Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

It’s been a long few days for the residents of Shezze. For the usually small and worthless village, the situation had take a sudden turn to the worse. It all had started with the appearance of a nest of giant snakes near the newly dug up mineshaft. Each of those serpents big enough to swallow a man whole, but still those were dealt with by the resident garrison. Then the temperature in the region dropped soon after to the point where water started to freeze. This rare occurrence as always was left unexplained, but people knew to simply settle down in their homes and wait for it to pass as it had every time before.

It’s been a week since the temperature drop started and now the temperature had finally started to normalize. The people had once more taken to walking outside their houses and take care of the small worthless place they called home. It was early in the morning hours now and everyone was hurrying off to the animal pens or the newly dug mine. Torches and lamps were scattered everywhere as they represented the only source of light within this bleak village.

The single store in Shezze had just opened and so has the inn as revealed by the warm colors splashing across the glass of the windows from the warm fireplaces inside. The day has finally started and none of the villagers yet knew the gathering that was going to take place in their humble home.

Locations of interest within Shezze:
  • The mine – A new mineshaft dug towards the unexplored regions in hope of locating resources.
  • The store – The only store within the village, accepts both money and barter. Has a number of dried rations and other small trinkets. Still despite it being a small run down thing, who knows what secrets lay within.
  • The square – Located in the center of the village, has a big oil lamp right in the middle. Usually empty during the day hours.
  • Rugged Mushroom – The only tavern in Shezze and naturally the only place to stay at. For a small fee provides shelter, decent food and alcohol.
  • The Chapel – The holy place in Shezze, the chapel is the home of the only priest in the village.
  • The barracks – The final location of interest, the barracks are a small building with two floors, a small stone walled yard and heavy metal gates.

Sala & Vala

Location: The square, Shezze
Interacting With: No one in specific.

They had finally arrived, the twins realized when they saw from distance the dim light at the end of the tunnel. They were traveling for days and days without much rest to come to Shezze and they were finally here! Sala and Vala smiled widely and started to run, a small hope filling their hearts with warm sensation and dreams of better future… a free future.

It was already some time past the morning and the village appeared rather empty as everyone had gone to their place of work. The miners could be heard swinging away at the new mine while the farmers were out and away with the few animals in the mushroom fields that were used for animal fodder. The narrow and dark streets were empty, the torches scattered about the place, threw scary shadows at every corner as they walked towards the center of the village.

They didn’t want to talk with people too much right now. In fact the twins felt tired and hungry after their long journey. When was the last time they stopped to rest? They thought about it and realized it’s been at least 2 days since they last slept for more than an hour. They had to most near constantly to get away from the church’s men. Now that they had arrived in Shezze, they were safe. This small village was the departing point towards the unknown and this was the only place where the Church of Light showed leniency towards the presence of criminals and the like, for those who ventured out in the darkness were considered already dead anyways.

“We are finally here…” Sala said with a smile, taking her sister’s hand in her own with childishly happy expression.” …Now we can be free, truly free.” Vala finished her sister’s sentence and the two smiled.

They now wondered what to do as they looked around, before finally noting the inn nearby. It brought a smile on their lips and they looked at each other, nodding in unison and agreement. It was time for a meal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: The store, Shezze. (Passing through the Square)
Interacting with: Mentioned @rivaan

Vamon stirred in his bed before he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He glanced out the window to see that the world outside was just as dark as the day before. He quickly got dressed and gathered his gear, making sure to layer well. It had been cold since he had arrived a week ago, he was glad he had shown up when he did. At least today didn't feel like it was freezing quite as much. He had made sure to wake up well before people started their days today. He had decided it was time he made a little money, since his coin purse was starting to run low and he really did like having a bed to sleep in.

He wasn't physically strong so he couldn't get a job in the mines, and he wasn't a people person so working in the store or the inn wasn't going to be possible, so he decided to do what he knew best. The goal was going to find a secluded spot on the outskirts of town and brew some potions of healing. Shezze was a small town, few people and even fewer doctors, so potions of healing would be worth a lot to the right person.

He made his way to a spot on the outside of town, away from the paths people would take to work. Lighting a torch with his flint, he placed it next to to him before setting up his various vials and beakers, as well as a lamp that had been modified into a small burner. It would take several hours, but the end result would be worth it. He got absorbed in his work soon after he began, the few hours passing by in almost the blink of an eye. By the end most people in the town would have gone to work already, but at least the shop would be open.

He placed the two potions of healing he had made into his pack along with the rest of the supplies he had used to make them. He placed a cloth in with them to make sure the glass wouldn't make too much noise as he walked back into town. It only took him a few minutes to make his way back to the town square where the inn and the store were located. He was a little surprised to see a pair of women standing in the square, eyeing the inn. Perhaps they were travelers like him. He made a note to introduce himself if he ever got the chance, simply opting to offer a friendly wave as he made his way to the store.

He had visited the store once since he had arrived, with the goal of buying an extra set of thick clothes. Incidentally, that had shortened his potential stay at the inn, giving only a day or two left if he couldn't make more money. He politely waved to the man as he entered. The man returned his gesture but looked a little uneasy. He turned up his nose a little as Vamon approached. The smelt of sulphur and smoke wafted off of him most of the time, so it was understandable. Usually Vamon would change clothes to hide the smell in town, but today he felt the smell helped him a little. This was the smell of an alchemist, so it served to assist him in his deal today.

“Good day” He said to the man in his best attempt to put on a friendly tone. His voice was rough and gravely, and didn't offer itself to being friendly too easily. He glanced around for a moment and looked at what the man was selling. There was a collection of odds and ends, small rings and necklaces as well as a large selection of rations and water skins. There were also clothes and things like gloves and boots for sale too, but none of that interested Vamon today. "I was wondering if you might be interested in buying some potions I had made" He said as he retrieved the two potions from his bag. They were thick, dark red elixirs that each sat in a small glass vial. "They are potions of healing, they can heal almost mortal wounds in a matter of minutes. They would be worth quite a lot to the right person, and I would offer you a fair price, of course"

The inn was cheap as far as inns went, so he was hoping he could get a bit over twenty silver pieces. That would cover him for quite a while, and it was a fair price for the potions. He might have tried to go for more money if he weren't desperate.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago


The merchant known as Spencer awoke to the gentle shine of her sun stone, signalling daylight. While the light itself radiated no actual warmth, the illusion of heat still hit Spencer after passing out beneath a lamp. Not to mention the emotional warmth of seeing her most prized position still around her neck.

