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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

~Welcome to Saint Lilium's Academy for Young Women~


Nary a white cloud dotted the perfect blue sky on this quiet April morning, the sun shining ever so brightly and casting its rays over the sprawling meadows and rolling hills of the lovely countryside. Though, on this particular day, the sun shined its brightest on a certain academic establishment, erected atop a hill overlooking the whole of the beautiful, vast countryside.

Rising high towards the heavens, as if to defy the gods themselves, the illustrious stone towers stood tall and gallant over the entire campus, banners and tapestries waving amidst a cool breeze displaying the heraldry of the school, its seal, a lovely and intricate pink lily set back against two broad stripes of blue and white. Today, the sound of a bell could be heard chiming on the wind, its soft and pleasant tone echoing alongside the gentle patter of cherry blossom petals that seemed to hang in the air, spiraling and slowly twirling as they made their descent to the ground below. The start of cherry blossom season, the shining sun, the bell chime, all of these elements added up to one equation. Yes, it was the beginning of another year for Saint Lilium's Academy for Young Women.

The iron gates leading up to the academy's grounds, carefully manicured and maintained lawns and gardens dotted with several trees and pruned shrubbery, were wide open. Groups of girls of varying age from fourteen to eighteen, all wearing similar uniforms, could be seen sitting on the benches, laughing, socializing, greeting old friends and starting on the way to making new ones, all the while the campus-planted cherry blossoms had their petals blowing around in the wind, giving the air inside the school grounds a charming atmosphere of pink with such an alluring fragrance.

~Hanazono Asuka~


But while the mood was one of cheer, socializing, and warm greetings, there was one girl in particular who did not partake of such.

Nestled underneath the quite tall and shady trees of the surrounding forest, the student known as Asuka or better yet by her moniker Akuma no Hime, sighed standing amidst the dappled shadows cast by the early morning rays. Even as the sun basked and sizzled against her pale, ghostly complexion, the girl couldn't help but feel no warmth at all piercing her frail skin.

Her back was turned towards another girl, a younger student than she, with beautiful amber eyes...now welling with tears in dreadful anticipation of what was to follow...of this ill-fated meeting.

Asuka, she too hated it, hated what she was about to say, but it had come to this once more...

A moment or so passed....tense, unnerving silence, save for the tender whispers of the cherry scented breeze rustling leaves. Then, Asuka turned to face her. ~"I'm sorry....but it is time that we part ways, my precious flower."~ The words...they hurt her more than possibly they had hurt the girl she spoke them towards, but like daggers indeed they were to her precious flower, causing the youth...to wilt as she fell to her knees in tears unrelenting. "P-p-please Asuka Onee-sama...don't do this to me!" The girl begged her through pained sobbing; Asuka couldn't bear the sight of it, turning away once more. "I-I need you! I still want to be yours! Haven't I made you happy, Onee-sama! What did I do wrong?!" The urge to cry soon befell her, yet Asuka could only dismiss it with a bitter, reluctant sigh. Why must she go on doing this to girls...?

~"You did nothing wrong, Maya-chan."~ She cooed softly, though unwilling, once more turning to see the tears streaming down Maya's cheeks, to see those amber eyes so full of melancholy. The poor girl... ~"I have enjoyed our time together, that much is true....but...as they say...all good things must end eventually. It isn't you, my sweet...it is simply...I. Know that this departure hurts me just as much as you, Maya-chan...but it must be so... Goodbye..."~ So callous...so frigid of her to end on that sour note, the bittersweet, venomous taste it left in her own mouth. And that done it for poor Maya-chan, her face now buried in the grass, muffling those ever hurtful sobs and whimpers that were leaving cracks in the ice ridden heart of Asuka, turning to leave...once again....just as she always had...

"I love you Asuka Onee-sama...! Goodbye...!"

Itagaki Tohru & Serizawa Kagome

"...And another thing, Serizawa-Sama! I don't care if she is your daughter! You do not go around the school beating up on innocent little girls! She's a menace to Saint Lilium's reputation, headmistress!"

Tohru barely paid any attention to what was going on. To her, it was just a bunch of nonsensical gibberish.

A stern looking teacher was hunched over the desk with her shoulders bulging out, barking towards her mother sitting in her plush, comfy office chair sipping her tea, not a mind paid to the vehement woman foaming at the mouth.

Tohru turned her MP3 player up louder. Maybe she could drown out the arguing with a bit of Sabbath. What a dumb teacher, getting all pissed off because Tohru popped a girl for calling her a name. She deserved to have her nose broken. At least Tohru thought so.

Her mother shot her a stern look, as if to quietly reprimamd her for turning her music up too loud. Tohru rolled her eyes and turned it down.

The calm woman sighed setting down her tea cup, giving the teacher a serene yet irritated look. "If that is all, Nakashima-San, then please, leave. I will handle the matter myself as Tohru is my responsibility."

"See to it that you do, Serizawa-Sama! Hmph! I can't believe you're letting that criminal attend school here!"

The teacher turned her nose up at Tohru, storming out of the headmistress' office with a slam of the door. The headmistress sighed bothersome collapsing in her chair and rubbing her temples vigorously with her fingertips.

