Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@GrizzTheMaulerredeemed? how so?

I personally enjoyed first class and dofp, or do you mean the xmen series as a whole?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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@pyroman As a whole. Marvel didn't do the series justice with X-Men Origins, Woverine and the first X-Men movie. I liked First Class, I haven't seen DoFP yet. I should go see if I can find it....
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

ay ay, three of you still haven't posted. I'll be getting annother post up today, but i'm not sure now long its going to be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@GrizzTheMaulerloving your posts, but could I ask you to make them a bit bigger? Describe what he'/ doing, how he reacts to things as they happen, - little more detail?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Would a character who has graduated from high school but is not a teacher be acceptable. Basically only there to learn to control his/her ability.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Burning Kittythatd be iffy. I'd really prefer that you make a student character, but for now, just make up a drft for your character and I'll see if the idea can't be entertained or not. You'd need a really good reason for them to still be around after schooling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The primary purpose of Xavier's school from what I have seen is to train mutants to control their abilities. The schooling was for legal reasons since most are teenagers and are required to go to school. X-men Evolution tv show even had Xavier's students attend a public school.

My character which I have no clue about it, didn't manifest any mutant abilities until literally minutes after he/she graduated from high school.

I just might go with a student once I start writing it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Burning Kitty mutating with your diploma in your hands? Oh boy that must have been a spectacle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I was originally thinking the card ride home, but I went with a student.

A student who is a Freshman but is legally old enough to vote due to a two year coma and a year living on the streets.

Anywho here is my character:

Name: Samantha Kensington (legally deceased)

Alias: Rose Mary

Position: Student, 9th grade

Abilities/powers: Major Power: Situational Biomorphic Adaptation
Supporting Power: Danger Detection Response

Sex: Female

Age/Date of Birth: 18, 7/4/1981

General appearance: totallifecounseling.com/wp-content/upl..

Additional Appearance/costume: vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldat..

Personality: Due to years of physical, mental, and sexual abuse she suffers from extremely low self esteem. She believes in God, she also believes she is unworthy of Heaven due to her killing her mother and foster father, and paralyzing her father. She also believes herself to be to pathetic for Hell, because she should be dead but was rejected from the only two places where the souls of the deceased go. She prays for answers daily on why she was cursed the day of the fire. When Xavier rescued her she didn't believe a word he said, didn't even believe he was truly paralyzed met a guy once before he used that as a ruse. She accepted his offer only because it was winter and she didn't want to spend another winter on the streets and the thought of a warm bed that wasn't a shelter cot and decent food was far to appealing to pass up. She spent the entire time traveling to the school plotting ways to kill him if she had to.

Special Skills: Trained by her father in Krav Mag

Place of birth: Okinawa, Japan

Weapon(s) of choice: Marine combat knife (stolen from her father)

Medical information:

Brief History: Samantha Kensington father was a MP in the Marine stationed in Okinawa with his wife they lived in off base housing. Eventually they had a daughter whose birth was very complicated and let to his wife's inability to have children in the future. Her birth was a curse on the family, his family had a long line of military service and in his eyes women were unfit to serve in the military in any form. This daughter was the end of the family's military tradition. As time passed his resentment grew. He was eventually dishonorably discharged from the Marines. The family moved back to Virginia. Years passed, they were going out to dinner one night she distracted her father and it caused them to have a car accident, her mother died she ended up in a coma for two years. When she eventually woke up her father's resentment of her was so great that he used teaching her Krav Maga as a way of beating the shit out of her. She learned well and one day she fought back and paralyzed her father by accident. She was investigated, everything came out but due to her being minor the records were sealed. She was put into the foster system where she was again the subject of abuse by her foster father. During one of her foster father's night time visits she fought back she shoved her thumbs into his eyes blinding him. He recoiled in pain and bumped into her dresser which had a candle lit on it. The candle was knocked over and set her foster father and the house on fire. Legally her bedroom was supposed to have a window but her foster father kept her in a windowless room she had no way out the only exit was completely engulfed in fire. She collapsed to her knees and began to pray for forgiveness. She accepted she was going to burn to death, but she didn't her mutant ability manifested and she transformed to survive the fire and collapsing roof. She was still praying when the firefighters came through looking for survivors. The first firefighter was a member of one of those human supremacy/anti-mutant groups, he went out saying there was no further survivors beyond those that escaped. She was left alone and declared legally dead. She only had her father's Marine combat knife, she didn't even have the clothes on her back since they burned too. She left the rubble one night and stole some clothes, she adopted the name Rose Mary for herself. She lived on the streets for a year often selling anything of value, including her own body. When Xavier finally found her she did what she always did offered herself to him for money. He rescued her from the streets.

