Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A stiff yawn came from the lips of a male whose pale blonde hair hung in an attractive mess against his feather down pillow. Slowly he raised himself up and stretched with a small whimper to accompany the rush of blood and mana coursing through his veins. He slid out of the bed, naked, careful not to disturb his many sleeping companions. All of them well endowed with long, shining hair of varying hues. Naturally, his Gypsy wagon was the largest and most elaborate looking among the others, filled with luxurious tapestries, rugs and sheets from only the finest sellers of the middle east. Fine china from the east, teapots and the finest array of wines, grapes sitting precariously on a table, yes, everything in this mans possession reeked of self worth and high coin. As he pulled on his perfect white blouse and pants, one of the men on the bed raised his head.

"Must you go so early Azga? Couldn't you bed with us a bit longer?" He asked, his eyes dreamy and glazed over from the fireworks last night. Beside him, a woman rolled onto her back, her red hair a cascade of fire against the brightly colored sheets.

"Yes, Stay... " She begged beside the man. A few other men and women on his grand bed began to stir as well, but no one else spoke. Looking to them as he pulled on his knee high boots, he chuckled and grinned.

"Now now, pets," He spoke softly, as though to a bed full of kittens rather than luxuriously strewn men and women. "I'm afraid I do have to share my glamorous presence; you shouldn't be so selfish." Upon saying glamorous, he tossed his hair back to be in the spiked manner he preferred. "But don't feel the need to rush away. After all my beauties," He paused to kiss his hand and blow said kiss towards them. As it was blown, a sparkling kiss was physically formed and sent to each of them. A parlor trick. "The handful of you would not be able to mentally process just how amazing I am." With that, he laughed and left their side, opening his wagon door wide to see the caravan already hard at work.

Azga smiled as he stepped down from his carriage, inhaling the glory of the sunshine that graced the earth around them. It was time to make his rounds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The sound of metal hitting metal filled the air, as Faye began to shape a sword, the metal was red hot and continued to be kept so by a small fire pot that burned bright and orange. Faye wiped her face of sweat as she continued hammering, her bare toned arms working hard to shape the metal. She glanced to her jacket beside her, making sure the juicy red apple she had saved still sat snuggly on top of it. It was her reward, her determination would have her finish this sword and she would finally dig her teeth in. She placed the hammer down and looked at the blade in her hand, it still had a lot of work to do before it would be battle ready, but for now the hunk of metal had the right shape.

Faye placed the sword in a bucket of water beside her, a loud hiss and a cloud of steam showed the blade cooling down. She slipped her hands out of her gloves and reached for her apple, taking a bite and smiling as the flavour hit her. She glanced over to Azga's wagon as the owner clambered out of it, Azga Gristol Vonderwist, he had a habit of keeping Faye up with the noise his nightly antics made,She couldn't tell how many people he was with last night, but they where all equally loud.

Faye took another bite from her apple as she grabbed a handful of powder from a small pouch and flung it onto the fire pot. The fire came to life with a powerful white glow then returned to normal. The air around her began to smell of vanilla as the magical powder burned. Faye began to toss the half eaten apple into the air, catching it rhythmically in one hand as she watched Azga 'The Amazing'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

In one moment, the apple which Faye the Fire Starter had been tossed up and down seemed to stop in midair. Phasing out of invisibility as the illusion of him by his carriage faded, Azga held the apple close to himself and smirked, his crystalline eyes looking down at the woman baring the heat before him.

"Good Morning, Miss Faye," He said, eyeing her with a Cheshire smile. "Did you sleep well last night? I myself didn't get much but you know that someone as fabulous as I's work is never done. Ahaha..." With a small chuckle, Azga pressed the apple to her lips. As he spoke he seemed to sparkle with manly and magical charm--or was he doing that on purpose with his magic? "Such little food for such a hard worker. Wouldn't you care to join me?" He quirked a brow, his eyes looking into hers. "I'd feed you as gently as I possibly could. Or perhaps you could take it from my lips?"

