Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

the 2nd tiger had gone for nathan who had was gesturing it to come closer It pounced he side stepped and the tiger landed in the opposing dirt it charged teeth slobbering Nathan slide under before driving upwards with all his strength in the creatures jaws It flipped back With nathan on top He pinned it down he had little time before he was thrown off He went for his dagger and cut off one the tigers feet before jumping back when the beast roared at him..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"dammit kill the things already stop playing"Alara swayed with each word before taking a large drink. "the tigers can't even stand straig-" alara was cut off by falling to the ground. Confused by how he had got there he looked around and saw okeano and assumed it had to do with her. "hey, what's the big idea" the slurred and messy words came out slowly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BK201


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The first tiger looked at Urbi with anger, it was decided to eat her so the wounde tiger jumped on Urbi
"Tch stupid beast" Urbi said before throwing her scimitar with all her strenght cutting the tigers face, the huge cat fell the the ground, now blind and in pain.
Urbi picked up the scimitar and then looked at the Emporor who gave the order to finish it's live, Urbi closed her eyes and stabbed the animal on the head, then walked outside the arena. "The rest is up to you Nathan"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Nathan stood Straight in the middle of the arena "You want a show" He roared at the crowd "ill give you a show" He said as the tiger ran at him... He grabbed its fur as it dragged him around get wrapped his legs round its waist before repeatedly stabbing it in the head as it danced around in pain. he looked at the emperor who looked at him with a smile "stupid greedy faggot" Nathan thought kicking the corpse before following Urbi
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

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"Hey ask yourself ilithios. You're fault for already getting drunk." Okeano said rolling her eyes but her tone was playful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BK201


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Well, we got nothing else to do today guys, let's go home" Maximus said with his arms crosed and then turned to the door and left.
Urbi nodded and stood up, leaing her weapons to the guard in charge of them, then put on her dress "I'll see you guys tonight at the tavern" she said before leaving
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merlin McWizard

Merlin McWizard

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The next morning was a training session for the Maximus Gladiators before the public matches began. The fighters were gathered in the yard. "Listen up, dogs!" barked the arms master. "I'm told we get a new recruit today. Surely whoever they are will be less worthless than you lot. So brace yourselves, because you'll be sparring with them!" He grunted at the servants standing nearby. "Alright, bring 'em out!" And a little girl trotted out onto the field, much to the arms master's anger. "THIS is the new meat? Why, she's just a toothpick." The man blistered. "And dressed up like mommy's little whore-in-training. Unripe to be shanked by either of my swords..." He really hated his job. "I HAVE a name, you know!" Nolita replied, with a light accent and more than a hint of annoyance. The arms master glared at her. "Alright fine, whelp. It seems there are no more able bodied men left in all of Rome, so you're what we get. You'll make a nice little snack for the lions soon enough, but first I'll let this lot over here tender you up for them." He turned to the gladiators. "Alright dogs, who wants a go at our new little fairy princess first?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dad


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The morning was young in the convoluted flashback, and Gangral had hardly begun to drink. He eyed the little girl and let loose a laugh. "Little whore girl! I am fighting you!" he said as he finished off a pitcher of wine and grabbed his shortsword. "Are you ready, little fawn? GANGRAL IS DELIVER SPANKING WITH SWORD!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merlin McWizard

Merlin McWizard

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The pitcher of wine had left her opponent more than a little buzzed. He wobbled slightly as he came at Nolita with a downward stroke. She easily cartwheeled out of the way and unfastened her whip. The lumbering man came at her again and she cracked the whip at his sword, sending it spiraling away. As the brute got on his hands and knees fumbling for his weapon, Nolita whipped him once across his ass. As the man yelped in pain, Nolita did a curtsey, stuck her tongue out and winked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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"It was a fine day indeed, i'll tell you that much. The snow had just began to fall when we laid siege to this little village of farmers, . While my brothers happily indulged themselves with the slaying of the men, and the carnal pleasures of the women, I took to collecting the livestock and looting the homes while they had their fill of flesh. Came away with plenty of grain and meat we did! And the livestock and items we could not take were simply slaughtered and burned." A massive mountain of a man with dried blood at least a few days old flecked on his beard, and breath that smelled heavily of wine barked to a few off duty guards just outside of a tavern before letting rip a hearty laugh. Although a gladiator, this man had long since shed the rank of slave, and had earned his place amongst the very same guards that he recounted his tales to, albeit to a lesser extent, and as such, he was regarded as a comrade.

