Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 14 days ago


"Lakeland and Bayview, please," Jennifer said to the taxi driver as she got in the cab. She didn't wait for the typical greeting as she wasn't in the mood for small talk at the moment.

"Of course," he replied. The driver then punched in some words into his GPS and Jennifer couldn't help but shake her head a little. She lived in a high rise in one of the busiest intersections in the city, how could you not know your way around there? When he got his directions, he keyed in the start to the fare and proceeded to drive off. Jennifer stared at the window as they went, her eyes scanning for any familiar buildings. It wasn't until they'd been driving for nearly 10 minutes that she finally recognized the neighborhood they were passing through. Jennifer was in a world of her own, but the heavy quiet was soon interrupted when the driver's phone went off. She wasn't interested in his conversation, so she tuned out once more to ponder what she would with the rest of her day now that she wasn't involved in some conspiracy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Harrison sat back in his oversized chair and rubbed his face. He was told to wait, he needed to wait. Jennifer was going to come. She didn't have another options. No doubt something happened and she wore put her welcome with the bodyguard. Jennifer was always wearing out her welcome.

She was coming, there wasn't any about it. She needed money, no telling what else she was after. The bodyguard though, he was the wildcard how to get him to the office?

Harrison picked up the phone and dailed a number. One people like him shouldn't have. The line picked up he instructed the man on the end to set up at Jennifer's house and wait for her. He hung up when he was done talking.

His next move was to send a text. He went through his contacts and looked for the name Nathan James Hunter.

"It's not safe to talk on the phone. Swing by the office so I can pay you and you can get out of town." Harrison set his phone and opened his desk drawer and pulled out a handgun. Double checking it was loaded, Harrison racked the slide back. He was ready, all he could do now is wait.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Collab between myself and @Remipa Awesome)

Weaving through the forest undergrowth, relying more on speed than stealth, Christi didn't stop running until she reached the cliff, pausing catch her breath and size up her descent. They set of gunshots she had heard had lent wings to her feet, and while she hoped that Eli and Eric were alright, she wasn't going back to check. Instead, she grasped the branch of a tree, slung the strap of her crossbow over her shoulder, and began her descent, Jack practically tiptoeing beside her.

She was almost halfway down when she heard a voice call out to her, and she looked up.

Eric stopped right as the hillside started to get steep. "Great, steep falls. Because my day wasn't crazy or random enough as it is." He could see the foot steps from Christi climbing down. At least following her would be easier. Eric worked his way down trying not to fall as he went, despite his lack of most physical skills climbing was something he was at least decent at. At least on hills. Trees and mountains were a whole different story. "Hey? Christi? You near by? Because if you are that's be cool, because the sooner I can stop climbing the better." Truth be told, he was just kind of hoping he wouldn't get hit on the face or something. She was close though, that he could tell. Though being so focused on falling he couldn't tell how close.

Peeking out from behind a tree, Christi studied the boy. He didn’t seem to be in the best of shape, if all the wheezing he was doing was any indication. Still, it was impressive that he was still trying to follow her down the hillside. She looked down at Jack, the dog’s head tilted to one side, then back at the boy. Eli had said that he was alright… “Over here. There are lots of roots,” she quietly called out to him, then turned and resumed her descent.

Relief was all Eric could think right now, his running was about done and Christi was actually a lot closer then he had thought. “Awesome...” He spoke under his breath as he started to follow again. “Are you always this aventuras? Or is this your first time running from someone? Either or works I guess.” As he thought about the question more, and the gun shots going off behind him he realized probably a bad choice in questions. “Look, I can tell that whatever is going on that it’s intense.” As another shot went off. “But it’ll all be good. Just gotta give it time. Been telling myself that and now I live in my own place with a semi functioning vehicle.” And migraines, debt, people trying to kill him, dealing with assholes, god does it get better? ...What if she could read his mind? Oh god this sucks.

Being so focused on keeping moving, and staying a few dozen feet ahead of him, Christi didn’t hear most of what Eric had said. Instead she just worked at maintaining her footing, and slid down the last bit of the hillside. The river was just ahead.

Okay, so things were starting to feel a bit awkward now. Here he was trying to make petty conversation with a girl who has been through who knows what! And with that a warzone was going off in the back… Then it hit Eric. Eli was still back there. But he was a badass right? Eric was pretty sure he heard something about him being in the military. And there was talk about burning people… What a fun day this turned out to be.

It was hard for Eric to read Christi now. She was too focused to understand. Once at the river though she seemed more… well less tense would be a decent term. “So what’s the plan now? Do we want to wait for Eli? Or try to cross the river and hope we don’t freeze when night comes?” Could lead to some interesting turn of events, though freezing was never good. “So do we want to keep running? Because that’s cool too, just a lot of work.” He said trying to keep his breaths steady.

Again, Christi didn’t respond. Instead, she led him along the bank of the river, no longer running but still moving quickly now that there wasn’t any indication of pursuit. Every so often she would pause and look behind her, checking to see how her unexpected companion was doing, but always continued on without a word. Eventually they came to the ravine from which the river originated from, and she led him into the small, curved cave. She didn’t know how the cave had formed, but it would serve as a useful hiding place. “Danny doesn’t know about this place,” she said quietly as she sat down, Jack laying down beside her.

And still no small talk… That is a good note for future events when talking to people. Eventually they came to a small cave, neat little place. Though things still seemed tense. There were a lot of worries in her thoughts. Eric felt a bit rude for listening in. It’s not like he could stop but he still felt a little guilty. Then she mentioned Danny, who Eric was guessing was her asshoel brother. “Well that’s good. Don’t think he’d be able to enjoy a place like this. He may just screw that up.” He looked around a bit before sitting down. “Even if he did find this place, he wouldn’t stand a chance against someone like me.” He said with a smile as he held his pose from his seat. When considering Eric though, the pose was more entertaining than intimidating.

“You don’t know Danny,” she answered simply, hunching up against the wall and keeping as much distance between herself and Eric as possible, her knees drawn up against her chest. The silence stretched between them, and aside from blinking Christi never took her eyes off the boy. “Why are you here? With Eli?”

