Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


the journey to Konoha was long and Zaikan was still deep in thought on what he would do with his friend when he found him. but soon he he saw the village come up in the distance, he could the great stone faces of the Hokages which was a great sight behold. with how things were in Konoha, Zaikan knew that he would not be able to enter the village without any suspicion because his sword, but he would still do so. once he got the gates, he saw that the place was abuzz with commotion, Leaf shinobi were running all over the place and it seemed like the village was under threat, but as far Zaikan knew the republic had yet to declare war on the Village Hidden in the Leafs. but then he remembered the secret mission that the republic had sent their Jinchuuriki on to spy on Konoha. this meant that they must have been found out and that was bad for the Shinobi Republic.

but right now Zaikan had to find his old friend and see if he would side with Konoha over the republic. he needed to move quickly now that so many Konoha shinobi were running about trying to capture the spies. when Zaikan heard one of Leaf Village chunin shout in his direction, he knew that his mission had gotten a little bit harder, but no matter, these Konoha ninja had no idea who they were dealing with and he drew his blade Ryu, preparing for a fight.

"I hope Yuuto's skills serve him better than these poor fools'" Zaikan said to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

~Isai Kyouko~

As usual, Isai won. Shadow conceded with Isai's promise, which was legitimate, and gave the information regarding the mission. Here Isai was, thinking it was going to be something like chores or hunting down a missing pet or refurnishing some rich guy's house...When it was a serious, real mission. Isai couldn't help but grin, a devious little grin, as the details of the mission spilled from Shadow's shadowy lips. This guy was finally realizing just how incredible Isai was. Sneaking into Konoha? Capturing the second most powerful Bijuu? Raping kunoichi? Oh wait. That last part wasn't in the mission credentials, but the first two were! Isai was so excited. His immature started to spill out as his eyes glistened and his interest expressed itself as an eager expression.

He couldn't wait. Oh! All the things he wanted to try! Isai wanted to try and stockpile some Konoha ninja! They had Sharingan, Byakugan, Bug Clans, Dog Clans, and people with all sorts of neat, rare, difficult to acquire ninjutsu techniques that Isai was just craving to get his hands on! Oh! Just thinking about it brought Isai back. How long had it been since he felt the wonderful feeling of human organ's wriggling between his fingers? The smell of dead, rotting tissue and the glorious melody of when he cut it or stitched it together! Oh! He was probably so out of practice! He couldn't remember the last time he'd gotten to play with a real dead body, other than his select 5, which were in need of serious upgrades anyway. They'd been dead so long that their blood dried up and their organs were as hard as chalk. They were more like the dummies he used them as. No. They weren't the same as fresh, warm celluar systems all interconnected by muscles and tissues. Isai yearned to have that at hand yet again.

"Yes!" Isai would exclaim, "Definintely!" He added right behind, really wanting to do this mission. He'd get to kill and killing was what he loved to do because killing meant new toys! Isai was going to get his hands on something spectacular...Even if it were some weakling Uchiha or Hyuuga he could bring out its abilities to the fullest and make a deadly weapon out it. He was practically about to drool over the idea of having something fresh from Konoha on his chopping block. He'd be sure to add some cool attachments to whatever he'd catch, like a nifty extra arm or maybe replacing the ribs with rubber for durability or maybe...Maybe-The ideas were endless.

"Even if I have to go with the Monkey, I will get this mission done!" Isai would say, clearly referring to Hatsu. "Hurry up! Lets go now!" No preparation, no supplies, and no planning. There would be none of that. Isai wanted to go now and now was the best time to go! The faster the left the sooner they'd get there and the quicker Isai could start shopping for new playthings!


The waterballoons crashed into Taiho. They were quick and carried enough force to knock him down. As Ryou swooped in and grabbed Kii the boy initially resisted. He wanted to destroy Taiho! He trusted Taiho and knew Taiho from so long...Yet all that was a trap. Taiho tricked them and then set a trap for them. The entire time had all been a trap! They had been friends and Kii once looked up to Taiho as a senpai. Now, all he was an enemy that wronged him in the worst way.

