Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Merman Below the Surface

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sun would take a mild step back, a bit nervously it seemed, as the metallic winged harpies attention was finally his. She let out a peculiar deep sigh, almost seemed like the type of sigh someone would do if they were annoyed and didn't want to be bothered. Sun, brushing his hair lightly to the side and readjusting his skull hairpin, frowned ever so briefly at her deep sigh. But alas, he understood she was probably flustered and emotional right now, so he quickly straightened his disposition. He gave her the benefit of the doubt...so to speak. Besides, he did interrupt her duty. Hopefully it would be worth it.

He stood in place, swaying his torse and upper body back and forth, balancing back and forth on his heels and toes as he fiddled his fingertips together behind his back. He watched rather intently as she casually walked off the wall as if it were a plank on a ship and opened her big beautiful metallic wings to glide down. The sun's reflection on her wings gargled his vision slighty, halting his swaying and forcing him to cover his eyes with his small hands. Childishly, he spaced his fingertips apart to peak through his hands to look at Ramera, who had finally landed on the ground and strolled up to him.

Her wings made a very peculiar sound whenever she opened and closed them. Very...odd. At least to him.

He looked up to her warmly from his 4'11 stature and wrapped his hands behind his back. He waited a moment, trying to tease and rev up the anticipation. He waited a few seconds and when he revealed his hands back in front of him, he had his palms together laid out to Ramera. A simple journal and pen with a peacock feather attached to it lay there in his palms. He spoke very calmly, and clear, like a crystal bell. "I don't think I've ever written a fortune for you. I'm not sure what it might entail though. I don't...ummmm...I don't actually read the fortunes that I write for others. I'm not actually awake when I'm writing them, hehe....as weird as that sounds..anyways....", Sun said as he shook his head. He was feeling as though he was dragging on and made a quick swerve to his main point.

"What I'm saying is...I would like to write a fortune for you. If you see that its good, you know...it might make you feel better. I mean...I'm sure its going to be good. I believe...rather. Your sisters are some of our strongest warriors, yourself included. Your liiiiikkkeee.... celestial angels. Honestly, whats a horde of Dead got against you 3?", he said teasingly as he let out a soft chuckle, politely taking a moment to hide his chuckle behind the back of his hand before holding out the pen and journal to her. Although, in actuality, he was scared. His smile and chuckle was coy at best. A horde of Dead could do alot of damage to 3 harpies, despite how intensely powerful they were. The "swarm" of DEAD he saw in his dream though...; it was like jupiter all of a sudden deciding it wanted collapse into pluto. Pluto would cease to exsist. And that swarm he dreamed about looked like it belonged in that corner. But how could such a larger amount of them congeal together like that? What he dreamed about....it was unreal. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and focused back on Ramera, fluttering his rather long eyelashes and smiling affectionately. "Write down your name, full date of birth, and your blood type.", he paused for a moment and flickered his eyes wide open briefly in an awkward fashion. "Please", he added in quickly after.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fen's breath huffed loudly as he ran, not really sure where they were even going. How were they supposed to find Ravenia out here? He could try and get a scent, but it seemed that Ravenia and the doctor had left in a car, not leaving much for Fen to follow. Just when he was getting disheartened, a flare shot up into the sky. The wolf skidded to a stop and looked up at the smoke trail. His head quickly turned back to Shay, making sure she saw it to. He gave a couple raspy barks and lunched forward, towards the flare.

Within minutes, they reached the battle. Fen snarled and charged into battle. He wasted no time. The wolf's giant jaws wrapped around a living corpse and tore it apart as if it were a paper doll. Fen left a trail of rotting debris behind him as he made his way towards Ravenia. When he reached her, he gave her a brief tail wag, then lunged onto another corpse.

As the Dead in the clearing began to fall, Fen made his way further into the desert to take out the ones still coming. It was a massive herd, almost unusually so. He'd seen Dead hoards before, but this one was almost the population of their city, if not more. Fen was a fast worker, and the corpses weren't much of a challenge for his claws and teeth, so it didn't take the wolf long to mow through them. Before he realized it, he was a good mile and a half away from the others. Not that it would have worried him; Fen was more than capable of taking care of himself in the outside world.

