Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

In the wake of GuildFall, much has been lost. People, content, some of you even say "quality." But I will tell you what is not lost. The Guild itself. Even now, it survives. It thrives. Even though some categories are kept on by life-support, still it remains. We look around, sure enough, and still can see the devastation. We see the Fall's effects and know that things will never be the same. Sure enough, folks.... Spam itself has been...


In the wake of such a traumatizing event, we stand still, looking on as a mass of sheep, gawking and uncertain and all saying, "Someone should do something." Indeed. Someone should, but who? Caught in this time, we must realize some faces are gone and shall be forever. Those who actively made spam what it once was, may never return. Those that have, their great achievements are rubble and memory for those of us who were there. We must realize what once more no longer defines what this eden of Roleplay, nerd-dom and just general procrastination may never reflect how it was. No, surely we will hold nostalgia for what many of us may have even grown up with. However, this is an opportunity. No, Spam was not always a glorious golden wonder. It had its bad times even before Fall. Yet, now, we all have a chance to rebuild. Bigger, better, stronger. And here is what I propose to fix it...

I propose a multi-part plan in order to improve activity, content and more... And these parts are:

  • Community

  • Games

  • Groups

  • Attention Whores

  • Competition

  • Creativity

  • Activity

  • Community!

    We once held a strong community, where everyone knew everyone else. People would talk with each other about random crap. Where is that now? Sure, there is some small communication, but not as it once was. Perhaps it is because of alternative means to connect and share? Regardless, we must accept the new faces (durpy or not) and perhaps offer to refine them and assist them along so that we no longer have those who idolize and follow in the steps of Nat. While we all accept and love Nat as that one weird cousin who no one is really sure what to think of but its okay, because they're special... Its not acceptable for the promotion that Nat should be the standard. I am sorry, but this is true. I remember a time where we would rally to action programs, random on-going threads that interconnect and projects that spanned across spam and enticed everyone to get together and tag along... Where'd that go? What happened? C'mon people, they may be new, but remember when some of the faces we know and acknowledge as part of spam today.... Used to be absolutely annoying? Yeah. There was a time.


    C'mon, admit it. Games was a great part of spam. Some were short-lived, but they have always been a fundamental part of this area. And you know what? It helped sort through some of the content. In the past, it allowed individuals a gateway into spam. Where they would first explore the games aplenty and become acclimated to their environment. Where are these games? Sure, we have the command-thread games and Doubt games... but there is a dire need for the silly 1-up and witty remarks thread. Where is the rating threads? The ones asking about your first reactions to the user above you? The ones you did not have to plan and sign-up and wait to get going. This is the Spam and Forum Games section. And indeed, we are incomplete as we are now.


    The days of the Legion and Porcupine Mimes has ended! Yet where are they now?! The old jokes, the trends, the very essence of what we were. We no longer have Glitterbombs, Ducks or Crazy Train! While this ties back to community, it speaks of something more... THE COOL KID CLUB EVERYONE WANTS TO BE A PART OF. It encouraged individuals to behave and act right, because the popular kids did so. They had someone to look up to, to idolize and emulate. And why? Because everyone wanted to be them! Everyone wanted just that little pat on the back from the cool guy, and a little, "Ya dun good, kid. Ya dun good." We no longer have this, though... No... We have... Well... Look around, I think you all know what we have. And it ain't pretty.

    Attention Whores!

    Yeah, yeah. We all know. Attention whores. But you know what? They were there own sect that spurred on activity. Why? Because their attention whoring worked. Ya, lemme tell you, they're a necessary evil. They put themselves out there, time and time again for that one person to just notice them. And the thing is... People did. Positive or negative, it got things going and... Well, admit it. A lot of them had their fan clubs. Those people that fawned over and rallied behind them. And my favorite moments personally? When the attention whores clashed. Oh how their egos bruised and their claws flew! The hair was pulled and venom was traded! It was glorious to behold. Just for that fallout.


    It doesn't matter what you're competing for. As long as you are the most popular and best. It drove interaction. It fueled contests. It got things going. And where is it now? Nowhere. We need it back people. Cuz while everyone else plays a factor, competition fueled activity. Sure, the fights could get annoying. And the ePeen contests may have induced eye-rolls and face-palms alike. But it was something. Anything. And it got people talking.


    Your shit may be trash, but it was your trash. And I'll be damned if it didn't spark intrigue and feedback. Spam plays, comics, songs, videos. No longer do our users seem to actively generate content. It may have never been finished, it may not have even been good. But here's the thing. It still had thought put into it and someone's effort. So, hey. Throw up your poor craft. Reveal your unfinished projects. Because people still loved 'em.