Head upon her pack and cloak resting on her like a blanket, Ira was surprisingly comfortable with her setup. After all, forty years of sleeping on the stone-cold floor was something one would get used to eventually. Spencer was no different, and as her head rose from her bag, she took a quick look at her surroundings, simultaneously tucking the sun stone back into her undershirt. She was in The Square, town square of Shezze, located next to a bench chiseled from stone. It wasn't the most luxurious place, sure, but it brought her some protection from the few elements which actually made it into the underground cave system. It also served as decent protection from anyone who might wander the town extra early, and catch a glimpse of her sun stone during 'daylight' hours.

Speaking of people wandering early, a young man and two women whom Spencer didn't recognise found their way to The Square, though they left almost as soon as they had come, likely heading to their own destinations. Meanwhile, Spencer put on her coat and rummaged through her pack, her hand pulling out a deep blue elixir. The elixir in question was an illusion potion, to help her disguise herself among the commoners of Shezze and other towns. Put simply it turned her eyes deep blue, and made her fangs a little less visible. This helped greatly in Spencer's business, since there was no way anybody would buy things from a vampire; in fact it was likely the reason she could even have a business at all! She sure owed a lot to the potions.

Her gulps carry a small echo within the empty town square, as would just about anything in the caves. As soon as she finishes the liquid in it's entirety her eyes change from their usual bloody red to a soft and gentle blue, and she sets the empty bottle back into her pack. Now down to three bottles, Ira summarizes that she has but a short amount of time left, and replenishing her stock would be wise. "Only twelve hours, huh...?" It was enough to last her into the night, when she usually sold her wares, but it wouldn't get her much further. She knew she would need to replenish a bottle or two today, if she wanted to stick around in Shezze much longer...

... Which didn't sound like the best idea, mind. After all what little food and water she'd held onto had been sold off to those who desperately needed it, the freezing over of the town's water supply causing many to go dehydrated. Now all she had were necklaces the people here couldn't afford, a rusty dirk, some reading material, and a vase. Not exactly the kinds of contents she wished for, but it was all she had. At least she could read some of the books she had in her pack. God knew she loved her reading.

Still, she planned on sticking around at least a day, to use up her potions so she could restock them on her journey back to the next town. Maybe there she could sell her wares more affordably. If there was one thing Shezze was good for, it was that the tunnel leading back to another town, which contained many of the materials she needed for her illusion potions. It was also a good place to go if she was desperate for a feed, but thinking about such things made her feel sick...

'Just... don't think about it, Ira... Don't think about it...'

With a big morning stretch, Spencer greeted the day with a smile. There wasn't too much to do in the small town except look for ingredients, sell things, speak with the locals, see the chapel, do her own thing, and visit the shop, so Ira opted to give her books a read. The Square was often a quiet enough reading place during the day, and didn't house many visitors nor noise, making it ideal for hanging out peacefully in. It was also a place she could practice with her violin, but that was usually better suited for night time where there was more people about. So, taking a seat upon the bench in which she had slept under till the morning, Spencer pulled out one of the ancient philosophical texts she had and began reading.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Priest Azerus

Location: Forgotten mine, Shezze. (Heading to the church)
Interacting with: Mentioned [Dead witches]



And just like that, in one foul swift and violent motion righteous justice was delivered.
A thin frail frame falls to the floor.

All the frantic running and hiding, all the desperate fearful attempts at bargaining and trade.
The empty excuses.
The desperate pleas and sobbing tears, all of it and none of it could alter the fate so long ago set out for the sinful heathen.
Her destiny decided the day she chose to wander off the path of light and and step into the mysterious world of selfish darkness and corruptive magics. It was only a matter of time until her blessings caught up with her. Even in the eternal darkness of Shezze's deep tunnels and forgotten mines she could not escape her fate or the wrath of the church.

Her exact crimes were beyond Azerus's concern and remained that way even as he looked over her limp lifeless body. Her pale, surprised, tear stricken face contorted on her broken neck unnaturally peering back over her shoulder to face her attacker.
Azerus was not proud of his work but took solitude in knowing that he was doing what needed to be done.
For the greater good.

An icy chill ran ran up his now exposed bare chest, only moments ago shielded by the warmth of the witches body. The icy breeze only further justifying his actions and acting as a reminder of the desolation laid upon the very balance of nature by the corruptive and defiling touch of her self serving manipulative ways.

Some things were just meant to be left to be. Why will they not understand that. When will the selfish greed for ones own desires and curiosities be put to second place of the needs of the whole.

Azerus knew too, his own blessings were slowly coming to an end. A sickness had been stirring within him and his time was now limited. This learning only caused him to work harder. He had travelled to the dirtiest and furtherest out reaches and wallowed amongst the depravity of non-believers all so that in his final moments he may make as much of an impact on the surviving world as was possible.

So far away from the great holy sun stone, he had since lost count of how many blessing of light may have passed since his departure. At first he was sure his body would remember and hold the holy balanced pattern of sleep and action but without signs to guide him he knew this began to falter.
The weight of his eyes told him multiple blessings had passed since he had last rested his body. Now was not yet the time to give way to such desires. His legs still functioned and while he remained in service to the church, Azerus would push on not resting until the job was done.

Surveying the makeshift hut where the witch planned to see out her time until Azerus's passing, he noticed a wealthy supply of stock and rations. However non of it served her any good since she greatly underestimated him. Of her possessions he buried or broke what he could, only salvaging few dedicated items of interest for the church to be later put to greater use at their discretion.
Hauling the witches body from the ground and over his shoulders, he begins the arduous journey back to town under the additional weight of the new soon to be effigy of evil. Azerus knew undoubtably there would be an announcement and public display shortly after his return.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location: The store (headed from the tunnels)
Interacting with: Vamon

The small amount of people that were littering the dirty, dark streets of Shezze, were staring at Guthrie has he slowly made his way through the village. It was a curious mix of frightened stares of people who seemingly were ready to get as far away as humanly possible from the bruised fighter, and of people either smiling or giving him looks of amazement at the man they had never seen before. No-one dared to get close to him though, the townsfolk of Shezze were too caution of a people to do that. But who could blame them? Guthrie certainly didn't. He knew how it was like for people to have strangers walk into town unannounced.

