Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

War Room , Icesliver

Joseph sat , looking to various gold coins on his desk with a glass of wine

" Sire , Duncan of Frostworth reports a ghost ship, sighted near by a trade vessel bound for Ostlandet "

" Ghost ship you say? Hm... "

" If we belive in myths, it'll be stupid to prusue it, let it be , could be a prank by some other nation "

" It's the Mighty Hammer Sire "

" What Hammer... oh that one ... keep all ships on standby , ready to fire "

" If it can be caputed , capture it "

"Yes sire "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

"What should we do about this so called 'Mighty Hammer' Mr President?"

Kiue didn't bother looking up from the sheet of paper in front of him, reading through it carefully as he simply answered the recently appointed Admiral Draco "Nothing." Was all he said in response. After several moments of silence that was only tension filled on the other side of his desk, Kiue looked up at Draco with a level gaze. "Even if we wished to investigate such a ship, our fleet is currently in the dry docks, undergoing needed repairs. Even if we had sea worthy vessels, our sailors lack the training to take advantage of them still. Besides, other then rumors of it being sighted by trading ships, has this 'Mighty Hammer' been connected to any act of piracy since it has appeared?"

"Well, no... But the Mighty Hammer was..."

"An active pirate ship over a hundred years ago, yes I've heard the stories. However, just because this ship has black sails and is painted black doesn't mean that it is the same ship. Even if it was, the pirates that so fearfully crewed her would have long passed from this world after all these years one way or another. Until this mystery ship starts actively pirating in our waters, it is to be treated just like any other ship. In fact, if our black ship wished to dock in our ports I would ensure that not only would it be welcome, but that I wish to personally speak to the current captain. Now that the matter is settled, have you anything to add about the recent offer from Aznavor?" Kiue asked, like a parent reassuring their child that there aren't any monsters under the bed.

Draco looked a little put off by what had been explained, but considering that there really wasn't anything else they could do about it he let the matter drop. "Yeah, I had a bit of a look at it. It seems like a pretty solid deal."

Kiue nodded his head in agreement. " Indeed. I have already sent back our acceptance of their agreement... Alongside some of the senior accountants of the guild of Accountants and Usurers who were more then happy to go and set up a base of operations in Aznavor. I believe these are the same gentlemen that do their guilds taxes." A tiny grin appeared on the presidents face... if you weren't looking for it, you would have missed it. In front of his was the tax sheets from the Guild of Accountants and Usurers; Unsurprisingly, its stated taxable income was negligible. In fact, it had also applied for a rebate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Seven Rivers, Lydiah

Thane Iliah looked up from his book. He was standing on his balcony during the late evening, facing the sea. Before him lay a beautiful land, blossoming with fruit and flowers. It was watered by the Seven Rivers, which gave the province its name. Roughly three miles away lay the small port town of Melian, the only major settlement in the region. Even from this distance, Iliah could see the ships sailing to-and-fro across the bay and the long, narrow barges gliding through the many canals that entered the town, heading inland.

The province was flourishing. Trade was high, citizens from northern Lydiah were flocking southwards for their holidays, and Iliah had just been chosen as the governor of one of the new city states in the New World. Never before had he been tasked with such a responsibility.

A noise behind him caused him to cease his ponderings and turn, revealing a messenger.
"My lord," he began. "A message from the Duke has arrived. I bore it here as swiftly as I could." The Thane plucked the scroll from the servants hands and thanked him. He fumbled with the seal and unravelled the parchment, which was lined with the long, loopy handwriting of Elvahn.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 10 mos ago

As Winter Follows Autumn so too does Spring Follow Winter…

-It has already been 6 months since the New World was discovered and nations are making deals and planning moves. The rains of spring water fields once covered in ice and the green spears of crops poke their way up through the mud to suckle on the rays of light beaming down. The question is in this new-year who can end up Alpha wolf, controlling both the New and Old worlds.

-The first news and most important is the colonial expeditions…they have finally made land fall and villages have been built. It will take a number of years for these colonies to become fully fledged and self-sufficient but it is a positive step in the right direction. However despite these peaceful expansions fights have already erupted over land claims. Notably so are the following…

The Empire of Corustaria and the Lance Empire on the north and west coast, areas are claimed by the other and groups of settlers have made punitive raids into the other to try and gain more ranch land for themselves.
Similar events are taking place between the United Vanjanan Empire and Azor in and around the cove. Especially since in the time of landings there was a brief naval conflict, a battle of simply 1 brig against another led too damages oj both sides before they retreated back to the first landing zones.

-In continuation of the investigation into the Mighty Hammer the ship has now been sited right off the north coast of Edoniras heading in the direction of the Empire of Corustaria.

