Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aiden slowly opened his eyes.

What just happened? As far as he could tell, there was a random fainting spell, one that physically speaking was a bit unnatural. Aiden was a very healthy person, and there was no medical condition that should cause him to faint, and he wasn't overheated or anything. With a quick mental check over himself, Aiden concluded that yes, he was still healthy. Then what had caused the fainting?

Making sure that there was nothing off about him, Aiden quickly recalled his actions. He was in front of Unity Academy as a bundle of nerves and hesitation. He had arrived a bit too early for comfort, and he was awkwardly hanging out by the entrance. But he began to get paranoid about the weird looks that he was no doubt receiving, so he had gathered up his courage to step into the school. Then... Nothing.

Did he really faint then? And why was he in this auditorium? Now didn't seem like the time to ask though, people seemed riled up for some reason.

Not that anything was wrong with that, the panicked atmosphere in the area was almost enough to bring a smile to his face. It seemed that he would have a few injuries to tend to. Not that anything was wrong with that either.

Aiden was a little excited, looking forward to the life here. Being a bit dense, he didn't immediately grasp the unnatural, scary part of the situation. But he was a doctor, and there was nothing more he loved than to treat his patients.

Jinx Arcane actually felt excited for once, stepping up to the school. Unity Academy... It truly looked very formidable, and possibly even a little daunting. Still, what was there to fear? She was confident in her abilities, there was nothing that could prevent her from living life to the fullest--whether they be at the prestigious school, or elsewhere. It would be arrogant to admit that she was expecting an invitation to enroll at this school, but in truth, it wasn't completely unexpected. If they didn't accept Jinx, what kind of Super High School Level students were they hoping for?

Gazing up at the building, she felt anticipation, that bundle of nerves that accompany a new school year... All strange, foreign emotions for the normally stoic girl. Could it be that she was looking forward to this? Of course she was. For the first time, she'd be surrounded by people in the same caliber as her. Hopefully they won't be as boring as the mundane people she's constantly surrounded by.

With a quick wave of her hand, a white dove appeared, perched upon her finger, seemingly out of nowhere. Where did that dove come from? Nobody knows... "Are you excited as well?" Jinx murmured, stroking the dove's head. After she was met with a croon presumably in agreement, Jinx gave a nod with a small smile. "I am too..." With another wave of her hand, the dove disappeared--again, into nothingness.

Smoothing down her skirt and brushing her hair back, Jinx took a moment of two to prepare herself both mentally and physically. Something different was waiting for her behind these doors. She just knew it. What kind of people would she meet and befriend behind these walls? What more knowledge would she gain? What success would she receive?

With high hopes, Jinx stepped forward. As her high heeled boot entered the school, everything grew dim....
With a small groan, Jinx stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open. She eased herself into a sitting position as her senses slowly came into focus. The first thing that came to mind was the noise. It was awfully noisy, a complete cacophony of disagreement and panic. As her mind became clearer, Jinx's sharp mind quickly took in everything. The cause for panic and chaos... It was painfully obvious.

It was simply the lack of common sense and survival tactics. People didn't know what was going on, so they took out that unease and frustration out on each other. It was a boringly simple stage of denial, so boring that Jinx had to stifle a mental yawn. Were these her classmates? So, so menial.

As she stood up and straightened herself out, Jinx glanced over everything with a blank expression. Of course, she was indeed puzzled by their current situation, and like the others, wanted nothing more than an explanation. But the actions of the people around her deemed her unable to wonder, mostly because well... The chaos was obviously unnecessary, and any attempts at order were swatted away. Was this the path that everyone wanted to take? Highly unlikely, yet still predictable.

Jinx chuckled. What else was there to do? Despite that chuckle being a relatively quiet one, it echoed throughout the auditorium, much more loudly that it should be. How did this happen? It was a simple trick really, one that Jinx used to command attention. Normally, even in a crowd at her shows, that echoing chuckle would be enough to render everyone silent. Jinx was confident that she could focus the attention on herself to quell some of the chaos.

"You are all so naive..."