"Yeah, screw you too, you old hag!" Tohru mouthed after the teacher left.

"Tohru!" Kagome scolded her. "That's not nice! Even if the lady's a gas bag, do not disrespect Nakashima-Sensei. She is a respected teacher here at Saint Lilium, and you will treat her as such."

Tohru rolled her eyes, earning her a stern glare from the woman.

She sighed shaking her head, muttering, "What am I going to do with you...? Listen Tohru, I know you don't like it here, but please...for your mother's sake, stay out of trouble. I'm doing the best I can for you, sweetie. I know we're not exactly mother and daughter, but you're still my child. I only want what is best for you."

"Psh! What you think is best." Tohru smarted off cutting her eyes at Kagome. "No one asked you to be my mom! Why were you even so nice to me in the first place, Kagome?"

"Because I thought you deserved better, Tohru!"

"Oh yeah, sure! Getting picked on by a bunch of hoity toity rich kids and jerk teachers! That's way better for me, isn't it? I hate it here, dammit! Why don't you get that?!" Tohru stormed out slamming the door behind her.

"Tohru! Come back here!" Kagome hollered after her daughter...but it was no use.

She sighed deeply falling back into her chair. What did she do wrong? She never thought it would be this hard being a mother. Tohru just didn't want to cooperate. Maybe...


The streets were no place for a child to be. Maybe Tohru would see that someday. Maybe she would realuze school wasn't as bad as she made it to be. Kagome only prayed it was sooner. These littke fights were starting to take their toll on her, but never would she disown Tohru like everyone else.

Her daughter was a bad seed, no doubt, but even bad seeds could bear good fruit if they were nurtured right.

My...a glass of wine would be nice right about now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Emuxe
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Emuxe Addicted to italics.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Tanigawa Yatsumi

The sound of an anime keychain clicking against the zip of her book bag announced the location of one Tanigawa Yatsumi as she skipped her way up toward Saint Lilium's gates. Her skin pale white from spending her whole holiday holed up in her room, seldom coming out for supplies or work. In her mouth bobbed a stick of chocolate pocky, which is always good right after breakfast. Over her uniform, she wore an open tan sweater, just like a main character in her favourite anime - she was the lead in her own anime, of course! And just like those anime characters she loved so much, she wore black thigh-high tights under her school skirt.

She was, of course, making a bee-line toward the Manga Club room, just to be sure that everything was as she left it, and she was eager to get working again; after all, the Manga Club was the best part of the school! She was sure that she'd see at least a few of her club mates from the year before in there by now. Yatsumi didn't really tend to talk to new people first, she was just too awkward for it - how do you even approach a new person without it ending up really awkward?

Yatsumi's dream was to publish manga, and produce magazines like her favourite, Manga Pop! Magazine. If she could even work for them in her life, even that would be enough. While she works part-time in a manga store, she aims to be the Manga Club's president so that she may start settling into a producing role and overseeing the whole manga being made, rather than just working on one part at a time.

As she approached the club room, she lit up upon seeing the sign above the door. As she slid the door open, she thought 'Honey, I'm hooome~'. She of course wouldn't have said that out loud in fear of somebody hearing her, then she'd have to fumble and try to explain that she's not totally mental. Dropping her bag on one of the desks, Yatsumi wandered about the club room. "Good, everything is as I've left it," she said, as she fumbled about cabinets. She then spied one small,s crappy book in the back of the cabinet - it was the first manga that she had wrote in the club, and gods she was embarrassed of it - the pictures were sloppily drawn (compared to what she would do now, although it would still be considered average), and the story was incredibly cliche. She instantly tossed it back into the back of the cabinet as if it burned her. This year, she'd definitely do much better than that garbage.

As soon as she was done snooping, Yatsumi settled into one of the chairs, folding her arms behind her head and closing her eyes. At last, she was in bliss.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dannyrulx
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Dannyrulx Don't. Call. Me. A. Goat.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rattle and clank, thought Amane Maiko as she walked through the gates of the school, her bag full of airsoft gear making the obnoxious noise that preceded her. Inside, she had a couple of surprises for her team, namely two new uzi airsoft guns neatly packed away, next to her prized Type-89. Last she had checked, custom modifications to guns were permitted, and she grinned as she imagined the faces of the team as she pulled all her new gear out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LitCabbit
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LitCabbit Awfully Dragged

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

How lucky of Miako to come to school to rest upon the branches of her beloved tree where the sun would warm her skin while the branches would block out it’s harsh sight. It was spring! The blossoms would grow and fly in the soft breeze, the birds would chip and greet, she would eat her plain bread and feed the leftovers, the lady killer…

Yet again, Miako thought looking to the side finding the usual scene: a break up. Switching from area to area and there she was, the usual sight of a young beauty crying out her love to the third year. This was also the same spot where I met her. But why today, Miako thought. As the broken-heart left, she waved to the third year.

“Another to the trail of tears, miss Hanazon~?” Miako teased throwing a pinch of breadcrumbs in her direction. “That young one.. well she was cute.”

She gave a dramatic sigh, though the memories were anything but gloomy. Sure, their hearts were crushed by their beloved “Onee-Sama”, but the number of students that were affected seemed slightly funny to Miako. I owe my gratitude to them.