-Finally a word on the New World, having yet to be named the Cartographers is holding a summit to decide the land mass’s name. Each nation has been asked to suggest one name and a ‘bid’ to get their name accepted. Their name will give them theoretically more legitimacy on their claims to land.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Colonial conflicts

The soldiers had already been prepared for this, and their response is quite simple. They were sent as a peace keeping force, and a peacekeeping force they shall be. They have several colonists search for other suitable lands away from the territory of the Lance, while secretly attempting to strike an agreement with the Lance soldiers that allows half and half of the contested lands to be used by either side. Meanwhile, the fighting citizens are ordered to cease their fighting and broken up by a single gunshot fired into the air whenever a conflict arises, though for the time being the soldiers have no orders to actually shoot any colonists, but merely grab their attention and order them to break it up.
A frigate and Barque set sail from the Colony of New Vivia to the nearby cove to assist their ally in the United Vanjanan Empire should conflict erupt again, though they wish for a slightly less explosive solution

The Mighty Hammer

Grand Admiral Thorn himself takes his ship of the line and five of the newly repaired galleys to await the mighty hammer. They are ready to intercept and hopefully determine whether it is hostile or not
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toaw


Member Offline since relaunch

Leonardo sat in his small wooden home, it was nicer, and more well kept than the other ones, but it was still not what he was used to. "Oh why did I listen to father, this new world is absolutely filthy, and the food is terrible." He whined as a servant walked up to him, and poured him another glass of wine. "The only reason why I am even able to control the people, is because of my wealth, and power over the soldiers, but those Corustarian's are making them nervous." His head rested on the table due to his irritation over his current situation.

"Sir, might I suggest requesting a trade route with them, they are not the worst of empires, and their goods would be well worth the effort." The servant whispered to him, and gave a soft smile.

"What do you know, your only here to serve me food, and wine." He snapped, giving the servant a malicious look.

"Have you forgotten who is truly in charge of this colony sir?" He gave slight pause. "Oh my, it seems you have. Well then let me remind you, your father gave me full political control over this colony, and in exchange I was to be your servant."

Leonardo turned around, and said furiously, "Fine then, send them the request, and let father now that everything is going well, and that we are attempting trade with Corustaria." He sighed deeply, and started to sip his wine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrFoxNews
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MrFoxNews The Boss

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lord Finch sat scribbling text on a clean parchment as the Administrator entered his study out of breath.

"Herr Finch, word from the colonies has arrived! They made landfall on the east coast of the New Lands!"

"Excellent the colony is to be named Munich! " Finch said with glee "There is much more to be done though! Firstly, the Cartographer Guild is naming the new Lands. It is my wish that it be named New Germania in honor of all German people's ancestry. Send a preliminary sum of 5 Billion Franks."

"Ja Herr Finch."

"I want reports brought to me immediately regarding projects. "

"Gleich Herr Finch!" (Right away Lord Finch)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Lancus, Lance Empire
The Emperor observed the reports of the colonies. There were some disputes with there Northern neighbors but the soldiers had worked out a deal to share some of the disputed land. Colonist in the area were moving quickly into the uncolonized parts of New Germania as Numburg wanted to call it and so shall the Lance Empire. Many of the new recruits and old ones had been redirected for regular training. Investment in new industrial technologies was being done by the Lance Empire as they promised new outputs of goods, and growth of economies. The Emperor had also begun encouraging colonists to head to the new world, spreading rumors about lots of fertile land and new gold deposits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kythian, Lydiah

Duke Elvahn looked down towards the new map, showing the various colonies of different nations along its coastlines.
"Well, well, well. We may yet become a power in this New World after all." turning to a messenger from the cartographer's guild, he suggested a name for the landmass. "How about, 'Vivayah' (vie-vay-ah)? It has a nice ring to it, does it not? And make sure you add a little incentive... about two thousand crescents should do it." The messenger bowed and left.

Looking back at the map, he paid special interest to the colonies of the Lance Empire. To the Thane of Kythian, who was standing nearby, he said:
"Request two of the three areas of land promised to us by the Lance Emperor. The other city-state we will form in unclaimed land, as there is more than I expected there to be. I will draw a map for you later."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 11 days ago

Kwedolobhakalle, United Vanjanan Empire
"A name?"
Sigfrid and one of his closest advisers were meeting in the capital's square, which functioned as a community garden. As such, people from all walks of life ended up talking to each other. In fact, right next to the two was a man wearing the simplest clothes money could buy speaking to a woman wearing an elegant green dress, both of them holding potted plants. In most free market states this would never be seen, but Vanjana's history made it possible. Being a nation made up of of immigrants and refugees, all with differing views, tolerance was somewhat necessary to survive. Somehow, the Ancient Vanjanans figured that out and worked together despite their differences, resulting in the highest GDP in the known world. Probably where their 'Diversity equals stregnth' doctrine comes from.

"Yes, Jade. They're naming it." Said Sigfrid's adviser, clothed in formal wear in contrast to Sigfrid, whom was wearing what appeared to be an unfinished naval uniform.