Everyone in the caravan would have basic knowledge that Azga, no matter who or what you were, always spoke so crudely. He was, in short, a total asshat. There was also no one who didn't know that this asshat was saving their skins. Besides, Azga never pushed anyone who denied him. If they didn't want him, they simply didn't want him. At least, not yet they didn't. There had been many cases when the unfaithful and *ahem* loose male had turned those who had initially denied him to his ways. But that was Azga, and he was, as he always said, Amazing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Faye was startled as the man appeared in front of her. Azga took her apple and was holding it out for her. Spewing his usual ladies man act. Faye might even have fallen for it if she hadn't already gotten used to it. With a swift movement of her arm, she snatched the apple from his grip, taking a bite out of it with a grin.
"What are we having?" Faye asked standing up and stretching. She dusted off her pants and took another bite from the apple.
"and no I will not be eating it off your chest" Faye added jokingly as she waited for Azga to lead the way to Breakfast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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LetterA Sukeban Swag

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The scent of spices gently rolled in a steam that escaped the kitchen caravan through the makeshift chimney and the open door. Bandaged fingers propped up a window to allow the scent to spread within the small troupe, beads of sweat slowly rolling down a pale face. Djorji- or Drina, as his mother used to call him- raised a hand to wipe at his chin, his tucked in shirt sticking to his sweating stomach. He'd been awake for a while now, partially because he made breakfast and partially because he couldn't sleep alone, spending a total of two hours of sleep combined. "Hot," hissed Drina at his throbbing hands as hints of steam sneaked their way past the bandages and stung at his fingers. He hadn't soaked them since yesterday, but they still stung bad.

Gingerly taking hold of a ladle, Drina dipped into the light soup, taking a small sip. It warmed the stomach and refreshed the heart, a perfect wake up remedy from a long night- or shot night's- sleep. Stirring the soup once more, Drina grabbed a few bowls with his other hand, expertly filling each with a substantial amount. Not too much and not too little, given that some members had the habit of not finishing their meal and it was such a waste to keep up with that sort of deal. Pushing back long hair behind his pink tinted ears, the slender male resting the filled bowls by the steps leading to his caravan, knowing that anyone who desired could simply pick it up and go along their way.

As Drina stretched his weary arms he fought back a yawn, sadly muttering to himself on why he'd turned down Azga's offer to join him last night. He placed a lid over the simmering breakfast, knowing full well why he didn't go. "Damned broads," were the only things to leave his pink lips as his hands rose to redo his collapsing ponytail. Hay blonde hair stuck to his sweaty neck, cool air sending shivers down Drina's spine as he tugged them away. His eyes caught familiar blonde locks from out the window, and they subconsciously followed them until there were two people in sight. The blacksmith girl.

"..." a small silence spread throughout the lonesome caravan spare the sound of bubbling steam and occasional creaking. As though tryin to change the subject of a conversation that wasn't happening, Drina sighed out loud, "I should have sneaked into someone else's bed last night."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"My dear Faye!" He paused to turn her towards him mid-step and cupped her chin in his hand. He stared into her eyes, once again the air around him sparkling. "What on earth would make you think I'd let you eat off my chest? That's a completely ridiculous notion!" He paused, before smirking and leaning down closer towards her. Being so tall, and according to himself, elegant, he had to lean down quite a ways. For a moment, it seemed that he might be moving to kiss Faye... he paused as his lips inched towards her's... And then...

His lips grazed her cheek as he got close to her ear, and whispered softly, romantically...

"However I might agree to allow you to sustain your meals off of my voluptuous backside."

As he stood back up, Azga could barely keep his composure. It was obvious he was struggling not to laugh and he clapped a hand onto Faye's upper back before letting out a twinkle of a chortle. He went on ahead, certain he'd left Faye in a shocked or otherwise dazed fate. As he saw Drina holding bowls of soup, his expression cleared into something brighter, less focused on more laughter and more of general happiness.

"Drina!" Azga sighed happily as he came up to his dear friend, his platinum blonde hair shifting in the wind as well as his sparkling blue dangling earrings. "I'm glad to see you. There is something we must discuss in private once everyone is fed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Faye was confused when the man invaded her private space, his lips grew closer and Faye slowly melted to his charm. "What is this, is this , what I, " She thought confusingly to herself.
He moved past her face and whispered into her ear.
Faye's face soon turned crimson as the devilish man walked away. She attempted words but nothing came, flustered by his perversity. Faye's embarrassment grew slowly into anger as she grumbled to herself.
"I will get you for that" She muttered, as she walked to where she smelt food. She scooped up one of the bowls, careful not to hurt herself. She glanced to Drina and nodded in thanks as she went to sit on a bench close by. The aroma was magnificent, she had Drina to thank for that. She began to eat and it was much better than just an apple, she wondered what had happened to the fruit she was eating before and noticed it on the floor. She probably dropped it when her heart had began turning to goop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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LetterA Sukeban Swag

