Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

the once beautiful world <insert name here>, full of tech and live, in time it turned into nothing more then a junkyard for other planets.
the planet size doubled under all the junk and at times people say they found the rooftop of a old skyscraper, just to say how badly the piles of junk has become.
and worse of all, even trough others still drop there junk here, they even go so far as to drop people here.
of course there are other ways to end up on the planet and that is where we kind of start

beginning to free roam the world, meet each other, interact and build on our characters.
in time we shall see where this will take us, perhaps we even start making a storyline

but for now, lets start with, us..

here will come both the CS and the custom race sheet, we all know the CS so no explaining that
but for races, you are free to use any race you know off, like twi'lek from starwars or vulcan from star trek
but you can also create your own, for that you can use the race sheet ^^

If any of you think I missed something on these sheets, please point that out to me and I will add it if I feel it is indeed needed.

under this I will make quick links to the characters once they are placed, you may have more then one at a time, they can die as its a pretty bad world, but dont have to off course if you really like them, just dont be to rash and stupid in that case.

Current active members:
-Drake Baku

player made races:
Kariver by Drake baku
Glaizart by Drake baku
Shiira by Drake baku
Coilards by rocktrobie2
Leprin by slypheed
Habitus by Slypheed
Tythonians by Driving Park
Brazult by GodofChaos
Ravects by Boboclown89

Axel Zech (AKA the Reaper) = Drakle baku
Volray Zables = Drake baku
Alexis Zeke = Drake baku
Skavard Hunter = Rocketrobie2
Mrissi and Victoria Tiigra = Slypheed
Schroedinger = Slypheed
Solara = Lawless
Davon = Xzaylen
Chervo Ussia (AKA The Scavenger = Driving Park
Rog-war = GodOfChaos
Nex = Boboclown89

additional Intel:

in case I might have put something in the interest check that I had forgotten to put up here, I have copied the text and placed it here
will work on fixing it up when I got the time
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

before I work on my race and char sheet:
Driving, do you perhaps remember the other players that were in the rp, like the one that made the race that had those natural armor plates and were good with tech and all, the scavenger I think his characters had as title
I want to invite him again ^^

second question:
I left the name of the planet blank, how here has some idea's XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

so, my own Race:
well to be clear, he actually is (from now on) a unique individual, ones he was a race from somewhere far and deep in the galaxy, a race that is likely not found on the planet, but he was genetically altered to a extend that he no longer is part of his old race, meaning he is a singular entity and the start of a new race if he ever gets children.

name: unknown (if ever need come to name it: Kariver)
home world: unknown
appearance: white skinned, blue hair, blue glowing eyes with no eye white or visible pupil, humanoid in appearance further

lifespan: trough the exact span is not known, it is clear that it is double that of humans.
aging: not much details are known at this point but it is clear that they age half the speed of that of humans, being 20 years old but having the body of a 10 years old.
childbirth: currently there is only one male and he seems to be able to conceive children as any other race, simple sex, if new children appear with females then I will add more data for the females future
culture: non known
language: this race seems to be able to understand any language and writing, as that other races will hear him speak in their language.

biology: this race has a unique skin pattern what comes with its own unique trait (see powers), their eyes turn red when agitated or angry, the stronger the emotion, the brighter also the facial features tend to change considerately when angry into something pretty skull like and frighting, the skin is also able to turn as black as pure darkness, making them hard to see in dark area's (and giving the eyes if opened a scary ghost like vibe), the bodys are in general agile, fast and strong but more into normal athletic levels, also they have a sharp sense of hearing, especially with eyes closed, the race has 3 hearts, one where humans have them, one mirroring the human heart in the right chest and one smaller (but equally strong) hidden in the neck, right behind the lower part of the skull, the hearts work separately and the race can live just as fine with only one working heart.
powers: they have a high recovery rate, protecting them from scarring, poisons and sickness, but if a heart gets 'killed' the person falls into a death like state, preventing the heart from ever recovering, for a few minutes, after that they wake up and the wounds inflicted during this event heal at a slower rate and with normal scarring chance.
if beheaded and the neck placed heart still lives, they will be able to live for one day before the brain gets problems with the lack of oxygen, the body dies on the spot.
their skin has a hidden trait even they dont know about in general where they may mutate the skin when exposed to certain types of danger, often this can result in a absorption power, devouring the danger and adding it to the persons energy, only one thing can be learned to devour by this and not always will this be a permanent power, also it can have its own risks and downsides that can be either permanent or just once, the risk can be permanent even if the power is not, but it can also be that the power is permanent and it never has a risk.

