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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Will nodded plainly he didn't really understand why the kid was talking quietly maybe he was just tired. As the boy got his stuff together Will tried to string together his thoughts unsure about how he was going to keep a conversation going with the other boy. Did he even want to? Will could always use more friends, who didn't want more friends, but was he ready for another friend besides Heero yet? However the boy spoke up soon enough again and simply asked him how long he'd be in town. Will took a moment to think up the right words before he responded, "I'm going to be here for a year." he said simply and calmly as he was suddenly drawn to the teacher clearing his throat and tapping on his desk. "Hello everyone I'm going to be taking everyone's roll call soon enough. I know some of you already but others I don't. I'm Mr. Kumagera and I'll be your homeroom teacher for this year. I also teach English and am a substitute for the gym teachers on some occasions. If you ever need something please come to me. Regarding the disappearances happening around town recently I've been told by the principle to tell you all that they are nothing to worry about. The police are handling it. I know some of you would connect it too the events a few years ago but I promise you that it most likely isn't related. No bodies have been found and it's suspected the events are kidnappings. Please travel with one or two people at all times. The more the better. Thank you. While I make sure everyone is here please talk quietly among yourselves. Once we're doing the principle wants to welcome all of you back too school in the auditorium." Kumagera said with a flat tone almost like he was bored but in truth he just never had much enthusiasm for anything. Getting him to show emotion was as difficult as getting into a high class school. The various kids around the room went back to their seats some of them still talking to the others some of them bringing out their phones and texting their friends.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Minto Hanataba

It seemed like he was able to get the akip for being late, he let out a thankful sigh and walked towards an empty chair, it was on the second last row near the door but heEwoshed there was a sit by the window. He liked staring outside of windows since that one of the things he could
do in the hospital. Watching things pass by is something that just calms him down and brings in his own imaginations. He looked around the class seeing who would be his class mates and to be surprised there were quite a few familiar faces he met earlier.

There was Tomomi and Akira them one guy who walking with this other guy way earlier. He kind of actually wanted to be friend with Tomomi since seeing how cool she was with Shiro he wanted to get to know her more if possible. Mint pushed away his bangs and brought out a small note book from his bag. Maybe a little doodling while pass some time.

Though the teacher was talking about roll call which made his quite nervous and the disappearance of some people and saying that it be best to travel with one or two people. He heard about those yet it slipped his mind due to the move but it is scary to think. Moving into a peaceful town like this and then disappearances are happening... brings a chill down his spine. Hopefully the other people who were kidnapped were going to be safe, there is still that hope that they are indeed alive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tomomi Katayama

Tomomi raised an eyebrow when Kumagera started talking about the kidnappings. Okay, so the school were saying that it was nothing to worry about, but the fact that they felt the need to go out of their way to say that made her a bit suspicious of the whole thing. Besides, their whole reassurance wasn't really helpful, and she rolled her eyes, leaning forward in her chair.

Not one to stay quiet, she decided to voice her concerns, voice laced with sarcasm. "Oh, they're just kidnappings? That's fine then. Good thing you said that, otherwise people might be worried, you know? she said, shaking her head. After giving it a second to make sure people were paying attention, she continued.

"Oh, there's nothing to worry about, but make sure you're never alone 'cause you might get kidnapped! But don't worry, the police are handling it, 'cause they just did such a great job last time!" she smirked, folding her arms and shaking her head. Hey, it was true, wasn't it? Besides, Tomomi honestly couldn't care less about the announcement. If anything, she was glad something might be happening again.

Sure if she saw something going on she'd try and help, but whatever. Stuff like this never had anything to do with her. Buncha warnings and keep-safe announcements would go out and nothing would mean anything to her personally. That's how stuff always went down, so why not just laugh about it while it happened?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 10 mos ago

As Akira heard the boy would be in Inaba for a year, he smirked and shook his head as he redirected his attention to the teacher addressing them. A small sigh escaped the side of his mouth, blowing upwards as though breathing out smoke from pipe smoking. But he was then struck with a somewhat moment of shock during the announcement. The disappearances wasn't a shock, no he was well aware of that. But this had happened before? No way! Inaba, such a small rural town didn't have as much coverage in national news so to this point he was completely oblivious of it. Obviously it wouldn't be something you would naturally portray on the news with it being such a small place it could easily frighten off new comers to the town. Then more, they had to travel in groups for the foreseeable future. "What, so whoever I'm with has someone to push under the bus?" Akira mumbled to himself as he listened.