Taiho hurt Kii's friends.
Growling, Kii would grab Ryou's arm. Ryou was right. They couldn't stay. As much as Kii wanted to fight, as much as he wanted to vent all his hateful emotions on Taiho, they needed to get out of here. They needed to run away and find out where Shira was. If they didn't find Shira then...Kii didn't even want to think about what could happen. What this would mean on them, the village, the mission, and how he'd feel about himself if anything terrible happened to her. He'd never forgive himself. As much as he hated Taiho right now...If anything happened to Shira or Ryou right now Kii would hate himself a dozen times more.

Kii would notice some Kikaichu. That meant Shira was at least still alive, they were supporting her and it looked like they were somewhat leading the way.
"Kikaichu-" Kii would observe, wanting Ryou to follow what he was looking at. If they could just follow those bugs they could find her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Oda Uchiha

Oda looked at Tesla. "Hmp, this Earth Dome is forming so I'm fine from the attacks..." He said as the Earth Dome was developing then he released and no more Earth Dome. "If I want this to be public I have to make sure people can see it!" He thought to himself. Suddenly an ANBU shows up with Daisuke Fukui. "Sir' we found another one!" He said. Oda smiled and looked at Tesla. "If so, then protect Shira while I do this with this one..." He said dropping Shira and placing Daisuke down. "Everyone! This is what happens when you work for the Republic!" He said preforming the justu to rip the Shukaku out of Daisuke and sealing in in the jar in public. "You will surely die by my hands, I will guarantee it!" Oda had said. At this point however anybody can now retrieve Shira from Oda since he was busy giving the ANBU Daisuke's body.

~Gokage Summit~

The Samurai general, who saw the 5 Kage finally enter, stodd up to greet the Kage. "Good Afternoon Kage! We are here to discuss the actions of Konoha. Before I start I have here a Representative of Konoha representing the Hokage for he is to busy to be in this mission. Now then let's read this letter Oda Uchiha has sent us to read to you all.!" He said taking out the letter unfolding it.

"Dear Unwelcomed guest,
I love how hypocritical you are. You want peace yet you are using violence to do so... didn't Tendo Pain or Nagato did the same thing years ago? And what happened... a Great Ninja War occured, 4th one should I add. Using violence we not move this stubborn wall. You Republics have nothing to offer that I see fit, so once again no. By the way... thank you for the Jinchuurikies! That was a plesant gift to have... Enjoy your meeting! ~Uchiha Oda"

The Samurai has just finished reading. "Now we may start the discussion and may we please have this done in a orderly fashion..." The Samurai General announced.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yuuto grit his teeth, not knowing what Tesla was doing. Considering the fact that despite he was point out, no one was specifically coming after him, he was now at the best position to make a move. His heart raced, trying to decide if he was going to take the potential bait.

And even worse, there were now two of them captured. Not good. He was forced to consider one of three options:

1) flee
2) rescue the female host and leave the other one to die
3) attempt to take out the Hokage in hopes of giving both of them a chance to escape.

Gritting his teeth, he knew that the first option was clearly out of the question - even in exile, he was still a samurai. He would not accept fleeing as a valid course of action, but he did not want to leave the other host to die. That meant that the only plausible course of action required trust in Tesla. Could he trust her, though?

Making up his mind, he decided that he didn't have much of a choice anymore.

風遁:掃引風 (Fuuton: Souinkaze/Wind style: Sweeping wind)!

Trusting his sixth sense, dashed with the chakra boost and went from his hiding place to beneath the hokage in an instant. Not even taking any chances, not taking any time to say anything or taunt and above all not daring to look up and potentially meet the gaze of the sharingan, he grabbed the female host and dashed out immediately. Because sweeping wind was not normally used for closing distances, he was forced to expend more chakra but hopefully that wouldn't be a problem.

He knew that Tesla told him to wait for an opening that was most likely going to be made by her, but in this situation he was forced to act alone, especially because the opportunity of a non-Tesla distraction had arisen. That way, there was still a chance that, if Tesla did not betray him then she could still take the hokage by surprise and rescue Daisuke.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings

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Akaritori looked out towards the General as he read the letter, gently scowling beneath her wide-brimmed Kage hat. The outfit was somewhat uncomfortable and definitely more for decoration than any form of combat, but it was serving a good purpose insofar as that it largely hid her scornful gaze from everyone else until the Jinchuuriki were mentioned.