Miako looked down at Asuka, spotting a small bit of sadness on her face. Why does she even do this to herself in the first place? A thought popping into her mind, Miako cleared her throat.

“Well, since you look a bit gloomy,” she jested. “I will provide you with one of my great haikus:

Your hands are shaking
But with me there is no hope
Bless your broken heart.”

People who break hearts aren’t fulfilled, her sister once said. Whether Miako would bring any joy or anger seemed better than being empty. Maybe sadness is better suited for her. Oh well, whatever.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


~Hanazono Asuka~

Meanwhile after leaving the poor girl in shambles, leaving her shattered heart upon the very grounds it was broken, Asuka did not return to her dorm, but instead lingered in the dense forest for a bit longer. She needed to be alone for a moment, to make sense of everything and deal with her own burdening pain in her heart.

A demure blue sky bespeckled with several fluffy white clouds stretched before her lingering eyes, but it wasn't of much concern to her. Beside the pond nearby the school she sulked, her chest still stinging and throbbing from her own apparent ache.

~Why...?"~ To herself she muttered, lying on her back and staring empty gaze towards the sky. ~"I was hoping maybe this time...she could have bound my wandering heart. She could have healed that wretched, calloused scar upon me, and once more I would find joy...but no. Yet another I have spurned because of my selfish endeavors. Love...you are even more cruel than death. The more you elude me, the more I seek you. A chase that shall have no end."~

She sighed bitterly. She had thought she was alone, as always nothing but her thoughts to accompany her in the dismal, broken silence, but...what was this?

“Another to the trail of tears, miss Hanazono~?”

The voice of the cheeky girl she turned her gaze towards, an unwelcome glower affixed. “That young one.. well she was cute.”

So quick she was to meddle in others affairs, Miako-San.

~"As though I care, Miako-San."~ Asuka replied under her breath and turned to face the water, the early morning light dancing off the sheen surface. ~"That's just life, isn't it? You win some, and you lose some."~ Though for Asuka...it was more losses than wins. ~"Besides, she....just wasn't my type."~ Asuka fibbed.

She huffed irritably. She just wanted to be left alone now. Not picked on by that incourigable second year.

Itagaki Tohru & Serizawa Kagome

Tohru reluctantly followed behind her mother down the hall of the dormitory, sulking and not speaking a word as Metallica was blaring through her headphones. She had her guitar slung over her back in a black gig bag decorated with keychains and stickers from various hard rock and heavy metal bands, mostly her favorites.

In her other hand was her Marshall amplifier, really all she needed.

Room 212, that was where her dorm was. It felt a bit nicer being on the second floor, such a nice view of the school grounds and whatnot, but Tohru could care less for that. For now, she just wanted to get to her room, lock the door and plug in her guitar.

The headmistress sighed hearing Tohru's music screaming behind her. She wondered how the girl wasn't deaf by now. Oh well, she guessed some people, like her daughter, were used to that.

As they strolled down the hallway, a few of the second years greeted the headmistress with smiles aplenty. The headmistress smiled back giggling to herself. Kagome always loved the first day of school. So many new faces and so many familiar. She just wished her daughter would think the same.

Twas no doubt in her mind the first year was hard on Tohru. She just couldn't fit in with the rest, but they couldn't relate to her, what Kagome saw in that poor girl's eyes the day Tohru snatched her purse.

She was tired, hungry...and lonely. It tore the woman's heart out to see so much pain in those blue eyes. She had to do something about it, but as rebellious as teens can be, Tohru and her continue to buck heads. The girl is just too damn stubborn. Reminded Kagome alot of herself.

"Ah, here we are~!" Serizawa chimed opening the door. "Home sweet home~!" Tohru shuffled inside. The room was...well...dull. It was your typical dorm room, blank white walls, two beds, a desk, some shelves and dressers. The room was clean and even smelled nice, but then again, her mother worked tirelessly to make sure everything was ship shape for the first day, always wanting to make a good impression.

"I'll be back later, sweetie. Why don't you go ahead and get settled in, okay?"

Tohru said nothing back. She just flopped down on one of the beds staring blankly at the ceiling before grabbing her guitar, quietly strumming a few chords.

The headmistress sighed, "Tohru... Just try to have a good day today, okay honey? Trust me, this year will be so much better than your last."

"If you say so..." Tohru muttered not even looking in the direction of her mother.

Kagome huffed, about to leave shutting the door behind her.

"Mom?" She heard Tohru whisper. It surprised her, no calling her by her first name or old hag. For once, Tohru called her...mom.

"Yes sweetie? What is it?" Kagome turned around. That face.... She hated seeing it, hated seeing her daughter's blue eyes nearly to the point of tears, so cold and so broken.

"I'm...I'm sorry." Tohru uttered weakly with a sigh.

Kagome frowned and sat beside her resting a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay." She cooed giving a frail smile. "I just want you to be happy, Tohru. I know I'm not your real mother, but I'm doing the best I can for you. Please honey, don't be sad. Things will be better this time, I promise."