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Not unlike a puppy, Drina perked up at the sight of Azga. "In private?" he asked, repeating the only very important part of whatever it was the beautiful witch had said. There was always something so alluring about the way light seemed attracted to him, even in the darkest of nights. "Okay," was Drina's simple reply, followed by a childish grin, his eyes somehow caught by a flicker of movement. Faye had grabbed one of the bowls and nodded, Drina nodding back in reply, as well as a wave of the had. She looked flustered, and admittedly his stomach churned at that. How unfair.

"Ah, but while we're waiting," cheered Drina, attention back to Azga now that Faye had started off, "Why don't you have breakfast? It aught to you get ready for the day." And that it should, especially given the night Azga probably had.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DocTachyon
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DocTachyon Teenage Neenage Neetle Teetles

Member Seen 5 days ago

West awoke to the sound of conversation and the smell of Drina's delicious soup.He began wiping the sleep from his eyes, and allowed his fingers to lightly trace his tattoo must under his eye- a ritual preformed every morning, for good luck, and as he claimed, for his marksmanship- and he rolled from his bedroll. Unlike several of the others in the Caravan, West had no carriage of his own. He preferred to travel lightly anyways, and having to maintain a carriage would have distracted him from his primary duty of caravan defense.
West quickly pulled on his jacket and clipped on his belt, carefully tucked away in his knapsack. After getting everything on, West ritually pulled out a deck of cards and began absently shuffling them, another good luck ritual he found himself doing every morning.
Still shuffling he made his way to where the breakfast was being served.
"Morning everyone." He greeted, somehow managing to continue shuffling the deck with one hand while he used the other to begin eating the soup Drina had prepared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha 𝙫𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙣

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The floorboards creaked as Leo rolled over the hard and unforgiving wood-paneled floor that he called his resting pace. Sunlight flushed in through the lone carriage window, rousing Leo. He toyed with the idea of just staying in bed for a bit longer, but that would mean losing breakfast. Unwilllingly, he groggily picked himself up and stretched his stiff body as he yawned. Most people's carriages had a bed, some sort of decoration, just something or other to make it homey. To Leo, homey meant bales of hay and animals. For the most part, at the moment, most of his darling animals were still resting or just getting up. He walked past a lion stretching out his hind paws and open the door of his carriage, and took a step out into the open. His face met sunbaked air, and he smiled, if only just a little. It was a pretty day. As he began making his way to the breakfast tables, he kept his head down, his eyes averted. This was in order to avoid some conversations he'd rather not have. As he approached the breakfast table he saw Drina with her bowls of soup talking to Azga. Leo had to admit, Azga looked downright amazing. He had heard of the wild orgies that Azga hosted, but he was not one for them. He had been invited to one of them once, but he never was one for what was supposed to be the wild allure of sex, and sadly, he declined. As he picked up his bowl of soup, he nodded to Drina, and quickly cast his eyes down and turned away. He sat down with his bowl of soup next to West - who was shuffling his deck of cards like he did every day. "Morning everyone," said West. "Morning," said Leo, keeping his eyes glued to his soup.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Azga nodded to both men that sat down to breakfast, a handful of nameless vagrants joining and beginning a chorus of voices and laughter. He turned to Drina once more and noted his hands. With a small smile, Azga set his bowl to the side and took into his hand's Drinas own.

"You've siphoned recently haven't you?" He asked his crisp eyes looking sharply at Drina despite his soft tone of voice. Without waiting for an answer, Azga turned Drina around, grabbing the bowl of soup once more before leading him into privacy behind Drinas carriage. At least, private as in away from the others. "You probably haven't eaten either," Azga tsked. As they walked away Azga put up an illusion that Drina and Azga were still speaking beside the cafeteria tables, shrouding the true he and Drina in invisibility before ushering him fully behind the carriage. Taking up the spoon, Azga looked sternly at Drina.