But apart from this it was like everything was just business as usual. To be expected really, even in a small town like this you can't come to a standstill just because of some incident that was occurring. It was definitely something that should be handled by the police, and in such a small town surely something like this couldn't last very long. However someone seemed to pipe up about their lack of faith in the police to do their job, and picked up on that the situation should maybe be taken more seriously. Akira glanced over, it was the girl from the morning walk to school. Clearly this one didn't mind attention or creating a scene. It would also seem, that in their eyes the police of this rural town were pretty useless.

Another disappointed sigh escapes as he contemplates what had been said. Clearly she was a local who was here during whatever happened a few years back. So surely her word and opinion on the matter held some kind of merit. Though it did seem a bit excessive as though there was some form of attempt to cause panic. But then again, that really would just be a byproduct of her just speaking her mind of how things really are. If the police were that useless maybe travelling in groups wasn't such a bad idea after all. For if you can't rely on the law enforcers to keep you safe then you'll have to rely on those you can trust right?... Akira glanced around the classroom once more, this was not a good situation for him to be faced with.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well that's what he got for trying to see if he could help someone. If the the kid next to him wanted to be a smug ass than that was his problem. Next time he looked down Will had no intentions of trying to help the kid out. Still from what he could gather from Mr. Kumagera's speech he could understand that kids and people were vanishing. Kidnappings happened and Will was sure that the police would solve the case in a few days. All they needed were a few clues and they would find things out eventually. After all that was the advantage of small towns. Everyone knew each other and eventually someone would find something. Will patiently waited for things to get settled before everyone went down to the auditorium.

Kumagera looked over to Katayama Tomomi and grumbled to himself before raising his hand to indicate a call for silence. "I didn't mean it like that Miss Katayama. And these are the principle words not mine. I merely meant that you should not worry too much on being kidnapped yourselves. The police are actively looking for people who are suspicious and that by traveling in groups you make yourselves less susceptible to being targeted. I do hope the victims of this incident are found. I myself believe they will be found safe and sound within a couple weeks. The police did eventually catch the perpetrator thanks too some assistance from citizens around town. No one here in town would withhold information if they had it I am sure. Please just remain calm and try too keep a look out for anything that may help the police. If you need to talk to a councilor about this Miss Katayama please tell me and I'll set up an appointment with one of the staff. The offer extends to anyone else in this room as well. The school's main priority is the safety and well being of all students here. Does anyone else have any more comments on the matter before I finish roll call? I do not wish to alienate any of you and I am simply relaying the words from the main office. If you have any problems with the wording please contact them." Kumagera said as plain and as dull as usual. He clearly didn't care for Tomomi trying to cause some panic in the class. The majority of them were only half listening and a few of them even flat out were rolling their eyes at Tomomi trying to cause commotion. Two students did look rather uncomfortable however.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tomomi Katayama

Tomomi just smiled insufferably at Kumagera's scolding. "Whatever you say, sir."

She wasn't worried about it herself, and she had a feeling that Kumagera had only brought up the counsellor thing to make her seem like a wimp. Might've worked, if she wasn't Tomomi freaking Katayama. Anyone that looked at her like a wimp had another thing coming, and the thing would be a a punch in the teeth.

Looking around the class, her comments really hadn't had as much of an effect as she'd hoped. A couple of students seemed freaked out, but that was it. Hey, two was better than none. Infinitely better. Fun times were ahead, that was for sure!

Still, she couldn't help but feel that the guy was being a little too generous towards the police in this instance. Sure, they'd caught the guy eventually, but he'd literally been right under their noses the whole time. Was she supposed to congratulate them for noticing that there was a serial killer in their ranks after a year of searching?

Man, someone sure should make them a prize. Maybe a sticker, or a tinfoil medal. 'Congratulations, you did your job for once!'.