It was time to bring some order into this place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Earlier I swore that I would hit the next person who asked where we were, and so I tried to. But if you want to fight me Gwen then go ahead. I only hope they don't send me back to that dreaded asylum for beating up a class of kids." Nova said. She cackled. Hurting people was a way to keep her distance from them. So she wouldn't be scared. But this was fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sam managed to stop himself before tackling the nun out of the way, but ended up tripping over himself, face planting on the floor. "(I guess my action was completely unnecessary,)" he thought to himself, groaning as he pushed himself up from the floor. "Ugh, well I guess I shouldn't of done that," he moaned rubbing his head in pain. He stared at the two girls, and saw how both of them were getting fired up. In an attempt to dissuade them from fighting, Sam shoved himself between the two, giving a 'halt' motion with his hands.

"Ladies," he shouted as loud as he could, "this isn't the time to be fighting at the moment! We barely know what has happened, and suddenly we are just starting fights over others confusion." He looked and Nova as this was aimed more at her than Gwen. "Look, we don't have to kill each other over something so petty... So please, just calm down, and walk away, both of you," Sam growled at them, obviously annoyed at such a useless squabble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Theo lifted his head up, he heard a familiar voice echo throughout the auditorium, it could be that others didn't heart it because of the unneeded rabble between the psycopathic lady with long silver and the red headed flaming girl, not to mention a nun, it sounds like a bad joke, but it did happen. It also didn't help that the angel girl was cheering the red head on.

Theo got up and turned to see a girl taller than him, in mostly black. He recognised her, well, mainly her voice. Running over to see her. "Naive" she said, did she refer to us? Probably...
"Y-y-yo... Jinx? The Ul-ultimate, mag-magician...?
I've seen you... I've seen you on youtube before!"
Suddenly, a swig of energy hit theodore.
"I've watch heaps of your shows online! I'd recognise you from anywhere! Ahah I can't beleive I'm meeting THE JINX ACANE!" Then suddenly... His energy switched off.
"Oh... I-i-i'm sorry for causing a ruckes, th-this must be strange, f-for you t-too?
H-how're y-you f-feeling?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jinx's chuckle was heard even though Gwen was getting ready to beat down Nova, the girl stopped and turned from Nova and began looking around having her sights set on Jinx Gwen pointed to Jinx before saying," Nice trick, but anyone one with an above average intelligence can tell your using props to help you make that echo." Gwen said to Jinx, She thought she could figure out Jinx's trick.

" Yeah listen to him, he's right we shouldn't be fighting with one another." Nika agreed with Sam, she didn't know who he was. But she figured that she could agree with him since he's against the two fighting, when Gwen turned around and and turned her attention to Jinx, Nika wiped imaginary sweat from her forehead and let out a sigh of relief feeling that the two wouldn't fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After he finished speaking, an echo from someone penetrated his ears. He turned away from Nova and Gwen, bringings his arms down back to his side. "What the heck," he uttered as turned his attention to the magician, Jinx, who was asserting herself. "(Was it completely necessary to call all of us naive,)" he thought, blankly staring at the magician. "If you were trying to get our attention, great job, you've got it," Sam shouted at Jinx. "Now, do you have something important to say to actually get us into some order, and keep any fights from breaking out," he asked, trying to not sound snarky as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 28 min ago

Isis grew increasingly uncomfortable as she searched the remainder of her things. All her cables, cords, and miscellaneous electronics were untouched. She had checked her Thinkpad laptop –capable of 4G LTE and both international GSM and CDMA—which had its SIM card intact by virtue of being a rare feature, was rendered inert. There was no signal.

Everything indicated that this entire thing was part of something far more sinister. A kidnapping, perhaps?

But Isis didn’t care. By all means, this situation was interesting enough. What would be in store for them? Would they have to break out? Kill the kidnapper? Be subject to siege by a brutal US SWAT team? Have a fantastic battle a la Battle Royale? Her face broke into an unsettling smirk before she stopped herself.

She instead turned her attention back to the group of people, and instantly regretted it. The little buggers were worse than before. She finally recognized a certain individual attempting to refocus the attention of the group –The popular Youtuber by the name of Jinx—but had obviously failed spectacularly in approach. Everybody’s attention seemed to be on the violent, chair wielding girl that had nearly clobbered two other girls. That bitch pissed her off. She had no self-restraint, no sense of control. Instead, she perpetuated unrestrained chaos, chaos that Isis neither instigated nor could control.

Iphigenia slid a scalpel down her shirt sleeve and began walking towards Nova, with a concerned look on her face.

