Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 7 mos ago

An old man was walking trough a large corridor, 4 huge males were beside him as they guided him to the bathroom.
One of the males went inside and came out nodding.
the old man sighed in relieve, he had to go but he also knew someone inside his corporation wonted him out of the way, if he was dead then that person would gain a huge amount of money, it was to bad that there were so many that would get money in large amounts, he could not hire anyone to take that person out himself without risking to kill the wrong man, something that would only drain his money and lower his assets, something he could not risk.
He walked into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet after looking around and confirming that nothing was there himself.
"you need some better guards" A voice said suddenly.
The man looked up at the ceiling where the voice came from, a shocked expression filled his eyes, an angry one once he noticed no one there.
"who is the joker that placed a microphone here" he asked, irritation filled his voice.
"both you and your guard made a mistake then" the voice responded.
then from nowhere appeared a black robe hanging off the ceiling, blue glowing eyes were all that could be seen from under the hood.
The man's eyes filled with fear, he knew who this was and he could not believe it, the man knew that he was looking at The Reaper...
He wanted to scream but suddenly hi voice cut off, he felt something he could not see, a blade? then he felt something wet slide past his neck, he touched it and looked at it, it was red, it was blood, his blood.
Fear filled his eyes again, he tried to look at what was in his neck but could not see anything, but then as if the reaper wanted to grand the man's wish to see what would kill him it appeared, a large scythe blade with a black gem on its back, it seemed to be attached by a red gem, something felt weird with that gem and then it hit him, the gem was not red, it was just soaked with blood.. then he noticed the details of the staff of the weapon, skulls and other bones, he had studied a lot of alien skulls in his prime before he was send to this wasteland called the junkyard by his old company partners in order to take control of his old company, and it only seemed normal to find his end by an similar event, still the man never regretted building company's and becoming successful and rich, only thing he regretted was not seeing the signs both times that he was about to be taken out of the game, still those bones, he did not recognize them at all, yet they seemed familiar.
"who, what are you?" was what he asked to the reaper.
he never believed in supernatural things like a grim reaper, but the person had no head, or so it seemed, just 2 eyes, able ti stick to a ceiling and become invisible while having a invisible weapon of such unknown origin, it did not make sense.
"I am death, I am your Reaper" with that said the Reaper sliced the man's head of in a single slash, showing how sharp the blade is.
the man only looked with fear when he heard that before losing his live, and ironically at the last second he realized what race those bones belonged to, something the reaper would have wanted to know, something that could have saved the man's live, but both will never know how it might have changed things now...

As the man's lifeless body hit the floor, the Reaper disappeared once more and funny enough just opened the door, letting the guards know something was up, he waited for the guards to enter the room before slipping out himself, sticking to the ceiling all the way he made his way out of the building before disappearing into the night
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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"Junk, trash, junk, junk. Oh look! More junk!"
Davon was still walking amongst the waste, he's been on the go only for a couple of days but he felt lonelier than ever. The village was gone, the villagers disappeared, all he had left was his sword, hunting spear and a toolbox. Luckily he managed to catch something so he wasn't really starving.
"What's this? Oh what a surprise! Junk!"

Who could've thought that walking on a relatively unknown planet could be so boring. All he wanted to do was to find the small hospitable race that took him in and saved his life, but they were gone. He had been walking towards the same direction for all this time, the direction that the note showed, but there seemed to be nothing this way.

"I guess I'll never find them again… There must be more villages around here though. I'd better find one soon because every night I risk getting attacked by some predator."
Davon took out what he called his "Water-Maker" and poured water out of it into a bottle. It was quite a clever thing actually, he learned it from the villagers. It basically took advantage of the fact that the plants on this planet absorbed only clean water with their roots and left the pollutants in the soil. The water that evaporates form the leaves however, is clean and drinkable. All davon had to do was find some water, no matter how dirty, put it in the container with the plant, and the Water-Maker would just collect the evaporated water in a different smaller container, which could then be poured out.
He put the Water-Maker back in his hunting sack and took a sip of the clean water.

There was a small hill up ahead, which he started climbing, his breath getting heavy after each step, from the steepness and the weight on his bag. Davon reached the top of the small hill and stopped to catch his breath, his hands on his knees, leaning forward. When his heart and breathing slowed a bit, he took a deep breath and took a step forward but freaked out and stepped backwards, tripping in the trash and falling. In fact, there was a creature he never saw before in front of him, not even that far, a maximum of 6 metres away. It had tentacles and a tough-looking leathery skin.
The creature was surprisingly quiet, not making any sound. Davon noticed that one of the creature's tentacles was stuck in something.
The creature seemed to be trapped anyways, so Davon thought he could easily just run away if something happened. He slowly stood up, very slowly.

