Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Haven City, a world where magic and Machines meet. The year is 1900 A.D and the Orcish invasions of Haven are becoming more frequent. The troops are being used
in very large amounts as the Orcish invaders blast through them with there new and shiny weapons. The people of Haven have guns but they are not as powerful and they do not have enough to kill all the Orcs. The walls will soon fall, says MOX news. You are the cities last hopes, will you take the reigns and destroy the enemy or will you die trying. Warriors chosen for this job. From priests to criminals the army has been made.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sheikarah

Sheikarah The Witch Queen of Angmar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Koshraa sat quietly in the corner of the bar with a small smirk as she sipped her ale. She had seen a couple of humans walk into the bar and they had been doing nothing but slobbering all over each other since. Koshraa had considered ignoring them, but the opportunity was just too enticing. Besides, she was getting bored. Koshraa chugged the last of her drink, tossed a few coins on the table and sauntered over to the soon-to-be unhappy couple. She made sure to sway her hips as she walked towards the man on the right. Once she managed to get the couple's attention she put one hand on her hip and she ran the other one through her hair. The poor fallible man was immediately enraptured and the woman glared daggers at Koshraa.

Koshraa spoke in a lowered voice "Why, hello there, you handsome boy. What do you say to having a little fun?" Koshraa winked and struggled to keep a straight face as the woman's jaw dropped at her display.

The woman was about to speak but the man nervously coughed and waved his hand "I'm, uh, I'm flattered but I'm," He swallowed a lump in his throat and awkwardly smiled "I'm here with my wife." He pointed to his wife while she continued to glare fire at Koshraa.

Koshraa winked again and smiled at the woman "I didn't say she couldn't come." She leaned closer to the woman "In fact, it would be better if she did." At this point both human's eyes widened and Koshraa couldn't hold in her laughter anymore.

She giggled for a moment while the humans stared at her before she laughed loudly and crossed her arms over her chest. "You humans are so gullible, I love it!" Koshraa turned and snapped her fingers, causing a ball of bright light to flash in front of each human's face as she walked away. She opened the door and left the tavern with a satisfied smile before another flash of light materialized in front of her, leaving a scroll behind it with her name on it. Koshraa rolled her eyes and picked it up with a sigh, it was probably one of those "Government Summons" she had been hearing about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Esmeralda Joins the Women's Auxiliary

Esmeralda stood behind the bar of the Golden Lioness explaining to two of her coven how she expected them to comport themselves and run her business. One was a rather muscular young man who hung on her every word as if she spoke in the goddesses voice the other was a beautiful blond who scarcely hid her lust and desire

"Lyric, Cynder, I expect to find that each of you have played your part well while I lend this city my aid.
When I return I shall continue your instruction into the 4th circle with joy and worship"
she says an then kisses each with such passion they swoon.

When she steps from behind the bar the remainder of her coven await their mistress each with an article requested by she for them to prepare. As she collected her pack, bag of holding which contained her healing potions., her war staff, long cloak and other items.

Once she's outside in the street and headed to the west gate where she's agreed to help in the city's defense. The city had tried to recruit her entire coven as fighters till she explained that none could cast offensive magic save herself. No instead her tavern would serve as an evacuation point for the wounded and her staff as medics.

Arriving at the west gate Esmeralda became quickly aware of many of the people staring at her. Pausing she glanced about at the assembled her smile inscrutable.

"An what have we here brothers, did any here order up a bit of entertainment?" Says a rather ugly an rude man.
He sits at a long table with benches surrounded by what appear to be his friends or fellow mercs.

"I'd tread lightly friend for she is the Lady of the Golden Lioness" says an older warrior that Esmeralda recognises as a customer.

"An why should I tread so gray beard?" Laughs the rude man

"I suppose I should render my credentials" says Esmeralda

Extending her right arm she says"Zeph"
A heavy white silk rope leaps forward looping table and benches in it's coils.
"Crush" she whispers and the rope begins squeezing the targets till they start to splinter and break dumpping the fool and his friends in the muddy court yard next to the gate.

