Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 2 mos ago

X-wing in combat, Galactic Civil War

TL;DR Summary:
- Star Wars, 0BBY (Before Battle of Yavin, or that is to say -- Episode IV)
- Characters are pilots in Intruder Squadron, an X-wing Squadron
- Intruder Squadron is stationed on the Audacious, a republic-era Venator-Class Star Destroyer and the flagship of the 6th Roving Line, an Alliance naval formation tasked with supporting Rebel Alliance operations in the general vicinity of the Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route, vital Imperial supply lines into the Outer Rim.
- There is a plot; a secret weapon being tested in the Outer Rim and the 14th Roving Line, that means the Audacious and specifically the Intruders, being put on the mission.

In Character Info:
The Republic has fallen and the Empire has risen in its place, having undermined and manipulated its way into power -- what seemed rational and logical turned out to be a manipulation. The Jedi are gone, the law no longer protects and the military no longer defends. The Empire has turned everything into an instrument of oppression under the New Order.

Still, there has always been resistance, even through the dark times. The young take up the fight against the tyranny, filling the ranks of the opposition to the Empire with a generation that does not justify the Empire by claiming that the Republic was more corrupt, worse and so forth. Some are idealists, others have their backs to the wall. The Empire creates its enemies -- the harder it squeezes, the more people consider banding together against the Empire. And now the Empire's enemy has a name

The nascent Rebel Alliance is generally unable to mount more than harrassing attacks against the much larger Galactic Empire, but it has the advantage of surprise -- the Empire has to defend the entire Empire, whereas the Rebels can disperse their forces and often can strike where they care to, though if they are caught in one place too long, they are crushed.

And yet, the Alliance gathers its strength, it sends out diplomats to seek out groups that oppose the Empire, to band them together. But in order to do that, someone has to carry on the fight, to show that the Alliance is serious.

That is, of course, the job of the Audacious and the job of Intruder Squadron.

Out of Character Info:
In a sense, the RP is about the squadron and its members, a bit more military in the Star Wars universe than people are accustomed to. At the same time, the Rebel Alliance's pilots are not straight military types, but rather have experience from a diversity of backgrounds. Some may be veterans of the Clone Wars, some may be farm boys, others may be smugglers but they all have their reasons to fight the Empire.

I have a specific timeline in mind for this RP, and an enemy that the characters will be up against. They'll be on the hunt ("Venator" means "hunter" in Latin, so it's appropriate) for an experimental weapon being tested by the Empire. There will probably be a dark jedi as well.

Casual standards apply, but I absolutely insist that people have to use their spell-check and grammar check. I'm not trying to be offensive, I'm just stating from the outset that I want people to make the effort to use punctuation, capitalization and so forth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WolfsRose


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I like piloting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 25 min ago

This... Is... Evil... I mean... I really fucking want to join, I've been looking for a Star Wars fighter RP for quite some time. But I am currently moving house and won't have much time for RP guild.

I will say I am interested and with any luck, I should be able to get back to regular posting by the time that the IC is up. Also, can we say no playing Jedi Ace's in the squadron itself? I mean, I really like the idea of a Dark Jedi Ace being their main rival.

As for my suggestions for the actual RP... Since this is a big ship, maybe we could each control a Wing (3 fighters) rather than just the 1.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zherdee


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I am very interested in playing some SW RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 2 mos ago

mattmanganon said
This... Is... Evil... I mean... I really fucking want to join, I've been looking for a Star Wars fighter RP for quite some time. But I am currently moving house and won't have much time for RP guild.I will say I am interested and with any luck, I should be able to get back to regular posting by the time that the IC is up. Also, can we say no playing Jedi Ace's in the squadron itself? I mean, I really like the idea of a Dark Jedi Ace being their main rival.As for my suggestions for the actual RP... Since this is a big ship, maybe we could each control a Wing (3 fighters) rather than just the 1.

