A N I M E - F A N T AS Y - I S E K A I
1 - 3 players

Cast of Characters | PCs

Ikazuchi Hiroko is an unassuming waitress from Yokohama, Japan. Orphaned at a young age, Hiroko has struggled to make something of her life, to have financial stability, and truly experience the world. The streets of Eferion will welcome that opportunity, though it may not exactly what she had in mind. The heroic spirit that represents her is the rogue, a hero of wit and quickness. At twenty-one years old she is the eldest of the summoned “heroes”.

Izuna Sakuya is a hapless nineteen year old from the surburbs of Yokohama, Japan. Her lack of a fulfilling school life has left her feeling like an insignificant face in the crowd. The World of Eferion might be exactly what she has been looking for as she will be anything but another statistic. The heroic spirit that represents her is the wizard, a hero of power and great wisdom.

Nishikawa Kaito is a nineteen year old from the suburbs of Yokohama, Japan. Never quite getting over his parent’s death in an untimely car accident and feeling helpless from the bullying he faced in high school, Kaito has always wished he could be stronger. But in the World of Eferion such aspirations will not be only a fantasy in his video games and anime. The heroic spirit that represents him is the monk, a hero of great strength and greater endurance.

Tokuda Toshinari is a eighteen year old from a single parent household in Yokohama, Japan. Never achieving what he wanted out of his teenage years, the regrets Toshinari accumulated eventually began to weigh him down. Most of all, Toshinari wishes for a second chance and a new life; something like his experiences in role-playing video games. Perhaps in part, Eferion can show him what exactly that wish is like. The heroic spirit that represents him is the fighter, a hero of great strength and boundless discipline.

Cast of Characters | NPCs

Ipharia Del Maere is an Eianese cleric serving the divine aspect of vitality. The purple-haired young woman is a native to the Taroshima Province and despite the dark and perilous times she lives in hopes to find the light in the darkness. As a member of the divine faith she is rather educated to the point she is fluent in several old world and common languages, which comes in handy with her duties as a cleric in mind. She’s formidable enough in a fight, but her strongest spells are in the restoration school of magic rather than the evocation school. Despite being only twenty cycles old she hopes that the world will get better, not worse.

Avantasia Silvercrest is the crown princess of The Kingdom of Alma, the largest and most powerful monarchy on the entire planet of Eferion. For her entire life she has waiting for war to come once again to the Nine Kingdoms. Her father has turned ill and her court wizard has offered little wisdom in the face of the Dominion of Xalahar and its wretched forces. With all of her efforts she has put her faith into a divine wish spell that will bring heroes to defeat the warlord himself, though she still intends to protect her people with all of the strength she can muster. She will not bow to Xalahar.

Zalmis has served the Kingdom of Alma as its court wizard for many years now. In the absence of King Falcius IV Silvercrest he is one part of the ruling council alongside the Knight-Commander and Princess-Regent. He is the one responsible for bringing heroes to Eferion to stop the Black King, otherwise known as Xalahar. He is not all that he appears, however...