Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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*Taboo blinks rapidly, her senses slowly coming back to her. She manages to cry out and point at Mergoux*
Taboo: She attacked me while I slept!
*Mergoux gets to her feet and shouts in fury*
Mergoux: She's a piece of slaving scum!
*Mergoux charges again, bringing her sword down at Taboo. Taboo yelps in alarm and scoots back sharply, the blow landing between her legs, just inches from slicing her a literal new one. It embeds itself in the floor and Mergoux yanks on it, attempting to get it out while Taboo continues to scoot backwards hastily.*
Taboo: Help me!
Mergoux: Kill her!

*Jilial presses her hand above one of Horus's hearts*
Jilial: He's alive! We need to go quickly! Please John! NOW!
*Her tone is one of sheer desperation and pleading as she tries to lift Horus. She starts to drag him, his back scraping over the ground and his feet leaving rivets in the earth. Jilial is clearly struggling, her own injuries weighing her down as much as her lover does. Hot tears still fall from her eyes, sizzling when they hit the ground.. Horus groans slowly, and speaks barely above a whisper*
Horus: Iri- Jilial... you must... go... Not letting you... get...hurt... for me... Danger...
*It appears to cost him a great deal of strength to speak and he visibly weakens further after doing so*
*Horus casts a one-eyed glance at John*
Horus: Keep... her... safe...
*His eye rolls back and he lies still*
Jilial: Horus?! HORUS?!
*She desperately shakes him, trying to rouse him again*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

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*John's hearing's pretty bad so what Horus says is lost to him.*
John: Just be quiet, we are going to get you back to the room. *He looks at Jilial.* You need to calm down, yelling at him, or shaking his is not going to help. Let's get him back to the room.
*John weakly starts helping Jilial drag Horus back to the room. He looks over at Lecter, and gives a quick glance at his wounds.*
John: Lecter are you okay? We need to move..
*John is no fool, he knows that Vase is probably making a move for the Ledger. He just hopes Sasha is strong enough to deal with him.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

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*Jilial isn't trying to drag Horus anymore, instead continuing to attempt to rouse him, completely lost in panic*
Jilial: Horus! HORUS! He's not breathing! Help! HELP HIM!
*Her words ring true, Horus has stopped breathing and is lying very still. Jilial's scales are paled as icy fear grips her heart.*
Jilial: Oh Danu... Please Danu no....
*She lifts one of Horus's limp hands in her own, squeezing it tightly*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 2BlackJack1
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*Lecter grunts as he rips another shard out of him and he nods to John*
Lecter: Staying here is death. For all of us.
*His eyes fall on Horus, and notices his scent change*
Lecter: Jump start his heart, he might come back shortly. Can't say it'll be for long though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

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*John checks to see if Horus is actually dead, and sighs.*
John: We need to move, now. Lecter do whatever you can to save him.
*He keeps his gun at the ready, looking for any threats.*

*The storm gradually dissipates, though it does take some time.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sgt Vandingo
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*Vaseraga utters a few words to Beatrix, whose face is grave and quite worried, and after a few seconds of arguing, she sighs, and turns around to run back to the group. She's speedy so she gets there fast, and instantly goes towards Horus.*
Beatrix: Eustace is really hurt. Vaseraga sent me back here to help you but if he dies while I'm helping you, I will literally tie all of your intestines together and make you a congo-line of almost dead people.
*She then does what she can to help Horus, though he looks dead to her.


*Vaseraga is super worried about Eustace, who hasn't been able to say anything properly ever since his ears popped like balloons.*


*Zeta wakes up, stretches then starts making some burnt bread with fire cause she doesn't know toasters exist. Her wounds have also healed a fair bit thanks to Xan's healing, so she's making extra pieces of burnt bread for her and probably Jillian if she ever finds her.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

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*John slants his eyes at Beatrix.*
John: Sure, cause we totally caused that.
*Grumbles about bitches, and keeps on guard.*

*Sasha sighs with discontent.*
Sasha: Great.
*She runs forward, and tries to get between the pair.*
Sasha: Both of you stop, and go to opposite sides of the bar. Taboo you really a slaver? Tell the truth, and I will protect you.
*She seems sincere, though if Taboo is a slaver Merg isn't the only one cutting her down.*

*Jillian sits on the couch, probably finished cleaning her magnum at this point so she decides to spoke a cigarette.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

