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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ouroboros


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


How does her blood absorb the blood of others, and in what way is it poisonous to others?
Rank your techniques please.

Jedi, your character's Kekkei Genkai is more of a Hiden Jutsu than a true Kekkei Genkai. KG are inherited genetic abilities.

Card Captor, your Genin can't use A-rank Jutsu to start out. You can specialize in Wind Ninjutsu and have your Typhoon release but not A rank Ninjutsu to start off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Aki Moruma
Alias: Wild Boy
Age: 11
Gender: male
Rank: Genin
he looks like this but doesn't have the sword

Personality: Aki is a rather laid back boy, but when things get serious, he does as well and he will fight with all he's got. he is very loyal to his village and friends, he dreams of becoming the greatest shinobi that the world has ever known. because he is born to a very prestigious clan in the Hidden Mist Village, he can be arrogant and underestimates some of his opponents. do to his upbringing, Aki has a wild and violent side to him, if angered he can become very dangerous and loses self control which could be fatal to him and his enemies, many shinobi of his clan can be taken over by this blood lust and ignore all warnings during battle and just attack with cruel savagery. his ninja training has enforced this personality trait and some fear that may be the death of him. but besides that, he has a good heart and is a really good friend.
Village: Kirigakure
History/Background: the Moruma clan is one of Kirigakure's strongest clans and their Kekkei Genka was of great value to the village. the clan had learned many years ago to summon animals without the use of scrolls or any other type of material. this technique had been passed down through the clan bloodline and legend said that as the newer generations came along, the strength of their clan's shinobi would grow and that would make the technique very powerful as it traveled down through the generations. the Moruma clan was originally from the land of ash, but left the country many years ago out of anger and spite towards the followers of the Sage of The Six Paths for not seeing the true potential their shinobi gifts had. they believed that a shinobi with great power should guide the world with a firm hand and an iron will, because of this they were treated like outcasts among the people of Uzushiogakure. they eventually attempted a cue and tried to take control of the nation but failed and were driven into exile by the leaders of Uzushiogakure. they chose Kirigakure as their proper home because of the Village's opposition to the Land of Ash, and they fit right in with the Village Hidden in the Mist. after about a decade of serving the Land of Water, the Moruma had risen to be one of Kirigakure's most prestigious clans. even to this day they still have a hatred of Uzushiogakure and think of them as their worst enemies.

Aki was the son of one of the clan's best shinobi of his age, his name was Ozori Moruma and from the moment he was born, many expected a lot from Aki. because of this, Aki was very determined to live up to his father's reputation and become the greatest shinobi that the Moruma clan had produced. but eventually tragedy struck his family, and when he was six years old, his mother and father were killed on mission in the Land of Ash. this had a near traumatic effect on him as a kid and he became distant from the rest of his fellow clan members. after his parents died, Aki was placed under the care of his uncle and he tried to get his nephew to not lose sight of what the life of a shinobi meant. eventually he was able to move on with his life and focus on his shinobi training, but there was still a sad and lonely space in his heart that was still mourning his parents' death. as many expected, Aki was a very talented boy with chakra reserves that were very big for someone his age and he was very adept in practicing his clan's Kekkei Genkai, the Beast Release. he was also a very talented student in the martial art of his clan which was the Beast Fist Style. the Beast Fist Style is a combat style that only the members of the Moruma clan can learn and it pushes them and their bodies to their maximum physical potential. the martial art also trains them to fully integrate their bloodline technique into their fighting style to increase their strength and reflexes, and is almost purely instinctual and random in their methods of attack and defense. because of his training in the martial art, it has made him more feral and unpredictable when it comes to his moods when angered or agitated. when he was old enough to attend the academy, his teachers were very impressed with his skills in ninjutsu and taijutsu. his great skills made him graduate the shinobi academy with flying colors and many said that he was one of the best student to go through the academy since his father. now he is a genin and hopes to honor his mother and father's memory by becoming the greatest shinobi that the world had ever seen.
Theme Song: Aki's Theme
Tools: a halberd, basic ninja tools and explosive tags
Chakra Nature: Water and Lightning[he doesn't know lightning yet but he will learn it later in the rp]
Kekkei Genkai:
Beast Release: the bloodline technique is very unique to the Moruma clan and allows its users to summon animals of all sorts and sizes. unlike basic summoning techniques, it doesn't require the use of scrolls or special rituals, the user simply makes the proper hand sign and they can summon any creature they wish to use to fight. the Kekkei Genkai does have a draw back, it requires a lot of chakra to keep the animals from disappearing and the bigger the creature, the more chakra it takes to summon it and keep on the field of battle. another ability that the Kekkei Genkai grants the user is the ability to use the natural traits and senses of animals which requires much less chakra to use than summoning creatures. another weakness to the bloodline technique is that when an animal is summoned it takes a certain amount of concentration to keep the creature under control and a break in concentration can cause the beast to run wild or disappear. another great aspect of the Kekkei Genkai is that the user can spend more chakra to fuse his chakra nature with the summons to give the creatures elemental abilities based on his chakra elements.
Special Traits:
huge chakra reserves
Superb senses
very strong and incredibly fast
extremely skilled with his halberd
a very skilled protege in the unarmed Beast Fist Style martial art.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedi


