height | weight | age | grade | gender[/center]
[INDENT]self-explanatory (I hope)[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Each character in the series is represented by one of the twenty-two major arcana found in a typical tarot deck. Your [url=megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Arcana#M… should match your personality as closely as it can. I will not be accepting any arcana that aren't listed so there's no need to bother asking.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]A [url=megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Persona_… is the manifestation of one's personality and power. The series has a [url=megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Category… of different beings[/url] to choose from. If none of them suit your fancy, you can get a general idea of how to make your own if you'd like. One fantasy lookin' pic and a name based on a mythological or fantasy figure and bam, Persona. If you have any questions or need guidance let me know--don't be discouraged if the Persona you would like to have isn't in your arcana, I'm willing to be flexible about it.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]There are [url=megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_… skills[/b] and [b]magical skills[/b][/url]. The former is pretty obvious--by sacrificing some of your health, you can inflict massive damage to the enemy. of course, the payoff is that you only have so much health, though of course if you're healed up you can continue to use physical skills. That said, magic skills use up [b]spirit points[/b] (which is basically mana in this world) and is not limitless.
The latter are divided into a few different categories, though we'll start with [b]elemental skills[/b]. So, most Persona tend to have an element attached to them, but instead of being called fire, ice, etc., they go by different names here, with a prefix and additional part added to dictate its power and how many it can target--for example, a fire spell is called [b]Agi[/b]. The strongest form of that spell is [b]Agidyne[/b], with -dyne indicating its power. [b]Maragidyne[/b] with the prefix of Ma- (with the R added only in this case) indicates that it selects multiple targets.
In addition to the offensive elemental magic, there are also [b]healing[/b], [b]support[/b], [b]ailment[/b], and [b]passive [/b]skills. With the exception of the last one, the prefix and suffix rules also apply! Healing spells are self-explanatory, support skills have an assortment of different attacks ranging from boosting your allies' attack to lowering an enemy's defense. Ailment skills inflict status effects like confusion, charm, and sleep. Finally, passive skills also have a variety that usually just help in the long run.
Now, with all that in mind, you'll get 3 skills to start off with.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Once your character's Persona awakens, your character's clothes and whatnot change to match your 'rebirth'. [/INDENT]
[INDENT]In addition to some rad new clothes you get something to probably smash into the shadows' faces. What is it? Note that there are few limitations since you don't have the baggage of bringing it back and forth from the real world to the other side.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]The current year IC wise is 2018, with the RP's starting date being April 9th (Monday).[/INDENT]
[INDENT]misc info that you can add if you'd like[/INDENT]
Height | Weight [/center]
[indent]First and Last[/indent]
[indent]The minimum age for attendance is sixteen[/indent]
[indent]What house do you hail from?[/indent]
[indent]What are you like?[/indent]
[u]Weapon of Choice[/u]
[indent]Have you trained yourself in a weapon? Do you have your own weapon? If so, list it here.[/indent]
[indent]What are you good at?[/indent]
[indent]same as personality[/indent]
[indent]Optional with one exception: what is your relation to the prince? How would your character have received an invitation to the tour?[/indent]
[indent]Any Misc Info[/indent]
ok so what exactly do you do here??
so WHAT do I do ?? sorry but I am still a bit confused
![]() _______________________________________________ Lyra Rose Luscin Female | 23 | Fire Martial Artist | Protection Specialist _______________________________________________ ![]() _______________________________________________ ✦ Likes ✦
✦ Disikes ✦
✦ Habits ✦
✦ Other ✦
_______________________________________________ | "Only thorns left on this rose." ✦ Appearance ✦ Standing at five feet seven inches, Lyra is a beautiful young woman. Many have described her matching her namesake, having inherited the best features of both her parents, though most note she strongly resembles her mother more than her father. She sports fair skin and large, bright grey-blue eyes. Her black hair hands in a bob, framing her heart-shaped face and bringing out the soft features in her face. She has a fit figure with an ample bust, a pair of long legs, and generous hips. ✦ Personality ✦ Outwardly, Lyra is a confident, if somewhat sarcastic young woman. She always seems to have a quip ready and isn't afraid to poke fun at someone's expense, often adding a sardonic comment whether it is warranted or not. Whether that drives people away doesn't concern her too much as she has a tendency to keep people at arm's length. It tends to confuse people as she desires to know people better, but dislikes opening up about herself. Of course, all this is to protect herself. At heart she is a romantic and a dreamer, dangerous things to be during a war. She wants nothing more than to have her fantasies come true and to be swept off her feet by a man she loves and loves her in return. She feels that the only way to fill the emptiness in her heart is to find love, but such a thing isn't possible right now, and the very real possibility that the war won't end in her lifetime terrifies her. She wants to be vulnerable but is afraid of getting hurt, and as she gets older her inner child comes out more whether she wants it to or not. She is still determined to fight as needed and will not hesitate to stand for what is right. While things are bleak, she firmly believes that the rebellion will prevail and knows that they fight for the good of people who cannot fight themselves. The sacrifices and losses that have occurred drive her, and she is courageous and spirited as a result. She is also fiercely loyal to those she cares about and the cause, and despite her mother's wishes, is willing to lay her life on the line for what is right. ✦ Background ✦ Born to Lilie Dionne and Noah Luscin, Lyra and Eden were born in the midst of war after a near-death experience and an order from Benjamin Eve. From birth they were showered with as much love as one could give during the circumstances, albeit in their younger years, they were hidden away with what was left of their maternal human family. While Uncle Ren was strict, he was caring, and their cousin Daisy often helped balance him out. While their adolescence was unsteady and uncertain, their parents made sure that the girls were loved. Once their Awakening came around, the pair insisted on enlisting in the rebellion. To the surprise of few, their mother outright refused, having planned to stash them and their uncle and cousin somewhere safe. Both girls argued back but it wasn't until their father intervened that they were allowed under one condition: Lilie would teach them magic and determine if they would be allowed in. In addition, Lyra was outright forbidden from using her magic outside any camps. While Eden's lightning was easily excusable, fire mages were outright forbidden and were taken away from their families. Unfortunately, tragedy would see to it that Eden's life would be taken in the fighting. While the family was devastated, Lyra never recovered from losing her other half. She ended up throwing herself entirely into her training, feeling that if the war is won, then the loss of Eden would have been for something. That said, she has all but neglected her mental health otherwise, and as a result has resorted to unhealthy coping mechanisms. Still, so long as she is ready for the next fight, she feels she is fine. ✦ Theme ✦ Color Code: [crimson] "The only thing on my mind is revenge." |