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*Horus is actually dead and Jilial clings to his body, weeping inconsolably as her world crumbles around her.*

*Mergoux glares at Sasha, but doesn't move any further*

*Taboo smiles disarmingly, then snarls at Mergoux*
Taboo: Of course not, I don't take, own, or sell slaves at all.
*Technically speaking, she's telling the truth, as her father is the one who does all of that*
Taboo: She lies! Look at her! She's obviously some sort of serial killer! She doesn't even show her face!
*She grins to herself because she knows exactly why Mergoux wears the helmet.*
Mergoux: Serial killer!? Only to scum like you! You filthy f#&@ing slaving piece of s*@&!

*Xan snoozes peacefully for a bit longer*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sgt Vandingo
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*Beatrix grunts at John, then looks down at Horus. She sighs and turns away to give Jilial mourning space. She knows what loss feels like, so her mood softens a little bit.*


*Meanwhile Vaseraga is still trekking back, completely unaware of his wounds which are fucking horrid on a lot of levels. Eustace is worse though, and may permanently go deaf, considering he has better and more sensitive hearing than almost every cat ever.*


*Zeta cooks like a good woman and sneakily puts a couple burnt bread pieces in front of Xan for when she wakes up, and sneaks off to the little girls room.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

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*Xan's nose wrinkles and one eye cracks open at the smell of burnt bread. The eye darts around the kitchen, looking for any sign of Zeta. Not seeing her, both eyes open and Xan slowly uncurls herself and sits up. She stretches luxuriously and blinks away the last of her sleepiness before picking up the bread and nibbling it slightly. Not much liking the taste, but not wanting to disappoint Zeta she walks over to the sink, crams the food in her mouth and quickly washes it down with water from the tap. She then looks around again for any sign of her friend and walks to the main room in search of her*

*Jilial is dead to the world, completely shattered by loss and ignores all around her unless they try and separate her and her lover's body*
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

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*John sighs at the situation.*
John: He's gone miss, we need to go now. Right now.
*He gently places a hand on Jilial's shoulder, and gradually starts to try to pull her away from the corpse.*

*Sasha sighs.*
Sasha: Please shut up. Both of you.
*She crosses her arms, and sits silent thinking.*
Sasha: Why don't you both leave each other alone, Taboo doesn't seem to be a slaver. And I am sure Medieval girl isn't a murderer. Both of you calm down, and sit on opposite sides of the bar. If one of you is a slaver or a murderer, I'll deal with it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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*Major looks over having eaten and hears the trouble from bar and cannot be bothered with breaking up a bar fight, and slightly puzzled why someone would burn bread as a food without butter or some kind of condiement*

Peaceful place this.

*Grabs a beer and walks over to the wine down with binoculars and scans the far wreck In the valley beloew working out what's left of the brotherhood airship and tries to plan a route down to the hulk to salvage valuables. *

*Dr heads over to couch and looks round wondering what kind of place this even as everyone seems to make no sense to her. Noticing Jillian who least seems to be from a time zone she might at least understand*

Excuse me... Anyone know any answers as to what this place is?
Its people seem of different eras... The storms... As a scribe even I am without explanation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

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Mergoux: Not a murderer, the people I killed barely count as people anymore...
*She plunges her hand into her bag up to the shoulder, rummaging for something in the depths*
*Taboo stares incredulously at Mergoux then back at Sasha *
Taboo: Trust me! I'd leave her alone if she'd leave me- YIKES!
*She ducks as Mergoux draws her crossbow and shoots at her*
Mergoux: She's a f&#&ing monster! She needs to be killed!
*Her face is twisted with brutal rage under her helmet*
*Taboo flips a table and hides behind it. She giggles silently to herself before concealing her smile and calling out in a falsely-fearful voice*
Taboo: Stop her! Please! Before she kills me!

*Jilial flinches badly, her wings twinging in pain at the shoulder touch, and resists being pulled away. She looks over her shoulder, and her face says everything. The look in her eyes is both full of sorrow and completely hollow. She looks at John for a few seconds then turns away, refusing to budge*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 2BlackJack1
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*Lecter sighs softly at the sight of Jilial and Horus*
Lecter: Just because he's gone doesn't mean you have to be. Doubt he'd want that.