"What names have been suggested so far?"

"New Germania and Vivayah, you know what the first one is and the latter seems to just sound pretty."
Sigfrid began to laugh in his own signature way that sounded like he was about to suffocate, and the others nearby also laughed.

"Oh, that's a good one my friend! Now, what are the actual names?" Sigfrid asked, misunderstanding his adviser's statement.

"Those are, Jade. They actually put those forwards."
The laughter in the square only got louder, especially Sigfrid's. The fact that they actually expected those names to win the bid deeply amused the crowd.

"HAH! Send in the name Ithembany (Ee-temban-ni,New Hope in Ancient Vanjanani), It'll be the only name with any meaning! They'll have to accept it! Give them a bid of ten billion Fryas, nobody could resist that!"

"Understood, Jade. But there is also our colonial expansion to worry about. One of our vessels was attacked for no logical reason in the area our colonists refer to as 'Nataljiah Bay'. The battle apparently stopped when both sides retreated and we solved the land dispute by moving our colony over a bit. Both sides sustained minor damage that can be repaired at the colony. The Representative House has granted the colonies full command over the ships sent with them. They have kept the damaged Brig and another Brig, and sent the rest of the ships back to pick up new colonists to be deposited in the same areas. They have requested 700 new Colonists, Ten Cows, ten Pigs, ten Chickens, new ploughs, twenty-five horses, a years supply of food (Rationed, preserved) new axes, new farming equipment, more Fryas, new Cloth, and the fleet will of course carry the belongings of the new colonists."

"Very well, they may have that. Prepare for their fleet's arrival. If you need me, I shall be writing a letter to Lord Finch."

"To Lord Finch? What could you possibly have to talk about with him?"

"Nothing you should concern yourself with."

Letter to Lord Finch of Numburg from Jade Sigfriv Halvar
Dear honorable Lord Finch, I have recieved your message regarding your recent scientific endeavors. I have wished such a thing were possible for many years now, as has a close friend of mine in the literary community. He has come up with multiple theories on the subject of flight, but neither of us was ever able to figure out exactly how to build a flying machine. Instead he took his ideas to pen and paper, he now writes novels in a genre he calls science fiction, about ships floating in the air using what he calls a 'burner drive'. He got the idea while starting a fire, the flames rose, so he decided to put a cloth bag just above them. It flew upwards, thus he got the idea of manned flight using such a device. As you seem to be quite interested in flight, you may have heard of his works before, the book is called 'VSS Pandora: The First Skyship'. Anyways, the United Vanjanan Empire is willing to assist in your research project. I have ordered posters to be put up asking for engineers and scientists to apply for the project, and I am willing to donate money to the project. I do hope we can accomplish flight, it would mark a great advancement for the human species.
-Jade Sigfrid Halvar, Vanjanan Royal Office

Outside of Kwedolobhakalleny (New Kwedolobhakalle), New World
It was a wonderful day, the sun was shining, birds were flying in a cloudless blue sky. Yes, they were birds never before cataloged by any Vanjanan in history, but they flew just like the birds on Edoniras. Close enough for the colonists to eat. Even the land animals seemed similar to those back on Edoniras, most of them having four legs. A clearing on the outskirts of the colony had been used as a place to build an outpost to allow for further exploration of the area, perhaps the explorers would even discover natives. Such an event could occur sooner or later than thought, but either way, the United Vanjanan Empire was determined to be the first.

A young soldier ran though the jungle, separated from his exploration partner. He looked behind him every few moments, incredibly frightened by the creature that separated him from his partner. Cutting through the jungle plants frantically with his detached bayonet, he eventually came to a clearing. Running through it, he realized his boots were leaving footprints beside others, left by bare feet. His mouth dropped open, but he kept running as his instincts demanded. The spotted orange creature grew closer to him, much better adapted and used to the jungle environment than the soldier. His musket was loaded, but he had to keep it inside its sheath-holster (Vanjanan soldiers carry their rifles like swords) to allow him to use the bayonet to cut through the plants.

He saw a clear path, and turned to use it, completely unaware of the fact that the path was covered in bare footprints and that the dirt had been packed in by heavy use. He looked behind him once more, and saw the face of the savage beast just feet away from him. He yelped loudly, and picked up his pace even more. At this point, his elegant uniform was torn and blood from his various small cuts contrasted the white coat worn by all soldiers. While his uniform was making him hot, he refused to take it off. Not only was his musket in a sheath-holster attached to his pants, but his upper uniform had his name written on the inside. If he died, he wanted to make sure everyone else knew who he was.