By the time he caught a break in the herd, Fen was covered in gore. His fur was matted with old, dark blood, and his claws were caked with rotted flesh. He had the worst taste in his mouth. Luckily for him, he knew this area well enough to know that there was a water source nearby: a stream. A quick drink wouldn't hurt, and then he could go back and rejoin the others.

The wolf slunk along, his feet crunching on the dried sticks of the desert floor. He could feel the fight draining his energy; there were just so many of them! When Fen reached the stream, he bent his head over and lapped up some water. He let it wash the blood from his mouth, then spat it back out and gulped up more that was clean. He could easily drink several gallons in one sitting, and was halfway through the process of doing so when his ears caught a soft groan from somewhere to his left.

Fen's head raised quickly. His eyes searched his surroundings for the source. He expected to see a living corpse shambling towards him, but there was nothing there. The wolf gave a soft growl, his hackles raising as he went to check it out. His nose hovered off the ground as he sniffed. There was someone there, and they didn't smell dead. The wolf followed the scent until the caught sight of the source. It was a man laying near a sage bush. Fen paused, looked around, then cautiously crept towards him.

The man looked dead. He laid face down in the dirt, his clothes torn and bloody. Fen would have assumed that he was a victim of the herd, if he weren't still mostly intact. He was breathing, but just barely. The wolf approached him, and carefully used his nose to turn the man over onto his back. The man's eyes fluttered open, looked at him, and then shut again. He gave another groan as he tried to roll back over and get up. It occurred to Fen that a giant wolf probably wasn't what the man wanted to see. He gave a soft, short whine. Maybe one of the others could help him get the guy back to the city.

Fen tilted his head back and gave a loud, long howl. The sound was impossible to ignore; his howls could carry for miles. It may even be heard back at the city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luminance
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Luminance A light in the dark

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Anora could only sigh. Trust her youngest sister to tally each kill made, no, Anora much preferred not to keep count, after all killing the already dead was like pest control. It was not fun. It was only duty.

Looking down a her rapier and then up at the huge amass of the dead, Anora knew that she would need a weapon change. As much as she loved her rapier, it just wasn’t practical against such an array of foes. So with dejection, the rapier was placed in its sheath to be swapped with dual swords from the double sided scabbard located on her back and between her wings. Her left hand removed the top sword while her right hand removed the bottom sword, bringing both in front of herself and gave them an experimental twirl. Tucking her wings tightly against her back Anora followed her sister into the fray, laying out horizontal, vertical and diagonal swings to heads opting for the direct approach of making sure the Damned stayed down and didn’t get up again.

When the arrows made their appearance, Anora knew that Ravenia was catching up and soon drawing out her metal staff then joining two of the three harpy sisters. The fact didn’t really sit well with Anora since she felt that the Leader of Paradise shouldn’t be putting her life on the line so easily. Yes, others could be appointed, but they wouldn’t be the same, they would all be a lesser Leader and Paradise would undoubtedly suffer from the loss.

She was sure that there were many others of Paradise who felt the same, but everyone knew that The Mother was the type of person who would rather sacrifice herself than allow anyone of her precious ‘children’ to be placed in the way of harm in her stead. This, along with many other qualities was what made people look up to her with high respect, honour and loyalty.

Ravenia provided orders for them to try and direct the gathering of the dead away from Paradise and Anora nodded her head. “We shall more than try, we shall succeed.” She responded, then mentally added.One way or another. Trying such a feat with this amount of dead wasn’t going to be too easy, though Anora would not give up until they found success.

When Ravenia began to grab the attention of the heard of corpses from behind them, Anora flew over and landed beside The Mother, slicing though the heads of the dead with her swords as she flew past. As Ravenia continued to bang and shout, Anora brought her fingers up to her mouth and whistled loudly. The piercing sound cut through the overbearing sounds of the moaning and groaning dead and many turned around to the added sound.