"I refuse to replenish my glittering form until you eat. I know it hurts you to even hold utensils with those hands." His last words were barely above a murmur. He took the spoon from the bowl and held it to Drina's lips.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Faye continued to eat, keeping to herself as she enjoyed her soup. When she had finished she dropped off the bowl back at Drina's wagon, then walked towards her own.
Pulling open the wooden door, the chemical smell of her powders hit her. She scooped up her rifle, feeling the polished wood as she examined the stock and barrel. Satisfied, she swung it around her shoulder as she grabbed her flask and took a swig. The strong alcohol burned her throat, but it was nothing she hadn't gotten used to. Pocketing the flask snuggly in her pants, she once again, left her wagon and sat on the small stool beside it, removing a rag from her toolbox. Faye looked over the rest of the camp, seeing everyone get along, as she began to wipe her rifle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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LetterA Sukeban Swag

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Drina waved as more people came and went for the bowls, reaching his arms for the pot and gingerly placing it at a more accessible area so that anyone that wished for seconds could get to it. Just as he turned to see if Azga needed anything, their hands were suddenly touching. It never failed to impress Drina how easily the golden haired troupe master easily stuck a quickened heartbeat in him.

"Ah," started the long haired male at Azga's rhetoric, his piercing gaze striking a the heart. "I-" before Drina could so much as finish his sentence, he was being swept up and away in exchange of glittering lights to the back of his carriage. "Azga?" asked the younger man curiously before his breath caught in his throat. Oh. Well...a look at his hands reminded him that they did throb whenever he did anything, and besides it couldn't hurt to be spoon fed like this, and there was also that part about Azga not feeding himself until Drina ate and that wouldn't be good.

"Okay," said Drina simply, no sign of his inner turmoil in his calm voice as he gently reached a hand to lightly grip Azga's wrist, opening his mouth to take in the soup. His tongue was lightly burned, but nothing worse than his hands. As soon as he swallowed, however, a surge of guilt welled in him. What was he doing? Clearly Azga was in much more need. Drina could feed himself anytime while cooking, with food that hadn't been mixed with his magic. Didn't he make everything for th sake of keeping the troupe healthy?

When he looked at Azga to urge him to eat in his stead however, Drina's voice failed him and he instead took another spoonful. "You really should eat," finally managed the long haired boy, steam practically rising from his warmed chest, "I'm sure I can handle myself quite fine." Even as he finished the sentence his hands throbbed, though he wasn't sure if it was from the actual pain or his mind trying to come up with reasons for Azga to stay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Even if you could," Azga chided, his voice's gentle tone continuing as he fed his friend. Suddenly, he set the bowl down, as though bothered by a thought. With a smile erased the flicker of his tension, Azga rose. "Wait here. Everyone's gathered so I must make an announcement."

With that, the amazing man stepped around the carriage, letting the illusion of he and Drina fade as his long legs went up one step on Drinas cooking carriage.
"Attention Lovelies!" Azga grinned, his blue eyes sparkling. "Change of plans! We're going to be stopping in the nearby village and setting up our entertainment section there for the night. West, Faye, this town is riddled with the clergy so it's going to be tense. I expect both of you to keep an eye out for your post and send the signal to the main attraction booth. We'll be out of there before nightfall. Continue on with your meals and start packing up once you're finished! This is a special stop~" The witch grinned as though he intended to say more, but didn't. He merely frolicked back behind the carriage once more.

Sitting beside Drina again, he looked into his eyes and gingerly held his bandaged hands. "Drina. I need you to stay with the carriages."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

From the carriage, three identical women exited in silence. Their faces painted in a smooth, white and porcelain finish, coupled with accentuated eye makeup and rubied lips. One wore yellow, one wore blue and the final wore pink. These robes were kimonos, and the three women had their hair arranged in a traditional geisha style, different from each other only in the clothes they wore and the hair style of the day.

For some, the performance was restricted to the stage. They were able to remove their masks and costumes, relax with their friends and enjoy meals together. Takumi did not have the luxury of functioning as such - her principals beaten like a copper shell around her everyday life, she knew that Azga had guests and these guests would be hungry.

The ladies in blue and yellow handed bowls of soup to worker and gypsy alike whilst the one in pink (for those who knew Takumi knew that pink meant the original copy of herself) nodded politely to those present, and listened to Azga in silence.

The blue-robed Geisha approached Faye and produced, from the elaborate and heavy sleeves of the kimono, a white linen cloth to use in favour of cleaning out her precious rifle with such a filthy rag. "I shall clean the other cloth for you," assured Takumi. This habit of gift-giving was one of many foreign eccentrices that alienated her from the others, but she found her way around it rather smoothly by partaking in conversation with multiple people in different areas, as she was about to do. "What do you think about the next stop, mm? I do not mind keeping you company as you take watch, it may be more...efficient than running around. Besides, it can get cold at night without a cup of tea!" Joked Takumi, chuckling.