"C'mon big boy, I'm not going to hurt you, I'll just have a look."
He reached out towards the creature, and took his first step towards it. He was kind of scared.
After having walked a couple of metres, Davon took the bag off of his shoulder and took out some food and the toolbox. He threw the food in front of the creature, or at least what he thought the front was. Now that he was closer, he could see the trapped tentacle better.

"You seem to have gotten hurt pretty bad. Maybe you even broke your bone. Don't worry though" Davon got closer and closer, saying soothing words and making slow movements, and he finally got very close to it. He put his toolbox on the ground and kneeled next to the trap.

"Let's make this quick before the ones who put this here come back. I wouldn't want them to think I'm a thief." Davon quickly unscrewed some parts of the traps and freed the tentacle from the trap.

"Aren't you going to thank me now?"
With that he picked up his bag again and set off again, feeling better about himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lawless
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Lawless The Ghost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A-hew. The sound came from Solara's lips as her green body shivered in the darkness of the night. It was cold, freezing actually, and despite the color of her skin she wasn't meant to live in these conditions. Clink, clink, clink. She jumped at the sound and immediately searched for its source before she found it. The sound came from above her and traveled down the wall of garbage that she had taken shelter in. It was a soda can. The thought made her uneasy but perhaps the wind had pushed it, or perhaps someone had thrown it. The suspense was killing her and eventually Solara reached and lifted the can of the ground smiling when it didn't explode which she thought about several times already. She had seen many traps on her way here, but only elaborate enough to capture a primitive non-intelligent creature.

The can was remarkably heavy and when she shook it she could hear swishing in the inside which made her smile grow wider. "A gift from our goddess" her words came out soft and pleasant compared to what followed when she opened the can of pop. Solara pulled the can to her green plump lips and gulped down its contents with no elegance or patience, thinking only of how the drink had managed to be pushed by winds that were barely blowing. Based on the can's weight, shape and size, the current breeze was impossible to knock the down. It then occurred that something else was in the dark with her. But who, or rather what? In this environment her black spacesuit and green complexion provided her with much needed camouflage at night. She took a deep breath and allowed silence to become her as Solara listened beyond the winds influence.

Her heart sunk when she heard the first of six footsteps. They were close, extremely close, possibly alerted by her sneeze or maybe opening the can of pop wasn't the smartest idea. The footsteps stopped right in front of her but it was not quite what Solara was expecting. It was not the soldiers of the ship she had boarded, nor three living organisms before her. It was one. It had a rather large abdomen with large wings that covered its back fully. While appearing of an insect nature, it had a long tail that was armed with several rows of pincers. The skin on it appeared to be covered in holes but upon closer observation she realized that it had merely shrouded itself in the bones of other creatures. Its eyes were too black in color to see in the night but peering into its thought she could see herself from fourteen different angles, but it still didn't realize she was alive.

Her hear was beating frantically which she had thought was giving her away but the beast could not hear it. Solara's fingers dug silently into the garbage as she attempted to hold her breath even longer without exhaling, she was definitely beating her record. The insect turned its body and then started to scurry away before it heard a breathing behind it. Solara was no the champion in holding her despite her amphibian father, and it showed. She screamed when the beast dropped its tail down in an attempt to capture her, but to no avail. She managed to avoid it by leaping to the right and getting to her feet, ready to sprint. Then she let out another skin when she felt intense pressure on her left side as she was knocked off her feet.

Several cuts opened in her space suit as she flew several feet further to the right before crashing into a pile of garbage that cushioned her landing. "What is that thing?" she asked herself as she could hear the beast scurrying towards her but instead of getting up and running she grabbed a car and tossed it as far a she could. The Mega Carcapus stopped in its tracks and headed in the opposite direction. Solara had definitely gotten off easy, mega carcapus typically traveled in packs at night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

Skavard had passed out after getting his leg stuck in a cursed trap probably set by some alien scoundrel trying to catch some food. Today started like any other day in the junkyard with Skavard roaming around looking around for something to hunt but like the last few days he hadn't found a speck of food. Not even a rodent.
After walking for half of the day Skavard decided to take a break on the piles of garbage to recollect his thoughts. Skavard sat there for hours thinking about what to do next until the elders call him back to the town. After being at peace with his plan of action on surviving he got up but immediately fell back down after the trap clamped around his leg. After a while he passed out from shock and that brings things back around to the beginning.