“There are a few courses of action that can be taken Ravenia. The best one I can conclude is to set them all aflame considering that they are all packed closely together. I know the smoke may attract more but if we lead them all far enough away then there wont be too much worry.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Ravenia was right. Clo was indeed well beyond exhausted. The harpies' watch on the wall was a 24/7 job and with three of them at the city's disposal, shifts were usually taken at eight hour intervals. Of course their Mother was usually pretty lenient with who was posted and when, one of the reasons there were two Harpies in the sky during the day. Clo usually took the night shift given her black wings were an effective stealth element when the sky was the same color and the fact that she loved the view of stars. She could stare at them for hours and it was often she'd forget she was on duty, content to simply count out all the lights in the sky until the sun came up. Of course the sun was already up and hanging high above the clouds. Clo's shift was entering it's twelfth hour. She needed rest.

She darted back to her sister before she could switch out the rapier for her dual blades, lightly bumping into her body and pressing her lips just below her neck. When standing against Anora, Clo's head came up to her chin. She pulled away after only a moment. "Sorry... and thanks." She kept it short and sweet knowing full well the situation at hand didn't give anyone time to really express how they felt. There would be plenty words to exchange later, lots of explaining to do on Clo's part she was sure, but redirecting the dead was more important. The way Clo was now, she'd more than likely get in the way rather than offer any real help. Besides, she was confident in Ravenia and Anora. Their leader and a Harpy made for a deadly combination.

Without giving Anora a chance to reply, Clo shot into the air and moved toward the closest solar car. Tobias was already funneling the kids into the back and would no doubt jump into the driver's seat to take them to safety. She gently landed next to the car, throwing the kids a smile and wink to let them know that she was okay and they were going to be safe. The girl smiled.

"Thank you Tobi." Clo said turning to the man. He, like the car was covered in red dust. "No time to evolve into a vacuum." She said climbing on top of the vehicle and hanging on to... something. Her wings prevented her from fitting into any of the available seats. She could fly but she needed the rest and elected to ride on top and hold on for dear life. "We need to get back to the city to get these kids to safety... I'm sure you already know." ...More importantly... Clo continued in her head. Earlier that day when she'd checked the wall before the end of her shift, she'd seen the horde through her gift. However if the horde was being diverted...

"Hurry Tobi."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 2 days ago


The sounds of screaming were interrupted by footsteps. Cypher looked up from his place outside the tent to see Brand moving toward him. The look on his face meant that whatever he was going to say was important.

"What's the word?"

"Movement and lots of it." Brand stopped in front of Cypher and tilted his head in the direction he was referring to. "Away from us surprisingly."

"A herd?..." Cypher brought his hand up to his chin, his palm rubbing over tough strands of hair. He'd been thinking about giving himself a shave but hadn't gotten around to doing it just yet. "What could a herd be doing out here? What are they chasing?"

"Not sure yet. Cliff is tracking them now. He'll have some answers soon."

"Good. Hopefully by then I'll have a few of my own." Cypher nodded toward the tent where the woman's screams could be heard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Twilights Curse

Member Seen 1 day ago

Tobias would get the two children rushing toward the solar car, nodding to Ravenia. "of course i will" he said, before he looked up as he was suddenly grabbed and pulled forward, his brow arching as he looked into Ravenia's eyes, her words making him crack a smile. "even if i have to hunt you down myself" and then she did what he didnt expect, and kissed his cheek.. now that was new and it left him standing there for a second, before he shook his head clear and moved toward the solar car, grabbing the boy first and picking him up. "into the back, buckle up" doing the same for the young girl, then he saw Shay and heard her comment. "no, i figured we'd have a picnic, then go for a skip through the red waste, of course im getting them out of here"

Turn around he saw Clo. "no thanks needed Clo, though when you get back, right to the medical center, im doing a check, no arguments" climbing in, he looked up, shaking his head. "hold on, and watching your wings" he didnt need them catching air as he drove and pulling her right off the top. he turned the wheel all the way, and slamming on the gas. "somethings you cannot adapt to Clo" calling up. "and i dont think be turning into a house hold appliance would be good, and besides im already pushed around by you stubborn Blessed ones" he was smiling, it was just simple back and forth, he didnt mean it to sound cruel in the least. spinning in a near full circle, he straightened the wheel and shot forward, away from the horde of dead and back to Paradise, speeding the whole way, the brake not touched once. while he drove, he grabbed a small pack from under the drive seat and held it back. "drink and eat slowly now, do not rush, you'll make yourselves sick" a small bit of food and water in the pack, he was glad he made that suggestion to have prepared packs in each solar car, the main things the kids look like they needed were just something to drink and eat, mainly drink.. a person could go weeks without food, but only days without water.

