Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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@Simple Unicycle@King Tai@1Hawkeyes
"I don't care who leads. I have no interest in it myself. I don't know any of you well enough to want to be responsible for you. I can contact all of you as needed. I suppose I could be the research person. Since I have access to all media I will know what's going in the city. It is very hard to hid things from me." Zack told them honestly. He knew that didnt mean he had all the answers. There was alot of things he didnt know mostly because he didnt know what or where to ask. But he felt like he had a leg up on the others when it came to information. He reached into his pocket and pulled out three business cared. He quickly wrote his private cellphone number on all of them before handed them to each person. "This is how you can contact me." The card read simply: Zachariah Campbell Painter. It listed his business phone number, email and website.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Phantom took the card, examining it without a word. "Other than beating up criminals and villains, I could help with infiltration and investigations. I don't miss much, and I blend in with the crowd when I'm not wearing my face." He says, the others more than likely confused as to what he meant by him not wearing his face.

"So, it appears that we're a team. And it seems that Agent will be our leader. Now, have we picked a name?" Phantom asks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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"That sounds good," Agent said after Phantom and Zack talked about their skills. "Other than leading, my powers are mainly fighting- kind of like the brawler." As far as a name, Agent wasn't sure they decided. "I think the names were The Protectors and The Enforcers. We can take a vote to decide." She wasn't extremely fond of the name Enforcers because it was so... forceful. Then again, The Protectors was a little bland. "I think I'll vote for Protectors," she decided in the end.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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@KatherinWinter@Simple Unicycle@1Hawkeyes

After taking the card from Zack and hearing what the others were capable of, Solomon smirked to what Phantom said "wearing your face?" He said windering if he was talking about a mask of some sort.

Solomon spoke up again "well...I have great agility so I can get around....my hearing is sensitive so I can hear whispers and conversations from a good distance....not to mention..its d8fficult for someone to sneak up on me. And...I have hypersonic screams. I can get down and dirty with my capoeira especially with my agility involved." Thinking about the name he sooke one last time "I like The Protectors but maybe add something to that name...it sounds a bit generic.."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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@KatherinWinter @1Hawkeyes @King Tai
Hearing Solomon ask 'wearing your face?', Phantom turned to him and gestured to his ski mask. "My face, as you can see. When I need to, I'll take it off and blend in with the crowd using my disguise, what most would think of as my 'true face'. But it isn't. Just a disguise. An ugly, revolting disguise. My true face is beautiful."

Then Solomon said something about adding something to the Protectors, as it seemed generic. "The Protectors of Treaft perhaps? Another generic choice, but better than just the Protectors." Phantom suggested.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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"I like that, short, simple, to the point," Agent said, referring to Phantom's mention of "The Protectors of Treaft." Everything seemed to be coming together even if no one knew who brought then together. At this point, Agent didn't think it mattered. "So we can all call Zack and he can link us up whenever there's trouble."

When she heard Phantom talk about his mask and the face under his mask, she was slightly upset. She didn't see many people as ugly on the outside unless they were ugly on the inside. Anyone who risked their lives for strangers was beautiful. Then again, Agent and Phantom weren't close, so she didn't verbalize these thoughts.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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@KatherinWinter@Simple Unicycle@1Hawkeyes

Nodding to Phantom "I was starting to think thats what you meant about wearing your face. And that aounded like a metaphor hehe." He said 'but it's still cool cool." Responding to that. "And so since we are all set now with someone to link to, have our team name chosen, and different skills we bring to the table...guess we can go our separate ways for now until we are needed unless you are getting something to eat or want to patrol together tonight to give this team a run?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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"I think a patrol can wait until tomorrow," Agent said, "This has been a lot of information to take in all at once." The young woman, the new leader of a new team, stood from her chair and said, "If there aren't anymore concerns, then the first official meeting of The Protectors of Treaft is over and we can all be on our way." She looked around at the others for any last questions or concerns.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Phantom walked to the door. "I will see you all tomorrow. I'm going to patrol the city for the rest of the night, so if any of you are also patrolling you may run into me. Goodbye." And with that, he walks out the door, disappearing into the shadows before firing his grappling hook onto a nearby roof and soaring up to it. He crouches on the edge for a moment, before pulling out his journal and writing.

