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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"You suppose?" Grant mused out loud as he would lead the way. "Fret not, you are in capable hands." He wasn't sure what exactly why he had so much confidence, but he was making sure he would ride the wave for as long as he could. Even his stride was affected, but he wasn't about to let it go to his head just yet. No, getting there and finding Savayna's family was the easy part, so he would make sure to focus on that part first. Taking a ship over there would take far too long, so he already had an idea on how they would get there. All he needed to do was swipe the keys from Lorenzo.

He looked back at Savayna. "We'll go for something fast, considering that Jaakuna will most likely take the Ifrit with him."


Emiri didn't respond right away. The first thought that popped into her mind was the fact that she had no one to walk her down the aisle. She didn't want to admit it, but her mother was always there when she imagined herself getting married. She fiddled with her hair tie, her fingers lightly pulling and feeling every little clover on it. She was getting frantic again, she didn't want to think about anything anymore. She didn't want to feel sad, she wanted to scream, she wanted to rage to the heavens, she wanted to just make it all go away.

More than anything she wanted her mind to just be silent.

And yet, said silence was driving her just as crazy as her grief was. So much so, she had nearly forgotten what Jaakuna had said. Forcing herself to focus, she stopped playing with her hair tie long enough to rest her hands. She shook her head at him apologetically. "I'm glad you're always thinking ahead," She admitted quietly. "I can't even think straight myself right now." She let out a small sigh, scratching the back of her head as she would try to change the subject. "Traveling with Reia and Lorenzo...it'll be interesting, won't it?"


On cue, Nadeline scowled at Wesley, displeased that he would agree with her father. She was more than happy Wesley would indulge him, but Lorenzo had a tendency to get his head inflated anytime he got encouraged. She huffed at her fiance, pouting rather childishly as he spoke. His declaration of protection warmed her up somewhat, and she let go of her mini grudge. Lorenzo grinned again, pleased at Wesley, though he would get a little more serious as he patted Nadeline's shoulder. "Now, now, my most precious daughter, the same way Wesley will protect you, you need to do your part and protect him, too." He said as he would wrap his arm around her shoulders. "There's nothing more beautiful then seeing the power of love on the battlefield, after all."

Nadeline shook her head at him. "Father, I appreciate the sentiment, but we will be fine," She assured him. "You have nothing to fear."

Lorenzo looked at his daughter, then at Wesley. "I sure hope so. I can't shake the feeling I have, it's a father's intuition," He admitted, releasing Nadeline and placing both his hands on her shoulders. "Now, listen here, should anything happen, I want you to get together with the others again, is that clear?"

What was he talking about? Should what happen? She felt like he knew more than he was letting on, but she didn't think he was going to divulge it so easily. Instead she stepped back from him, hooking her arm with Wesley's. "Of course, Father."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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That’s not what I’m worried about.

It was hard to tell what exactly it was. From the possibility that her family was no longer at Mt. Bur-Omisace to them being there produced two entirely different scenarios with their own ups and downs. Of course, Savayna would love to see her parents again, but after things were left regarding Jaakuna and her failed marriage to her, the prospect of presenting yet another royal prince that she had gotten herself involved with wasn’t an alluring scenario for Savayna, especially not considering her father and how she left things with him.

As Grant had mentioned the likely situation of Jaakuna taking his airship with him when he left for Archadia with Lorenzo and Reia, Savayna was curious how they were going to get to Omisace. Surely Grant wasn’t thinking.. “We’re going to steal one of Lorenzo’s toys, aren’t we?Savayna asked, stopping as Grant walked a pace or so ahead of her.

As Emiri spoke, Jaakuna couldn’t help but notice that she avoided his promise to marry her. Of sorts. Did she not hear him or was she choosing not to hear? Jaakuna wasn’t sure, nor was he going to press her about it. But she did seem to be a little off. The way she was acting, the way her tone hinted at that, and just the overall air surrounding her was worrying Jaakuna.

He was going to ask if she was alright, but then she mentioned Reia and Lorenzo. Jaakuna shivered. That’s assuming we leave any time soon, Jaakuna said. He found himself sighing, annoyed for an obvious reason. Then, as he looked to Emiri, he saw her face.

And that’s when it hit him. The way she was looking. Not at him, but the way her eyes looked. They looked...empty? No, that’s not quite right. Neglected? Again, not right. Jaakuna couldn’t place it, but something about the way her eyes looked, the way they were glancing off into no direction in specific, increased his worry tenfold.

So, how's your head feeling? I mean, since yesterday's fight. Jaakuna said, giving Emiri a worried look.

Wesley looked on as Nadeline and Lorenzo talked about how they needed to protect each other. And how, if things got too bad, they should reuinte with the others. Again, Wesley agreed, nodding silently.

When she had hooked his arm, he would look towards Nadeline. A glance was shared, then his soft, noble eyes would go back to Lorenzo. They would share a look. Wesley couldn’t speak for Lorenzo, but the Dalmascian Prince gave Lorenzo a look that was essentially saying 'you can count on me to protect her', which he had previously stated. But the look was to enforce that sentiment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"I wouldn't say stealing so much as borrowing. Siblings do that often."

The prince paused as he spotted Wesley, Nadeline, and Lorenzo speaking. He figured Lorenzo was having a tough time saying goodbye to his daughter, even if he had the distraction of traveling with Reia to Archadia. It was a bittersweet moment for him, but Nadeline had made up her mind. Grant shifted in place uncomfortably, the realization also finally dawning on him. Without really thinking, he would put down his bag, walking over to her, and quickly pulling her into a hug.

Nadeline was confused at first, having been caught off guard, but as Grant pulled away, he would only smile. "Take care of yourself," He told her quietly as he would back away.

Lorenzo looked like he was about to cry again, and instead put his head on Grant's shoulder. "I can't believe she's abandoning us!" He wailed.

"No, Lorenzo, she's--"

"After everything we've done for her! My heart is crumbling, Grant! Crumbling!"

There was the Lorenzo he recognized. Yanking his shoulder away, he nodded at Wesley, ignoring Lorenzo's bawling for the moment. "Until next time," He said simply, picking up his bag and taking Savayna's hand in his as he would lead her away.

Reia paced her office with a rather nervous expression. Karolina watched her curiously, wondering what exactly was on the Empress' mind. Aloa watched her as well, though she seemed more amused than anything. When Reia came to a halt, the pair eyed her, only to nearly jump as Vlyn would enter the room.

"I've informed everyone that needed to know. You're all set to go, Eminence," Vlyn said, bowing. "The Council is aware and has agreed to put things to the side and will react accordingly upon your return."

Letting out a small sigh of relief, Reia nodded. "Thank you, Vlyn. I suppose that means I can finally depart," She said, striding across the room and exiting the door.

The trio followed suit, creating a small entourage as they would follow their Empress. Most of the servants they passed would bow to her, a few wishing her luck and others offering words of encouragement. She didn't know why she felt so pressured all of a sudden. But that kind of thinking would do her no good, and as she approached Jaakuna and Emiri, she decided she would just have to leave herself in their...capable hands.

As Reia entered the room, Lorenzo followed suit, sulking. He perked up slightly at the sight of his sister, shooting her a grin. "About time!" He boasted, placing his hands on his hips.

This earned him a glare. "An Empress leaving her country cannot simply up and leave. Unlike you, I have responsibilities," She reminded him, rolling her eyes. "Honestly..."

Emiri watched the siblings converse, though after a moment, she looked at Jaakuna. "It doesn't hurt anymore," She told him, a little relieved. "Though I can't say I won't get a headache from Lorenzo, he's a bit of a handful."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Savayna didn’t bother saying anything to the group, because the last encounter was brief. She didn’t have time to strike up a small conversation. She simply wavedto them, bidding them adieu. She then took her bags, and hurled them over her shoulder, once more following Grant as he led them towards Lorenzo’s garage. She wouldn’t say anything along the way, maybe striking up small talk here and there, but for the most part, she remained silent, not exactly feeling up for talking at the moment.

And there it was. After Grant and SAvayna had left, Reia was finally here. No doubt she had a lot of things to handle. But jesus woman, you sure took your sweet time doing it. Jaakuna thought it was going to take all day. But only all morning, from the looks of.

After there was a short conversation between the two Roselia siblings, Emiri would comment about Lorenzo. That made Jaakuna freeze. Mid-thought, he didn’t know how he was going to break it to her. How would he bring it up? Hey, so, I love you, you know that right? But, you need to stay here because you’re still recovering from last night. But don’t worry, I’ll call you when it’s all said and done. Yeah, Jaakuna that’ll only go so well. You only abandoned her so many times in the past, once without even saying anything.