Especially when said stranger half carried, half dragged the corpse of a snake of a monstrous size.

From the whispers and hushed words that he snatched up from those he passed, he quickly put the pieces together; a nest of Dragon Tails, a species of giant snakes that dwelled in total darkness deep down in the earth, had appeared and wrecked havoc amongst the populace of Shezze. The garrison had been quick to deal with the threat, but clearly missed one of the snakes, which slipped away into one of the tunnels. Luckily Guthrie was the one finding it. Even more luckily, he managed to cut of it's head before it could cause anyone any harm. Or worse, kill him.

While Guthrie's travel to Shezze wasn't because of his unique skills in serpent-slaying, he figured he could make use of the oppertunity to stock up before heading on further. A rather amused child pointed him in the direction of the store, in return of him touching the snake. After a short pat on its severed head and a few more stares at him, Guthrie finally found himself standing in what he presumed was "The Square". It was empty, deserted, void of any signs or forms of life, except the oil lamp that shined brightly and the two women standing there. They seemed busy by themselves, so Guthrie simply nodded in their general direction and headed for the store.

As if the body of the dead snake wasn't enough, a large, furry dog appeared from behind Guthrie to trot camly forward and (somehow) open the door for its master. Guthrie smiled at his canine friend, and walked inside. "Do you buy snakes? Big ones, like this one?" He said out, before realizing someone else was trying to sell their goods to the shop-keeper. A man, shorter and less built than Guthrie himself, wearing dark clothes, with nearly white hair. "Where can I put this? It IS as heavy as it looks, just letting you know."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Situation Updates

@Sam12435@ONL: The storekeeper looked at Vamon with a smile as the man mentioned her was here for work. The smell that the clothes gave, suggested he was an alchemist. The storekeeper had heard rumors an alchemist had arrived in Shezze, but had not the chance to meet the man before. Healing potions and the like were an incredibly potent and important commodity in this world as mages and holy healers in generals were a rare thing. There were also the normal medical healers, but their craft was hard and few people had it. For those reasons potions had turned into the main source of healing that could save your life from a life or death situation.

At first the storekeeper was ready to barter for the potions, but when he heard the quality of the potions, his initial joy turned sour. Those were high grade potions, quite precious ones! Normal price for those two potions could go about 25-40 silver coins depending on the specifics of the potion and the full extend of their healing. Still that was basically all the money the storekeeper had on himself. Business in Shezze was a slow thing and frankly the people here couldn't afford to buy those potions even if he got them at a premium price.

“I'm sorry, sir, but I cannot afford to buy those.” The storekeeper said, feeling uncomfortable.” While I can muster the money to buy such treasures, it will put me out of business and none of the townfolk could afford those, while I don't have work in another town for a while.” The storekeeper explained.” I'd offer you a barter, but that would just insult a honorable alchemist such as yourself. Please, try at the local barracks. The soldiers there may be able to afford those potions.” He said with sad voice.

It was at that time that the door of the store opened and a man and his hounded entered, the man carrying a big snake. The storekeeper right away recognized the kind of the snake. It was one of the snakes that appeared in the new mine!

“Just leave it there by the door. That place is good enough!” The storekeeper exclaimed as he studied the snake. In difference from the potions that were simply outside his price range(especially since deluding potions into weaker ones took the knowledge to craft potion), the snake fit right in! It was easy to buy and process. From this big snake, the storekeeper could make dried meat rations! Sell it's scales for trinkets or even armor crafting, sell the meat to the tavern and so forth!” I will buy this sir, I ill buy it for 10 silver!” The store keeper said, after calculating the expected income from it and decided that he would roughly get about 5 silver pure profit by the time he sells everything from this snake.

@Delta44: The square continues to be rather empty after Spencer started her reading. The town's folk had already arrived to their workplaces, so there were few people free to wander about. There were the occasional passerby as they were going towards the tavern that also doubled as food store of sorts. While people had their own shares of food ingredients, there was only one grindstone for flour and it was in the tavern.

A few of those who passed by recognized the girl as the one who sold them provisions for the worst period of the cold week and thanked her a lot, before hurrying off to finish their chores. Overall not much happened with her so she could continue reading undisturbed for the moment or maybe try going somewhere else.

@Dark Light: Azerus had just about reached the edge of Shezze when a single person moved in front of him. The person carried a big oil lamp that illuminated quite the area around them. This person was a woman in full armor non the less. The armor appeared to be of extremely high quality and maintained with utmost care as it was shining as if brand new. A long sword rested on the woman's hip and her reddish hair was elegantly flowing down her shoulders as she stared at the priest with eyes revealing quite the disapproving look.” You had no right to kill that woman.” The woman stated, taking a few steps towards him.” She was in the forgotten tunnels, outside of the union's domain... Her death isn't justified by your code or the church's decrees.” The woman added and reached an arm.” Give her body to me, as the Guard Captain of Shezze, I will not allow for the church to make a public spectacle out of the death of innocent woman.” The woman added in the end, her eyes showed she was fully ready for a fight here.

Sala & Vala

Location: The Tavern, Shezze
Interacting With: No one in specific.

The twins had quickly found their way into the tavern without much difficulties. At first their appearance caused the tavern keeper to look at them with suspicion, but he was a businessman first and foremost, so the moment they paid him for a bed today, he turned friendly to them. They didn't expect to also receive a breakfast for their room. It was a cheap inn and the food was a simple mushroom stew with some snake meat from the snakes they caught last week, but for the two young and tired witches, this simple meal felt like the best food they've ever had. It's taste was being boosted by the thoughts of their freedom to live and die as they wish out there in the tunnels.

They ate fast, but with a certain graceful feel as they did so. After all they were half elves and their elven blood graced them with a degree of grace into every of their actions from walking to eating and even sleeping. After they finished their meals, they simply sat by one of the ground windows by the ground floor, they were leaning on each other, holding hands as they rested. They needed to always be close to each other, but only when touching they felt truly and completely whole. It felt a lot more relaxing like this and they felt like they were resting faster too!