Eric sighed. “Truth be told, I am not sure. He got me out of holding and said we have work to do. Beyond that… I have no clue. I…. I know things are going crazy, and that there isn’t a lot we can do to stop it other then get involved. So.. I guess that’s why.” Christi was easily trying to keep distance. “And you’re right, I don’t know Danny personally. But from what I can tell, he is a self serving asshole who could use a good kick in the balls.” Fun times, talking about why we’re involved in strange things, about breaking asshole’s balls, and trying to avoid death. “So what’s your involvement in all this? Are you the ring leader here or is it something else?” At this point, Eric was good for any answers he could get.

Christi shook her head violently. “N-no. I didn’t even know you were coming out here. I don’t know what’s going on at all. But Danny wants to kill me because I killed Daddy.” She hugged her legs tighter against herself.

Oh, problematic situations yet again. The guilt in her thoughts went rampant as she spoke. There was fear too, about as much as when she thought of Danny alone. “Killed your old man huh? Losing family can be harsh, and let’s say you did cause it. Either A it was an accident, which happened all the time. Like in world war two, When the US first went into Africa, they were shot at by French soldiers because they had no clue what was going on, who was on their side, that sort of thing.” He thought about it more, history lessons were not the way to make people feel better. People in history were kinda assholes. “Or B, your dad was a total dick and something needed to be done before he did something. You don’t seem like the person that would “Kill” out of spite.” He sighed, not sure if he was making things better or worse. “Look, truth be told it’s all crazy right now. I’m sure whatever reason that it was, you’re fine. Okay?” And he smiled. Doing what he could to make things better. Christi really seemed like the kind of person that could use it. And deserved it.

Christi didn't give him an answer. It didn't change the fact that it had been her knife in her hand that had killed her father. So, instead she looked out the cave mouth, wondering where she was going to go. She couldn't go back home, even if Daniel hadn't come after her. Not after what she had done.

After a long, awkward silence, she turned to him again. “How do you know Eli?”

That was a hard question to answer, though possible, it would be hard. “How do I know Eli? That’s… well I don’t actually. Not personally. Well, I guess I do. I work in carpentry. Anything from furniture, to decks, to rifle stocks. Did some projects at his place. Nothing super complicated, so guessing either he didn’t have the tools or the time to do the job himself.” Eric paused for a moment. It felt weird, normally he was the quiet one. “He has a nice place too, much better then mine. Not that I am complaining. But living in a glorified shed with an outhouse and stolen cable has downsides to it.” He tried to laugh. But all things considering it wasn’t something super easy to do now. Things were beginning to get harsh, and things didn’t seem like they were going to lighten up. “Hey, on a scale of one to ten, what do you think the chances of any of us making out of this whole mess somewhat sane is?” Eric wasn’t even sure what this was yet. All he knew was nothing seemed like the way it was supposed to be.

Christi blinked, then rested her chin on her knees and reached out to run her hand over Jack's head. “I don't know.” She did find it a little interesting that he did carpentry, and wondered what he would think if he saw her carvings.

Abruptly, she stood up, whispered “Stay Jack,” and left the cave. She didn't go far, still visible from the entrance, and shortly returned with a small branch that she had noticed as they had been following the river. Settling down beside the German Shepard, she drew her knife and set to work, occasionally glancing at the other boy to make sure he hadn't moved.

Christi came back into the cave with her new stick, which Eric would guess she was trying to make into a spear. A spear, is a bit more preferable than a knife. Looking at the knife Eli had given him, he was worried if he would actually have to use it. Then he considered the fact if he could use it? He wasn’t exactly the biggest or strongest of people. “Hey Christi? This may seem like a weird question, but are you scared of me?” Eric could tell she had fear in her. That much was easy to tell. He just couldn’t tell where yet.

She stopped at the question. She didn’t know him, or really what he wanted from her, which was reason enough for her to be nervous. It didn’t seem like he wanted to hurt her, or was really mean or anything, but that had been what she had thought of Charley, and look what happened there.

Flicking her eyes between Eric and her carving, she mulled over what to say.

“Christi! I got Danny. Come on out so we can all talk this out. Eric, I need you to head back to the mine shaft and pick up all the shit they left behind.”

At Eli’s voice, Christi froze, and terror surged through her. He brought Danny here! Why? I came here so he wouldn’t find me! Dropping her piece of wood and knife, she buried her face in her knees and wrapped her arms around her head. Please, please leave, I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die!

Underneath her shirt, right between her breasts, a green light started glowing and forming a circular shape upon her skin, and a sharp, splitting pain began growing in her head. To Eric, Eli and Danny, it was as though she suddenly vanished into thin air.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eli slowly, carefully walked in to the cage, he took care show that his were empty. Eli did everything to make sure that Christi didn't feel threatened. "Christi? Where you at?" Eli said as he looked into the cave.

Eli's face went from calm to confused to worried in a matter of seconds. "Miller where's Christi? She should be here, with you." Eli said with a hint of panic. Worried that Christi did something incredibly stupid.

It was then that Danny lurched into the cave falling to the ground. Eli looked down, annoyed at Danny. His leg still bleeding from having been shot not too long before. Eli helped the boy to his feet before launching him out if the cave. A satisfying thud of Danny hitting the ground and groan of pain followed Danny contact with the ground.

Before Danny or anyone else could say a word. Eli pulled out his handgun and ejected the clip. It was empty just as he thought. So did the only thing he knew do to, reload his weapon with one do the two remaining clips in his back pocket.

"Two things Danny. Number one, I don't recall you being invited in. This is Christi's place, if she wants you in, she'll invite you. Second, it's so much easier for me to just kill you than it is for me to teach manners... Oh bonus, lookie here." Eli pulled the slide back once, then again to eject the first round. Catching it in mid air, Eli tossed on Danny's chest. "Next one, is coming a lot faster. Now behave yourself." Eli said with such calmness that he could easily be mistaken for talking about almost anything present.

Eli turned back to Eric Miller. "So, where is the girl. Her brother came all the way here to apologize to her."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 14 days ago

Below is a collaboration between @AcerRo and myself.