"Okay." Tohru murmurred. She set her guitar aside and hugged her mother lightly.

Kagome smiled warmly wrapping her arms around her daughter and petting her head. She gave her a kiss on the forehead and stood up. "If you ever need me, Tohru, I'll be in my office." She said making her way to the door. "I love you, sweetie. Take care now."

"Love you too, mom. Bye."

Kagome closed the door behind her softly. Tohru sighed laying down on her back. She hated school, hated everyone here. Why couldn't her mom see that?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Yui
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Yui licked a raincoat once / (don't do that)

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

~Kimura Chou~

Saint Lilium's Academy for Young Women. I did it! Chou mentally cheered. She'd made it into this school, complete with its own Manga Club! Finally being able to surround herself with people that shared her aspirations was quite the relief, best demonstrated in her eagerness to get to the club room and meet the other club members, new and old alike. Map in hand and bag over her back, Chou navigated the halls of the school's buildings, first visiting her very own dorm room to drop off the small amount of luggage she'd brought along. I can unpack later. After the dorm, her next stop was the Manga Club's room.

She'd gotten lost a few times and had to ask for directions, but ultimately, Chou had arrived without incident. To see somebody else was already there, even! Whoever she was, she seemed to be pretty relaxed, arms behind her head and all. And her eyes were closed. Idea. How better to get to know somebody than by jumping right into it? It wasn't social interaction that Chou was jumping into, however. Oh no. Instead, the new student reached into her bag, her hand emerging with a large stuffed spider. She planned to jump right into "studying" this stranger in the clubroom. And so, Chou - after a bit of aiming - tossed the stuffed spider - about the size of a person's head - into the clubroom, landing the plush arachnid on a table just near the other student with a soft oomph.

She'd have to pay attention to what happened next.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Emuxe
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Emuxe Addicted to italics.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Tanigawa Yatsumi

As she lounged about, Yatsumi wondered how her year in Manga Club would pan out - of course, she did keep up with her studies; because after all, you can't produce without a degree. And who knows, maybe she'd be able to spend a year at college with her older brother, at least then someone would be able to show her the ropes. Unlike last year when she started at Saint Lilium's; she kept getting lost all her first week because none of her friends from middle school joined her, and of course she was too shy to start a conversation with anyone else. And there was the fact that she felt silly for not having picked it all up so quickly.

But this year, she was a second year, and could be someone's senpai. Surely she could be useful to someone this year, maybe she could help first year girls not make the same mistakes she did. Of course, there was the fact that speaking to new people was terrifying, even if it was a young filly-


The sound of movement pulled Yatsumi out of her thoughts. She opened her eyes and glanced over to the desk next to her, where an abnormally large spider had decided to sit. Of course, Yatsumi screamed and jolted up. She figured that if she were in a comedy anime, she of course would have just jumped into the ceiling and gotten stuck - but this was real life: So she just fell off her chair, wildly flailing before she landed with a hard thud on the floor, tangled amongst the legs of the other tables and chairs.

"Ow..." she groaned as she sat up, rubbing her hand over now tangled mop of black hair on her head. She looked again at the spider, who hadn't even flinched, other than shifting slightly when her foot had kicked the table when she fell. Slowly getting up, Yatsumi closely inspected the spider - it was just a plush. When she picked it up, the legs just dangled over her hands, bouncing whenever she bobbed her hands. This definitely wasn't here before, but who threw it? She was the only one here, wasn't she?

Yatsumi wandered to the door way, spider in hands. She looked down the hall one way, nothing. But as soon as she turned around to look down the other way, she was greeted by the presence of a small, dark haired girl with red eyes. Yatsumi blinked, looked down to the spider, and back to the girl. "I assume this is yours, then?" she asked with a pout, lifting the spider and plopping it onto the girl's head. Frankly, it just made her look even more adorable than she already did, though probably just because she had a stuffed toy on her head, dangling all eight of it's legs about her skull and face.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crooked Vixen
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Crooked Vixen The Dungeon Mistress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Faye Fluery

The Knight

Faye stepped from her father's shiny black car, one of the newer Japanese models (though she couldn't name it to save her life), and grabbed her bags in both arms. Her father stepped from the car and walked over to her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. She nearly flinched away from the touch, but she was doing her best to try allowing him into her life; it would just take a while.

"I'm so proud of you, mon amie." He said, his pronunciation as awful as ever, but she appreciated him for trying to speak some words in her native tongue. "It makes me so happy to have you in my life and to come all the way here to spend your high school years with me."

"Thank you, father." She said in her calm and almost siren-esque voice that was like honey to foreign ears. "I can't wait to spend the breaks with you... though I don't know how well I'll... uh... transition into Japanese schooling."

He gave her a comforting smile and patted her shoulder. "You're a very bright young woman, Faye. You'll most likely struggle with speaking, but your reading and writing of Japanese is nearly impeccable. I've heard that this school is filled with many talented and bright young women that would be more than happy to welcome you into our culture."

Faye looked towards the shining pinnacle of hope that was the academy. "Thank you, F-Father..." With that, he kissed her on the forehead and they said their goodbyes--simple, yet heartfelt. She couldn't believe that after all these years, she'd finally met her flesh-and-blood father, yet he still had a long ways to go until she could call him "father" comfortably.