The man -known as Gunnar by those familiar with the gladiatorial battles- drained the pitcher of wine that he had ordered before belching and glaring down at the pitcher with slight annoyance. "You know boys...this wine might be fine for you, but I miss the mead from back home. Had a much better kick, and it knocked the earth out from under your feet in half the time. If we ever get any 'round 'ere i'll have to treat you to some, assuming that someone doesn't finally get around to killing me off before then that is!" he said before laughing once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Nathan watched the new girl fighting she seems good with a whip but she lacked
armor of any sort. Nathan began to watch her technique it was evasive she would dodge then counter seemed reasonable enouth but no one was showing the flaw of her strategy nathan called out "mind if i fight the new girl" he asked
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merlin McWizard

Merlin McWizard

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With her first opponent shuffling away in shame, Nolita nodded to allow this new challenger to approach. He was dressed in all black leather, much too heavy for this weather. The hot roman sun beating down on him would tire him out quicker than usual. Perhaps he thought the leather would protect him. Not so, as Nolita's whip was capable of tearing through most material that wasn't plate metal, and even breaking bones.

When her dark and mysterious new foe stood before her, Nolita did a spin and struck a pose. "Hey there, tough guy. Promise to go easy on me, yeah? I'm just a sweet little thing." She cracked her whip loudly to the side to emphasize how sweet she was. She waited to see what her opponent would do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dad


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Gangral was devastated by his loss. Excusing himself from the training exercise, he hurried across the bustling city to the tavern they so often frequented. With every last scrap of coin he possessed, he drank. He drank. And he drank. And he drank some more. He could feel the weight of the world and the pressure of his life's failures crushing him beneath so much despair. The life that was taken away from him. The alcohol he used to try to patch the gaping holes in his life. The smiling little girl that had delivered the final, fatal blow to his state of mind.

In an angsty huff, Gangral stormed drunkenly out of the tavern with nothing but the clothes on his back. He removed those too. Rude and nude, he marched through the streets raving mad. After harassing the locals to his heart's content, he collapsed in a dark Roman alley, cold and helpless. He was not alone though. A dark cloaked figure soon approached him.

"What a sad sight we have here," said the shadowy figure. "What could possibly have brought a man such as yourself to such a pathetic state of affairs?"

Gangral vomited a bit and scratched his ass before bothering to reply. "The little girl! She has mocked Gangral! Made fool of him for all to see! Now I am but poor jester!" he lamented.

The dark figure laughed and pulled back his hood. He was a grimy looking man with a patchy beard and untidy eyebrows. The scent of old cheese and overwhelming failure wafted to Gangral's nostrils. "My name is Kettlebrick," said the man, "and I believe we're both after the same thing."

Gangral narrowed his eyes with deep suspicion. "And what is Kettlebrick and Gangral have in common?" he asked.

"Why, to put an end to the damnable loli once and for all!" roared Kettlebrick, his laughter causing him to shake gelatinously.

Gangral's eyes lit up and once. Perhaps there was some common ground between them. The enemy of his enemy was his friend, after all. "And what is it I can be doing for the helping?" he asked with a hellish grin and wild eyes.

"Son, I'll just be needing to borrow your face."

Gangral's face flashed briefly with confusion and then horror as Kettlebrick's dagger plunged into his heart. He had time for one muffled scream of terror as he died. Chuckling lightly to himself, Kettlebrick went about his business transforming Gangral's being into a convincing disguise. He emerged from the alley looking the spitting image of the man himself. A hearty Gangral-style laugh escaped him as he turned and made his way back to the gladiator school. A ruthless need for revenge burned deep in his loins.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Merlin McWizard said
With her first opponent shuffling away in shame, Nolita nodded to allow this new challenger to approach. He was dressed in all black leather, much too heavy for this weather. The hot roman sun beating down on him would tire him out quicker than usual. Perhaps he thought the leather would protect him. Not so, as Nolita's whip was capable of tearing through most material that wasn't plate metal, and even breaking bones.When her dark and mysterious new foe stood before her, Nolita did a spin and struck a pose. "Hey there, tough guy. Promise to go easy on me, yeah? I'm just a sweet little thing." She cracked her whip loudly to the side to emphasize how sweet she was. She waited to see what her opponent would do.

When he saw the make of the whip Nathan began to see that conventionally it was built to disarm And kill. He looked up at the hot sun beating down it seemed she would think he would tire not so he trains for this type of heat he can last longer then most Nathan stood their he would not rush the whip he pulled 2 training knifed and settled fleet footed into a firm stance
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merlin McWizard