The path soon faded away, and he had to continue cutting the flora with his bayonet. He soon found that there was a reason for this, as he fell into an incredibly fast-moving river a few moments after he left the path. He was hitting rocks in the shallow river, but he couldn't feel any of it. All he could focus on was the orange, feline face stating at him. Unfortunately for him, this feline wasn't afraid of water like the ones back at home. It jumped in after him, growling menacingly as it swam closer and closer, expertly dodging the rocks. Having nothing else to do, the soldier took the musket out of its sheath-holster, and fired at the predator, creating a deafening noise that could undoubtedly be heard anywhere in the area. Being so close, the musket ball hit the savage creature right in the head. It became limp, but with the threat gone his mind returned to the sensations of its own body. The pain overtook him, and he blacked out.

My leg doesn't work
It was the only thought the soldier could muster, staring up at the blue sky. At least he was out of the river and alive. He used his other leg and his arms to roll himself onto his stomach. He was on the sand next to a huge lake, with multiple waterfalls and rivers entering into it, and one leaving it, undoubtedly towards the ocean. He curled up to look down at his leg to see what had happened, and that was his mistake. When he looked at it he saw it just within the lake, torn to shreds with blood streaming from it. His uniform was ripped and bloody as well, but the image of his leg overtook him. Vanjana hadn't fought in a war for decades, and he had never seen an actual injury, much less such a savage one. He let out a bloodcurdling scream as the sensation of pain came to him. He returned to his former position, looking up at the sky. He began to silently pray, no, it was more of him calling out to the universe in a desperate attempt to be saved. Besides, he had been agnostic all his life, so its not like he had any specific god he believed in.

If there's anyone out there, watching over us, don't let me die like this! I'm only twenty six years old, let me see the world! Let me accomplish my dreams! Don't let me die at the side of a lake seven thousand kilometers from home! I'll do anything you ask of me, just don't let me die here in this unknown and unnamed land!
The water around his leg became progressively more and more red with his blood, and he began to give up all hope of surviving. But perhaps he would, perhaps someone would find him and rescue him.
Or something would find him. At this point he would look welcome such an event.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winston Smith

Winston Smith

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

King Philip Of Aznavor was stood atop the Rock an oversaw the fortification of his harbours. Next to him were four bombard cannons that had recently been added to the summit of Oceanrock in order to make the most of the vantage point offered. From here these cannons could rain hell down on any vessel threatening the harbour and one would beed to storm the rock to silence them. Furthermore, A line of beacons had been installed in villages along the coast and if any were lit the message would be relayed to Shipskeep from which enough ship would be dispatched to send the Mighty hammer to the bottom of the sea. In addition orders have been sent to the new colonies to remove all cannons from the vessels that had been sent to escort the colonists and to employ them to make a series of formidable coastal batteries should the threatening vessel challenge Aznavor's newest colony. The ships themselves were to be carried inland where they would be given maintenance, scoured of rats and would be kept safe from any naval threat until the facilities in the new world would allow for them to be refitted.

Excellent news had emerged from the eastern republican neighbours of Aznavor, New Drakran had accepted the offer to trade naval expertise for the republics' economic assistance. New Drakans harbour masters had each been invited to spend a month In Oceansrock and in Shipskeep to observe which facilities and which methods would best suit the construction and maintenance of ocean-going vessels. Oceans rock specialized in trade vessels and her harbours were lined with wooden cargo cranes lifting crates into swifts but round-bellied ships capable of carrying much cargo. Shipskeep was oriented entirely towards military vessels and New Drakrans sailors would soon be taught the importance of iron discipline being employed not only in on board a ship but also in their construction facilities. A large number of workers in Shipskeep were veteran sailors so could invest their own personal experiences into their work and were also much more able to notice potential enemy spies or saboteurs in Aznavor's military base. From what the king could gleam New Drakran had truly sent some of the finest economists and merchants over to Aznavor where they would be welcomed and invited to present their ideas and suggests at many open events and eventually being offered jobs as private tutors to the children of Aznavor's gentry and merchants so that their knowledge may be passed down to future generations. Ambassadors from New Drakran had also presented the idea of jointly run war exercises between the Kingdom and the Republics' armies, an offer that seemed promising to the council of Aznavor. Plans were drawn up for a suitable ground for such an event to be held on the border between the republic and the Kingdom , and the suggestion was forwarded to president Kiue for approval.

A dispatch rider was sent to bring a message to the Regency of Caer whose people lived to the north of Aznavor and offerred them a treaty of friendship, mutual assistance and trade. From all accounts the men of Caer were renowned warriors but their lands had long been stripped of it's mineral wealth and her forests had been unsustainable exploited. If friendships were to be possible between the Kingdom and the regency who knows what opportunities may afford themselves in the future.

Finally King Phillip approved an initiative out forward by his economic advisor which recommended that some penal labourers should be removed fro mthe stone mines of the north and instead assigned to the more urgent task of paving the roads throughout the entire country which would significantly increase travelling speeds of merchants,carriages and armies as the roads would become more oderly more permanent fixtures of the countryside rather than simply a particularly warn path susceptible to turning into a mudbath after sufficient rain.


