Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cassius groaned at the two bickering... It was enough to drive anyone on edge... He mentally reached for his Blunderbuss and shot Hitori in the teeth, though he knew even if he was being offensive or not, Hitori would survive and laugh it off... Just good grief... "Can both of you stop acting up? If you get caught they'll do worse to you than giving a lecture." Cassius expressed annoyance at the impertinence of Hitori... He calls one a child, then displays he still is one with the shill responses. "Good grief..."

"I'll say, it is like listening to a bloody married couple." Baku groaned as the others were starting to get ready for take off, yet he seemed tense, excited... Yet his eyes had a glint of fear. "Ritsu... I'm not your boss... Your... Partner is..." It was clear Baku wasn't quite used to the idea of someone so young being married... At least Cassius seemed young... But he shook his head and asked the question first hand. "Cassius... Was it? How old are ya lad?"

Cassius tilted his hat and looked from the mask. "Twenty years of age."
"How are you married at such a young age lad!?" Baku blinked under his glasses. "I can't even get married..."
Cassius felt his hands clasping the plating over his face.

"Anyways my boy! I need a tiny favor of you!" Baku stamped his feet down.

"I suppose it is fair... I was provided transportation." Cassius spoke, arms crossed, wanting to hear him out.
"Aye! That I have! Just like how you helped with the Princess!" Baku flexed somewhat, getting worked up and sweaty.

Cassius blinked, not that it was easily seen. "Okay?"
"I need you and Karn, as well as... Wylde Ostera to put on a show!"

Cassius wasn't quite sure how to respond... He sorta just took his time to look to him and to Karn. "Just... Any scene in mind... At all?"
"Nooo! I need you lot to improvise. Give the Audience an Ending!" Baku pointed to him.

"Karn, is your boss always this needy?" Cassius turned to look to her. He seemed rather just wanting the day to end. "Besides, Can't they do the ending with Blank? So why me?" Cassius turned back to Baku.

"Because I said so lad! Because I said so." Baku grinned.

"I'm going to punch you..." Cassius sighed.
"You sure you want to do that?" Baku blinked.

"Are you questioning my impulse? Or my sensibility?" Cassius retorted to see Baku raise his index finger, before lowering it in defeat. "Grr..." He grumbled. "Fine, make it quick... Shit faced drunk anyways."

"That explains a lot." Cassius broke into genuine laughter for a moment. "Welll... Since I have permission..." Cassius gave a rather light tap to the arm.

Baku chuckled. "The fuck was that? I thought you were a man, even my lass Karn can hit harder than that!"

"You never said it had to be a hard hit, besides, she wears heavy gauntlets for that and apply the principles of motion to do the work, which is smart and effective." Cassius retorted to get a snort out of Baku.

"Hit me like a man! Like this!" Baku cocked his left arm out, slamming it at Cassius, only to meet Cassius' silver targe. "FFFFF- FUUUCCCK!" Baku felt his hand crunch in agony. "My turn?" Cassius slammed both fist into the side of his face, sending him to the floor. Baku slid across the floor for a few moments before Anubis sent a wrap around his fist, pulling him back to his feet.

Anubis giggled in delight. "Do it again!"
"No." Cassius said sharply.

Garnet somewhat chuckled at the scene, it was the morbid humor that seemed to interest her. She placed a hand onto Baku, healing his fractured hand and skull. "If I may. It is all the more reason not to challenge those you hire on."

"Aye..." Baku wobbled and waddled to a rather broken down cotton made cushioned chair. It was beat up, but it did the job... Until Baku shattered it upon stammering to sit on it.

Cassius face palmed with both hands, then the overly fed Crocodile waddles up to Baku.
"The fuck you looking at Chauncy... You fat shit..." Baku at this point felt himself out, there was silence, than snoring.

Yet... Chauncy seemed to look offended. Could Crocodile's even glare...?

Cassius than looked to Karn and Blank. "Right... Care to walk me through this? Sing? Dance? Or do we just do what I just basically did?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn more or less, ignored the others as she went along back to the Prima Vista. Keeping a good look out before finally making it back to Tantalus. Watching as the others chattered, the feline huffed at her boss' apparent surprise. "Awe boss, people get hitched younger then that. Especially nobles." she mused with a minor grin, rolling her eyes as her boss and Cassius spoke. Giving a thumbs up at the order to get back on stage and to do good ol' improvisation. Cassius didn't seem to quite get it but hey, herself, Wylde, and Blank could carry it.

"Welcome to the crew. Get used to this culture of punching." Karn snickered before cracking her knuckles as she thought about it before glancing to Blank. "Well guess it's up to us since Boss is out." she mused.

"Wanna do Plan Dragon?" Blank smirked before glancing to Cassius. "Heh, only good singer around here is Karn, and good luck getting that outta her. Nah we're going to through some flare, audience likes a good show. Dance fighting. Don't worry, just go with the flow." The spikey haired man smirked before turning to look at Karn, only to find the blonde demi-human gone. There was a loud thud on stage, the instrumental from the band drumming up dangerously.