The young French woman then grabbed her bags and headed through the gates, gazing around at the blossoms falling around her as if she were in one of the fairy tales that Hugo had once read to her as a child. Her heart throbbed, but it didn't linger as long as it once had. Don't worry, Hugo... I'll still become the knight that you longed for me to become. It's been a few years, but a true knight never forgets the vows they have taken.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by soph
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Saori sighed as she sat in the theater club room. This would be the last year of high school for her. Finally, it would end and she would be able to find a college. Honestly, she regretted enrolling in the school because she didn't have much time to be with her family since she didn't live with them anymore. If she did, she would've been able to spend so much more time for them. Whatever. It didn't matter anymore. The past is the past, and she made her decision long ago. Besides, she might be able to get into a high-prestige school abroad like Julliand or another school that offers classes in French or Japanese. That's something to look forward to at the end of the year. After she finishes school, she'll be able to go on the big stage, and that's the real benefit to all of this.

That's after the year ends, though. For now she'll have to deal with the last year, and any annoyances that come with it. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through it absentmindedly, keeling an eye on the door if anyone was to walk in.

"This is so boring!" She said to herself, as she had nothing to do. She had already unpacked, but she hasn't seen her roommate yet. There were better chances of more people coming to the club room early rather than waiting in her dorm just for one person. Even if she did, that would seem pretty weird, so there's no point in doing it unless she wanted to creep her roommate out.

She kept thinking to herself of what would happen after the year ends.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago


The day was beautiful and shining when the Reinhardt twins arrived Saint Lilium's gates, in a very nondescript taxi that they have boarded about an hour ago as they left their room at one the annex city's best hotels. The breeze carried the sweet scent of cherry blossoms inside the black sedan as one of the sisters lowered her window, prompting a sigh from the other, who went to lightly rub her temples, as if she wished to dispel a migraine.

The twins had arrived back on Nipponese lands yesterday, after spending half a day on board of an airliner in a Berlim - Tokyo flight and then a few hours by train and car until they finally reached their hotel with like fourteen hours left before current time. Needless to say, such a long, nearly non-stop, trip tends to take a toll on anyone's body and, at least one of the exquisite looking twins made that quite apparent.

"Argh... can't we go back to the hotel and come here tomorrow, Eins? I'm dead." Eris complained as she took their bags from the car's trunk while Eins paid the driver, leaving quite a large tip that was unusual for a Japanese. In fact, it was Eins' fault that Eris couldn't rest anything in the few hours that they had.

"How can you say something like this, Sis? You was the one who wanted to stay up until late. Either way, we will have plenty of time to rest later, is we don't rush we will lose the opening ceremony."

"Sigh..." Eris refused to go through the bother of recollecting what they did. Her head hurt too much for that, but the fact is that Eins was the only one to get any real sleep, leaving her sister like a grumpy, old bear. "Do they even do things like that here? I don't remember it from last year."

"Well, you know how the Japanese value pomp and circumstance. We should drop our things by our room and see where we should be headed to, now. I just hope they put us in the same class again. In truth, there should be a law against separating twins."

"Fine, let's just go, I think I'll go to the Nurse and get an aspirin, or tea, that should help it. Anyway, I think others will get annoyed if we stand in the way like that."

"Right, Sis. Is it my impression or this place is more packed than last ye-ouch!" As Eins and Eris began to walk, the older of them lost her attention momentarily as she gazed at the courtyard full of blooming flowers, both literal and figuratively, and kind of ran, face first, into another girl that had just got out of a black Japanese sedan and exchanged brief parting words with an older man, presumably her father, given the intimate tone of their behavior.

A fierce, redheaded beauty and, if any of the twins could place it, of heavy Frankish descent, though traces of oriental people could be seen on her face, especially the eyes, and silhouette. A half-Japanese, or haafu, as some of the locals so obnoxiously insisted to say.

As Eins struggled to recompose herself for a moment, Eris stepped in, to avoid any misunderstandings that might happen. "Please, accept our apologies. My sister and I arrived from Berlim less than a day ago and jet lag is still taking a toll on us. By the way, I'm Eris and this is my older sister, Enyo, but you can call her Eins. Even if the circumstances are a bit mixed up, it's a pleasure making your acquaintance on this first school day of the year, miss..." Eris made a brief pause to allow the other girl to introduce herself, in case she wanted to, of course, as she extended her hand in a very clearly Western greeting.

"By the way, I'm sorry for the bumping. If I broke anything, please, let me repay you in whatever way you think is best." Eins said, joining her sister in the greeting proposal.

@Crooked Vixen
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chiru
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chiru the yuri expert

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yukimura Sayuri

This is it! My transformation from boring schoolgirl to enigmatic and beautiful upperclassman has finally begun!

Sayuri could barely contain her excitement as she dragged her suitcase through the gates. She had been planning this the whole break. After two years of not standing out at all, she had to make her final year the one where she's admired by all. And of course her preparation couldn't be topped - she had been collecting manga that featured tall, dark haired beauties that all the younger students squealed over and sent love letters to. She had grown her hair out and gotten it cut into the quintessential hime cut. She had replaced her ankle socks with elegant tights. And she had mastered the polite and mature way of speaking. There's no way the other students will be able to resist me!