The mercs now angry stand and begin to show menace towards Esmeralda as the advance. She raises her left arm saying "Kine" and her second rope appears leaping towards the men
"Bind" she says and both ropes coil around the mercs trapping them like a python would a rabbit or a pig.

"Lady Sirensong please refrain from injuring our allies and release them" says the gate Captain as he steps outside the left gate tower.
"And you men treat the Lady with more respect or she's liable to not be so gentle next time"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Javier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Viktor Joins the Fight

Viktor stood near the Southern Gate of Haven City. He was waiting for the warriors who said to meet there and fend off the Orcs that were coming to Haven City. Viktor was looking at the Gate, remembering the battles he had fought in over the years as an unquenchable thirst for blood came over him at the memory of all the foes he had slain on the battlefield, and how he would do it again. He licked his lips, imagining all the blood he would get from this upcoming fight, when, all of a sudden, he heard footsteps coming his way "It's time!" Viktor thought as he heard the warriors coming. As the warriors approached, an alarm bell rang, indicating that an Orc attack was imminent. Viktor smiled, pleased to join a fight, since it had been over a century since his last real battle, he was anxious to massacre the enemy forces and feed once again. Both warriors finally caught up to Viktor who had been waiting for them for the past three hours.

"Are you ready to join the fight?" said one of the men, he was a tall, muscular man, weilding two pistols, ready for the battle.

"Oh yes, I craved the taste of fresh blood, it has been a while since I had a fresh meal!" replied Viktor as he turned to look at one of the men while licing his lips, making the man tremble.

"We need all available men at the gate, I repeat, we need all available men at the gate!" shouted the commander of the Southern Gate defense.

"We need to get there, now!" yelled one of the warriors, signaling for them to move towards the Southern Gate.

Viktor quickly pulls out his blade and charges toward the Southern Gate to meet the Orcish army. He arrives and waits for the Orcs. The air around the men is heavy and filled with fear, Viktor can feel it all. The warriors pull their guns out and load them, prepared to meet the Orcs head-to-head. Viktor and the other warriors stand their ground, waiting for the attack, until, the war cries are heard coming from the horizon, immediately Viktor grins knowing that it's feeding time. The scent of blood in the air made Viktor lose his mind, focused on only one thing, feeding. The men decided that is was best to keep their distance from Viktor as he could not tell friend from foe when he was hungry.

"Warriors! Stand your ground, defend the Gate from the invaders! We will not lose today!" yells the commander of the troops to motivate the warriors for the fight to come.

There is tension in the air, the smell of blood is strong. Viktor takes a deep breath to take in that sweet, sweet scent of fresh blood, he breathes out just as a mass is seen in the distance.

"It's the Orcs, get ready men, defend the City!" shouts the commander as the Orcish army approaches.

While the warriors see only an army of brutes, Viktor only saw one thing, his next meal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Orkish army gathered itself within visable range of the city they were about to demolish. They stomped and cheered, easily intimidating the cowardly inhabitants. Near the back of the army, Damien stepped up on a small hill to get a better view. He scowled at the sight of that rancid, crime-infested city. It was his former home, a nest of deceit and debauchery. Even the church that had raised him had fed him nothing but lies. They gave safe haven to witches, vampires, and whatever else suited their malicious economy. Now associated with the Orks, and having professed his loyalty to the Lord of Darkness himself, Damien would take vengeance on the people who caused the murder of his beloved Saria.

Damien pulled up his black hood. He was a fighter, as well as a necromancer, trained in the longsword more than anything else, but there was no use throwing himself to the enemy when much sturdier orks pridefully vied for the front line. He would bide his time in back. With his young, eager blood, Damien smirked at the thought of how horrified the enemy would be when they saw their fallen rising up again as undead slaves. His bitterness had made him completely devoid of mercy. He'd kill them, all of them, as many as his lord demanded. Everything he had gone though had led to this very day. Humbly, he prayed, "Lord Asmodeus, I crawl before you. Lead me to my vengeance, and I will love and serve you for eternity."

