Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

~Isai Kyouko~

Isai...Wasn't a runner. And, ironically, making him lighter wouldn't make him run any faster! Hatsu didn't quite know how physics worked! Just because something is lighter doesnt' mean that it could run against the wind all the easier and, without its weight, utilize it's own body for landing and useful muscular activities such as, well, jumping from branch to branch. In fact, it threw Isai off! He couldn't get used to the sensation of being lighter than what he normally was. It was like he was obese before and had an impossibly unhealthy lipo operation moments before, but no time to get used to just how skinny he was now. His muscle memory was torn to shreds as he was stumbling and even, only once mind you, ran clean into a tree on accident.

At least, being lighter, it didn't hurt as much when he fell into the dirt. It still hurt though. He landed on his back, banged his head a little, and felt a small pebble dig into his left shoulder. He'd be sore for a while now and he wasn't happy at all about it. Then again, who was happy about falling a dozen feet out of a tree? Hatsu probably got a laugh out of it and the thought of him smiling about it frustrated Isai. Still, he didn't want Hatsu to outright leave him either.

"H-Hey!" Isai would call, his back full of dirt and leaves, "Dude, listen tah me!" Isai would say, as loud as his little voice could carry, which wasn't all that far. He was demanding that Hatsu stop. There was no point in leaving Isai behind. If they became separated then Hatsu was on his own. Was that what he wanted? Isai wouldn't have a problem with it if Hatsu outright said that. It wasn't like Isai was the one that was going to be hunted down, probes stuck in him, then have his soul partially ripped out for fun. Isai wasn't the one that was in the most danger of being found out then having to fight, all by himself, a the Hokage himself! Hatsu was a rouge loner, but this was probably the one time when having someone to watch your back would probably be slightly beneficial.

Isai looked down at his feet. Isai slowly raised his right leg before pressing it down. It was easy to lift his leg, due to the ultra-slim jutsu that Hatsu carelessly thought to share with an ecstatically willing Isai. However, as Isai put his leg down, aiming to press down into the earth, he found that he lacked the same strength and force that he had when he held more weight in his leg. Lighter, but not stronger. This wasn't his technique, nor did he like it. It was probably beneficial for the user, as they could probably make things lighter or heavier as they willed, but for someone caught in the grip of the technique it just made him feel the same strength as when he was numb. It wasn't an advantage to Isai. It was a weakness.

But...It's not like Isai couldn't take advantage of this.
Isai dusted himself off. He didn't like being dirty...This was apparently clear as he aggressively fought the mud and grime sticking to him even letting out a childish growl as the leaves dared to question his authoritative hand. Isai fought with the dirt and, eventually, threw his arms with a groan of defeat and pulled out a single kunai. It was the only kunai that he had. Isai hoped that Hatsu at least, with his caring heart, decided to pause a moment so that Isai could prepare this. If Hatsu was a complete jerk and left Isai then Isai would have to count his losses, as he was nowhere near as fast as Hatsu was even if Hatsu had a leg cramp.

Cutting his right index finger, Isai would perform a few seals and summon a single scroll with the letter A on it.
If Hatsu was a good guy and did decide to meet his teammate half way then Isai would call him over.

"I don't know ya very well, monkey, so I think now is the time. We ain't need to be getting to the Leaf too soon. We don't need to rush. I wanna know what ya can do, 'sides being a monkey, so that I can make plans right. Ya should ask me what I can do too," Isai would state, looking around a moment. For a split second his dull, cool eyes lit up and glowed. They looked as if they were energized with electricity, causing the double ringed iris to become a fuller, brighter gold. He was using his sensory ability to see if anyone was in the immediate area. Even though the skill was powerful and useful, it was limited in range and could only detect electricity in an individual's body, thus if they were using chakra to conceal themselves, and all the electricity in their body, he wouldn't catch them. However, such an advanced concealment technique was one that Isai had never seen before...Shadow aside.