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Updated, if that seems fine then I'll finish the long stuff.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omnial
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I now have my CS posted up, if it needs any changes, I'll get to them tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm still thinking if my character, so reserve me a spot until I can get him down on paper, well computer....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ouroboros said
Tatsua,How does her blood absorb the blood of others, and in what way is it poisonous to others? Rank your techniques please.

The blood has to be touching (eww). I can't just touch people and be all like "Hey, I gotchur blood.", rather I would have to cut my finger and tenderly shove it into somebodies open wound.

In what way is it poisonous? The only way, really. It's poisonous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

What do people think of my character's Kekkei Genkai?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellOfALife
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

ah now I have to change my character's Kekkei Genkai since someone already took it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Kichiro Hokama
Alias: N/A
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Rank: D (Genin)
Personality: While he was hot blooded in his youth, full of energy and mischief, his years in Suna have tempered his attitude. When not training Kichiro is fairly laid back, taking everything that is thrown at him in stride. Ever since his relocation he discovered that it was the only way for him to survive. He could not let things outside of his control effect him in a negative fashion. He uses all the unfortunate circumstances that have fallen upon him to strengthen his resolve. When training. and more recently when on missions he locks away this attitude, focusing his energy on the task at hand.
Birth Village Kiri
Current Village: Suna
History/Background: For the first 7 years of his life Kichiro was raised by a loving mother and, albeit a bit strange, father. They led a simple life in the Hokama compound, both of his parents were shinobi and were often away but that didn't bother Kichiro much as he had already started learning how to be a shinobi. Most of his days were spent trying to learn his family's style of Fuinjutsu, or further developing his high speed taijutsu style. One mission was all it took to shatter the lifestyle of Kichiro’s family. His mother was out on a mission in the Land of Lightning when her squad was ambushed by Kumo ninja. Her squad didn't stand a chance. When their bodies were returned to Kiri, the rest of Kichiro’s father’s mind broke. He was placed in permanent residency at the hospital, and Kichiro had a meeting with the Clan Head and the Mizukage.

The Homura clan had a specific set of rules, a clan member was only eligible to reside with the clan if over the age of 18 or living with relatives. With his mother dead and his father hospitalized Kichiro was an orphan in his clan's eyes. Rather than join the orphanage within Kiri, the Mizukage offered him the opportunity to live in Suna as a method of strengthening ties. Though it was presented as a choice, the decision was made for him and before he knew it he was packing his belongings, including the books of his family, and being escorted to Suna.