"Dragon!" Marcus shouted from on stage.

"Gah! Where did they get such a foul beast!?" Cinna shouted in panic.

"Damn, she's fast. Time to go. Break a leg! Remember just go with it. You'll do fine!" Blank reassured before entering the stage. There, Marcus and Cinna were faced off with a tall figure. A long blue scaled neck to match the dragon head waving about. Blank orange eyelids occasionally flicking open and closed. A scaled tail flicking along the ground side to side as it stood on two legs, golden plated belly shining. In the middle, there was a thin line and two faded holes. It looked like mostly the upper half was the costume while the lower looked more like regular clothes, just blue pants. Besides the tail that was attached and swishing about along with Karn's own tail. Benero grumbled as he sat on Karn's shoulders, controlling the head and arms. Casting a spell. The costume head of the dragon giving a roar, flames spitting out and into the sky. Exploding in the air like a firework.

"You will not get away with Princess Cornelia, Marcus! I shall not allow it! Go my beast!" Blank shouted as he unsheathed his blade and aimed it toward Marcus.

"Fear not my Princess! I shall protect thee! Have at thee traitor!" Marcus shouted before lunging against his opponents along with Cinna. The 'Dragon' let out another vicious roar, flames spitting out before it spun, tail whipping against Marcus and Cinna. They grunted and fell over while Blank laughed maliciously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cassius took a breath of precious air before entering from the "Monarchy side" - the side that opposed Blank and Karn's character. In a realistic situation, he would never ally himself with anyone who tries to suppress anyone against their will.

"Oh my god... How do I improvise without killing anyone..." Cassius might have been a hunter, a person who did not quite excel at everything, but excelled at things in smaller burst... He had to think of a way to improvise without hurting Karn. He did not like the notion of blindly hurting others, but in Baku's case, he quite literally asked for it. But... It wasn't because of Karn's gender, but it was the simple fact he just did not like hitting others without cause... even if he can be quite irritated at times and quite literal. He has to be as a Hunter, but even he had a sense of humor somewhere... But never usually on the job.

Rather than Cassius blindly shooting precious ammunition at Karn, he removed the Precious metal from the Blunderbuss he carried and placed a gentle frost in there that he projected from his own body, he shot a cool mist at the "Dragon", it fired to look like a ball of snow; but it faded into a cold mist, the water could be felt easily without over saturating her. She must have been burning in there... he thought. Besides, he did not need words to help them, he just needed to look active and calm.

Monica meanwhile was preparing the ship. It took a lot out of her seeing as she usually watched Baku do so, but she had observed enough to be viable to him. If he were not shitfaced drunk, she'd ask him. But that never ends well.

"I! Shall not allow thee to disrupt this land's monarchy no more! Begone demon of hell!" Cassius had a natural regal tone to his voice. He had to help stall... Didn't he? Might as well start trying... "What am I doing with my life? I am pointing a weapon at a person in a prop... Doesn't this kind of make me look like a huge hypocrite on stage... Considering I am helping them Take the Princess...? Eeehh... This is just a play... I believe anyone should have the choice to choose what they want in life, but this just feels very wrong." He suppressed a chuckle before shooting another ball of condensed frost, it releasing a spray of mist. At least Karn and her cohort would not burn up... Though it might make Blank look sweaty...

"Normally... I would be against this... But this does help a character look like he is struggling... Hey! I did something useful! In Cassius' mind, he felt a bit more relaxed that... this was working better than he expected. It looked more convincing, and the Audience liked it for the most part, maybe not directly cheering him on, but the entire set piece.

The Queen was quite taken by the set piece. "Ooooh! Beatrix! Garnet is missing the best scene! A Dragon is a good sign of the Climax! And the Outfits get better as they switch actors out! But where is the fencer! She did astonishingly in the early act!" Brahne harked rather happily. Tantalus sure impressed Royalty.

Beatrix however was trying to observe the actions below... The footwork was steady enough, but she had never seen such a weapon, it seemed foreign to her. But she could understand the practical use of it. "It is just to compensate for a lack of skill..." she thought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

As the scene with Cassius unfolded on stage, Wylde signaled the special effects to activate one of the small smoke screens they used for sudden character appearance on stage. As Cassius did his trick, moments later the smoke went off, and Wylde jumped from above the sage, appearing as if from nowhere kneeling next to the fallen Marcus and Cinna.

Her costume had been changed to a more rugged one, as if it had gone through multitude of fighting and struggles to reach this point.” Ohh, my sworn brothers, how did this happened…” She said in grand theatrical and dramatic voice, before standing up.” Ohh woe the tragedy when one of our own sworn brothers betrayed us.” She stated, making a dramatic spin to face the dragon and Blank.” Did you think you got rid of me, traitor? YOU’D BETRAY YOUR OWN FAMILY? OUR OATHS OF ETHERNAL FRIEDNSHIP?” Her voice roared, but it still sounded different form her own to not get recognized right away. She then did a few steps and stood next to Cassius.