Paradise coming up fast and quick, he hoped Marcus knew or saw him coming and would get the gate open for him so he didnt slam right into the wall. and when he heard the howl piercing the air he slowed and looked behind them, back in the way of the horde. "that was Fen" living, wild wolves were few and far between, and the only wolf he knew that could howl like that, was their own resident one, another Blessed One. turning his head back around, he was beginning to think he might have to take back off once he got the children and Clo behind the wall.. if Fen was hurt, he was duty bound to help him, even if it meant he'd get a talking to from Ravenia for coming back out after.. he'd made it back to the safety of Paradise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheCheshire
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ravenia's eyes snapped to the other two of her Blessed Ones, Shay and Fen. "Herd as many as you can away from Paradise Land!" She called as she was backing away from the large group of Dead that had slowly turned after Ravenia. Mother turned to head out towards the Red Waste but stopped when she saw something else moving across the Red Waste. "Fuck me running." Ravenia snarled as she saw another large group of Dead moving towards them. How had she not seen them moments ago. There had to be atleast forty or so of them.

"Anora, I don't think lighting them on fire would be the best idea right now. What if that just herds more of them this way? We're gonna have to go on the defensive." She said, giving Anora a sad smile. She wasn't going to risk her Blessed Ones out here and becoming overwhelmed.

"EVERYONE! TAKE AS MANY OUT AS YOU CAN AND HEAD BACK TO THE SOLAR CAR! " Ravenia yelled as she began making her way back through the Dead and pushing through to the solar car. Than she did something she had never done before. She used her phasing abilities to push the zombies down into the shadows, disappearing from the world. There was something dangerous with phasing, there was always the possibility of Ravenia phasing wrong and not being able to get out of the shadows. Years of training had taught her how to phase safely, but for the zombies.... Well, they were Dead anyways.

"I'm gonna be exhausted after this." Ravenia hissed, almost stumbling as she swung her metal staff to knock some Dead back. "Keep moving!!" She yelled, edging towards the solar car.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OoTrillionoO
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OoTrillionoO A Sarcastic Man

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ramera tilted her head, listening to what Sun had to say, he seemed to be drawing things out, this annoyed her, but it wasn't like an argument would help expedite things in the least. She looked down as he brought his hands out from his back, bringing forth a notebook and a pen with a feather on the end, the feather had vibrant green and blue colours the colours were arranged in a way that the blue had a circular shape, resembling an eye. She didn't know what type of bird it belonged to, but it truly must have been a unique creature. "I don't think I've ever written a fortune for you. I'm not sure what it might entail though. I don't...ummmm...I don't actually read the fortunes that I write for others. I'm not actually awake when I'm writing them, hehe....as weird as that sounds..anyways...." His voice was clear and calm, she'd figure he would have feared her cold attitude, but it seemed she hadn't fazed him much. Despite his short stature and feminine appearance he seemed to show some guts. She appreciated that.

"What I'm saying is...I would like to write a fortune for you. If you see that it’s good, you know...it might make you feel better. I mean...I'm sure it’s going to be good. I believe...rather. Your sisters are some of our strongest warriors, yourself included. You’re liiiiikkkeee.... celestial angels. Honestly, what’s a horde of Dead got against you 3?" She debated the thought of her and her sisters headed into a horde of the dead alone, as much as she was aware of their strength, she knew the outcome most likely wouldn't be pretty, luckily though, she doubted circumstances would lead to such a desperate situation. So long as they had the people of paradise backing them, they wouldn't have to fight alone. He'd said it teasingly, letting a soft chuckle out before covering it with his hand, it didn't sound like he was fond of the idea either. Well, who in their right mind would be? He held out the journal and feathered pen to her. She studied his face, seemingly masking his emotions before taking the journal and pen. She grasped the pencil in her hand, what if this 'fortune' would reveal something she didn't like? Na, I'm going to be alright. This's going to be something that'll ease my stress, not add to it