Okay, so maybe Tomomi was a little biased against the police. She'd had a few run-ins with them in the past, and it seemed to her like they just cared about shutting down her fun. No wonder they couldn't deal with anything important, they spent all their time chasing after kids with spray cans! You know, to pick a random example.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It took only a few more moments before Kumagera finally managed to get everyone's names down and got everyone together after an announcement came over the speakers on the walls calling for everyone to come down to the auditorium in order too welcome everyone back too school and their plans for the new year. It seemed everyone would be placed with their homeroom class and their teacher would be in charge of the whole thing. Akira was placed next to Tomomi by the end of the row of the bleachers, and Will was placed next to Minto in the middle. The other kids were bored and complaining about having to come back to listen to the their old man principle moan on and on about all sorts of boring things. However it seemed that the microphones were having issues so the teachers were allowing a few of the students to talk for a moment until they managed to get everything working. Kumagera stood talking to one of the students who were asking him for help with one of his subjects that he wanted to improve on before the school year started with Kumagera giving the boy tips and trying to figure out when they could set the boy up with a tutor. "Hey there...how are you?" asked Minto as he smiled at his fellow student. "I'm...new here." Will tried to explain unsure about how to exactly approach greeting a new person.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Minto Hanataba

As the teacher talked on and such at some part Mint almost fell asleep because of the teachers dull voice, he needs a bit more energy if he wants his students to wake up and pay attention he would suggest but he is the teacher so he cant complain. Classmates talk, role call happened and soon it was the welcome to school auditorium thing. During that the whole auditorium principal talk there was issues with the microphone issues or audio issues.

He bit his bottom lip nervously. It was pretty scary being around people his age for once. It was mostly doctors and nurses who were clearly older than him but he is sitting in the auditorium with a lot of people his age. Exciting but nerve wrecking, he wanted to try and talk to the people beside him but he didn't know how to approach them at all. Someone beat him to the punch though, the guy beside him guy asked how he was and saying he was new too. A new kid like him! He turned to him surprised but a good surprised look. Its really hard to being the new kid, most students and classmates are really close already plus you don't know anyone at all.

"Oh y-your new too? I am n-new as well..." Mint muttered out softly and sweetly, even though he was nervous he had this small gentle smile on him. "Nice to meet you...um" He offered his hand in a timid manner. Mint didn't had an idea what to say after that, talk about school? Interest? Hobbies? Sometimes he wishes that things would be easier to do like in the mangas or anime but sad to say this is real life. Talking looks so easy to do but he just didn't know what to say, he didn't want to look dumb in front of his classmate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tomomi Katayama

Tomomi found herself sat down next to Akira. Eh, there were worse people, but he'd never really interested her. She needed excitement, drama, stuff happening! The quiet, reserved type wasn't really her thing, so she doubted she'd have a good conversation with him. Glancing over at him, she sighed. They hadn't talked much, and she really felt like she wasn't the problem here. To be fair, Tomomi never figured she was the problem, and other people often disagreed on that.

"Cheerful as ever, aren't you?" she said, rolling her eyes, then continuing to speak, determined to get a reply. "Geez, never thought I'd actually want the principal to start talking... Do you ever like, smile at people or anything?" she said, poking Akira in the shoulder.

So she was being a little snide, but the dude needed to cheer up a bit! As irritating as Tomomi had been told she could be, at least she didn't mope about looking like someone spat in her breakfast all day. As she waited for the principal to figure out how to work the microphone, or just figure out how to talk louder, she started drumming her feet on the ground impatiently.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"You're new too? Where are you from?" Will asked as he offered his hand out for a handshake with a smile. "My name is Will. Nice too meet you." he asked simply with a friendly tone. He wondered if this girl was from somewhere in Japan or if she was a foreigner like him. He doubted it because otherwise he probably would've met her already. In all honestly Will hoped she was nice. That boy from earlier that sat next to him in class was a bit rude and it put him off meeting other new people. Heero would probably badger him too meet new people eventually anyway. He may as well try to at least reach out to some people. "I'm from the USA. A transfer program."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Akira had been trying his best to continue in his usual state of keeping himself to himself. But there was at least one person who could never let that happen, and that one person happened to be sat next to him. Akira a social recluse, sat next to Tomomi, a person who doesn't seem to be able to sit in silence for longer than a few seconds. It would be fair to say they were almost complete opposites in terms of socialising. Then the inevitable, Tomomi trying to strike up conversation, she really must be bored. Akira tried to ignore it but the Tomomi began to poke him, so he turned his head to look at her. Maybe he could humour her on this one occasion.