Jaakuna let out a breath as quietly as he could. He looked to Emiri, knowing this had to be done. He loved her, but it had to be done. He said, I know you want to come, but I think it would be best if you were to, Jaakuna was forced to let that thought linger. His stomach felt like someone was repeatedly punching it. He wanted to open his mouth, but he couldn’t find the words. They were there; he knew they were there, but they wouldn’t come out. It was like something forbade him from saying it.

Come on, I gotta man up. I can’t do this again.

But despite that, Jaakuna’s voice never uttered those words. He simply scanned around the room, looking for an out. Like always, when it mattered, Jaakuna couldn’t do what needed to be done.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

'Stay' was probably the last word Jaakuna meant to say.

Her eyes were wide at the end of his sentence, though she couldn't quite shake off the rather bitter feeling resurfacing with a vengeance.

'As if I'm going to leave your side after what happened today.'

She felt so stupid, she should't have been surprised at all. Of course he'd want her to stay behind, she was a liability at this point. It was her own fault. But didn't he want her with him? Maybe hearing it from someone else was one thing, but why would Jaakuna say it to her? Tearing her gaze away from him, the unfortunate headache returned, though she was much better at hiding it this time. No, it was for the best, no matter how much she hated it right now. And she really, really hated it right now.

Emiri would stand up, her hands behind her back as she would turn to Jaakuna. She gave him a small, sad smile. "It's okay, I get it. Really, I do," She admitted, half-shrugging.

Lorenzo watched the pair carefully, though he noticed Reia was less than amused. Ignoring her for the moment, he placed his elbow on Emiri's shoulder, leaning on her for a moment. "Hey, hey, hey, no need for that face. Remember Anther? I'll take good care of your boy, you can count on that," He said confidently. "We'll be back before you know it. Just think of it as a fun field trip!"

"Fun for who?" Reia couldn't help but ask. "You are going to end up driving me insane by the time we get to Archades."

"To be fair, I do that on a daily basis." He informed her rather cheerfully. Reia muttered something under her breath, though Lorenzo ignored her again as he gave Emiri his attention, pinching her cheek. "Don't look so sad! It's gonna make Jaakie here all moody when we go."

Emiri pouted. "You all get to have fun and I get stuck here. Where's the justice in that?"

Lorenzo grinned, looking at Jaakuna. "Sounds like you're going to have to make it up to her. What do you think?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Like Empress Reia said, this isn’t a fun field trip. Honestly, I’d much rather kick it with you, go skinny—- Jaakuna stopped himself, catching the raised glances from Wesley and no doubt everyone else, —I mean enjoying your company, than returning home, setting up this treaty, JAakuna could just feel the lowkey shaming eyes on him. “Despite that, this is what we need right now. And in all honesty,” Jaakuna let his word trail as he would give Emiri a comforting glance, “you’re safer here than you are in Archadia with two royal siblings of Rozarria.” Jaakuna said, hearing Lorenzo’s words in his mind.

Though it’s true that Jaakuna would like to have her with him, the fact of the matter was that, with the treaty being in Archadia and Reia and Lorenzo being with him, there was a high chance of assassination attempts. Jaakuna couldn’t handle if Emiri was with him when/if that happened. He needed to know she was safe. The only place she would be safe at was in Rozarria, under the protection of Aloa and Vlyn.

I’m sorry if you aren’t happy with me right now. I know I’ve abandoned you once before, and this might feel like this again, Jaakuna said, recalling when he just upped and left Emiri overnight. But I promise when we get back, I’ll make it up to you. Just you wait. Jaakuna shot her a wink, then his trademark grin. Given the circumstance, it was the most he could muster up for her.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Lorenzo patted Emiri on the back, as if to reassure her of Jaakuna's words, and she would nod in return. With that being resolved, she would watch as Lorenzo dragged Reia along as they followed Jaakuna to the Ifrit. Emiri gave them a small wave, though now that they would actually leave, she felt completely crushed. She would feel another hand on her shoulder, and after seeing Nadeline, she shook her head.

"Nadeline, I..."

Nadeline would smile, instead pulling her into a hug. "I'll see you soon. Be well, alright?" She said as she would break away, eyeing her carefully. "You'll be fine. I believe in you."

Did she? That made one person in the room who would. Still, as she would watch Nadeline and Wesley leave, hand in hand, a pang of guilt and jealousy hit her. She should've just been honest with Jaakuna, she didn't want to be alone, now more then ever. Don't be selfish. What they're doing is important, too. She thought to herself, though it honestly didn't help her feel any better.

Grant let out a slight yawn as he would look around Lorenzo's garage. Despite having been there quite a few times, he still had difficulty finding anything in there. It wasn't that Lorenzo was messy, it was the opposite; the man had his own, strange way of organizing things, and liked everything to be set up a certain way. He claimed it was what helped his 'genius', but honestly, Grant figured he just did it because it was more convenient for him. To each his own, but right now, Grant was looking for a specific set of keys. As he opened the first drawer in the last row, he spotted the set he was looking for, spinning them on his finger in victory.

"Now we're set to go, your chariot awaits, my lady," He announced as he would head over to one of Lorenzo's bikes, beckoning her to follow. "This will get us to Mt. Bur-Omisace in a hurry. If there's one thing Lorenzo's good for, it's his technology."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When Jaakuna, Reia, and Lorenzo had left the castle/palace, they would do so in a carriage of sorts through the city, guarded by about six soldiers of the Rozarrian army that were to serve as their escort. It wouldn’t take long for the trio to get to the Aerodome, however, due to the lack of people on the streets. Though it was bumpy, on account of the leftover debris from the explosion in the magicite mines.

At the front desk of the Aerodome, the trio walked by the desk clerk. She would smile at Jaakuna, as she remembered him after the third time he came to stigma. However, her eyes widened in disbelief when not only she caught the glimpse of Lorenzo and Reia. While the latter simply ignored her, Lorenzo did something of wink accompanied by an idiotic grin. Jaakuna caught that, he also caught Reia scowling at Lorenzo.

Please don’t let it be like this the entire trip.

Jaakuna sighed, not looking forward to the trip.

When they got inside the section of the Aerodome where the many airships were held at, they would go to one that was unique for larger airships like the Ifrit. As they were on a platform, blue and green light emitting from magicite shot down, surrounding the three and their belongings. It took only three seconds until they were warped up so fast that, before they knew what either of them, the trio were inside the Ifrit. As to which part of the Ifrit they were in, it was near the engines, which was where the Beaming Station was located.

“Welcome back, Master Jaakuna,” Iris said.

Thank you, Iris, Jaakuna said, please set a course for Archadia. And please also alert my brother, Roman, that I am coming home with Empress Reia and Prince Lorenzo. Tell him that I will tell him the details on a private, secure channel.

“Right away,” Iris said.

Oh and Iris.


Please make it snappy. We cannot waste any time. Jaakuna said.

“Of course, Master Jaakuna.” Iris said.

Once their conversation ended, Jaakuna would turn to Reia and Lorenzo, who no doubt had questions of what that voice was. Oh, I apologize. That was, um, Jaakuna paused for a moment as he couldn’t help but notice Lorenzo. He was acting rather odd, more so than usual. Um, you all good over there, Lorenzo?

When they got inside Lorenzo’s Garage, Savayna couldn’t help but snicker a bit. He certainly wasn’t kidding when Lorenzo was all about technology. Everything from boats to motorcycles were present. To think that someone like Lorenzo had such a gifted mind for these machines. Sounds like someone else she knew, another loud-mouthed blonde. She laughed again.

When Grant referred to her as “my lady”, she punched him in the arm. Hard. She ignored his face for about half of a moment until she got on after he did. There seemed to be a part of the bike that was rather spacious, which would allow their bags to be placed in. Speaking of, Savayna had to do something about her cape. It wouldn’t do any good getting caught in the engine. So, she pressed a button on her breastplate, and her cape got sucked upward as if from a vacuum, and it was gone.

Fine, let’s just get going then. Savayna didn’t want to waste any time. There was no need to. Not like her father or mother would be at Omisace.