Upon hearing that Konohagakure had discovered and most likely captured the Jinchuuriki, the Tsuchikage stood up, tipping her hat backwards simultaneously to look the General in the face, and begun to speak in an obviously practiced tone - one that indicated an impending indictment for the General.

“General, did you authorise the mission to send an Iwagakuran citizen into enemy territory without my express permission? If so, do you accept full responsibility for what you have done?” The accusation was serious, and if the tone did not give Akaritori’s immense displeasure away, the fiercely glowing light of Masayoshi would certainly warn him of her upset state. She was controlled enough, for now, but depending on the General’s answer, there could be one less living being within the room fairly quickly.

The unnecessary danger and potential loss of life was careless, and while the mission itself was inherently reckless and pointless, the fact that it had been carried out without her express permission - despite the Republic obviously being well-versed in Iwagakuran law - made it all the worse. If the General spoke even so much as a single errant word, he would be accused of the highest crime: High Treason.

The punishment for High Treason was death.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Honestly...Busting in like that was honestly disappointing. All respect Saiyaka had for the Raikage was gone the moment he decided to throw himself through a perfectly good wall. Did he think that being a chauvinist was appealing? That he'd get all the assembly to be awed and befriend him because he was the strong and amazing Raikage? Really. That wasn't thought through. Saiyaka had a curious eye on the man that was sitting where the Hokage was supposed to be. He was weird....Something was unnatural about him. He was the only one in the room that really made her feel uneasy. For some reason, despite clearly seeing him there, Saiyaka felt as if he wasn't there at all.

Saiyaka's attention wouldn't remain on Marashi for long. Saiyaka would go to sit on the table in the center of the room, literally sitting on the table. The table was cold on her bare legs, but she'd become tired of standing already. She placed one hand on the table, carefully watching as the Land of Iron representative pulled out a letter, which looked as if it were in the hands of a very frustrated man, and he read it. There was some bias in his voice, but the words that followed were also unsurprising. There was one part that did bother her, however. One, key part.

Thank you for the Jinchuriki!
Saiyaka remained sitting a moment as everyone seemed to fall silent and the samurai asked for the opinion of everyone in the office. Apparently, this was going to be a meeting about Konoha, go figure. Saiyaka stood up a moment before, in an instant, she lost her balance. Saiyaka would feel a rush that'd make her head spin. She'd stumble a moment before her back would find the nearest wall of the room. She'd be at a loss for breath for a moment, as if someone had knocked the wind from her.

"Daisuke...The Ichibi...Has been forcibly extracted..." Saiyaka would say, between breaths, tears streaming down her usually steeled eyes. They weren't just emotional tears either. What she'd just experienced had been fairly painful, but it allowed her to know just what had happened even such a distance away. She hadn't said it to anyone in particular and wouldn't be in the mood to really elaborate on the implications of what she'd just said...But from her emotional response and how distant she'd become it would be easy for anyone in the room to realize that she was not lying. Yume would now have the problem of just having one of her ninja, a child, murdered by the hands of the Hokage who now held the Ichibi hostage in some way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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Ryou let out a sigh of relief as Kii grabbed his arm. They were going to get out of here and find Shira; there was no other option. They were a team and that meant they needed to rely on each other and not let things like revenge distract. Ryou understood, he really did. But that could be because they all were something more than a team- they were friends. Honestly, how many ninja teams got that privileged? "Thanks," Ryou said, nodding briefly as he wobbly led them further away from Taiho. Ryou wasn't really one-hundred percent sure what he was thanking Kii for exactly. There was the fact that Kii was willing to leave the fight, but there was also the fact that Kii wanted to kill Taiho. He wanted to strike down Taiho, not only because he betrayed his trust, but because he hurt his friends.