Phantom's Journal, October 15th, [YEAR REDACTED], Entry #3

Wasn't a trap. Met four vigalantes vigilantes. A young woman called Agent, a young man called Techno (who gave his real name. I refuse to call him by it.), a slightly older man called Sound Effects EFX and a middle-aged man called Reaper. Reaper and I have simalar similar viewpoints, though he knows how to use guns, unlike me. He left. A shame. We would've made a great team with our skills.

The others were suprisingly surprisingly bearable. Nice to be around even. I didn't want to break their fingers. Hopefully it stays that way. We decided on a team name. The Protecters Protectors of Treaft. Nice name. Thought I would've preferred The Brigade. Enough remenising reminiscing, I must get on with my patrol.

Finally, he shut the book and shoved it into his coat pocket. He then stood from his crouching position, and ran off, jumping from rooftop to rooftop in search of any crime. A few blocks from the warehouse, he heard an alarm. Robbery in progress. Might be nice to stretch his legs after sitting down for so long. He ran in the direction of the alarm, planning to make quick work of the criminals and then go back to the alley and sleep.

One robbery-in-progress foiled and several broken bones later...

Phantom left his calling card on one of the robbers. He was merciful again. Didn't kill anyone. He was getting soft. Maybe that'd help him fit into the team. Anyhow, leaving the bruised and battered robbers on the floor, Phantom walked back to his alleyway, where he usually stayed. He took off his trench coat, gloves, fedora and his face, hiding them in a hole behind a dumpster along with his grappling hook. He then scaled the fire escape onto the roof of the abandoned apartment, where he usually slept. It was cold that night, as it usually was when the seasons were transitioning from Fall to Winter. Anton pulled a thin blanket over himself after crawling into his sleeping bag. God it was cold.

After a moment, he closed his eyes, drifting off into sleep and dreaming of his new teammates. The pleasant dreams were soon invaded by her. He would see her bringing a new client into her bedroom as he watched on from the living room. He would walk into her bedroom as she was half undressed with her client, and he asked for a bedtime story. She quickly turned her attention to him, smacking him and shooing him out, all the while yelling at him about how she should have had the abortion.

She also mentioned someone... Sergei. He didn't know who that was. He wanted to know, thought most of the time he didn't ask much. He used to hear that name a lot from her. But when he asked, Mother quickly shut him up about it. Any further pestering on the topic after that was followed by a smack. That's why he didn't ask much. Soon enough, the dreams passed. They always did. He dreamt of nothing, and woke up in the morning with a foul taste in his mouth and still cold. He really needed to buy a blanket.

With a sigh, he sat up in his sleeping bag and looked around for a moment, pondering the name Sergei. He had forgotten about it until now... Who was that man? His father? An uncle? A family friend? It didn't matter now, anyhow, considering that was 16 years ago. After a moment of racking his brain over, he stood up and walked over to his little 'hygiene area', which consisted of a mirror, a comb, a toothbrush, a half-empty tube of toothpaste, and some deodorant. He brushed his teeth, put on some deodorant, and brushed the hair out of his eyes. Yep, still revolting.

It was too early to go out as Phantom. Instead, Phantom went out as Anton. He always thought that when he started, and before the 'incident', he was just Anton Petrov pretending to be Phantom. Now, he was Phantom pretending to be Anton Petrov. How the tables have turned. Anyhow, Anton went down to a diner. He needed some food. Thankfully, he managed to scrounge up enough money for it, too. A minor miracle. He ordered an apple pie and a coffee, then sat down in a booth, alone and eating and thinking. Hopefully he wouldn't be disturbed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Zack stood his feet. He had no questions. At least for now. He would allow his machines to gather information. He want to know as much about the others as he could. He felt like they had the same goals as he did. But he wasn't going to trust them completely. Not yet. They would have to earn that. HE made his way out of the room. It would be interesting to see what tomorrow brought.

The next day started normal enough. He got up and shower and shaved. Then he headed out to work on his painting. But that plan didn't quite work out. Just before he reached the doctor's office his phone buzzed letting him know that there was a robbery going down. He sighed aND headed out to round out more criminal
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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With a smirk of satisfaction from the forming of The Protectors of Treaft, Solomon looked at his new teammates and nodded "Well then...I guess I'll see you around." he said and walked out of the warehouse to scout any wrong doing. It was an interesting evening meeting these different individuals who all had just about the same want to save the city and protect it.

Coming outside, Solomon took out his earplugs and went to listen for anything suspicious as screaming could be heard and glass breaking a few blocks away. With a sigh "Some people never learn..." he said as he raced to the direction of where the screaming and struggle would be located.