As she got on, she simply waited for Grant to get them out of Stigma and to the land of hypothetically disappointing parents.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

The blonde haired man was scrutinizing every detail of the Ifrit, muttering to himself. He was making several observations, his face scrunched deep in thought as he would guess the materials, the calculations made for the ship, wondering who had made the blueprints and where he could ask. His eyes were burning with a passion that would put the sun itself to shame as his eyes darted this way and that. The teleporter was a refined, updated waystone, this much he was definitely sure, using approximately three hundred times the amount of Mist a normal Waystone would use. No, it would have to be more considering the speed they had come, unless the teleporter was equipped with a Mist filter, in which case it wouldn't use as much Mist to compensate for the new stone? He was ninety nine percent sure that the metals used were a mixture, he had seen the same of other Archadian ships, but he would daresay that the Ifrit had maybe four or five metals instead of the standard two or three. Not only was the build itself a marvel, but the ship boasted both functionality and style! Truly a sight to behold! No wonder the Ifrit was on all the watchlists; Archadia was probably kicking itself in the shin for letting such a magnificent peace of work out of its hands! All this and he hadn't even examined the engine yet!

Reia, on the other hand, was a little more nonchalant to the whole ordeal. She was more than well aware that Archadia was much more technologically ahead than Rozarria. It wasn't that it wasn't impressive--she found many aspects quite fascinating, actually--it was more that technology itself never really interested her personally. The strange voice was something else though, especially since it responded to Jaakuna. Lorenzo would perk up immediately, staring at the ceiling. Reia let out a slight sigh as she would shake her head. She definitely recognized that look, though unfortunately, Jaakuna questioned it.

A shine emitted from one of Lorenzo's eyes, his muttering now much more audible as he would point to the ceiling. "An artifical intelligence!" He finished Jaakuna's statement, a crazy grin on his face. "But not just any old A.I., a self-reactive assistant capable of steering the ship and having complete control over any and all of the ship's various amenities and controls! She even calculates arrival times! The complexity behind it is astounding!"

Reia stared at Lorenzo blankly, having absolutely no idea what he was talking about. "...Perhaps...a tour of the facilities is in order...?" She asked rather hesitantly, as if afraid of Lorenzo's reaction.

Lorenzo was bouncing like a kid in a candy shop. "A tour! That's a great idea!"

As Grant would climb in, he couldn't help but notice Savayna's rather nonchalant attitude about the whole situation. He really thought she would be happy with the situation, but he wasn't quite sure what was bringing her down. Well, there was always the fact that she hadn't seen her family in a while. Perhaps they weren't on good terms? It sure would make things harder for him, wouldn't it?

"Do try to contain your excitement." He couldn't help but tell her as the ship would take off.

The palace was quiet, the absence of the Empress causing most operations to be put on hold. Any servants that were around were tending to their business quietly, the guards at their stations as they always would be. It was oddly nostalgic as Emiri roamed the halls, recalling that only silence accompanied her. Back then it was a comfort, but now the only thing it did was remind her just how alone she really felt.

A part of her was still in shock; she really didn’t think Jaakuna would leave her behind. It hurt to think she was nothing more than a burden the way she was now. She was always so independent before, now she felt weak again. Had she learned nothing? He had thought it was for the best. Their conversation from last night replayed in her head, and she felt nothing but bitterness. Sorrow. Frustration. Betrayal. Desperation. The emotions swam around in her heart freely, her mind an utter mess of thoughts that came and went as they pleased.

She winced, the familiar sensation of pain filling her head. Of course the pains would return, as if she didn’t have enough to deal with. They would come in fiercely, though they would subside after a moment. She didn’t feel well at all, but lying in bed was the last thing she wanted to do. She wanted to do…well, something. Anything. Anything that would distract her from her feelings of betrayal and abandonment.

Don’t be so dramatic, She couldn’t help but mentally reprimand herself. This is exactly why you ended up in this situation.

She ended up wandering back into her old room, and let herself fall onto her bed. She let out a rather frustrated groan, burying her head in the sheets. Maybe a nap would fix things. No, it wouldn't, it's been far too long since she slept in a bed by herself, and she missed his presence terribly.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Unlike Jaakuna, Reia, and Lorenzo, WEsley and Nadeline didn’t have the Ifrit to take them to Dalmasca. And quite frankly, Wesley much preferred the leisure way of travelling that normal, commercial airships provided. It not only gave him plenty of time to spend with Nadeline before they arrived in Dalmasca, but it also gave WEsley more time to contemplate exactly what he was going to say to his family and how he came to this decision. But it was mainly the former.

As soon as the pair got their tickets, Wesley opted going to the cabins as soon as he could. While he would love to do some sightseeing, he has seen enough of Ivalice from the air to last a lifetime. Besides, he had to mentally prepare himself for what was about to happen in just mere hours. It had been weighing heavily on his mind. There was no doubt in his mind that Nadeline caught onto that. He wasn’t his usual talkative self and didn’t seem to be observant of most things. Like, right as they had gotten their tickets, it took him a delayed moment to thank the front desk clerk.

And when he got into their cabin, Wesley had to force himself to smile outwardly despite the rest of him feeling all kinds of anxiety, something that Wesley was a stranger to. He didn’t know how to handle.

WEsley took a seat on one of the arm chairs spread in front of the window. He gazed out into the open skies as the clouds slowly passed. What seemed like minutes, Wesley was completely silent, seemingly deep in thought. Even if Nadeline were to say anything, he most definitely didn’t hear her. There was a large part of him that was muting most outside noise.

Or maybe you should turn down your own. Savayna retorted back. No matter what Grant tried to do or how he wanted to get her into a better mood, Savayna wasn’t going to pretend and seem excited for this trip. Her morale was at an all-time low. There was hardly anything that Grant could say or do that would make her change that. Just drive. The quicker we get there, the quicker we can leave. Savayna said, grabbing a hold of Grant’s waist.

She simply would wait for him to get them moving. She had nothing left to say on the matter.

Whoa now, Lorenzo, Jaakuna would interrupt Lorenzo halfway through his speech, Iris is much more than a simple A.I. What you’re describing is the prototype version of what operates the ship in whole.” Jaakuna corrected Lorenzo, yes indeed, she’s more than meets the eye. She’s not just an A.I. that the Archadians have developed, but she’s a member of this crew. Without her, I would have died several—

Just as Jaakuna was about to recall something, he was interrupted by Reia. She suggested a tour. “A tour! Thats a great idea!” Jaakuna had said in unison with Lorenzo, prompting Jaakuna to look at Lorenzo. Did he just find his new best friend?

As the moment passed, Jaakuna coughed, clearing his throat.Um, yes, well, I suppose we got a lot of time to kill, Jaakuna said, Iris, how soon until we get to Archadia?

“In calculating the current windy weather conditions and airship regulations, we should arrive there in five hours.” Iris informed Jaakuna.

Oh, then I suppose we have plenty of time for a tour. Jaakuna said, snickering with a grin on his face. He turned to REia and Lorenzo. Fine then, let’s begin the tour! Jaakuna said, pointing to the first item on the list. It was a door just to the left of them.

As he would lead them through it, they would find themselves inside what Jaakuna considered to be one of the most impressive parts of the ship: the engine room. It was a massive room that had a few rows of monitors and tables, all of which that were facing the main engine. It was impressive to say the least. Each time Jaakuna came in here to run the daily tests, he forgotten how impressive it was. An engine that was one giant magicite. It was blue with hints of white, silver, and green. It was of circular nature and it oozed Mist. The amount of mist, if left constantly in check, was enough to destroy any large city ten times over. If one listened closely, they could probably hear the whispers of the mist echoing throughout the room.

Well, here is the engine room. Any thoughts, questions, or compliments - please speak now or forever be in awe!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Wesley was stressed.

It was the understatement of the century, really, and more than obvious. Nadeline was more then positive that he was nodding off to her words out of politeness, though once they had stepped into their cabinet, not even that would remain. He seemed to be deep in thought, all but ignoring anything she was saying to him. Not that she was saying anything important at the moment, but she had hoped she could be a slight distraction for him. She honestly had no idea what to do; despite all her talk about supporting him, what exactly was she supposed to do? Stay by his side and simply nod at every decision? Steer him in the right direction? But what was the right direction? Now that she really thought about it, she was actually at a loss. Despite knowing her whole life that someday she would be married off and live as a queen, now that it was happening, she felt very unsure of herself.

Still, she wasn't about to lose hope just yet. If Wesley was lost, then it was her job to put him on the right path.

Nadeline wandered over to Wesley, placing both her hands on his shoulders. He was tense. Super tense. She would then slide her hands under his coat, the act coming off as slightly sensual, though that wasn't her purpose. Instead she would knead her knuckles onto his stiff shoulder blades, her hands gently massaging his shoulders.