“Well said, stranger! For the traitor and his beasts won’t life to see the dawn! Let me help you in the name of my sworn brothers!” She roared, making a dramatic draw of her sword from it’s sheath. In theatre every movement had to be grand, ever attack, every dodge. All was a play to attract the viewers attention and awe. Thus it differed from real fighting, but she was skilled enough to adapt to any fighting scene. She was the scene combat trainer for the troupe for a reason after all.

As she drew her sword, she made an exaggerated gesture to throw the sheath backwards and into the audience for someone lucky to get a souvenir from the play.” Feel the wrath of betrayal!” She shouted taking an elaborate fighting stance, running a finger across the blade as fire spread through where she touched the metal. One of the many special effects prepared for this play after all.

Leaving the dragon to Cassius to deal with, Wylde made a straight dash at Blank who was looking maliciously behind Karn’s protection. The fencer simply bypassed the dragon by making another drawn out spin move around the ‘beast’ to give the audience even more sense of action. In the next moment she was already by Blank.” Defend yourself!” She shouted, going directly fro the slash, making it as showy as possible all for the audience’s sake. They wanted a spectacle and by god she was going to give htem one!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It's. Fucking. Hot. As. Hell.

And this bloody suit stinks of sweat and old man smell. This was more woven for Baku, in which he used as a sparring thing sometimes, so it didn't smell so good. Although he was much more klutzy in this thing compared to Karn, who's steps were pretty graceful. Despite barely able to see a thing. She was more relying of her ears to guide her, using the others footsteps to react. That, and following Benero's lead as he pulled and tugged from ontop of her shoulders.

The rookie shot some cooling mist, which admittedly was refreshing. Of course the 'Dragon' dramatacllu stumbled back, shrieking in agony at the attack. It shook it's head and thumped its scaly tail against the wooden floor in anger. As Wydle went to bypass, the 'Dragon' dramataclly whirled to the side, the head making a snapping motion and just missed the new opponent.

As another gust of mist shot at it, it staggered again before roaring angrily, flames spilling out of the nostrils. Steaming up the misty liquid to cause a slightly foggy effect before moving foreword toward Cassius. The left arm raising as high as it could go before 'slamming' dramatically downward toward Cassius. It would be easy to dodge and light enough not to hurt, but it looked pretty neat.

Blank in the meantime, pulled his sword up to block against the attack. "Don't you understand?! This is for the good for our country!" He shouted before back flipping to land away and waved his sword in a slash movement briefly. "And for the good for the safety of many, sacrifices must be made!" He shouted before moving in for a lunge, hands clasping in both hands as he raised it above his head and head toward her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cassius blinked at the "Dragon". He simply shot a quick burst of liquid at it before feeling slightly provoked at the claw like swipe.
"Ya know, if the whole scene is improvised... I think I should show them what Sudasians and Kumihos do to dragons." Cassius eyes glinted as he somewhat twirled to the left to avoid the strike.

Cassius placed his weapon in a side Holster as his fist began to glow, real fire projecting. "I'll scorch you with the fires you spew demon!" Cassius performed a rising uppercut with enough force to scorch and burn the metal, his hand flash freezing it with his palm, upon landing, he preformed a somersault kick with both legs in perfect synchronization. Karn could confirm one thing. Cassius did not need weapons to be deadly. The Dragon's head shattered, it being sent to the side. With that, Cassius created a fog with a combination of Fire and Water. He crouched down to her, helping her to her feet slowly. The Audience loved it.

Cassius whispered. "Not every scene can last forever. But it should be enough to buy them time, wouldn't you agree?" He did begin to inspect her body for injury, he seemed very through. "Hmm... The Metal protected you... Good." Cassius nodded.

He then proceeded to check on Benero. "You will be resting a while..." Cassius blinked before dragging him back inside.

Monica blinked when she was checking on the crew.
"Did you do this...?" She winced a bit at the man.

"Fill this with a strong potion, he needs to be able bodied. And this one too with a detoxification serum if you have any." Cassius handed two encapsulated syringes to Monica who took a breath, she went over to here work station where a Caldron with a divider appeared.

"Howdy hi!" Spoke the Caldron.
"Hi Whiiimsy!" Monica spoke as she began mixing several ingredients together. It did not take her very long at all. But she rather not impede on others, but she did agree, a Sober Baku is a good one.

Monica gave the two to Cassius, one being red, the other was a clear fluid.
"Red is Potion based concentrate, the Clear Fluid is the Detox. You've careful, I can be clumsy." Monica took a breath.

Cassius placed the Detox into Baku's arm before moving the concentrated potion into Benero's neck. He applied a bit on a bandage wrap seeing as a neck was more vulnerable. It wasn't till Cassius and Itzel felt a pulse in the back of their minds, their eyes dilating.