After a while a sound brought Skavard back to life and he looked over to the voice and saw a human coming towards him and was about to panic but didn't after he realized he seemed to be trying to get him out of the trap. The man had passed him some food which he took graciously and picked out the meat parts of the food and gave back the more plant based parts. Skavard didn't really listen to the man as he talked due to him still recovering from the shock of the trap but after he finally got his wits about he heard the man ask for a thank you to which Skavard replied in the mans mind "Thank you so much. I would have died out here if it weren't for you. I owe you my life" and as he realized that his foot was unstuck Skavard got to his feet but fell down again due to the pain still in his foot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


Member Offline since relaunch

Davon spun around and stumbled back, yet again.
"What the heck? Did you just talk?
It was a very interesting feeling. The voice was very clear, male, with a perfect human accent, but Davon didn't really remember hearing anything. And the creature didn't even have a mouth! He observed it better now, the creature was actually bigger than it first seemed like, the leg which was previously trapped wasn't actually bleeding really and it didn't look that damaged, if ignoring the few cuts from the trap.
Davon stood up brushing the trash off of his butt.
"I guess it's just another alien race, except that its not humanoid, i shouldn't be that surprised."
"You're welcome... I guess. Errr... I'm Davon, a human, from Mars. I was dropped here just over a month ago, I used to live in a village before but it got destroyed and the villagers disappeared while I was out hunting.
Davon suddenly stopped talking. He realised he was talking too much. Probably because of the few days of solitude, and now he's trying to make friends with an octopus.
"Ok well, he's not an octopus I guess. He's just not what I'm used to, he can still be nice"
"Sorry, I tend to forget myself. You know, you're the first being I met on this planet who speaks my language. First of all though, let me have a look at that leg."
Davon approached the octopus guy again and took his leg to see if the trap damaged the bone at all.
"Wait, you don't have any bones in your leg." He laughed and said in a strangely happy voice.
"I guess that explains it, all that got damaged was tissue. The trap would've snapped my leg in half. You tough son of a bitch!"
This guy just made his day!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

If Skavard could smile he would have.
"I did talk. Sort of. Telepathy. Pretty cool. Right?"
He said making pauses in between thoughts due to the pain still in his leg. It hurt more than anything he remembers so he rubbed it with his arm which stretched down and rapped around the wound which was starting to turn red.
After hearing the man introduce himself as Davon the human from Mars Skavard proceeded to introduce himself "I am Skavard Hunter from the town of 1800 Now."
He said this better than his precious words due to his hand soothing the pain in his tentacle. He liked this Davon a human from Mars although his last name seemed peculiar to Skavard due to its length and being made up of diffrent words. When the Davon made a comment about language Skavard replied "I learnt Anglush from books dumped here" he said.
Skavard made a odd howling wind sound as he laughed when the other man laughed about his lack of bones which he enjoyed. His species didn't usually laugh beacuse his kind weren't very good comedians so thus laughter was praised in his culture.
"So Dacon a human from mars how did you get onto my planet. Wait let me guess. Your a murderer! No wait. A insane man who got dumped here beacuse your government didn't want to pay for you to be in an asylump." Skavard said through telepathy.
Though Skavard knew lots of the human language he messed up quite a few words.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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"Pleased to meet you Skavard. Just call me Davon. The town of 1800 Now huh? I have been looking for a settlement for days, I didn't think there'd be whole towns on this planet though! I'll help you get back to your people, just show the way. You should get that wound looked at soon by a doctor, or whatever you guys have."
Davon then noticed a tool lying on the ground. A spear, made from mostly scrap, but it was actually quite well crafted. There was a metal wire spun all around it, from end to tip. Davon picked it up and took a closer look.

"This is pretty good. What's the wire for? I guess its just for a good drip right? I'll carry it for you if you want, you're injured. You can have it though if you feel safer. From what I understood from the green men, there's some pretty nasty stuff out here, specially in the dark. Since you have a town and everything, I guess you lived here long enough to know the dangers.
Davon was very happy that there was someone to talk to, he might even manage to start a new life in the city of 1800 Now with the help of Skavard. Just like with the green men. He can help whoever needs help and they will love him. He might even find out more about his old village and its villagers. The strange thing was that Skavard was out alone.
"I guess he was just out hunting. I was as well when everyone disappeared."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lawless
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Lawless The Ghost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Once the large insect was out of sight, Solara looked down to address the pain that was making her stomach ache. "Ugh, that's not good, not good at all" She whispered to herself as she crossed her arms around her chest. The pain wouldn't go away, no, not until the wounds closed which she hoped wouldn't get infected. The cold air stung as it came in contact with her open wounds. It reminded her of the unsanitary environment that she was stranded upon. Still, she needed to move, there was no telling if that thing was going to come back when it realized that no one was in the direction it was headed. That it had been outsmarted by using a simple rock. Even more so, she wasn't sure if it was going to come back with friends.