Ryou froze as he noticed... buzzing? After Kii mentioned the Kikaichu, it took him a few seconds to focus on the bugs. Shira! If the bugs were okay, that meant she had to be okay. Not that Ryou had been doubting Shira's condition, she was his friend so she couldn't ever die, but just this little reassurance was enough to make him start smiley like a goofy, water blob. "Kii, Kii!" Ryou said, grabbing his friend's arm in joy. They still had time! "Hey there, little buggies~ Can you show us to Shira, pretty please~?" Ryou asked, treating the bugs more like little puppies than ninja bugs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kai felt a sudden pang of fear as Gyuki let our a roar of rage inside his mind.

One of my brothers...he has been extracted from his host! Daisuke is most likely dead and my brother has been sealed!

Kai shook his head and looked at Ria. "Your Hokage just killed one of my friends and extracted his Bijuu." He said quietly as he clenched his fists. Listen Gyuki, we need to get everyone out of here. Right now the entire village is most likely looking for us. Tell your brothers to tell their hosts that we need to get out of here. Now! Tell them to try and get back to republic territory. I don't want to see anyone else die.

The eight tails said back as it transmitted the message as Kai looked back at Ria and shook his head. "I honestly thought the village had more respect for human life then what the Hokage has shown. I guess I was wrong.

"Let's go." He said quietly to his fellow republic shinobi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LillyDove


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Okani was not being unproductive in the least, she in fact had sent one of her smaller birds to the Hidden Leaf so spy on them, with intentions on finding out just what was going on and it was in the market did the little pigeon find his back to her. Landing on her shoulder, she rubbed his beak and walked out side, he wasn't an ordinary pigeon, he was one that could talk, which proved very helpful in spying on villages.

"Out with it, little bird" Okani said as they talked in the alley, gently stroking it's feathers as it titled his head.

"All nine Jinchūriki are located in Konoha at this time, your potential students, Maiko and Seranai, are apart of the nine. Two Jinchūriki were discovered and captured by the Hokage himself, one I believe his name to be Daisque had his Bijuu extracted from him, at the moment, resulting in his death. Leaving the others scrambling to rescue the girl I believe her name to be Shira" the little pigeon said and flapped its wings happily, being rewarded with a consumitive.

That was troubling to hear, one Bijuu extracted is one Bijuu too many, what's worse that two of her own were in the middle of it and everything was going down hill soon, they needed to get out. Okani worried about those two, if they were discovered then everything could to hell in only seconds and she wouldn't be able to get there fast enough...

"Alright, fly back and continue to keep an eye out on things" Okani said and sent the pigeon on his way.


She never felt so angry, so much hatred of someone she didn't even know and what's worse is that wasn't her own anger as it was Kokuó's anger of another Bijuu being extracted and sealed. She shook with both anger and fear, wrapping her arms around herself tightly as she tried not to cry. Stay calm, stay calm, she ranted to herself. A Shinobi never shows its emotions, but everything was happening so fast.

She heard Kai say that they should leave and nodded in agreement, it would be better if they got out while it was still possible. We should kill them all! All of them! Kokuó snarled in her head and she trembled with the force of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Maiko heard Isobu give a cry of anguish as he told him of his brother the one-tails being extracted from Daisuke, killing the Sand Genin. Maiko was furious and full of rage, he wanted to go to Hokage and tear him to pieces, but he knew that it was suicide and said to his Bijuu, "I am so sorry Isobu, if there is a way to rescue him, then we will but now we have to get out of here, there's too many enemies around the village, we must retreat and tell the republic what as happened here."

"I know Maiko but it is a sad thing knowing that my brother his once again captured by horrid men like the Hokage. but you are right you and the others must get as soon as possible, hurry!" Isobu said to Maiko.

when he heard Kai say that they should go, Maiko responded saying, "I agree, but I really wish we could have made the Hokage pay for what he did our brethren, we all shared a bond as Jinchūriki and now one of us is dead. I hope Daisuke's death was not in vain."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yuuto acquired the Seven Tails host, the Hokage had let his guard down, everything went better than planned.Tesla finished preparing her Jutsu that would end the Uchiha but should she carry out this plan? Her chances of killing the Kage was very probable but what would this accomplish? She had no place in the Shinobi Republic and the Hokage wasn't aware of her betrayal or was he? Either way, the irresistible urge to surpass her ancestor by doing what he couldn't, prevented Tesla from stopping.