“Please, calm down,” said the young hacker, approaching the openly violent girl. “This is neither the time nor the place.” She put her two hands on her shoulders, as if she were about to give a sort of man-to-man type of talk. But within her sleeve, she pushed up the surgical razor so that it barely touched the girl’s neck. It was subtle enough that nobody else but Isis and Nova would know it was even there. She leaned in closer to Nova, and whispered into her ear in a flat, monotone voice, making sure nobody else was privy to their conversation.

“You’re a nuisance. Shut up or I can guarantee you will be found dead in a week in a dumpster. I don’t care about your life. I don’t care about your family. I don’t give two shits about you or anybody in this room, but you are pissing me off. Consider this a warning.”

With that, Iphigenia smiled warmly, and gave a friendly pat on her shoulder with her hand before turning to the gaggle of people to the side, addressing them in a more animated, charismatic voice.

“Now, I think Miss Jinx over there has something to say. Let’s give her the stage, perhaps she’s figured out something useful.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Maria was trying to calm down the boy who immediately panicked. However she heard someone approaching, the silver haired girl who was acting like a lunatic earlier was approaching her with a chair in her hands. She was about to smack down on her when a red haired girl with way too few clothes on took the hit for her. At a distance another boy fell face down on the ground, she had no idea what his intentions were, but it felt. He stood up again and he, along with another girl, defended Maria. She was grateful for them doing all this for them. She wanted to thank them, but couldn't as she didn't want to interrupt them.

The girl who took the hit for her quickly shifted her attention to the magician after laughing away the threat of Nova and so did the other boy who tripped earlier. Maria decided to talk to the other girl who was still present, another silver haired girl with a cute little bell as piercing in her ear. Maria was anti-piercing, but she thought it was cute nonetheless. She walked up to her and wanted to shake her hand. "Hello I'm Maria. Thanks that you, and the others, helped me earlier."
Silas suddenly took notice of the magician present in the room and stormed at her. "Okay if you are a real magician. Make some food appear in my hands." Silas said and put his hands to her in a bowl so she could make some food appear in it. "And if you fail I'll just have to order some pizza with my cel."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Thank you." Jinx smiled at the girl who stepped in. It seems that some within this group have some sense after all. She couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised that not everyone was a barbarian. Seeing that everyone's attention was upon her more or less, she started to speak.

"Ladies and gentleman, now is not the time to lash out at each other in frustration. We all know how everyone feels, after all, we're all in this rather peculiar situation. I'm sure that our questions will be answered in due time by the Academy, we simply must be patient. In the meantime, I believe that introductions are in order. After all, if we're all classmates, it'll be very convenient for us to know each other's names, is it not? We are civilized people, and we must act that way. We can figure out what's going on after we know everyone's names." Although the smile on her face was soft, there was a firm strength in her tone that left no room for negotiation.

"Yes, I am Jinx Arcane, and yes, I'm a trickster by trade. But I assure you that my earlier trick lacked any props." She continued, glancing at the two who spoke to her earlier.

"Pleased to make everyone's acquaintance." She finished with a charming smile.

With that, Aiden quickly jumped at the chance to keep things moving. Offering a half-smile, he stepped forward slightly. "Hey everyone, I'm Aiden Johnson. I was accepted into this school as a doctor. I hope that we can all be friends!"

Aiden and Jinx's auras were drastically different. While Jinx had more of a mysterious allure, Aiden's was honest, open and friendly. It was an air that fit both of their titles perfectly.

Jinx raised an eyebrow at the person who asked for food. Luckily, Jinx always carried around some mints--that counted as food, right? She smirked, and stepped forward until she was right in front of the challenger.

"I have nothing in my hands." She said, showing everyone that there was nothing there. Counting off, Jinx continued her trick by showing the numbers one, two and three with her fingers respectively. On three, a handkerchief appeared in her hands. Once again, she showed the cloth to everyone, showing that there were no tricks or props on the handkerchief. Placing the cloth upon the cupped hands, she pointed at the hands and counted off again to three. Then she removed the handkerchief, revealing a few mints in the hands.

Tossing the handkerchief into the air and catching it--disappearing once more. "I'm not a magician, necessarily. I can't use magic. I'm a trickster, a mentalist. It's not possible to make food from thin air."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sarcasticdevotee


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Carlos was both intrigued and annoyed by Jinx's ability to both quiet down the group and command the group here he failed earlier. Regardless, he stepped forward, put on the most charismatic smile he could possibly muster and began to speak.