Getting there, there were 3 men trying to break into a couple's car to beat the man and rape the woman. Watching from the roof, he shook his head and jumped down onto the roof of the car the men were attacking, Noticing the man getting pulled out and beaten up an another grabbing and groping the woman. They all looked over to Solomon who was couching on the roof of the car.

Man who the hell are you asshole!! Solomon smirked, leaping off the car to execute a front flip and slammed his foot into the face of the first hoodlum, knocking him down. He was the one holding the woman as he dropped his knife, laying on his back dazed. "Now...are we gonna make this easy by having you guys run away or are you going to be stupid and fight me." he said as the two who were beating on the man approached Solomon with their melee weapons.

With a sigh, and noticing the other he man he knocked down, getting back up, he smirked "Never a dull moment." dashing to continue the fight.

After a moment, The three men were laid out and tied as the police showed up shortly when the wife called the police to get the hoodlums and she described what happened. Solomon could hear other dealings but he figured that it could be his newly formed allies taking care of business. Being a long day, Solomon went home to get his rest so to be ready for the next night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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Once everyone was gone, Agent shut the lanterns off. It was hard to believe that they already had a team within an hour. She smiled at the results, but her stomach churned thinking of how she had to lead them. The young woman never paired up with another hero let alone lead a group of them. As a civilian she didn't mind leading people in projects at work and such, but how could she lead heroes? Heck she could barely lead herself. Agent let out a aigh and grappled onto a close building, quickly making her way home. It was hard to go to sleep that night, all of the thoughts of the team and leadership swimming in her mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

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October 16th
11:45 P.M.
Vigilance Security Production Facility
1215 West Dock Row
Treaft Industrial Park

Reaper cast a glance over the parking lot below him as he secured the climbing rope in place. He was situated on the building opposite the Vigilance-owned factory. For a place that specialized in security systems they were surprisingly lax at the gate. Earlier today, he planted a car on the lot, cut a hole in the fence behind it, and slipped out. It was a late-model 2-door that barely ran, acquired it a little while back and planned to either scrap it for parts or pawn it off to a junker. To the naked eye, it was just a car belonging to an employee. Take a closer look however, and the first thing you'd notice was the smell of gas emanating from a small puncture in the bottom of the tank, through which it had been spilling all day, but the pool of gasoline was far too large to have come from just that little puncture. Indeed, upon further inspection, you'd definitely notice that gas was spilling from similar gas tank ruptures on both cars to the left and right of it, slowly convalescing together into one puddle of flammable liquid. Yet, the smell still seemed... stronger, like perhaps the windows of the 2-door were slightly open, and gas had been spritzed, not just down the side of the vehicle, but dumped throughout it's interior. All except for a few square inches of the center console, where a small object was duct-taped into place. An object known in certain circles as a remotely-detonated incendiary device.

Up on the roof of the neighboring building, a four-story metalworks, Reaper had set up an M60 heavy machine gun. He'd mounted it on a tripod equipped with an improvised oscillating gear, so it theoretically would fire itself along the invisible line between the front of the car and the doorway. A perfect distraction while Reaper got onto the ground, and hey, if it killed off a few Vigilance Lancers, so be it. He was also packing the detonator to his firebomb and a bolt-action sniper rifle for phase 1 of this plan, and of course, he had a pistol holstered at his belt. Lastly, down at the base of his rappel line, he had stashed an Ithaca 37 Stakeout lightweight shotgun, an M4 carbine rifle, and a backpack stuffed with C4 explosive charges.

Everything was set, with a flick of the detonator's switch, his mission would begin.

He sighted up on the gate. Damn, the truck was rolling in early. He'd hoped to have a few more minutes to check everything one last time, but if it was time, it was time. He waited until the truck had stopped in front of the door, the crew of Lancers had jumped out and headed inside. He counted backwards from 10. Flipped the switch.