Once they came to a stop in front of her building, Jennifer remained in the back seat for a moment to count the money in hand. She rounded up the total fare to $60.

"Keep the change," she said with a smile. She liked this particular cab driver; he showed her respect and the decency to leave her alone through the entire ride home. Who knows how many sleazeballs would have been trying to get her to talk to them at this point.

Once outside, she closed the door behind her and rapidly went inside to reach the main lobby of her building. The employees there waved, but some strangers just gave her a funny look. Screw them, they can't afford this place and are probably visiting. She made her way to the elevator on the far left side, the same one she always took for some reason. After pressing the button with the number 18 on it, she leaned back against the side of the elevator and hoped no one else would come in at the last minute. When the doors started to close, she felt some relief as she started ascending towards her floor.

A minute or two later, Jennifer got off with her key in hand. She hoped no surprises would be waiting for her inside her apartment. Well, maybe the guys with chocolate and wine waiting to apologize, but realistically speaking, that would never happen. As she stepped through the front door, she saw nothing out of the ordinary, although she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched...

From the closet in Jennifer's apartment, average in a way, the man waited for her to arrive. On his hip was a stun gun, one when he pulled the trigger would be more than enough to knock out someone the size of Jennifer. His heart rate was steady as he heard the door open. This wasn't his first time doing something like this as he peered through the slightest of cracks in the door. He wasn't worried about her opening the closet door, heaven forbid she make this any easier.

He waited for the right moment to spring into action as only fools jumped at the first chance. The wise move was to wait and make sure she was alone. Just Jennifer and an average, nondescript man. When the time was right, he calmly stepped out and shot her in the back. He never let go of the trigger until she fell to the ground.

When she fell he couldn't help but stand over her for a moment. She was pretty, and out like a light. He pondered all the things he could do to her. All the little, and not so little things he could do. Sadly this was a business call, and not a pleasure trip.

The trip back to Harrison's office wasn't long. One trip around the back and service elevator to the right floor and there she was, sitting in his office. He only needed to hit her a few times for her to come too.

One slap, then another, and finally a third one on her left cheek again. All the hits stung, but at least they got the attention they wanted from her. Much to her surprise, however, Jennifer looked up to see Harrison standing a few feet away from her, and a man she'd never seen before by his side. Harrison's obvious lack of concern gave Jennifer the impression that maybe he had something to do with this.

"Mind telling me why I'm tied to a chair in your office?" The dull pain in the center of her back cleared up for mind a little bit. Jennifer remembered that she'd been attacked in her apartment after arriving home, so her instincts had been right after all. With her hands tied behind her back, she made a subtle attempt to loosen up the tape without alerting Harrison or the other man present in the office. She looked down in the process, only to sigh in disappointment.

"And you could have at least dressed me up like a proper lady instead of leaving me wearing these slutty clothes."

"Seems you're dressed just like you should be." Harrison nodded towards her and the unremarkable man slapped her again.

"Now the the real people I work with want you in New Orleans. I should have just told them to send some blow and a pretty boy with a swinging dick and you'd follow him to the ends of the Earth. So in the mean time, you're gonna sign everything over to me and then you and little boy toy bodyguard will go to meet your fates.... Any questions?" Harrison said smugly behind his desk.

After the stranger slapped her yet again, Jennifer bit her lip to stop herself from giving either of them the satisfaction. She looked at Harrison immediately after the slap, the look on her eyes that of betrayal and disbelief.

"So, you are a sellout after all," she said to him in a tone that meant business, "guess I should have seen it coming. But good luck finding Nate, him and that other guy have their minds set on finding out what the hell happened to them. As for us...I'll sign whatever you need me to, as long as you don't kill me. You do have to free my hands first though, that's my only condition. You more than anyone know I'm not easily swayed."

"Nathan and whoever else, they'll be found." Harrison reached into his desk and pulled out his gun. He wasn't one to get his hands dirty, but this was special occasion. Harrison walked over to Jennifer, confident he had command of the situation, and pulled her to her feet. After untying her hands, he took a step and handed her a pen, one that would sign away everything her mother ever built.

There was nothing she could do, not now. With that single thought in his head, he waved off the unremarkable man, and reluctantly, the man stepped outside and waited.

Jennifer's hands started to shake as she grabbed the pen. So maybe the son of a bitch wasn't a complete moron after all. She looked him in the eye, then she looked into the barrel of the gun he had pointing at her. As her hand settled over the document, she couldn't help but allow a single tear to roll down the side of her cheek. After she quickly scribbled some signature, Jennifer pushed the paper over to Harrison's side of the desk. It was then she swore on her dead mother's grave that Harrison would regret every last second of this meeting...both him and whoever he was working for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vincent & the Nates: Damn the Man

a Collab with @Subject Zero

At the sound of his phone chirping with an incoming text, Nate fished it out of his pocket and stared at the screen, reading the message from Harrison. He wanted to pay him? That was weird. Nate had expected the weasel to weasel out of the payment. And what was this "Not safe to talk on the phone" thing?

Something felt off. Something Nate couldn't put his finger on. Maybe he was just being paranoid. He did have a habit of doing that. But he did like the idea of getting payed.

"You shouldn't text and drive." said a voice in his head.

Nate screwed up his face in annoyance and said ""Sssssshhhhhhhut up!" despite the fact that the only person in the car with him was Vin, who hadn't said a word.

Vincent, startled by the kid’s sudden outburst, shot him a confused glance. “I hope you’re not talking to me, bro.” He paused for a moment looking at Nate’s phone. “And by the way, do you know if your...er…clone has made it back to the alley? I’d really like my phone…”

He let his words drift as he turned his attention out onto the passing streets, mumbling under his breath. “I’m already up shits creek with James no doubt.”

Nate didn't pay much attention to Vin. He was too busy replying to the text.

"What are you wearing?"

He threw the phone back in his pocket and finally addressed Vin with a smile that hinted at mischief. "Hey man, wanna go to a party?"