I won't hesitate to kill the Hokage when I'm so close to achieving my true goals. she thought, creating a manic like grin on her face. "Earth Style: Swamp Of The Underworld!!!" Tesla yelled before slamming her hands down onto the ground. The ground inside the center of the village began turning into a mud like substance; trapping anyone who wasn't fast enough to react to the unsuspecting adhesive technique. Those that were caught would began to quickly sink into the mud as if it were quick sand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Zaikan made quick work of the Konoha chunin that had attacked him and kept moving towards the center of the village at incredibly fast speeds thanks to channeling chakra through his entire body which allowed him to move incredibly swift speeds. but soon he saw the ground ahead of him beginning to turn into mud and Zaikan had fought enough shinobi to know that was some type of deadly Jutsu. he leaped high into the air and landed on the rough of a building to get above the mud, and looked around at the scene before. there was Hokage who Zaikan guessed would be trapped by the mud since he was so close to caster of the Jutsu who was a blond haired girl. he then saw Yuuto rescue a girl from where the Hokage was standing, and he was happy to see his friend save the girl from the wicked Hokage and this obviously meant that he wasn't planning to join Konoha. now that his friend was an enemy of the Hokage, Zaikan would assist his friend in his struggle against the Konoha shinobi
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Marashi smirked as he heard the samurai read the letter aloud. "Well I'm just going to say a few words. I find it funny how I'm here, talking to a republic that wants peace. Yet I see that y'all are forcing the republic onto a nation that does not want to be involved in the affairs of other nations. You all want to kill the hokage, that is obvious. So what? Are you going to send your people and just kill who ever gets in the way to find him? There are plenty of innocent people who are loyal to the village. I wonder what your citizens would think. Or are you going to hide the fact that you plan on murdering the innocent because of one man? Think of it as you wish, but we aren't the villain. You are all just tyrants, forcing your way of life upon one who doesn't seek it." Marashi had a dead look in his eyes. One look that seemed to be hostile but calm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ria was totally shocked hearing what just happened and what she just saw via her butterfly clone, coming after the other two, Kai was first. "Now about that favor I ask, when the time comes I want you and your friend to nurture the two tails and nine tails jinchuuriki." Ria just thought of that out of nowhere, she knew that Oda always seem to make the most stupid choices but the question is, who is real villain? . "We'll meet again someday and when that time comes, you know what to do." Ria's clones disappear, Yukihira found Kouta and transformed as Ria in disguised, with the help of Ria 's chakra, it will be hard to tell the difference, "Kouta, let's get out of here." She said.

Mizukage on the meeting just laugh sarcastically, "If the Hokage stop being so stubborn and just cooperate, no terrible things would have happen, Samurai General what do you expect us to do? The Hokage has been ignorant and rumors are floating about his corruption, this is why Uchihas don't make good Kage's their emotional symptoms always get in the way. What in Uchiha Sasuke's name did this happen? The Uchiha is a cursed clan, I will be honest here, the clan should have stayed dead and according to history Uchiha Sasuke was pardon for pathetic reasons. My fellow Kage, it's time to open up your senses, what should we be doing for the best and what must be done. I hereby suggest that the four of us go to Konoha in a week. We will make a petition for Oda's impeachment and a new Hokage, Konoha has gona far enough, the balance between Jinchuuriki are disrupted, Konoha possess the Kyuubi, Hachibi and the Nibi, this is a legit case for corruption!"