Precautions taken against the threat of the Mighty Hammer
Diplomacy deals
Prisoners are put to work on a road building project.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrFoxNews
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MrFoxNews The Boss

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Finch read the letter from the United Vanjanan Empire and a smile spread across his face. With this new information and their support along with Numburgian Engineers flight was sounding more and more possible every day.

"Send a return message to the United Vanjanan Empire immediately thanking them for their support and detailing our progress thus far. Also include that the project is taking place in LexBurg and all willing scientists should report to the capital building with letters of Mark."


After months of carefully preparation Lord Finch of Numburg gave his courier the carefully detailed letter for the reunification of The Lance Empire and Numburg into the First United German Federation.

Merging their governments, military, and Economy would be no easy task. But when complete would be the single greatest power on earth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Lancus, Lance Empire
After looking at the purposal Kaiser Gabriel had only one thing to say.
"I shall be heading down to the Numburg Capital. This needs to be discussed personally with Lord Finch." spoke Gabriel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kythian, Lydiah, Late Afternoon

The Duke looked down carefully at the message, reading it slowly.
"Are you sure that this is true?"
"Yes, your Grace." replied the Thane. "The report came in from the ambassador to the Lance Empire. They mean to merge with Numburg."
"Well, well, well. This is a surprise." Elvahn paused to look over the paper once again. "This could wreck all. I did not plan for any situation alike to this."

Getting up, he waved a hand to dismiss the guards.
"Stay, good Thane. You know that I have entrusted you with governing one of the colonies in Vivayah, or whatever the New World will come to be known. You must not fail in this task. Relations with the new Empire will likely be unstable for a while, and our interests must be safeguarded." Turning away from him, he clasped his blue cloak around his neck and drew his hood up, hiding his face.
It was in this fashion that he made his way out of the palace and down the road into the city. The guards knew to ask no questions, for he often went about in this guise when trying to be inconspicuous. He continued walking, slinking along the edge of the street to avoid carts and horses, along with the bustling crowd of townspeople on their way to evening market.

Within five minutes he reached his destination. The Temple of Gowia. Built of marble and encrusted with silver and sapphires, it was one of the most beautiful buildings in Lydiah. It had seven strong pillars on each side, the middle one of each had a wide archway in it to allow people through. It was by one of these doors that the Duke entered the Temple.

It was even more beautiful on the inside than the outside. A vast planetarium occupied the huge dome that formed the ceiling. I each of the four corners, pools of blue water shimmered in the light of the many torches that lit up the Temple. In the centre was a massive marble obelisk, surrounded with a low wall like a well. All was made of marble and silver, and decorated with sapphires. In the 'well', which was really the Altar of Gowia, an unquenchable fire was burning strongly, but low. A cluster of lilac-robed priests were casting trinkets into the fire, muttering quiet prayers to their deity.

The Duke drew forward to the Altar, unrecognised by his subjects. Reaching into a large sleeve, he withdrew his own offerings - a pouch of incense, a small flask of water from the Holy Spring in Seven Rivers, and a single, shining sapphire. He cast the pouch into the flames, releasing a small plume of richly scented smoke into the room. He uncapped the flask and poured the water into the midst of the fire, along with the blue gemstone. The jewel flashed as it struck the flames, then vanished in a cloud of steam as the water evaporated.

"Mighty Gowia, accept my offerings..." he began quietly.
Forgive our misdoings, and shield us from evil.
Protect and defend us from our enemies, and pour out thy fury against those who threaten your people.
Command thy winds that they move our ships swiftly across the wide seas, so that we may honour thy name.
And Lydiah, defend her also. Guide myself and the Thanes as we labour to govern this fair nation.
Our thanks, great Gowia...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

New Drakran

Much had happened in a short amount of time.

The naval reforms, which had been predicted to no doubt take years to fully implement, had been reduced to a matter of months. An alliance had been forged between themselves and the Kingdom of Aznavor and they were even arranging joint military exercises along their boarders in order to strengthen their new found alliance.

All in all, a rather pleasant outcome.

However, politically something big was on the horizon. Rumors from his agents abroad had informed President Kiue of the possible merger of the Lance Empire and Numburg into a single governing body. This was problematic... but also presented a number of opportunities to the right kind of mind.

Thus, President Kiue sat at his desk, looking towards the head of the Guild of metalworkers, Mr Steel. Mr Steel appeared to be stunned. "I...I'm sorry, but could you repeat that? I must have misheard you Mr President."

"Really? Maybe you should take some time to get your hearing examined in the near future. All that banging metal all day cannot be good for ones hearing after all." Kiue answered, that same tone in his voice that suggested that he was merely pointing out a fact. "While I dislike repeating myself, I will make an exception. I wish for you to produce a throne made out of silver with golden trimmings. On the back will be engraved in bronze 'To the rightful ruler'. Since this is an important but expensive project, I assure you that you will be compensated for your efforts; The more effort you put into this project, the more compensated I can assure that you will be."