The ignition was instantaneous. A wave of heat shot upwards past Reaper's position, so powerful it almost knocked him back. The tires popped from the pressure, going off like a gunshot in the night. In a minute or two, they'd hit the peak, and the vehicles would either begin to melt, or explode. Down below, the doors sprung open and the Lancers ran out en masse. Tossing the detonator aside to be collected later, Reaper kickstarted the garage door opener that powered his improvised turret, and brought the rifle up to his shoulder. He began firing on the truck with his rifle, putting a few rounds into both tires that he could see and peppering the engine block. At the same time, the M60 roared to life, peppering the ground below with bullets. A few Lancers dived into cover and began to return fire at their unseen assailant, a few more were cut down in the wake of the hailstorm of 7.62 rounds firing at over 900mph. Satisfied that the truck wasn't gonna take off, Reaper laid the rifle down into its case, popped off a few pistol rounds as he fed the reserve belt of bullets into the M60, and took off for the rappel line. He clipped on and slid down to the ground to collect his gear.

With the shotgun hanging low on his chest, the rifle in hand, and the backpack on his shoulder, Reaper slipped through the hole he engineered and infiltrated the parking lot. The surviving Lancers were still busy shooting at the automated M60 that (they assumed) was their enemy, so he decided to leave them be as he maneuvered his way to the rear of the truck, which he found, was unlocked. He hopped in and quickly planted a pair of charges, then proceeded to the facility itself.

After making short work of the lone guard inside, he found a way down to the basement, where his informant had said the weapons storage was located. Weapons that would find their way into the streets and kill innocents if left alone.

'Not on my watch'

He rounded the corner and saw two more guards waiting for him, they fired on him with automatic rifles, but he was able to slip back into the safety of the staircase. Their first mistake was shooting at him. Their second was doing it at the same time. Both guns clicked empty and Reaper rounded the corner, rifle raised. Two quick pops and both men fell. The door was locked up tight, so he instead went knocking with his shotgun, three well placed shots towards where the hinges would be inside got the job done, he began reloading as he kicked down what was left to enter.

It was a gangbanger's heaven in here. Pistols, shotguns, machine guns, some of it even military-grade, stacked on work benches all throughout the room. Apart from a bit of empty floor space to walk and the work benches, the room was loaded with crates that he assumed was full of weaponry and ammunition. He took a look at a few of them and found manifests labelled with individual gang names and city districts. Vigilance was running guns to nearly every piece of filth in the city, but not for long. Reaper planted the C4 throughout the room, then checked to make sure the fuses were live and the detonator was all lit up like a Christmas tree, then he bolted. He needed to get clear of the building before detonating, that much explosive in the lower section of the building would be enough to knock it unstable, if not topple it completely. The M60 was long empty by now, so the Lancers and reinforcements would likely be waiting for him. His rifle was raised and ready to fire on a second's notice... but the lobby was empty. Emerging from the building, he found no trace of the Lancers, save for the bodies of the few the M60 had cut down. Suspicious, but welcome, Reaper kept up his guard all the way to the security gate. He had his van stashed a block away, he planned to get outside the security gate, detonate the explosives, then swing around with the van to collect the gear he had left on the roof. Movement up ahead caught his eye. A lone man, pale, bald, tall, maybe 6'4, wearing a suit, standing directly in his path.

"One guy huh, what Lancers havin' cutbacks?" Reaper stated wryly as the man started to stomp towards him "Alright buddy, I'll make it quick" He raised up the rifle and sighted in on the man's chest, pulled the trigger twice.

And he kept coming.

The bullets had just bounced right off of him, leaving a pair of small holes in the suit, but nothing else. Reaper shot again, and again, and again, but to no avail. The giant got within an arm's length, yanked the rifle away and tossed it. Reaper stumbled backwards, trying to create space as he brought the shotgun around. He shot once, BAM, racked, and then again, BAM, but again, the buckshot tore wide holes into the man's suit, exposing sections of his chest, but nothing had penetrated. He hadn't even recoiled. He tried one more time, BAM, but again the buckshot connected with his chest, and then fell to the ground, embedding into nothing. Reaper cursed.

"What the f-"

The giant's fist came at him, and connected to the gut. It was if he was hit by a train, all the air just instantly left his body. He crumpled, but before he could hit the ground, two ham-sized hands grappled onto his coat collar, and he felt himself get lifted clear off the ground. Reaper focused in on the man's face, scanning for any kind of weakness, then the world was spinning as he was thrown, like a baseball, a dozen feet or so into the empty streets. He collided hard with the ground, and felt like every bone in his body had crumbled into dust.