“We need... a map.” The twins said in unison suddenly, looking at each other. They indeed required one, but both of them knew that if there was in fact one of those in Shezze, the owner wouldn't be giving it away as it was priceless treasure. Map be it even of the imminent area around Shezze as going to be incredible boon! Maybe they could just ask to see it and memorize/write down as much as they could.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: The store, then leaving into the square
Interacting with: Guthire, Spencer

Vamon was a little disappointed, but he could understand the man’s reasoning. Expecting a small shop like this to have that much money lying around might have been a little naive. He still hadn’t quite adapted to life in a city smaller than Belizarius, there was much less of pretty much everything. But the man did raise an interesting point, the barracks might be a better client. That said, they would probably be a bit harsher with their price, but any money was good at this point. He was about to respond when the door swung open behind him. He glanced back to see a dog opening the door to the shop, followed by a rather large man carrying the body of a snake. The man was a formidable sight, standing much taller than Vamon. He had the frame of a warrior, and from the size of the snake it seemed he had the muscle to back it up. But what caught Vamon’s attention was the snake, or to use its proper name, the Dragon Tail. He had read about them before during his studies on venom and poison crafting. It was a shame the beast had been killed though, the venom is much easier to harvest from a live subject.

“That’s quite the impressive catch. If you could bring one in alive I might have offered you quite a sum for it” Vamon said as he looked over the man. Vamon quickly studied him for any markings of the church, but was relived to not see any. “Well if you would excuse me, I need to visit the barracks.” He turned back to the storekeeper and offered a wave. “Thank you for your time” He carefully made his way around the large man and his various animals, both alive and dead, and made his way outside. He closed the door behind him and let out a little sigh. He was hoping he could get the money and be done for the day, but it seemed like he still had some work to do. He glanced around for a moment before he realised that he hadn’t actually gone to visit the barracks yet since he arrived in town. Even more so, he realised that he didn’t know where they were. Rather than try and discover them by chance though, he decided to ask someone for directions. He looked around the square and saw it was mostly empty, apart from a small girl sitting and reading. She seemed fairly comfortable, so Vamon assumed she might live nearby.

“I guess a local kid might know…” He muttered to himself before he made his way over to the girl. She seemed to be older than he originally thought, but she would still only be around twelve or eleven. But something seemed a little odd. The book she was reading was actually one he had in his library at home. It was far beyond the years she seemingly possessed, but she was happily reading away. “That’s a rather difficult book” He said as he stood near the bench. “I believe I have read the same one. But I never could have read it when I was your age. Your reading ability is rather advanced” He was always happy to see someone reading intellectual books, especially when it was someone so young. He tried his best to speak softly, his voice tended to scare children so he had to be careful. “Sorry to interrupt, but you wouldn’t happen to know where the barracks were?” He put on a smile, forgetting that he was wearing a mouth mask. The mask really did limit the amount of emotion he could display, but it was far easier than making excuses for the brand.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Priest Azerus

Location: Forgotten mine, Shezze. (Heading to the church)
Interacting with: Mentioned [Nevan Katlas]

"There is no place in the entirety of this wounded world that is safe for the likes of her, not for as long as light continues to struggle against the dark, the holy stones remind us of our sins and there is at least one single priests to carry hope into the future."
The man replies sternly, his pace never slowing or faulting as he continued to walk his path that would lead right through the armoured woman.

He was tired, exhausted and just wanted to get back to a warm bath but if this lady was sent to test him, Azerus would not fail.

With a slight shuffle he adjusted the weight of dead body on his shoulders.

"Guard captain? It is a nice title and I am sure if fills you with such confidence and power yet It is not one that I recognise as higher than the church, and therefore I cannot deviate from my path nor bend to your wishes."

"To lose another child of light to the temptations of darkness is misfortunate indeed, I understand your sorrow. But rest assured in this, through her faults and misdeeds we can guide the next generation towards a better brighter path by example.

"Praise the light for this opportunity"

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Location:The Square, headed to the barracks.
Interacting With:Vamon.

The light conversation was enjoyable between periods of timeless reading. Some of those Spencer can recall selling foodstuffs to pass on by and thank her for her dirt-cheap supplies, to which she merely says she would do it all over again if it meant they could get by. Spencer knew how tough it was on the residents during The Cold Week, and if she was ever there during such an event she'd sell off her goods to them for a majorly discounted price. Not that she already did that, mind, but more than usual, just to help the town out. It made her feel good inside, since she knew it was what her mother and father would have liked her to do...

As the last of the wandering folk disappeared into the tavern, Ira was left to her lonesome once more, and had finished reading several chapters in her philosophical text. It was a book preserved from humanity's time on the surface, and thus had a great deal of interesting concepts within: countries, cultures, ideals, ways of life. It was a doorway into the past, and Spencer was gobbling it up with a stupid-looking grin on her face. Everything about the world beyond just sounded so fascinating! Unfortunately, it also sounded incredibly scary...

Speaking of incredibly scary...

“That’s a rather difficult book.”

A presumably young man had walked up to her, and caused Spencer's jaw to drop. The smell of sulfur was like a kick to her nostrils, and his apparel indicated he was something of a scoundrel. Ira gulped, fearing she might be getting mugged.

Though the sentences which followed seemed to put her heart at ease some more.

"Oh, you need the barracks...?" Asked the young-looking girl meekly, getting to her feet and closing her book. She dusts her butt and smiles nervously at the young man, putting the book back into her pack. "I can help you there and back, if you need. I... haven't seen you around before. Are you new here?" Though the young man still made her feel a little nervous, Ira has this thing where she grows more confident the more she talks. Also considering it was only a one-to-one conversation, she didn't need to worry about others judging her harshly. Though he looked a little creepy, she felt he wasn't the judgmental type. Despite the fact he judged her by her appearance. "My name is Spencer: travelling merchant and bard. I'm in my twenties." It was bullshit, but the most believable age she could fish up over the years. Since she couldn't quite age, trying to stay young-looking with the excuse of still aging like a normal human requires her to lie about her age. At least until she learns how to brew illusion potions which will make her appear as though she's aged...