"Write down your name, full date of birth, and your blood type." She hesitated, debating handing him the pencil and book back. She looked up into his face; he looked at her, one word escaping his lips. "Please" She pressed the tip of the pencil into the paper, writing out her full name, date of birth, and her blood type. She looked down at the book, judging her messy handwriting, she'd never had practice to write, and it really showed. There on the paper lay her name: Ramera Whiting, Her birth date: February 11, 2281, and her blood type: O. It was good enough for her, though she wasn't sure if Sun could make complete sense of the scribbles. She sighed at her lack of eloquence before handing him back the notebook, accompanied by the pen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Merman Below the Surface

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sun took a moment to study her face, which to him, looked a bit flustered. Unsettled even. She was seriously contemplating his proposition, uncertain as to whether she should take him up on his offer. He frowned slightly, but understood her feelings. She had every right to be leery about his fortune. Because as Sun knew it, his fortunes were unbiased, unconvoluted with ones own personal desires or aspirations or hopes. It was a the epitome of the perfect journalist, unbiased and unopinionated in their reports. Just telling it how it was...or rather...how it is to be. But even Sun somtimes doubted his own possible visions of the future. Thats just what they were....possibilities....always open to change and reformation. They would have to believe.....believe in the willpower and strength of the others. Like Tobias, but in a much lesser sense, we adapt to the world as it changes around us. We have to. No other choice really.

It seemed like a lifetime though that he was holding his peacock and journal to her. He understood that she needed a moment to think....but his fragile arms and wrist were beginning to ache as small jolt of pain his wrist made him squint. Unlike many of the other Blessed Ones, Sun was probably the weakest physically. If it wasn't for his Blessed ability, he probably wouldn't be able to defend himself or others. He admired their strength and hated his own incompetence. Nevertheless, he made certain that wasn't a burden.

Caught in the middle of tapping his right foot against the ground behind him, he found that finally....at last...Ramera had taken his pen and journal. He sighed in relief, shaking his tiny wrist in an attempt to wring out the pain. He watched her like a hawk as she began to write. He followed her gaze and her pen strokes, taking note of how sloppy it seemed. No coherence at all. Her pen movements were awkward and he could see frustration plastered on her face. When she finally handed back the journal to him, he chuckled slightly. It was like written dissonance, but readable...and that was all that mattered. He bowed to her deeply as he pulled the pen and notebook close to his chest as if he were wrapping his arms around a teddy bear. He raised his head up and let out a low "Thanks".

Taking a moment to look around, he smirked. Sun strolled up and around Ramera's frame and planted his back up against the cold metal of the Paradise Lands walls...allowing his body to slowly slink down until he came into a crouching position, balancing his torso on his ankles and legs.

Pen in the left. Journal in the right. Deep Sigh.

He looked to Ramera, his usually playful eyes, all of a sudden serious and steadied..."Here it goes...", he whispered. Deep Sigh.

In seconds, his face went....numb. His pupils began to dilate, as any emotion that seemed to reign across his face ceased to exsist. His pupils became glossy, doll like, as an eerie ring of a violet hue began emanating around it. It was as though he was in a trance, unaware of what he was doing. A soulless, uninhabited body it "seemed". His left hand that held the pen, raised up slightly, as something amazing began to materialize. It was in fact...."The Lovely Ghostwriter". Those who were human could not see the entity, but for harpies and blessed ones, its small frame began to slowly appear above Sun's left wrist. It was a small, ethereal like semi-transparent creature with a body that looked like it was made of gas. It was the head of a baby, its eyes closed as if it were sleeping and its mouth wide open, revealing two rows of fully grown sharp teeth. Small, dainty, and seemingly underdeveloped angel wings fluttered on either side of the top of its head, as two baby arms and hands protruded from either side of the head, as if attached to some kind of underdeveloped shoulders. Its small hands were gripped around Sun's much larger (in comparison) left hand, taking its time to get the best hand placement for itself.

