Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Julius [unknown]
Gender: Male
Age: Looks around 16-18
Year: ???
Appearance: ???
Personality: A pacifist it seems, Julius is not one to fight with the minions X.A.N.A throws his way, always choosing to evade instead. His lack of a memory of his past makes him act strangely at times, while at others he seems like just another boy. He doesn't have an innate fear of death like the others do, even going toe to toe with a megatank to try and get passed it to the tower it was guarding. He thinks selfishly at times, willing to use his allies as distractions, as they simply get kicked out of Lyoko as oppopsed to he, who once dead remains that way forever. He longs to get out of the supercomputer, but is willing to wait a bit longer. If you could describe Julius in one word, it would be patient.
History: ???
Favorite School Subject: N/A
Likes: thinking on his feat, talking to anyone that will listen, Sneaking around/listening in on things
Dislikes: Violence, Megatanks, the fact he can't use any of his human senses

Weapon: None
Fighting Styles: Running away
Abilities: "creativity" - can create walkways, walls, a clone, images and also destroy some parts of Lyoko
Energy Fields- exclusivly for protection
Lyoko resident- Can sense infected towers and see the inner-workings of Lyoko
Reset- Can reset towers infected by X.A.N.A
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Name: Ronald "Ronnie" Richter
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Year: 12

Appearance: Ronnie is a young man of athletic build, particularly that of a track runner and kickboxer. He stands at around 175 cm tall, pretty average for his age group. His weight, on the other hand, is slightly above average at about 67 kg due to his athletic ability. His attire usually includes a Kadic Academy letterman jacket typical of most students who are part of its various athletic programs and sports teams. However, Ronnie has been known to lose the jacket outside of class in favor of simple muscle shirts or hoodies if the weather is cold. Despite his age and build, he still has somewhat of a boyish face, though he's been told that girls often still like this about him, he's never paid much attention to that before however. His brown hair is short, often parted to one side or sometimes just combed straight back depending on his mood. His eyes are a deep hazel color.

Personality: A pretty jovial young man who fancies himself as "the funny one" with varying degrees of failure success. He's not an idiot (thank God) and knows when to drop the jokes and get serious, so he's the kind of funny guy you can actually take seriously, if that even makes sense. He has very thick skin, which is to say he doesn't anger easily, most insults or offenses are usually met with a laugh or a return-fire joke. But when he does, oh boy, stay out of his way if you don't want a fist in your mouth. You ever hear the phrase "beware the silly ones"? Yeah, that's Ronnie if you manage to piss him off. His personality seems to change slightly while in Lyoko, him appearing to accentuate his passion and temper over being jovial and hilarious. It's not a drastic change by any means, but it is noticeable by those closest to him.

History: Ronnie originally got into Kadic Academy via an athletic scholarship for track and field. He was much more of a jock when he first arrived, typically hanging around other track team members and watching them occasionally bully younger students. Ronnie himself never partook in said bullying, but he never stopped them either, he may have also laughed quite a bit at it. He was afraid of losing his "friends" after all. It was X.A.N.A. that inspired him to change his ways, as he was surprisingly quick to charge into danger if it meant protecting the school. Once the Lyoko adventures started and he met the people who would become his real friends, Ronnie stopped associating with the other jocks, even stepped in and called them out on their bullying from time to time. Some of the younger kids see him as a bit of a hero in that regard, but his former "friends" pretty much disowned him and now every single one of them hates his guts. Since the first X.A.N.A attack, Ronnie has started taking up kickboxing, even trying to get approval to start a club for the sport in Kadic Academy as a means for students to learn fitness as well as self-defense.

Favorite School Subject: English Literature. Yes, seriously. Just because he's an athlete and is technically a jock doesn't mean Ronnie can't enjoy something academic once and awhile. In this case, the occasional book.
Likes: Running, reading, and writing. Kickboxing, too.
Dislikes: Cheaters, bullies, and protein drinks (the very thought of those things make him gag)


Appearance: Ronnie's appearance in Lyoko remains largely unchanged, save for a few minor details. His hair for whatever reason, stands up in a spiky style. He seems to develop sharper facial features as well, likely due to the animated nature of the world of Lyoko. His attire in Lyoko consists of a customized black martial arts gi with the torso bare save for a low-cut open vest. The back of the vest has the Japanese kanji for "fire" etched onto it in a fiery red color. He's also got a similarly red bandana tied around his forehead with tails that seem to endlessly blow in the wind. He also, of course, wears a pair of metal plated cestus on each hand.
Weapon: A pair of metal-plated cestus for punching.

Fighting Styles: Usually sticks to punching, but will throw in the occasional kicks to mix things up. He seems to use a mix of karate and muay thai for the most part, but will often include the fast footwork of a boxer as well.

Abilities: His most commonly used ability is called Iron Fist, which is used to strike or hit enemies with abnormally high strength.