Spencer slides on her backpack and greets Vamon with a more confident grin given her introduction, and presumably his. "Just follow me~! I can lead you straight to the barracks and back." Voice quiet as a mouse, Spencer begins leading the way to Vamon's destination. It wouldn't be an awful long trip, but one that could still use some idle conversation, if her companion would allow it. "So, where do you come from...? There are only so many places out there to come from, but people tend to surprise you. Me especially, since I'm something of a wimp, ehehee...!"

'This is... odd. Why are my cheeks feeling so warm...? Nerves...?'

Spencer felt confused, but mentally shrugged at the strange symptoms, guiding the young man to his destination.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location: The store --> The Tavern
Interacting with: Sala & Vala

"10 silver pieces?"

Guthrie wasn't given a lot of time to greet the man now leaving the store, only managing to throw in a curtious nod and a friendly look at him as he made his way past Guthrie and outside. Not that he had much business to attend with the man - who for the record smelled of sulphur, one of the many smells Guthrie remembered from his days in the mine. One he did not miss -, though he would have asked him for a counter-offer regarding the snake.

The snake was worth more than 10 silver pieces, that was a fact. Guthrie had dealt with a similar snake back home in Bori, and he remembered getting payed 20 silver pieces. He was about to object to the storekeeper and tell him to raise the price, when he remembered what the village had looked like; poor. Dirty and poor. And for place like this, 10 silver seemed like a small fortune.

"...Deal. Be careful when you skin it, the venom runs deep in its kind. I suggest hanging it from its tail for a day, let the blood and toxins seep out first."

One Dragon Tail snake's body lighter and 10 silver pieces richer, Guthrie stepped outside the store to once again find himself in the square. It was just as deserted as before, except a younger looking girl sitting on a bench, reading. The sulphur-smelling man seemed to be talking to her, before the two of them left. But Guthrie felt no need to poke his nose in their business. Mostly because it wasn't his style. But also because the nagging hunger that was starting to fill his stomach. And feeling like for once not making his own food, he scouted the square in search of somewhere to eat.

Guthrie opened the door, stepping inside a tavern that looked awfully like...well, a tavern. Nothing special, which suited Guthrie all the better. He was about to get the keeper of the tavern's attention, when he heard a soft voice from his side and turned towards whoever said it. Someone needed a map. He chuckled, looking at the two ladies looking at each other before looking briefly at the tavern keeper. "Something to eat, and a large mug of water, if you have."

"Now..."Walking over to the table where the two ladies - who now were starting to look more and more like sisters, even twins to Guthrie - were sitting, grabbing a chair from a nearby table and sitting down with them. "...you two were in need of a map? I might be able to help you two with that.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: on the way to the barracks
Interacting with: Spencer

“Well I only arrived in town a few days ago” He said after a moment’s hesitation. Vamon was generally a little weary when it came to explaining his circumstances to people, it was something that could get him in a lot of trouble if he said the wrong thing. But he didn’t think it would be an issue, most people around here wouldn’t be too fussed with him or his story. Plus, alchemists were treated with a level of respect that could serve to help him if he needed it. But it seemed he had already made somewhat of a fool of himself.

“Oh, I- Uh- I’m sorry I assumed. You look remarkably young for your age” He said, stumbling over his words. He didn’t mean to be rude, but it was rather unusual for someone to look so young. He wondered for a moment if it might be some form of magic or alchemical property, before it occurred to him that he should introduce himself in return.

“Well, my name is Vamon. I guess you could say that I’m something of a traveling Alchemist. And I am actually in my twenties too” He wasn’t one for personal introductions but it was only polite, especially since she had agreed to help him. “Thank you for your help. Please, lead the way” He said, making sure to speak softly. It simplified conversation a little if he didn’t sound like he had just eaten a mouthful of sand. But he wasn't quite sure how to answer her next question. It was normal enough to ask travelers of their destinations, especially as a fellow traveller, but he made sure to think his answer through.

“Well, my last destination was Garden. I stopped off there and sold some wears before making my way here.” He said, leaving out as much detail as possible. “But I am originally from Belizarius.” In truth, he had stowed away with a shipment of supplies to escape a priest that had discovered him in Garden. He had managed to slip out without the merchants spotting him, but by then he had already arrived in Shezze and wasn’t left with many options. He normally wouldn’t mention Belizarius at all, especially to someone he had just met, but something about her seemed trustworthy. Well, perhaps less trustworthy and more innocent, like she wouldn’t be the type to trick him into following and try to mug him in an alley. He had misjudged people on that front before, but he generally tried to trust his intuition.

“So, what about you? You mentioned you were a traveller too, any interesting destinations?” He asked, rather interested in the answer. “Books like that aren’t simply found in small villages like this, you must have some good stories.” Vamon’s recent conversational partners had been the innkeeper when he rented his room, the store owner telling him about the barracks and a small selection of dried food stuffs in a merchant’s wagon, so he was desperate for any kind of conversation. Especially if they happened to share his love for literature.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Situation Updates

@Sam12435@Delta44: Spencer and Vamon have no problems as they make their way through the dark dimly lit roads across Shezze towards the Barracks. Even from distance it is pretty clear that the barracks, that were the closest building towards the unexplored areas, was the most well kept and well supplied building in the village. The windows could be seen from distance as they betrayed the warm soft light inside. The walls surrounding it were nicely made and actually looked like they were painted not too long ago from the way how white they looked under the torches. A guard would be staying outside the barracks gate when they arrive there, a guard ready to provide help if such is required or to stop them if they try to cause troubles.

@Dark Light: 'Wow, someone has even better programming than those half dead lobotomites back in Belizarius.' The armored woman thought as she watched the priest, carrying the body of the witch. This man was going to cause troubles in her small piece of frozen hell. Despite everything she was forced to go through and being exiled all the way here, she did not forget her morals nor her determination waned in any way.