When it liked where it was, it began to manipulate Sun's hand, causing him to write relentlessly against the page that Ramera wrote down her stats on. His writing was immaculate, better than calligraphy, crafted by the hands of the Gods. His eyes were glazed upon the paper as he seemingly lifeless hand continued to stroke in on the lines, not missing a beat. It was as if everything in the world seemed to fade around him. But It had only been 30 seconds and the entity disappeared from over his hand. His face got back its feel, his eyes went back to normal, and Sun looked up to Ramera, quickly ripping out the paper and holding it up for her to grasp, making sure not to accidentally read it himself.

"Please read it...but not aloud. Just...give me a thumbs up or down...", he said softly. What he had written, since Sun doesn't actually know what he has written, just the format of it, was a fortune in the form of a poem...a poem with four quatrains of four lines each. Each verse represented a week of the current month and the events in the poem are presented as metaphors. So whether Ramera was able to understand the meaning of the poetic fortune,...well...only she herself could decipher. Only the person who the fortune is written for...and Sun of course(despite his refusal to read the fortunes), are the only people who can read it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by docblargle


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jacob listened to the exchange between Sun and Ramera with slight amusement. When she essentially complied to have her fate written for her, Jacob just barely suppressed a snort, and not entirely either. When it came to Sun's more, "esoteric" power of predicting the future, Jacob was the biggest skeptic in all of the Paradise Lands. To Jacob, fate was the most bullshit concept he had ever heard of. He very little stock in the idea, and if he was ever convinced of its existence, he would want to have a long conversation with its author, because he had major issues with the plot. However, as of now Jacob would only consider the possibility that the act of writing the fortune made it true. It was this reason he refused to have any future written for him. As he saw the lovely ghost writer materialize, he had to resist the desire to shoot it.

Eventually, Jacob saw one of the solar cars returning to the wall. He motioned to Marcus to reopen the gate. At that moment, he heard Fen's rather distinctive howl. Knowing Fen, it was definitely a signal for backup. Jacob mulled it over for a few seconds Deciding on the more reckless course of action for reasons he himself couldn't explain, he swore under his breath, and slid back down the wall to meet the car.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The man was big, by Fen's terms anyways. He was maybe a little over six feet tall, and sported heavy muscles. Fen hated to have seen the guy he lost a fight to, as that was clearly what had happened here. The man's wounds didn't indicate an animal attack; there were no bites or claw marks. He looked like he'd been beaten with a stick, maybe a short pole of some kind. Still, the man looked as though he would be more than capable in a fight. Fen was pondering who could have left him here when the man slowly raised up on his hands and knees and tried to crawl away.

The wolf, who had been sitting on his haunches, staring at the man, stood up and gave a whine. The others weren't here yet, and this guy wasn't doing himself any favors. Fen knew he had to calm the man down before he hurt himself even further. He looked around for any other threats before letting himself shift back into his human form. Out here in the desert, he felt incredibly vulnerable in his human skin. No claws, no fangs, just naked, soft flesh.

"Hey, calm down, there buddy. Sit tight, someone should be coming to help us soon." Fen crouched beside the man and put a hand on his shoulder. The strange man turned back to look at him, then let out a sigh and relaxed back onto the ground. His face was beaten blue and purple, but Fen could tell that he was fair skinned. His left eye was nearly swollen shut, but the right one was clearly blue. His hair, shaved into a careful buzz cut, was blonde. He almost looked foreign, like someone from northern Europe maybe.