That got Mr Steel's attention. The promise of such a large amount of reward for a single project was plenty of motivation to get to work... the fact that he would be able to put his name down as the creator of such a priceless item was merely a bonus.

Greed was a great motivator to get things underway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Numburg Capital
The deal had been forged. It had been signed, a deal uniting Numburg and the Lance Empire into one nation. It had been many hours of negotiations, but it had worked. Kaiser Gabriel however realized that there would be revolts. While he was confident his forces would be enough to hold the coming tides of rebels, he still had to gather his allies, hoping the former ones would support him. He began writing the letters, a copy for each leader of each nation.

To all Nations
"Us, the Lance Empire, and Numburg have united to form Prussia. However there will be revolts, and that is why I come and ask your assistance. While you may see this as a attempt to seize land remember this, we can make a very powerful ally if we succeed in putting down the rebels. It is also to be noted that if you decide to go the other route and attack us for land, you will be facing many more enemies then if you stood with us. Standing with us you only face rebels and other nations that decide to try and seize land from us. However if you decide to attack us, you face us, nations that support us, rebels, and other nations that want to claim a piece of our land. Stand with us and you will be rewarded greatly."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The End of Two Eras?

-As spring ends we go into summer. Fields of golden wheat as tall as a man cover the landscape as well as the days being longer and the sun’s rays beating down more harshly. It seems appropriate that on such a glorious days a, new, even more glorious nation is too appear. The former Lance Empire and Numburg have come together as a single nation under the name of Prussia. Gabriel III has been declared the first Kaiser and the very first congress was held to announce the new constitution. Whilst these celebrations took place there was not entirely peace around the new nation and many groups were getting their opinion heard through less than friendly methods.
The largest and surprisingly friendliest of these groups were the ‘Independents’. This is a huge group of protesters that begun by boycotting the first congress as their demands are simply that the two nations were perfectly fine independent and that they should have remained that way. They write letters to governors and collect signatures in attempts to force a split before it is too late.
The second group are a whole other story, this is the ‘Nurmburg Naturalists’, they believe that Nurmburg don’t need this kind of rule, that they ran fine without a Kaiser and Prime minister. Most of the members are part of smaller companies within Nurmburg or have financial backing from larger companies and so are well equipped with lifted military equipment that was bought and stolen easily from the new army that is now in complete disarray. They have already said that if the joining is not halted they will begin a terror campaign against everything they believe is ‘Anti-Nurmburg’.
A third group are the ‘Lance Royalists’, this group believe that the Kaiser position will become ignored and under respected as a result of being dirtied with Nurmburg politics. They are currently protesting in and around the former Lance capital and demand that the congress be completely dissolved as well as the nation keeping the name The Lance Empire. They are yet to declare whether they will use violent means however they have a lot of support within the Lance Military and may call on this institution.
Another group are the ‘Red Army’. This is a new political group that has formed on the former border between Nurmburg and Lance and spend their time attacking any important looking traffic such as orders, taxes and political personnel. They believe that the decision was not offered to the people and that until a fair way to let the people decide is found they will continue to slow the efforts of the system.
The fifth largest group is the ‘Old Farts’. Despite the comical name this is an important group, it is made up of former army veterans and those who support them. They believe that by merging the countries you are defeating hundreds of years of military history and disgracing the deaths of those who fought for those nations. They are a very volatile group and despite being armed with their older more outdated weapons have a master mind in the way of tactics.
There are also a number of smaller groups who march through the streets burning government property and attack officials in response to the recent merger. It seems the glorious new nation of Prussia is going to have a huge number of problems to begin with.

-Further more in the Empire of Corustaria the rebels who started by burning villages are drawing more support as they claim that further dealings with foreigners could lead to the same traitorous effects that the forming of Prussia had. Not informing even the people of this new apparent nation. Although in the smaller villages which they attacked there was little support in larger cities the racism runs rife and immigrants and foreign traders are attacked by mobs on the street.

-King Baba-Uti of the Hutuda tribe sat on his royal cushion as the scouts stood around him, his many wives behind him in the corner of his royal tent. The scouts finished their reports and left, in front of the king a map of the continent they knew simply as Motherland was spread out. Crudely drawn on were the markings of these ‘new peoples’ locations. To each city and hold he had sent a messenger to carry the news that these were the lands of King Baba-Uti and that if they were to swear fealty to the king he would welcome them with open arms. However if they were to reject they would need to compensate him accordingly.