Relatives: Father still alive last she heard of, he had his parental rights revoked by the state, he refuse to acknowledge he ever had a daughter.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Burning Kittygood for the most part, but the present year in this RP is 1999. Due to her already graduating, I'm going to need a way to help slip her in with the rest of the group
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@pyroman I'll change the birth year. She hasn't graduated yet she has only completed middle school. She spent 2 years in a coma and a year living on j the street so she is still the only a freshman in high school once she starts going back to school.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Burning Kittyah, I see. Well, in that case, she checks out. Move her to the CS section and get posting!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Who at Xavier acts as a therapist because my char is in dire need of it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Burning Kittythere's no official Xavier School Therapist, but I know just the stand-in for one.

If you want to refer to someone for therapy, just refer to Mr. Booker Smith. I'll get a CS or something on him up a little later.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rose won't open up to Mr. Blake Smith anytime soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Burning KittyMaybe not, but he is a construct user and is pretty much the substitute teacher of the Xavier Academy, finding solace in using his mutation in therapeutic ways, especially when it helps others.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Burning KittyI'll excuse your first post due to lack of supply on my own part, but please try and make your posts bigger next time.

Also, to everyone, I introduce to you, LightSmith! He'll be on my post in the character tab, and he'll be around a bit for you to talk to or seek advice from.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@pyromanName: Nate Snider


Position: Student

Abilities/powers: Support:Increased mass.(Wt-520lb. Ht-5"2', husky) Minor:Adheasion (AKA wall walk.) Minor:Bend Light
Major: Multiple selves. (Currently he can only make one duplicate of himself. As he matures and ages he wil be able to gain


Sex: Male

Age/Date of Birth:13 June 29th, 1986

General appearance: Short and Stocky, hair:dirty blond, skin: tan. Hazel eyes that seem to change color depending on his mood from greenish to

blue when calm to redish when angered.

Additional Appearance/costume:Black pants, steel toed boots, leather jacket, dark blue, red, green or black shirts.

Personality: At first glance he seems standoffish and high and mighty, stemming from a lack of trust in others. When befriended he is

wolfishly protective and shows a darker humor. Being the child of military personel who were scientists, he is blessed (or cursed) with a mind

that recalls almost all it encounters and his childhood consisted of training from the time he could walk.

Special Skills: Hand to hand Martial arts, boxing, Prowling, wrestling, Military Etiquette, basic radio usage, Rifle handling, Basic

electronics and mechanics, Demolitions use and disposal and underwater Demolition, Pilotig automobiles, Hunting, land nav, identifying plants

and fruits, Preserve food, skin and prepare animal hides, cooking.

Place of birth: Denver Colorado

Weapon(s) of choice: Prefers rifles and his hands

Medical information: Has a healthy fear that he is being followed. (Some times they really are out to get you.)

