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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 22 min ago

Morthos was surprised at the two women coming up to him and asking how he beat Honey. "Oh, uh, I mean, it was mostly I knew how he fought and knew my weaknesses," he said to them, pretty oblivious to the fact that they were in all likelihood hitting on him. "The fact that he probably had no idea what to expect of me helped too," he noticed Jax, Ophelia, and Roxas come in the room. "Oh, Jax, no, um, we were just talking about how I figured out how to beat Honey. I'm glad you made it to the fight, the stands were pretty full so I didn't see you guys."

Morthos only had eyes for Jax, the twin girls who were holding his muscular arms may have been hot but there was something about Jax Morthos just couldn't place that landed her above them. "Are you impressed with my magic now? I told you I couldn't exactly show you while we were at your place." At this point Morthos was only dimly aware of the women at his side, he hadn't even asked their names. Honestly, it seemed like they were just impressed with his fight win, they didn't really know him. If he lost and was in this tent he doubted they'd be there.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jax kept her eyes on the girls, her anger very apparent when she heard Morthos respond to her question. She moved her eyes up to him and saw his attention was fully focused on her. She felt instant relief, taking her time to push past the girls to give him a hug,"You were amazing! I appreciate a good strategy when taking on superior foes, and the fight was very impressive. The fire was crazy as well! Plus where did you get those shoes?"

She pulled away, the girls looking over at Jax before one of them turned over to Morthos,"It was really impressive! Also, where have you been hiding? It's weird that we haven't seen such a sexy man like you around."

Jax shoved her hands in her pockets,"That's what happens when you don't leave the strip club."

The girls turned glaring at her, one of them speaking up, "Wow...do I sense a jealous bitch, Mara."

The other girl smirked,"No, just a jealous slut."

Jax smiled leaning down so she was at the girl's level,"Well I sense two arena bunnies who want to hook up with hot mythic's that will carry them through life with their riches and glory. Now I understand your game, I do, but if you want to compete you have to choose smaller bra's, play harder to get and you need to develop a personality more entertaining then a trog goblin's asshole. So fuck off and get some better material."

She looked up at Morthos and winked,"Before they offer up their phone numbers, you can do better. Believe me. Unless you want the quick lay...by all means."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After getting back to Ophelia the fight was already over. Morthos had won and he was on his way to the medical ward. 'Looks like he did it.' Roxas laughs to himself. He was genuinely impressed that Morthos pulled ot off. Once Morthos was hauled off, the three of them when to go meet up with him. Once they got there, there was two women standing by Morthos, feeling him up. Roxas looked over at Jax and started to smile, excited to see what was going to happen. Jax shoved the two girls out of the way and was now next to Morthos. Trying really hard not to laugh, Roxas covers his mouth a little. He really started to have a hard time once the three ofthem started fighting.

"Before they offer up their phone numbers, you can do better. Believe me. Unless you want the quick lay...by all means." Once Jax had said that, Roxas knew it was on. He was only a few steps back from them. So he let go of Ophelia's hand for a second and smiled at her. "Watched this." He whispered at her then walked up to the two girls. He stalked up behind them then got real close and whispered. "It's never going to happen girls. He's 'taken' if you will." The girls seemed to jump not noticing Roxas, then he looked over at Jax and Morthos and winked at them. "Besides lady's." He put his arm around there shoulders. "That 'slut' you're talking about could rip your heads off in a heartbeat so best not to mess with her okay?" He flashed his charming smile then let them go, moving back over to Ophelia and giving her a kiss so the two girls wouldn't hit on him too. He may like to instigate, but he was notready to see what Ophelia would do to them if they came onto him too.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia continued to watch as Jax pushed passed the women, giving Morthos a hug and then speaking, her tone harsh.

"Well I sense two arena bunnies who want to hook up with hot mythic's that will carry them through life with their riches and glory. Now I understand your game, I do, but if you want to compete you have to choose smaller bra's, play harder to get and you need to develop a personality more entertaining then a trog goblin's asshole. So fuck off and get some better material."

The women's eyes widened at Jaxs' retort and then narrowed angrily, taking a couple of steps towards her, their bodies moving like snakes as they showed their fangs. Ophelia raised an eyebrow at their lack of emotional control, smirking a bit. But as her lip was tilted in a half smile, Roxas moved over to the women and wrapped his arms around their shoulders. He leaned toward them, whispering.

"It's never going to happen girls. He's 'taken' if you will. That 'slut' you're talking about could rip your heads off in a heartbeat so best not to mess with her okay?"

Despite the fact Roxas was whispering, Ophelia could hear each word clearly. She cleared her throat a moment and then Roxas came back to kiss her, and she pressed close to his side and then spoke to the two Vampires.

"He's right you know. Jax wouldn't be kind to you. Now get the hell out of here." She grinned, her fangs sharp and her eyes bore into each of theirs, and they took a step back from Ophelia and the gang, whispering a short "Catch you later," to Morthos before turning and disappearing in a blur of synced movements.

"So, who wants to get some tattoos?" Ophelia asked to break the ice.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 22 min ago

The next few moments were a bit of a blur for Morthos, clearly no one really liked the look of the twin vampire girls. That kind of made Morthos feel bad, but the vampire twins didn't seem too offended. They just made a promise of catching him later before speeding off in sync. Ophelia's mention of tattoos lightened the mood, "oh ya, totally forgot once you're D tier you get fancy tattoos, I'm clear to go. The nurse just said to take it easy for a few days." Morthos stood up and stretched, letting out a quiet groan, "ya, definitely gonna take it easy, so Jax I couldn't take that easy lay from them even if I wanted it, doctors orders." He laughed and put his cloak in his bag he had, he'd rather just wear his new clothes he got, even if they were a bit beat up now.