From a Bird's eye view, they could see the stage being surrounded by Lower ranked Knights of Alexandria, the other being Beatrix arriving to the stage. Cassius shook his head... That was preposterous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"If someone has to be sacrificed for the ' benefit ' of others, then something's wrong with the whole situation!" Wylde replied to Blank with angry voice, staying in character. She replied to his lunge. Wylde made a spin, using her sword to nearly throw him flying to the side using his own momentum." For the benefit of the country you would betray your family?! Where's the logic in that?" She shouted, now lunging at him, doing elaborate and showy movements, allowing him plenty of time to dodge, parry and counter her blows.

With her side glance, she noticed how the fight with the 'dragon' ended. She sighed mentally, not breaking of the fight with Blank. If the dragon was gone, it was up to him and her to keep the public occupied for a while longer until they were ready to flee. That should be ready in not too long though she felt from what she could hear from hte engines through the shouting and the noise of the crowd.

She suddenly pulled in and dashed towards Blank." Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" She shouted, spinning to do a slash, clearly leaving him enough time and opportunity for him to 'stab' her as she even indicated where he should do it while she was with ehr back to the public in her spin and only he could see her other hand.

Once the stab did happen, she put a rather surprised and helpless expression on her face." My brother loves, the princess..." She muttered, coughing a few drops of fake blood, before suddenly grabbing Blank's arm pulling him close to herself and keeping him in place." Everything for those you love!" She shouted, piercing him in similar manner.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As she heard Cassius move, in a intent to land a actual hit, she mentally cursed as she tried moving away in at least a manner to deal less damage to both herself and Benero, mostly her crewmate but the landed a uppercut hit against the skull against the head before Karn quickly moved so the lower body of the 'dragon' took the kick. Which was herself, which didn't have costume protection. Though she did manage to at least aim it enough for some of the blow to land at the hem of the costume that cut to cloth. Sending them back in a crushing manner and on the ground.

The feline's ears pinned against her head, tail bristling from within the scaly tail as pain shot through her right ribcage. Yeah, she knew the guy was a fighter now. She also knew he was a fucking moron who didn't know how to hold back. Peachy. Ugh. Rookies.

As he came to offer help up, she lightly smacked his hand away with the back of her hand. She didn't particularly have time to babysit or give a stern talking to. So she just settled with her regular cold emotionless attitude. Glancing toward Benero to check if he was alright. Standing up quickly, without wincing at the spiked feeling in her side.

"Let's just get going. They're already on us. I'll drive. Just be sure the package is fine." The Demi-human said before disappearing inside, giving a minor wave to Monica before heading to the helm and taking the wheel. Left eye twitching, she tasted blood, but she ignored it. "Not my purrfect day."

Blank was almost distracted as he saw the fight and mentally screamed in panic. There was a reason Karn was used more on stealth missions instead of full frontal combat brawling. Sure she could do it, but usually that was when she wasn't hindered. She took damage a lot more harshly then anyone he ever met. She wasn't one to complain, but it was often worrying with situations like this happen.

Landing a few parrying strikes against Wylde, focusing back on the act, he have a smirk as he followed his crew mates crew and made a fake stab at her.

"And he is a fool.." Blank murmured before gasping as she 'pierced him' before wrenching a dramatic cough. "....you... Don't understand.." Before falling silent as the dramatic smoke erupted to hide away the scene. Soon standing up he grinned to Wylde and reached a hand to offer to help her up.

"Great run! Though looks as though as we have company. Ready for a bumpy ride?" He asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Itzal watched Cassius on stage with a gleam in his eyes. He was such an amazing fighter, he felt that he could only dream to be as skillful and graceful as his master. He felt his cheeks flush as he continued to watch everything play out, leaning slightly on Hitori. He would definitely need to train heavily if he wanted to be the best for Cassius and his other teammates. Once Cassius was backstage, he helped Monica with the injections and in mid-action, was stopped by a vision, pulsating through the back of his mind. Itzal gasped and shuddered as the vision ended, he frowned as he looked up at Cassius, nearly dropping the syringe.

"Sir... If this vision is indeed true... We may have to act extremely swiftly..." He said softly, his ears low and his tail swishing between his legs. "Of course..." He paused slightly, smirking slightly. "I will not act unless my master commands it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

“Leave the opening of the next act to me, I will buy us some more time, but be ready. Once Beatrix enters the skirmish.” Wylde said as she was frantically dressing up in the next stage clothing for herself. This one was quite form fitting, without sleeves, and as a corset in the front. Additionally she quickly put on a white mask that hid the face as she made a few acrobatic jumps to land on the stage once more, appearing with a blast of smoke.