Just then, the comlink in his ear went off and a holographic image flickered on from a device strapped to his left arm. Damien lifted is arm. "I am here, commander."

A poorly-detailed image of an ork responded. "Varomere. The range-jumper is being carried by one of our strongest warriors. He has been instructed to go in deep and drop as many bodies as possible. Your spells should jump to his location and go off there, making it look like they were cast at his location..."

Damien exhaled in a sigh, as he knew how this tech worked already.

"...you have to turn on your amplifier before the spell is jumped. Is that clear?"

"Yes, commander."

"Good. Hail to the warchief!" And the comlink blipped off immediately.

Whitish eyes glaring, Damien watched the battle unfold with his soul sense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sheikarah

Sheikarah The Witch Queen of Angmar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Koshraa's eyes widened as she saw the advancing horde of Orks marching towards the gate. She still wasn't sure why she of all people was called to fight in this battle, but she wasn't going to let them in. She pulled out her dagger and prayed to whatever god would listen to her, hoping for the first time in years that she might have enough luck to survive. For her entire life she had relied on her wits to survive but this...This was impossible.

"Hey! Drow!" The Guard in charge of her unit called her. She rolled her eyes and turned towards him with a mock salute.

"Aye, Captain?" Her voice was dripping with sarcasm and the guard let out an exasperated sigh.

"Look, I don't want you here, you don't want to be here. So cut the attitude before I throw you over the wall." Koshraa raised an eyebrow before she reluctantly nodded. The guard pointed to the mass of Ork bodies coming towards them "They outnumber us ten to one, so you need to follow my orders no matter what, got it?"

Koshraa nodded "Got it."

"You're a caster, right?" She nodded again "When they get closer to the gates, I need you to create an illusion. I don't care what it is, but it needs to be big enough to scare as many of them away as possible, or at least scare them enough to give us a fighting chance." He glared and pointed at the spot on the wall she had been standing on before "You do not, I repeat, Do NOT leave that spot. I don't give a flying buttress how many thugs you've beaten in hand to hand, but under no circumstances are you allowed to go down there, clear?"

Koshraa sighed "Crystal. Cast illusion, don't move, stay alive."

The guard nodded and walked away "Good."

Koshraa turned back towards the horde of Orks and furrowed her brow. She put her hand above her eyes to shield them from the sun and tried to focus on something in the distance. She sighed and shook her head.

"This is suicide. There's got to be thousands of them. How do they think we'll be able to withstand this? Who knows what kind of weapons and spells they've got." She took a deep breath and steeled herself "Well, they'd better be prepared for one hell of a fight." She played with a small fireball in her hands and tried to convince herself that they had a chance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 6 days ago

Garth stood tall on top of one of the walls' towers as he looked out upon the massive Ork army coming their way. He had came to this town orignally to drink but somehow got pulled into helping them fight. he still wasn't sure how it happened. He was told he had gotten drunk and got in a fight, and chose community service over jail. "Community service indeed." he said as the Ork army got closer. He had men all around him getting ready to cast spells and fire their weapons. He heard the captain start yelling at everyone to get ready. Garth sighed, this was such a drag and a killjoy. Garth heard the order for fire. As this happened multiple men all around him fired and launched attacks at the oncoming Ork army.

"We are hitting them!" one of the men said. "Yeah but are we even making a dent?!" another one asked.
The captain yelled, "KEEP FIRING!"
The men nodded at each other, "I guess either way we have no choice!" one said as h shot a fireball out of his hand.