With Okani, Nagisa asked how did se meet Ria and so much questions arise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kota was being dragged off by the ANBU as he continued to struggled in their arms. To be honest, Kota was a bit of a shorty, being able to be lifted off his feet as he kicked wildly. "Let go of me you punks! I don't know what you're talking about, let me go!!!" He yelled out. He knew nothing about the chakra bursting from his body, but apparently somebody did. He gritted his teeth as he was dragged in to some kind of cell, where he was thrown in. Sitting there silently, he curled up in a ball and huffed. "We'll be back after we get Lord Hokage...stay put." Like that, the ANBU had left him in his cell. "This is unfair...I didn't even do anything wrong." He sighed out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Marashi only laughed at everything. "Well, serves you all right. I hope all your spies are dead. You all truly are idiots, not taking responsibility for your actions is definitely the way to go for you kage. You send spies into our village and then say the hokage is corrupted when he captures them. I wouldn't expect anything less from tyrants. Destined to end the man that doesn't want your way of life...that's what you have shown me here. Make your next move kage, but the moment you do, I'll be by the hokage telling him everything that happened here." Marashi leaned back in the chair he was sitting in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Durnehviir said
As usual, Isai won. Shadow conceded with Isai's promise, which was legitimate, and gave the information regarding the mission. Here Isai was, thinking it was going to be something like chores or hunting down a missing pet or refurnishing some rich guy's house...When it was a serious, real mission. Isai couldn't help but grin, a devious little grin, as the details of the mission spilled from Shadow's shadowy lips. This guy was finally realizing just how incredible Isai was. Sneaking into Konoha? Capturing the second most powerful Bijuu? Raping kunoichi? Oh wait. That last part wasn't in the mission credentials, but the first two were! Isai was so excited. His immature started to spill out as his eyes glistened and his interest expressed itself as an eager expression. He couldn't wait. Oh! All the things he wanted to try! Isai wanted to try and stockpile some Konoha ninja! They had Sharingan, Byakugan, Bug Clans, Dog Clans, and people with all sorts of neat, rare, difficult to acquire ninjutsu techniques that Isai was just craving to get his hands on! Oh! Just thinking about it brought Isai back. How long had it been since he felt the wonderful feeling of human organ's wriggling between his fingers? The smell of dead, rotting tissue and the glorious melody of when he cut it or stitched it together! Oh! He was probably so out of practice! He couldn't remember the last time he'd gotten to play with a real dead body, other than his select 5, which were in need of serious upgrades anyway. They'd been dead so long that their blood dried up and their organs were as hard as chalk. They were more like the dummies he used them as. No. They weren't the same as fresh, warm celluar systems all interconnected by muscles and tissues. Isai yearned to have that at hand yet again. "Yes!" Isai would exclaim, "Definintely!" He added right behind, really wanting to do this mission. He'd get to kill and killing was what he to do because killing meant new toys! Isai was going to get his hands on something spectacular...Even if it were some weakling Uchiha or Hyuuga he could bring out its abilities to the fullest and make a deadly weapon out it. He was practically about to drool over the idea of having something fresh from Konoha on his chopping block. He'd be sure to add some cool attachments to whatever he'd catch, like a nifty extra arm or maybe replacing the ribs with rubber for durability or maybe...Maybe-The ideas were endless. "Even if I have to go with the Monkey, I will get this mission done!" Isai would say, clearly referring to Hatsu. "Hurry up! Lets go now!" No preparation, no supplies, and no planning. There would be none of that. Isai wanted to go now and now was the best time to go! The faster the left the sooner they'd get there and the quicker Isai could start shopping for new playthings!The waterballoons crashed into Taiho. They were quick and carried enough force to knock him down. As Ryou swooped in and grabbed Kii the boy initially resisted. He wanted to destroy Taiho! He trusted Taiho and knew Taiho from so long...Yet all that was a trap. Taiho tricked them and then set a trap for them. The entire time had all been a trap! They had been friends and Kii once looked up to Taiho as a senpai. Now, all he was an enemy that wronged him in the worst way. Taiho hurt Kii's friends. Growling, Kii would grab Ryou's arm. Ryou was right. They couldn't stay. As much as Kii wanted to fight, as much as he wanted to vent all his hateful emotions on Taiho, they needed to get out of here. They needed to run away and find out where Shira was. If they didn't find Shira then...Kii didn't even want to think about what could happen. What this would mean on them, the village, the mission, and how he'd feel about himself if anything terrible happened to her. He'd never forgive himself. As much as he hated Taiho right now...If anything happened to Shira or Ryou right now Kii would hate himself a dozen times more. Kii would notice some Kikaichu. That meant Shira was at least still alive, they were supporting her and it looked like they were somewhat leading the way. "Kikaichu-" Kii would observe, wanting Ryou to follow what he was looking at. If they could just follow those bugs they could find her.