Rather than living in the orphanage he was given an apartment to reside in. He was also entered in as an official shinobi of the Suna forces. Rather than let the sudden changes to his life shake him, Kichiro took the opportunity to continue bettering himself in his taijutsu and fuinjutsu, practicing his ninjutsu during down time between the other two. That has been the pattern of his life for the last few years, although he found himself with less time to train after he reached the rank of genin.

Chakra Nature: Water
Kekkei Genkai: Ka jūden(Overcharge)-
The Hokama clan is most well known for their skill with Fuinjutsu, what is less known is their Kekkei Genkai Ka jūden. Ka jūden physically manifests as thick black seal like lines that start at the wrist and ankles of the Hokama clan member. As time goes on this lines continue to grow, until they reach full maturity at which point they will be up to the shoulders/thighs respectively. The amount of time this takes varies for each member, but it is never before the age of 15. Along with the markings on the legs and arms there is a single rectangular marking on the clan members chest, which is used for activating the Kekkei. In order to activate Ka jūden the Hokama must channel chakra to their hand and then swipe it across the mark on the chest.

Upon activation all markings, excluding the one on the chest, disappear. The users speed, strength, and chakra reservoirs all increase drastically, depending on how far their Ka jūden has progressed. The Kekkei’s duration ends when either the user runs out of chakra, or they choose to end it. Regardless of which method is used the clan member will experience severe chakra exhaustion and be defenseless for a period of time. That fact, combined with the amount of time it takes for the markings to ‘grow’ back, makes the Ka jūden a last ditch option for most Hokama members.

Along with this an aura envelops the user, the color of said aura varies from person to person. Besides the appearance this aura does not have any secondary effects.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

HellOfALife said
ah now I have to change my character's Kekkei Genkai since someone already took it.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ouroboros said
Rank your techniques please.

Seal Release: C (Seal is S)
Blood Bullets: D
Blood Healing: C
Blood Barrier: D
Blood Lance: C
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ekirei


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Name: Kokai Hyuga

Alias: Kokai Ekirei (Prefers this to Hyuga)

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Rank: D-Rank Genin


Personality: Stemming from a long line of Konohagakure nobles and Shinobi, Ekirei is very loyal to his village and proud of his long heritage in the forest village. He is a staunch defender of the village's ideals, willing to give his life for the continued existence and betterment of his home. As he is so very devoted to his village, he would work to get the upper hand in every battle, negotiation, or treaty as long as Konoha came out stronger. Sometimes, he is willing to even damage the well-being of other villages if it was for Konoha's benefit.

During meetings and other instances where foreign shinobi are involved, Ekirei is the epitome of politeness and professionalism. He always speaks simply and never leaves hidden meaning behind his words and always making his intentions clear. He makes sure to keep his speech and tone respectful, and never condescending. However, when fighting foreign ninja and missing-nin, he is constantly angry and will fight with all of his power he can muster. If an enemy is gaining the upper-hand, he is stubborn in his defense and will continue fighting until the enemy is dead. Ekirei refuses to flee from a minor fight, such as a defecting ninja, or a major fight, like an invasion or coup.

While hungry, Ekirei is an avid lover of breads and meats, usually carrying a satchel of the food around with him. He particularly enjoys the taste of bear and deer from Konoha, going great lengths to get large amounts for himself. When having visitors or visiting others, he often throws or attends large dinners with many guests and lots of food. When near the sea, he enjoys the taste of shellfish as well, eating many lobsters and clams to quell his voracious appetite. With a mighty thirst that is normally associated with active people, Ekirei enjoys the taste of alcohol and the warm, powerful feeling he gets when he has drank much. In more civilized situations, he prefers the taste of sweet or bitter tea, which he prefers to brew himself.

Ekirei enjoys a challenge, whether a spar with his ninja or foreign ninja, or something as simple as a game of chess. He knows when he has lost, and likes the people that can best him in games of skill or strength. He often challenges others to these competitions when he is bored or he has a bit of free time. However, although he knows the difference between friendly games and competitions, he gives his absolute best and even more effort in any event. This leads him to constantly overwork himself.