history: this race was made by someone that genetically altered an other race into this state, not much is known beyond this
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

name: Alex Zech
alias/ title: The Reaper
age: 34
gender: male
race: unknown (if a need for a name comes, it will be called Kariver)

appearance: white skinned, blue eyed and blue short hair, looks 17.
normally you would only see him (if he is visible) with a hooded cloak, the only thing you can see are the glowing blue lights that are his eyes (turn red of he is angry.
The cloak is damaged, raffled and thorn on the bottom to give a very grim reaper look, especially with the scythe he has.

personality: Generally he shows two sides, most will see the reaper's personality (acting like a death god, has no emotions), but if he takes this off you will see that he is different in his normal live

but due to living his live mostly as the reaper and due to the mysteries of his past and existence, he is not sure who he is and he is more believing that he is the reaper, a calm killing machine with no other thoughts

so you can say to him that he can be nice if he is under his normal way (not reaper) and he would start to wonder about this, and if he can think of any moments that might proof that he will starts to doubt about himself
all these doubts are worse due to the fact that after awakening, he noticed he has no more memory's of his past live, yet has knowledge about things that someone with no knowledge should not know

so he is rather complex XD

abilities: skilled in hand to hand combat and melee weapon combat (using the scythe and swords but also fighting sticks), able to lock away his emotions, fast learner and adaptable, for some reason he has an extreme high amount of knowledge about technology even trough he has no normal memory's, also his hearing is strong enough to know where enemy's are with his eyes closed. very good trained instinct, He has a unique body with a lot of unique ability’s and able to utilize them perfectly, also counts for the abilities some items can have that he gets in his hands, making him in general an escape artist.
strengths: smart, athletic, adaptable, skilled assassin, skilled fighter and weapon user
weaknesses: hen he is living in his free time he can start doubting his existence, doubting who he is, where he is from, why he lives and more, he can be a bit overconfident but that is due to him always succeeding, he can be curious and throw he keeps hiding himself will speak to those that spike his interest even though he is on the job, he never cares about situations when doing his job, even if it makes a spectacle, due to his history bit he has a lot of questions and knows very little about himself.

how did he end up here: crashed together with the station he woke up in.
occupation: ultimate class assassin
equipment: scythe that is called Reapeath, katana on his back, short sword fitted horizontal on his belt

biography: Alex first memory's were when he woke up, locked in a stasis pod, not remembering a thing, yet quickly he knew how to open the pod and step out, looking around the station he noticed it had crashed as it was damaged badly and slightly croaked.
checking the room he found a computer system that was still running, looking into where he was and who he was, yet barely finding out anything, he found his true age: 26, his old name: Alex Zech, and that he was some kind of experiment to become the ultimate assassin for some reason, but most of the more important and detailed matters were locked and he did not had the clearance to open them.
he did found out most of his basic abilities and powers trough, yet some things were never explained and he never found out how much he was experimented on, how far was he still what he was, why is he able to read these things and able to know how all these systems worked.
after failing to find anymore intel he started to look around again, finding a heavy case with a big and heavy lock, yet finding no problems opening the thing.
in it he found a scythe, decorated with bones from some unknown race, made from a metal that looked like wood, having a blood soaked diamond connecting the staff part and the blade part, and on the back of the blade was an black gem like stone following to the tip, in general it seemed like a common weapon but decorated, but somehow he knew the thing was likely more advanced tech then anything on the station he had seen so far, yet he never found out how it worked or where the technological parts were installed, and thus he did not figure out what it could do at that point.
he looked around the case to find some clues only to find the weapons name, reapeath.
lost for any other type of intel he grabbed the weapon and left the station only to find a world made out of junk and even if he found any type of technology further, nothing would ever come as close as that station...
still he continued on, hoping to find answers, and fearing that the station might blow up eventually.
after a half year he found nothing but a hidden assassin guild, knowing he was made for this job he joined the guild, hoping to find some answers by acting out his reason.