She would lean down, placing a light kiss on his cheek. "It'll be alright," She told him quietly, lifting her hands off of him and wrapping them around him. "Whatever you need, I'll be here. Talk to me, what troubles you so?"

To say Grant was disappointment would be putting it lightly. He couldn't help but get sulky, doing as Savayna commanded and the ship would start, lifting them above the ground. Pressing a few buttons, the garage door would open, granting him access, and they were off. Lorenzo had worked on it somewhat since they last rode it; the ride seemed much smoother than before, the controls less clunky and more obedient to his commands. He nodded in approval, though as they would soar, he really wanted to know why Savayna was being so moody--rather, more pessimistic than anything. Still, he couldn't quite bring himself to ask, and would much rather ride in silence then risk facing her wrath.

A sigh escaped him, entirely on accident, though he figured it was a sign. He would then pull the ship back, and they would come to a temporary halt. He would then turn around to look at Savayna, a very serious look on his face.

"If you really don't want to go, I'd rather you say something now," He told her, a slight frown on his face. "We could just forget about the whole thing and meet Jaakuna in Archades."

Reia looked around curiously, unable to understand anything the pair spoke of. They were two regular peas in a pod, and she could feel a headache coming on already. Lorenzo, on the other hand, was having the time of his life, especially now that he could see his predictions were correct. The magicite definitely had a filter, just as he thought, though it seemed to have been combined with some sort of mechanism. A reader, he guessed, that Iris could read and respond to. It was genius, he was more than sure her calculations could either pump out more power as needed or cool things down and preserve energy. But wouldn't that mean the conductors would have to be especially precise for any sudden changes? Even with top-notch technology that was something to calculate. He ended up craning his neck to get as close a look as possible, only to get pulled back by Reia.

"Honestly..." She shook her head at him, pointing at Jaakuna. "If you have something to ask, say it instead of sticking your head in there!"

"Huh? OH!" Lorenzo raised his hand, as if he was in school. "Say, who built this ship? Are there any blueprints around?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When he felt her arms around him, WEsley didn’t respond instantly. He was too focused on what was going to happen once they arrived in Dalmasca. That truly meant the end of his Ivalice-wide adventures. No more going around the world with his friends. No more going inn to inn. oNo more seeing the world for how it was. No more enjoying the hospitality of foreign lands. There was no more of that. This last commercial flight on an airship was all that was left of his adventure.

And therein lies the root of his distance from planet Ivalice.

As he looked at Nadeine, whose eyes were looking at him the whole time, he found himself lost in them, softly smiling. Once again, she was the one person who got him to smile. It’s just, after these next hours, that’s it, he said, after these last hours on this commercial airship, my days as an adventurer is over. I knew it wasn’t going to last forever. I knew that it would eventually come to an end, but it never occurred to me that it would come this soon. Wesley was distressed. His voice went from a shock of the realization to shaking ‘I refuse to believe it’. It was all over the spectrum. But, what I am fearing the most is that my country wouldn’t want a king who flaked after his father’s death. They’ll see me as a coward; that they’ll see me as — Wesley stopped himself. He knew what he was going to say. Instead, he shook his head, small drops of liquid possibly being shaken from his eyes.

He hated feeling like this. He hated it because Wesley Alexander of Dalmasca wasn’t this kind of guy. He wasn’t one to show his emotions in such a way.that were out of his control. Most of all, WEsley hated it because, deep down, he knew that he wasn’t fit to be king. He wasn’t a man like his father was. When the tough got going, Wesley of Dalmasca went along with it. He ran away. IT might not have seemed like that at the time. Sure, he told himself that there was a higher calling to go with Jaakuna and the others. But now that it was all said and done, Wesley had to face his choices. He was going to be a king. Or at least inform his mother, as well as his sister, Cassandra, and the rest of Dalmasca, that he wanted to assume his birthright as King of Dalmasca.

But they wouldn't accept me. Not after I ran. Not after I abandoned them after my father’s death. I left to go on an adventure. Pathetic. Pitiful.

I fear they’ll see me as someone not worthy of their devotion. They need a strong king, Nadeline, not some weak prince who couldn’t even deliver on the oath he made to bring his father’s killer to justice. Wesley, unbeknownst to him, was balling his fists up so tight that blood was drawn from his barely-cut fingernails. The pain probably hadn’t even registered with him.

Did I ever say that? No, I didn’t, Savayna retorted. You want to meet my father and mother so bad, so instead of trying to give me reasons to change my mind, let's leave already." And that was the last thing Savayna would say about that. Even if Grant wanted to press further, the look in her eyes would show Grant that he would be fighting a losing battle. He could try if he wanted, but the more he would quesiton her, the worse it would get for him.

Jaakuna couldn’t help but snicker at Lorenzo. He asked who built the ship. Jaakuna didn’t know if he wanted to divulge that secret or not. Well, it wasn’t so much a secret, but Lorenzo didn’t know it, so maybe it could be considered a secret.

In actuality, a lot of people in Archadia knew of the mastermind who built The Ifrit. He wasn’t really one of those that built a lot of ships. Actually, the Ifrit was his one and only creation. He thought that, if he could create the most advanced warship that Archadia had ever knwon, then maybe he didn’t need to build a lot of insignificant ships. All he needed was that very one that would set his name in the record books.

And so it did. After he finished it, his name was placed in the history books. He gained recognition beyond anthing he had for things he’d done in the past.

You know, the person that built this ship is an amazing man. He was not only a part-time engineer, but he was a soldier for the Archadian Army. Impressive man to say the least. He might not have been the kind of man to create loads of ships, but he made this beaut, so no doubt that he had a lot of potential for technology. After he completed the Ifrit, he received award after award from Archadia. Skip forward a few years , he was charged with the murder of his father, so he disappeared. But he wasn’t going to leave without his master invention,Jaakuna shot both Reia and Lorenzo a grin, that’s right! This ‘he’ I speak of is me, Jaakuna Darcone! I am the best engineer of all time! JAakuna proudly boasted, looking directly at Lorenzo.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

The princess actually had to bite her lip for a moment, trying to stifle a giggle as she would look at Wesley. "Is that all? Wesley, that's something everyone has had to deal with at some point in their life," She gently reminded him, placing both her hands on his in an effort to get him to relax. "In our own eyes, we will never be good enough to rise to the occasion. There's always some reason or another stopping us from going forward, when the truth of the matter is that it's frightening. We don't know what the future holds for us, but that only means we are the only ones who can shape it."

She was being completely honest at that point, though perhaps she had assumed too much. Still, she had said it anyway, and decided to roll with it. "Even if you truly feel inadequate, even if you truly believe you won't be a great king, you can always count on me. You're not alone anymore, not with me around. I will do my best to guide you as you need it. You may become king, but that doesn't mean you become this pillar of solitude."

Lorenzo stared at Jaakuna for a moment, though rather than disbelief, instead confusion was on his face. He then scoffed, much to Reia's surprise, and he crossed his arms. He seemed to be in thought for a moment, as if trying to assess whether or not Jaakuna was telling the truth. He peered at the man, though it seemed that he was trying to remember something. Reia raised an eyebrow at him, slightly suspicious. She figured he'd be either jumping for joy or on the floor kissing Jaakuna's feet.

After a moment, Lorenzo snapped his fingers. "I remember now! It was Jackson Darcone that was famous in Archadia for being one of the youngest engineers in Archadian history!" He seemed very proud of himself for remembering, though he furrowed his brow at Jaakuna. "What, are you related to him or something, Jaakie?"

Reia nearly staggered, though she stared at him. "He is Jackson. Are you truly that dense?"

"What?! Really?! You mean your name isn't actually Jaakie?!" Lorenzo gasped rather dramatically, even taking a step back. After a second though, he would recompose himself. "Though I like 'Jaakie' better then 'Jackson'."

"I...feel like your shock is misplaced..."

By some miracle, she had managed to close her eyes and drift away for a moment, though as she would sit up, she couldn't help but feel worse. No, it had nothing to do with her head, but her body was aching. She felt so...tired. Perhaps because she hadn't eaten anything at all? No, this was more than fatigue. Every muscle in her body went against her will, wanting only to rest. Emiri let out a groan as she would lay back down, an arm over her head. She almost wanted to go back to sleep, but her headache returned, and now it was just cumbersome. It was a little sharper then usual, though as she would force herself to sit up once more, she nearly jumped out of her skin as she spotted someone on the balcony.