Village: Konohagakure

History/Background: Born on a rather cold February morning, Ekirei was born into the Hyuuga family by two high-ranking Konohagakure nobles, and members of the Main Hyuuga. A healthy baby, Ekirei was the third child to be birthed, after two sisters. With a large household, a manor filled with his family and numerous servants, Ekirei was exposed to a large variety of people and their backgrounds. Paired to a man-servant/surrogate father, Ekirei spent years with a man that would become a father-figure to him. As his parents were important figures in Konoha politics, he was left in the care of Hitoi, a former shinobi and member of the Branch Hyuuga. A scarred and burned man, Hitoi was considered one of the ugliest men in the village. Assigned as caretaker of Ekirei, the man took to the baby as if they were father and son. From birth, Hitoi would take Ekirei on long treks around the village, carrying him in a sling as he walked the village. Growing up with an ugly father-figure, Ekirei gained the ability to look over appearance and value people on their actions. As he often traveled and met many people with Hitoi, Ekirei came to love the sight of people and became very social.

As he grew up, Ekirei began to see less and less of his family, and more of Hitoi. At age three, Ekirei now couldn't be seen anywhere without Hitoi beside him. As his parents worked to secure even more prestige in politics and his sisters old enough to attend civilian school, Ekire hardly knew of the Hyota besides the name. As Hitoi was a shinobi, he disciplined and nurtured Ekirei in a way a Jounin would with his Genin. While living with Hitoi, Ekirei began to become interested in the life of a ninja, listening as Hitoi would tell fantastic, often exaggerated stories of princesses he saved and evil warlords he slayed. Wanting to live this life for himself, Ekirei began to plead with Hitoi to teach him how to throw kunai and block punches as soon as he could speak in complete sentences.

At age five, Ekirei began to formally train as a shinobi under the tutelage of Hitoi and a set of Hitoi's close comrades. Under Hitoi, Ekirei learned the basics of ninja arts, such as throwing shuriken and kunai, and other techniques others would learn at the academy.

Ekirei's parents, satisfied with their progress on gaining a respected position in the village, began to take an interest in Ekirei's abilities Hitoi had taught him. Ekirei was on a level of fitness and skill most senior Academy students were at, and Ekirei was not even 10 years old. Not noticing, or not caring, they had missed most of Ekirei's childhood, enrolled Ekirei in the Konohagakure Academy to enhance his abilities, while providing him with scrolls and books that detailed the many techniques created by previous Shinobi. They reasoned that if they could have a child that became an important figure in the workings of Konohagakure, they can become even of greater importance not just in the village, but also in the entire Hyuuga clan.

Tools: Fuma Shuriken

Chakra Nature: Fūton (Air), Katon (Fire)

Kekkei Genkai: Dōjutsu: Byakugan/ Taijutsu Hidan: Jūken (Gentle Fist)

Special Traits: As a member of the Hyuga, Ekirei is able to utilize the Gentle Fist, allowing him near-unmatched Taijutsu skills among his peers. Furthermore, in order to use this style, Ekirei holds near pinpoint chakra-control, able to use his techniques with the right amount of chakra needed to decrease fatigue.

And Ouro, if you ever need help with this rp, feel free to let me help. I used to do considerable moderator work for an entire Naruto forum before I retired, and I know how much trouble it could be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellOfALife
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yog Sothoth said

It was Tatsua's character, though I think it might be better for me to just go without one since everyone else has one assigned to their character, it might put me at a major disadvantage, but it would make sense considering my character's backstory. Decisions, decisions.

Edit: Though the function of the Blood Release was done in an entirely different manner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 10 days ago

Reserving cuz baller
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Syn said
Reserving cuz baller

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

just finished my character sheet, but i will be adding his future custom jutsu techniques sometime later in the week.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

there's a good amount of characters from Kirigakure :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

yoshua171 said

Yoshi too? I synned my pantsu ;-;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tarquin
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And here's mine.

This coding, I swear.....
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