Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

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After a short jaunt through hyperspace, the Phantom Seeker emerged into normal space within the atmosphere of Corellia. Not above the atmosphere, but within it. Incredibly dangerous and risky to be sure, but nothing that couldn't be handled by Bodaan. Within only a couple minutes he and his crew were looking over the blurred images of the capitol, Coronet. There was no time for sightseeing, it all passed by too fast until Bodaan parked his ship in port.

The rodian signaled for each of his three flunkies to follow, and they did. Once the necessary fees and registrations were taken care of (as well as paying off law enforcement to look the other way for reckless endangerment and speeding in occupied airspace), he lead his men, two human males and a female weequay, out into the open. "There are five acquisitions," Bodaan began instructing. "Jana, investigate the slums, ghettos, and other non-human living areas for any sign of the twi'lek and sullustan. Carth, look into the wealthy and high rise areas for the human woman. Luke, you're with me. We're going to local law enforcement to find any information we can on the acquisition's existing criminal records."

"Yes sir," the each said rather plainly. The weequay went off to alien districts, one of the human men took to the wealthy, and the other walked alongside Bodaan, acting as his personal protection. Luke was a large, strong man with an electrostaff. Basically he was there to do anything Bodaan couldn't.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 17 min ago

Sol'id Fist's ship 'The Hammer' suddenly materialized from out of hyperspace, before making a careful but quick flight toward Coronet. His mind worked like a machine, information passing through his head before he came to a conclusion. "Treasure Ship Row," he said aloud, deciding he would begin there first. The large open aired mall was full of underhanded dealings and any vice one could grab. Even if one of the targets wasn't there, someone there would know where they were. It was a place for a lot of off-worlders as well. He wouldn't need to worry on whether or not he'd fit in.

The Mandalorian landed 'The Hammer' on the closest port to the Blue Sector, stepping off and paying the small fee for docking. He had his weapons strapped to his armor, his armor encased air tight around his massive frame, and his tools along his utility belt. Anyone who cared could see he was either a Bounty Hunter, Assassin, or hired muscle. A common sight in 'Treasure Ship Row,' from what he knew from past experiences. He'd only been there once, years ago. Hopefully not much had changed. The Hunter began to move.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The wookie had turned down a corner in the massive city. The Imperials had routine patrols but they weren't always everywhere, it was often quite easy to find non-human filled cantinas in quiet alleyways. There they could take shelter from prejudice, he was of course making an assumption. He had never been to this world before, but it would only make sense for such places to exist. Then after he strolled past some crowds in a marketplace he found what he might have been searching for, a small place nestled to the side, a red holographic sign hung above it.

"Watch yourself, wookie. Keep those guns holstered and your arms to your sides." The human bouncer said, a tall one for his species, and widely built. He wasn't at all imposing to the powerful Raarkoo, but he would heed the man's words. A fight would not gain him information on the bounties. He then stepped inside and coughed at the cloud of smoke as several beings passed around a pipe. His eyes scanned the interior, down a small set of stairs was a bar located in the center. All around it were people of all types, more humans than others, but there were many aliens.

"Those blasted Imperials infuriate me, I can't take a step in this city without feeling like they're just waiting to jump me." Raarkoo muttered in his own language first, his droid translated it as he approached the bar and signaled for a glass of water.

"You're not the only one, wookie. Haven't you seen on the holonet all about the protests? All the non-humans and alien sympathizers are as angry as you are." The bartender said as he placed a drink in front of Raarkoo.

"Not a whole lot we can do other than whine about mistreatment. They have all the weapons. Practically force people to slave away building ships for them." A Twi'lek male to the left of the wookie muttered, a glass of ale near him.

"Don't get started about the docks. Siv has the Sullustans in a fuss about that, he wants to get people on strike." The human bartender said back then scratched his grey bearded chin. This talk was one he was constantly overhearing.

"Siv?" Raarkoo asked then took a sip of his water. That was one of the names of the bounties.

"Yes, Kri Siv, I had to ban him from my cantina because he would always try to incite the guests with his anti-Imperial talk. Losing his leg only made him rage even more." The barkeep said as he moved to serve another drink.

"Do you actually like the Empire?" The Twi'lek asked with a raised eyebrow. He sure as hell didn't, neither did Raarkoo or really anyone in the bar.

"I like that they aren't kicking down the door of my cantina and questioning me for letting people try to start riots in here. I don't care if you just whine about them, they don't care about the whining. Anything more than that and I have Garin walk you out of here." The bartender said as he shot a glare at the twi'lek.

"Where is Siv?" Raarkoo asked as one of his hands tapped the bar, he might be able to get somewhere with his questioning.

"Somewhere near the docks I'd imagine. Ask around there, just not here. Why do you want to see him? You don't look like a dock worker, they don't carry weaponry like you. You a merc or something?" The bartender said as he set both hands down in front of him and looked Raarkoo in the eyes.

"I'm just a merchant's bodyguard. Maybe my boss would want to talk with Siv about business." Raarkoo replied.