"Oh ya, Roxas," he said as the group started heading out, "thanks for the save, though Jax and I aren't together, she uh," he paused, she made that abundantly clear was what he wanted to say, but that would just make her feel guilty, so he left it. "Never mind, we're not a couple, thanks still." He turned now to face Jax, she'd asked him where he got his shoes while the floozies were still around so he hadn't had a chance to answer, "as for the shoes, they were just some pumps I bought when we went shopping. I modified them last night along with making the solution, that's what I was getting after your fight at the potion shop. I basically just made it up, I'm more than just a pretty face you know." He gave her a wink and laughed, this was nice, he didn't need a big group of friends, just these three was enough for him.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jax felt an overwhelming warmth that both her sister and Roxas would stand up for her and Morthos. She blushed hearing Roxas calling them a couple and was about to make it clear that they were no such thing when Morthos beat her to it. Her mood instantly cooled though when he mentioned he was not able to sleep with dumb and dumber because he wasn't working at top speed. So he was considering it. Hmm. Okay.She gave a light smile, hiding her slight annoyance as she brushed off some dirt from Morthos' clothes. Her heals made her on even height with him and she giggled at his teasing, "Awe, well golly! Who knew there was actually some brains behind that sexy exterior. I would have never have guessed."

She winked at him, before turning back to Ophelia, "Tattoo's eh? I'm down. I'm still unsure where to put it but I guess actually going to the shop may give me some inspiration. Also I think we should celebrate us making it into the top four! Tonight at Cyanide? I am definitely up for some drinks and boys.

She winked at Ophelia before turning to hip check Morthos, "Plus, I meant what I said. After your makeover, a hottie like you needs a girlfriend! One who actually has some intelligence."

Jax clenched her fists slightly, meaning exactly what she said. Being jealous of two bimbo's was unfair and unkind to Morthos. She needed him to hook up with a girl to get temptation out of her way. Plus she remembered what she said the night she meant him. he would make sure he wouldn't be lonely if she could help it, and friendship would not be enough. Plus sooner he moves on the better. No sadness or tension would be there when he met the right girl then they could just go on being...friends.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas snickered as the two girls left. He couldn't help but feel a little bad for them though. All they wanted was to get a little Morthos action. As Morthos explained that he and Jax weren't a couple, Roxas smiled again at them. Oh I know that, but they don't. He laughed then turned towards Ophelia. "Sounds great love." He smiled and kissed her again.

Jax agreed as well and then talked about going out that night. He knew what she was trying to do so he cut in. "Alright Morthos here's the deal. We go with the girls tonight. Once we're in though I will immediately become your wingman. Got it? You're not leaving without a date at least." He smiled then looked at Ophelia again. "Guess I better dress up nicer."

He really didn't want to do this, but he figured he and Jax became friends now so he might as well do something nice for her. Even if that meant being Morthos' wingman for the night. Well guess that means it's time to turn on the charm. All he really wanted to do was spend time with Ophelia at Cyanide though. "Like all wingmen though, I will ditch you every so often to spend time with Ophelia though." He kept smiling, but squeezed Ophelia's hand so she knew he really just wanted to be with her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas squeezed Ophelia's hand and everyone began to head off toward the most reputable tattoo shop, "Myth-inks", which was inside the gates of SPA. Ophelia pushed the doors aside and stepped inside the shop, and low base heavy music played in the background. She moved up towards the front counter and looked at the person standing on the other side with silence at first. A werewolf woman looked back at Ophelia and then waved to Jax. Her eyes shifted to the two boys and then back to Ophelia.

"What can I do for you four?" the woman asked, her head tilting to the side. Ophelia cleared her throat gently and then placed her palms on the counter.

"We need to get SPA tattoos done, please. All four of us," Ophelia said matter-of-factly. The woman nodded and waved her arm out for them to all proceed down a hallway with a few different rooms leading off of it. Four artists sat in each room, none busy. Ophelia went into one of the rooms with another woman, this time elvish, and smiled at her gently.

"I'd like to get the SPA sigil done please, on the nape of my neck." The elvish woman nodded and Ophelia pushed her hair aside, sitting down with her back to the woman after taking her cloak off as well. This pain would be literally nothing compared to some things she's experienced. She closed her eyes and the buzz of the gun started up, and she drifted off into her own thoughts. She thought about the words on the mirror, the darkness near her spirit, and about the demon inside of Roxas. She began to feel sad and lonely, and wanted to go shopping for a new outfit for tonight when they'd go to Cyanide. They didn't get to go out very often, but when they did, Cyanide was their number one choice.

She still had the bag of Solars from Roxas, and figured she could probably get herself and Jax something new with it as well as treat them to a night out. After a while, the buzzing stopped, and the elvish woman tapped Ophelia's shoulder, holding a small mirror out to her so she could look into the floor length one and see. She stood in front of the tall mirror and looked at her new tattoo. it was bold and dark black, though somehow it was elegant. She grinned and then thanked the woman. Heading out toward the waiting room and sitting down.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 22 min ago

Morthos wasn't expecting the hip check from Jax so he stumbled a bit when she hit him. It seemed everyone was happy to help him get in a relationship with someone, Roxas even offering to be his wingman. Morthos had read enough fiction and seen enough shows to know generally what a wingman was supposed to do, though Morthos hoped Roxas would do a better job than it seemed every wingman Morthos had seen in the past had done. Thinking about it, he hadn't been drunk in a long time, and before the other night with Jax and the wine he hadn't drank in a long while either. He was sure he must have had a reason but he couldn't think of what it was right now.