"Only when they're not trying to annoy me." Akira responded to her second remark. "I'm simply expressing how I feel. You on the other hand would transmit cheer, despite being in this cage we call 'School', which we both know you hate." Akira raised an eyebrow as if to imply it was Tomomi's behaviour, if either of theirs that was strange. Unsure of whether or not the conversation would continue, Akira turned back to face the front of the hall. He shook his head as the principle continued to struggle. "So..." Akira spoke again out of boredom to pass the time. "How often are we going to be seeing you this year? Because I'm somewhat intrigued as to know about this 'last time' and I'm sure your telling of it will be the most... interesting." Akira finished with a small smirk which, as usual didn't last for very long. If anyone was gonna throw a dramatic twist on a story it would be Tomomi... then again if anyone was going to tell the story at all, again it would probably be Tomomi. With a lack of a desk to tap on, Akira merely resorted to tapping on his own legs as he awaited to hear Tomomi's response.

This day felt strange, Akira did not normally feel so inclined to talk and interact with other people. Under different circumstances it was highly unlikely that he would, the person sitting the other side of Akira was living proof of that as the student fidgeted awkwardly in silence beside him. Students had gotten used to not speaking to Akira and him not speaking back, unless of course they were new, like the transfer student and the girl from earlier. Then again the other option was to be stubborn, like Tomomi, or you could just simply be looking to be a dick... Shiro.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Minto Hanataba

"Yup. I am from to...Tokyo." He replied as he thought about where he used to live. He only ever gotten to explore the treats when he got better and there was still so much more to see. Even though Tokyo was so busy and constantly moving there was something there he still missed. Maybe it was the busy street of Shibuya, sure it was fast but he like the parks and the fashion there. He wasn't sure what he missed but maybe later he can find out about it. Then he was surprised to find out that Will is from America, the country of freedom as would some book say and boy he always wonder what it would be like to move to another country and see the culture there. "Oh you are from America, that is really cool. Oh right, I-I am Minto or call me Mint" He shook Will's hand slowly and gave out a small but cheerful smile. Will seems very friendly guy, also nervous too like him. Maybe they could end up as friends that would be nice....
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tomomi Katayama

Yup, definitely as friendly as ever. At least he was talking, which was better than she'd expected originally. Of course, he was right in saying she hated school, but missing the point a little. "Mandatory attendance. I'd rather try and be cheerful about it instead of moping all day like some people." she shrugged, with a pointed look at Akira.

Anyway, Akira wanted to know about the disappearances? Never let it be said that Tomomi passed up a storytelling opportunity. She'd have to go with the short version. "Well, there were a couple of murders back then, as you'll have guessed. Unlike most stuff, though, the police had no idea what was going on. Town'd get foggy, and then a body'd appear in some weird messed-up position." she shrugged. "Most people didn't really pay that much attention, but I did - spent the whole year payin' attention to anything wierd in town - and..." she lowered her voice so people couldn't hear her.

"See the ones that got killed? Lotta people don't realise they weren't the only ones to disappear. A ton of people did, not getting kidnapped all dramatically, just one minute they were there, the next they were gone. Like magic. Shazam." she made a motion with her hands, mimicking a puff of smoke. "Those ones came back though. All got weirdly pally, too." she shrugged. To be honest, very few people had been paying anywhere near as much attention as Tomomi. She was the only one that was bored enough to get quite that fixated on a case she wasn't involved in.

"Took the police a year to figure anything out - they tried saying the case was closed like twice before they found the real culprit. And the kicker? Guy was one of their own detectives! Right under their noses, for a whole year. Can ya blame me for being a bit sceptical about what the Inaba Police Department got to say?" Tomomi sighed, shaking her head, feeling like she'd made her point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"I guess...not really too special to me. Then again I'm the foreigner aren't I?" said Will with a slightly more confident smile as he tapped his leg and fidgeted in place a little. "Anyways though...It's nice to meet you Mint. I'm Heero's friend my name is Will. So how is it in Tokyo? Is it busier than this small town? I come from a suburban area so...uh...I'm...I'm kind of use to this size of a school." Will asked trying to think of something, anything, to say other than to jabber on about nothing but in all honesty he couldn't think of anything. Deciding that it was better to just keep going with what he had he tried to talk over the crowd of kids mumbling all around him. "Back at my school everyone's actually louder than this. This is my first time since middle school that I had to go to a ceremony like this for opening day." Will said with a forced chuckle as he groaned and shook his head. "Sorry...I honestly have no idea what to say." Will said being completely honest with Minto. He wondered if this was just digging his already sizable hole bigger no one liked weirdos.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Minto Hanataba