Garth sighed again, he didn't want to do this, but he did make a promise. And if one thing was for sure about Garth, he did not break his promises... ever. Garth stepped forward as men moved out of his way looking at his tall stature. Garth closed his eyes and started chanting something in another language when someone interrupted him. "Buddy, what the hell are you doing?" he asked. Garth looked at him my spells are more powerful if I use the incantation for them." Garth explained. He sharply turned back to the field of oncoming orks and once again closed his eyes and starting to speak in another language, as he raised his hands to the sky. He then opened his eyes and they were red, fiery red. He stuck out his hand as he went quite. All the people around him were silent trying to figure out what happened.

"So what? You can turn your eyes a differ-" a soldier was about to back talk before a giant stream of flames burst out of Garth's hand. The flames easily reached the Ork army and made a visible impact as it scorched the orks that even got close to it. All the soldiers around garth backed up a bit. Garth looked back, "Are you gonna make me do all this?" he asked with a grin as they shook their heads and joined in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Esmeralda stands at the West Gate

High above the warning horn sounds as the lookouts spot the enemy moving across the killing field and along the road.
The Mercs begin rushing up the stairs and ladders around the Gate seeking positions from which to wait the scaling ladders or to fire their bows.
Esmeralda not bound by the constraints of many of those around her rushes up invisible steps to stand atop the very roof of the gates.. Once there she surveys the scene below and spots a siege engine; a battering ram by it's appearance.

"Xexos Ur! (Let Spears Fly)" she says as she points her left hand in the direction of the siege engine.
Five glowing daggers of light race across the distance striking an Orc with a whip who seems to be in command of the others as he drives their efforts.
The siege commander is sorely wounded but doesn't go down which prompts Esmeralda to let fly another volley and the second strike causing the siege commander to fall screaming face first into the dirt of the road.

Those men armed with bow on the wall let fly a storm of death and pain which falls among the orcs. The orc angered by their loss let fly 100s of black shafts of death themselves.

Esmeralda spread her arms wide uttering another incantation that caused a wall of transparent blue light to spread 30 feet either side of her and 12 feet high. The evil flight of arrows that impacted the shielding energy broke and tumbled to the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ork gunmen and archers picked off who they could on the wall, but volleys of projectiles flew in both directions. A battering ram was rolled up to the front gate, but from father off, a trebuchet began deadly work on another section of wall. It only a matter of time before orks broke in, their greater size allowing them to overrun any physical hindrances, slaughtering all in their path. Sometimes, the old ways were the best. You didn't need magic or tech to take out a stone wall. Giant rocks worked just as well. Damien of course, knew this city and its weak points. He knew the layout, the secret back doors, the sources for water and fuel, and where the citizens would be gathered, hiding from the battle. They had no idea how little chance they had. A city ruled by chaos needed the order of Asmodeus. This was all inevitable.

The human necromancer heard the sounds of falling rocks as part of the wall gave way to a flying boulder. A cheer errupted from the ork warriors. ...not long now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Javier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Viktor Fights Back

Viktor flew to the top of the wall and looked upon the Orcish army. Shots were being fired left and right from both sides, but the Orcs just kept coming and coming, like there was an endless army of Orcish warriors following the front lines of the army Viktor was seeing. They kept firing down on the Orcs, not even making a dent, no matter how many Orcs they took down. Soon, Viktor began to fire down at the Orc army with an endless rain of fireballs, burning every Orc that he hit. Everything pointed towards the wall defense forcing the Orcs to retreat until Viktor and the commander noticed that the Orcs were using battering rams on the gates and bringing down parts of the wall.

"They're going to break through, we need men down there now!" yelled the commander signaling for the warriors to go to the bottom of the wall. "You," he started, turning towards Viktor "we need you down there as well."

"It'll be my pleasure, anything to feed once again." said Viktor, smiling just before he flew back down to the bottom of the wall.