Well, at any rate Morthos was sure tonight would be at least a little fun. He decided to get his tattoo on his right shoulder blade. He thanked the artist and found Ophelia was the only one out so far, though he was sure the others would be done soon. "Hey Ophelia," Morthos began asking, he hadn't had a chance to ask earlier, "how to vampires react to fire? Like, do they burn easier than other people? In case those twins find me tonight I wanna know if I have a good chance at fighting them off." He laughed and was mostly joking, but he was also genuinely curious as to how vampires reacted to fire.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jax walked with the rest of the group into the tattoo parlor, waving at Masie who was one of her very good friends and the mythic artist that did her back. When everyone headed into their rooms she walked over to the werewolf girl and fist pounded her, "Hey girl! Want to do me?"

The werewolf girl laughed, sticking out her tongue, "Oh you wish you were hot enough baby. Although you kicked Titan's ass, I may take ya for a ride," the girl's both laughed, "Nah, I have an appointment in ten so I gave you Razer. Room 4. He's a total babe and a cousin of mine."

Jax smiled, "Thanks, girl! By the way, we are going to Cyanide tonight if you want to bring the girls out! I have a new friend who is looking for a good time!"

Masie leaned on the counter, "I know a few friends I can invite. Stella and Zandy will probably be there too. Also, Remington asked about you again. Apparently once was not enough."

Jax groaned trying not to be annoyed about this piece of information, "It was enough for me. Anyway shouldn't keep Razor later. Catch you later?"

Masie smacked Jax's ass as she turned off, "Damn straight. I'll text ya."

Jax headed into her room, looking at the tall tanned male with green eyes. Tattoos of wolves ran up his sleeves and his neck but his face was bare. His eyes glowed a seductive yellow and he lifted his chin, "So Pigeon, where we putting this. Your ankle?"

She smirked taking off her jacket, "I had something a bit different in mind."

A few seconds later, Jax walked out to see Morthos and Ophelia on the couch. Her shirt was slightly unbuttoned and a crescent moon poked out on the top of her right breast. She smiled hearing the end of Morthos' speech," Don't worry Cutie. We got your back as well."

She turned seeing Razer walk out from his room and winking. She giggled before turning back to her sister and Morthos,"I talked to Masie, the girl at the desk, and she said she'd bring back some of our friends to the club."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Everyone walked into the tattoo parlor and the other three went to get their tattoos done. "What would you like sweetie?" The lady asked as Roxas watched Ophelia disappear into the other room. "I have something else I'd like to get too on top of the guild emblem." He smiled and handed her a piece of paper with an emblem on it. The lady looked up at him with a grin and took him into the back room. "Alright lets start on this." Roxas laied down and took off his blazer. "Put it on each arm please."

"So why the Phantom Thieve emblem?" As the gun hit his arm, Roxas didn't even flinch and then snickers. "Lets just say there's a reason why my outfit is the way it is." The girl Only nods and finishes up the tattoos. "Well I guess if you're going to be a Phantom Thief then you might at well make it known." He looked over at the woman and smiled. She had no idea what that meant to him and no one would. "Thank you for your time." He paid then put his blazer back on and walked out to see the other three on the couch. "Did you guys get what you wanted?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia watched as Jax, Morthos, and Roxas came back out of their rooms eventually. She noticed Jax's shirt was unbuttoned and the tattoo peeked out of the edge of her bra against her breast. She raised an eyebrow and then listened while Morthos asked her a question about Vampires and fire. Ophelia laughed slightly before answering.

"Well. I mean it would kill us if we burned for long enough. If under flames constantly for a long period of time, our quick healing wouldn't do very much. So I'd say it would be effective. I'm sure those twins won't come back though." Ophelia grinned at Morthos, and listened to Jax tell them about Masie planning to join them later at the club. Roxas then asked if they got what they wanted, and Ophelia nodded gently.

"I think Jax and I are going to go find some new outfits for tonight though. Did you two want to meet us at the club in a few hours?" she asked, the question directed at both Morthos and Roxas.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 22 min ago

Morthos noticed Jax’s tattoo placement then tactfully averted his gaze. Ophelia mentioned her and Jax going shopping and she must have read his mind. Morthos didn’t enjoy shopping even for himself, so having an excuse to not do it was awesome. Though he did want to spend time with Jax but he’d meet up with her later. “Ya, sure, you guys find an outfit, Roxas and I will...” he wasn’t sure what they’d do, he didn’t know Roxas too well yet. “We’ll figure some way to kill time, right buddy?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
Avatar of Narukami228

Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas raised his eyebrow to Morthos' "buddy" comment. He didn't want to be rude so he just nodded his head. "We haven't really spent that much time together so how about we get to know each other first. That'll also help me be your wingman later tonight." He smiled. He wasn't sure how much he was going to tell Morthos about himself, but he figured it would be nice to know more about him. "So where would you like to go?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jax looked over at Roxas when he stepped out and nodded, "Yep. Just the one today. Officially part of the guild now! Wooo.”

She listened to Ophelia mention going out dress shopping, excitement filling her. As the boys began to make some plans she walked over to Ophelia, “So shopping! Awesome. I only have a few solars but if we go to the thrift shop I might be able to find something.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll treat you. I still have that bag of Solars from Roxas. He never let me use it when I got the dress last time.” Ophelia said quietly to Jax, taking her sister's arm and tugging her from the tattoo shop. She waved to the boys before leaving and began walking towards the city center, where some of the best shops were.

It didn’t take long before they reached a clothing shop, and in the windows they had an assortment of lingerie, dresses, pants, shirts and the like. “Let’s try here?” Ophelia pointed gently, her eyes on Jax’s face.

Jax let Ophelia pulled her along and looked at all the shops with wide eyes, “Wow! Look at all of them,” She then headed into the nice shop behind Ophelia taking a look at all the dresses and some of the lingerie. She pulled out a fuschia dress with ruffles up the sleeves, “What about this. The colour is so cute?”