Of course, Sayuri had planned this first day to the letter as well. She would arrive first in the theater club and sit there looking all mysterious until some other students arrived. Then, she would gracefully introduce herself. "Fufu~ It truly is a pleasure to meet you, my dears," she mouthed to herself as she turned the corner and entered the clubroom.


There was already a girl in there. Oh well! A true senpai cannot be fazed by changes of plans!

"F-fufu~ How delightful it is to see your face, my dear," she managed. There was a silence. W-why did I say that? That sounded so stupid out-loud! Okay Sayuri...just keep playing it cool... Sayuri cleared her throat slightly, trying to suppress the redness of embarrassment across her face.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LitCabbit
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LitCabbit Awfully Dragged

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"That's just life, isn't it? You win some, and you lose some," Asuka had replied with the usual irritation. Luckily my attempt had worked, Miako grinned.

"Truly, that does happen," Miako shrugged at the first comment with the thought in mind. "But in your case, the trade-off seems far from being even half fair, both parties included."

"Besides, she... just wasn't my type."

Miako bit her lip, her distaste for weak morals stressing. She sighed, grimacing at the thought of how the conversation would take a turn. But a small lecture wouldn't hurt... "A bit discourteous to the other person, is it not? If that was the case, you should have not chosen her."

"What an odd state to be in if you didn't even like the girl," She mumbled, knowing it's perceptibility.

Miako had looked off with a slight frustration, spotting a number of students already entering the campus. Clubs were calling and transfers were wondering about, might be nice to get there sooner or later... Eating the last bit of her bread, she jumped off from the high branch with her school carrier in her arms and rolled, reducing the pressure on her ankles.

Patting off dirt that got stuck on her clothes, Miako looked back at the upper classman, remembering what obligations should be given to elders."I won't be surprised if you don't take my offer in accompanying you to your dorm or walk to wherever you need to go as these areas don't provide you privacy- But! With my great grace, I ask."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crooked Vixen
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Crooked Vixen The Dungeon Mistress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Faye Fluery

The Knight

Faye was about to continue on her way to the dorms (she'd been grateful that her father had brought her a map to study before she got here) when she felt someone run into her. One of her bags fell onto the ground, spilling out what one might think to be a billion books--all western sci-fi and fantasy books with titles in French. Pivoting around on one foot, graceful as a cat, she gazed upon a set of girls who could only be twins. She bent down and began to pick up her books as they apologized, but she continued making eye contact with them and gave them a warm smile.

"No, no, no! The fault is mine for standing here like a deaf fool." Her thick French accent made her Japanese sound choppy and rather clumsy. She pushed her red hair out of her eyes and saw that Eris reached her hand out as a greeting. She took the hand and gave it a gentle, yet curt shake. "It is an honor to meet both of you, Eris and Eins." She grabbed her book bag and stood up before bowing to each in turn, trying to fit in with the eastern form of greeting. "My name is Faye Fluery, and if my accent doesn't give it away, I am not native to Japan, so I apologize in advance if my speaking is not... good..."

She tried to appear confident despite her insecurity about how they would think of her when they had to listen to her speak. She brushed her skirt with one hand and the other immediately began trying to push her fiery hair behind an ear. "What kind of clubs are you fair maidens in, if I may intrude? I have yet to sign up for any, but the Literature Club is simply--err, I don't know how to phrase it--calling to me?"

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by soph
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Saori heard someone walk into the club room, and looked up from her phone. "Oh, merde." She said to herself. The girl was surprisingly pretty. Saori was pretty sure that she spent a while planning out that outfit, contrary to herself. Most of the time she didn't really care about what she wore since it was just a uniform. The girl had a hime cut, something that she hasn't seen someone with before until now. Maybe she has, but she just hasn't talked to one.

"F-fufu~ How delightful it is to see your face, my dear," She said. It sounded really stupid, honestly. Strange choice of words there. Seems like something you'd say to an underclassman if you wanted to sound like...who would even say that? Nobody Saori knew, for sure.

"Uh...Hi. My name's Saori Oka, I'm a third year here. You look nice. What's your name?" She asked, but then immediately wanted to change the sentence. She sounded like an idiot. Looking the girl over again, she looked like she was straight out of a manga. Saori had only read a few, and only one set in a high school, but she was definitely reminiscent of one of the characters. She probably wasn't and it might have just been her mind playing with her. Maybe that was the inspiration for her outfit, but that would be...strange. What is that, cosplay? Pretty weird to be doing in school.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


~Hanazono Asuka~

That girl, Miako-San, she had quite the gaul to judge her, Asuka.

Asuka narrowed her eyes at the second year, crossing her arms defensively. So what if she didn't truly love most of her lovers? That was her business and none of the meddlesome Miako. Who was she to pick up stones to cast at the third year?

The others were gathering outside the school gates and the campus. Asuka's eyes were already admiring quite a few of them, such cute little darlings, easy prey for Akuma no Hime, Asuka the heartbreaker, the lady killer, she's heard them all.