Unseen by the combatants, a news crew had arrived to begin broadcasting.
"Channel 5's June Weatherly here reporting live from West Dock Row, where it appears an electronics manufacturing plant is the latest in a rush of attacks by the vigilante known as Reaper. It is not known at this time what provoked the attack, but given the vigilante's known modus operandi, there may be some form of large scale criminal activity occurring here. Reaper is currently wanted by law enforcement on an undisclosed number of charges, many of them for murder, a movement that many citizens, including some known law enforcement officials, find controversial. Wait, I'm seeing something now- Marty, swivel!- that appears to be Reaper in the flesh, a tall man approaching him, unfazed by the vigilante's gunfire. Reaper definitely appears injured, and this unknown individual is not holding back!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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Ally stood in line at the grocery store. It was a normal day considering what happened last night. The red basket she carried contained things like bread and milk, nothing out of the ordinary. When it was her turn to pay, she heard a video from a phone to the left of her. "...unfazed by the vigilante's gunfire. Reaper definitely appears injured, and this unknown individual is not holding back!" A shiver ran down her spine at these words. She quickly paid and rushed out of the store.

The woman pulled out a business card from her pocket and dialed the number. "Zack this is Agent, I need you to contact the others to meet at the warehouse on 1208 West Dock Row. I'm sure you've heard what's happening to Reaper, we need to help him ASAP." As she walked through the streets and talked to Zack, she dipped into an alley and rapidly changed into her costume, making sure no one could see her. She then proceeded to race to the warehouse where they would rendezvous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 20 min ago

Zack knew what was happening long before Agent's call. He had been watching Reaper for while. He had been alerted to the other man's activity almost instantly but he debated what to do too long to stop the other man. He agreed with Reaper's idea just not his action. He wasnt the kind of hero who believed in destroying stuff to take out the bad guys. There was always another way. He believed that a subtle approach was just as good as something as flashy as what Reaper just did. He sighed when the other man got himself into trouble. It didnt matter to Zack that Reaper hadnt chosent to become part of their team. He was was still a hero. So there was only one thing to do. He headed towards where he had last seen Reaper. He was nearly there when Agent called. "I will contact the others and met you where Reaper was last seen." He still thought it was pointless for them not to have each other's information but since he had all the information he needed or wanted he was willing to share. He sent a message to Sound EFX and Phantom to tell them what was happening and where they planned to met to help out their fallen companion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Phantom's Journal, October 16th, [YEAR REDACTED], Entry #3

Nothing tongiht tonight. No robberies or break-ins or mugings muggings to thwart. Maybe the scum finally got it into there their heads that as long as I was around, they'd never be safe. Probably crawled into their holes with all their alcohal alcohol, drugs and other vices. Hopefully it'll stay that way and someone will finally clean up these stre

Phantom's writing was interrupted by a buzz in his pocket. His phone. He didn't have any friends, so he didn't know who this was. Maybe Techno/Zack actually found his information out? He thought he hid himself pretty well, what with the full mask and not telling them his name... Oh well. He closed his journal, leaving the entry unfinished, then pulled out his phone and checked the message. It was, in fact, from Techno, who told him that Reaper was in trouble and that the team would meet up at his last known location.

Standing up from his crouched position on a skyscraper, Phantom sighed, pocketed the phone and journal, and used his grappling hook to grapple to another building, continuing to do that until he arrived at the warehouse. Techno and Agent were there, and Phantom nodded to them. "It appears our... 'Friend' is in trouble. Looks like we have to rescue him. Think we could convince him to join The Protectors of Treaft?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Tonight, Solomon didn't hear anything suspicious...not crimes really being committed....it was a little unnerving. Treaft having a night without crime? Hell must be freezing over. It definitely must be freezing seeing how Solomon had enough free time tonight to go out to eat with a cute Chinese woman that works at the pet shop across the street from where he works. They were walking along the sidewalk, side by side, sharing in conversation.

The woman spoke You know....I find it interesting that on our...so-called first date....you wanted to take ME, a Chinese woman, to a Chinese restaurant. Were you just trying to impress me? Solomon chuckled and with his Caribbean accent, he retorts "Well let's just say, I was in the mood for Chinese tonight..." Hm? are you talking about the food....or me? "Could be both...but I like the one that's not so easily perishable." he said Oh that makes me feel a lot better... she giggled Hopefully Chinese will become your permanent favorite. She smiled. "Hmm...then maybe you should try Caribbean....and let me know how you like it." Food.....or you? "Both...." he said smiling.

This was the perfect night. No crime, he was on break to have a social life, he's on a date with a woman he finds attractive and chances are, if this kept up...they were going to get laid tonight. Nothing could fuck this night up.