Ah yes, the “P-word” which always added a little spring in Vin’s step, a gleam in his eye, and a hundred memories of long wasted nights delving into hedonistic lifestyles that should have killed him long ago. The very thought of partying, however, seemed a bit out of place at the moment considering their current situation, but he was intrigued nonetheless.

“So what’s the catch?” He replied with a smirk, knowing that Nate wasn't referring to any party he was interested in attending . “Something to do with that text message you just received?”

"Why does there have to be a catch?" asked Nate. "Someone invites you to a party and you instantly assume they have some kind of ulterior motive?" He shook his head and looked as though he was judging Vin. "You have issues, man."

"You really shouldn't talk about someone else having issues." said a clone that had suddenly appeared in the backseat, causing both men to jump and Nate to momentarily lose control of the car, swerving into oncoming traffic for a second before regaining control.

"Seriously!?" complained Nate at his clones sudden and unwanted arrival. Having exact copies of yourself pop out of nowhere was annoying and surreal. He would have to find a way to stop them from doing that. He needed to have some control over how this thing worked.

"Seriously." replied the clone as though nothing had happened and they were just having a casual conversation. He sat forward, leaning his head inbetween Nate and Vin like Nate had done earlier and informed Vin "You don't need to worry about it. We just need to go pick up our babysitting paycheck and then we're gone again. You probably maybe won't get shot."

The clone then began stroking Vin's hair as though he was reassuring a worried child...Or maybe petting a dog.

"Fuck off freak!" Vin exclaimed, recoiling from the clones advances, and running his own hand through his hair as though he were brushing off an infestation of lice. "What is it with you guys and all the touching? There are plenty of you to go around, go feel up on one another instead."

Vin instantly felt nauseous at the thought of a dozen Nate clones in some bizarre ritualistic orgy, and was pretty sure he just vomited in his mouth. He took a deep breath and continued.

"So, where is this place you're taking me? And who are we seeing? And..." Vin stopped himself, knowing full well that Nate probably wouldn't bother giving him much to work with anyway.

"You know what, just drive, and I'll look out for my own damn self."

Nate made an exaggerated sad face at Vin and said "Aw, is baby feeling left out?"

He kind of enjoyed playing with this guy. Maybe he was being an asshole in a time that was probably very confusing and frightening for Vin but...honestly?...Nate didn't care much.

"You know all those questions you had earlier about JJ and why I was protecting her and who hired me and such? Well you're about to get a lot more detail."

"...Well, probably not." added the clone. "But you might get to sit in the lobby and read a magazine while you wait for us."


It didn't take very long for the group to arrive at the office where Harrison had asked to meet Nate. Not the way Nate drove anyway.

Never really being one for entering through the front door, way too many eyes and cameras that way, Nate drove the car to the back of the building and parked. The clone got out and scanned the area to see if anyone was around while Nate turned to Vin and said "Well this is it. I know it doesn't look like much but the strippers and cocaine are inside."

"Oh that's rich." Vin said, looking at the rear door and hoping there wasn't a pointed gun barrel waiting for them on the other side. "And just so you know, not every party I've been associated with had strippers."

Vincent glared back at the clone, motioning his hand in that general direction. "So what is he looking for? And why the cloak and dagger all of a sudden? Isn't this supposed to be a simple 'payday' ?"

"Oh it is." said Nate as he pulled a bag from under the seat. "Simple payday." He pulled a handgun from the bag and continued "Don't you worry your pretty little head about a thing." He shoved the gun into his inside jacket pocket and pulled another from the bag. "Everything's fine." The second gun was put in his waistband, causing Nate to wince slightly as the cold metal touched his skin. "We're just meeting a business acquaintance." Several clips were pulled from the bag and placed in various pockets as Nate calmly smiled and said "We'll catch up, hang with the strippers and such, then we'll get back on the road." The last thing pulled from the bag was a grenade, which Nate shoved down his pants, creating a larger bulge than was already there. Nate winced at it and told himself "Well that's just ricidulous" before pulling the explosive back out and handing it to Vin, saying "You need this more than I do."

Vin's eyes widened at the sight of the grenade, letting the heavy ball of iron slip through his fingers and fall onto the seat in between his legs; a decision that would probably cost him way more than his manhood.



Nate was quickly out of the car, and heading towards the building. The clone ducked down to see Vin in the car and gave him a casual salute before following after Nate. Once inside, they headed to the service elevator and pressed the button to go up.

Both men stood in silence as the elevator began moving, the clone swinging from his heels to his toes with his hand in his pockets. He glanced over at Nate and asked "So...How are things?"

Nate slowly turned his head to see his clone. He didn't say a word but had a weary look on his face which said it all.

The clone turned back away and sighed.

When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, only one Nate stood there. He stepped out into the hallway, stopping short when he saw someone standing by the door to Harrison's office. He hadn't seen this guy before but he knew a gun for hire when he saw one. He sighed and said to the man "You are the least attractive stripper I have ever seen."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nate could barely get the word stripper out before the unremarkable man knocked hard in the door the and went to attacking Nate.

When the sounds from the other side of the door. Harrison smiled and took Jennifer by the neck. He couldn't kill her, he couldn't let her die but that didn't mean she couldn't be useful.

"Looks like your little boy toy showed up. I'm surprised he showed up. I would have thought he would tossed you in whatever dick filled gutter he pulled you out of." Harrison said shoving his gun to her head. While standing behind her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The sounds of a skirmish filtered into the office from the hallway. Faces were being punched, furniture was being broken. The photos on the wall besides Harrison's door shook and slanted as the walls were hit with something heavy from the other side a number of times. Eventually, the sounds died down and there was a moment of silence as Harrison smirked. There was suddenly another loud smacking sound as the door was struck from the other side. Another brief silence was followed by the door being opened to reveal Harrison's hired gun. His face was bruised and his nose bleeding but Harrison was nevertheless pleased to see him. His hopes that his plan had worked were quickly dashed though as the hired gun dropped face first onto the office carpet, revealing Nate standing behind him.

Nate leveled a handgun at Harrison as the other man tensed. "Don't move or I'll shoot her!" barked Harrison as he pressed his own gun against Jennifer's temple.