The yellow-robed Takumi swapped places with the pink one in serving Azga's...guests. Free from her own duties, the yellow-robed Takumi went to sit beside Leo with her own bowl of soup, inclining her head politely towards him and gently opening the conversation with a simple "How was your evening?" Takumi always thought that Leo was a quiet, reserved type of person in the morning, and she wasn't intent on startling him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit....

A cold wind cut through the warm dawn, and shifted the leaves on the trees. A fitting entrance for his morbid arrival. Unwavering even now, the dark clad priest placed his horse into a slow trot, a much needed break from the rapid gallop throughout the night. A stallion as black as his own cloak, Father Valek rode through the morning woods. Reports had informed him of a traveling caravan, one filled with degenerates and sinners who's mere existence was a blemish to humanity. Witches. Those who practiced in the dark arts had no place in God's Kingdom.

He could see it now. A camp laid out in secrecy. The caravan mentioned from earlier. And from what he could see, all these rumors of witches seemed to be true. Beings who flaunted around showing off their inherit abilities....how it disgusted him. Although he remained at the forest entrance edge, he was still able to pick up faint traces of conversation. Most notable was the flamboyant blonde man who proclaimed their objectives of moving locations. A local village it seemed.

Riddled with Clergy? Pathetic. Those men who had committed themselves to hunting these filth were usualy nothing more than self-profiting bouty hunters or even drunken fools who got a kick out of needless bloodshed. But not Valek. A man of God, his reasons were much more pure. He would deliver swift judgement and God's divine love by freeing these poor sinners from their mortals shells.

Death was but one boundary to the afterlife. And so he waited and watched in silence, his eyes shifting from one individual to the next, studying and listening as much as he could. Tonight, he would make his move. In the dark, he will judge. But for now, all he would do is observe, hidden by the shadows of the forests.
Thy Father watch over us in Heaven above....Amen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha 𝙫𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙣

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leo had finished his soup, and lay back laxed on his chair. He took out his cigarette holder and flicked out a cigarette with his right middle and ring finger, holding it gingerly in his hands. He snapped the holder shot with his other hand, and pocketed it. Then he put the cigarrete in his mouth and, still with his left, he took out a lighter from his vest pocket. The lighter was simple, stainless steel. Well, not exactly stainless, as wear and tear of the past six years had roughed up the edges and left smudges everywhere. He pressed down on the spark wheel, and the lighter came to life. The little wicker of a flame danced about wildly, as Leo lowered his head down to light his cigarette. He took a deep breath of the cigarette, and felt better already. Sure, he knew that he was filling his lungs with pollution and smoke, but he didn't really care. Smoking always loosened him up a bit, made him easier to talk to. Well, as easy to talk to as he was going to get.

"How was your evening?" he heard as Takumi slid in next to him. Yellow robes, he noticed.

"Can't even send your real self to talk to me?" he said, while smirking.

Nous vivons à l'un l'autre tuer

Pierre walked across the grass, the dampness wetting his socks. He twirled a an ancient Japanese knife in his hand; it had a intricate hand-carved handle of a dragon twirling around the handle, and the blade coming out of the dragon's mouth. He lost his flow of twirling and dropped the knife in the grass, something a graceful blademage would most likely never do.

"Merde," Pierre muttered under his breath in his native french tongue, as he bent over to fish out the knife. After recovering it, he decided it best just to slip it in his pant pocket.

He was going to meet with a member of the clergy, someone in power, at a roadside inn. He hated missing breakfast, but it was the only time that putain de West wasn't on guard duty. The caravan's grounds were abandoned at the moment, as everyone was off eating Drina's soup. Off in the distance he could hear the rumble of laughter and joy. Not the life for him. When he asked himself why he was betraying the caravan that had protected him for so long, he told himself it was for the money, but he knew the real reason. It was because he was angry. Anger. Anger was red and smoldering, and it ate at Pierre's soul. It consumed him, a rage that boiled from within. He was mad about his powers, mad about his inadequacy, mad about getting laughed at, mad about his inabilities, mad about his eye, just mad. Pierre sighed a deep and heavy sigh from within. He looked to his left, and then to his right to make sure no one was watching, and slipped between two carriages, off caravan grounds. And so his betrayal had begun.