She reached under to her neck and pulled a distinct sun shaped amulet before throwing at the priest's feet. The trinket was a symbol of the Church of Light, one granted only to people of great importance and gave equal stance as Bishop and it was the symbol of the highest title granted to people outside of the church – Solaris. The warrior of light, one who's strength is unmatched. Only people who are undeafeated in battle can hold it and the captain had earned her hold of that title for all those years.” How much the time flies, for people of the church to not even remember me.... Anyway. I'm Nevan Katlas, The Solaris. And I will say it once more, release the body to me or I will take it as an attempt of the church to cause unrest within my area of protection. If so, the local branch of the church will be removed with force, according to my right as Solaris.” She stated, making it obvious if he did not comply, she will act in force.” I repeat – I will not allow for this to be made into public spectacle of this and cause even more unrest within the population. I do not wish for needless death and destruction... do you wish to desacrate a body and cause panic within the people more than peace?”

@ONL: Guthrie's appearance in the tavern caused the chatter of the few patrons a the time to increase as they started to talk about the new arrival just as how they talked when the two witches entered earlier. They were discussing his clothing, his weapons and his seemingly capable and skilled look. They weren't really too quiet so Guthrie could pretty much hear all their senseless idle chatter.

“'Ere.” The innkeeper stated shortly to Guthrie and pushed a small tray with a mushroom stew and a plate with some kind of edible green moss for salad. There was also a medium sized mushroom bread loaf on the tray and a big peace of roasted snake meat. Finally there was a big mug of nice cold water.” 15 copper.” The man stated and once he received his money, he turns to the side, just carving a big mushroom stool.

Sala & Vala

Location: The Tavern, Shezze
Interacting With: Guthrie.

Sala and vala was just trying to figure out their next course of action, when a new arrival entered the tavern. A man with a warrior look to him entered and ordered himself some food. The twins looked at each other, wondering if it was normal for Shezze for people to arrive a lot here. Sure it was normal for any of the 3 main cities, but Shezze was the smallest and the least important one. People rarely came to even live here if they could help it. Maybe he was just a traveler out on a mission?

As the man walked over to their table, Sala and Vala looked at each other, both tilting their heads in confusion and curiosity, wondering what the man wanted with them. He didn't appear as one of the church's dogs so that was at least a good thing and he wouldn't be a bounty hunter as the church didn't really use them and the witches had not offended any lords.

“Yes... a map.” They stated in unison as he walked over and asked them about it. So this was what caught his attention? Maybe he had one? Or was he also interested in getting one? They didn't know... yet.” We no longer wish to stay here... the union and the church as suffocating. We want to leave!” They said in unison, looking at the man with big honest eyes.” Can you really...help us? How?” They then asked, looking at him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location: The Tavern
Interacting with: Sala & Vala

"Here." Guthrie handed over the 15 copper pieces he owed the innkeeper for the food and drink, having taken it as he sat down with the twin sister. But the idle chattering of the tavern about - surprisingly - himself made him turn his head in their general direction, while shouting at them; "Mind your own business, I don't like being gossiped about. Understand?" And then he once again turned back to the twin sisters, and his meal of course.

"The church and union you say?" Guthrie raised a brow at those words, giving a brief, puzzled look at them. He wasn't a man of faith, especially not with a bunch of crazies who worshipped simple stones for a living. Yes, Guthrie knew how precious the sun stones really were and that the Church was powerful enough, but did they have any proof of their power? Well, except the usual death and punishment they dealt. And if the twins were getting as far away as possible from the church, Guthrie wouldn't dream of hindering them. "I make maps. But better than that, I know these tunnels like the back of my hand. At least better than anyone in Shezze. And that leads me to my question for you two. What can you pay me?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Location:The barracks.
Interacting With:Vamon.

Vamon, as Spencer later discovered he was called, had only arrived in town not too long ago, much like herself. He seemed surprised that Spencer was in her twenties, which was rewarded by a fascinating giggle that may just make him chuckle also, sounding as young as she looked. She continued along their path at Vamon's request, though it really wasn't hard to navigate. The barracks were quite easy to spot, especially with vision as great as Spencer's, so it really was no problem. "Don't worry, everyone says I look young for my age. It actually somewhat runs in the family, so yeah!" Another lie, yes, but this one helped back up her prior lie. She didn't make a plan of lying often, only when it was required.

He spoke of visiting Garden before coming to Shezze, and Ira smiled as she recalled taking the route herself to get to Shezze. "I took that route, too! Though I picked up some stuff from Garden before coming here. I heard of the frozen week and rushed right over to help!" Her head cocked to one side as he spoke of his birthplace of Belizarius, Spencer acquiring a quizzical look to her features. "You're from Belizar?" She asked thoughtfully, before she put on a smile. "Wow! My mother came from there, too! She said it was a very beautiful place, well, more-so than Zalu, anyways, ehehe... That's where I'm from, by the way: Zalu. And as for interesting destinations..." Ira had to pause to think over her response a little. She couldn't let too much information slip, or there could be problems later down the road. "Well, I've been to all towns, as well as Zalu, but nowhere else, really. I'm interested in visiting Astaras to learn some alchemy down the line, though for now I'll stick to selling random tidbits, odds and ends."

... Of course, Spencer often had trouble sticking to her plans at the worst of times...

"O-oh, uh, s-sorry, I think I talked too much, eheee..." With a squeak of a laugh, Spencer bowed her head in embarrassment, before looking right back up again. "Oh, lookie! The barracks!" The young woman extended a hand and pointed to the man standing out front of the well-lit building nearest the abyss. "You don't need me to hold your hand going in there, do you?" Teased Ira with a bright-eyed smile, something a little out-of-character for her, not that Vamon would know that.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 16 days ago