Brief History:Born of Nate and Rachael Snider, two military scientists working for a private investor whos goal was to harnes and develop

technology covering the whole spectrum fromnanotecnology to cellular manipulation. Secretly they used a process they had

developed on themselves. "To better understand a thing, sometimes you mush become a thing," was their polocy. It turned out to

be a sucess, Nate sr. Gained the ability to become pure plasma, melting anything he touched plus so much more. Rachael gained

the ability to become metalic. They kept these abilities plus others unknown, to themselves and away from their bosses for many

years, then Rachael became pregnant. Fearing that their child would be born with abilities and become a lab rat to their bosses,

Nate and Rachae made contingencies. They contacted a professor they'd heard about through back channels, telling him that should

something happen to them or should he be found out they would need a place for him to learn and grow in safety. They set aside a

rainy day fund to cover any needs Nate jr. would have.
Nine months late Nate jr. was born, not a sign of any non normal gene was to be found. Over the next twelve years Nate jr. was

raised and tought anything and everything his parents could toss his way. He seemed to retain information at an astounding rate,

learning survival and many other useful tools for staying out of the sight of those who might one day take Nates parents away,

all the while Nate sr. and Rachael continued to develop and study technology for their organization, keeping their own

enhansements secret.They kept a close eye on Nate jr to ensure he was a normal child, and for a while it seemed their fears could

rest, then came the fated day that everything changed.
It was Nate jr's twelth birthday, all the neiborhood kids were envited to a great party with baloon's, bounce houses, music and

food, all was going well then Nate jr fell ill. He went up stares to his room to see if it was just a side effect off too much

cake that just needed to be slept off. To make sure no one else got sick just in case Nate jr had cought a cold, Nate sr and

Rachael sent all the guests home with left overs. They had just finished cleaning up the party when they heard a huge crash from

inside the house, as if a car had smashed into the house. They raced inside to find the living room a mess. There was a large

hole in the celing and another in the floor, the couch had been smashed in half. They looked up through the hole in the celing

to see the reminants of Nate jr's bed, then down through the hole in the floor. Still wrapped in his bedding, some of his smashed

bed and pieces of the couch, Nate jr was laying asleep in a small crator in the congrete bacement floor. When Nate sr tried to lift Jr

he was unable to. Even though Nate jr looked the same in size, he now weighted several hundred pounds more then he had when he

went to bed.
Nate sr and Rachael were greated the next day at work by a containment crew. They had brought Nate jr to work to run some

tests to see what else had happened to his physiology, instead they were greeted by the angry looks and words of their boss as

he told them to kneel down and put their hands behind their heads, they were now the property of the organization, and through it

the United States Government. Nate sr hugged Rachael and Nate jr, nodding to Rachael then turned back to his boss, a small smile

playing across his face. Rachael hugged Nate jr, kissing him and telling him to find the professor, "You will find the info at

the trainstation, locker 313." Tears rolling down her face she grabbed Nate jr and hurled him out the front door, her skin becomming

metalic, then she hurld herself into the mass of guards sorounding them. Nate sr became a conflagoration, roaring as the guards

unloaded M16 ammo into him. Nate jr heard his name called in both his parents voiced as his father went nova. Nates instincts flared

as a shimmering field sorounded him befor he hit the ground, redirecting a nova of heat and energy that washed over him,

incinerating everything withing a five block area of the compound.
The next few hours were a blurr. Nate jr recalled seeing his mothers metalic form become slag as his fathers body become a

nova and winked out of existance, leaving a flattened area where the compound used to be. Nate jr saw lights and faces but the

next thing he recalled was sitting infront of locker 313, a phone in his hand a voice on the other end giving condolences to his

loss, then all was a blurr till he awoak in a soft bed looking up at the face of the professor. The only though on his mind, "If

mom could trust him, I should." "Hello Professor, Im Nate," was all he could get out before pain over whelmed him and his world

was a roar, then oblivion.
Relatives: Nate and Rachael Snider
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Calabon2437Looks good, move him over to the Character tab and get posting when you can!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

this is a callout post for @Ayemdar,@Aquaknight,and @Kaalee. You three still have yet to post anything on the IC, and haven't even really checked in since the IC started.

Aqua, homeslice, co-GM, where you at man?

@Calabon2437You're excused right now, but feel free to read up and post when you're ready.
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