She pulled it up to her body turning to kick out, “Yeah I could fight in this!”

Ophelia watched Jax try the dress on, raising an eyebrow slightly. “Sure you could probably fight in it. But the ruffles aren’t a good look if I’m honest. Find another.” She waited for Jax to respond, but Jax already knew Ophelia thought she wasn’t the best at dressing herself. She laughed slightly and waited again.

Jax frowned, pursing her lips as she put the dress back on the rack. She moved a few aside before resting on a green momo with purple sleeves, “Oh this looks comfy as hell. What about this?”

She put it up to her body and looked over at Ophelia, “HAHA. You’re face! Even I know it’s hideous! Why don’t you just pick something out. You know I am no good at this.” She turned back to the racks laughing, “So..where did you get your tattoo?”

Ophelia pulled her long white hair back away from the back of her neck, turning to show Jax the blank crescent moon tattooed perfectly on the nape of her neck. “I think this spot is nice. Yours is obvious. One second let me find some outfits for you.”

Ophelia moved to a few different areas of the shop, her eyes scanning each piece of clothing with detail and careful attention. Her cold fingers grazed each item gently to feel and help her imagine how Jax might look. Jax was much edgier than herself, and so she chose three outfits.

The first was a simple black lace corset with red in the back, and dark blue jeans with tears in the thighs with over the knee boots to go with it. The second was a skin tight knee length leather type of dress with a low V dip in the front, with a see through mesh to show cleavage with Silver ankle booties. And the third was a burgundy velvet thigh high dress with lace detail in the back, with a black clutch to match. She brought the outfits to Jax and then waited. “Try these.”

Jax looked at them over with an appreciative smile, the colours of the different fabrics much to her tastes, “Oh good choices! Give me a minute.”

She grabbed them and headed into a change room, changing into the corset and jeans while she called out past the curtain, “By the way, I like the tattoo placement very suiting. I was planning on getting an ankle tattoo but the thought of having it over my...heart just felt more fitting. Plus I have a nice set off boobs might as well show them.”

She exited the fitting room in the corset, her red hair pouring over her shoulders. Her upper arms were still covered in bandages and the thick purple shoulder bruise was fading to a yellow near the edges but besides the damage she thought she looked good, “See boobs look good! You think Mort..I mean Razer will like this.” She bit her tongue for a few seconds, “Ignore that.”

“Yeah your boobs are nice, but I got the great pair!” Ophelia winked at Jax, and looked at her as she stepped out wearing the corset and jeans. She asked whether Razer would like it, but heard her nearly speak Morthos’ name. “Razer and Morthos will both like it. But try the next one one! You rarely wear dresses!” She changed the subject, knowing Jax wouldn’t want to be hounded about Morthos, though Ophelia wished Jax would give him a chance.

Jax stuck out her tongue at her sister before heading back into the changeroom, happy that she didn’t push on her slip of the tongue. She slipped out of the clothes before getting into the black leather dress immediately feeling like a badass. She turned looking at her back, the tattoo of the cross popping up beneath the leather.

She walked out, “Okay this one...is awesome. Dad would shit his pants if he saw me wearing this! Do you remember when I wore that mini-skirt on the date with David Growl. He nearly blew a gasket when I left.” She turned back to the mirror, placing her hands on the hips, “As he should of. David got me out of those faster then you can say ‘mini.’” She laughed, turning to Ophelia, “I think he’s married now. I haven’t seen him in years.”

“Oh yeah, Dad would hate that one. It is super nice though. Totally your style. But try that velvet one. I think it will look amazing too! And probably for the best you haven’t seen him anyway?” Ophelia asked, wondering how many men Jax had been with, though knowing it was way more than her zero. Her curiosity peaked slightly, curious though.

“What is it like anyway… to uh… you know?”

Jax nodded, “Sure! I’ll try it!” She headed back into the room, taking off the leather to put on the burgundy dress her eyes looking over the deep red with slight wonder. The dress was sexy, but it was also slightly refined. Something she would probably see in her mother’s wardrobe. She looked at the mirror at herself and turned away for a few minutes. It was a more mature look, something tasteful as opposed to slutty or sexy. She exited the room showing Ophelia, “I think I really love this one..and what was that, last bit? You want to know what ‘what’ is like?”

Ophelia’s eyes widened at the burgundy velvet dress. It hugged Jaxs body perfectly and made her look matured but elegant and sultry. “That’s the one you need to get.” Ophelia stated, hoping Jax would agree. It was gorgeous. “And. I said, what is it like? To be with a guy like that? Like… to have sex…” Ophelia felt awkward and suddenly embarrassed, and her shoulders slouched a little as her eyes moved to her feet.

Jax smiled, "Yes! We have found the one! Wooo!” She was looking at her form in the mirror when she fully heard what Ophelia was saying. She paused thinking to herself for a moment before turning around to stare at Ophelia with patient eyes, “Wow.. okay. Um… aside from the physical bit of it. It’s fun...you have to be safe, but it is a very intimate act.”

She moved to sit beside her sister looking at her with kind eyes, “If you want to talk about it, I am assuming you are considering it with Roxas,” Jax paused trying to get her thoughts together to word this out properly, “You are an adult so I am not going to tell you what to do..but listen to me when I say don’t rush into it. You think bonding with Roxas is special now it increases tenfold when you sleep with someone..and yes I know the hypocrisy in that statement. You don’t know him well enough yet..and don’t tell me you do, or that you have a mythical love connection that happens in three days. That’s unrealistic. Get to know him more, then when you are ready..remember that..foreplay is the key honey bear.”