She looked to Miako bothered and sighed, ~"Well, I suppose I could indulge your offer, dear, but don't think anything of it. Shall we be leaving then, Miako-San?"~

@Crooked Vixen@KoL

Serizawa Kagome


Once the woman was outside, the soft spring air cascaded upon Kagome's ivory face, still a hint of winter's long forgotten chill in the breeze, yet it felt so pleasant, especially with a warm April sun shining down upon her. Upon that breeze, the headmistress could smell it, the sweet smell flowing gently into her nostrils. The scent of sakura petals hung lightly in the air. It was a scent so pleasant to her, for it reminded her of spring time in her native Osaka. She remembered the Sakura festival, all the wonderful people smiling so bright, the fragrance of the cherry blossoms.

Ah, she was getting nostalgic again, but it kept her mind at ease at least. So much was going on today, the opening ceremony, welcoming new students and returning ones, busy, busy, busy. And...there was the matter of trying to balance being headmistress and mother. Her daughter hated it here, yes, but she was going to finish school, come hell or high water.

As the woman tarried through the school grounds lost in thought, she recognized a few faces, foreigners by the looks of them, quite adorable too, especially the twins.

Ah yes, now she remembered! They were the transfer students Nakatomi-Sensei had told her about. Now who were the twins again? Right, Eris and...Eins! And the red haired girl, she was Faye if memory served correct.

She smiled warmly apptoaching the three, a gracious bow as she introduced herself, "Ah, konnichiwa! Hajimemashitae! You three must be our foreign exchange students! Welcome to Saint Lilium's Academy for Young Women. I am Miss Serizawa Kagome, the headmistress. We are so happy to have you here!" The headmistress' face went red suddenly. She giggled, "Oh my! How embarrassing! I forgot they didn't bow in other countries! Please forgive me. It's nice to make your acquaintance." She corrected herself hastily, holding her hand out with a friendly smile.


Itagaki Tohru

Despite making a few rounds about the dorms and the school grounds, Tohru had no luck in finding much acquaintance. Most of the girls were either scared to death of her intimidating presence, or they scoffed her at first sight, not that the teen cared really. It was just a waste of time and effort when Tohru could've just crashed at her dorm and played her guitar all day without a single damn given. Giving a rather weary sigh of defeat, Tohru trudged through the hall catching a few more glances and a few bouts of insulting laughter at her appearance.

"Yeah yeah....keep on pushing me, ya brats, and I'll show you just how scary I am."

It was evident enough she wasn't wanted here, a street punk with a criminal record in a school of elitists and high class dames. What the hell was her mom thinking bringing her here?

Was Kagome thinking she'd be indoctrinated into being a "model citizen" like the rest of the robot children of Tokyo? Like hell Tohru would ever change her natural ways. This is who she was and she was damn proud of it, but.....it sure wasn't making her much friends. "Meh...who gives a rip really? I already have my friends, music...and...me."

"F-fufu~ How delightful it is to see your face, my dear,"

Just what the hell was that?

That haughty laughter caught the rocker chick by her ears, an eyebrow raising as she backed up and peeked into the room.

Oh gawd! It took all Tohru had not to burst out laughing. This chick was such a tryhard! Did she really think she was one of those bishonen Onee-Samas? Please, that crap was only in mangas!

Tohru leaned in the doorway arms crossed with a cheeky, devious grin. Her mom warned her about picking fights, but Tohru couldn't resist calling out this stupid trope queen laughing, "Hah! Wow, that was hella gay, Onee-Sama! Where'd ya learn that? Strawberry Panic?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Yui
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Yui licked a raincoat once / (don't do that)

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

~Kimura Chou~

Chou observed the scene before her. The other girl reacted to the spider by screaming, jolting up out of her seat, and falling over in a tangle of other tables and chairs. The first-year took notes in her head, all about that girl's scream, her facial expression, and the way her body moved in response to the large spider. Some people didn't react the same way as her; others might have tried to crush the spider, or call for help. This girl, however, had...a completely normal reaction. The part that wasn't so usual, however, was her picking up the spider then seeking out its owner. Finding Chou wasn't that difficult, and the girl plopped Chou's spider onto her head as she presented the first-year with a question.

"I assume this is yours, then?"

"Yes," Chou answered. The spider's front legs were getting in the corners of her eye, but for now, she didn't mind leaving it up there. Placing a hand on top of the spider to keep it balanced on her head as she bowed forward, Chou said "I am Kimura Chou, a first-year who will be joining the Manga Club. This was field research on my part, as I specialize in horror manga and like to keep my characters' reactions authentic. I'll be in your care." Hopefully this mystery girl didn't take Chou's research the wrong way. It had happened before; no reason for it not to happen now after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by chiru
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chiru the yuri expert

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yukimura Sayuri

"Uh...Hi. My name's Saori Oka, I'm a third year here. You look nice. What's your name?"

This girl was a third year then? How embarrassing...I figured that she would be younger than me. Still, this Saori said she looked nice - all of that planning hadn't been for nothing. With renewed confidence, Sayuri brushed her hair back and spoke with a confident and alluring (she hoped) smile. "I am called Sayuri, Yukimura Sayuri, and it is the greatest pleasure to-"

"Hah! Wow, that was hella gay, Onee-Sama! Where'd ya learn that? Strawberry Panic?"