    The face of every spammer. Every contributor. Every single whiner and more. It doesn't matter what you're doing, as long as you're doing something. Everyone. Each and every one of you contributes in some manner. Sitting around and bitching about it does nothing. Instead... Post. Do something. Give people a reason to be around yourself. And you know what... Things will get better. Things will pick up. People might even feel inspired to try and do more themselves.

    So.. Here's to you. The spammers. The posters. The members of this community. Cuz without you... This place doesn't exist as more than Nat's playpen.

    **This has been a public service announcement from Tempest. You wish you were me, I know.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Awson
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    Awson Waiting & Waiting

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    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alex
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    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mdk

    mdk 3/4

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    GuildFall Restoration Project

    posted as requested
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by natsumehack


    Banned Offline since relaunch

    needs more comments about me, and how awesome I am.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Halo
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    Cue endless smart-alec responses. I'll have you know that my gormless gawping is glorious.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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    The Nexerus Sui generis

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Viva la whorevolution.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Doivid
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    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    I'm always here for this slow slide in a community, idk how it seems to work out that way.

    Sorry guys there's no way to reverse it. It might eventually become something new with increased activity, but whatever it was is over. I haven't seen any kind of meaningful reversal in my time online.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Halo
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    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    Doivid said
    I'm always here for this slow slide in a community, idk how it seems to work out that way.Sorry guys there's no way to reverse it. It might eventually become something new with increased activity, but whatever it was is over. I haven't seen any kind of meaningful reversal in my time online.

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Doivid
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    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Halo said

    Eventually you see it enough times and you have to just use realtalk. lol

    I used to brainstorm about it, then I just observed it.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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    Tempest Feminazi

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Interesting reaction... BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Halo
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    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    It just takes actual, consistent effort from people. We've had influxes of badsadnotfuntimez into Spam before. I was in one of them - I had the highest post-count in the pointless thread, and the way I was back then was probably significantly worse than a lot of the people being moaned about right now. Communities can bounce back.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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    Tempest Feminazi

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Halo said
    It just takes actual, consistent effort from people. We've had influxes of badsadnotfuntimez into Spam before. I was in one of them - I had the highest post-count in the pointless thread, and the way I was back then was probably significantly worse than a lot of the people being moaned about right now. Communities can bounce back.

    Especially with the assistance of voluptuous integrated female flotation device! : D
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Doivid
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    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Halo said
    It just takes actual, consistent effort from people. We've had influxes of badsadnotfuntimez into Spam before. I was in one of them - I had the highest post-count in the pointless thread, and the way I was back then was probably significantly worse than a lot of the people being moaned about right now. Communities can bounce back.

    could be!

    would be neat to observe that for the first time.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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    Tempest Feminazi

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Doivid said
    could be!would be neat to observe that for the first time.

    Tripzy! Who hurt you?! What happened to you being so sweet and kind and happy?! Tell me who did this to you, I'll make them pay! D:
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Doivid
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    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Tempest said
    Tripzy! Who hurt you?! What happened to you being so sweet and kind and happy?! Tell me who did this to you, I'll make them pay! D:

    what do you mean? lol
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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    Tempest Feminazi

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Doivid said
    what do you mean? lol

    Not what I was used to seeing from ya comment-wise, mate. Lol, maybe I've just been gone too long v.v
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Doivid
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    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Tempest said
    Not what I was used to seeing from ya comment-wise, mate. Lol, maybe I've just been gone too long v.v

    well I am at the end of the semester and totally tired as fuck.

    But this kind of thing has been on my mind a while. Being a mid 20s oldfag, I've seen a lot of communities online come and go. I haven't really seen one truly bounce back, but I think that's just social dynamics in general.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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    Tempest Feminazi

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Doivid said
    well I am at the end of the semester and totally tired as fuck.But this kind of thing has been on my mind a while. Being a mid 20s oldfag, I've seen a lot of communities online come and go. I haven't really seen one truly bounce back, but I think that's just social dynamics in general.

    Personally, i feel its a seasonal thing here in spam and its constantly in flux with new people comin and the old goin. I've seen 4 or 5 ages of spam and its not really like one is better than the other, its just what we connected with and remember. Idk, its a cycle and itll keep happening as the site changes and people get older and newbies come along :3
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Doivid
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    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Tempest said
    Personally, i feel its a seasonal thing here in spam and its constantly in flux with new people comin and the old goin. I've seen 4 or 5 ages of spam and its not really like one is better than the other, its just what we connected with and remember. Idk, its a cycle and itll keep happening as the site changes and people get older and newbies come along :3

    yeah there's already a new influx so it'll probably work out for spam. The site certainly doesn't seem to lack for traffic or new members.
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