"They sent them," The man choked out, startling Fen a little bit. He looked down at the guy with a furrowed brow. What was that supposed to mean? "They sent...Trojan horse." The man spoke with a soft Russian accent in his voice. He sounded weak, strained even.
"What?" Fen asked, leaning down closer to try and hear anything else the man had to say. But before the guy could elaborate, his eyes slid shut and his head lolled off to the side. Fen pulled back quickly, alarmed. "Hey! Come on, buddy, stay with me." He checked the man's pulse, which was still there, but weak. He was only unconscious. Fen let out a short whine as he checked the horizon behind him. Where were those guys?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus did little to nothing as he stood at the gate, waiting for something to happen. His head immediately turned to face Jacob as he saw his signal. It took almost no time at all to open the gates. He also heard the howl that could have only come from fen, and he wasn't quite sure what to make of it. He wanted to continue thinking about the howl, but he didn't have the time to do so. His business was with the gate, and as soon as the solar car passed into the city, he closed the gates quickly and looked at the car. The bionic man simply stood there and identified two of the four people as Claudette and Tobias. He didn't know the harpy enough to use her nickname, and even if he did he wouldn't use it.

For the first time in several hours, he took his complete attention off of the gate to get to the solar car and inspect who the other two people were. They were children, he knew that just by looking, but they weren't any that he had ever seen. He looked at the last harpy and the Alpha, saying nothing to them as he simply nodded to them with a slightly softened look on his face. The moment didn't last long as he walked back to the gate and moved all of his attention back to the metal wall. People were still out there, and he didn't know the current status about the dead that were supposed to be attacking soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Twilights Curse

Member Seen 1 day ago


When the Gate opened, Tobias shot the Solar Streaker right through before he braked, coming to a stop then hopping out. "welcome to Paradise Land" he said to the children, helping each one out standing them beside the Solar Car, then kneeling in front of them. "everyone here is friendly, and will not hurt you" looking around quickly, he spotted Marcus, giving a nod back to the gatekeeper. "thanks for the quick gate open" he called out. then he saw Jacob coming down the wall. "Jacob, good to see you out of the Reactor" Tobias knew what it was like to be looked at as an oddity and freak, he had just had fully fuctional tail not to long ago, people stared. knowing Jacob wasnt much on words he then caught Ramera with Sun, and he motioned for Sun to come over. "this is Sun, and he's going to take you two and Clo" looking up at the Harpie. "to the Medical building, you find any bed you want and you lay down and rest up, once i come back, i'll come and check on you, and make sure your alright" smiling to help ease their worry if they had any, he stood and leaving them in Sun's Capable hands he went to Marcus. "im heading back out, i heard Fen's call, and i dont like leaving Ravenia and Anora out there alone" he said, speaking loud enough so all those gathered would hear him.


He had been in his "Command Center" when he heard the call, he knew it was a summons for the warriors and the Blessed Ones to gather, it was time.. standing at exactly 4ft in height, and he didnt weight ninety pounds soaking wet, Michael put his belt on, and strapped it tightly, having to loop it twice before it stayed up, not suprising as he had at least eight stolen or as he claimed "found" knives of all types on it, tucked in here and there. he was wearing his sleep Pajamas. he had small scars on his arms and hands, and his feet were rough like sandpaper, but being a warrior was hard work he always told himself..when he was ready, actually putting shoes on this time, he crawled out of his command Center, which to everyone else was an old Dog house someone had built for a big dog, and he took off running, he had to hurry or his aunt would stop him, she just didnt understand, no one understood as he ran/snuck past his house, and once away enough he stopped sneaking and headed right for the gate, where the action was going to be.

Arriving, he stopped, his eyes wide.. most of them were there.. the Blessed Ones. he could see Marcus, code named the Experiment, Sun who was Wallflower, the Doc or Alpha and even two of the three Harpies, when his eyes fell on Jacob he nearly lost it, he'd been trying to talk to Powers for a long time, but that annoying adult in the Reactor always caught him and made him go home, threatening to tell Mother he'd been sneaking around, not that he cared, he wasnt afraid to get into trouble. he ran forward. "What do we got!" he asked, like he had some position of power. "where do you want me?" he asked, holding the Experimental Rifle that had gone "Missing" from Marcus's lab last week, three of his belt knives were actually Remera's wings with sticks for handles, there were two poorly sharpened butter knives, and then a large meat cleaver as well he'd "found" and by found, means it was liberated from his Aunts Kitchen after she'd left it laying down. if anyone looked at him, they'd notice he'd managed shoes this time, but he'd forgotten to change into actual pants, he was still in his pajamas and he had no shirt on. he was panting, and his arms were shaking under the weight of the rifle he held. this wouldnt be the first time he's came up, holding something he wasnt suppose to have, acting like he was a warrior of Paradise Land, and knowing him, it would be the last.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by docblargle