Tout ce que nous voulons, c'est plus
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Faye glanced up from her rifle to see Takumi, in blue robes. She couldn't remember if this was the original or not, she also couldn't remember what the difference was.
As Faye pondered, Takumi removed a piece of cloth and handed it to her.
"I shall clean the other cloth for you," Takumi chimed as Faye swapped the rag for the cloth. She began wiping down the chrome barrel as Takumi didn't seem to leave.
"What do you think about the next stop, mm? I do not mind keeping you company as you take watch, it may be more...efficient than running around. Besides, it can get cold at night without a cup of tea!" The girl chuckled and Faye smiled softly.
"Sure I don't mind, as long as you wont be too distracting. You also would need to be in some less... extravagant clothing." Faye looked the woman up and down then smiled once again.

"Oh by the way I have been practicing something. Wait here !" Faye shot up, leaning her rifle on the stairs as she rushed into her carriage. It was odd to see Faye like this unless she was doing something with powder or firearms. Faye soon returned with a small leather bag. She opened it and inside was a deep red dust, she took a pinch of the fine grain and poured some into the fire. The fire turned red for an instant then back to normal.
The smell of roses began to encompass the camp, the vanilla smell now gone.
Ivan Rustelburg stood at the front of the church, his service was nearly over but he still put his all into everything that he was saying.

“When you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you. Deuteronomy 18:9-12. Thank you for inviting me to your church, and I hope that I will be able to come again in the future. God Bless and good day!"
Ivan said aloud. The church goers soon began to leave the isles as Ivan walked around to the back.
The regular priest was there smiling
"Thank you Mr Rustelburg, im sure you have a lot on your plate at the moment and.."
"Nonsense, a priest only wishes to teach and it was a grand opportunity." Ivan interrupted "But I must be going, I have important matters to attend to."

The priest left the church and made his way home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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LetterA Sukeban Swag

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Drina glanced up and nodded as Azga excused himself, sighing as his robes disappeared into the crowd. From behind the caravan Drina could hear his speech, his bandaged hands rising to form the holy trinity over his body, ending with his two throbbing palms pressed together in prayer. "Let us continue unscathed on this stop as well," Drina whispered to his God, afterwards thinking about the necessary ingredients he would have to pick up. His lashes fluttered at Azga's reappearance, his back immediately straightening in attention.

Azga took a gentle hold of his hands. "Drina," he started, "I need you to stay with the carriages."

At this Drina bristled. "Wh- but I need to shop at the market place," urged the boy, wincing when he accidentally clenched his burned hands into a fist. "I mean, I-" he paused, as though trying to find more reasons to venture the town. Yes, he'd heard Azga clearly when he talked about the clergy, and yes, Azga's word was absolute in times like these, so- "I, alright. Okay. I'll stay."

He might as well keep watch, while he was at it. And he could easily make more soup out of leftovers if food was scarce. And he could always, Drina's hands twitched, he could always easily make water delicious with a bit of magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yellow-robed Takumi drew herself higher, and smiled down upon Leo. "There is no difference," she explained with an endless supply of patience, "between any of me. You are talking to the original right now, and I am talking to you, talking to Faye, and enjoying a delicious breakfast whilst I serve Master Azga's dinner guests."

Pink-robed Takumi flashed a smile at Leo in sync with her yellow-robed copy. Disorientating was a light way to put it, at the very least. They all moved with striking similarities, all of Takumi resonated a certain pride and grace that invited respect without demanding it. There was a pause in conversation between all three of them, and this was not uncommon either, for it meant that one of Takumi's selves happened to be listening to someone else. Yellow-robed Takumi carefully poured soup between her lips without tarnishing the pristine image that the make-up created, and pink-robed Takumi was far too busy to speak anyway.

Meanwhile, blue-robed Takumi let loose a tinkling laughter as Faye suggested that Takumi would come as she was dressed right now. "Worry not, Faye...I wear this garb only when I am entertaining, and I entertain off-stage too, sometimes." Replied the geisha. She smiled politely as Faye rushed off to grab something...and all three Takumi inhaled deeply, and all three of them looked revitalised, replenished. With undertones of genuine gratitude and sincerity, the blue-robed Takumi bowed her head deeply so a curtain of black hair covered her features and said "that was a very kind thing for you to do. I assume that is rose incense?"
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