"Nobody around. Now, lets talk." The little high strung, disrespectful, cocky brat was actually talking to Hatsu as a potential equal? It seemed like even Isai could get serious...Somewhat. Then again, like he said, he just wanted to know what Hatsu could do so that he didn't do unnecessary things and so that they wouldn't be awkward in a fight.


"No Ryou...Thank you," Kii would say, looking at Ryou, seriously in the eyes. This is why Kii relied on Ryou. Even if Kii was a good planner, he really was just like Shira. He was impulsive and brash. Being a good planner was nothing if you didn't have someone there to remind you that you were about to make a mistake. If there wasn't someone there to tell you to calm down, reassess, and replan. Ryou was the glue that kept any invention Kii ever built together and that was through his empathetic reasoning. Ryou had a strong heart. A stronger heart than Kii. Kii knew, as he was running and thinking about everything that had happened already, if Ryou were in Kii's position that Ryou had the strength of character to even forgive Taiho. Ryou could see the logic behind the situation, even consider Taiho's side of the equation, and make a decision based on the whole of the prediciament, not just his own side. Sure, Ryou would probably fight Taiho, but he would never want to hurt Taiho the way Kii did.

The way Kii still did.
"I trusted him...I really did..." Kii whispered, though Ryou would hear it. Ryou would hear the pain in the words of the young teenager. The betrayal weighed heavy on him. This was the first time he put his trust in someone and, instead of helping, they tried to destroy him. It really did hurt. Kii thought back to all the times he laughed with Taiho and studied with Taiho and ate with Taiho and then placed all that side by side with the fact that Taiho just handed Shira, who had the sweetest heart, to the enemy to do with however they pleased. It was almost as if Taiho didn't care. As if he didn't care about Kii.

That really hurt.

The bugs led both Kii and Ryou down an alleyway. It was tight, dark, and not very spacious.
"Lets hurry and-" Kii started, however they were blocked by a ninja that was waiting for them. The ninja would look familiar, as it was the same exact ninja that had carried Shira off and handed her to the Hokage. When Kii and Ryou passed the corner into the alleyway he performed a single seal and an explosion hit both sides of the building causing rubble to block both the exit behind them and the path ahead of them. The two boys were trapped in between the rubble with a chakra infused metal wire above them. There was a lot of purple smoke that came just as the explosion finished.

The air! This smoke was poison. It made Ryou and Kii's skin feel numb immediately upon contact and would make them both feel dizzy. That ninja, clearly a poison specialist, was trying to incapacitate them with such a straightforward trap! Taking a long drag of air, Kii turned around and, his fist glowing red, ran into the rubble at their rear, away from where the ninja had been waiting, and punched it.

There was a hefty, loud explosion between those two buildings, thus being the third explosion. Rocks and rubble, searing red, was sent flying into the building clear across the street. Pedestrians screamed and cried as flaming hot rocks were being tossed about carelessly. The explosion was nothing small, in anyway. It was about twice as large as the explosion from the explosion tags and about three times as destructive, due to the specialized chakra. It was a mighty attack coming from such a young and inexperienced Genin, but it came with costs.

Kii stumbled.
He was dizzy and felt a tremendous loss of chakra run through his body. Exhaustion tugged at him and made all the running he'd done before feel like miles upon miles. Kii was quickly breathing heavy, sweating, and barely managing to keep himself on his feet with his slightly numb legs and arms. The world spun a little as he was trying to recover form the speedy, improperly executed, costly attack's recoil shook him. He seemed almost paralyzed in place by the shock on his body from the abhorred misuse of chakra. They needed to move though, as that enemy ninja wasn't that far off...Yet Kii just stood there in front of a decimated blockade and beside two large wholes in both neighboring buildings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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Ryou's smile widened as Kii thanked him. "I... didn't do anything." Because he honestly hadn't anything really spectacular. Ryou would have expected nothing less from Kii or Shira. They had to be able to vocalize their disagreement with each other or even snap each other into focus. That was a vital part of being friends; being able to state their opinions without fear of retaliation. They had to rely on each other to sense hidden cues, and Ryou enjoyed being able to notice a subtle movement of his friends and just... know. Ryou was pretty sure that the friendship he shared with his teammates couldn't be rivaled.