Both Solomon and his date heard a buzzing and looking at his phone, And Zach's alias popped up as he answered and told him to meet up at the warehouse because of a situation Reaper was in. it was time to spring into action to save a comrade that didn't want to be part of their little club. SHIT!! now the night of bliss was going to turn into a damn rescue mission. But....this was the line of work he got into so...it was on.

With a sigh, he looked over "Jin-Jin....I have to go...I'm sorry but it's an emergency....can I call you tomorrow?" The look on Jin-Jin's face was a little disappointment but she understood, he probably have family to attend to. Yes...and maybe we can continue this a little later... she said coming over to kiss his cheek Good night Solomon. She smiled and walked off smiling to her apartment.

Solomon rushed home to get his clothes and bo staff and jumped from building to building as where they were meeting was almost across town but with the ear plugs he wore for most of the night, he didn't hear any craziness that Reaper was in until now.

After a bit, he made it to warehouse and saw the other three were there already and sighed "I'm starting to think I made a mistake here....I was about to get laid tonight..." he said complaining a little but still willing to help "So...what's the game plan?" he asked.

@Crossfire@1Hawkeyes@KatherinWinter@Simple Unicycle
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Agent rolled her eyes at Sound EFX's comment about his date. "Sorry, that's what being a hero's about," Agent said. "None of us should risk it and fight him head on, he seems too strong." Even with her super strength, she didn't want to take a bit from an invulnerable man. "We need to catch him off guard, get his focus off Reaper." She took a blue laser pointer out of her utility belt and pointed it at the wall. "One man can't focus his attention on multiple places at once. Sound EFX, I need you to go through the front entrance and scream. Phantom, you meantime can enter through one of the Windows and hang on the beams. Once EFX screams it could confuse Reaper and daze him. I need you to drop down from the beams and bring Reaper out of harm's way." She used her pointer to explain her thinking on the wall as best as she could.

"From there, Zack and I will enter through the back and split up. When this new villain charges at Sound EFX, I'll distract him. Zack, it's important that he doesn't notice you. Take these." Agent walked over to Zack cand handed him three marbles. "These are electrified nets. Once they're thrown they expand. Once the villain is distracted enough, throw the net. Hopefully we can get him stopped or slowed." She turned to Phantom, "It's important that you keep Reaper safe in case anything goes wrong. Does everyone understand?"

Agent was surprised by her own voice. She didn't know she could come up with a plan so quick. It was odd to hear her voice in authority over people older than her.

@King Tai @Simple Unicycle @KatherinWinter @Crossfire
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

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CRACK There goes another rib. The battle, or completely one-sided beatdown, as it was, had moved from the streets to inside another warehouse. Reaper had completely expended his ammo and was simply trying to stay alive at this point, but he was too badly injured to make an escape. One of his eyes had swollen shut, his left shoulder was dislocated and he had no feeling at all in that arm, it just hung uselessly at his side, several ribs were cracked, if not broken entirely. He could barely breathe.

'This might be the end, but I'll go out fighting' he thought as he went to his last resort, a combat knife he kept tucked into his boot. Sharp pain shot through him as he leaned to grab it. The giant was still coming.

"Had enough little man?" He spoke with a thick Polish accent.

"So he speaks" Reaper managed to gasp out as he arced the blade upward. It glanced off the man's cheek, as expected, however he managed to catch a glimpse of a thin line of blood, a tiny bit of the knife had gotten through.

"Lucky shot" The man said as he close the distance, Reaper swung again, aiming for the man's eyes, but he missed the mark, the blade collided with the side of the giant's head and broke off, leaving him with a handle and the flat-edged stump of the blade. Another punch sent him sprawling to the floor. This was it, he had nothing left. He stayed down and waited for the end.

'Sarah, Emily... I'm coming home'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Member Seen 20 min ago

@Simple Unicycle@1Hawkeyes@King Tai@Crossfire

Zack listened to plan. He had serious doubts about this. It seemed too simple. He raised an eyebrown at Ally as she handed him three round balls. "You do realise that I knew what these were before you took them out of your pocket. I can communicate and control technology. I dont need you to tell me how to use them. I have my own resources. I dont need yours." Going unnoticed wasnt a challenge. He could do that. He studied the balls talking to them mentally. The would work as long as he got a chance to use them. For that he would have to depend on the others ability to do their assigned task. He was willing to give them a chance.
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