"What, is he a weapons dealer? It's one thing to talk with someone like Siv, another to sell him weapons so he can try to shoot up the Imps and get himself killed. Plus the Empire would throw you away for a long time for something like that." The bartender said.

"That makes sense. Thank you for the drink, I must be off." Raarkoo said with a thankful nod, then sent some credits over the barkeep's way, making sure he threw in a nice tip. With that he chugged the reminder of his water and walked out the bar, as exited he made sure he was not being followed. The wookie moved down another alleyway, as he set his course for the docks.


On your way to the office you pass by a couple stormtrooper patrols, they pay no attention to you as they go about their business. The CorSec office seems quiet as well, from through the front window you can make sight of a secretary at her desk. Around her stand a few men in suits, there are no Imperials that you can see inside of the building.


Your 'friends' do as you ask and scour through the city. Jana reports back to you that she has not actually seen any sign of either of the non-human targets. She asked around about them and was met with silence and odd looks, it appears these people do in fact exist but they are keeping their existence a secrecy. Carth discovers plans for a ball involving multiple high profile people on Corellia. He secures a pamplet advertising the event, Myla Delles is named within it, listed beside other wealthy persons as someone that will be in attendance at the ball. It takes place in three days.

Your trip with Luke to find local law enforcement is uneventful. The closest police station is not that far. Coronet still has its own police force made up of residents, but the Empire has a presence on the world and the cops answer to them. The front door the police station is open, inside several policemen sit around. Citizens are reporting or discussing crimes.


Your landing in Treasure Ship Row does not draw any real attention, a few citizens are surprised and impressed by your armor and armament. From your past visit here you remember two contacts, a small time, but connected human drug dealer named Stinis Minne and a Rodian information broker, Othik Chekka. Both of these people are still alive and in the area. Either or both of them may be wise persons to ask about the bounties, perhaps they remember you.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cruallassar
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Cruallassar Shadow Ranger

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Vidori "Sellgun" Selgan

Sellgun walks straight into the CorSec office through the front door and straight up to the receptionist, who gives him a stock greeting. He nods and smiles and responds, "Good day miss, I need to talk to the highest ranking person you have on site, preferably one with your tactical response teams, oh and feel free to mention the word 'pending assassination' to him to get him to see me." One hand surreptitiously flicks a camera onto the underside of her desk with a view of the door. His weapons and gear is nicely concealed under his coat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Upon hearing back from his lackeys, the first thing Bodaan does is to order Carth to seek invitation for him. Receiving an invitation to the ball would be better than sneaking or breaking in for one of the targets, and a high profile celebrity like himself shouldn't have too much difficulty in securing an invite, last minute or not. "And if you receive any trouble in getting me an official invitation, tell them that I plan on donating the winnings of my next race to... Whatever this society event is about." He switched off the comlink and proceeded into the law enforcement office with Luke. Bodaan had zero intention of keeping that promise, but hopefully it wouldn't come to that anyway.

He and Luke approached the nearest officer, and the hunter addressed them by showing his bounty hunter's license. "The Imperials have some high profile targets that are hiding out somewhere in Coronet. If I do not capture them quickly, the Empire will flood your streets with stormtroopers and instill martial law, disrupting the peace and making you all look incompetent in the process. Let's avoid that. I'll need access to all information you have available on these individuals."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 17 min ago

Sol'id Fist stepped off the landing platform and found himself within the crowds and bowels of Treasure Ship Row. As he marched through the wide avenues and thick crowds, men, women, and aliens parting before him, he thought of his next move. He recalled two old friends that lived around these parts, and in all probability he would talk to both. First however, he'd check up on Othik Chekka. The Information Broker had been thorough on their last meeting. He would see if the Rodian had anything valuable to share. The big Mandalorian kept his shoulders relaxed as he walked, but his eyes were ever moving behind his visor, and his hands held onto his custom rifle with practiced ease.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Orlan


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Boss, we have received a new bounty on the way to Correllia, from an Imperial Admiral, five people, three human, Twi'lek and a Sullustan, more details on the datapad." Cobbler reports to his Bothan owner, sitting in the cockpit. "Thank you Cobbler, but let's deposit our ambassador first... How long till Correllia J7?" Kai requests, starting to drink some form of beer. An accompanying beep chirps from a recently polished R2 unit. "Around five minutes sir, you really need to allow me to teach you how to understand R2J7 one day..." Cobbler translates with reasonable disgust, waddling to some part of the ship. A disagreeable beep emits from J7, continuing to pilot the ship. Kai leaves his reliable little pilot to get his hunting equipment ready. A minute later Kai is cleaning and arranging his hunting clothes and equipment in a shooting range-like weapon storeroom, training his aim on three deactivated B1 battle droids dressed in certain forms of armour, the Bothan's aim being quite decent, deciding to activate one of the clankers, now testing Kai's aim on moving and panicked targets.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Raarkoo came out of the alleyway to find a trio of stormtroopers staring right at him. He gave a glance towards them, and they looked away. He doubted there were many of his kind on this world, but he was no slave and must have looked quite menacing to them. The docks were a massive area, in the distance he could see an astonishing amount of action. Massive ships were being constructed, smaller ones flew all around them as crowds of workers milled around.

