Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 3 hrs ago

Banners created by Celxstiial

Welcome to the Voting and Feedback round for the MicroFiction&Poetry contest #7!

Voting and Feedback guidelines

  • Please take your time to read through all the entries before voting for your favourite work. The reasons you base your vote on are up to you, as long the vote isn’t based on whether or not you like the author.
    It would be nice if you could share why you voted for a specific work.
  • Giving feedback is optional but highly encouraged. When giving feedback you should be respectful and constructive. It’s good to point out any flaws or the things you feel could be improved or why you didn't like something, but don’t be mean.
    Make sure to point out what you liked or what appreciated in the entry too.
  • Contestants may (and are encouraged to) vote and/or give feedback for the other entries but shouldn’t vote for their own entry. If contestants wish to withhold a vote and only give feedback, that is good too.
  • The entries are anonymous unless the writer asked for having their name added. That being said, writers may claim their work at any time during or after the voting period.
  • The entry with the most votes will win, but in case of a tie a Contest Mod will cast the tie-breaker vote.
  • You can vote for entries and post your feedback in this thread, but if you rather have your vote and/or feedback be anonymous you can PM it to @Calle.
  • The voting period deadline is October 8th, 9:00 CET, which is 7:00 server time (both times are in a.m.).

The Entries

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dokdolegacy


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Banners created by Celxstiial

Welcome to the Voting and Feedback round for the MicroFiction&Poetry contest #7!

Voting and Feedback guidelines

  • Please take your time to read through all the entries before voting for your favourite work. The reasons you base your vote on are up to you, as long the vote isn’t based on whether or not you like the author.
    It would be nice if you could share why you voted for a specific work.
  • Giving feedback is optional but highly encouraged. When giving feedback you should be respectful and constructive. It’s good to point out any flaws or the things you feel could be improved or why you didn't like something, but don’t be mean.
    Make sure to point out what you liked or what appreciated in the entry too.
  • Contestants may (and are encouraged to) vote and/or give feedback for the other entries but shouldn’t vote for their own entry. If contestants wish to withhold a vote and only give feedback, that is good too.
  • The entries are anonymous unless the writer asked for having their name added. That being said, writers may claim their work at any time during or after the voting period.
  • The entry with the most votes will win, but in case of a tie a Contest Mod will cast the tie-breaker vote.
  • You can vote for entries and post your feedback in this thread, but if you rather have your vote and/or feedback be anonymous you can PM it to @Calle.
  • The voting period deadline is October 8th, 9:00 CET, which is 7:00 server time (both times are in a.m.).

The Entries

Very good stuff👌🏼
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 5 days ago

I vote for Holy Ground.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by V a s h
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V a s h Wanderer

Member Seen 13 days ago

4AM -- A simple six word sentence story. It conveys an exchange well after dark, but other than that there's not much to go on. Little to no emotional impact or narrative weight. Solid entry, but that's it.

Pretty Hate Machine -- The writing is descriptive, and the author shows competence within that area. There's some little creative input going in by changing just a bit of the Nine Inch Nails lyrics, however I wonder whether any lyrics are needed at all, except, perhaps, for 'Head like a hole'... and 'Drown out your soul'... Otherwise, this inside look at a misanthropic descent of an edgy teenager having trouble coming to terms with his emotions and place in the world is mostly juvenile. Even with the suggestion that a school shooting might be about to occur, I don't feel the rising horror I should feel, but rather a general loathing for the "protagonist." What's missing here is nuance. How you go about finding a way to portray the descent into such an awful mental state is up to you.

John Bello -- I am amused.

I vote for John Bello. It isn't particularly special, to my eyes, but the writer was clever, had fun, and showed a general understanding of craft. I nearly voted for Pretty Hate Machine but was ultimately too turned off by the more amateurish depictions of hatred born by loneliness, isolation, and crushed self-esteem that certainly follows some people in the darker side of high school. It felt too on-the-nose with the shock, and not enough rising terror or insightful characterization.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 hrs ago

Get your votes in! Voting deadline is in 13.5 hours.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

My vote goes to 'John Bello'.

Short entry but it was quite fun.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 hrs ago

In this round John Bello got the most votes, so that entry will be added to the hall of fame.

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