How had she not seen him? He was very still, watching something in the distance. The wind blew his black hair around him, and as he would tuck a lock behind his ear, he would notice her. He was deathly pale, his eyes a dark, deep gray, almost black. His clothes were more on the casual side, though he was dressed entirely in black and white. He smiled, deciding now was a good time to approach her, and a small panic rose in her head.

Forcing herself to get up, she would jump to her feet, though she would remember she had no weapon. Great. "You're trespassing." She informed him rather coldly, deciding to stand her ground.

"Really? But I was invited," He cheerfully responded, clearly not seeing her as a threat as he would simply waltz into the room. "Everyone knows Rozarria is infamous for its privacy, a nobody would never be able to wander the halls without permission."

She didn't want to admit it, but he was right. "Then who are you?"

"A friend," He replied simply, holding out a hand to her. "After all, you were the one who invited me, Emiri."

He knew her name--well, her fake name. How? He didn't look familiar to her at all. She wasn't sure if she could believe him, though he didn't look hostile at all. But there was something she couldn't quite put her finger on, something in her heart that told her not to trust him. Karolina was probably busy with the Council, but maybe she could somehow get Aloa to come by. If she was even around, who knows where she is, She thought, contemplating her next move.

To her surprise, the man frowned. "What is it?"

She shook her head. "I don't know how you knew my name, but that alone doesn't give me enough reason to trust in you." She said.

"Good point," He would drop his hand, a rather mysterious smile on his face. "Let's see...I do know many things about you. I know that for many years you've been a hunter, I know that you've been sailing around the world on a wanted airship with a wanted criminal, I know you were previously engaged to Prince Grant."

"Those things are public knowledge." She pointed out.

He would walk over to her, causing her alarm, though he would simply take a seat on the bed. "I understand. You would rather I divulge deeper, more intimate details. Like your betrothal, perhaps? Only a few people bar the royalty of Archadia know about that. Or maybe something simple, like the fact that your favorite color was violet until you fell in love with a sky pirate, in which now you find yourself preferring red. There's also the fact that you wanted to originally become a soldier in the army, just like your father. How about that you hate your hair loose because it reminds you of your mother--" Emiri visibly blanched at that point. "--Oh, forgive me, is it too soon? It's a shame what happened, really."

How did he know any of those things? The first one, maybe word had gotten around, but she had never told anyone about the rest. She narrowed her eyes as he would raise his hand again, beckoning her. "That's..."

"All truths. I know everything there is to know about you," He said as he would stand.

"What do you want from me, then?" She asked. "I have nothing to offer you."

There was that smile of his again. "Actually, you do." He stated, walking right up to her. She backed away, only to hit the dresser behind her. "You have that little gift of yours, don't you? But that is not what I want. What I'd really like is your heart."

Emiri nearly laughed, shaking her head at him. "If this is your attempt at wooing a woman, I daresay you could use some more practice."

"Oh, not romantically," He corrected her, as he would take her hand in his. "I want your heart to be mended. I am well aware that it is currently shattered into a million pieces. Why would Jaakuna leave you behind like that?" That hurt more than she wanted to admit. As she looked away, he would gently place his hand under her chin, pointing her face towards him again. "Fear not. I won't abandon you."

She didn't respond. Though the sound of footsteps alarmed her to someone else's presence, and Emiri would duck away from the man as Aloa entered the room. "Do you feel better?" The viera asked her.

Emiri was surprised that she hadn't mentioned the man, though when she turned to look at him, he was gone. Had he fled? "I...I'm fine. Just tired," She admitted.

Aloa seemed to notice something in the air. "...Rest, then. It will do you well," She said slowly, looking around the room.

"Is something wrong?"

Aloa paused, as if contemplating the answer. "No," Was her simple, unconvincing response as she would turn and leave.

Emiri let out a breath she wasn't aware she was holding, and she looked around herself. Where had he gone off to now? Should she have notified Aloa? She was beginning to think she was imagining things. And yet, as she really thought about it as she would sit on her bed again, she was disturbed. He knew so many intimate details about her, things she had never shared with anybody. Even her preference to red! That wasn't something she would ever casually bring up in a conversation.

What's wrong with me? She noticed her own body tensing up, her hands on the side of her head. He's probably just trying to trick me. This much she was sure of. Though the more she thought about it, the more...familiar he seemed. Somehow. How was that possible?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

And that was why Wesley loved this woman next to him. Whenever she felt down, he picked her up, and whenever he felt down, she would return the favor. It didn’t matter how down he got, she was always there to raise him up, even if he didn’t feel like it was worth it. He had done that for her several times over, so perhaps this was the scions evening things out for the two of them.

On the thought of that, WEsley let out a low laugh, almost inaudible. What did I do to deserve a queen as wonderful as you? Wesley would ask her. He was also asking himself as if uncertain.

Yeah, what Reia said.

Jaakuna couldn’t believe he was in agreement with Reia. Grant must never know of this. He would surely have my head if he heard I agreed with Reia. Jaakuna looked at the two of them, seeing how their sibling dynamic was nothing compared to that of Jaakuna and Vincent’s. Maybe ROman and Jaakuna’s, but certainly not the former. Of course he seen it at Stigma, but seeing it in front of him at this close proximity, it brought soemthing to Jaakuna’s attention: Reia was the mature one.

Yup, definitely don’t let Grant find out about this.

Jaakuna shook his head as if shaking off whatever thoguht crept up on him. He then would respond to Lorenzo by saying, when you’re running away from your homeland, a name change is paramount. Jaakuna looked over to Reia with a half-grin, “sort of like Emiri did back in the good ole days.” Jaakuna was expecting a scowl, some remark, or both. "We even had our repsective, blonde hunter. I had Savayna, and Emiri had me, then Harris." Jaakuna stroked his imaginary beard, "ah those were the days."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Nadeline was very happy Wesley had asked, and she was unable to hide her mischievous smile as she would go to his side, kneeling next to him. She placed her hand on his, squeezing it tightly as she looked up at him.

"You did everything you needed to," She told him. "Wesley, in all honesty, you had me at 'hello'. If it was a spell you cast on me, I'd do everything in my power to keep it going, if only it meant I would stay by your side," She smiled, feeling a little nostalgic. "Your kindness, your nobleness, your dedication to your brethren and your country...it's admirable and more. I adore you more with every day that passes. To be your queen is more than an honor, though as a person, I admit that our time together has shown me everything I needed to know about you."

She then let out a slight giggle. "If you hadn't proposed to me already, I believe my little speech would have been grounds for one."

Lorenzo shrugged, waving Jaakuna's concern away. "I prefer Jaakie. It's more rugged and manly, the way a man's name should be." He grinned, punching his sister's shoulder and earning him a glare. "A man's name is his pride after all!"

Reia couldn't help but roll her eyes, and made an attempt at a sane conversation. "So, do show the rest of the ship, it would make a poor tour if we finished here."

"Yeah! I need to see the rest of it!" Lorenzo agreed as he would warp his arm around Reia's shoulder. "It's a real treat, getting to soar in a beauty like this!"

Reia shot him another look, but Lorenzo would essentially drag her along.

Emiri knelt down, bringing up the bed skirt as she would look under the bed. No, he wasn’t there either. She had no idea how he had escaped so quickly, but he didn’t seem to be around anymore. He wasn’t under the bed, in the closet, or hiding behind the dresser. Clucking her tongue, she would stand up and smooth the wrinkles out of her dress. If he was gone, so be it and good riddance. As she let out a sigh of relief, she decided that she may as well get out for some fresh air. Making her way to the garden, she was pleased to feel the wind pick up around her, though it would quickly turn into an annoyance as her hair whipped around her. She rummaged through her pockets, deciding to tie it up, only to find her hair tie gone. How could that be? She had it earlier before everyone left, had she dropped it on her way out?

It was then she spotted the man again, kneeling and examining some flowers. What was he doing here? He looked up at her and straightened up. “We meet again,” He said as she approached him.

She had little reason to believe this was coincidence. “You sure escaped quickly. A specialty of yours?” She asked.

I’ll make sure not to stray too far from you if you missed me so much,” He replied, grinning. “Just ask, and I’m yours forever.

Emiri scowled at him. “Seriously?” She asked.

A bit over the top, yes, but I can tell you’re feeling lonely. You’d very much like to be with someone right now, don’t you?

What I’d like is for you to come out with what you really want,” She cut straight to the point. “You ran away when Aloa showed up, which I can guess is because you didn’t want to be seen by her. What is your true intention?