“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! HONORABLE QUEEN BRAHNE AND PRINCESS GARNET! RESPECTED GENERAL BEATRIX!!!” Wylde started addressing towards everyone in a grand manner of speech, befitting a stage play.” WITH THINS THE ACT IS OVER AND ANOTHER BEGINS. OUR HEROES DEFEATED THE TRAITOROUS SWORN BROTHER AND NOW MARCUS AND HIS FRIENDS NEED TO BRING THE PRINCESS TO SAFETY, AWAY FROM HER FATHER!” She stated, making a spin, noticing the general and her troops had arrived and just in time at that.

“THIS ACT WILL BE GRAND! OVER HALF A LIFE OF PREPARATIONS FOR THIS ONE PLAY!!!” She called, probably to quite confusion of the audience. Then she reached to her mask and threw it high into the air so they can recognize her. After all she was formerly working under Beatrix.


“I’ve waited years for this moment, general.” Wylde said, pointing her arm forward.” COME FORTH, HATRED OF THE AGES! DEEP FROM THE ABYSS! HEED MY CALL, CASTANICA!!!” She called, as the air behind her cracked and a huge pure black fracture appeared in the world itself. A feminine figure struggling to get out, bound by chains and hands of darkness. Her wailing reaching every corner of the theatre, filling the ears of all present with dark whispers of hatred and despair. She was huge too, bigger than most dragons.” CASTANICA, MASS SLOW!” She called, as the huge familiar screamed in her chains, her mouth still obscured by a piece of black cloth. Orbs of darkness formed and fired at all soldiers that were around the stage. Next moment a jet black lance formed into Wylde’s hands as jet black chains and cloth reached from beyond the crack of darkness and also wrapped her, forming an armor. She was glad she found this familiar, this cursed existence all others denied to pursue, but she found and managed to form a bond with.

Those guys better be ready with the ship soon, cause this was all the time she could buy before the battle starts.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Perrin was following after a cat, in his dream at least. He was simply following along in what seemed to be a distorted or twisted version of a city. The buildings and roads twisted, rose and curved inward as if to simply loom over all that came through this place. The city seemed to exhale an air of malevolence about the area which took the form of a thick and dark fog. Wading through it felt similar to walking through the waters of a swamp. Yet the cat’s fur seemed to shine with starlight as it moved along the roads, its form never seeming solidified from the bright luminescence coming from it. Time had passed strangely as is known to occur inside of dreams, had it been minutes or weeks felt rather obscure. It was not until the town had slowly disappeared into a more familiar forest that air of malevolence faded behind the travelers. The cat had slowly crept forward and its form revealed with more clarity. It slowly turned around to face its follower, revealing itself to lack a head all together!

The dream quickly ended after that point. Perrin would wake up feeling surprise from the odd dream that had invaded his mind. Taking a moment he would slowly climb out of the bed. The result of it leading to a rather loud creak as Perrin had got up to his feet once more. He still felt tired, but did not recognize the amount of time that had elapsed during the sleeping period. It would be best to go and find this out soon. Perrin would quickly make up the bed best he could before inching toward the door with all of his belongings. He could not help but to think there was a dip or a deep curve of its shape., most of this was his imagination.

He would soon exit the room and look for the various directional signs that were up earlier. Perhaps there was a Lobby or main area on the ship..
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LookingGlass
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hitori perked up at the Sudden excitement and realized that They should have seen this coming from worlds away. He Sighed and Extended his Limbs into the disturbingly Long and Agile limbs of the Kumiho. With a Snap his Turquoise glowed and he dropped his glamour, He looked Directly at the Queen; Whom he had once entertained so and decided if he were to play the Scoundrel for her Majesty then She would get the Perfect Scoundrel. As The One they addressed as "Wylde" had Called forth her Beast to make them slow and thick like Molasses in the Winter, Hitori took this Opportunity to give the Audience a Good Show. "Siren...My Darling...My Most Beloved of Companions...Shall we give them a Show?" He spoke to His Familiar.

The Familiar relented with a Sigh, "You Know Hitori, It's rather Difficult saying Mad at you sometimes." A Pale Blue light enveloped him like a cocoon and shattered, his Robes had became an iridescent seafoam of flowing laces and gauze that he wore like a Trailing Regal Garments that Flowed of its own accord as if it were in a current. He Held out his hands and the Moisture in the Air condensed into a Crystalline Violin. He Grinned Playfully. As he Held the Violin, smalls dark blue lines extended from his skin into the Violin and Elegant Pale Mushrooms began to grow on the Violin. Hitori then Manifested a Long Bow made of Water and Ice to Play.

It was a Beautiful Tune that was Lively and Seemed to be Taunting in a ways. As He Played he began to dance about the Slowed down Soldiers and the Meaning of The Mushrooms became Clear, Hitori was bathing the Soldiers in a Mist of Poisonous Spores that while not poisonous enough to kill them would cause them a World of Suffering as it made their way through their Nervous Systems. Hitori was even Bold Enough To Get Right in the Face of Beatrix and Blow a Kiss full of Spores right at her Good Eye, Effectively Blinding her. It was then that A Long Bo Staff Got Between Hitori and Beatrix, Separating the Giddy Kumiho from the still rather Dangerous General.

