rival mages. It's mages. He doesn't even have anything against mages, it's just what he does,

*cough* Someone obviously did not catch the Meredith from DA2 reference...
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