Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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By this point, Raphael stood silent in front of the bathroom door, just listening to Charlie's voice from the other side. Her soft, reassuring words were that of a small bell; it sounded that of a promise. That they will be able to find him, and the rebellious turtle can only hope. "...thanks...", he finally said. "...Charlie", he added.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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A small smile appeared on her lips upon hearing him thank her, knowing her words of hope were probably all he had now. "You're welcome." She said before sighing softly. "I might as well get out before April wakes up and finds me here."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Giving a sigh, Raphael gave a grunt, as a way to agree with her. The anti-social type he was, the rebellious turtle didn't give much of an acknowledgment with words. So, the best way, nowadays for him, was to display his feelings and emotions with action -- and he did this by walking away from the door. If she noticed him missing, then he left her a sign by putting a slight creak into the floor upon his every footstep, so she could detect his departure, as he reluctantly went back to his sleeping spot. Unknown to him, Jennifer was awake, having to overhear their conversation, which made the Asian teen smile to herself.

The next morning, it was another day of caution, and judging by how April found the four turles nearly taking up the entire front room on the floor, it wasn't going to be easy getting visitors, especially since the four brothers stayed the night, looking for solace and comfort. She couldn't blame them; they had nowhere else to go. Their light snores were enough to wake Jennifer up, by she noticed April walk into the room, giving the woman a shrug, and an apologetic smile. However, before their host could say anything, there was a knock on the door, awakening her guests. "Who is it?"

"It's me, Charles", Jennifer silently cussed, before softly shaking Charlotte awake, who laid next to her on the futon.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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Charlie replaced her bracelet, stepping out of the tub and letting the water drain as she changed into dry pajamas. She had heard Raph leave when she got out, figuring he went back to bed. Again, she figured he wasn't much of a talker. Once dried off and in dry clothes, she went back to the futon and fell asleep.

She moaned as she felt someone shaking her to wake her up. "What?" She mumbled, still wanting to sleep. She was always like this due to her late night swims.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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"Somebody's here", Jennifer told her softly.

"It's my boss", April said, carefully stepping around the turtles, and approaching the door. "Can you guys...", right before she could even such a question, the four brothers disappeared on the spot, as if they were never there to begin with. Jennifer even had to blink, after looking away from Charlie to register how they got away unannounced. But then, both women had to remember that they were trained as ninjas -- mentally-noted. "...hide?", the woman pulled herself together, as she waited for the girls to put themselves in something decent, before opening the door. "Charles, what's up?", a man walked in, with a teenaged boy, who seemed to be tagging along with him. His son, perhaps?

"April...listen. You have been working awful hard on this story lately. Why don't you take it easy for a while? Just let somebody else handle it".
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 5 mos ago

"What?!" She exclaimed, not loud enough for whoever it was to hear. She sat up, looking over at the brothers in worry. They had to hide, but where? She blinked before realizing they were gone, vanished like smoke. Ninja skills. She reminded herself as she made herself decent before April opened the door. She listened to what he said rolling her eyes as he told her to let someone else take the job.

"Is he kidding? She's onto this case more than the cops are." She whispered to Jen.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Jennifer silently groaned in annoyance, shaking her head, in confirmation to Charlie's statement. Why would they want her off the case? Because she's too pushy for the business? Or, because she knew too much that it causes pressure for the police? These thoughts were circling around in her head, as she listened in on the conversation, though at the same time, she pretended to mind her own business. April herself didn't seem all to pleased on what was being requested of her. "Charles, what are you talking about? It's my story; no way".

"Look at you; you're exhausted!", the man insisted, following April into the bathroom, which caused Jennifer to frown, telling Charlie to stay put, before tailing the two adults from behind, just by a few feet. "Let somebody else help you cover City Hall".

The teenage boy in the room seemed to be looking around, before catching sight of what seemed to be Mikey hiding under the table, in the reflection of one of the mirrors. Turning around, hoping to figure out whether it was a trick of the eye or not, the turtle disappeared on the spot, as if he had never been there.