Viktor un-sheathed his sword with his right hand, at the same time holding his fireball spell in the other, ready for the Orcs to break through. The warriors ready their weapons, everything is quiet for a moment. The silence is suddenly broken by the sound of the Southern Gate falling. Viktor readies his weapon and charges toward the Orcs, firing as many fireballs as he can at them, until eventually, he reaches the Orcs' front lines.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sheikarah

Sheikarah The Witch Queen of Angmar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Koshraa's unit had been pummeled by spells, arrows, and orc catapults until they were nearly obliterated. Koshraa had just barely managed to avoid getting killed and she ha been using everything she had, even going so far as to use her throwing knives to knock orcs off the wall. The last guard in her unit was hit in the neck with an arrow and Koshraa ran towards an empty wall tower. She managed to get inside without drawing attention to herself, creating an illusion of her death behind her to make sure the orcs wouldn't look for her. She pressed herself against the wall near the window so she could see the oncoming army but she was hidden from their view. She thought for a second about what she could possibly try to do when she heard the Southern Gate fall and cursed in her own language.

Koshraa turned her head back to the army and took a deep breath "Come on Koshraa, think! What would Talika tell you to do?" She thought back to the priestess that had taught her about magic and repeated some of her teachings "Find what they fear and force it down their throats. Never let them see you but always see them. Weaknesses are beneath you, theirs are your weapons." She flinched as a rock struck a nearby section of wall and the soldiers screamed as they fell.

She forced herself to focus "Energy is nothing without focus. You can be the most powerful sorceress in history, but only if you let the fire within you grow into a mighty inferno you can control."

Koshraa closed her eyes and tried to think of some weakness, something the orcs fear that she could show them. Finally she smiled and turned towards the window, waving her hands and muttering the most powerful incantations for illusions that she knew. Within moments she created a huge image of the orc god Asmodeus, Talika had shown her orc drawings and art of the dark god and now Koshraa finally had a use for it. The image stood as tall as the castle walls and looked as realistic as she possibly could, but she could feel it draining her. She smirked as the orc soldiers fell down in terror and awe and she gulped as she racked her brain to think of something it could do to convince the orcs that it was indeed their master but finally settled on giving it a satisfied smile and nodding to its "soldiers". Koshraa made the illusion raise its hand and point away from the city and prayed to whatever god would listen, except Asmodeus, that it would work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Finally, a wall fell, and a great cheer sprang up from the waves of warriors as they rushed to overwhelm the inner defenses. Damien knew the time had finally come. Pulling up the device on his arm, he opened a holographic window. He grinned. Pressing a few buttons, he had to slow his hands down. This was too exciting.

At the site of the broken wall, where the casualties had been the heaviest, Damien's ork companion had placed the spell-jumper. As the necromancer weaved his magic on the small hill outside the city, the machines connected, creating a channel for energy and transposing the spell. The dead suddenly began to move. "Rise up, fallen warriors. Rise and obey." Damien's eyes glowed a soft white as the magic flowed. With his power amplified, he raised a small army of fearless, unstoppable, fresh, zombies, which began attacking and destroying from within.

A giant image of a black devil with glowing red eyes appeared above the city, pointing outward. At first Damien gasped, confused. Many orks did the same and fell to their knees or simply cowered. The illusion wouldn't stop more than a few, but it did provide a brief delay in the battle. Damien glowered and scoffed as he recognized a mere parlor trick. "They're desperate." He mused, beginning to advance himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Javier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Viktor charged towards the Orcs, slashing away at all of the Orcs he saw in front of him, until he came to one Orc who he caught off guard and proceeded to dig his fangs into the Orc's neck and drink all of his blood. The taste of fresh blood was enough to make Viktor go insane and go in a frenzy, killing anything and anyone that stood before him, draining the blood from his victims. As he kept running through killing Orcs he noticed some sort of devil with red eyes above the city.