She walked for a while, keeping her head down for a little while but soon it felt like she had walked for an eternity. She had stepped over mountains of trash already and there seemed to be no end in sight. The trash was everywhere, almost like this wasn't just a filthy area but the planet's very surface.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Well Me Davon I don't actually know my way back but I will once the summer comes to a close. That when the elders send out the pheromone signals" he said into Davons mind as he still rubbed his leg. It hurt quite a bit still but not as much as before. When asked about the spear Skavard said "the wire is used for conducting. Here watch" he said as he held out his arm waiting for him to give it to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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Davon looked at the tentacle as Skavard reached out towards him. He was quite unsure what to do but figured he'd just put his arm out as well. There was a little voice in his head telling him to be cautious but he just silenced it with a quick "Fuck it!" in his mind.
He touched the tentacle but quickly retracted his hand as a sudden jolt of electricity went through it.
"Creatures making electricity! I might have an idea for them. Ill try to build or find them batteries which each of them can recharge daily or something."

"So you make electricity Skavard! I wonder how strong of a shock you can give out. But lets wait with that, we have to move somewhere, find shelter. Its getting dark already and I dont want to be anywhere outside when night falls. And the owners of this trap might appear any minute. I don't have any powers like you do and the chances of me getting killed will shoot up into the sky if I walk around at night. I'm afraid you're too heavy for me to carry though, with all the stuff, so you'll have to walk.
Davon picked up the bag from the ground, which fell when he first heard Skavard in his head.
"Let's go"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mrissi stared at the sky in a semi groggy state, luckily the sun wasn't directly in her field of vision. She didn't have a hangover, she was just very, very, bored. "Sis, I'm bored" she mumbled out, her sister popping her head out of the tunnel that lead to their little under-trash home. "Sorry, but we got enough food for a few days, and no job requests for you have come through yet" Her head disappeared for a second, only to come back "And do come inside, you don't exactly have the most sun-proof skin ya know."

Mrissi sighed, but her sister had a point, they both had fair skin, and prolonged sun exposure would lead to some serious health problems. She slowly got up, and crawled into the tunnel. This tunnel went a bit of distance, but was the only way to access the buried skyscraper, it was obvious this skyscraper wasn't one of the towering monoliths that still get to see the surface, but was still tall enough to be near the surface. Victoria had pimped out the place, making it quite comfortable to live in for the place they were living on. She even got lights running, able to seal up the inside of the place so no light or sound escaped, and even able to make an indiscreet antenna that poked out of the surface, allowing them to get radio and even TV on good days.

"Hope we have something to do tomorrow, today was a bore." Yawned Mrissi. "It may not have been entirely boring, I believe I've found a way to get us TV everyday, no matter what. I just wanted you down here to see if it worked!" Victoria said excitingly, Mrissi's ears perked up "Everyday you say? Well then, lets waste no time, start'er up." Said Mrissi as she sat down in front of the TV, while Victoria turned it on, the signal coming in a bit fuzzy, but with some quick tweaks, it was coming in clear. "I have to say sis, this day hasn't been entirely boring, I got to see the results of all that thinking come to fruition" She said as she ruffled her sister's hair, causing Victoria to giggle as she had her hair ruffled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Wait! Idea I have!" Skavard said excitedly he was going to ask about starting a symbiotic bond like he had heard from others of his kind.
" I can stick to your limbs. Make you strong! You have bones I do not. With bones we both get stronger! Lift metal box vehicles! Cabbage?" Skavard said this his excitement made him mess up on quite a few words such as the last one which he meant to say 'yeah?' Instead of cabbage.
"I also make you able to grapple! With my arms!" He said as he demonstrated the stretching ability of his limbs as he reached out really far and grabbed a can. He hoped Davon would agree.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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Davon just stood there, both of his hands holding a spear, his sword hanging from his belt, his bag on his back. There was a pause as Davon was trying to imagine how that would work.