"What's with you today?", April asked her boss, wondering why he would tell her to lay back, while proceeding to wash her face. "Nothing's with me today. I just thought you might like a little help", Jennifer continued to listen in, still trying to decipher what was really going on behind this incessant yet unexpected meeting, shortly before peeking from behind the doorway. "Well, I don't. Hand me a towel, will you?", she gasped, having to see Donatello hiding behind the shower curtain, with Jennifer catching a glimpse of him in the mirror. Her heart sunk, as Charles approached that very spot! "Charles, no!", April rushed to stop him, but right as he moved the curtain, there was no Donatello. "What's wrong?"

"I just don't want you to see my unsightly bathtub ring. Okay, just out, out, out, out, out", and just like that, she was pushing him out of her bathroom; Jennifer, making a quiet snicker, when she found the turtle clinging to the ceiling of the shower. "I have to get ready for work. Danny, would you tell your father to relax?"

"I wish", so that was his name. Danny.

"Just don't push any buttons today, okay?", and he was gone, along with "Danny".
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Charlie nodded in reply, glancing over at the boy who came with April's boss. Obviously his son, but something was off about him. She couldn't figure out what exactly, but she kept glancing at him now and then to make sure he wasn't any trouble. Seeing him quickly turn around, her heart sank. Did he see one? "Something wrong?" She asked him to which she got a glare in response.

She rolled her eyes at him before hearing April shriek out at her boss. She had to have been stopping him from attacking one of the turtles. She sighed softly in relief upon hearing about the bathtub ring and telling him to get out. Once they were gone, she looked around for the brothers. "Guys?" She asked.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"That was close!"

As if on cue, Mikey appeared right next to April, who jumped on the spot for his sudden appearance. Jennifer wondered whether if it was the art of misdirection, or just the mastery of stealth that made him unnoticeable to them. "Time to switch to decaf, April", he chirped, just as the others were coming out of hiding.

"That was really impressive", Jennifer praised their ability to camouflage with their surroundings, which apparently caused Mikey to fluster and giggle at the compliment.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Charlie yelped in surprise as Raph came out from under the futon, never having seen nor felt him underneath. She hoped she didn't accidentally squish him while he was hiding under there. Had she known she would have gotten up.

"It really was. You guys have to teach us how to do that. If you don't mind that is." She said, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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"I can do it too. I just haven't used it yet", Jennifer shrugged with a sheepish smile. "Cool! Next time, I want to see you blend in, like us", Mikey excitedly suggested, almost sounding like it was a dare. "I could give it a go", the Asian smiled, making the younger turtle blush a little, with another giggle. It was rather amusing to her, making the others groan.

"I should get ready for work. Will you guys be hanging out here when I get back?", April asked, almost concerned on leaving them alone.

"We'll be okay. Just as long as you come back, safely", Jennifer said, reassuring the woman that they won't be going anyway.
Not that they had to, right?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 5 mos ago

"We can handle ourselves, April. We'll be okay." Charlie assured her with a smile. Of course they'd still be here, they had nowhere to go really, especially if the Foot was looking for them. She gave her a wave as she left before grabbing her things and heading to the bathroom to change. She sighed softly as she processed everything that happened within the last day.

They had met four teenage brothers who were different like her and Jen, befriended them, they lost their mentor and father, and were now camping out here as a safe haven. She sighed softly, realizing how much had happened in so little time.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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April was almost reluctant to leave her new friends alone in the apartment, although she reassured herself that they won't be going anywhere to find trouble, especially since whoever kidnapped Splinter, may as well as be looking for them. So, everything should be fine, for the time being. She found herself rather thankful and lucky to have met these individuals, considering that the least Miss O'Neil could do, was give them a place to lay low.

When Charlie left the bathroom, Raphael silently watched her, not saying anything, but let the wheels in his head turn, at their current situation.

A few hours after the human woman left, the girls and the brothers hung out in the living room; the television going on in the background, as they tried to find ways to pass the time. Jennifer decided that this would be the perfect time to teach Charlie some basic physical combat. Revolving around that of self-defense, instead of straight-up educating her on something more complex, topics for beginners were the best place to start. After a meditation session with the eldest turtle, Charlotte can practice on her punches and kicks with Jennifer, causing Raphael to get distracted every once in a while.

"This is beginning to sound less and less like your common, garden-variety subway mugging..."