With A Powerful Grab with his Prehensile Tail, Ritsu had pulled Hitori away from Potentially getting himself in Bigger Trouble. The Audience though this was all part of the Show and Went Wild with this Unexpected Turn of Events as Ritsu Extended the Bo To Take them back to the Stage, "GOODNESS YOU DAMN FOX! You could have gotten yourself Killed! Your Damn Lucky I had your Back right there."

"I was perfectly confident in my Actions Soul Drinker, Incidentally the Audience rather Enjoyed it and it was effective but for now can we argue about this later. We still have to Get out of here before something terrible happens, My Gem is going Crazy and not in the Good Way." Hitori says as He commands the Mushrooms to Jump off the Violin and Hide Somewhere.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Beatrix was caught off guard for a moment, but she had a slight smirk after all is said and done. "We were here to commend you... And you attack the General of Alexandria... We came to commend this... Public execution... To those who'd manipulate the crown..." She drew her blade, her left hand illuminating a green color where her body was flickering from the magic she had just cast. Her eye opened, and it looked perfectly fine. She did however raise her sword, slamming it down as what seemed like Lightning slammed and scattered across the stage. The Mushrooms were fried as was their spores. Brahne was quite agitated. She waved her fan from her Balcony as if a signal... Soon Cannons deployed hooks into the stage, trying to hoist and tear it apart. But then the largest cannon deployed something no kingdom should have.

A Large Bud of flame hit the stage in front of Beatrix, it blinked as if it was looking at those in front of it. The stage had a new crater. And a Ticking Time bomb.

The Troops however were slightly in agonizing pain.

Inside the Ship, Cassius felt the thud, the ship rocking, he even fell to his side, catching Monica.
"AHHH!" She screamed. Cassius slowly hoisted her up.

"Monica, I need you to check on the status of the ship, I fear this crew is in more than just regular Knightly presence. Also... You might want to give that concentrated Potion extract to Karn... She'll die if you don't..." He had a terrible vision. He also foresaw Karn becoming a strong warrior, a much stronger one than she was. But she just needed to survive.

"Bu- but!" Monica stuttered as she recomposed herself.

"Don't worry lass, I can give it to her." Baku groaned as he was standing up, yawning. He quickly took a syringe that Cassius held out to them, and then another. "My skull is in need of more care..." Baku groaned before taking a shot to the arm. He groaned at the pain disappointing. He blinked rather rapidly. "Heh, I think it fixed my back problems... Silly Potions can't do that, now can they... Also why is it Karn will die...?"

"No time." Cassius shook his head, he then turned to the newly emerged Perrin. "Is that a stuffed Animal...?"
"In a sense... That he is just really fat." Baku exclaimed. "LAAAD! MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL ON THE SHIP! ELSE WE'LL ALL DIE!" Baku roared. "Right... To the Control room for me as you call it in your hooity Toiity Lindblum..." Baku slightly mocked Monica.

She felt herself go check the sides to see the large hooks. "Eeey! We need help with these hooks!"
The Princess walked over. "I can help... This is all my fault anyways." Garnet wasn't ready to just hand them over to her mother. Or the General, she took her staff and began to pummel the chain- a form of rock enveloping the staff as she proceeded to put her arms to use.

Cassius however poked Perrin. "You, come with me. We'll have a better opportunity to introduce ourselves later."
Cassius then pointed to Itzel. "And you, I'm not your Master, so don't address me as such. My name is just fine. But I suppose you should come with me as well. No Casualties... No deaths I should say."

Baku held Karn by the side, he gently placed the Needle into her left arm, where the vein best would circulate with her heart. "This should help. That masked man who put me on my ass said to give this to you. It healed my skull." Baku chuckled light heartedly.

With that Cassius dashed to the stage, standing beside The Soldiers getting ready to attack, he somewhat tripped, his helmet slamming into the Soldier, sending him flat onto his back.

Beatrix simply blinked. "To think a Clumsy mistake could incapacitate my men..."

Cassius reached for his Blunderbuss as he saw the massive Bomb's grin. "We're going to need bigger guns..." He shot a concentrated blast of ice into it, mildly irritating it, yet there was a visual cooling. The Hot embers seemed more like cooling coal, but this would require constant coordination to put this flame out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Itzal blinked, slightly surprised by Cassius' bluntness before regaining himself and nodded, "Aye, Cassius then. And understood. I suppose this is where the real fun begins." He said, dashing after Cassius and to Cassius' surprise he was able to quickly keep up with him, despite not hearing the sound of his footsteps.

