Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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So I'm toying with the idea of a Forgotten Realms RP. Not sure if it should be pre or post spellplague/time of troubles. Honestly a lot of things are up to question because I don't have a clear idea of what I wish to do yet. But I've read about 35 Forgotten Realms books 3 times over and am fairly familiar with the lore, so I think I can do a fine job GMing.

I do know that the character sheets will have stats, but there won't be dice rolls. It'll be narrative based. The stats are just for general common sense.

So, any interested?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CrystalCHTriple


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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*tosses a 'bump' grenade* Damn bots
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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@POOHEAD189 fucking really with the guidelines? goddamit poophead you know me too well. yes im in
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vor
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I feel like I'm reaching my limit of concurrent RP's, but I just can't refuse a good Forgotten Realms RP Haven't read that many of the books, but I've participated in quite a few PnP sessions to have a grasp of the lore.

My preference: Please make it advanced, I'd eternally worship you.

And at the risk of coming off like an insolent dick, a second preference: Pre-Spellplauge is a lot more fun, in my opinion, 4th edition messed up the lore. (I'd compare it to what GW did with Age of Sigmar *shakes fist*) Anyhow, Forgotten Realms is always good fun, Spellplague or no.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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@VorI was hoping for it to be advanced tbh. But since I wasn't sure of a lot of things, casual was just something to make an option lol.

Also, I have to waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay disagree with that assessment. AoS sucks ass, but 4th edition Faerun isn't that bad, though I concur pre-spell plague is better generally. The only thing that's good is that it gave us the spellscarred and the Dragonborn.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CrystalCHTriple


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Is a class comparable to a nightblade allowed?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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My real complaint about 4e Forgotten Realms was the smackdown of all the minor gods to create a "more accessible" pantheon for new players.

The intermediate and lesser powers are the more active ones as they jockey for power leading to more storytelling options.

Also... I like Halruua. I had a froup of players once take on Halruua and The Red Wizards in commerce in the magical itwm market. It proved interesting.

Anyhow. Yes. Interested.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vor
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My real complaint about 4e Forgotten Realms was the smackdown of all the minor gods to create a "more accessible" pantheon for new players.

@POOHEAD189 This is pretty much my major gripe with 4th edition as well, I feel like a lot of the FR charm was taken away when they slashed the diverse pantheon. My other issues were mostly mechanics-based, I wasn't a big fan of the powers they introduced and I found the whole thing somewhat limiting when it came to RP, like most of it was geared toward combat. I will concur, however, that Dragonborn were epiiiic - I played a Dragonborn bard for about a year and half and it's one of the most fun chars I've had.

Enough rambling from me though, nice to see interest is picking up!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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LOL I played neverwinter for about 8 years ... I don't know if it is smart for me to get sucked back into that world ... or another rp for that matter, especially with the wedding next month... but I shall keep an eye on this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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@CrystalCHTripleI think I'll go with the normal core classes (I'll add a swordmage for rule of cool). I'll list them here so there is no confusion.


@Assallya@VorI agree. I'll say that I am much more fond of 3 & 3.5 Forgotten Realms rather than 4th (bar Dragonborn). It'll probably be in the former era.

@IcePezzIt'll probably be a bit before I start, and even then as long as people let me know that they'll be busy, I'm always flexible. I'm too soft for my own good (I'm working on that). Just ask my players in my Into The Dark RP's


Where are people interested in this being? I know the Silver Marches best. But I am currently reading the Blades of the Moonsea Trilogy and just finished The first novel so the Moonsea is up for grabs too. I also don't mind Calimshan, or the Swordcoast.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vor
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Thar is a cool place, the last D&D campaign I played was centered around Hulburg and the invasion surrounding the events of the book. Heck, the whole Moonsea is a cool place. The Dalenads and the Vast, further south, are also fun places for adventurers. Cormyr, as I recall, was another kingdom that welcomed adventurers. The Sword Coast is always fun, I mean - Daggerford, Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter, Luskan...damn, those are some pretty iconic places.

I guess it really depends on what sort of feel you want the campaign to have. Are we a straight-up group adventurers out for profit? Part of some organisation? Established heroes fighting against (or for) evil?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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My recommendation is vague. I'd suggest anywhere on the edge of the Sea of Fallen Stars. That way you have the most options in terms of story maneuverability.

If its rogue heavy I'd suggest Westgate. Otherwise Sembia is largely unwritten save for their wealth and love of adventuring. Other than that it was ledt to the GM to develop.

I shouldnadd that my character excels in cities and politics but isn't a requirement. Role-playing a fish out of water is fun.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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I think I have a good plot. Why don't we start at Hulburg? I'm wanting to make this a dungeon diving adventurer RP, though politics and intrigue can easily work at some point. We'll be dealing with Thar first, and its monsters. I'll leave some of the backdrop of the plot secretive, but who is interested?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CrystalCHTriple


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I haven't the slightest clue of where to start; this will be my first engaging with D&D.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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I'll give some background.

Hulburg is a merchant small city/large town right on the coast of the Moonsea. The Galena mountains are to the northeast, and trackless wilderness are to the northwest which turn into the wasteland known as Thar, that was once ruled by Aespurus, the King in Copper. A terrible sorcerer of incredible power who cheated death and became a Lich. Now it's home to 4-5 major Orc/Ogre Tribes. Theres a lot of burial mounds and small tombs beneath the Galena mountains, as well as a small Abbey of Monks (forgot their deity).

Cormanthor and Myth Drannor to the south are home to Elves and Half Elves. Glister to the North is the mining town that provides raw material resources to Hulburg and the other cities. Mulmaster is Hulburgs main rival. There's pirates in the Moonsea as well. North of the Galena Mountains is Vaasa, The Bloodstone lands, and the Kingdom of Damara, a frontier Kingdom with its own legends of a Witch King and many monsters such as Wyverns and Chimeras. A lot of the setting is generally cool or cold. Summers are fairly short, around there. Unless you go south of the Moonsea, at least.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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lol I was about to say I'm going to have to do my research, but then you laid it all out for me ... now the question is ... what do I make?! I play my rogue all too often, but that fits in so well here :p
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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@POOHEAD189 id like some politcal awesomeness please.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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@boomloverIf we go south to Westgate or North to Damara, sure. Or even in Hulburg. First though, Adventure!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vor
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I think Thar is a good place to begin, it kinda reminds me of a low-level starting zone in an RPG. Hulburg itself has a population of about 5,000 people, which isn't very awe-inspiring. It can get boring after a while since Thar isn't very heavily populated in the first place and civilised areas are few and far between, but that makes it a good place for dungeon delving :)

Wondering what sort of character to play, will probably get the rulebook out to draw some inspiration. I usually go for fighter types or clerics, but maybe I'll try something different this time around. Hmmm....
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