-Finally the ‘Mighty Hammer’ has come into contact with the forces of Corustaria. It turned out to simply be a wealthy retiree’s idea of a joke. He has been taken into custody and is to be dealt with as Corustaria wish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 11 days ago

Kwedolobhakalleny Walls, New World
The new colony had done well for itself, the landing area the crew had chosen was perfect for farming. One colonist wanted to land in a swampy area surrounded by poisonous water, but everyone else just laughed at him and thus they picked a spot with fertile soil and plenty of wild plants for food. Over the many months the colonists had built substantial walls, both for protection from wild animals and from the other colonists. Luckily, no conflict had come up and coexistence seemed to rule the bay. A while back, one of the soldiers had almost died, but he had been found by his partner and safely carried back to the colony. However, he was is bad condition, the prevailing theory was that his cuts had been infected with poison from some plant. The colonial doctors were doing their best, but aside from keeping him comfortable all they could do was pray to their respective deities and hope that the soldier's own immune system would fight off the infection.

The peace of the colony was soon to be shattered though, as a call came from the watchtower they had built.

"There's something out there!" Called out one of the guards

The man beside him, who had a telescope, called out as well.

"It's a person! The skin tone is strange, but it's definitely a person!"

Soldiers rushed to take up defense positions, their white and gold uniforms in stark contrast to the green plants and the brown wooden wall. They unsheathed their muskets and began loading them, those who had finished the loading process cautiously moved into the wilderness, searching for the strange-skinned person. After just a few minutes, a call came from just barely within the wilderness.

"We've found him! Are you sure he's human? I've never seen such dark skin before..."

The rest of the soldiers ran towards the sound, and found four soldiers paralyzed with fear pointing their muskets at the strange man.

"Definitely human, there are too many similarities." Said one of the soldiers "Think like we're all dogs, he's just a different breed." The rest of the group nodded, understanding the analogy.

"Take him to the governor, get all of our linguists on this. Figure out what he wants." Said the General assigned to the colony.

"Understood, Sir!"

Kwedolobhakalle, Governor's House
The strange man had been taken to the Governor's House, when the Governor saw him at gunpoint and wearing what he saw as torn and ragged clothes, he immediately yelled at the soldiers to put their guns down and get out. Afterwards, he had his servant prepare a gourmet meal for the man. Knowing that breaking the language barrier would be hard, he brought in linguists and, while eating his dinner, the strange man essentially engaged in a game of charades that explained the concepts of both their languages that would be needed in a contact scenario. After the exercise (which the linguists found hilarious to watch), the Governor had picked up on the man's language extremely fast, as it heavily resembled Ancient Vanjanani. It was much harder for the man to learn Modern Vanjanani, so the two agreed to communicate in the land's native language. They talked for a while, and the Governor soon learned that the native people of the continent had claimed the area as their land and wanted the colony to swear fealty to the local king.
"Well, good sir." said the Governor in the native 's language "I do not have the authority to do that for all of my people, as most of us live in a completely different land than this one that you call the Motherland. Our leader is there right now, and only he could swear fealty to your people. I shall have him informed as quickly as possible. As your definition of fealty appears to be consistent with ours, a mutual pact of protection with some benefits going from the vassal to the lord, I believe he could very well accept. Though we could pay the compensation, he has given us explicit orders to form the best possible relationship with any nations we find here, and weaseling out of fealty wouldn't accomplish that goal at all. I will make sure he personally comes to deliver the message to this 'King Baba-Uti'."
The Governor was just about to order his servant to clean up the meal (Which the messenger seemed to enjoy) when he remembered the infected soldier.
"Oh yes, one of our warriors was mauled by an orange feline with black dots. Our people said he would be fit for duty in a few months with the correct treatment, but he has fallen ill with a sickness we have never encountered. It is only logical that it is native to this land, as such, we would be very grateful if one of your healers could take a look at him."

Prussian Request
Jade Sigfrid Halvar has ordered the army to march on the Prussian rebels and assist the new government's army wherever they can. 6,000 recruits and 5,000 regulars have been sent, interestingly enough, they seem to be focusing mainly on rebels in former Numburg.

Former Numburg, LexBurg
A woman walked into the capital building, she was wearing Vanjanan formal dress, which would look incredibly out of place on a woman in a Germanic nation. She was wearing a military uniform, a single four-pointed star on her as identified her as a Colonel, and the division insignia identified her as a Siege Engineer. She walked up to Lord Markus Finch, while the government had changed, she was still pretty sure he was who to report to in regards to the project.
"My Lord, I have come here to assist with the flight project. I am Colonel Ukundiza Kjerstin of the United Vanjanan Empire, I have a letter of mark and recommendation from Jade Sigfrid Halvar, and letters of Mark from the majority of the Representative House. I have been trained in physics, engineering, and mathematics, and may have come up with something for the project. None of my peers in Vanjana found a flaw with the concept, so I have come here to present my idea to the minds working on achieving flight."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Betraying former Lance Forces
A Prussian soldier was laying various string like things around a military base. The quarter of the former Lance Army and much of the Numburg Army had been given new uniforms, designating them as Prussian Soldiers. Those who had refused were marked as rebels, and it was obvious who they were. The Vanjaan Empire's forces were heading into Numburg to deal with the rebels there, along with a sample of the Prussian Uniforms in-case any Numburg soldiers retained there old uniforms in opposition to Prussia. He retreated far away from the base, and set the strings he had set alight. The base exploded, its gunpowder and cannonballs being detonated. Across the country similiar things were happening, severely weakening the Royalists.