"I trusted him...I really did..."

Ryou frowned, absolutely heartbroken. "I know, I know." He gently squeezed Kii's upperarm. He didn't blame Kii; there was no way he could even bring himself to think that way. If Ryou hadn't been so gullible, but... Blame was senseless. There was really nothing putting the blame on anyone could solve- even if they put the blame on Taiho. Taiho had found a home and a purpose in Konoha, but Ryou would never forgive him for betraying Kii. Kii had looked up to him, respected him, and Taiho spit in his face. Ryou's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to place the nagging emotion. "I've never hated anyone before," Ryou stated, astonished. But there was no other way Ryou could look towards Taiho's betrayal. He could have dealt with Taiho drugging them and ruining fried fish for Ryou, but betraying Kii wasn't something he could easily let go.

An alleyway..? This never turned out well in any zombie movie, but those bugs were definitely Shira's so... So... Ryou looked towards Kii, trying to see if Kii noticed anything suspicious about the situation. "This never ends very well in-" Before Ryou could express his fears that their brains were about to be consumed by the Zombie Hokage, a ninja appeared. He went to snatch Kii's wrist, ready to turn around and force their way out of the alley. However, the ninja caused enough destruction to keep them in. And... and... was that a metal wire..? And was the air turning purple..? "No..."

As his skin started to go numb, Ryou's body returned to its liquidified state. He hoped that this would be enough to keep most of the poisonous smoke out of his system. He looked around, searching for an exit. Ryou would be a little tougher to actually capture due to the fact that Hozuki's tended to turn into water puddles when they lost consciousnesses. Kii was a different matter, but Ryou hoped some miracle would turn him into a pile of lava and the Konoha ninja would be at a lost of what to actually do with the elemental puddles. Except, Kii proved to have an actual plan and exploded the piled rubble. Ryou sprinted after Kii with how much energy a thirteen year old could that had been drugged twice in such a short time. His body turned back into flesh as he reached out to grab Kii. He doubted he had enough strength to carry Kii, but he could definitely drag him! So, deciding he'd apologize later, Ryou started to drag Kii away from the ninja before he had time to recover. He wasn't really sure where he was going; he just knew they needed to get as far away from the explosion and ninja as they possibly could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Maiko couldn't believe that Kai was asking them to just leave him behind to cover their escape, they had already lost one jinchuuriki, and Maik certainly did not want to see another fall into that bastard Hokage's hands.

"Kai is that necessary? look at the Village Center, there are others trying to rescue the other jinchuuriki and distracting the Hokage. if you make yourself bait then you could be captured and killed and the Hokage would two Bijuu in his possession than just one" he said pointing to the powerful earth release technique that Tesla had created.

"Gyuki you don't have to do this, we have already lost Shukaku, I don't want to lose another brother or sister" Isobu said to the Eight-Tails, and Maiko felt sorry that Isobu had to experience such a loss, and he too didn't want to see his comrade throw his life away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

"Kai is that necessary? look at the Village Center, there are others trying to rescue the other jinchuuriki and distracting the Hokage. if you make yourself bait then you could be captured and killed and the Hokage would two Bijuu in his possession than just one"

"I know." Kai said quietly. "But you and the others need to get out of here. I'm more familiar with the Hidden Leaf Village so this might not be a suicide mission if I can keep evading them." His expression darkened for a moment. "And if they do catch up with me...I'll make sure they wish they hadn't. But you and the others...I won't lose anyone to Konoha again."

"Gyuki you don't have to do this, we have already lost Shukaku, I don't want to lose another brother or sister"

What would be worse? One of us being captured or all of us? Besides, I trust my host. If Kai says he can get away than I believe him. He knows the village better than all of us."
Gyuki sent back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"If that is what you think is best then just be careful" Isobu said to Gyuki, and then became silent for a bit. Maiko understood Kai's plan but it still worried him, but he would trust his comrade to come out of this alive and not captured by Konoha.