He continued to run through the Orc's front lines, shooting fireballs left and right, slashing away with his sword, draining the blood from them, Viktor was determined to stop the Orc's from taking the city. After clearing out the Orcs that had made it in from that gate, he looked upon the massive army on the outside and looked to his sides, only about 10 warriors remained still standing by his side, the rest dead or dying. He began to search for a possible leader, an Orc who could make the army turn and retreat, instead of finding a leader, he found a necromancer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sheikarah

Sheikarah The Witch Queen of Angmar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Koshraa cursed when she realized that only a few orcs had been fooled by her illusion, and as she looked around the huge army, she heard the sounds of dying and screaming. She turned her head and saw the orcs getting killed left and right by what looked like a human and she bit the inside of her cheek nervously. Finally she decided that the orcs weren't going to run just because she put an image of their god in front of them. She put her hands down and banished the illusion, trying to figure out something else she could try. Koshraa ran out of the guard tower and started running towards the battle in front, grabbing a couple swords from nearby bodies. She reached the Southern Gate and jumped between the piles of rubble until she reached the ground.

She looked around and tossed a few magic missiles to keep the orcs away from her. Finally Koshraa spotted the human that was causing so much damage to the orc army and she ran up behind him, although her instincts told her to keep a bit of distance between them. She started hacking at orcs and dodging blows as she cast fireballs and her other offensive spells. She used a quick flash to blind an orc that had come up behind her before she stabbed him in the chest. She looked around and cursed again when she saw a human necromancer among the orcs, using some strange device to cast his spells.

Quickly Koshraa made a path for herself with a giant fireball and ran through the orc army towards the necromancer. She left one of her swords in an orc's head and finally wound up on the small hill behind the necromancer. Koshraa kept the orcs at bay and pulled out her dagger as she walked towards the necromancer. She smirked as she aimed for the human's heart but an orc struck her and she only managed to get her dagger in his shoulder. She turned and killed the orc that had hit her and tried to fight off as many as she could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Javier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Viktor heard lots of noises that sounded like fighting and then saw a fireball go towards the necromancer. He turned and saw a woman charging towards the neromancer. "Dammit, I guess I won't get my shot today." he said to himself rather disappointed until he saw the woman get attacked by one of the Orcs and then more and more Orcs began to charge her position as she fought some of them off, but as one fell, three more came towards her. He felt this urge to go help her but he also found his psychotic side found what was displayed before him to be rather amusing.

"She can't survive against that onslaught of Orcs, even if she did survive, it would be to be taken prisoner to that necromancer." he began to tell himself, debating wether he should help her or not. "But, maybe... oh, what the hell?" he yelled, he had made up his mind, he was going to go help her. He quickly began to charge her position, killing every Orc that blocked his path. His sword now drenched in the blood of all of those Orcs he had killed. He turned into a cloud of bats and flew over right in front of the woman. He saw an Orc approaching her from the back and proceeded to get behind her and sink his long fangs into the Orc, draining all of his blood, he then turned around, his mouth dripping with blood.

He raised his hands and suddenly all of the dead around them began to rise, Viktor began to say words in an unkown language, and suddenly all of the dead began to attack the Orcs around them while Viktor fired away with his fireballs, scorching the Orcs he hit. He lunged forward and began to slash away at the Orcs once again, killing many of them, the rest to be taken care of by his army of undead servants. Then he turned to look at the necromancer, rather curious about the device he was holding, but at the same time, glad that once again, he might feed on a human.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lights flashed up ahead as spectacular fireballs and magic missels went off in two different areas. A couple of casters were somehow sustaining themselves outside the walls in the midst of melee with orks. Damien continued to linger away from the front of the battle, lest he be confused for an enemy human among the green behemoths. He could also do much more damage with defenders in front of him. Concern filled him as one of the battlemages seemed to be freely maneuvering deep into the ork army, actually getting a position behind him. Her magic made her impossible to miss. At first, the orks gave her berth, awaiting the moment her mana ran out to lunge forward and axe her head off. She made it through them with her spells as she approached Damien.