Blazing Fist, on the other hand, is an ability meant to capitalize on speed and agility to inflict swift and precise blows that often leave a trail of flame in their wake, hence the name.

His Mind's Eye technique grants a burst of short-range clairvoyance. Not enough to be a particularly powerful ability, but has proven handy for getting out of the occasional tight spot.

And then there's Blaze of Glory, a rather interesting little ability that can only be triggered after Ronnie's life points have fallen below 50%. Once triggered, his eyes will seemingly light up with fire and he'll be able to hit harder and faster than he ever could while at full life points. Of course, such strength that only seems to show up when he's close to "death" is obviously not one that should be relied on heavily. His role almost embodies the Cobra Kai motto, "Strike hard, strike fast..." but such a role often leaves little in the way of defending. He can step out of his comfort zone from time to time to play decoy, but where's the fun in that?

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Deija Rithulene

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Year: 12th


Being a fairly serious individual, Deija has a terrible sense of humor. Terrible in that, she doesn't understand why anything would be considered very funny at all. A bore at parties, she hates loud music or anything having to do with socialization. She spends more time with her face in a book than talking to anyone. She does, however, seem to be fascinated with baking. More than likely, the book she'll be reading is a recipe book or a biography of a patissere's life.

Deija's parents are both well known Austrian composers that travel international frequently, leaving Deija to have been very much on her lonesome while they were away. Being that both her parents are famous and constantly busy, she had no one but the maids in her parent's manor to keep her company. She never fussed when it came to etiquette lessons and took to newly learned subjects like a natural.
Her loneliness became all she understood, sometimes never seeing her parents for months on end, and even missing a full year with them both, she spent much of her time in several different boarding schools until she came to Kadic Academy. Being in France, she took the time to wander the streets before stumbling upon a bakery filled with dozens of delicious-looking cakes and other sweets. She nearly bought the store out with the credit card her father had given her in their short meetings to take them home and try them all separately. She decided it was her lifes dream not to compose, like her parents, but to become a cake shop owner.

Favorite School Subject: Independant Study

Likes: Sweets, Cakes, Solitude, Shopping

Dislikes: Jokes, 'Class clowns,' Loud music, People



Hair is black, wears a white porcelein removable mask.

Naginata and two katanas

Fighting Styles:
Prefers to meet her opponent head on. She doesn't rush in, however, she makes sure her opponent knows she is there before she begins her attack. She'll by start keeping an opponent far off with her glaive before using her katana's to end a fight quickly. Her endurance is decent, and she can continue for a while in a fight if need be.

Draconic Glare: Her gaze will paralyze her opponent so long as she is looking straight at them, requires removal of her mask.
Lioness Wrath: A temporary boost to the force of her blows, especially helpful to those with hard armor or those she's trying to pin down. It is a berserking method, but has the downside of causing her to focus only on fighting until it has worn off.
Mist of Solitude: Upon her desire, a mist may roll in and conceal her location, filling the surrounding area. She is able to see through this mist, unlike the opponent, and use it to her advantage.
Seppuku: If an opponent refuses to fight her, or attempts to walk away from her challenge or runs away from a fight, they will be forced to kill themselves. For players, it cuts their health down by half, a death sentence if they've already been wounded by her.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Matthew H. Farrias




Matthew is a normal looking sophomore with little definition that sticks him out of the crowd in school. Being 5'10 feet tall, he isn't short nor is he towered by other people of his age. Having a light brownish red tone colored hair that is mostly hidden in a beanie or hoodie, making it relatively messy when he takes it off but on other days he has it styled to the side so it isn't crazy when he reveals it. Having a lithe frame, his athletic hobbies are mostly in track and running or jogging on his free time in the mornings retaining a weight of 140. His everyday clothing is mostly seen with a variety of t-shirts, jackets and jeans which makes his wardrobe casual, on other days a hoodie and pair of jeans will do when he's lazy. In honesty he is just too lazy to try to dress up every but when he does, he does it good...

Matthew is a silent follower and usually follows other people unless he is feeling in the mood to actually try to do something. His silence stems from not socializing much as a child but any good actor can make himself look like a popular person, and an actor Matthew is who fools everyone into thinking he is quite sociable. In reality, it's a hassle in his mind to talk to people and if they don't engage the conversation then most of the time he won't either engage in conversation as well. When he is interested in something he will usually begin talking about it which means you caught his attention! Socially he is pretty dense and lets many things fly over his head without realizing it, but once someone insults him whether it was intentionally or on purpose, Matthew holds grudges pretty easily that is stuck in his dense skull. He will never express this grudge as he will keep it under the surface, but eventually it will blow up suddenly surprising everyone about his hidden contempt toward them. Other times, his hidden grudges may be satisfied with the act of revenge, with his subtle nature of hiding things makes him an unlikely suspect.