"So... let me get this straight. You want to attach to me, and by doing that, I'll be super strong? Hm..
Davon honestly thought it was kind of creepy. He just met this thing, and it wanted to attach itself onto him like a parasite. What if he would control his mind as well? Davon's cautiousness nearly got the better of him. Nearly. But his curiosity was too strong to ignore this proposition.

"It's not like I get a chance like this every day."
He was a bit afraid of what would happen but they needed to get out of here, and fast. Skavard couldn't walk properly so this seemed like the only way they could safely get to safety.

"Ok, whatever man. But if you try to take over my mind or something. I'll cut all six of your tentacles off and leave you here. And promise me that if I tell you to get off, you'll get off!"
Davon wasn't really sure about what to do at this point, he had a feeling that this won't be pleasant at all.
"Argh! Damn it... why did I say yes? I swear this is the last time I'll agree to something so stupid!"
He closed his eyes, and made a strange grimace, bracing himself for whatever was to come next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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(Sorry... accidentally double posted )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Great! And also my kind can't control minds. Just put our thoughts into yours and detect muscle movements" Skavard said as he went around to the back of Davon and suction cupped his hands and feet to his then stretched his own head up a little ways just so he could look around. Now Skavard focused becoming in tune with Davons brain waves and getting ready to move with him.
"Try to lift your arm or leg. Just to see if this'll work" he said getting ready. The excitement was practically eating him alive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GodOfChaos
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yellow eyes pierced through the night as the silhouette of a giant stood on a mound of trash. This creature was easy to see and a small chuckle escaped its mouth. It was easy to tell that this creature was a male. The sound of bones cracking echoed through the air as this things neck moved side to side and his fists slammed together. He adjusted his torn brown cloth at his waist. With a simple movement of his leg, trash crushed under him. "Well, well Rog-war. This is going to be an interesting waste of the rest of my life." He chuckled again, noticing the pun he had just accidentally made. He liked the quiet for once, it was different to him. He still missed his home planet though, and the blood shed that he had been doing before he left his home planet. It wasn't the prettiest name of all but hey, it was the mans home and well... I guess it was just mainly the bloodshed.

"Guess who is not in a good mood..." Rog-wars stomach growled at him, signaling that he was hungry. Rog-war was clueless to the noise he was making. He could hardly notice a woman that was walking far away from him. He began to whistle his favorite war tune before he headed out on the battlefield. What the name of it was he didn't know. He just enjoyed the sound of the cool little tune. Suddenly a noise triggered him to stop in his tracks. Soon he was on one knee and memories of his past filled his head. He was in his trance and he wouldn't be able to get out of it himself. Before he left reality he was hoping that whatever made the noise didn't go after him while he was in his trance. Loud grunting noises escaped his mouth, as if he was injured. Whatever was going on in his head, was starting to pay a toll on his brain and body. He snapped back into reality, thankfully it was a quick one. He stayed on his knee and it was at that moment he seemed to be a small creature. It was also at this moment he heard the woman's foot steps upon the trash. He looked towards her slowly, nothing but the yellow eyes gazing at the moving object.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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"Skavard, I'm sorry to say but this feels very, very awkward and disgusting."

Davon lifted on of his arms. The motion felt surprisingly effortless. He took his bag from the floor which felt like it wasn't there when he lifted it up. Same with his feet. He took a step forward, then another. He was kind of stumbling as Skavard was adjusting his movements along with his but soon it felt like he was just a man with buffed up limbs.

"This is kinda cool actually! Ok, we should be headed somewhere that way, and fast beca- WHOA!"
His legs and arms suddenly started moving very fast, he was running at nearly 60km/h, and he was barely getting tired. He was sure though that Skavard was, specially with his wounded tentacle.
Davon, although he enjoyed the speed and feeling of strength, didn't like very much the fact that he wasn't in control of his own body. He was willing to do this to get both of them to safety, but wasn't planning in doing it again. He felt just like a sort of tool.
After just over a minute of running, he noticed a big hill with a small hole inside.