Sayuri turned to see a girl with short blue hair standing in the doorway, a grin on her face. Looks like the delinquent type. She felt her face burning up once again, and going completely off-script, she faced her indignantly. "T-that's - don't be ridiculous! It's called being polite! Something I'm sure you wouldn't know of." She huffed, crossing her arms and praying she wasn't still bright red in the face. This wasn't how I pictured the day going at all!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Itagaki Tohru

Tohru's teeth were like those of a hungry shark when she grinned confidently towards the girl she flustered with her insult. Oh how she loved putting these rich, stuck up debutantes on their places, especially the fake ones like miss Sayuri here. Ha! "Yuri" was even in her name! Too easy.

"Aww, did I scratch your crown there little Hime. Sorry." Mockingly Tohru cooed, stepping into the room with quite a bold swagger. "Heh, I could care less about being polite, Miss Try Hardy. As far as I'm concerned, nobody here's polite to me, so why should I care. Name's Tohru by the way, not that you give a damn probably."

She eyed the other girl in the corner of the room, another third year by the looks of her. She called over, "Ey girly, this chick bugging you? If you want, I can pop that smug little face of hers!" Her fist connected with her hand, an evil, toothy grin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago


"Faye Fleury... I see," Eris repeated the name, pensively. Her guess that the fiery redhead before them was French has been confirmed. Anyway, the girl looked kinda lost and her Japanese was very rough around the edges, which more or less gave away Faye's status as a new student. "Something interesting to take note of."

"Nous pouvons parler en français, si vous voulez." Eins offered, "We can talk in French as well, if you'd like to", as she knelt to help Faye pick up her books. The Twins' French was crystal clear, dotted with a slight Normandy accent, their pronunciation and tone made justice to one of the most beautiful languages of the Romanic family.

One could almost hear the gasp Eins let out when they were called fair maiden by a girl, supposedly younger than them, that they had just met. Truth be told, the Reinhardt Twins were used to have their looks praised. However, habit didn't made it any less embarrassing.

"Ähm... Erde zu Traumland, bitte sende meine geliebte Schwester zurück ..."

It wasn't until a loud cough, followed by a verbal poke in their home language, coming from none other than Eris broke Eins' bubble that the older of the twins got back up, brushing her thigh high clad knees. Eins took a short breath, before replying to Faye's next question. "Oui, vous nous avez posé des questions sur les clubs, n'est-ce pas? En fait, nous sommes-" Eins relied in French once more "Oh right, you asked us about clubs, didn't you? Actually, we are-", hoping that she would reach to the other girl easier like that, though the platinum-haired Austrian interrupted herself with the sudden appearance of none other than Kagome Serizawa, the very own Academy's Headmistress.

"It's our pleasure to see you again, Headmistress Serizawa!" The twins said in unison, a skill deeply ingrained in them, offering a courteous bow before Eris shook the older woman's hand, firmly, but delicately as well. Just what you'd expect of Germanic descended nobility.

"You don't need to address us any differently than the other students, Headmistress. It's our second year here, thus we are quite acquainted to the customs of Japan. Well, most of them, at least." Eris took a sideway glance, remembering the many blunders Eins and she committed on the previous year. "We were talking to Miss Faye about clubs. She seems interested in the Literature Club and we thought we could introduce her to the Library, since we have a lot of acquaintances there, despite being part of the Theater Club. That is, if Miss Faye wants, of course."

@Crooked Vixen@Rusalka
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crooked Vixen
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Crooked Vixen The Dungeon Mistress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Faye Fluery

The Knight

Faye's amber eyes glowed with delight when she heard them speaking French--and very fluently to put the icing on the cake. "Je ne suis pas trop pointilleux sur la langue dans laquelle nous parlons, bien que je trouve votre français assez séduisant." ("I am not overly picky about which language we speak in, though I do find your French to be quite alluring.") The French girl said in as excited of a tone that she could muster, which still was calm as a lake on a day with no wind. "I assume that you maidens are from Austria? I cannot speak your language, but I am quite thrilled at the thought of sharing such a school with fellow foreigners."

When she sensed a hint of poking fun at Eins, she smiled warmly and spoke, "Je suppose que je ne devrais pas vous demander pourquoi les oiseaux chanteurs ont de si belles chansons quand il a toujours été ainsi ... Pas de raison de vous demander pourquoi vos voix m'apporter une telle paix dans une telle place étrangère." ("I suppose that I should not question why songbirds have such lovely songs when it always has been that way... No reason to question why your voices bring me such peace in such a foreign place.")

Then Eins began to explain the clubs, alas, an older woman stepped in to join the conversation. The French woman recognized that the woman was the headmistress and was about to give her a customary bow of appreciation when the woman immediately began to apologize and held out her hand in a western greeting. She shook the woman's hand gently and listened to the twins as they spoke in harmony. She couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine at the symmetry and unity they shared.

"C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer, directrice." Faye stated. "It would be my honor to have these two maidens show me around."

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