"My fellow students," he spoke, "My name is Carlos Ramirez. You may have heard of some of my family members coming for a special talk at your schools sometime, if your schools were lucky enough to get one of us, of course. I come from a family of motivational speakers and wish to become one myself."

He cleared his throat, "But enough about me. I can tell that each of you holds unbridled potential. Potential to both help us understand our current predicament and to shine brightly as the best of the best at this school. I respect that and did not expect otherwise."

With a sweep of his hands, and a reaffirming nod, he ended his miniature speech with, "If you have any qualms with me or any thoughts you just need to release from your developed minds, do not hesitate to speak with me."

Ryan rubbed the back of his neck, before clearing his throat. He moved his boots together with an audible click, puffed out his chest, and gave a salute to his fellow classmates.

"Name, Ryan Williams!" He exclaimed, "Top-ranking cadet at Coastal Military School! Blood type, A Positive! ...Er, or was it A Negative... Um..."

He shook his head, trying to get back on topic, "Son of Lieutenant Williams of the US Army! I will do my best to defend you as a soldier and to serve you as a companion! Uh... If you'll have me!" Taking an exaggerated exhale, Ryan went back to a resting position, listening for the others to introduce themselves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nova took a step forwards. Oh boy introductions, this was going to be fun. Nova didn't bother to smile as she introduced herself.
"My name is Nova Luxemburg. You've probably never heard of me, but that makes sense. I did spend most of my life in an insane asylum." She giggled as she went over to a wall and leaned against it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

" Nice, so we have a female Criss Angel, the chick that likes to hit people with chairs, a nun, a girl with two colored eyes, a soon to be diabetic, and many others. If you haven't heard me tell my name already I'll just say it again for some of you mouth breathers. I'm Gwen Meadows ! I don't take crap from anyone and I don't like seeing others get pushed around." Gwen told everyone, she also gave her honest opinion on how she viewed everyone she just spoke about.

" Your welcome, you didn't need to say thank you, or get to know me too much really, I might be leaving soon anyways, my parents might pull me out soon and take me to Nevada or somewhere else, you don't have to say thank you, or even get to know me. But if you do my name is Nika Azarov" Nika replied to Maria in a depressed tone, When Jinx performed her magic trick Nika clapped after it with a smile on her face, and her earring bell ringing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A smile appeared on Silas' face. "It's not a meal, but I'll take it. Thanks!" he said and immediately threw two of them in his mouth. The others Some people had already introduced themselves, so Silas decided to do that as well. "Hello everyone. My name is Silas von Wainright, and apparently I have the title of professional visual artist. Gotta have to do something else besides eating." he said with a grin.

"So anyone has the number of the local pizzeria? Because I'm probably going to be hungry in an hour again." Silas said with a playful smile.

"Well it is nice to meet you anyways Nika, you seem like a very nice girl. Too bad you'll be leaving soon." Maria said to Nika before turning to the rest of the group. "Good day all of you. My name is Maria DiSciascio. I am one of the few nuns in the Vatican. It is so nice to meet all of you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After seeing Jinx perform her magic trick, theo clapped, same with a newly introduced girl with two coloured eyes, Nika, she was... Cute, he thought. The next thing he new it was his turn to introduce himself.
The group looked at with an expectant look, "a come ln hurry up" look. He took a step forward and introduced himself, despite his wracking nervs;
"My n-name... I-I.." He was abit scared and totally nervous. He had just been drugged, woken up and now had the plesure of introducing himself to a bunch of strangers.
"Theodore... But... Y-you can c-call... Theo... I.. Uh... Act..." Theo took a step back and bit his knucle to cover his mouth. "S-ssorry! I-i'm a-abit... Nervous..."
"Ahehe, I guess its my turn!" Luna placed her hands on her hips as she walked forward and closed her eyes.
"Hello everyone! I'-----------m!" Luna performed a little spin, which seemed to produce some sparkles off her costume, which flowed with her every movement. Finishing her spin on back from where she started, she placed one hand in the air with the victory sign.
"Pretty Girl, Magical Luna! Ahehehe" She couldn't help but giggle she tried to be very fun, alittle bit flirty even by winking at some of guys in the group.
"I'm also the super duper highschool level Cosplayer, its lovely took make your acquaintance ! <3"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noklu
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Christian quietly stood on the stage, watching everything play out. The atmosphere in the room changed very quickly, going from bewilderment to violence to introductions. He didn't like being in large groups due to their volatile natures, and this group seemed to be especially so. He decided that he should probably introduce himself now rather than to be the last one, and he especially didn't want to be pressured into talking about himself. He fidgeted a bit before speaking.
"My name is Christian, although you can call me Chris if you want. I play... um... chess, as well as other strategy games competitively, if that counts as a talent..." He trailed off near the end of the sentence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 28 min ago