She stood ruffling Ophelia’s hair, “Sleeping with guys for me is easy. I can see it as a physical act. Nothing special. You won’t see it that way. Believe me.” She turned facing away from her sister as she headed back into the changeroom her expression darkening as her thoughts turned inward, “Your first time should be special. It should be with someone you love, and who loves you completely in return. Loving someone is easy. It’s understanding love from another that’s tricky.”

She shut the curtain behind her, looking at the mirror in shame for a few minutes. For a few seconds she didn’t even want to see the reflection before she called out, “You should pick some dresses and give them a go to. Just because you ain’t sleeping with Roxas doesn’t mean you can’t make him think about it.” She wiped away a rouge tear from her eye then began to pull off the dress.

Ophelia listened carefully to Jax speak and every word she said stung her with how much of a hypocrite she was being. It made her feel angry and stupid. She had argued with Jax when first telling her about Roxas and the fact that Jax just sleeps with people for fun. Yet she was telling Ophelia that she should love Roxas and know him better first. She couldn’t help but scoff at her comments, the sound harsh.

“It’s not fair you tell me to know him better when you never know the men you sleep with, Jax. I’m asking because I don’t know, and you should be happy I’m asking for advice in the first place…” Ophelia sighed slightly to herself and could hear Jax sounded off now. She knew that she was probably upset, and knew that she often put up a tough exterior. “I’ll find some outfits. Pick some shoes for your dress too if you don’t like the ones I chose.”

She stood from the bench outside of the change rooms and found two outfits for herself. The first was a black dress which was almost see through. The second was a lace bodysuit with high waisted shorts. She held them up to Jax a moment before stepping inside and putting on the black dress first, then stepped out to look at her sister, her eyes grey.

Jax sighed rubbing her eyes. She pulled herself together before grabbing the dress and walking out of the change room and taking up the seat her sister had just occupied, “I am happy you are asking me for advice Ophelia. I just don’t want you to think that sleeping with men is a simple thing. Sex is an activity that I enjoy with men but I do not associate it with love. It is a means to make me feel good in the moment, but in the morning I can get up, and leave without giving any of those men a piece of my mind or to be more brutal. My heart. I won’t get hurt! If you give them nothing then it means nothing. Can you honestly say the same?”

She watched as Ophelia came out and overlooked the outfit, "Oh. That’s cute! I think the colour looks great on you!”

“I wouldn’t know Jax. I’ve never loved or been with anyone, so thanks.” Ophelia said shortly, looking at herself in the dress for a moment before stepping back into the room and changing into the second outfit. The lace bodysuit curved to her thin frame and up around her breasts snugly, the shorts resting high on her waist. She looked at herself for a moment, feeling confident in this but a little out of her comfort zone as she normally wears dresses or leggings.

She stepped out, looking at Jax again gently. “What about this one?”

Jax’s eyed the outfit with wide eyes, "Oh! Shit Ophelia that is amazing! God you look hot in that. Damn!”

She stood up and walked over to her sister giving her a large hug, “I know you haven’t been in love and I know you will make the right decision when the moment comes. I also am not mom. I warn you because I love you. Sex is a big move and your first time is important. If I can give you any advice. Place importance on it. Even if I don’t. We are different and I know in my gut, if you
don’t make it special...you will regret it.”
She pulled back and leaned forward only slightly, “Also remember what I said. Foreplay...VERY...important.” She smiled then grabbed the shoes Ophelia picked for her, “Also I wonder what the boys are up to right now?”

Ophelia grinned wide at Jax’s reaction to this outfit choice, and knew this would be the one she would get. She thought about her sister’s words carefully, the fact she told Ophelia to place importance on sex meant something, coming from Jax. She loved Jax a lot and trusted her with the advice she gave. “Okay. I promise I’ll make sure the moment is just right,” she said, smiling softly.

She went back into the change room and pulled the curtain closed, changing back into her original outfit and pulling the cloak around her, fastening it at her throat. “I’m not too sure what the boys are up to. But they do need to spend time together, I think! Especially if we are going to be going on missions with them after all.” Ophelia smiled at the thought of them doing team missions, and looked down at her feet, which were bare. She realized she didn’t want to be in a dirty club without shoes on, but she didn’t really own any that would go well with the outfit she chose.

“Can you help me pick some heels for this outfit?” she asked Jax, hoping she would be able to find something perfect.

Jax smirked, “Missions together. You mean we have to include them.”

She laughed figuring early that she would have to join the boys to make a team of four. She was excited about the prospect of getting higher paying gigs but she was mostly excited to get out of Silvermoon Pier. Travelling out into the world was half the reason she joined. Local missions were fun but getting out on the road would be amazing. When Ophelia came back out and asked for help Jax gave a quick nod, “Of course. They have a shoe shop just up the road that is fabulous.”

She headed up to the counter placing her items on the till before she turned to her sister, “Are you sure you have enough for everything?”

Ophelia looked at Jax and then reached into the pocket inside her cloak, grabbing the bag of Solars from inside. She never actually looked at how much money was in there, but knew the amount had to be substantial given the weight of it. She placed her things on the counter as well and the person working totaled their things, and she looked into the bag quietly. For a moment, she felt a pang of guilt, spending someone else’s money that had been worked hard for. But he did insist on paying her back, then refused to let her use the money he gave her to do so.

“There’s more than enough, don’t worry!” Ophelia said finally, handing the man behind the counter the exact amount. He stared at her for a few moments, and then placed the solars into the drawer, bagging their items and handing them to each Jax and Ophelia. Ophelia’s hand gripped the bag and then she walked with Jax out of the store to a nearby shop which sold only shoes of all kinds. They both browsed around for a while, and eventually found each a pair that was suitable for their outfit choices. They paid and then left the shop. Ophelia felt like they hadn’t spent this amount of money on themselves all at once in God knows how many years.