Merlin McWizard

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The man just stood there with his butter knives looking extra spooky. It seemed he was waiting for Nolita's move. "Ladies first, then? How polite." She quipped. Nolita tightened her gloves and advanced. Cartwheeling left and right, she edged closer. When she was in range, her whip lashed out, two quick jabs, one at his feet, one near his eyes. Her opponent managed to dodge both, and as he went to ripost, Nolita rolled to the side and threw up some sand into his face. The fighter shielded his eyes with one arm and tried stepping back, but too slow. Nolita took the opening to strike low, as her whip made contact with the man's thigh. He grunted, and the leather where the whip had struck was visibly peeling. A trickle of blood had already started to leak out of the wound. Nolita somersaulted backwards twice, dusted herself off, and smirked. "Whaddaya know? I gotcha first, didn't I?" She let slip a giggle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Merlin McWizard said
The man just stood there with his butter knives looking extra spooky. It seemed he was waiting for Nolita's move. "Ladies first, then? How polite." She quipped. Nolita tightened her gloves and advanced. Cartwheeling left and right, she edged closer. When she was in range, her whip lashed out, two quick jabs, one at his feet, one near his eyes. Her opponent managed to dodge both, and as he went to ripost, Nolita rolled to the side and threw up some sand into his face. The fighter shielded his eyes with one arm and tried stepping back, but too slow. Nolita took the opening to strike low, as her whip made contact with the man's thigh. He grunted, and the leather where the whip had struck was visibly peeling. A trickle of blood had already started to leak out of the wound. Nolita somersaulted backwards twice, dusted herself off, and smirked. "Whaddaya know? I gotcha first, didn't I?" She let slip a giggle.

Nathan thew the knifes at her while she dodged them he ran at her closing the distance as he went one hand to grab her whip arm without movement the whip was useless his other hand went to strike her in the stomach
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merlin McWizard

Merlin McWizard

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Nolita gasped as the wind was knocked out of her. It was the cutest gasp you could imagine. Nevertheless she was quick to retaliate. This is where her martial arts skills came into play. She grabbed the man's arm that had grabbed her whip arm and spun underneath it, twisting. The fighter was quickly hurled onto his back. Nolita stomped him hard in the stomach, which was enough to make the man release her right arm. She quickly picked up her whip. Her opponent was on his back and his daggers were both several yards away on the ground after he threw them. Nolita stuck out her tongue again, not as playfully this time. "That's what you get, meanie!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Nathan grabbed her leg twisting it and throwing to the side he got up and brushed himself down "never taunt the enemy he gasped as he stood up his leg stinging from the whip he breathed deeply air passing through his lungs he was a fighter. He took the girls whip and threw it across the room he hated the danm thing "get up" He said when he was about 5m away
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merlin McWizard

Merlin McWizard

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Nolita appeared to have difficulty getting upright, and her foe came toward her again. It was a feint, and she quickly rolled in between the man's legs, kicking him in the chest as he spun around. Nolita cartwheeled backward as the man staggered, and then she ran straight at him. Her foe tried to right-hook, and she leaped over the punch, her left foot planting itself just above the man's face. As she bounded overtop of him, with her right foot she managed to roundhouse kick the fighter the in back of the head. Nolita landed into a roll behind him, and quickly dashed to retrieve her whip. She was softly panting at this point, but figured her opponent was in worse shape. He'd have a nasty bump on his head from that kick. "Ready to call it quits, honey?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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As Gunnar continued to speak with the guards around him of battles and raids past, the barbarian's attention shifted momentarily to a sullen looking man that he recognized from a few battles as he staggered into the tavern. Gunnar thought nothing of it of course, and simply continued his conversation, that is, until the man staggered back out some time later wreaking of alcohol and stripping himself free of his clothing. The guards started to go after him, however Gunnar stopped them, "No brothers. That there is a man who's deep into the cups, both of wine and of shame. Let 'im be for know, he'll sleep it off in due time i'm sure." he said, unaware of the gristly fat that Gangral would meet soon after he'd left the tavern. Shortly after Gangral faded from view, Gunnar raised the pitcher in his hand once more only to growl with displeasure as he realized that the thing was empty. "I guess i've had enough of this wine anyway..." He grunted before setting it down and rising up to tower over the guards, "So then, there'll not be another battle for me for another day, yes? What else can I do besides drink and engage in carnal debauchery with the harlots of this city?" he asked to one of the guards. "You could always go to the training grounds, Gunnar." One of the men suggested, eliciting a haw from the gladiator, "Brother Agrippa, surely you must be joking, i've not had to train once since my arrival. I was a warrior long before coming here, why must you insult me so?" he said with a hint of agitation, "I mean no insult, I was going to suggest that you watch the others as they train. You possibly find a worthy challenger in a new batch of slaves.". Gunnar mulled the idea over before sighing, "I suppose that would help pass the time. Very well then, i'll be taking my leave. Take care brothers." the barbarian said before walking off in the direction of the training grounds.

Just as Gunnar got out of earshot of them, the guards sighed nearly in unison before one spoke up, "Agrippa, why must we continue to tolerate this meat headed brute? I'd much rather see him fed in pieces to the beasts than entertain another of his stories.", "In due time Brutus, in due time. He's a crowd favorite in the coliseum, so for now we'll just have to tolerate him. However the crowds can be fickle, just you wait and see.". Brutus spat into the dirt, "I still do not see why the emperor believed it would be a good idea to add him to our ranks. Just the mere sight of him skulking about the palace boils my blood.".
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