He frowned at her accusation, although he seemed somewhat amused. “I meant what I said. I want to mend your broken heart. A lady is much more beautiful when she is happy and whole, you see.” It was comments like that one that made Emiri suspicious. He seemed to have gotten the hint, though, and would instead bow down to her. “Call me Keiran for now. I know it doesn’t look like it, but given time, you’ll turn to my way.

Emiri believed that he wanted her trust for some reason. But why? What was his angle? Did he want something to do with the royal family? No, he might’ve gone for Karolina if that were the case. She eyed him carefully, trying to sum him up, so to speak. He didn’t look particularly strong, she figured if it came down to it, she could probably take him in a physical fight.

His jaw dropped as he backed away a few steps. “That’s a really scary look on your face,” He commented, his eyes wide.

The brunette scoffed, crossing her arms as she glared at him. “You’re getting on my nerves,” She informed him.

Good, that means I can get under your skin,” He replied, clearly pleased, though he would beckon her to follow him. “Let’s get going, then.

Going? Where?” She asked, watching him walk away.

He grinned again. “Your powers should be stable enough. We should go see Andre and alleviate him a bit, don’t you think?

What? She didn’t even realize she hadn’t vocalized her confusion until she found herself running after Keiran. “What do you mean ‘alleviate’? Has…has he gotten worse?” She asked him. “You know something, don’t you?!

No idea, but I do know that you can do something about it,” Keiran replied as he would lead the way. “Your head might not be totally in the game, but the rest of you is in tip-top shape.

He seemed more sure of that then she did. “I know everything there is to know about you,” He reminded her. “And I know this is a step in the right direction.

The pair stopped outside of Andre’s door, Emiri looking at Keiran hesitantly. Jaakuna didn’t think it was a good idea to be using her powers. Still, as Keiran would invite her in, she couldn’t help but follow him, and as she saw Andre again, she could feel her previous bitterness returning. Of course she should help her father, he was suffering, this was as plain as day. At the very least she could do as Keiran said and help him out a little.

As Emiri looked down at her father, Keiran looked at her curiously. He would then stand behind her, lifting both her arms up, as if controlling her movement. “You can do this,” He encouraged her gently, gripping her wrists.

I can do this.

I want to do this.

I have to.

Soon, the mist around them would change, the hand of time itself going backwards. Just a little bit, just enough to help her father. The color returned to his skin, his breathing more consistent. But as she wanted to go further, she felt Keiran’s hands leave hers. As she turned to as what was wrong, she was yanked away from her father, coming face to face with Karolina.

What are you doing?!” She exclaimed, shaking Emiri. “Have you forgotten yesterday already?

I’m helping him!” Emiri didn’t realize her voice matched Karolina’s in desperation. “I can’t sit around and do nothing while my father lays on death’s door! I can’t do it, Karolina…I can’t!

To her surprise, Karolina would clasp her hand tightly. “I know that, but you have to have patience. Look at how pale you are, you aren’t well, my dear.

What was she talking about? Though before she could respond, she felt the entire world shake. No, it wasn’t the world, she was shaking. Her knees gave way, and Karolina barely managed to catch her before she hit the ground. She was sweating—was she sick? How hadn’t she noticed before? As she looked at Karolina, she couldn’t help but feel like she was losing her mind.

A soft groan distracted the pair, and Emiri scrambled to her feet as Andre would awaken. “Papa!” She gasped, her eyes widening as he would look around.

Emelia? What—where am I?” He seemed utterly confused.

Karolina hesitated for a moment, though she would concede defeat as she would press a button. In a manner of seconds, a nurse appeared at the door. “Lord Andre has awoken, summon the doctor to tend to him,” She ordered, taking Emiri’s hand. “I know you want to be with him, but I’d rather the doctor look him over first, alright?

Emiri nodded. She’d do anything if it meant that she could see her father again. “Yes, I’ll go lie down, and then I’ll come back for him, okay?” She promised her, her eyes bright. “I can’t believe he woke up…

The woman let out a sigh, nodding. “Of course.

Keiran was waiting for Emiri in her room, twirling a snapdragon flower between his fingers as he was laying down on her bed. Once she would enter, he would look over at her, clearly pleased at her better mood. Once she spotted him, she approached him, and he would sit up. He offered her the flower as he spoke, “All you needed was a little faith.

She would take the flower from him, holding it tightly. “You were right. Papa is awake…and it’s thanks to you,” She told him as she would sit down next to him. “How did you know that was all he needed?

It was then Keiran would frown. He gave her a very serious look. “Honestly…I figured he was going to die unless you did something,” He admitted.

I thought so, too,” She paused for a moment. “You left again when Karolina came. Why?

I didn’t want anyone to think I pressured you into doing something you didn’t want to do. But now that it’s done, you feel a lot better, right?

I do. I’m so glad…but I’m kinda tired, too.

Keiran would then readjust himself, patting the area next to him. “Lay down,” He instructed her. Once she would lay down on her side with her back to him, he gently ran his fingers through her hair. “Relax, you’ve earned some rest.

She did. Papa was alright, and even though she was tired, she felt really, really good about it. As she drifted off to sleep, Keiran let out a small sigh, watching her. “Rest easy, I have a lot in store for you.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Wesley remembered when he had proposed to Nadeline as if was yesterday. Okay, well maybe it was just a few days before yesterday. But still, he recalled it vividly. He wasn’t in the best of conditions, as they were just coming from one of their adventures. What exactly it was slipped Wesley’s mind, but he remembered being in the med bay of the Ifrit, nearly on injury’s doorstep, and looking at Nadeine and how worried she looked. He remembered how seeing her worry about him was what made him make an impromptu proposal. It wasn’t the most romantic of things to do. He didn’t even have a proper ring until much later, but Wesley knew he had to do it. It was worth it, though. To see the look on her face when he said those words “Nadeline will you marry me,” was all the proof that he needed.

And yet, Wesley was here feeling inadequate about the kind of man he was. He was feeling inferior as the kind of king his people would see him as, and worst of all, the kind of man that Nadeine would had seen him as. The latter was probably the worst of all because he hadn’t even expressed that vocally. And after hearing her words, he wasn’t going to, especially after hearing her words. They were proof enough that he needed to stop having this pity party he was throwing for himself. Even if he did feel like he wasn’t going to be as good of a king as his father was, it didn’t matter. As an Alexander, he didn’t have the time to feel bad about himself, much less continue it when he had someone who could help share the burden.

I know not how you do it, but you always seem to make me to be captivated by your beautiful spirit more and more each, passing day. Wesley said, holding Nadeline’s hands as tight as he could without causing her pain. He simply looked at her, then the skies. I know this will be one of my last times seeing the skies of Ivalice from this height, so I want to savor it for as long as I can. Can we just...watch it together?Wesley asked, his voice almost somber.

Oh, right, Jaakuna shook his head. Right then way, then.

Jaakuna would lead Reia and Lorenzo out of the Engine Room, and into various areas of the ship. Over the course of an hour, they would be shown the barracks, the kitchen, the armory, and the lounge. All of those got certain reactions from both Reia and Lorenzo. Reia had her musings from what Jaakuna could tell, but Lorenzo had more vocal reactions. By the end of it, Jaakuna had gotten three headaches.

Was this what Emiri was referring to when she told me about getitng headahces? Is this why Nadeline and Reia constantly berate Lorenzo? God, now I see why. It was fortunate for Jaakuna’s, as well as Lorenzo’s, well-being that they had just turned into the impressive Med Bay of the Ifrit, because Jaakuna was in some major need of aspirin. Or something that would quell his headache.

And here is the Med Bay. Probably the most used portion of the ship, Jaakuna said. Fun fact: I was once in a several-hour coma on that very bed, Jaakuna pointed to the one directly in front of him, good times — Jaakuna was inturrupted by the off-balance shaking of the Ifrit, it sending all three hurling to the left for about five paces or so. Jaakuna landed against the bed he was just pointing to neck-first. It didn’t cause any significant damage, but now Jaakuna had more than just a headache to worry about.Iris, what’s going on?!JAakuna shouted.

“My apologies, Master Jaakuna. We seemed to hit a bit of Mist Turbulence —” Iris was cut off by yet another round of Mist-infused turbulence, sending the trio on another rolling binge, this time in the opposite direction in almost twice the amount of paces. Mist Turbulence wasn’t always a big thing in Ivalice. From time to time, Jaakuna would encounter it, but it was never this bad. Perhaps, with Zodiark running amok and all the Espers gone, it was way worse than it had been in the past.