"Let's go check that place out, to the right. Seems like a good hiding spot for the night."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 7 mos ago

It had been a day since Reaper's last kill.
It had become a huge turn of events in the town, the head of a large corporation, dead.
But Axel did not really care as he walked trough the gates and into a open field of... well junk of course.
Still he knew the place, he had been here once before, having been forced to stand guard as the shady man who never show's is face and was called the head of the guild, talked to a girl.
Alex was tired for the day and sadly enough his own base was still a day away, he cursed the old man for living so far and cursed the man that made the hit some more, he wanted to curse at the head that Gave him his last mission, but he decided that would be a fool's act.
Sure the Reaper was a danger to all and a name of near legend, sure he had some strange powers and abilitys, but the Reaper never made it past being a S-class assassin, it was the highest class without a doubt, but he was no head of a entire guild, so he guessed that the man was likely more powerful then the Reaper would even be.
It was luck that the base of a coworker was half way back.
He turned his invisibility off, not many people be out here so there was no need to hide and kept walking towards the hill where according to the files had a skyscraper under it somewhere.
he had seen her a few times when he was in the guild itself, but never spoke to her, well in all honesty, even in the guild he is invisible, knowing some co-workers might want to kill him and take his place.
He knew that this one would be different and even if she did tried to take him down, no one knows he can turn invisible, add it to the fact that she has a sister he can use to escape if needed, he felt it was save to see if he could crash.
It felt weird for him to go out and trust someone blindly trough...
at least she would know who is was when she seems him as he was walking in his robe, his skin black and hidden, only his scythe was hidden, shrunk down and attached to a bracelet on his right arm, but you wont see it hanging as he had made the invisibility hide the thing.

Finally he reached the top and glanced down, seeing a human and a octopus further away.
He was sure they had seen him standing on the hill before he turned himself invisible again, jumping down and entering the hole.
once he finally crawled out he looked around trough the insides of the building.
"Mrissi Tiigra, I wish to speak" he said as he turned visible once more, still hiding his weapon in its deactivated and shrunk down version But still wearing the robe so she knew who he was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

Skavard laughed with excitement as they ran extremely fast. This was amazing and though Skavard had no control he still found that it was an amazing feeling although awkward like Davon had said. Skavard was beginning to get tired though after a while but he was willing to push through the pain. Skavard was enjoying this even though it would probably never going to happen again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lawless
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Lawless The Ghost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Solara walked and walked before she finally settled on a large rock she had seen from a distance, when she made it to that rock she finally rested. She leaned her back against the rock and her head rested on its hard non-altering form. It was nothing like her bed on Thessia which allowed her entire body to sink into the fabric as if laying on ball of soft cotton. She missed her little cloud bed. She opened the bag on her back and reached in it to pull out a single cube and weighed almost nothing.

It was blue in color, just like the others, but peering deeper into it one could see specs of the rainbow inside. "The one thing I did right" she said as she pulled out a metal canister, which had the words 'Semper Ardens' burned into it, which gurgled and hissed when she opened the cap. She allowed only a single drop of the liquid to drop onto the cube. It had a bright gold color and almost looked to have the consistency of syrup. When the drop touched the cube it boiled and bubbled immediately and a light grey smoke spread into the air which began to smell like cooked food.

What remained of the cube was a rather inflated piece of orange meat. It was known as Jahja, and many humans who had the balls to taste the meat with an open mind compared it to having a taste similar to pepperoni. Salarians compared it to Jahja, and Asari usually considered it to be disgusting to look at it and never tried it. Solara however had been exposed to it almost immediately after she developed a fine curiosity for everything which led her to try it and several other foods. She took out a spork but the end of it that one held was sharp like that of a knife in order to be the equivalent of three utensils in one, which it was. She cut into the orange meat and began chowing down.

Small pieces at a time and she ate without opening her mouth fully but ate pieces that could fit between her pouty lips. She ate gracefully to many other species but to the Asari this was considered unacceptable, eating in a filthy inhabitant like this. Luckily though she had grown up on Sur'Kesh and her particular mannerisms were looked at as awfully attractive and led humans to believe in error that she had been raised with class. Truth was, this was the only way she knew how to eat and growing up with a Salarian father who did everything quickly, this was the only thing he slowed down for. So that she could pretend they were a normal family, even when her mother vanished in the midst of night.

Small tears ran down her green cheeks and dropped onto the delicious meat which made her take and pitch it as far away as she could in apparent anger. Unlike humans, who's tears and sweat tasted salty, Asari tears tasted sweet and their sweat was considered sensual. Solara remembered participating in a study that some Salarians were testing to see if there was an aphrodisiac in the Asari's bodily fluid. She couldn't quite remember the results, nor could she remember if she had been told. Solara curled her body into the fetal position in order to stay warm, and it was because this was how she usually slept at night. She closed her pale green eyes after one last look at the stars, unsure even where she was at in the galaxy. Solara only knew she was lost, and many light-years away from home.
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