Everything worked out like a charm. Order was restored after the unknown factor was removed from the group, and introductions, as hammy as it was, seemed to be the new order of business within the small group of people. She nodded as Jinx spoke, respecting her composure in a situation such as the one they were experiencing right now. But when Nova spoke, Iphigenia could only frown, and her frown quickly turned to a derisive chuckle, which she quickly stifled with a shirt sleeve to her mouth.

Serves you right to be fed apple sauce at the loony bin.

The other individuals were more reasonable, but had certain quirks that Isis had yet to form an opinion of. It seemed her own introduction would be in order, and Iphigenia finally spoke up after the other introductions. Her voice was confident and firm, but casual enough to get people’s attention and still be friendly.

“It seems like it’s time for introductions. My name is Isis Iphigenia. I’m the transfer student from England you may have heard about. I’m a security analyst, so it looks like I might be of help in figuring out how to get out of here if it comes down to it. Let’s work together.”

After finishing her short and somewhat vague introduction, Isis ducked over towards Silas and passed him a nonchalant comment.

“There’s no cell signal here.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As each person introduced himself, Sam grew even more overwhelmed than before. "(Jeez, I'm attending school with amazing people... I pale in comparison to most of them,)" Sam thought to himself as he listened to each of their introductions. He bit his lip, and studied each of them individually, scanning for anything peculiar. .. "(Heh, its suprising how I was invited to go to the academy, when I'm just some regular guy.)"

"(There are a few familiar faces here,)" Sam thought as he continued scanning the crowd. "(The best illusionist the world has to offer, Ms. Arcane... I've been to one of her shows before... The money spent was worth it... God damn, I wonder how Miss Amazing does it)" he thought, smiling to himself. "(My brother would be all over her, fanboying her if he was here right now.)

"(I've seen that face before... Luna, huh... She was at one of those conventions I assisted with. My brother told me about her, and how she was like an angel... Of course, he was over-exaggerating, but I will admit that she does look cute, and she does look good in her costume,)" he thought, mildly blushing when she was being a bit flirty. "(Heh, she does have a peppy and positive attitude, despite the situation... I like her.)

"(I've read about Chris in chess magazines... I've always wanted to play chess, but I was never really good at it. This guy is a genius... I wonder what would happen if he was given an actual military assignment, and he had to come up with a strategy... Eh, he would come up with a damn good one I suppose,)" he thought, wondering what strategies were flowing through Chris's head at the moment.

"(So many amazing people I'm attending school with... How did I ever get in?)" Before Sam knew it, it was his turn to introduce himself to the people around him. He had never been really good at introductions, but he usually tried his best to make a good first impression. He chuckles nervously, and gives a huge, shining smile to the people around him. "Hey, my names Samuel Gray, 'sup?" he said in a lenient tone. "If you guys need any help, just ask me," he continued, "because I will gladly be of service... D-depending on what your problem is, anyways."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omnial
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Before he could get over his issues of panicking at what was all going on before him, James found himself being shaken and told to calm down. But I wasn't that loud even! And isn't shaking someone who is freaking out even worse?! Of course he couldn't get these points across, he just got shook like a rag doll, then remain standing. Again more people coming towards him, why?! Go Away! I don't deal well with things like this! The girl dressed as a nun spoke to him as well, though he was a bit more comfortable with her speaking, then the last person who tried to help him, he was put at ease...till it was mentioned that if he had sinned he would go to hell. Why are they doing this?! And of course there was all the other shenanigans that had been happening around him as well.