"Oh okay, yup...people keep on going and going...its fast...though..." Mint wasn't really sure, he did spend most of his time on the bed and not wandering around the city or going with friends like any kid would do. Sure last minute he got a chance to do so but again it was last minute. He prefer Inaba really, it was more his pace and peaceful even though there are kidnappings happening he doesn't feel scared about it, surely the police can handle it fine. "Were they really louder than this? This is actually my first time at all like this, I didn't go to school before, home schooled you know... but it must be nice though going to school...its exciting." He smiled with a content look on his face, he was glad to go to school finally he really wanted to before and now he was there.

Then Will apologized for not having an idea what to say, Mint let out a small giggle. He didn't know what to say too! "Me too, well since y-you are new have you explored the town yet? I haven't yet and since the school wants us to well walk by pairs or groups want to go explore town too?" He asked him, it would be a good way to get to know him more and maybe become friends. He didn't feel that nervous now though there is that lingering feeling in his stomach it wasn't bad as before, he will get use to this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Tomomi was right of course, but trying to be cheerful really felt like a distant objective than a local one for Akira. "Well... if I ever find a reason to be cheerful I'm sure you'll be the first to know." Akira said shaking his head softly before listening to what Tomomi had to say about the events of Inaba's past. It was definitely a strange set of events and the story just seemed to get even weirder as it progressed. Dead bodies showing up on Foggy days, surely mere coincidence no? Well he could only guess that was the case having not been in the town at the time. "So even this small rural town has death rotting at it's very core eh?" Akira spoke quietly it was more to himself then it was to Tomomi 'Just like me...' he thought before noticing the story was still going.

As the story went on it seemed Tomomi was getting into the idea of telling it with choice words and motions. Akira smirked slightly but decided to remain quiet listening intently until the stories eventual conclusion of the events. A cop who had turned to murder, and the local police force inability to see through whatever guise that cop was portraying to them. It would seem Tomomi would be correct in doubting their abilities following that turn of events, who wouldn't? "I guess not." The idea of a rhetorical question lost on Akira as he answered Tomomi's last point. "I'd be careful about that middle part if I were you though. Other people might start thinking you're some kind of crazy conspiracy girl. By the sounds of whats going on around town, you probably don't want that kind of attention."

Akira turned back to face the front of the hall once more and began tapping his legs once more. "ehh... anyway... um... thanks, I guess." Akira speaks his last piece as a small smile grows and then fades away. They hadn't really conversed much, Tomomi had done most of the talking, yet Akira already felt socially exhausted. He wasn't exactly just going to outright blank her, but it was evident that he wasn't actively pursuing any extended conversation beyond what had already been said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tomomi Katayama

Hey, he talked properly! Tomomi didn't seem to take heed of his warning, just sighing and sitting back. "Eh. I get 'crazy' a lot anyway, believe it or not." she said. She looked at Akira, at least appreciating that he himself wasn't calling her crazy. At least, she thought. He did look pretty tired though, so she decided to spare him any more effort. "I'll let you chill out now, you seem look pretty tired."

It didn't look like Akira was up for any more conversation, so she trailed off. With most people she would've pushed a bit further, but he didn't seem up for too much more talking. She'd gotten a decent amount out of him compared to normal, so might as well quit while she was ahead.

She looked at the stage, muttering in frustration. "They still not got that together? These people are supposed to be the ones giving me my education, and they can't even work a microphone. No wonder I suck at exams."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Not all too much really. Heero showed me where the school was, and some stores around town but I've only been here for a day or two now. Can't really say I know all much about this. In America though the kids are rowdy, more so than this at least, and at assemblies they usually talk loudly and a lot until the teachers or presenters get started. Looks like they're almost done up there." Will said as the teachers attempted to work the microphone and tested it only for a loud muffled noise come out of it which caused Mr. Orochi to kick the floor and lean back down to start fiddling with the system again probably mumbling curses under his breath. "Nope looks like it's still not working. But yeah if you want to walk together I don't got a problem with that. As long as you don't mind Heero being there as well. You may not know him but he's a cool guy." Will stated as he took out his phone and checked it for any messages seeing none he put it back into his pocket. "So you said you were home schooled? I never really got what it was like for people like you. Most of the time I've spent were with nannies and my grand parents but hey my parents worked hard. Can't really ask for more than that really. A good home, and a roof over my head. What was it like for you?" Will asked simply as he looked awkwardly at Minto wondering if he should make direct eye contact or not. It was weird he didn't really get Japanese culture and their methods for talking quite yet so he didn't want to offend Minto by any chance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Minto Hanataba