in time he learned things about himself, made the persona of the reaper and learned a few powers of the weapon, became a legend and a name feared by all, The reaper.
a name inspired by his cloak and weapon of choice, his ability to become so dark that under the robe all one could see are his blue eyes and his ability to seemingly vanish and never been caught or failed in his job, some even think he is the real deal, the real death god, the real grim reaper!

the abilities he has found out about reapeath:
-controlling the user’s gravity (currently to the degree: extreme acrobatics)
-allowing the user to stick to anything
-invisibility (can also work on one or more specific objects like the scythe itself to hide it from view while the user can walk around like normal, this is to the degree that even the users sent disappears and he cant be found by the scanners found on the junkyard)
-the weapon can grow and shrink in size to allow the user to walk around normally without having to hold the weapon all the time, yet still have it with him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

like I said in the chat, he start strong, but beside the mental issues, the only growth in abilities are finding more scythe powers and the possibility of a skin defense power
beyond that he will remain as he is and perhaps even dull at points depending on the story evolution.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 18 days ago

name: Coilards
home world: <insert name here>
appearance: Coilards are both bipedal and quadpedal meaning they will run or walk on all four or on two legs. They have no fur or hair do to their aquatic origin and have dark blue or green skin often times with dark purple blotches. They have no neck and have very spherical heads and six tentacle like appendages. Two of these appendages are farther down and use them as hind legs while the others are used as arms or front legs. The tentacles have suction cups from where the elbow/knee start and down. Their mouth is on their stomach and rather than having a nose they have a set of gills on their back which pick up smells and sounds. Their eyes eyes can either be neon blue, neon green or neon orange with no pupil or sclera.

lifespan: 250-300 years
aging: Coilards go through three stages of maturity after hatching from their egg which consist of a larva type stage where the creature is extremely chubby with slimy white skin then a child like state that starts at thirty years old where it has a leaner more build but still small appendages and bright coloured skin then there adulthood that starts at sixty years old and looks like the appearance above.
childbirth: They are hatched from eggs but get nutrients from their mother in a way similar humans do. When a female has laid its eggs it's torso begins to swell up to store nutrients which it is then able to vomit into young ones mouths once their hatched.
culture: there culture is sophisticated when it come to housing and social interaction but not very advanced when it comes to weapons or much technology. They will often times stay in packs of three to five Coilards for the summer season but with groups up to sixty during other seasons. Often times Coilards will try to make friends with humanoid races and form a symbiotic relationship with them by actually attaching themselves on to a host (host willingly of course) and suction their arms and legs to the hosts arms and legs wile positioning their head on the hosts head. By doing this it will give the Coilards the ability to tell when and how their host will move their own legs and move along with their appendages giving them enhanced strength and being able to repel hosts down tall surfaces using their two free tentacles. They can also charge electrically powered objects for their host.
language: They don't communicate verbally rather using bursts of electrically charge pheromones passed through the air. They also have a written language which is based off a mixture of many older written languages.

biology: Coilards have no bones aside from a spine and a collapsible cap shaped skull. They have incredible strength but most of that strength goes towards making up for their lack of bones. A Coilards skin is tough and doesn't rip easily but will stretch to two times it's length but isn't normally kept at the lengths because it's toiling on their body. Coilards are able to fit trough holes half the size of their head and squish down to a quarter of their size.

powers: They can release the equivalent of two car batteries with of electricity from their body. Close range mind reading by picking up brain waves but can't hear word type thoughts only what muscles are going move. They can also put their own words in the minds of those who don't communicate through pheromones.

history: Coilards evolved from the local cephalopod on <insert name here> and evolved quick enough to avoid extinction by the growing piles or garbage on the planet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 18 days ago

name: Skavard Hunter
age: 76
gender: male
race: Coilard

appearance: He looks like any other of his species with orange eyes and blue skin with purple blotches. He also has a scar in the form of a bite mark on his from when he was a larva.
personality: He is very protective of his friends and family and is often serious but enjoys laughing with friends. He enjoys watching storms and eating small water squishy animals out of instinct due to evolving his species from a sea creatures. He has a secret longing to find a host and try out the symbiotic relationship that he had heard others of his kind doing but he doesn't tell people that very often due to it basically being the equivalent of saying 'My goal in life is to make friends'.