A group of protesters were nearby, several of them held up signs demanding fair treatment to dock workers. They were going on with some annoying chant as civilians in the area just passed by them, they seemed to be why the trio of solders were nearby. They were ensuring that this protest was only that, they'd allow these people to chant and yell, but if it got violent then that opened another can entirely.

"Where is Kri Siv? He's like the head of these protests, right?" The wookie asked as he approached one of the protesters, the man he spoke to looked surprised that Raarkoo had come up to him. His droid had translated his words to Basic and the man definitely heard him.

"Who? Siv? No one has seen him in days, we don't know where he is." The protester replied, it didn't seem like he was lying. Raarkoo glared at the human, and the man's expression changed again to one that showed honesty.

"You're certain?"

"Yes, one hundred percent. Ask around the docks, doubt they'll let you in but if you have any luck finding him, it'll be there. We just agree with his words, I've never even seen him." The protester stated as the wookie wandered away, he was getting a bit frustrated. Siv was a well known person in the city, sooner or later he'd find him.


"Assassination? You can't just say that out loud in here. I could call the Empire and have them speak with you." The secretary answered with a glare. A few people in the room looked in surprise at the conversation. Then a door came open on the side of the room, and a clean shaven, bald human man emerged from it. He wore a white jacket which indicated his status in CorSec.

"Major Staston, this man just wandered in here and mentioned something about a 'pending assassination'." The secretary explained as Staston motions for you to enter his office, once you do the Major sits down at his desk, across from his seat is another chair.

"Please have a seat, how can I help? Whats your name?" Major Statson asked as he took a sip of his tea.


A couple of the officers glance at you and Luke, the one you approach inspects your bounty hunter license to confirm that it is not a counterfeit. He taps a few keys on his computer, then looks at you.

"Your license checks out, all the proper Imperial provided clearance. All of the targets are in our databases, we have their last known locations, but it's unlikely they are there currently. People like this, that are being tracked by the Empire tend to move around a lot." The officer said, then tapped a few more keys.

"I doubt the Empire will do that. It's a great way to cause full out civil war in a city that builds many of their ships," The officer said with a different look. "You want all of the information on all of them? Don't want to narrow on one and go from there?"


A few passerbys give you looks, from up above on the second floor you can see more staring at you. Chekka's office is not far from your current location, he's a popular man in Treasure Ship Row. Then after a few turns and weaves you are there, it's a simple looking building, a sign above with his name on it. Two imposing men just outside the door, a blaster pistol on each of their hips.

Both men stare at you for a moment, seemingly sizing you up, then one presses a switch near them and the door pops open. Right in the center of the room you can see a Rodian, he is currently chatting on a comm-link in his native tongue but hangs up as soon as he makes eye contact with you.

"Is that you, Sol'id? Barely recognized you in that tin can. Come right in, have a seat. Do you want a drink?" Othik Chekka said as he waves you towards him. Both of his hired muscle outside the building go back to ignoring you.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cruallassar
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Cruallassar Shadow Ranger

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Vidori "Sellgun" Selgan

Selgan flashes a condescending smile at the secretary as he walks into the major's office, his expression back to casual and business-like as the major sits down again facing him, and he takes his own seat opposite, while sliding a datapad with the list of targets across to the Major. "I think you'll probably want that second question answered first. My name is Vidori Selgan. As for how you can help me, that is an excellent question. I have a short list of five people here in Coronet with targets painted on their backs, and a number of bounty hunters here who intend to collect on their heads. I personally represent a third party who would like them to keep their heads, but that means getting to them before the...competition. In addition, on a more personal level, I would like to know exactly why it is that certain third and fourth parties are interested in these people. Now of course, you are Corsec, probably the best planetary law enforcement agency in the galaxy, which means you probably have files on each of these people, plus access to every security camera in the city which can help me find both them, and the other hunters. So how can you help me? You can give me access to those files and cameras, and you can help me try to make life difficult for the competition."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 17 min ago

Sol'id gives both henchman a measuring look, his visage hidden behind his mask and his expression unreadable, before he steps into Othik Chekka's humble abode. "It's been awhile, you're right." he said, taking a seat after only hesitating a moment. He always preferred to stand, but he didn't need to intimidate an old friend. Well, acquaintance might be the better word, but it mattered little. "No drink. I'm here for business and was wondering if I could ask you for a favor." the Mandalorian replied. "If you help out, I'll give you 5% of the earnings. And it's a big catch."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The rodian might have been irritated at the officer calling his bluff, if he ever felt irritation. His lie about the Empire overrunning the city with stormtroopers to look for these acquisitions was really only to create a sense of urgency in the officers, but they appeared to be fully cooperating. Bodaan dwelled on the thought for a moment, finding it a bit odd since law enforcement rarely enjoyed dealing with bounty hunters, but quickly turned his mind to business.

"As much information as you have, please. No doubt they've left the last locations you have on record, but I can use that to track them down." He left out how he already had a good lead on where one would be in just three days. No need to increase the competition by letting local law enforcement have a crack at it, right?
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