That’s a thing?

It’s more than just a thing, Jaakuna. It’s the direct result of Zodiark meddling with the Mist Fields of Ivalice. It’s only a matter of time before it starts to cause world-wide disasters. Belias said.

Just fucking terrific.Jaakuna muttered under his breath. Hey, you two alright? Sorry about that. I guess Zodiark is dicking around. Jaakuna cursed something else under his breath. This wa snot how he planned his trip back home.

By the time came that Jaakuna was back upright, the ship had passed whatever shitfest was that Mist Turbulence. Whatever had happened, they were closer to Archadia than they were before. Good thing is that we’re in the Med Bay, so if either of y’all are feeling like shit, best to get it checked out here, lest you get fucked even worse.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Nadeline would gladly comply with Wesley's wish, though she couldn't help but get caught in the mood. Even if it was the end, was it really so bad? Perhaps the taste of freedom and being able to do as they pleased had gotten to him. She didn't want to believe it would truly be the last time, but she couldn't argue too much against it either. Still, it wasn't the time to be sulking, so she would simply sit with him, staring out at the sky.

"What's all this?"

Grant would have the ship come to a halt once more, although this time it wasn't completely of his own volition. An enormous crowd of people was blocking the mountain path, and he wasn't about to run anyone over. They all seemed to be protesting something, though by the time Grant parked, some of the people had decided to turn around and leave. Something was definitely happening, this much he knew for sure.

As he would open the door, a cold wind would enter, though he ignored it for the most part and got out. He extended a hand to Savayna. "Let's see what's happening."

Reia let out a cry of surprise, somehow managing to keep her footing the first time the ship rocked. She let out a sigh of relief, though she'd find herself regretting it as the ship rocked once more. It was difficult to keep her dignity and balance, and she found herself flailing her arms as she tried to keep herself up. She ended up crashing into Lorenzo, who by some miracle had himself steady, grabbing her with one arm around the waist and the other holding himself up against the wall. The ship rocked something awful, and Reia found herself shaking. Were they going to fall? She didn't quite understand what was going on until Jaakuna would explain.

Once everything would smooth over, Reia let out a second sigh, though now she had a bout of nausea. She somehow managed to keep it down, though it almost came back up when Lorenzo would unceremoniously shove her aside. Before she could call him out, he would kneel down before a garbage can and hurl.

"Are you alright?!" She exclaimed, alarmed.

Lorenzo slumped over, letting out a whine. "Gods take me now, that was bad..." He grumbled,though after a few seconds he would stand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

She was burning up.

Keiran looked at Emiri curiously as her breathing became uneven. For a moment he half wondered what the cause would be, though he seemed to realize that her body was rejecting the Mist. He watched her carefully, placing a hand on her forehead. A fever had developed, it seemed, though this just wouldn’t do. What a phenomenon. It was probably Chaos’ half-assed attempt at protecting her, though even his power was waning. He was overconfident, however, and greatly underestimated Keiran’s abilities. Clucking his tongue in disapproval, he would snap his fingers, the Esper appearing before him. Several chains surrounded the being, binding him, and he looked aggravated at Keiran.

You’ve seen better days,” He made the observation rather sarcastically. “To think you’d actually try to defy me…I’m impressed, actually. It’s a completely idiotic move, but bravo for the effort. But as fun as it was, I’m afraid I’m going to have to punish you for interfering. You understand, don’t you?

Chaos had a dark look on his face, anger seeping out of him. “Laugh it up while you can,” The Esper warned him.

Keiran’s expression fell into one of curiosity. “Scary! But tell me, O wise one, what do I have to fear?” He patted Emiri’s head almost mockingly. “I’ve got your Scion of Time wrapped around my finger. None of the other Chosen Ones could even dream of putting a scratch on me. I’m disappointed in you, don’t tell me after all this time you’re having second thoughts?

Chaos remained silent, and Keiran let out a laugh. He would then clap his hands together once, the chains tightening and burning Chaos. Chaos let out a grunt, though would continue his silence in defiance. It was very valiant, though very boring. Keiran raised his eyebrows as he would raise his arm, the chains grabbing hold of Chaos’ blades. They would lift each of them in the air, and as Keiran would drop his arm, one would stab Chaos. Once the blade would get pulled out, another blade would stab him. This would continue as each blade finished and another would start, effectively creating a cycle.

Emiri let out a cry of pain, still unconscious, though Keiran would watch Chaos. “Now that’s hilarious. Stay in your cage like a good Esper, I’ve grown tired of seeing your face.” He dismissed the Esper with a snap of his fingers, and Emiri would be still again. “There, there, I know it hurt, but I had to teach him a lesson,” He would assure her as she slept, though the Mist around them would warp itself, darkening. She let out a quiet cry of protest, though Keiran would gently shush her, patting her head once more. “Now that Chaos is out of the way, it’ll be over before you know it. You won’t suffer long, that much kindness I can give you.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Stigma had not been that far from the Dalmascan Deserts. It was probably give or take five miles. On the way there, Grant had completely rounded Rabanastre, avoiding the Dalmascian capital altogether. They would make easy work of the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea. They met some opposition from those that dwelled in the Sandsea, but it was nothing that a swing of Savayna’s sword couldn’t handle. She would tell him to keep driving, and she would handle any hostiles that came their way.

Once they moved out of the Sandsea, it was into the Dalmasca Westersand. A lot of ground to cover, but not as many hostiles. There were a few wolves that followed, but Savayna would lay waste to them with a simple blizzara spell that she found was as powerful as a weak Blizzaga spell due to the amount of visible, swirling mist in the area. It might’ve made the wolves twice as big, but with Savayna’s proficiency of Ice Magick, it wasn’t even a problem for her. She cleaned house as they would come.

Over the course of the next few hours, the Estersand proved similar ease. Some blizzaras here and there, and they were int he clear, Savayna would suggest pushing it into overdrive. Apparently he agreed with her, so much so by pressing a special button that warped them into ten times the speed, crossing so much land that Savayna wasn’t ready for it. Forward they went, trailing along the waves of mist that were visible as if it were homing on the essence of mist itself. Before Savayna knew, they were at Paramina’s Rift.

Savayna would gather herself before they continued at normal speed. If Jaakuna were here, he’d probably be puking, so that was one thing she had over him.

Finished gathering herself, Savayna gave Grant the signal, and he would continue along the journey. Not even ten minutes later, the duo arrived at Mt. Bur-Omisace, or to be percise, about twenty paces from the entrance to Mt. Bur-Omisace. They couldn’t go any further on account of two things: the people gathered outside of it - refugees - who were making an uproar to whoever was blocking the entrance.

Just ten seconds before Grant stopped the motorcycle, Savayna jumped, using the mist to guide her icy glide in the air. With her Ice Queen in hand, Savayna hovered over, the sight of the refugees of all make seeing her. As she came to the entrance, she saw five flying machines that noticed her. But just a moment too late. Savayna swung her sword forward, “Flow it out your ass!” Savayna shouted, Blizzaga Wave! She shouted once more, a wave of blizzaga extending from her sword, and freezing all five machines. In the next moment, Savayna would slice into each machine five times, and in the matter of moments, Savana would be on the snowy ground, and they owuld all explode into bits of frozen scrap metal, coming down behind her. There was a roar of cheers from the refugees.

As Savayna would spend a few moments giving the people a series of grins and smiles, she would look over to Grant’s direction, waving him over.

Is he going to be alright? Jaakuna asked. It surely wasn’t a good thing that Lorenzo was calling to the gods. Oh, and don’t take him seriously, Belias. I’m sure he didn’t —

Don’t worry, we understand, Belias said. A moment later, his head appeared out of nowhere, looking at the other two. JAakuna jolted to the left. Belias snickered. Prince Lorenzo, please don’t make such claims. I may not take it seriously, but the other Scions aren’t as understanding of the Hume practice of overreacting. As a matter of fact —

Another head popped in. “Belias, what do you are doing?” Ultima said. Not so much asking Belias, but stating as a matter of fact.

I was simply explaining to your Hume’s father about his claim for us to take him."

“Oh,” Ultima looked at Lorenzo. She couldn’t help but share Reia’s scowling notion. “Carry on, then.” Ultima said, her white head disappearing in a portal of white.

As I was saying, most of my brothers and sisters are not quite understanding of this overreacting. So, in the near future, won’t you try to calm down? Or as Jaakuna would say, ‘calm your tits, Princey.

I would not say that.

Yes you would.