Jax headed home with Ophelia, her excitement growing as they made their way home. After they got inside Hargul jumped up kissing both of them before he stuck his head in the bag, “What did you get? Presents for Hargul?”

Jax laughed, “Sorry not today cutie! We got some outfits for the club! Do you want to do my makeup though?”

Hargul squealed, “Purple and green and fuchsia for Miss Jax.” Jax smiled, happy to let her little creature paint her face anyway he damn liked as long as he was happy. She turned to Ophelia, “Should we get ready?”

“Hey Hargul! And yes definitely.” Ophelia agreed to getting ready, and took her bag of stuff and boots into her room. She changed into the new outfit and stared at herself for a few moments in the mirror. This outfit was so revealing compared to most she wore, she hoped that Roxas wouldn’t be upset. Though knew it was her choice to wear it. She put her hair up into a messy ponytail style bun updo, and let pieces fall around her face. She made sure her makeup was good and then stepped out into the living room.

“Okay. I’m ready!” she said, switching some of the solars they’d need for the night into a smaller pouch and putting that into her boot.

Jax giggled bringing Hargul with her as she went to put on the dress and shoes. She curled her tresses and covered up her bruises as best she could before she let Hargul go crazy with the makeup. After sitting at her makeup desk for about forty minutes she opened her eyes and gasped, “OH GOD! Hargul!”

Her face looked closer to clown makeup then a soft subtle look. She covered her mouth trying not to laugh, before she pulled out a makeup wipe. She got rid of most of the look and softened the edges but she left the remains, patting Hargul on the head with appreciation, “See it’s better with less! Am I right?”

Hargul stuck his tongue out, “More better. Miss Jax looks pretty though. Hargul come with you to the bar?”

Jax giggled, “Oh I would Peaches, but you wouldn’t have fun. Too many mythics and not enough demons for you to hang out with. Maybe next time okay?”

Hargul nodded, hopping up onto her shoulders as Jax walked out of her bedroom, seeing Ophelia, “Damn Son! You look hot as hell! Roxas is going to go nuts over you!”

“Thanks! And good, he better!” Ophelia teased, winking at Jax. “You look amazing too. But it’s already getting late, so let’s get going! Bye Hargul!” she said, taking Jax by the hand and tugging her back outside excitedly. It wasn’t the shortest walk back to the city, but this club was definitely worth it. Finally after a little while, they made their way to Cyanide, which could be hard to find if you hadn’t been there before. A simple sign above a hidden stairwell leading underground was all there was to identify the place. Ophelia grinned and paid the entrance fee for both of them, and they stepped into the club in what felt like slow motion. People’s heads turned and despite the loud base heavy music, Ophelia could hear soft gasps.

Once fully inside, the girls made their way to the bar which was directly in the middle of the room. Mythics of all types danced and sang around them, many of them high on potions or drunk. Ophelia’s grey eyes glowed very slightly in the dark club, looking at Jax and laughing happily as they waited for the boys to arrive.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Morthos waved bye to the girls as he thought on what Roxas asked. Then it occured to him, he had no idea what he could do with Roxas while they waited for tonight. "Uh, well, I wanna change in to somethine a bit less wrecked after my fight. Then....." Nothing. Nothing came to his mind on what they could do together, honestly he'd like some time alone but he figured Roxas would be a part of their team of 4 so he had to get to know the guy. "Honestly, I don't really do much in my free time, so I don't know what we could do."

Roxas waved as well then turned to Morthos. "Yeah no that's fine. I need to change too." He also had no idea what to do. His last group of teammates got wiped out in various missions. He had no idea what to talk about or even remotely do with him. "Okay well as of today it seems like we have to get to know each other since we'll be going on missions together. I'll tell you right now that my last team was wiped out one at a time and I'm not really trusting of anyone anymore. I don't do anything in my free time either so that's something we have in common." Roxas really didn't want to sound rude, but he couldn't really help it.

Greaaaat. Hopefully they found some common ground soon or this would be an awkward afternoon. "My place isn't too far from here, let's head there so I can change then we can go to your place." In the mean time maybe Morthos could figure out something for them to do. As they walked he asked, "so, was your team wiped out like, all in the same instance, like you were prisoners? Or was it like your were targeted and this happened over the course of a week or something?" It was an awkward question but they were both awkward guys, something had to give.

He raised an eyebrow to that question then laughed a little. "Most people just shy away from it when I say that but not you. Well to answer your question no to all of that. I used to be apart of one of the best groups ever. I don't know if you hax heard of us, but we called ourselfs the Phantom Thiefs. We went on all the top missions and we kicked a lot of ass." Roxas started to smiles thinking of all the old times he had with them and started to think of Celti. His expression changed dramaticly as the thought crossed his mind. "The missions we would go on were dangerous though. The last few we had killed most of everyone until it was just Celti and I... That's not really someone I want to talk about though." He continued to walk and looked away from Morthos, a tear starting to form in his right eye.

"Wow, that uh..." Morthos didn't really know what to say to that. That was some pretty heavy stuff. "You know, I'm not gonna say I'm sorry, I'm sure you've heard it all before. I'm just glad you seem to have mostly made peace with it." They got to Morthos' house and they entered, "sorry about the mess, wasn't expecting company." There was bottles and various liquids on his table and floor from his experimenting the night before, "you know what? While I'm getting changed check out my liquor cabinet, the one in the corner there," he pointed it out. "We can have a drink for your friends, I'll be back out in a few," with that he entered his room to change.

"It's fine. I still think about them a lot, but I can't change the past. Also no worries about the house. Everything's fine." He looked around for a bit then walked over to the cabinet. "Sounds good to me." As Roxas waited for Morthos, he picked out a few types of liquor and mixed them.