*Finnick is still passed out for now*
*Elewynn heads outside to get some air, and to think about her situation*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sgt Vandingo
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Sgt Vandingo Grammar Nazi

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*Beatrix doesn't really want to have anything to do with a mourner, so she hangs back, slightly guilty about her outburst, though she won't admit that.*


*Vaseraga gets back to the room and instantly looks for medical equipment.*


*Zeta stares at Vaseraga for a little bit, before she drops literally everything and runs after him. No words are exchanged, but they put aside their hatred for the moment to help Vaseraga's friend, and Zeta's crush. She's super worried for his safety in general, and although Vaseraga also cares about Eustace's health first and foremost, he also knows that he'll be less than useless in battle if he's deaf. They both start working, Zeta acting as the surgeon, and Vaseraga as the assistant in this case.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

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*John sighs as well, and tries to pull Jilial away from the corpse.*
John: C'mon we need to go now. Lecter help me with this.
*Starts to try, and pick Horus up.*

*Sasha eyes burn with utter rage, and she stops up to Merg with her sword drawn.*
Sasha: Alright you stupid backwater bitch.
*She tries to grab her crossbow, if she does, she throws it on the ground and stomps on it.*
Sasha: Another stunt like that, and I kill you. Stop being a fucking racist, if she is a slaver you need evidence.

*A drone appears in front of the room, and prints out Gordon.*
*He smiles, fixes his collar, then walks into the main room.*

*Jillian notices Vaseraga holding Eustace and Zeta, and decides to follow the trio.*
*She watches from the side, and remains silent.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

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*Mergoux snarls as Sasha breaks her crossbow*
Mergoux: You want f&#(ing evidence!? FINE!
*She grabs the bottom of her leather jerkin and pulls it up slightly to expose her stomach. Aside from the tattoo of a sun with writing circling it over her pierced belly button, her stomach is covered with scars, both old and fresh. They look like claw marks and criss-cross her torso almost like a grisly tic-tac-toe*
Mergoux: She's the b#&@$ who did this! She's a f&#&ing monster who gets off on hurting others, especially me!
*She drops her jerkin back in place and glares at Sasha, seething with rage*
Mergoux: You kill me and let her live, I garun-f&#@ing-tee she'll be bleeding you out by the end of the week!

*Taboo stifles her laughter behind the table again*
Taboo: That's- *Choked back laughter that could pass for fear* That's a lie! How many people have you killed you crazy half-breed!
*Mergoux practically howls in fury, driven beyond her breaking point and draws her sword to advance on Taboo again*

*Xan sees Zeta go by helping Eustace. Seeing the injured fellow she decides to follow and see if she can help*
Xan: Zeta! Zeta wait I help!

*Jilial looks back over her shoulder at John. Her eyes project a level of thankfulness to him as she slowly, slowly, steps back to allow Lecter and John to try and carry Horus. She watches silently, but if they can't lift his 1200 pound form she steps into help, her newborn draconic strength enabling them to lift Horus, probably with some effort*
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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*Major gets up hearing commotion and drawing laser pistol and heading to check bar as kinda too many bangs for somthing bad not to be hapoening*

What exactly is going on here... Need any help... We have people rushing off. Somthing strange going on in forests and now this...

(is there any peace here... Over run by damned savages, raiders Mutants and downright Barbarians)


*Dr sighs as the place is crazier than wasteland on a bad day*
(what did I get myself in for...)

*looks round trying to work out what going on and with place whilst trying to work out from observation what part of the ship they might be able to fond intact*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 2BlackJack1
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*Lecter is still healing from his injuries, so he can't lift Horus by himself, but still helps with his share of the weight*
Lecter: Now that the portal is gone, do we need anything else to die?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sgt Vandingo
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Sgt Vandingo Grammar Nazi

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*Beatrix can't even try to pick up Horus, so she hangs back and looks around for any threats. She isn't really that hurt, but her ears have a little bit of blood inside them, but nowhere near as serious as Eustace and/or John.*
Beatrix: I hope not. We still have our mission.


*Zeta looks up at Xan with fear in her eyes which say everything she can't. She nods once, then goes back to tending to Eustace, who despite all his pain, manages to to keep a straight face. Vaseraga is the same, exhibiting very few emotions, and helps Zeta with whatever she needs to try to save Eustace's ears. Should Xan try to help, his ears aren't really of normal anatomy, so she'd probably struggle helping. Zeta is still super worried btw.*
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