"OKay, if you can distract them then we will leave now. just try not do anything insanely reckless, and if you die then just remember that I will beat the stuffing out of you when I join you in the afterlife" Maiko said with a light smile, he hoped that he would see his friend again.

he then turned to Seranai and said in a calm voice, "let's go, and be as quick as possible and whatever you do don't stop until we as far away from the village as possible."

he looked to Kai one more time, "good luck friend, we will be waiting for you near the border of the Land of Fire on the way to the Land of Iron."

after those words he began to leave and hoped that they would all get out of this country alive and not have their Bijuu extracted from them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LillyDove


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Seranai nodded, as accordingly and gave another nod when Maiko spoke to her about being quick, but she didn't want to leave Kai without comfort, so she placed her small hand on his shoulder only for the briefest of moments offering a small smile before turning to go. Leaving with Maiko as they made their way to the exit, staying in the shadows and unseen by the common people in the town, anyone could be their enemy. Even a simple child could be someone who was looking to cause either of them harm. As the exit came into the view, she was glad because this village made her nervous.

"Do you think he will be alright?" Seranai asked Maiko quietly? Her thoughts were filled of frightening images of Kai facing off against the Hokage or the ANBU, something could happen to them. They could lose another Jinchūriki and then what would they do? Maybe the Hokage had noticed them, they could be tracked at any moment and hunted down. Would the other Jinchūriki be alright? Would they save her in time?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


In the garden with Okani, she asked the same question because it seems that Okani did not answered, "How and when did you meet Ria-sensei?." The curious blonde girl thought of this for quite a while but it is something worth of asking because they are relatives, blood relatives, Ria's mother and Nagisa's mother are sisters, for some reason, Ria can't come over to the rain because of many issues.

The Mizukage can't reply to what the Raikage just said and so she left this, "What exactly do you mean, Raikage. Do you think we should just leave Konoha alone?." She asked directly with curiousity in a sincere manner but it still irks her so bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Kai let a sad smile show on his face for a moment as he pulled an explosive tag off of his belt and threw it across to the building facing him. He had about five seconds before the thing ignited and he only had two more. He had to try and draw the Konoha forces away from the rest of the jinchuuriki and the best way to do that was to attack a target that would draw a lot of attention. Not a civilian target of course but something that deserved to burn.

His eyes lit up as he saw the ANBU HQ building and another smile appeared on his face as he threw his second explosive tag at the ANBU HQ

Two seconds until the first one started to burn. and four seconds until the second one started to burn.

You might want to save that last one in case of an emergency. I think this will cause enough of a distraction. Gyuki said quietly as Kai began to jump from building to building towards one of the village gates. If this didn't work he planned on attaching the last tag to something that would really make his opponents mad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Oda Uchiha

Oda Uchiha, in the midst of the chaos, looked behind himself to see that the 7-Tails Jinchuuriki has disappeared. This was now getting irritating, however 1/12th of his plan is almost complete. "You, take this to the hidden compartment that only you, a few others, and me know of. Shukaku must be kept secure!" He said as the ANBU took the 1-tails somewhere in Konoha. Oda Uchiha then used his Sharingan to scan the area and found nothing. "God... fucking... DAMN IT!" He said stopping his foot onto the ground, causing most of his armour to produce sound. Another ANBU shows up quickly however... "Sir', we have Kota Uchiha in the cell, for some reason the Sensory Ninja have been disabled or disappeared so we couldn't see if he was one..." He said. Oda had a face not seen by ANBU, but it was the face of disappointment. "Did you try looking at his body for a seal of some kind..." He said pretty pissed. Oda could hear the ANBU swore under their breath. "No..." He said. Before he could move he suddenly heard Tesla yell "Earth Style: Swamp Of The Underworld!!!" He went to jump out the way and try to run but his amour had slowed his speed and his legs were caught in it. The ANBU was also caught in it and quickly tried to resist which costed him to sink quickly and suffocate. Oda on the other hand, wasn't Hokage for nothing. "I cannot believe I have to actually put effort into fighting..." He thought. "Susano'o" He had said. Suddenly the Susano'o appeared which halted his descent into the abyssal mud. Oda then floated up the Susano'o and out the arm of the Susano'o getting him out of radius of the Justu. He quickly deactivated the Susano'o and started to breath heavily. "That took up a great amount of chakra... He kept thinking to himself. He stood up more linear and looked at Tesla. "I do some favors and look what happens. No body can be trusted! Marashi!" He yelled out waiting for Marashi to appear, looking at Tesla hoping to achieve eye contact from a distance.