Having seemingly lost his ever present smile, Nate stepped on the back of the unconscious hired gun as he made his way into the room and asked "And I care about that why?"

Harrison was clearly flustered by that response and opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. "We had a contract, Harrison." Nate reminded him. "I did the job you asked me to do. Now I want my money. Drop the gun and give me what you owe me and I may overlook the fact that you tried to have me killed."

Harrison, realizing that Nate really didn't give a crap if he shot Jennifer or not, knew that he had just lost his only advantage. "Okay, just take it easy." he said as he held the gun out before slowly placing it on the ground.

Nate moved closer and pressed his gun against Harrison's forehead before telling him. "The safe."

Harrison moved quickly away to the safe on the wall, followed by Nate, who held the gun to Harrison's head as he went. After Harrison opened the safe, he began to turn back to Nate, saying "Just take your money and--" He didn't even have time to finish his sentence before Nate pistol whipped him, causing him to drop to the floor. Nate smiled at the sound the gun made when it connected with Harrison's head before he reached into the safe and grabbed a few stacks of money that were quickly shoved in his pockets.

With his payment secured, he made his way over to Harrison's chair. "Hey JJ" he said before dropping down into the chair and propping his feet up on the desk. "How's the whole going solo thing working out for you?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 14 days ago


"Oh, it's going great. Can't you tell for yourself?" she added with a rather sarcastic tone as her hand motioned to the mess that was Harrison's office where the two goons laid unconscious, but hopefully dead. "I know you missed me though," she added with another sarcastic smile before proceeding to sit on Harrison's desk, crossing her legs in the process to look less slutty. Well, she hoped.

"Although I do appreciate your help, you can keep your anti-JJ comments to yourself. You don't know Harrison like I do, and if pushed a certain way, he could very well have pulled the trigger on me a few moments ago. So," she continued, jumping down off the desk and turning to face Nate, "now that you've got your money--and I still have my life--we should celebrate. On you, of course."

She didn't wait for a reply, but instead, leaned forward on the desk to grab the signed document sitting underneath Nate's legs. She pushed his feet away as she grabbed the sheet of paper, then proceeded to rip it in half down the center before throwing the remains on Harrison's unconscious body.

@Subject Zero
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nate had no idea what JJ had just ripped up it seemed to be the reason she was here. Truth be told, he actually was glad to see her. If only because it saved him the hassle of having to find her later. Vin would no doubt have whined about finding her until he did and Nate really didn't want to have to duct tape his mouth shut. Now all he had to deal with was him possibly flirting with her and making a fool of himself. That would be entertaining.

At Jennifer's insistence that they celebrate, Nate jumped out of his seat like an excited child. "I agree wholeheartedly." He started heading out of the room, only assuming that JJ was following him, as he added "In fact I know this lovely little strip club just around the corner where you'll fit right in."

On the way out the door, he once again stepped on the back of the unconscious man on the floor as he began to have a conversation with himself. "What's the name of that one girl who does the thing with her thing? Is it Roxie?...Brandy?...Maybe it was Kitty..."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 14 days ago


"Uh, no. The whole sleazy strip club thing may be your scene, but I have more class than that." It was only after she spoke that Jennifer remembered she wasn't exactly wearing the best clothes for a night out in town. Unlike Nate, she stepped over the unconscious man, but then turned around to give him a swift kick on the ribs, then one on the side of his head. "And I'm proof of that," she continued, following Nate out in the hall. "You gave me these clothes, so I really didn't have any other choice."

Jennifer caught up to Nate before they reached the elevator lobby. Luckily, nobody else was on the same floor to notice the mess she was as well as the mess they'd left behind. As Jennifer reached to press the "Down" button, a sudden jolt of pain traveled up her back. She made a face and tried to dismiss the tingly sensation from the wound. "Oh, and your boyfriend over there shot me in the back with a taser or whatever the hell he was carrying. I may need to get to a hospital to have this looked at, but first I want to shower and change out of your tasteless clothes before seeing a doctor. Think you can give me a ride?" she asked, stepping into the elevator after it finally arrived, "it won't take long, I promise. You'll have all night to party and screw your strippers as many times as you wish."

@Subject Zero
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nate exaggeratedly slumped backwards and groaned to express his annoyance. "Ugh! You two are so demanding. 'I need my phone' 'Get me some clothes' 'Stop these guys from killing me'. I swear, it's like taking care of children." He stepped into the elevator behind JJ and asked "Is this what being a parent is like? I swear I am never having sex again." With an annoyed sigh, he leaned against the side of the elevator but after a moment he looked JJ up and down and said "Well maybe not." He gave JJ a wink before the doors opened and he stepped out.

He didn't bother to wait for JJ. Instead he quickly made his way out of the building through the back door. What he found on the other side was not what he expected. Normally a calm and collected individual, weirdly so even, Nate was visibly shocked.

Vin was no longer in the car where Nate had left him. Instead he was slumped against the side of the car, seemingly unconscious. And there was someone with him...Or rather parts of someone. Nate didn't know who the head and torso on the ground belonged to. Or the arm and leg over by the dumpster...Or even where the other limbs were. Some shit had gone down out here while Nate and JJ were inside and Nate assumed Vin's power had kicked in again like it had earlier. He made a mental note not to piss Vin off too much.

"What the fuck?" He asked as he spread his arms, looking at the horrific scene. "It never ends with you. I am not going to prison for you, man." he said, pointing to the unconscious Vin. "Do you know what they do to guys like me in there?" Two clones split off from Nate as he moved over to Vin and gave him a kick to the foot. "Don't you even think about it!" he snapped at JJ as he whirled around, pointing a finger at her. He remembered what she had done the last time Vin used his powers. "You let him suffer this time."

One of the clones picked up the severed arm and looked visibly disgusted by it. "This is gross...Although that is a nice watch." Upon discovering the Rolex on the arm, he looked much less upset and began removing it from the arm.

"You two got this?" Nate asked the clones.

The clone that wasn't busy robbing a dead man picked up the leg and replied "Sure. We'll get rid of the body. You guys get out of here."