He looked over Beatrix, his cat like ruby eyes shining as he tried to wonder what she was thinking before turning his attention back to Cassius and the Bomb. "What do you need me to do?" He asked bluntly, taking his staff from the strap off his back and giving it a few twirls. "Just say the word and I'll follow the command." He wasn't sure where this sudden feeling of courage was coming from, he supposed that it was because he knew it was his destiny to fight by Cassius' side. His ears lowered as he felt the embrace of cooling air rush towards them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn revved the Prima Vista to life while the others handled the rest. The airship hummed to life, lifting off the ground and moving away to take its leave from the show. However as the cannons readied, Karn mentally cursed and tried to turn the ship away though several books jammed their way into the flank, keeping the ship from fully taking off.

Muttering, her left ear trembled as she felt her shattered rib poke against a lung. Forcing her to cough, despite her outward composure. Her left hand instinctively reached down to her utility belt. Fingers thumbing against the pouch containing her medication. Temptation to take another dose itching at her mind. To heal the agonizing pain in her ribcage and feel that sense of pure brief bliss, despite knowing she really shouldn't. But she returned her hand to the steering wheel as her ears picked up the heavy steps of her boss. Tail twitching as she felt his large hand on her side, and ears flicking as he injected a syringe into her chest, she gave a minor sigh as she felt the bones forming back to their original place, pieces gluing themselves back together. The sense of pain and drowning disappearing to leave just aching soreness.

Course her expression remained the same as she felt the change and just glanced at Baku. "Thanks. Now take the wheel. You're supposed to be Captain after all. I'll go lend assistance to the others before we blow up." The Demi-Human said, patting the bigger man's back, letting him take control of the ship before dashing off, climbing up the rafters and climbing out a door leading above. Climbing up one of the poles holding a propeller above, she spotted the bomb.

Clicking her tongue she pressed both feet against the wood, left arm holding her body in place before pulling her closer to it. Then quickly shot her legs straight and clean off like a spring, fists pulled back to possibly land couple punches at the bomb from above, before flipping foreword to lick her right foot against the bomb and bounce off and out of distance. Landing beside the others. Cracking her knuckles.

"Well, guess the play bombed." she smirked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Great first they were hooked now even a bomb! Not that she didn’t know about those defense armaments of the castle, she just didn’t expect for them to actually fire the bomb in the middle of the blasted keep! What was with Beatrix and Brahne? Wylde growled as she saw the out of the soldiers only the general was the only one not really affected by her slow…. Well so much for that.

The duelist readied her lance as she saw Karn appear from above, landing some punches on the bomb and then kicking it away.

“Glad you decided to paw us with your presence.” She said to the demi human, but her eyes were locked on Beatrix.” People, I will keep the general occupied for a minute or two… Get those hooks removed and we need to leave before the blasted bomb blows up and leaves us surrounded in the middle of Alexandria!” Wylde shouted, taking a charging stance with the lance as she dashed forward.

Her lightning fast dash quickly allowed her to close in the soldiers that were before Beatrix. With combination of strikes, dodges and counters, she made her way by the general in but mere moments.

Her movement left no sounds as her weapon was already pointed at Beatrix. Wylde’s breathing was calm and collected, all the energy was generated inside her and she let no breath to waste by making any sounds. In the last moment of her attack as she was just to strike her former commander, a sonic boom was heard as she started to unleash a flurry of ultra fast attack at Beatrix. She couldn’t defeat the general in 1 on 1 fight. Wylde knew that, but that said she had confidence in her speed, mobility and reflexes. She had seen the general fight, they had sparred in the past as many of the soldier did. It was what made Wylde leave the military in the first place. For that very reason she had the confidence she can at least keep Beatrix occupied for a minute. And then there was also her relic weapon and armor unique trait… the purple mist and whips they let out that made pinpointing Wylde’s position rather hard at her high speed movement.

“I left because of you, General.” Wylde finally said as she dodged an attack and switched her angle of attacks.” You said to all of us to strive to defeat you back then…” She added, wondering how was the action of getting those hooks and the bomb going on. If she was lucky, she may even have the chance to throw Beatrix away from the stage before they completely fly off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Perrin exited the room and was rather unsure of which way he was supposed to be heading to begin with. As the ship was suddenly rocking, and a scream was heard nearby it was rather easy to assume he was in the right place to find people or going in the right direction. As the ship shook, Perrin quite easily maintained his balance whether it be from practicing such inside a ring, or, other obvious reasons. A few others were already focusing attention upon him.

The Captain or rather whom Perrin assumed was the captain seemed to be quite in a panic. Perrin had no idea how to work an airship but, something could probably be worked out. Likely with the engineers around here. “So seems like we managed to hit something while being in the air?” Perrin seemed rather confused about the current scenario. “Did you scrape us against a mountain and need to patch up the port-side or something?” Perrin tried to take a guess. “Wait a minute, hooks? Are we being raided?” Perrin again asked. Sky pirates, he did not particularly know much about them yet.