Shira Aburame

"Shira... wake up! Shira come on help is on their way, we're safe now, can't you see th- oh forgot... you were poisoned..."Chomei tried waking Shira up then realized nothing will do until the poison dilutes... luckily Shira slowly started to wake up feeling lighter than earlier. Due to the poison however, she couldn't identify nor move due to the fatigue. She looked up to see a Samurai and some people she couldn't recognize. "Uhhh... wh-what h-happened?" She asked the strangers. "Am I s-still in K-konoha?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kota could hear and feel the rumbling of explosions from all over the village. He stood up quickly and backed up against the wall of his cell, frightened out of his mind of what was happening. "I-Is someone attacking Konoha....? H-Hokage sama!" He cried out to him, wherever he was, hoping that he would save him from the carnage that was going on. He began to slide into a corner, curling up and covering his ears in fear. "There isn't an attack...there isn't an attack..." Slowly, his body began to shiver. "It's not happening.....it's not!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yuuto felt Shira move in his arms and realized that whatever must have been keeping the host awake must be starting to wear off. He didn't know what Tesla was doing - he felt that a large scale Jutsu had been activated, but he didn't have the luxury to stop and look - not when he was out of place, running through rooftops, attracting attention and holding the girl the Hokage was dragging off to an execution in his arms. He was, all in all, a samurai in a ninja town.

"I'd love to say that we are, dear, I really do." he said to Shira, not exactly skilled in the art of comforting children. Then again, if she was a ninja as well she should be able to handle herself in this kind of situation. Blasted Republic, what were they thinking sending a child into Konoha like this?

He also had one other concern - Tesla wasn't following him. Instead, she stayed near the Hokage, having used that swamp technique. He didn't know her for long - heck, he didn't even know her name - but she was still a comrade in arms who had, more or less, led this admittedly crazy rescue attempt. Whoever she was, he hoped she would stay safe.

...Speaking of staying safe...

Yuuto's sixth sense warned him of danger, and he dashed to the side in time to avoid a kunai. Several Konoha ninja were after him, and that was no surprise - it was daytime, he stuck out like a sore thumb and he was no ninja - he wasn't sneaky at all. He continued running, realizing that outrunning these shinobi would be impossible with Shira in his arms. Damnit, what do I do? Do I let her down for a moment to fight them off? If I do that, that would give time for even more potential pursuers to catch up...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


he saw his friend attempting to get away from the Hokage's men and Zaikan knew that his friend needed his assistance. he moved quickly from building to building until he was right above the shinobi who were chasing Yuuto. he jumped from the rooftop and landed behind one of the ninja, with Ryu drawn from its scabbard. he drove his Katana right into the back of the Leaf shinobi and tore it out with a lightning fast withdraw. he then did a huge somersaulted ahead of the other ninja and landed next to Yuuto and began to run beside him.

"Long time no see old friend" Zaikan said to Yuuto, he wondered how his childhood friend would react to seeing him again.