The brothers crowded around the television, with the exception of Raphael, who sat on the couch.
"She's a good reporter", Leonardo pointed out.
"She's a babe!", Mikey corrected him, causing Jennifer to chuckle nearby.

"...known as the Foot"
"I'm sorry, the 'Foot'?"
"Yeah, I know it sounds like a funky club for podiatrists, but I've been speaking with a lot of Japanese-Americans for the past few days, who say that our recent crime wave is reminiscent of a secret band of ninja thieves, who once operated in Japan."

Taking a break with Charlie, Jennifer went to get some water for herself and her "adopted sister", while listening.

"Are the police looking into this?"
"I've included everything in my statement, but I doubt very much that Chief Sterns is taking this possible connection seriously."

Giving Charlotte her bit of refreshment, Jennifer stood on the spot, watching the television, after taking a gulp.

"You still haven't told us how you got away from your attacker"
"It's really quite incredible. Some citizens of New York actually came to my rescue. Who says everyone in the Big Apple looks the other way? Seriously, June, I would like to take this opportunity to thank them: Jennifer, Charlie....and if he's watching, thanks, Raphael".
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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Charlie practiced with Jennifer on some self defense which she was thankful for, even with Leo and Donnie giving her some pointers and helping with her stances. She proved to be a good learner although not a one hundred percent great fighter. She was still learning after all.

Her attention turned to the TV as April started speaking snorting at Mikey's comment about April. Boys. She gave Jen a little nod of thanks for the water before looking back as April mentioned being rescued, blinking a few times upon hearing her thank not only Jen and Raph but Charlie herself as well.

Her attention was broken as Mikey pointed at Raph. "Look! I think he's blushing! I think he's actually turning red."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Jennifer and the brothers were patient with Charlie, as she was just learning the ways of combat. Mistakes and mishaps were common, as the turtles themselves weren't masters as of yet, in spite of one claiming otherwise; they were still students under the guidance of a mentor. All it took, was a bit of practice. Although in Jen's case, she was self-taught, rather than one taking instruction from a teacher. However, she was modest, and took this particular experiences as a way of taking pointers, in order to correct the things she initially thought were perfect.

Everyone was learns something new, everyday.

That last comment apparently pushed it for the red-bandannaed alpha-like turtle, as he threw his sai into the floor, near one of his brothers' legs, causing Jennifer to flinch. "...maybe not", Donatello took it back quick, until Raphael reached over to take his weapon back. "So what do we do now?!", he demanded, frustrated. "What do you mean, 'what do we do now?", Leo questioned, wondering what was getting his rebel of a brother so worked up.

"Splinter's out there somewhere!", he was clearly upset, causing Jennifer to close her eyes, once that very topic was brought up.

"I know Splinter's out there", the leader was being remarkably calm, in contrast to Raphael's aggression. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be rubbing off each other nicely, as soon as Donnie and Mikey decided to retreat into the kitchen.

"What are we gonna do about it?!"
"What can we do about it? April's our only link to these guys. We have to wait until she comes up with something".
"Oh, so that's the plan from our 'great leader', huh?"

"Guys...", Jennifer voiced from where she was, hoping that her words would calm them down, but it didn't seem to work.

"...just sit here on our butts!"
"I never said I was a great leader".
"You sure act like it, sometimes!"
"Yeah? Well, you act like a jerk, sometimes, you know that! And this attitude of yours isn't helping anything".

"...guys!", she tried again. Emotions were being thrown around, and it was painful to watch, especially at a dangerous time. like this. The last thing they needed right now was for them to split up. Her words seemed to make them stop, but it didn't seem to stop Raphael.

"Yeah, well, maybe I'll just take my attitude and leave!"
"Why don't you?"
"I will!"
"Go ahead! We don't need you!"

And the rebel turtle was out the door, causing Jennifer to sigh in sadness and disappointment.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 5 mos ago

A little squeak escaped Charlie as the sai hit the floor, startled by the sudden movement. She noted that Raph apparently didn't like being teased, especially if he was in a bad mood. Speaking of, he was clearly upset when asking about the next course of action. Upon hearing Raph speak of Splinter, her heart sank a little. He still had hope in finding his father figure. She glanced at Leo, wondering how he could be so calm about all this. Surely he was just upset about Splinter's disappearance as Raph.