-can stretch slightly father than most of his kind.
strengths: he is very good at wielding his electronic power and which not only makes him a great battery but also a great linguist in his culture.
weaknesses: He is very scarred of the unknown and things with big mouths and sharp teeth.

how did he end up here: Born and raised.
occupation: Hunter
-metal spear with wire wrapped around it.
-a brown fur poncho type thing

biography: Skavard was born in a Coilard town by the name of 1800 Now being named after a little tid bit of a sign in the middle of town. Skavards parents, Lilly Clothes and Ragnen Hunter, were very loving of him due to Skavard being their only child and were a little over protective when he had gotten bit and almost carried away by a creature of the junkyards. When Skavard became 30 years old he began going out of his house on his own which he normally never did but he began to make friend so his parents didn't stop him. After a few years he found some friends and decided that they would all become hunters when they grew up and that's exactly what they did on their sixtieth birthdays which were all around the same time. Their first summer they hunted out in the junkyard in their own little pack but didn't catch much and this was the same thing for years. On the sixteenth year of hunting Skavard got separated from his pack and got lost. Now he has to wait months until the elders of 1800 Now send out the wide spread pheromones leading the resident hunters back home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Drake Baku said
Driving, do you perhaps remember the other players that were in the rp, like the one that made the race that had those natural armor plates and were good with tech and all, the scavenger I think his characters had as titleI want to invite him again

Haha, that was me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 6 days ago

(Just posting this here for the practicality of it. Top Sheet is the Race Sheet, the other two are characters, whose Bios are still in the works.)

Name : Leprin

Home World : Albion

Appearance : Varied appearances, similar to how varied humans can be, except with the ears and tails of cats. Yet those can vary in appearance as well.

Lifespan : Thought to have been similar to a human lifespan, but was found out to be (on average) an additional 50 years onto the average human lifespan.

Aging : Age at quarter the speed of humans.

Childbirth : It is common to see no less than twins to be birthed, and as many as 8 total children. Extremely rare cases have been seen where one child is born. Foreigners tend to call these litters, after the batches of newborns birthed from the human pet, cats.

Culture : There are many cultures thriving amongst the Leprin home world of Albion. Some of which revolve around trade, industry, and even wars. While there are rarely wars on Albion anymore, those that are in war cultures tend to run around the universe as mercenaries.

Language : Most Leprins speak fluent English, while all Leprins speak their native language (yet to make name, and will be making up words as I go o 3o)

Biology : Rather durable bodies as adults, capable of bearing up to 8 children during pregnancy. Leprins also are quite adept at learning, allowing them to learn things at a much faster pace. They are quite agile from the age of 8 up, only losing some of their agility and durability as they near 130. From 10 to death, their senses tend to be very keen and similar to a cats.

Powers : Once a Leprin is an adult, they get durable bodies, but it isn't just to allow them to bear lots of children at once. It also allows them to take more hits in a fight, and likewise, able to recover from fights much faster. They also get a lot more stamina as adults, allowing them to more things in a day.

History : The history of the Leprins is still a mystery as most Leprins never talk about it. Wishing it to remain secretive, and the only thing they can know. And any known history relates to their behavior which can very from timid, to over-confidant. But the most notable behavior is that most females tend to have a seductive feature about them, whether it be just the bodily figure, or them actually acting seductive. This behavioral feature has lead to Leprin females getting rather nasty labels
Name : Mrissi Tiigra

Age : 40

Gender : Female

Race : Leprin

Personality : Mrissi is a very playful person, and even when faced with a serious situation she tends to be a very childish person. But can, at the same time, be rather seductive

Abilities : She is very skilled at hunting and tracking, as well as assassinations.

Strengths : Agile, make-shift weaponry, make-shift housing, having smarts.