His soul-sense detecting her location for him, the yong necromancer expected her attack. The lines of orks gave way before him, and he saw a drow coming at him. His sword ready, his heart leapt in his throat, for he didn't have much defense against a direct magical attack. However, rather than meeting his end with a fireball to the face, she swung at him with a dagger.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a large, hard femur bone whirled in front of the necromancer and knocked her dagger off course. It continued to spin around his body, whirling defensively in about a 3 foot circular radius. Damien glared at her with his white eyes, furious, his sword ready. "Really?!" He yelled at her. "Do you mock me drow? Do you think you will get to watch me suffer like one of your male slaves? Hear me cry in pain?" She was a sorceress, and there was simply no reason for her to have made a pathetic physical attack on him, unless she was either playing with him, or out of mana. "I will watch you die." He cursed her as the orks around them saw an opportunity and attacked her from all sides.

In the nick of time, a flurry of bats poured themselves in a cloud in front of the drow woman and formed solid into a vampire. The orks, and Damien, yeilded once again as they reassessed the new situation. Seeing the vampire demonstrate his nature, draining one of the certainly large and formidable ork warriors, Damien quickly distanced himself.

As he fled amid the ork army, he formulated his next move. Drow and vampires... how far into corruption and chaos his old city had fallen to allow such scum. Damien hated them, all of them. Surely one drow would fall to the surrounding orks, but the vampire, was a necromancer's job. Finding a new vantage point, Damien spun around and lifted the device on his left arm. He felt the familiar reverberations of necromantic magic and saw the dead orks rising around the red-eyed vampire. He nearly laughed out loud with disbelief that the undead blooddrinker would try such a thing. He shook his head with a grin as he typed the comand for amplification into his device. "You have got to be kidding me, vampire. I'm the necromancer here." Aiming the device at the vampire and his arisen masse, Damien's eyes glowed softly white as he cast a powerful, area-of-effect spell. "Death to Undeath!" A white ring blasted outward from Viktor at its center, hurting him somewhat, but primarily exploding all the undead orks around him. It left the living completely untouched. Shrapnel of undead ork zombie splattered over everyone, covering them in red. It was spectacular.

Panting slightly from the excitement and exertion, Damien typed another code into his keypad. "And now, for you, my new servent. With you, I will destroy this city." He reached a hand directly at Viktor, exerting his will and the power of the technology to try to take control of the undead vampire's mind. Damien strained, giving everything he had in one effort to dominate Viktor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sheikarah

Sheikarah The Witch Queen of Angmar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Koshraa growled as the necromancer taunted her and fought the urge to hurl when she was literally covered in orc guts. She saw him raise his arm and point to the vampire that had saved her and she shook her head.

"Oh not only no, but hell no." Her eyes blazed with fury as she ran through the now clear path to the necromancer "You're mine!" She saw his eyes glow white and smiled at the opening. In an instant she cleared the area of orcs and aimed a magic missile at the necromancer's face. She grinned maliciously when it made contact and the necromancer's head was knocked to the side.

Koshraa had the opening to kill him, but instead used her dagger to cut the magical device from his wrist. Once it was in her hand she brought the hilt of her dagger down on it, completely shattering it. After that she used a grease spell in a circle on the ground to keep the orcs away from her. She glared at the human necromancer and smacked his face with her dagger hilt. She grabbed the back of his neck and brought his face down on her knee, breaking his nose and knocking him out cold.

Just before he lost consciousness she glared at him and spoke in a cold voice "Don't mess with me." Koshraa dropped his unconscious body on the ground and picked up his sword, fighting off the orcs around her and calling to the vampire.