The other clone then added "Get in the car, JJ." using the severed arm to point to the car.

Nate bent down to pick Vin up then immediately thought better about it when he realized he was covered in blood. Instead he spawned another couple of clones who picked Vin up and not so gently shoved him in the back seat of the car. "Ech!" one of them complained as he realized a large portion of the blood had gotten on him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 14 days ago


"Who the fuck is this?" she whispered, looking back and forth between an unconscious Vin and the dismembered stranger scattered on the ground. "Goddammit..."

"Don't you even think about it! You let him suffer this time," Nate ordered. Well, he didn't have to worry about that for a while.

"Alright, alright," Jennifer put up her hands up defensively. "Do you mind telling me his name at least?" she asked, cutting straight through the bloody scene to see if anyone was watching them. "Even after risking my life for the guy, I don't even know what to call him."

When she found nothing suspicious, she turned around and headed back. As soon as one of the clones told her to get in the car, the scene from a couple of hours ago replayed in her head. Things didn't go too well back then, but there was no sign of anyone else coming after them...not for now at least. Jennifer sat down in the front seat, but once she put her seatbelt on, the clone with the severed arm stepped between Jennifer and the vehicle door. "His name is Vincent, or Vin for short," Nate #2 said as he booped her on the nose with one of the dead man's fingers. At this, Jennifer slapped the hand away, making the arm land on the floor. Nate #2 frowned down at her before picking up the arm and walking off.

"Nate, let's go!" She closed the door and looked at Vin sprawled on the backseat. "Take us to my apartment," she told him once he got in the car, "Vin needs somewhere to rest for now. But don't get too comfortable, we won't be there for long. I just need to clean up and grab some things."

@Subject Zero
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Into the Void

”What is this place?...”

Vincent’s voice cracked, echoing down the dimly lit corridor ahead of him, one that appeared to stretch for an eternity. He felt his body moving, his footsteps sluggish and heavy, as he strode barefoot along the cool surface of the stone floor. The walls to the left and right of him were lined with various symbols that appeared to be etched into the stone with precision and care, weaving one symbol into another to form a pattern of sorts as it continued its course into the distance. Vin narrowed his eyes as he stared at the familiar etchings, reaching his hand out to touch the wall, and tracing his fingers along the embossed lines, causing the symbols to glow a faint crimson tone as blood were streaming through veins.

Up ahead a silhouetted figure approached, his stride slow and steady, and once close enough, Vin realized it was his long-time friend James, yet half of his face appeared burned and unrecognizable.

“James! What ha-”

“Vincent, you damn fool.” James interjected, a look of shock and dismay in his expression. “Where the hell were you? I trusted you and you let me down! You let yourself down!”

“Something happened to me, James! I tried to get away but-”

“Enough!” Once again, James’ booming voice overruled any further debate. “You and your fucking excuses! When do they end?”

James lifted his hand, which held a nine millimeter pistol and placed it to the temple of his head. “You fucked up Vin, but it’s not dragging me down anymore…”

It was as though the whole scene unfolded in slow motion, as the trigger was pulled and the gun recoiled, flesh, blood, bone, and brain matter exploded with a burst from the barrel, as the body of James crumpled to the ground and vanished into dust on impact.

Vincent wanted to scream, but his attempts fell void, as the ash seeped into the tiny cracks of the stone floor, and dissipated.

“Ouch, that looked like it hurt real bad, man.” The voice said in a nonchalant manner from behind Vin, and he turned around to see it was Nate, leaning against the wall with his arms folded. “Did he get anything on me, because that would be extremely gross and let’s face it, I just dry-cleaned this shirt.” He said, pointing to himself.

Vin stood there for a moment, an expression of confusion on his face, before mustering up a response. “Where the hell am I? And where the hell did you come from?”

Nate arched an eyebrow and glanced around for a moment before leaning in closer to Vin and whispering. “I think this is the Twilight Zone, buddy...or just a really skanky S&M dungeon. Either way, this is your mind I’m currently occupying, and I’d have to say…” He paused, mainly for effect. “You are one messed up individual.”

“Dammit Nate, you’re still an asshole no matter where you are.” Vincent said, shaking his head.

“It’s not me who’s the real asshole Vin. I’m not the one with the out of control powers, killing anything that touches me.” Nate turned his eyes up for a second, thinking, before continuing. “Well, okay, maybe my powers are a bit out of control, but I’m still not tearing people apart with my body tattoos! I mean who does that?”

Nate’s clone suddenly appeared, with a smirk on his face. “Oh yeah...YOU do, Vincent.” He said with a wink. “And don’t think for a second, mr fancy pants, that JJ wants anything to do with you. Not after your grotesque display of affection toward other human beings that get anywhere near you.”

“He’s right Vin” Jennifer soft familiar voice chimed in as her presence appeared to his left. “As much as I’d hate to admit it, Nate is right. You are an abomination, with no regard for the lives of others. It’s always been about you. Sure, I may have saved your life, but really, who cares?”

Jennifer stepped closer, almost nose to nose, with a look of contempt in her face. “But let me tell you something fuck face. All that fancy artwork you’ve desecrated your body with, all that charm you turn on at the drop of a hat, and all your daily philandering and partying doesn’t do shit for you in the end. You dragged me into your screwed up life the day I met you, and now look at what it cost me?...”

At that moment, Vin heard a clicking sound, and noticed Nate pointing a gun at Jennifer’s head as he pulled the hammer back on the pistol.

“Nate, what the fuck are you doing?” Vin said, trying to reach for the gun, but suddenly being snared by the black wiry tendrils protruding from his own body.

“I’m doing what needs to be done, Vin.” Nate shrugged. “You of all people should understand that.”

“Understand what?!” Vin yelled, struggling to free himself, yet the more he did, the tighter the tendrils became. “None of this makes sense, you goddamn-”

The gun went off as Jennifer’s body fell forward, bumping into Vin, before slumping down toward the floor. “NOOOO!” Vincent screamed as he watched in horror as her body hit the ground, and blood poured from the gaping hole in her head causing a large pool to form at his feet.