Jaakuna scowled. Don’t you got some superior watching to do? Jaakuna said to Belias, scowling once more.

Belias laughed. I suppose, he said, oh, and Jaakuna.


Your fly is about to come undone.


Before Jaakuna could ask what Belias meant, he noticed his zipper was, in fact, undone, as if someone had done it to him.


Wasn’t me! It was Adremmelech!

Of course it was.

Jaakuna scowled, zipping up his zipper, and just looking at Reia and Lorenzo. Either they were freaked the fuck out or they were more annoyed. Well, there went Jaakuna’s hopes of a headache-free day.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
Avatar of Hero

Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Or, you could ignore me and just jump off, that’s a thing, too But hey, a simple warning, or, I don’t know, ‘I’m getting off’ would’ve sufficed.

Grant’s grumblings were lost to the wind as he would park his car, only mostly listening to the actions taking place. Savayna was always one for the dramatics, so he really shouldn’t have been too surprised. Once he was sure the Thorn was secured, he would take the key in his hand and place it in one of his inner jacket pockets. He’d pat the spot, feeling a small bump of resistance, though he seemed satisfied. The Paramina Rift was as chilled as always, though his coat seemed to protect him from the cold enough, so he wouldn’t worry too much about it.

Letting out a small sigh, he would casually make his way around the crowd as Savayna would wave him over. The crowd’s cheers were rather noisy, though he supposed the opposition had angered people enough that Savayna’s actions were warranted. He’d inspect the fallen remains of the closest machine curiously, looking for any sign of a manufacturer or a clue for whom it could possibly belong to.

He would stand, looking at Savayna. “Should we ask what’s going on?

Lorenzo’s mouth was wide open as he leaned on the garbage can for support. As the Espers disappeared, he would crawl over to Reia, hugging her legs. “I don’t understand what’s happening, Sis,” He whined, his lower lip quivering.

And this is a first for you? That’s the real shocker here,” She looked down at him. “Do get up, don’t you want to continue the tour?

Of course I do! But Jaakie’s talking to that weird guy again. Why are we always getting stuck with the weirdos?

The only weirdo here is you, I can assure you of that much.

What?! I’m the most normal guy here!

It’s quite the opposite. For example, you’re still on the floor hugging me like a child instead of acting like the thirty-five year old you’re supposed to be.

Lorenzo let out a gasp, looking up at Reia with his watery, golden eyes. “You should be taking care of your big brother instead of scolding him!

Reia wisely chose to ignore Lorenzo at this point, simply waving Jaakuna’s concerns away. If the Espers were little more than a punchline, she believed it would be best to move on. Walking over to Lorenzo, she would pull him up by his collar until he was on his feet, and promptly smacked his back. He almost threw up again, but Reia would ignore him and turn to Jaakuna once more.

I would like to rest. If you would be so kind as to show me to a room, I would greatly appreciate it,” She requested.

I want the rest of the tour!” Lorenzo added.

Karolina let out a small sigh, holding a hand to her head as the water ran from the bathroom sink. She glanced at herself at the mirror for a moment, though she would wince as a sharp pain ran through her chest. There was something very wrong, though between having to repeatedly calm down the Senate and trying to keep a watch on Emiri, she found that she was really pushing herself. No, it wasn’t nesessarily her body that was giving her problems. She was always weak, but she always had a good idea just how far she could go before exhausting herself. Right now there was something messing with her own mist, though she didn’t have any idea what it could possibly be.

Taking in a deep breath, she would open a cabinet and take a small bag of herbs from it. As she would leave her bathroom, she spotted Vlyn on one of her chairs, looking worse than she did. He perked up, shooting her a grin as she began to prepare a tea. He would watch her carefully for a moment, though was surprised when she would offer him a cup.

You’re too kind,” He told her as she would take a seat across from him with her own cup. “Lorenzo would lose it if he knew you were giving me this. He went through a lot to get these herbs, didn’t he?

She seemed to disagree. “No…my Lorenzo would never question it,” She told him, though after taking a sip she would frown. “Actually, I am glad you are here. There’s something I would like to ask you.

Is this about Lord Andre?

She nodded. “Is it true he would have died were it not for his daughter’s intervention?

Unfortunately. But this does not trouble you—there’s something else, isn’t there?” He asked, curious.

Karolina nodded again, this time a serious look on her face. “One of the nurses informed me that there was a young man with Emiri in the hospital. He doesn’t seem to be from around here as no one recognized him. At first I didn’t think much of it, but one of the guards informed me that he was also in the gardens,” She said. “I made an order to detain the man so we could question his motives, but anytime anyone gets close, he makes a rather quick and unfollowable escape.

Vlyn paused, thinking. “As if there weren’t enough problems…I’ll keep an eye out, if that’s what you want,” He said.

The blonde shook her head, placing her cup down. “There’s something else I’d like for you to do.

Aloa’s walk was brisk, though she was deep in thought. With Zodiark around, her sensory abilities were hampered somewhat, though she could have sworn that something was happening in the castle. It was strange to have her ears clouded, it was as if something was covering them and purposely throwing her off guard. Even so, all that was nothing compared to the bad feeling she had in her gut.

And the rule of thumb was that you should always go with your gut feeling.

The Viera stopped as the wind from an open window would bring in what looked like several blue flower petals. She recognized them and would walk to the window to see Shion in the gardens. Without hesitation, Aloa leapt out of the window, landing on the grass with ease. At least she was fine physically.

Shion was admiring the rosebush with complete sincerity, a rather gentle look on her face as she would lightly feel the leaves. They were lovingly taken care of, this much she was sure of, and it honestly pleased her to see that the plant life had the best gardeners take care of them. She straightened as Aloa approached her, her blue rose glowing softly.

We meet once again, Blue Rose of Nabradia,” She greeted her.

Shion closed her eyes for a moment. “I’ll get straight to the point, if you don’t mind,” She said, almost apologetic, though when Aloa nodded, she would continue. “Zodiark seems well aware that I am hunting him. Whether he believes I am a threat and hides or he leads me on false trails for enjoyment is unclear, but I cannot seem to pinpoint his location. I had hoped you would be able to assist me.

Aloa was surprised. “You intend to fight him?

No. My battle with them showed that their strength grows. While I cannot ensure a victory, what I can do is guarantee a fighting chance,” She said as the wind would come between them once more. “For this end, I need only two things—a passageway to Zodiark, and the Treaty Blade.

So that was what Shion had been up to. And here Aloa believed she had simply sunk back into the shadows. Aloa perched her elbow on her hand, her fingers to her lips as she would think. “I see…’only’, she says, as if they were a simple task,” She couldn’t help but retort, earning her a look from Shion. “The Treaty Blade itself is a relic of ancient times, having been granted to Queen Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca centuries ago. If anyone were to know its whereabouts, you would have to seek out Wesley Alexander—who is on his way back to his home. As for the former…it could be possible, were I to have time.

Time is not a luxury we have, Aloa,” Shion reminded her. “Though I thank you for directing me back to the prince.

She sure was casual about this whole thing. “You must understand, the entire village slumbers to prevent themselves from going mad from the Dark Esper’s power, and this is something I cannot do alone.

Then tell me what you need. Manpower is something I do have,”Shion said, though she was shocked to see Aloa hesitating. “Aloa…would you have me beg?

It is not so simple. I could have a hundred people helping me and fail.

Shion couldn’t help but become irritated. Taking in a deep breath, she would open her mouth to make another attempt at persuading her when something in the air caught her attention. There was a great darkness nearby, though it was still. What was that? She narrowed her eyes as she looked around, though she would turn back to Aloa. “Do you not feel that?

To her surprise, Aloa looked away in an attempt to hide her embarrassment. “That…I know what you speak of, although my senses aren’t what they used to be…” Something was up, then, and Shion wasn’t about to have another Jaakuna situation happen if it meant harm to Aloa. She raised her hand, palm down, and would tighten it into a fist. As it glowed, Aloa would widen her eyes. “You would alert the castle of your presence?

A brilliant blade of light would form in Shion’s hand, and as she whipped it to her side, the light would fade and reveal the blade in its entirety. “Another seed…who would reach out to the Dark One?

Aloa’s eyes widened, and she immediately looked at the castle. “I was a fool to think my magicks would keep hold in this state,” She silently cursed. “The Serpent planted a seed of the Dark Esper in the Scion of Time.

Serpent? That could have been no one else but Levi. Shion inhaled sharply, though she would look at Aloa. “Then lead me to her. I will purify his influence once and for all.
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