Such a strange mission. Did Shadow not know what was going on in Konoha? Was he unaware of the battles going on and the dangers that lied for a jinchuriki. Most would avoid going to Konoha at that moment, especially being a jinchuriki. But Son Goku rubbed off on Hatsu, teaching him right and wrong and teaching him about pride "Shadow-senpai, i'll gladly accept this mission" Hatsu had to go help his fellow jinchurikis. Hatsu didn't have time to squabble with Isai and nodded "Agreed, we have to leave the quickest we can" He quickly placed his palm on Isai's shoulder and his other hand on his own chest "Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique" At that moment, both Isai and Hatsu's weight just halved, feeling lighter on their feet. "Alright Isai, lets go" With that, Hatsu sprung into action. He left the village, quickly heading to Konoha the fastest he could. Jumping from branch to branch, he didn't really care if Isai could keep up. It was his first time being outside of that prison, and he did not plan onto going back

Hatsu stopped for a quick moment, both him and Son Goku feeling a pain in their heart Son, what just happened? Hatsu had never felt anything like it before. It was as if a piece of him had just died. Son Goku, talked in a voice that held rage but sorrow "Somebody....somebody just captured Shukaku....my brother!! Hatsu, hurry and go. We don't have any time to waste. I'll lend you some of my chakra so you can teach that bastard not to mess with us!!" Suddenly, a surge of chakra flooded Hatsu's body. Hatsu's muscles grew, increasing his strength and speed. Hatsu's eyes somewhat resembled that of Son Goku "Don't worry, I'll make him pay" Hatsu kicked off the branch, shattering it to pieces and zooming off towards Konoha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Origin


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Say what you will about the man but when he got serious the Raikage was nothing to laugh at, Atlas quickly thought through what he was going to say,The Tsuchikage had spoken but while she had a point it was obvious her emotions got in the way of her thinking either that or she was blind to the larger situation. She solely focused on Iwa when this matter was much bigger than her village. The conditions of victory are not yet in my favor, king move into position.

"What can one say about a man who does not want to unify and bring about peace, Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, Our deepest goal is unity and to bring the world as one. However intentions can blind such as in the case of Pain he had good intentions but his methods were all wrong. Who's to say our own methods are right but all we can do is do the best when we are presented with each situation while trying to be fair to everyone" he paused studying the person speaking for the Hokage, he didn't seem like any explanation would change his mind or influence his thoughts.

"Now that is out of the way now let us look upon you General, this is not a dictatorship but a Stratocracy. We Kage's each own our respective milatary and are therefore the controlling heads of the republic, for us not to be not consulted when issuing any mission that is issued under the name of the republic is not only an insult to each of us but also treason. Let us not forget that due to us not giving the mission as one every death will be on your head and some of the Kage's here seem to want to make you accountable, which you are.This matter does not solely focus on one village" he paused and threw a brief look at the Tsuchikage before he continued " but it encompasses every village as we have all be wronged by this action some more than others but let us look at the bigger picture." Atlas said looking each Kage in the eye as he spoke.

"The way I see it there is nothing else that needs to be discussed at this point until we have dealt with your actions this is the highest priority I'm sure all Kage's can agree with that because we can not do anything or preach about unity when we aren't all on the same wave length and in which case there is one word that I'm going to say to you that will determine the outcome of this meeting." Atlas paused building the tension in the room.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Now about that favor I ask, when the time comes I want you and your friend to nurture the two tails and nine tails jinchuuriki." Ria just thought of that out of nowhere, she knew that Oda always seem to make the most stupid choices but the question is, who is real villain? . "We'll meet again someday and when that time comes, you know what to do."

"Very well." Kai said without hesitation as Ria's butterfly clone vanished. He turned to his fellow shinobi and then looked around the area. It was getting more dangerous. "Fall back to Republic territory." he instructed. "If you see anyone in trouble help them get out of it. I'm going to see if I can cause a few distractions to buy us time." he said quietly.

Everyone...we need to leave. Gyuki sent to the other tailed beasts. Kai and I will stay behind for a short while to create distractions that should allow you enough time to escape.
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