Vincent looked up to find himself alone, the once dimly lit corridor had now become consumed with utter darkness. A darkness that began to tighten its grip around everything, strangling and choking out the last remnants of existence in whatever void he’d found himself. He struggled to set himself free but was helpless under its weight, and the only sounds left were his blood curdling screams…


His suffering translated and resonated into the real world, filling the car with his screams and struggles while laid out in the back seat, kicking the door, and window, bashing his head against the door handle, and grabbing the seat in front of him, until all at once it ceased…

Vincent held his head, as the migraines slowly died down, and the fiery pain that coursed through his body subsided, finding himself staring blankly up at the ceiling liner of the car.

@Subject Zero
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Wake up you psychopath!" Someone said as the car door beside Vin's head was opened. Nate was suddenly looking down at Vin as he poked his head into the car and said "This car is a rental and you're getting blood all over it." Before Vin even had time to react, Nate's hands were on his shoulders, pulling him out of the car and onto the ground. "I promised Taniqua at the rental place that I wouldn't bring this one back with blood on it...She's never going to agree to go on a date with me if I keep getting blood on her cars."

Vin would notice that they were now in some kind of underground parking structure. Dull lights hung overhead, illuminating the few cars parked here. The sound of Nate's voice seemed to echo off the walls as he yelled at Vin and he didn't seem to care if anyone overheard his complaints about blood. He probably would have been quieter if he hadn't sent his clones off to check for people nearby in the garage underneath JJ's building. It seemed the coast was clear though and Nate wasn't worried. He was angry at Vin for making his life even more complicated and he wanted to let him know.

Nate rolled his eyes at the situation and turned to JJ as he asked "So just how nosey are your neighbors? Because strolling into your apartment with this bloody mess while dressed like a prostitute may raise some eyes."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 14 days ago


"Well, I guess we better play the part then," she added, hooking her left arm around Vin's and her right one around Nate's before walking towards the lobby. "Believe it or not, everyone around likes to keep to themselves as most of the residents are extremely private. But who can blame them, with all that money there's bound to be at least a couple of skeletons in their closets."

The three of them walked into the elevator lobby without incident, and Jennifer called one of the lifts by pulling Nate closer to the wall so she could press the button. "A few house rules though," she continued, still facing the wall. "You can make yourself at home, but clean up after your own mess. I don't even want to see a single tissue out of place. Secondly, do not stain any of my rugs," she said, looking at Vin, "or furniture, for that matter. And third, you can't leave my apartment until you've had at least one drink."

Once the elevator doors opened, Jennifer dragged the two men inside before unhooking her arms to take them to her floor. "But I'm not sure I'll enforce that one tonight. I want to have this thing on my back checked out, but I can't exactly go to a hospital now, can I?" she looked at Nate, knowing the answer before he even bothered to say anything. "One of you two will just have to patch it up for me real quick. I mean, I doubt it'll require stitches."

Once they reached her floor, Jennifer walked them to her apartment. The front door was closed, but not locked. She cursed under her breath, reassuring herself that Harrison's fuckface friend would receive the same level of punishment like his idiot partner.

"Here are are..." she said as the two men walked in, closing the door shut behind them and locking it. "Nate, can you come to the bedroom with me? I need you to bandage the wound. Vin, make yourself at home. There's a bathroom and a closet in the spare bedroom, so you can unwind for a while."

@Subject Zero
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Where the hell are we?” Vin’s head was still spinning even while he staggered arm-to-arm with JJ toward the elevator, and trying to keep his balance while going up to the apartment, as the cloudiness of his nightmarish visions slowly cleared away. The realization of what transpired earlier didn’t dawn on him until he noticed his blood-stained clothing, shifting uncomfortably at the horrid sight, and wanting to be anywhere but in his own body. His life had taken a turn for the worse, and he didn’t know how to escape it, not this time. He’d always had a contingency plan when things went awry, an excuse, some close acquaintances that could bail him out at a moment's notice...but this was different, and his list of escape routes and allies grew thinner as time passed.

Vincent found himself in JJ’s apartment, leaning against the threshold of the door to the spare room, which the woman had mentioned he could use to “unwind” while her and the Nates took care of whatever business. He looked out into the large living room, running his eyes over myriad of ornate furniture, ceiling fixtures, and artwork.

“This chick has some taste, I’ll give her that...” He mumbled under his breath, catching a glimpse of the hauntingly interesting seated statue near the rear windows. “...must be an old boyfriend…”

He smirked, trying to mentally separate himself from the harsh reality of his powers...his curse, which was a more likely fit for him. How was he to control something he didn’t understand? Did the rest of them suffer from the same disease? Vin didn’t know if what he saw in his vision was at all prophetic or merely a trip down the road of guilt, as though his own misdeeds and shortcomings were catching up to remind him of just how flawed he really was.

“Why the hell am I here?” He mused aloud, shaking his head in disbelief as he turned to go into the spare room, clumsily searching around the closet for linens and such, before stepping into the brightly lit bathroom fashioned in an semi-Tuscan style decor, and finished with spanish floor tiles that gave it a more welcoming feel.

I certainly don't feel welcome.

Vin locked the door behind him, and stepped up to the oval mirror above the sink, examining his face for the first time since he left his own apartment. How many days has it been? Even his watch was missing, so time was as elusive as everything else that occurred. He rubbed his dirty stubbled chin, running blood-encrusted fingers over the bruise on his jaw and cut on his forehead. Vin's body briefly quivered, and the skin felt like it was crawling, as though he were coming off a bad acid trip, but way more lucid.

He unbuttoned his shirt, quickly removed the soiled rags, and let them fall to the floor as he glanced over the various symbols, patterns, and creatures that covered his chest and arms. The serpent that wrapped around his forearm, bearing a fanged skull, and sharp talons appeared to slowly slither in place, causing Vin to recoil in surprise.

“What the...?” His voice echoed off the bathroom walls, as he frantically shook his arm, and attempting to brush off the creature. He held his arm up, staring at the image again, which appeared to be unmoving. The tribal, woven patterns along his upper arm left a numbing sensation that pulsated before settling back to normal.