"He's a lot more experienced than I am, I'm pretty sure he'll be fine. I guess the republic was right about Konoha being a belligerent nation" Maiko said as he moved from roof to roof as quick as possible, hoping that the leaf shinobi wouldn't spot them as they made their escape from Konoha. he saw the gates to the village come closer and he hoped that the guards would spot them. ether way, he had his Bo-staff at the ready in case they were attacked by the enemy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

A shinobi morphed from the ground behind Oda. "Well I see I'm things aren't going to well. Going to let you know that I'm only a wood clone. I have been watching everything since I left for the summit." The wood clone walked forward and smirjed at who was dumb enough to face the hokage. "Sit back, relax, grab a snack and watch. I'm going to wipe the floor with them." Marashi stood straight but had no sign of worry on his face. "I'll let you throw the first hit. I feel like being nice right now." The wood clone of marashi looked at Oda. "You want them dead or humiliated?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 6 mos ago


The Hokage was too slow to escape the adhesive mud but that's when the man did the unthinkable. "Susano'o" The Hokage said, summoning a large ethereal-like entity which required little to no effort to break free from her Jutsu.What the hell is that? Damn you bastard Kage with your cheap tricks. I'm not in any condition to take down something of that caliber. So I've no choice but to.fall back and I was so close to killing a Uchiha too. No wonder ancestor Deidara failed to accomplish such a feat but one day I will surpass him. Tesla thought, keeping her eyes away from the Kage's own. She knew he wouldn't use his Genjutsu techniques on her until the moment he found out about her betrayal. "I do some favors and look what happens. No body can be trusted! Marashi!" The Hokage screamed for someone while plotting something.

"What did you expect from me? You had me locked away for nearly four months, and you were foolish enough to think I would just join you after I was released? A Uchiha least of all people? I will be back to erase you and every single other member who share those eyes from the edge of this earth, no matter how long it takes." She said, while keeping her eyes down before ripping her shirt in half, revealing her bra and a stitched up chest. "Also, unless you want Konohagakure to be wiped clean off the map, I suggest you don't follow me. This technique I have in store if you don't follow my warning, will make even someone of your stature run like a coward. You may be stronger in a regular fight but this may be the only thing that I have over you. So consider it a compliment that I already recognized your unparalleled strength before the fight even begun but don't tempt me." She noted, secretly stalling, while her clay bird made it's way to her position.

Suddenly, a voice near the Hokage could be heard and by the sound of it, the man was pretty confident in his skills. She didn't want to look up to see who was speaking, out of fear of being trapped in one of the Kage's Genjutsu moves, so she didn't know what to expect from the mysterious individual. Tesla ripped off her stitches on her chest before pulling out a large ball of clay from out of her bag. "You'll let me have the first hit you say? That's completely fine with me as long as you're aware of the consequences of your actions!!!" She yelled manically, preparing to use her ultimate move if she was pressured any further.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yuuto was surprised, shocked and relieved all at the same time when he realized he recognized the sword style that had just saved him from his pursuers. The last time he had seen Zaikan was right before his exile and his subsequent spitting on the land of iron's policies, so to speak. He did not know what kind of reaction he would get from the man he once called friend. Would he be hostile? Would he try and chew him out over his abandonment of the land of iron? Would he insist on a duel right here and now, when they were in the middle of enemy territory? His friend was honourable, yes, but surely not to the point of putting it before reason.

"...I'm surprised you would still call me friend." Yuuto said with a grim smile even as he continued running with Shira in his arms. "So, after a thirteen year old girl did the republic decide to send a samurai into Konoha too? Or is there another reason you're here in what must be the most impeccable timing ever for me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kota rocked back and fourth in his corner as his breathing began to slow down a bit. "Alright...it's not a big deal, I just have to escape, find Aiko or the others, and then get out of here..." He stood up, holding himself up against one of the walls. His breathing began to become more controlled. "Please don't fail on me now...." He whispered out, summoning a clone and began to hold his hand out. As soon as the palm of his hand was open and in position, the clone began to center chakra into his hand.