Location: Small house near the square
Featuring: Locals, Voices, Aesir

"This story only hand endings in sight."
"And so, what is it you're saying?" a mamn whose bags under his eyes made him appear five years older than he was asked, leaning close. Too close for the pellar's liking, but nothing beyond what he's experienced in this line of work. The root of the issue with the man was not his closing distance with the pellar, but his festering gums that produced aromas reminiscent of musky sewage air. The pellar, in a calming gesture that also acted to move the man away, placed his hand gently on the man's chest and directed him to a wooden chair against the wall.
"Darkened doors, a knife from a former lover, a dying grasp."
"It is as I have spoken," said the man on whose shoulder a crow perched. He returned his eyes to the cow's hoof, where he placed his lips to the severing wound and suckled at the marrow. Blood had stuck to his lips and with it the scent of copper hung over everything he smelled. "I see doors darkened, a bolt of light, a splash, and a hand clutching air. Nothing more." The pellar licked his lips, the drying blood leaving brown streaks across them. His eyes moved toward the peasant, their other worldliness daring him to return the gaze.
"None shall miss him."
He did not. Instead, he opted for the less intimidating object in the room; the severed hoof in the pellar's hand. "I..." he started, paused, caught his breath and continued, "I'm only asking that I may hear something more...more-"
"None shall lament his passing."
"These forces do not work in providing answers. They only offer questions, for which you might find answers. Understand?" The pellar wore a frown now and shook the hoof at the man as he talked, the severed bit directly in the man's face as he asked his question. When the man nodded, he smiled and dropped the hoof into his lap. "Very well then. I do suppose payments been arranged, yes? Four nights at the inn, an evening meal of mushroom stew and pickeled snails if I recall." The man nodded again, looking away from the pellar, his soft sniffling enough to tell the pellar he wasn't in a place to talk without embarrassing himself. "Then I wish you a pleasant evening. Do lock your door behind me."
"None shall pursue his killer."
Judge left, nuzzling the crow as he stepped outside into the all-but pleasant square of the back-alley piss puddle that was Shezze. Aesir's beak split open as it let out a laboured, croaking cry. "Sluhgs!" it croaked, pecking at invisible slugs on Judge's shoulder before cawing into his ear and crying again for slugs. "All you can eat," Judge said, placating the creature.
"His fate has been sealed."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: The barracks
Interacting With: Spencer

Vamon felt stomach drop for a moment as the girl spoke about her mother. Considering that they are around the same age, it was entirely possible that she had heard about his incident. He had considered slipping away before she stated that she herself was from Zalu. He let out a little sigh, making a mental note to not jump to conclusions. But he had never visited Zalu, it was a place that he thought he might pay a visit to one day, but it was fairly low on his list. There could be an interesting collection of materials there, but he did share the girl’s opinion about Astaras.

“I have heard good things about Zalu, there are a few materials from there that I would like to experiment with one day. But I have never been to Astaras, it would be rather enlightening though. Once I finish up my own personal studies, I plan on paying it a visit.” He said with a strange conviction in his voice. He had been working on a theory for a long time now, one he had been fairly close to achieving when he was banished from the city. His goal is to create synthetic Sun Shards by studying the crystals in detail. He had a few theories, but without a shard to work with it would be nearly impossible to progress. But he spanned out of his momentary distraction to see a large, well-lit building with a man standing guard at the entrance.

“Aah well that would be the barracks then wouldn’t it” Vamon said as he glanced around, making a note of the surrounding buildings. He slipped a notebook out of his pocket for a moment and scribbled a few details to remember. He let out a little chuckle as the girl spoke. “I think I will be fine from here. Thank you Spencer.” He said as he offered her a small bow. “If you ever need anything, you can find me in the inn for now. I would be happy to repay you with a meal or something” He said with a playful wink before turning and making his way to the barracks. He let out a small sigh as he walked, it had been so long since he had just spoken to someone that he had forgotten how tiring it could be. He wasn’t an antisocial person; he was more of an anti-have people discover that you are a heretic person, which made conversing a lot harder. But he decided to focus on the goal at hand and made his way through the large metal gate and into the building.

The barracks were surprisingly well kept and tidy, but it didn’t take much time searching to see where could go to sell some potions. On the ground floor there was an older man that had a collection of simple armour and weapons as well as some other supplies in one of the corners. Vamon made his way over, trying to seem as non-suspicious as he could.

“Excuse me sir, I am a traveling alchemist. I was wondering if these potions of healing might interest you, I could dilute them if you required, but I have two full strength potions if you would be interested. I would be more than happy to offer a fair price, of course.” He spoke as politely as he could. He didn’t know what kind of price people would expect in a place like this, but if anywhere could buy the potions, it would be here.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Situation Updates

@Delta44: With Vamon already gone to enter the barracks, Spencer was left alone once more. The quiet surroundings still continued as not even the few animals that were being raised in the complete darkness seemed to let out any noises. She was free to do anything she wanted at this point, but there would be one thing that might get her attention if she notices it. Her sunstone would start to flicker for a few moments before a sudden shadow passes through the top of the cavern for just a moment before vanishing again with a low swooshing sound.

@Sam12435: The guard supply officer was having a nice relaxing time as he was currently polishing some of the many weapons held within the garrison as the alchemist entered. The soldier could recognize his occupation right away because of the distinct odor that filled the room. Rare did people beside alchemist carry those irritating smells. There were the herbalists who also made potions, but they often had the scent of tea more or less.. the pure alchemical substances weren't as pleasant for the scent.

“Let me look at them.” The guard stated as he carefully picked each potion and looked at it from up close and and then put them in front of light source to see the color and behavior of the substance inside the glass containers.” Those are pretty well made... High quality...” He started and carefully opened one and smelled it.” Full strength high potions indeed. We will buy both of them.” He then stated and carefully placed the potion on the table before reaching for a nearby metal box with lock on it.” The capt' isn't here right now, so I will take them for now.” He explained and started pulling silver coins.” I will buy both of them for 40 silver each.” He stated, fully ready to pay full price for those potions. The guards here needed those and they could delude them themselves in case of need, but the man was buying those more for their captain than anyone else. They couldn't allow the guard captain to fall for if she did, Shezze was good as gone.

@Marx: Judge's surroundings aren't much different from those of everyone else currently in the streets of Shezze. Being empty and quiet, barely illuminated by the torches set up on random distances from one another. In difference from the vamprie, he's unable to hear or see neither the swooshing sound nor the passing shadow, still an unusual chill would creep up his back as he walks down the dark streets. In the darkness nothing is truly safe and secure. Still there is one thing he could actually see though. Down the street he's currently at, towards the outer parts of Shezze flashes of light could be seen. Similar to torches, but stronger and flickering as if they are unstable or being hindered by something.

@ONL: The few tavern guests that are present quickly turn quiet at Guthrie's shout. They simply return to their quiet chatter while trying as harder as they can to catch fragments of the conversation between the mercenary and the witches. Not really because they mean any of them any real malice, but more out of curiosity really. Out here in Shezze travelers rarely arrived and anything new proved to be great for entertainment and way to get their minds off the bad reality they lived in. In simple terms people loved to do harmless gossip.