"If you can hear me, get over here and help me!" The orcs were closing in but they saw their unconscious spell caster and hesitated slightly, although Koshraa had been cut in her right leg and had a shallower cut in her side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Javier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Viktor could no longer control his own body, he was paralyzed. Suddenly he began to move against his will "Damn that necromancer, looks like he got me." growled Viktor as he struggled to break free from the necromancer's grasp. He then saw as the woman attacked the necromancer and knocked him out. "Well, well, looks like it's my lucky day." he said while he began to fire away at the Orcs with his fireballs. "If you can hear me, get over here and help me!" he heard the woman say.

"It looks like she's in trouble, she helped me so I have to." said Viktor as he pulled out his sword and began to slash away as he ran towards the woman, killing the Orcs that stood in his way, draining a couple of them of their blood as he was still rather hungry. When he made it next to the woman, he began to unleash his fireballs in full force. When Viktor saw that lots of Orcs were coming, he attempted once again to raise an undead army, this time since the necromancer was knocked out, he could utilize the zombies to kill the Orcs without interruption.

Viktor saw that the Orcs were still at full force and that their efforts weren't making a dent in their whole army. He though of a way to end this once and for all. He began looking for the leader of the Orcs, he saw him far away. "I'm sorry madame, but I have to go." said Viktor in a slightly obnoxious tone as he turned into a cloud of bats and flew towards the leader.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Damien didn't have anything to throw at the magic missiles the drow released at him, and one of the bolts caught him in the head, a critical location. Rocked by the blast, he stumbled and she was able to destroy the device he had been using to alter his spells. Damien's bone-shield spell was still in effect however, and the high-speed whirling femur gave Koshira hell as she attempted to continue to fight with him. Finally able to grab the back of his neck, the glint of a golden ring caught her eye as it slipped out of his shirt on a short leather cord. Before she could really dwell on what she had seen, she bashed the necromancer's head against her knee, dispensing with him.

Damien however, was a little more rugged due to his unnatural affinity and literal pact with the devil. he did not fall into unconsciousness, and did not allow his sword to be taken. He was able to get up quite promptly, yet she took off.

Getting up, he looked toward the drow and the vampire, clasping the ring around his neck. "Not until I have avenged Saria..." He vowed.

Viktor had been going for one of the ork generals when he suddenly felt a familiar spell. Turning to look, he could see that Damien was still up, and a lesser number of his recently turned undead had been obliterated. the necromancer had cast his Undeath spell again, only it was somewhat less powerful. He might not be able to control the vampire this time.

Damien shouted something in another language, but it was not Orkish. It was Infernal. The orks, however, appeared to understand him, and suddenly all decided to defend their general as well as Damien. One of the orks in front of Koshira suddenly pulled out an orb that went off like a flash bomb, blinding pretty much everyone that wasn't prepared for it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sheikarah

Sheikarah The Witch Queen of Angmar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Koshraa saw the orc grab the orb and she covered her eyes, but it wasn't enough to stop it entirely. Her vision was spotted and she turned to see the necromancer get up again. She was running low on mana but she had an idea. She crouched low to the ground and pretended to die, fortunately the orcs were stupid enough to believe it. They left her alone and she made sure to be out of the necromancer's field of vision and blinked a few times to get that flash out of her eyes.

Koshraa put a hand to her side and winced as she saw blood. She knew that if she took out the necromancer once and for all the orcs would hesitate, he seemed to be their leader. But she also knew that there was no way she was going to take him with these injuries. She thought about something she could try, but after a minute just shook her head and said.

"Screw this, I'm getting out of here."

Using the last of her mana, Koshraa created a huge fireball that cleared almost all of the distance between her and the gates. The orcs were still trying to kill her, and her wounds were growing more severe, but somehow she jumped, slashed, and stabbed her way through them until she collapsed behind the front line of city soldiers. Her adrenaline was pumping hard enough to get into the city and hopefully to some healing but as she ran she shouted.

"The Human is a necromancer! Take him out!" The soldiers swiftly redoubled their efforts and focused on the human among the orcs. Koshraa found a medic and collapsed, allowing him to use his magic and medicine to start treating her wounds.
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