"Oh for the love of god please don't fail me now." Staring at the wall, the clone had disappeared after finally putting the Rasengan into Kota's hand. Concentrating his breathing, he charged towards the wall and pushed the Rasengan into it. It wasn't enough to break the wall down, but Kota held strong. Gritting his teeth and finally pushing up harder against it, the wall exploded into the hallway with a cloud of dust. He stared in astonishment and cried out in joy. "YES, HAHA~!!!" Running out into the hallway, he sprinted as fast as he could while trying to preserve as much chakra as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LillyDove


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Okani looked at Nagi with a faint smile, that question brought back millions of memories in which most ended up with Ria deciding to make some sexual comment or ended up groping her. "I met Ria, when I was 10 or maybe when I was 11, point is what it was long time ago. There were three of us which were, Mitsuhide Senju, Ria Uchiha and myself. Let me tell ya, you haven't see hot until you have met Mitsuhide, he was off the charts!" Okani said with a laugh. Only once did she remember thinking that he was a worthless idiot, he of course wasn't but at the time they both were a bit hot headed, hell, she was worse than he was in that department.

"Yeah, were in the same squad and did I mention that Ria got completely drunk at the place where we met our sensei? Oh yeah, she was sooo drunk! Then ya know what happened next? She stared me in the eyes and bang, she kissed me. Imagine how shocked I was! My first kiss was a drunken kiss, I mean seriously!" Okani said and started to laugh hysterically but ended up crying because she missed the good days back when everything wasn't going to hell in a nice little hand basket. She missed how Ria would make everything better by her jokes that made no sense and how Mitsuhide always fought hard no matter the cause.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

The wood clone of marashi smirked when he saw the stitches in Tesla's chest. "Well now, you plan to blow yourself up like deidara did? I'd say your only gonna take a portion of the village, and as much as I'd love yo see you blow yourself up, I can't let that happen so I guess I'll make the first move." Marashi quickly rose up hand signs. "Wood style, world of trees wall!" Suddenly, a giant wooden barrier surrounded Tesla. "While her vision is blinded." Marashi morphed into the ground and began his spore technique.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"OHH!! SO SO! SO! I see... heehehehe." She giggled delightedly with that story but remembered something weird through Ria's sharingan projection of memories, she wouldn't call that kiss a first time since Ria showed her delusions of fantasies about Okani through genjutsu. Nagisa is dead serious about yuri and she keeps quiet, she stands up and hugged Okani from behind,stringing her up, "AH! AH! AH!, why does Ria-nee always have to talk about you nonstop, why is it always you." She said bitterly, Nagisa obviously was jealous of Okani's relationship with Ria and it something she dreamed of having, a dream of friendship but she couldn't due to her strict family policies, "Whatever, go ahead and train me, Oppai-sensei." Nagisa shuts her emotions and hide it, keeping herself together so she won't cry.

The Kunoichi still haven't talked about herself yet, it's like she's just giving hints to Okani so that she would understand from body language.

At the restaurant...and Kouta.

Ria is with Aiko, keeping her student safe and away from the huge commotion outside the village, she thinks that the Anbu won't be able to go here and as much as she wanted to interfere with Oda's ordeal, she decided not to because it would only end bad, 'Found you.' Ria sees Kota via Yukihira's chakra, she orders Yukihira to disguise herself and intercept Kouta. Yukihira has been watching Kouta in her butterfly form, also tried to call him out but her voice was too soft and that's why kouta got stuck in Jail at the first place, appearing in front of Kouta, Yukihira who is disguised as Ria through henge said, "How long are you gonna be running around? Aiko and I are waiting for you at the restaurant of bean buns. You don't like to keep women waiting right?." She said in a tsundere voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The minute Yukihira, or 'Ria' in this case, appeared in front of Kota, he stopped dead in his tracks. "W-What? Ria-Sensei...what're you doing here? Don't you hear all the explosives?" He mumbled, staring at her. He was honestly too afraid to trust anyone other then the Hokage and Ria. Silently, he walked over to 'Ria', looking up at her, and then around themselves. He was trying to be as cautious as possible in this situation.
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