Then it all seemed to calm down. A magician...Of course, a magician would save the day and get everyone to calm down, and get attention off of him. James couldn't help but shed tears of joy, which streamed down his face. He would thank her later...maybe...if they were not in a crowd. Everyone started to introduce themselves, and some of them even shared what they were really good at. Could James do this? Could he voice himself in a crowd and introduce himself? Maybe even change how others thought of him you know, like laugh it all off as if it was an act, go wrap his arms around a strange and act like a buddy and introduce himself as a cool guy? Nope, Not a chance. He mentally shook his head, he was himself, and as much as those introductions would leave a better impact on his classmates, he knew that there was a chance he could fumble over simply stating his own name to them. He would try though."...j..." He started off, very silent, "I'm James..." His face started to go red, he wanted to run away, "I...I'm a Botanist...the bes..." He was going to acclaim himself as the best botanist, which was true, but praising himself in such a large group would be to much for him. He as now red, and he could feel his heart's beat in every part of his body. Why is this so hard?!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well. That situation escalated fairly quickly. A few exchanged words and then not one, but two fights nearly break out? Damn. One of the kids even used a freaking chair like a wrestler! Although Anna had to admit, the situation was incredibly entertaining. Even if it was hopelessly stupid and did absolutely nothing to change her view that the vast majority were likely going to be the source of several headaches in the next few days. Especially the psychopath with the chair. Maybe the one dressed like a nun, more so if she was one of those people.

Fortunately however, as if by some miracle, they were all magically silenced by the efforts of a rather cleanly looking young lady in tandem with... 'Is that Jinx Arcane? Huh... Alright,' Anna shrugged. She might have to thank the two later for preventing the insanity from escalating further and bringing order to the dysfunctional student body gathered in the auditorium. Honestly, if this is how they act when they all hardly know each other, she'd hate to see what it'd be like once everyone does...

Speaking of which, it seemed the next item on the agenda was introductions. The magician was indeed Jinx Arcane, the doctor was more or less what she'd have expected of a doctor, and the motivational speaker was annoyingly self-demonstrating. It actually kind of pissed her off how condescending he came off as, but fortunately he left the stage quickly enough. The army cadet was nothing too unusual, the psychopath was - you guessed it - a fucking psychopath, the burly dark-skinned one was honest and aggressive, the one with the heterochromia and the earring was far too naive for her own good, and the visual artist was a very familiar name. Probably because she had... procured some of his lovely works. As for the nun... Well at least she wasn't too overzealous. Either way, Anna still didn't like people of the cloth all that much.

There was a bit of an intermission of sorts before the next one came up. He was scared and/or nervous, which was understandable. The cosplayer... Well, let's just say there was a little sparkle in Anna's eyes after getting a good glimpse of the beautiful outfit and the short display of showmanship. A chess player and the clean girl from earlier, a security analyst, went up next. She'd have to keep an eye on them for now. For all Anna knew, the chess player could be some kind of Sun Tzu, 80 moves ahead sort of person. The other was, well, a security analyst. The next one up was surprisingly casual about it all which meant he was probably the Mastermind. However, he offered to be of assistance to anybody, which meant he was obviously shady. Nobody just offers to help people without wanting something in return.

The next one was a blubbering mess, so Anna decided to save him some face by waltzing up to the stage to take his place. "Alright," she began "I'm Anna, and I guess you could say my talent is collecting things. Old baseball cards, vintage cars, art, stuff like that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sarcasticdevotee


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As if on cue, the familiar bell of a PA System rang out through the auditorium. Carlos looked up at the familiar noise while Ryan jumped back slightly, as it came out of nowhere. A high-pitched voice cleared its throat into a microphone before speaking. The voice was raspy and shrill, but demanded authority at the same time.

"Upupupupu!" It seemed to have laughed, "Welcome to Unity Academy, everyone! I hope you all have been well acquainted with each other! I know that you all have some questions but they will all be answered in due time! Give me time to make my appearance, you bastards!"

"Bastards?" Carlos repeated, furrowing his brow, "This isn't how a dean should address his students..."

"Nevermind that," Ryan cut Carlos off, earning himself a glare from the motivational speaker, "Er, Sir. But is our dean a kid or...?"

Suddenly, the lights went out, plunging the auditorium into bleak darkness. When the lights turned back on, a black and white life-sized teddy bear was standing in front of them; guarded by two muscular statues of himself on either side.

"Greetings, you bastards!" The bear surprisingly spoke, "My name is Monokuma, and I shall be your Dean from this day forward!"

Carlos was stunned. What the hell was this? All he could finally utter was, "Mono...bear?"
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