Sala & Vala

Location: The Tavern, Shezze
Interacting With: Guthrie.

“Yes... we have our reasons. We cannot stay here anymore... it's not safe for us. Soon it won't be safe... for anyone anymore.” The twin witches said in unison to the man with smiles as each of them started playing with a lock of their hairs. They knew the church was preparing to cause troubles with Astaras for once the city of magic fell, their reign would be undisturbed. While they had no distinct proof of that, Sala and Vala suspected it and preferred to not be here when that happen to test their theory... especially after they killed a person from the church.

“We...” Sala began when the man stated he was someone who made maps. That was all great, but they actually lacked funds. They had very few silver on them after they ran away in haste without having the chance to get their money from their shop. They had only the things on themselves and that placed them at a certain disadvantage at buying/hiring such help as the services of a map maker.

“We can repay you in medicine potions...” Sala started as she pulled her bag and opened it, showing the number of different healing potions and remedy ones in her bag.” Or we can give you a very pricey ingredient that could bring you as much as 2 gold.” Vala added and patted her bag, not wanting to risk pulling it out. No one ever knew when chaos may start.

“Or we can... pay you with ourselves in addition to a potion or two … if you so wish?” The finally stated in unison and looked at him. The witches weren't strangers to sexual payment in one way or another. They had to do certain things to survive in the corrupt nature of the society from time to time, but only when they so chose. No one ever got to force himself on them to this day.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Priest Azerus

Location: Forgotten mine, Shezze. (Heading to the church)
Interacting with: Mentioned [Nevan Katlas]

"That." He says, now frozen as he stares at the amulet on the floor. "That is a symbol I recognise and will obey. I must have faith that the one it is bestowed upon has clearer judgement than I and a greater knowledge of reasons, I just pray you are still of the mind that was worthy of such blessings in the first place

Kneeling down he gently lay the body beside the amulet. It was clear in his eyes that he still questioned her reasoning but remained further silent on the matter.

Before returning to his feet he bowed his head and said a quick quiet prayer in the presence of the holy artefact. Moving with a silent grace, now unburdened by the weight of the body, he clasped his hands together, tilted his head forward and begun to hum a holy hymn as he walked forward into the darkness.

Before disappearing into the darkness the priest paused. Without looking back he spoke the words his mind had been churning over.
"Before I leave may I ask how you earned such a gift?."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: Leaving Barracks and arriving at Tavern
Interacting With: Mention Guthrie and Sala & Vala

For a moment Vamon didn’t know how to respond. He had expected to get maybe 20 silver each, especially in a town like this, but he wasn’t the type to turn down an offer as excellent at this. For a moment he considered offering them a lower price, but he ultimately decided against it. If they were prepared to pay the cost, then any kind gestures would only serve to cut his own gain.

“Ah, yes, that would be a most generous price. Thank you, sir” He said, doing his best to maintain his composure. 80 silver might not have been a lot while he was living at home, but that was the type of cash that could have him living comfortably for at least a few weeks. “I will be sure to return if I have any other potions that might be of use to you” He said with a short bow before making his way out, coins tightly in hand. He had sold potions before, but usually had to settle for a little less than he had wanted. Not that he ever received much disrespect once he started traveling, it seemed that alchemists were rather valuable in places outside of Belizarius. It was an odd change to what he was used to, people used to look down on him once he started his experiments but that might happen when you basically live in a church. He stopped for a moment on the street and pulled out his book of secrets, flicking to the most recent notes. Since he had received some money, it might be worth it to invest in some supplies to continue his studies. He took inventory of a few things and made a note in a smaller notebook he kept for simple memos.

But for now work could wait, he decided that he would head to the Tavern and enjoy a meal with the rather generous supply of cash he had to back himself up. He made a quick stop off at the inn to change into some other clothes. It wouldn’t hide the smell completely, but at least he wouldn’t interrupt people’s meals too much. He donned some similar clothes, including a thick black cloak and swapping out his usual mask for a scarf that was wrapped around his mouth. Eating with the mask was rather difficult, so the scarf simplified matters.

But he soon made his way to the tavern and stepped inside. He looked around for a moment and saw a few scattered faces, as well as a few familiar ones. It seems that the man he had run into at the store and the girls from the square were having a meal as well. He decided not to approach though, it’s not like he had actually had a conversation with them. He made his way to the bar and spoke as politely as he could.

“I was hoping for a meal if that was acceptable” He said to the man as he took a seat at a table near the keeper. “And something to drink too would be excellent” He had a habit of speaking professionally when he was nervous, and eating was always a little nerve wracking for him. It was one of the few times he had to reveal his face in public. But he had practiced, and hopefully he wouldn’t cause a scene. He was just craving a meal that was a little warmer than dried trail rations.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location: The Tavern
Interacting with: Sala & Vala

"If you're talking about the Dragon Tails that the miners disturbed, then it's not a problem anymore. Though I have a feeling you two are talking of something else?" Guthrie said to the twins, a inquisitive look upon his face as he tried to picture what it was that they feared coming. What could be so dangerous that everyone was in danger? Well Guthrie could think of a few candidates, but the twins didn't look like frigthened farmers, so something was off.

His questioning look changed quickly to a puzzled one, as they in unions stated that they could pay him with themselves; their bodies. Guthrie didn't utter a word for a few moments, trying to see if he had misheard, though their serious looks said otherwise. He straightened himself up a little, his eyes flickering from one twin to another. "You mean...No, no that won't be necessary, you two. I don't accept...someone as payment, not anymore at least. But..."

Quickly changing the subject of which he wished not to speak of, he clapped the edge of their table, and seconds after a large was resting its front paws on the table, watching the three of them with a curious look to its face. Guthrie smiled, patting the dog on its head and looking at the twins again. "...you might be able to help my friend here. Poor Theo hasn't been quite alright the past week. I'm afraid he might have gotten an internal infection, but I haven't been able to help him. Can you?"

Guthrie looked hopefull towards the twins, Theo looking back and fourth from his master over to the two ladies, happily panting, albit heavily. "And for the record, I'm Guthrie. Guthrie Jean Harlanson. And you?"
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