Perrin felt rather awkward as he was poked. If it had been anywhere in the abdomen region a softness like foam and perhaps a brief sinking in feeling would possibly be felt from said poke. “Alreet, then…” was muttered awkwardly in response. Assuming the possibility of sky pirates, Perrin readied his shield and a battle-axe. Seeing as he was to follow after Cassius his pace was rather slowed, and likely for the better seeing as he nearly bumped into the fellow as they dashed out into the fray.

A fiery creature was seemingly being focused upon and some other warriors were about. It seemed some form of concentrated ice had effected it and making it appear, cooler. Seems relatively everyone was focusing fire from a certain direction, so why not take another? Perrin would try to move around and try to get behind the Bomb itself, shield ready. A bit of a grin forming across his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

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The Lion's Fang - Minerva Fairchild

What had once been a grand play rapidly transpired into chaos, bringing a scowl to her lips beneath the guise of a closed helm. From her perch atop a tower, the Lieutenant waited patiently. Watching the movements of others as the play had progressed, Minerva had a growing suspicion that they were up to no good.

The massive cast of slow upon the masses which she was thankfully out of reach from on her perch caused an even greater scowl. Brigands? Really? Why here? And why so bold a plan? It made no sense, none whatsoever. Surely they didn't think that they stood a chance against the whole of Alexandria's might.

Her eyes drifted then as they began their attempt to flee. There was a Bomb in their midst now, so there was little concern in her eyes until she glanced at the Queen, and promptly the empty throne next to her.

The Princess was missing!

Had they really attempted a kidnapping beneath the watchful eyes of Beatrix?!

"Hildr, I need your wings." The soldier solemnly stated. "The Princess is in danger, gravely so."

In a faint shimmer, a beautiful illusory woman came to stand beside the Alexandrian Lieutenant, and their eyes briefly met. A nod simultaneously noted the understanding of both as the familiar was conjured, and abruptly two wondrous wings made seemingly of ivory sprouted from her shoulderblades. Rippling for a brief moment, she coiled all her strength in her legs, and then sprung into the air.

An uproarious declaration from the brigands and thieves only confirmed it further! Garnet was in mortal danger! With such urgency, the angelic looking Knight tore through the air with astounding rapidity before landing hard on the stage, causing splinters to fly about with her abrupt arrival and impact.

The thieves would be dealt with later, as the wings on her shoulders shattered upon her landing, causing a glistening dust to take to the air. The Bomb was an immediate threat to the Princess' welfare, so it needed to be removed from the picure. Smoothly, two swords came unsheathed from her waist, and a defiant cry marked her arrival.

"Kill it now! Before it endangers the welfare of the Princess!" With such words, and with Hildr close behind, the valiant soldier in white charged the fiery abomination and brought both of her blades of Caladbolg to bear upon it with astonishing strength. Seeking to remove it of its mortal coil before it could do any further damage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Itzal's eyes widened as he saw Perrin rushing from behind the Bomb, "Are you crazy?!" He demanded, wondering what on earth the Demihuman was trying to do. He gritted his teeth, he wanted to rush in and help, but he knew he couldn't do anything without Cassius' permission.

"Cassius! What should we do?" He demanded, his crimson eyes never leaving Perrin's form. "Should we just sit back and watch?" He gasped as his familiar suddenly appeared.

"Do not fear... Everything is going according to plan. If Cassius felt that you were needed... He would have asked for your assistance." The great hound told him with a gravely voice.

Itzal bit his lip, but nodded, "Yes... I suppose you're right... I will have faith then..." He said, taking a step back, but still on guard if he was called into action.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

It seemed Karn was really giving the Bomb a good licking, part of the impact sent it hurling back slightly, back enough to bump Beatrix off the stage, it however charged forward to be blasted with frost to the face, it hardening in response as it slightly slowed down enough for Perrin to strike from behind. Cassius however did not stop there, he threw a stack of marbles to his left, tripping advancing troops that were zoning in.

"Good Grief Kid... Make up your own mind what you wish to do..." Cassius thought aloud to Itzal. "Take the troops off the ship without killing them. I want no fatalities." He twirled to the right, whacking a soldier in the face before getting hit in the shoulder with an Arrow, he grunted slightly, but his eyes seemed to glint through the lens in the mask... He was royally pissed. He tripped the Soldier with the length of the cane before coming down hard on the helmet with a boot, kicking him to the side to watch the trooper rolling somewhat as the chains were breaking from the inside... Probably the work of Garnet. He pulled the arrow swiftly from his shoulder and threw, it catching fire from his channeling at another soldier, in response the Soldier tried to reposition himself closer to Karn, swinging at her legs with a sweeping slash.

Beatrix felt agitated... "This isn't a victory for you, this is just a diversion... Fang of the Lion's maw... I leave the rest in your hands..." The ship was lifting off as it soon was pried free from the inside. It would seem Baku's men were hard at word.

Cassius turned to Minerva. "Friend or foe?"
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