Minto listened as Will told him about well his friend Heero showing him around and how rowdy and loud it was back then in his school in America. He wondered if Will seen Junes, he seen it but he never went inside it. It seems so cool like a giant mall maybe but not a really mall...he wasn't sure actually what it was. "I see, you seen Junes yet?" Mint asked then he thought about something else. School... even if it was rowdy as Will said he wouldn't actually mind it at all. He missed preschool, grade school and middle school like those were apparently a major factor in a kids life he would love to go to school. Make friends, learn, goof off he would love to do all those things. He shook his head, he is getting distracted again with his thought.

"That sounds nice, sure I wont mind. Heero sounds like he is a good friend. You knew him a while back?" Maybe they were like childhood friends or just recent friends, so many questions he had but he didn't want to look like a dork. There were actually a lot of things he wanted to ask like what is it like studying with other people, what are the teachers like just a lot of questions. He chuckled to himself...maybe he should ask later.

Then Will asked what was it like being homeschooled, he didn't hate it. It was nice to learn but it was a bit lonely. He looked off to the side unsure how to say it. "Yes I was homeschooled. It...was okay, the tutors were really nice and patient. I was pretty sick as a kid so...I-I couldnt go to school until now. I am happy I can now, I can make friends and such." Mint did brought out a smile after saying that. Thank god his health decided to take a break and let him have some time being a kid or teen for once.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"The department store? No I haven't. Heero told me the place was pretty boring so I didn't go. Why is it nice?" Will asked politely as he tapped his fingers on his leg. "But yeah Heero was a friend of mine from a long time back. We were pen pals. I sent him messages, my dad translated them, and it just kept going back and forth. Heero learned English though so it made it easier to communicate later. He even stayed at my house for a day when we were younger when his parents came to America to sight see. He's one of my cooler friends. I mean not a lot of kids know two languages and can switch between them easy. A lot of people, myself included, either just give up on it or stumble around trying to learn another. Half the kids in my Spanish class in American can barely speak a word of it themselves afterward." Will was about too speak up before up the teachers finally managed to get everything together and started the assembly. Principle Kakuzu spoke up clearly and loudly. He was a aging man in his late forties now but he was well respected by the teachers.

"Welcome everyone to the new school year...we would like to welcome all the new students here to our humble school especially. It is nice to see so many of our old students as well. We won't make this very long don't you worry we all know you have waited long enough for us to get this whole thing started. Our great school consists of some of the best faculty and student bodies in the area. We would very much love for you all to learn as much as possible during this school year. In an address to our recent climb in delinquency however I must ask all of those involved to please stop and turn your energies to more reasonable pursuits. As such we're doing our very best to bring more club activities for everyone. Club sign ups will be available next week for everyone to be a part of. We're also using a budget increase to improve and fix some of our aging equipment around school..."

The assembly went on as expected the teacher talking to the students about the curriculum, the new clubs being added to the roster, and the state of the school in general. The students were dismissed shortly afterward and the students all went back to their homerooms. Classes went on through the day but in general they were just introductions and were cut short after some time leaving kids to go home in a quick half day worth of classes. The kids were being dismissed from class and were allowed to go about doing as they wanted for today. Shiro, and Hashirama ended up with their gang of misfits congregating outside and in the back of the school. Some of the more preppy kids were at the library and the band kids from last year were in room 2-b already planning for their future plans fully intending to rejoin their club. A good portion of the students however were either leaving or meeting old friends they didn't talk to much over the brief break. Heero and Will however were putting on their normal shoes as they considered going somewhere neat today. "So yeah how did things go besides that Minto chick talking to you?" Heero asked Will as he shoved his last shoe on and got up looking around for Minto. "Um fine I guess nothing much really happened to be honest." Will responded as Heero grunted in reply. "Oh yeah don't flood me with all your exciting stories Will." Heero replied sarcastically.
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