Morthos came out of his room looking mostly the same, he had new clothes but they looked like his other outfit, but now he had a leather jacket on. "I see you mixed us a nice concoction here," he grabbed a glass and raised it, "to the Phantom Thieves." He waited for Roxas to do the same and drank, "whoo, stronger than what I usually have." He finished the drink and put the glass in the sink, he'd wash it later, "so your place now so you can get some new threads, yeah?"

Roxas smiled and drank with Morthos, downing the drink unfazed by how strong it was. *No one ever saw us coming." He grinned then nodded his head. " Yeah sure, to my place so I can get a nice outfit on. Chances are though It'll just be a more cleaner one of this." He pointed to his clothes and laughed a little. He picked up his bag and lead the way to his place. "You're looking nice I see. Trying to impress someone?" Roxas teased a little knowing full well what the answer was.

"I mean, Jax helped me get these for a reason, I'm trying to look nicer in general." Morthos purposely avoided the question, he had hoped his fight would have impressed Jax. Though in saying he needed to find someone she made it very clear they were to remain just friends. Who knows, maybe he'd find a nice girl at the club and not want Jax anymore, kind of like how he might change from a fire specialist to an ice specialist.

Roxas stopped in front of Morthos. "Want some advice? Stop trying as hard as you are. I know you like Jax a lot right now and trust me she likes you, but you need to relax and give her her space. She'll come around eventually. You're a good looking guy with a nice heart. You're definitely better than I am." He smiled at Morthos and patted his shoulder. "Take it from someone who messed up the first time. I lucked out with Ophelia and trust me I plan on staying with her till I die. Which might be soon, but that's not the point. What I'm saying is just give her space and time. She'll come around." He smiled again then turned around and kept on walking. Finally making it to the road to his house.

Morthos wasn't sure what to say so he just didn't say anything, just a quiet "thanks," as they kept walking. Give her some space, huh? Maybe that would be best, after all Jax had made it very clear she just wanted to be friends, even though he was sure he'd felt a spark, maybe it was just him. "You sure do live out of the way, huh?" Morthos noticed they were a bit far from anywhere he had ever been as long as he'd been living here.

Roxas nodded in response to Morthos' comment. "Yup. I don't like to be near the city." They came up to his house and turned around to see if Morthos would react to it. "I worked my ass off for this place. Welcome to my place." He opened the door and started his way up to his room. "You're welcome to look around if you want." Roxas dissapered into his room and changed.

"It's nice," Morthos said simply. It was nothing fancy, but it was a nice cabin away from everything with a pretty decent view. He wouldn't mind living here himself, but the convenience of being close to everything was too good to pass up. Morthos didn't look around much but he did grab a glass of water since he was feeling a bit thirsty, he was sure Roxas wouldn't mind.

Roxas walked out after changing and met up with Morthos. "Okay I'm ready. We've got some time what would you like to do?" He sat down at the table and had a glass of water too. "I don't do much so figured you'd have an idea. Or you could tell me a little about yourself so I can help you out at the club. Unless you don't want to do that anymore."

"The thing is, right?" Morthos sat down and started on a bit of a rant, "all the interesting things about me I wouldn't want to tell people I don't trust. Like I'm basically royalty, I don't have a castle or anything, but I have lots of money from that. If someone finds that out they just wanna use me for my money. I guess I have my magic, but pretty much everyone has some kind of magic or ability, so it's not that cool. I can play a bit of piano, is that something girls are in to? I have zero idea what I'm doing." Morthos sighed and put his head in his hands, if not for Jax he wouldn't even be going to a club, totally not his scene.

"Alright this is what we'll do. We'll tell them about your magic and piano playing because that's hella cool. All you really have to do is just talk to them. If they ask about money and whatnot just be like I'm a normal man with a normal pay. They'll drop it. Anyways if they are interested in you it won't be for your money." Roxas smiled and laughed a bit. "I think I figured out what we're going to do." He stood up and poured some more water for the two of them then started to help Morthos out with what he would say. Before to long it was time for them to go to the club and they made their way. Right before they entered, Roxas looked at Morthos. "Don't worry to much just be yourself. Also let me tell you a secret. I hate this place too." He smiled put on some sunglasses and opened the doors dramatically so everyone was looking. He found Ophelia and walked right over to her and kissed her long and deep.

"Yeah, be myself," Morthos said to himself as they entered. Of course Roxas wanted to make some grand entrance, Morthos was already regretting coming here. But this was supposed to be a celebration, so he made his way over to the girls with a little wave. "Looking good girls, glad you could find some outfits that were to your liking." Jax was looking great, but he had to not think about that, he was gonna listen to Roxas' advice and just give her space.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 3 days ago

As soon as the boys walked in Jax set down her drink, her eyes lighting up as Morthos followed behind Roxas. She ran up to him swinging her arms around his neck and squeezing him for a few seconds, "Oh yeah! I was gonna get this leather dress but I thought this one fit the bill a bit better. Did you guys get fun?"

She let him go, walking back to her drink and downing it before leaning onto the bar, "Yo Mackie, 5 shots of, tequila please and a vampire special. Place em on Remington's tab. I know he's playing here tonight."

Mackie started to place the shot glasses on the counter, smirking as he eyed Jax's new tattoo, "Fine, but if I get in shit your talking to Dina."

Jax rolled her eyes, "Dina won't see any trouble. Remington owes me. Now quit looking at my rack and get to pouring." When he finished the drinks she walked over handing each one to her group, "There. One for each of you, and three for me. Now bottoms up partners. Mama needs to dance."