Other Rebel Groups
Loyal Prussian Forces were watching over the rebelling nobles, as well as the independents. They only shot those who were committing violent acts, that included the smaller groups destroying government property. Forces were not sent to Numburg do to how strained the army currently is, but even then the remaing loyal Generals said that they feel Vanjaan's support will be enough to deal with the Numburg forces. Armies were also sent to deal with the Red Guard, as well as keep communications open by defending routes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Army recruitment drive: A recruitment drive has been launched, capped out at 3000 new soldiers. Of course, they expect that there won't be anywhere near this number due to the armies poor reputation. More funding is also being given to the army, and with it they are to buy better quality muskets, power and other such "tools of the trade" While they are not being given funding anywhere near the levels of the navy or marines, it is an improvement of what they had before.

Corustaria, Empress speech in an attempt to quell dissent

"Corustaria is not a country in the traditional sense. You cannot fear the possibility of a Lance-Numburg esque merger because it has already happened. Several hundred years ago, when our island nations united into one. A trade route, is not some kind of tether that will result in a merger. We, as a people, have already merged, and we are content with our way of life as our isle. Know that as long as I stand, as long as I breath, your will shall not be ignored, we shall not merge with a foreign power in the shamefully undemocratic and oppressive way Lance and Numburg has. No, as long as I live Corustaria shall be an independent nation! Based on your popular wish, all trade routes with Numburg and the Lance have been broken, and all trade slashed by more than 50%". She failed to mention that they had become inactive from the chaos anyway, and that since neither of the above nations existed anymore, even that didn't matter, of course "However, the method of stating this will that the extremists have used is simply unacceptable. Therefore, the laws on xenophobia are being tightened. Our people will not be mocked, our culture will not be mocked. It will not be mocked by hooligans who dare to pretend they are fighting for Corustaria when they are going against its very essence and its laws, and they shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law"
Resulting law changes (Temporary, applied fir a maximum period of six months): Max sentence for xenophobic comments raised from 16 coin fine to 32 coin fine ((Average wage = 8 coins an hour.)). Max sentence for assault based on race, gender or creed: Raised from 8 years to 10 years. ((Assualt and battery raised from 8 years six months to 11 years))

Trade vessels stop movements with Numburg and the Lance, and overall trade decreases..

Military movements: 5000 Recruits and 5000 Regulars ship over to the territories of Prussia. Officially, it is being referred to as an invasion (hoping the more aggressive sounding name will help to calm the rebels who wouldn't bother to look any deeper), though its more of a peace keeping action.
A fleet (Two frigates, two Baruqes, three Galleys) is launched, heading to the new world. Aboard are 2000 Recruits and 2000 Regulars, along with supplementary supplies for the colonies and more colonists to help fill the claimed territories. The reason for this sudden deployment of soldiers is unknown, but many speculate upon it.
All remaining forces are deployed to the cities alongside the Watch to help maintain order. They are ordered not to fire their weapons unless it is "A matter of life or death". Distaste for the Lance Empire and Numburg is rising in parliament due to the problems their merger has caused, and while the peacekeeping action is passed (by just two votes), it is clear that they are expecting huge compensation for this.
All other ships currently stationed at the colonies are recalled

The Mighty Hammer

The case isn't even brought to court, but instead laughed off. The man is released, as technically he has not committed any crime. Grand Admiral Thorn congratulated him on coming up with such an elaborate scheme, and a few other, less prominent figures, have commented on it, most being positive. The mans name is quickly recorded and entered into the history books as the most money spent on a joke in recorded history

King Baba-Uti.

The colonists refuse to swear fealty, but are willing to pay compensation for having taken the lands as long as it is "reasonable". They bring forward the chest of coin and their lead begins to count it out into bags, expecting he'll have to fork out to the natives before long. It wasn't that bad, they'd brought some wines they'd be pleased to offer them too

Empowered company and government "landgrab" project

The Government has encouraged the company to buy up land and structures while they are cheap due to the unrest in Prussia, ensuring that once Prussia is rebuilt, or if the two nations split, the empowered company will have a significant grasp. Likewise, a government fund of 2 billion had been used in an attempt to purchase land cheap from some of the more restless regions of the Lance Empire (Preferably along the north coast) Whether this will be successful or not is yet to be seen, but they are confident that people (including possible nobles) will be quick to sell at cheap prices move away to more stable parts of the Lance Empire, hopefully Corustaria legal ownership of large amounts of Lance Empire Lands. What they intend to do with these lands isn't clear.
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