It's the era when the Jedi have been hit by Order 66, so no Jedi in the squadron.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 25 min ago

I know, it's just, that in all Star Wars RP's in which the official rules don't specifically say "No Jedi!" somebody says "Well, I've got a Jedi guy that would fit nicely with the continuity of this..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I can always write it up as such. A jedi in the squadron is not happening, mostly because I feel it kills some of the fun of the setting in that era -- the Jedi have been essentially eradicated. Yes, Obi-Wan and Yoda and a couple others survived, but in hiding. Luke Skywalker joined the rebellion, but with Force sensitivity and only a smidge of training. I prefer not to turn the canon on its head just to add an implausible Jedi in the ranks.

*Edit: Granted, according to Wookieepedia, a few Jedi survivors of Order 66 did join the Rebellion, but they had larger responsibilities than serving as combat pilots in a fighter squadron. I stand by the decision, basically -- any Jedi survivors would be bigger movers and shakers than pilots in a starfighter squadron.

Incidentally, I have given some thought to how the carrier might be modified -- perhaps with an extra robust ECM/Jamming package to help in the sort of guerrilla role it's employed in, as well as a repulsor-catapult system for rapid launch of fighters. I feel that it's likely their particular Venator has been refitted extensively to serve as an even better carrier at the expense of direct firepower. It wouldn't be able to go toe to toe with ISD's anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 25 min ago

HeySeuss said
I can always write it up as such. A jedi in the squadron is not happening, mostly because I feel it kills some of the fun of the setting in that era -- the Jedi have been essentially eradicated. Yes, Obi-Wan and Yoda and a couple others survived, but in hiding. Luke Skywalker joined the rebellion, but with Force sensitivity and only a smidge of training. I prefer not to turn the canon on its head just to add an implausible Jedi in the ranks.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm very interested in a "rouge squadron" type RP.

My character:

Name: Tracinya "Tracy" Reem

Gender: female

Race: Human

Home-world: Breshig

Age: 24

Eyes: Blue

Appearance: slender, athletic, attractive, long red hair with purple highlights, Mythosaur Skull and the words "Aliit ori'shya tal'din" tattooed on back, Reem clan emblem tattooed on Right forearm.

Profession: Pilot (Past: bartender, mechanic's assistant, soldier)

Personality: Country-side girl and tomboy Tracy can be tough as nails, but she has a sweet heart and passion for life and people. She was the daughter that always brought home a new pet, or was in trouble for beating up kids who made fun of her. She's quiet and can be socially awkward. Always ready to talk about something she is interested in, Tracy isn't always introverted and lights up when talking about what's on her mind or new exciting places to see. She is always up for a challenge. She's had her heart broken once or twice and has broken a fair share herself, she remains happily single though she longs for a good relationship. Her focus on the war effort drives her. Reem is a dedicated professional and hard worker. Tracy is loyal to her friends, family, and tradition.

Biography: Daughter of Akaan Reem, a MandalMotors executive and Mandalorian fighter pilot veteran. Tracy was trained by her parents as a warrior as per family tradition. Tracy was an only child and like her father, had a passion for flying and piloting star fighters. Handy with a blaster as well as a hydrospanner, Tracy was best known as a star pilot. She won several competitions in the Mandalorian Sector. Tracy joined the Mandalorian Protectors and spent four years training and flying covert missions preparing for combat against the Imperial presence in the Mandalorian Sector. Her father was killed secretly by agents of the Empire when he spoke out against the Empire publicly and was found guilty of supporting the Alliance to Restore the Republic. When Tracy found out the news she left the Mandalorian Protectors and her home to join the war effort. It wasn't hard to find the Alliance, and she offered her skills as a pilot and was quickly accepted into their ranks flying missions in an X-Wing. After proving her loyalty and distinguishing herself as an adept fighter pilot, Reem was selected to unit transfer to Intruder Squadron.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gah stole my idea for a mandalorian pilot
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aerandir said
Gah stole my idea for a mandalorian pilot

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RavenxVoid
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

still space?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yes, I posted the links.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Get your character sheets up so we can start!
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