Academically he is quite an unmotivated person, his grades descending before holding an all average B for each class as a passing grade. He is actually quite smart but is too lazy and procrastinate a lot that gets him into a sticky situation, however, you should see his last minute second wind as he burns through assignments like a breeze except in math, he just hates math.

Once you start chipping away the walls that Matthew has up, you will get to know Matthew as a more eccentric person to put it lightly. He has an interest in computers and video games which can be seen as he is an avid gamer, liking his video games and stays up to the odd hours of the night like an owl but at the same time rises early like the morning bird for school, making his sleeping schedule quite disastrous. Having his own computer setup and console for gaming, it is what he usually does during the week instead of the homework that he should be doing. Outside of video games, he has an interest in coding for the purpose of making games and artificial intelligence with the code.

Matthew is a strange sort of guy who people don't really know much about him or him family but simply manages at school. The only person who know would be the principal who has all the papers and even then he wouldn't release the information to anyone. Being a fairly unnoticeable student in the academy, he tries his best to avoid coming to school altogether if he could but he doubt that he would get away with it for long so he makes sure that he is there enough to pass the classes. Honestly, he doesn't know why he was event sent to Kadic Academy but he assumes that his parents had enough on their plates that they didn't want to deal with him anyways so they left him here. Despite his surprising amount of absence from class, his academic grades are high enough to make even falcuty members wonder how he is doing it but they never catch the chance to ask him as he is usually gone before then. This personality of his made him have a distinct lack of friends at the academy but who needed them, when he had other things to do by himself without anyone to annoy him. However, just by a stroke of luck he managed to scavenge some people who could be loosely called as 'friends' if not 'close acquaintances' after the first attack by X.A.N.A as he was the only person who could understand the complexity of the computer that was there. He did receive a minor scholarship for computer science as it was a hobby that he was good at, and knowing a computer was all part of the job. His only other scholarship was another minor one for the Arts, as he competed in an art competition and drew something nice.

Favorite School Subject:
Science, who doesn't like chemical science and creating... stuff or working out the enigma that is physics. Computer class isn't really a subject, more like an elective sadly...

Likes: Sleeping, reading a nice book, surfing the interwebs, funny cat videos or funny videos in general, ice cream, iphones, computers, vaping and anything relatively good looking

Dislikes: Douchebags, his own lazy arse, doing work, waking up early, smoking and a love-hate relationship with spicy foods


Relatively defenseless as he has no weapon to defend himself but his abilities will supplement for his weapon. When ever he needs it, a holographic screen will appear when he decides to use his abilities which acts as a keyboard. All of his abilities require the holographic keyboard to code.

Fighting Styles:
Matthew is a relatively defensive fighter who has little offensive capabilities unless he strives for it, instead excelling in providing utility and defense. Although his time is mostly spent outside Lyoko, he will still remain at the supercomputer doing this thing to help the other Lyoko Warriors.

Envoy of the Supercomputer
Matthew is the main user of the Supercomputer out of the Lyoko Warriors, having the most experience and knowledge of using the computer. With his knowledge, he is capable of pushing the limits of his influence over Lyoko through the supercomputer with the codes that he creates to effect the digital world. In the real world, this is represented by him often at the seat of the supercomputer but in Lyoko it materializes as a holographic keyboard to be used to code. With this keyboard, it links him to Lyoko and perform a variety of things with it.

Coding and Creating
Matthew has the ability with the holographic keyboard to create structures, objects and even creatures with AIs in Lyoko. The limitation to his abilities is he has only 100 Points to distribute to his creations with a minimum of 10 Life Points per structure. At maximum, he can only have 10 creations. Creatures that he make can attack but their damage that they deal must be allocated with points as well.

This skill is different from Julius 'Creativity' as Matthew can only create things through the use of coding things through the supercomputer and is less efficient than Julius.

(Ex: A creature with 75 Lifepoints and 25 damage will take up the 100 points or 3 creatures with 25 Lifepoints each and 5 damage each will take up the 100 points.)

Code and Manipulate
Another ability that can be used by Matthew to manipulate Lyoko, through accessing the Supercomputer he can manipulate small and certain properties of objects in the digital world. Tapping into Lyoko, he can change the properties of smaller objects that most limits his targets to the avatars of the Lyoko Warriors but objects of similar size and smaller can be manipulated as well. An example of manipulating the properties of the Lyoko Warriors, is to increase their speed but requires constant coding to sustain the effect or a one-use example of this ability is changing the properties of their weapons to become more durable during their stay in Lyoko and take more attacks before breaking. He can also manipulate the damage sensor on avatars to also... temporarily lag out and not register it properly to mitigate 25 points of damage and many more things...

Should Matthew activate the towers in Lyoko, it greatly enhances the potency of this ability both in Lyoko and the real world.
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