"Kitchen." Mikey and Donnie exchanged before leaving to get out of the verbal gunfire about to ensue. Charlie watched the two older brothers as she realized the younger two were right. Clearly Leo's calm demeanor wasn't going over well with Raph.

"Leo!" She exclaimed as he called Raph on his attitude and a jerk. From her point of view, it was uncalled for. They were fighting, tearing a rift between their brotherly bond that wasn't repairing any time soon. She watched as Raph stormed off, Leo yelling they didn't need him.

Something within her snapped as she glared daggers at Leo. "How could you say that to your own brother?! He's your family! The last thing you all need is losing him too!" She yelled at him.

"You're supposed to be the leader...but all you're doing is pushing him away. Way to go, Leo." She said before leaving as well, trying to find Raph in hopes of helping him calm down and keep him safe.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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By the time Charlotte slammed the door, everyone was silent - Mikey and Donatello were left speechless, as they sat quietly in the kitchen.

"Pork rind?"
"Pork rind."

Jennifer sighed sadly, before turning to the eldest turtle in the room.
"Words can pierce your opponents like bullets; it can graze them yet harm them. Raphael is hurting, Leonardo; not to mention, heartbroken. I'm not saying you don't seem the same, but both of you are dealing with it differently. I can see that you are a calm, clear-headed individual, but that doesn't mean you can shut Raphael out, by not acknowledging for how he is feeling, and because of that, he feels that no one understands. Why do you think Charlie left?"

The blue swordsman looked at her, having to be surprised to be given a wise lecture from one of their new friends. There was something about Jennifer that left quite an impression on the three brothers; an older sister, someone who can give the best advice possible. Her words circled around in his head, shortly before he looked at the floor, almost ashamed. The Asian girl walked towards him, and gently grasped his hand. They didn't say anything, but let her touch alone comfort him.

Meanwhile, on the roof, Raphael was doing everything he can to let his anger go.
He wasn't aware of being pursued by Charlie, who followed him.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Charlie had heard the door to the roof close after she started to head downstairs, changing her direction to find the red bandanaed turtle in hopes of at least talking to him or finding another way to calm him down. She arrived in time to see him angrily punching and kicking the air. She figured he was letting off steam imagining he was fighting the Foot, or worse, Leo.

"Raph? You okay?" She asked, letting him know she was there. She didn't want to anger him further if he eventually saw her, figuring letting him know would avert an accidental attack. "What Leo said back there...I'm sure he didn't mean it. Both of you are upset about this and said things you didn't mean to." She said.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Punches and kicks to the air seem to be the right way of releasing the anger he was harboring. Splinter's very absence was taking its toll, and the longer they sit around, the bigger the chances were that their master may be gone permanently. Doesn't Leo understand this? They can't stay stationary. Giving grunts and groans of frustration, Raphael sighed, shortly before he heard the voice of Charlotte, a short ways behind him. What was she doing here?

Looking over the side of the building, and over at the streets below, he didn't answer her, but rather, gave a sniff; whether out of sadness or anger, the rebel shook his head, trying to force these troubled feelings to just disappear. Her words were launching towards him, and he didn't look at her. "He's out there; I know it", he said, seemingly ignoring what she was telling him.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 5 mos ago

"So do I, but I don't think he'd want his family to fall into discord." She said, carefully walking up to him. She still wanted to give him space should he decide to throw more punches and kicks. Charlie hesitated before gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know it might take you a while to calm down, but you have to try to make up with Leo. You can't leave things the way they were." She advised with a little hopeful smile.

Unbeknownst to them they were being watched by multiple eyes. One pair was from a not too far away building where a man sat, not believing what he was seeing even with the binoculars. It was the weird punk he met a few nights ago. What was he doing up there? And why was there a girl with him?

The other eyes belonged to a group of Foot ninjas who were creeping up on the duo before Charlie sensed something was wrong. She turned around, eyes widening as she saw they were surrounded. "Raph!" She exclaimed, but her warning came too late as one of the ninjas jumped onto his back.
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