“Shit…” Vincent quickly removed the rest of his clothes, jumped into the shower, and turned on the hot water, which started out as a soothing cascade across the otherwise awkward sensation of the tattoos to outright pain as the water hit it’s peak temperature.

Vincent grunted loudly in between screams of pain and anguish as he did his best to scrub his body, hoping to wash away the wretched nightmares that continued to manifest on his skin, and his soul. The long scaly wyvern creature that adorned his chest squirmed and lashed it’s dark wings out violently, attempting to pull itself from it’s host. It was a feeling of one’s skin being pulled away from the muscle one layer at a time and a pain that brought the man to his knees, as he reached for the hot water handle to turn it off.

“What...the fuck...is happening to me?” He slumped down onto the shower floor, propping himself against the tiled wall, shaking uncontrollably as the tattoos began to settle as they once were.

@Subject Zero
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Nate followed JJ into the bedroom, a trio of clones split off from him. One wandered over towards the kitchen where he began to raid the fridge. He was absolutely ravenous. Subterfuge and murder always worked up an appetite. JJ's fridge was well stocked and he grabbed a handful of things, dumping them all on the worktop when he was finished. He took a moment to stare at the ingredients in front of him, wondering what he could possibly make with them, other than a mess.

The second clone dropped down onto the couch, draping his arms over the back. He looked around at JJ's various decorative items, noting that they weren't exactly his taste. Or even anywhere close. JJ's place was classy, whereas Nate's place really had more of a La-Z Boy and stripper pole kinda vibe to it. As he looked around, his eye landed on the table behind the couch, upon which stood several figurines in various and frankly ridiculous poses. Nate narrowed his eyes and frowned at one before reaching out to touch its face with his finger. He then casually pushed it over onto its back, just to spite JJ.

The third clone had become transfixed by the odd stone statue in the room and bent forward to look it in the eye with a confused expression on his face. He really hoped this thing didn't come to life and try to eat his face. He liked his face and needed it for face stuff. "I'm really starting to think we misread JJ." he informed his brothers. "We thought she was just some drunk little princess when really she may be some kind of maniac." He slowly reached a finger out to poke the statue in the eye, just to make sure it wasn't real. Right before his finger connected though, he heard a scream coming from the room Vin had entered, causing him to just about jump out of his skin.

The clone on the couch turned to look at the door before telling the others "One of us should probably make sure he's okay."

None of the clones exactly jumped at the chance. The room was quiet for a moment until the clone by the statue looked down at it and said "Fine. I'll go." His decision was less out of concern for Vin and more to do with simply not wanting to be around that creepy ass statue anymore.

He strode into the bedroom and looked around. "Vin?" he asked the empty room. When he heard the sound of running water and groans, followed by whimpering, he moved to the bathroom door, finding it locked. He had gotten through much tougher locks than this in the past and it was only a moment before he had the door open and was standing next to the shower asking "What the hell is your problem now?"

He seemingly didn't care that the other man was completely naked.


Nate had followed JJ into the bedroom and immediately pulled his jacket off. "Alright, here are the ground rules." he informed her as he jumped onto the bed and lay down. "No kissing on the mouth, no biting, never ever call me daddy and my safeword is Beetlejuice." He gave JJ a smile and patted the bed next to him. He was messing with her, knowing full well that she hated his guts, but it never hurt to try. Plus it would really stick in Vin's craw, even if he thought they had slept together. So there was that.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 14 days ago


She couldn't help but automatically give him a look of disgust at his half-assed attempt to get her in bed. "No offense, Nate, but I'd rather not commit suicide. I don't know where that's been," she said, pointing to his groin, "and some things are better left a mystery. Besides, you've got a date later on with some of your stripper friends, and you'll need every ounce of energy you can spare."

Jennifer headed to the bathroom, leaving Nate sprawled out on her bed with some possible disappointment. She turned on the light and proceeded to look under the counter for some gauze and medical tape. Jennifer was the type of person that liked to be prepared, and it never hurt to have the right tools and equipment in case they were needed. Once she found what she was looking for, she took off her shirt and covered her chest with a towel, grabbing the items with the other hand. She came out of the bathroom and laid down the gauze and tape on the bed adjacent to Nate. In her head, Jennifer was already planning a couple of ways to hurt him if he made any advancements towards her.

"Don't even think about it," she said, pushing her shoes off before sitting down on the edge of the bed facing away from Nate. "Just patch me up so I can go shower."

@Subject Zero
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Pfft." said Nate, blowing air from his mouth and rolling his eyes. "Patch you up. I've seen worse zits."

In his military days, Nate had been his team's field medic. He had treated a lot of wounds back them. Some of them good, some of them bad...Some of them horrific. But the one thing all of them had in common was that Nate made some smartass comment about it. Humor had always been his defence mechanism. When his buddies were hurt, Nate joked to make himself feel better. Making light of the situation helped him deal. Made it seem like it wasn't real in a way. And now, here he was, patching up JJ. He would hardly call this woman a buddy. Hell, he'd call her a pain in his ass. But still he shuffled forward down the bed until he was behind JJ and began to do as she asked. If only to get her to shut up about it.

"Still," he said as he began. "You're in good hands. Both my parents are doctors. My sister too...And I was a medic for a time." It started off as a little bit of a brag but, the more he thought about it, the more he kind of drifted off into his own thoughts. "I wonder what they'd say if they could see me now." he said, not really asking anyone but himself. "They'd probably say they were proud of me...Not dad. He's probably say 'Where's the damn whiskey!'" He put on a deep voice when imitating his father and smiled. But as he worked on JJ's back, the smile began to fade.

The room fell quiet. Unusual when Nate was around.

When the silence became too much for him to bear, he patted JJ on the back and said "You know you were shot with a taser. Your electrolytes are probably low. You should drink some water and get a banana in you." He was quickly up off the bed and heading towards the door. He turned back to JJ as he went and with a raised finger he said "Orally I mean." He gave her his trademark smile again and was quickly out the door, closing it behind him.

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