She downed each one quickly, her eyes glazing over slightly as she licked her lips, "AWE YES!! That hit it just right."
She suddenly felt a buzz on her thigh, and she giggled pulling out a cellphone from a small garter. A text from Maise indicated she was almost there. Jax smirked then the sound of Johnny Roxan filled the club. He was a blood bender and a hell of a guitarist. She shrieked, her voice making people glare over at her and the group,"OH IT'S JOHNNY!!! COME ON MORTHOS WE HAVE TO DANCE!"

Jax grabbed his hand pulling him to the dance floor where she bounced and moved around like a jellyfish. Jax was hot, super hot but her dancing was ridiculous. She lifted her arms up and waved them like tentacles, her heels jutting out awkwardly to the tune. People kept there distance and anyone who was paying attention could see that Jax had no rhythm, except for Jax herself. She hiccuped, then giggled to herself smiling over at Morthos thinking that she was the sexiest girl on the dance floor.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia and Jax stood at the bar for not too long before Roxas and Morthos walked in. Roxas moved straight towards her, and kissed her for a long while. Ophelia's eyes widened a little, still not used to it. Morthos waved at her as well, and she grinned widely at him.

"Hi guys! You two look great." she said happily, feeling the vibrations of the music move through her entire body. Suddenly Jax was ordering them shots of tequila, and a specific Vampire drink for Ophelia. Ophelia took the drink which came in a tall, slender shot glass and the liquid looked almost pitch black. The drink was mostly just blood, though it was always laced with something that would get her the equivalent of drunk or high. She normally didn't go out often though. She felt like she was definitely the more serious and reserved one of the twins. And drinking made that veil disappear. She was unsure how she would react with Roxas around. But she figured she would be in safe hands between the four of them.

Suddenly Jax was shrieking about the music and she pulled Morthos to the dance floor. Jax was a horrible dancer, and Ophelia watched her with embarrassed eyes. She shook her head slightly, but then laughed knowing Jax was having tons of fun. She brought the drink to her cool lips, and tilted her head back, her eyes half closing as the liquid poured down her throat. She placed the glass on the bar and asked for another, her lips stained red. Quickly her request was filled as Mackie handed her two more, grinning at her. "One's on the house!" He was a total flirt, and even though he favored Jax, Ophelia still sometimes reaped the benefits. She knew the name of this drink was different at each place, but at this club is was named the Raven. Ophelia took these two as well and then looked up at Roxas.

She could feel the sensation of the blood and the high taking her body over, her eyes shifting from grey to ice blue, nearly white in color. She smiled, the white lace of her outfit feeling cool and soft against her skin. She shivered slightly, though not because she was cold. Her hand moved to rest in Roxas's and she made sure he was still close to her. "What do you think of my outfit?" she asked him, her eyes shifting from him lips to his throat and back again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas watched as Jax took Morthos to dance. She was awful, but it seemed like she was having fun. 'Light weight.' He thought to himself and laughed. Roxas didn't care much for drinking. It took him to long to get drunk anyways, plus it seemed he was the one babysitting tonight anyways. So when no one was looking he tossed out the shot. Tequila was nasty anyways. Once no one said anything about his stupid ass sunglasses, he took them off and placed his glasses back on. Was a stupid gag anyways. After a few minutes of watching Jax make a fool of herself, Roxas turned back to Ophelia who seemed to have downed her drink already. "Be careful my love." He smiled at her as she ordered more. The Bartender came back with two more and claimed that the drinks were on the house. Obviously flirting with her.

Roxas leaned forward close the guy and smiled at him. "Just don't buddy." He said coldly still smiling as his eyes turn red. The bartender didn't say anything else and just walked away, a little rattled. "Bitch." He muttered to himself and turned to Ophelia again. He was kinda surprised by his reaction to the bartender though. Roxas had never really felt jealously before. Took him by surprise. Oh well didn't matter.

Ophelia drained the other two drinks then looked up at Roxas. "What do you think of my outfit?" She said to him as she looked at his eyes then his neck and back. He was going to have to let her feed later after they all left. "I love it." He smiled and looked at the laced up outfit. No wonder that guy was flirting with her. Ophelia looked hot. Roxas blushed a little and looked a way real quick. He knew she was high at the moment, but he was still embarrassed to blush in front of her. He squeezed her hand and leaned in to kiss again. "You look fantastic tonight. I bet others would love to be me right now." He laughed then kissed again. "How would you like to dance with me?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 22 min ago

Morthos was surprised when Jax grabbed him but he hugged her back thinking to himself be cool man, just be cool. She released him and ordered them some shots, mostly for herself it seemed. Morthos took his shot and made a face, it wasn't that he didn't enjoy it, it was just his alcohol drinking face. Jax was suddenly on her feet and dragging Morthos on to the dance floor, anyone who didn't know would think that he was the reluctant boyfriend being dragged to dance by his drunk girlfriend.

He went with her and did some movements that some very generous people might call dancing. She was having a great time with it all, she wasn't in time with the beat at all, but she smiled at Morthos and he couldn't help but smile back. How was he supposed to try and get with some other girl when Jax was the only one he saw. "I'll be right back," he said to her, close to her ear so she could hear over the music, "getting a drink." He made a motion pretending to drink hoping she would get it if she didn't hear. Morthos went to the bar and told the bartender, "I'll have two of whatever your strongest shot is," the dude raised an eyebrow at Morthos and replied, "I'll give you one for now, these shots are real strong, we're not allowed to sell multiple of them at a time. They're laced with magic and can cause minor hallucinations in some." Morthos just sighed, "fine, one of those then."

Morthos gave the Solars to the guy and downed the shot, and it hit him right away. He felt his head buzzing and every movement seemed to leave an afterimage. "Okay then," Morthos said as he danced his way across the floor to Jax and got in to the moves as much as she was. It turned out, dancing was may more fun when you were really drunk, who knew?
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