Weaknesses : Her childishness does make her over-confident

How did she end up here : Crashed on the planet with her sister due to multiple malfunctions in the ship they were in.

Occupation : Ex-Military Survivalist Trainer. Works as an Assassin now

Equipment :
A Scrap-Tech Rifle (Basically, a fully functioning rifle made from junk and scrap. Able to be quickly converted, allowing for usage of different calibers of ammunition)
A slightly rusted sword on her hip.

Biography : (WIP)

Name : Victoria Tiigra

Age : 19

Gender : Female

Race : Leprin

Personality : Victoria is rather timid and shy to those she doesn't know. But can be a rather fun person to talk once she gets to know the person.

Abilities : A very intelligent person, Victoria can make various things from scrap and junk. She also does a lot of the higher quality items and structures.

Strengths : High intelligence, and quick thinking

Weaknesses : Not an adult, thus meaning her body isn't as durable as her sister's.

How did she end up here : Crashed on the planet with her sister due to multiple malfunctions in the ship they were in.

Occupation : Researcher

Equipment :
Scrap-Tech Pistol (Same as the Rifle)
Small knife made of scrap and junk

Biography : (WIP)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Rocket: very unique, never have I thought of a race like that to appear or be created in this kind of setting, I really wonder how this will play out
@Driving: haha, so that was the reason I can remember your name so easy, you were the one that was the most active after the GM and me, the one the reaper had a hit on yet had a change of heart and ended up coming with the scavanger and not kill him but rather protect and work together XD, wonder if you make a new race/ char or give the scavanger a new live like I did ^^
@Slyp: love the idea, almost makes me wonder how Mrissi and Reaper will be around each other, she is skilled assassin so I guess she is in the guild with Reaper?
just a thought for now, perhaps reaper and her can make new members of his kind haha, anyway its nice to have some female chars in this this time ^^

so, yeah, got a few more players that can add race and or character sheets, chaos, Driving, Lawless
I hope they can post by the end of tonight (its 12:46 here at the moment, so tonight for my timezone XD)
so that we can start by tomorrow or even tonight ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I will probably reintroduce Chervo. The problem is I don't remember much about his CS except his name, his strengths, and the fact that he was blue. But I'll see what I can do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

we was big and still had his shell XD
well, it gives you the chance to reinvent him XD

guess I was lucky to have saved the reaper XD
never had expected the site to go down so it was truly lucky, trough the file I have was modified for an other rp, what was its name, enter the multiverse
so I had to re-modify him back into his original version, good chance he has some changes due to that

I am having an PM conversation with chaos about his race and eventually char
he wanted to be sure about everything before posting it, we if it go's like this, by tomorrow (after work) we can start, or if lucky enough to have both you (drive) and chaos finished by later today, might even get to start tonight
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 6 days ago

Drake Baku said perhaps reaper and her can make new members of his kind haha

That sounds like a very steamy proposition ;3

Also, do you mind if I finish the bios at a later date? Somehow having troubles with the bios o 3o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

the general idea is clear enough if you ask me

haha btw, if we would go that far, might be better to do that trough PM or the others would like to view it all XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lawless
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Lawless The Ghost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Solara

Age: 44

Gender: Female (for the most part)

Race: Asari

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@lawless: my only possible concern is: Dominate ability, while I know that Reaper would likely not fall, I dont know about other characters of other players, I wont say her powers needs to go you can keep it, dont worry just got one question about it, I just want to know how you are going to handle that power with other characters?

I wonder btw, have to look up why her sex with her would kill others, but if you look at the reaper, he is strong and has a high recovery power, would he be able to mate with her? just asking XD
interesting powers further, wonder how she would be IC
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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Im not sure if the Bio is really what you were looking for... Im pretty bad with bios... :/ and character descriptions in general
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

I like it actually, its a great show of human survival and all that ^^

if things go like this, yeah Tomorrow after work I will without a doubt start the IC ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@lawless and Xzaylen: do your char's have last names?

@ everyone XD: made hotlinks to both the custom races and characters, also made a list of additional intel that might be useful, if any of you feel that something is missing form it, or want some more intel or clarity about anything, just say so, I will work on it ASAP and put it in there ^^
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