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jacob wasn't surprised to see Tobias step out with the two children in tow. It was just like the Mother to stay out there and stick to the fight for as long as she could. She always was a stubborn one. Jacob gave Tobias his usual greeting of a curt nod. Tobias took the kids who had started this whole business to Sun to bring to the medical center. Tobias announced his intention to go after Fen to make sure he was ok. Jacob was just opening his mouth to respond, when all of a sudden, he heard a loud, prepubescent voice call out "What do we got! Where do you want me?" Jacob turned around, then looked down, and saw some eight year old kid just standing there, without a shirt, and holding Marcus's prototype energy rifle that went missing last week. So this was the infamous Michael. Jacob had heard of his exploits from listening in on the others' conversations, but he had never run into him while inside the power plant. He guessed O'Malley really was good for something aside from wasting oxygen. All the same, Jacob simply could not believe his eyes.

Jacob turned back around, facing away from the strange boy, and muttered, exasperated, "Sweet God in heaven....". He turned back around, and pointed at Sun saying, as calmly as he could, "Sun, could you.... handle...... that? Get the rifle back to Marcus, maybe take him with you to the med center with the kids, show off for a bit.... just handle it." Turning back to Tobias and resuming his usual business demeanor, he said, "Anyways, Tobias, I'm going with you. Going out there alone is a bad idea, and I can do more damage to the herd down there anyway."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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Shay looked around for Fen and when she could not see him she figured he must have diverted the attention of a large group of the Dead away. The air was growing hotter, the sun shining down on the dried out land, it's intense heat beginning to take it's toll for those exposed to it. The Earth's atmosphere had been severely damaged by the war, leaving the weather to be more intense and dramatic. Days were hotter and nights were colder. The morning was still young but it felt as if they were standing under the sun that would have been at 2 o'clock a few hundred years ago. Shay was accustomed to this weather, it was all she ever knew. While she normally could handle the heat, the strain of fighting off the numerous amount of Dead on hand left her to reach exhaustion quicker. Shay swung the rifle back over her shoulder and pulled out her pistol in her right hand, a heavy 5 inch serrated blade in her other.

Receiving Ravenia's final orders, Shay raced back to the solar car. Two of the Dead leap out towards her, causing her to drop down to the ground and roll to the side to avoid their lunge. She quickly sprung back up to her feet and popped both of them still with two bullets, one in each of their skulls. Shay called out to a larger group of the Dead, coaxing them towards her direction. Once they were enticed she raced to the right, away from the direction of the car. Once just far enough to break a large amount down while still giving her a chance to return to the car, Shay stashed her pistol and blade and reached again for her rifle. She sprayed the front group with bullets, scattering their bodies to the floor quickly. Once the clip clicked empty she dropped it quickly while her other hand was already reaching for a new clip, slamming it back in to its place and resuming her gunfire just as the new wave was clambering forward. She killed the group around her, maybe 15. Thinking she had killed the lured group Shay was taken off guard by two that had gone unseen. One of the Dead lunged upwards and landed on Shay's back, pushing her forward with enough force to make her lose her balance. She landed hard on the ground, her chest protected but the wind being easily knocked out from her. With a gasp for breath, Shay swung on her back and sprayed the gun fire at the face of the dead with an unnecessary amount of bullets. The corpse flew back from the fire and lay motionless. At that moment, with Shay's eyes looking to the corpse she killed, another had rather quietly crawled from the side. It's legs were mangled and useless but it's long arms reached out for Shay's ankle. With animalistic force the Dead one latched on to Shay's left ankle with it's unkempt razor sharp nails, digging in to her flesh and ripping her skin. The nails gauged a half inch deep and dragged down, yanking the flesh wounds slightly open. Shay screamed out in pain, the flesh around her ankle hot and pulsating. She swung her rifle and sprayed the bullets in to it's neck until it's head completely severed off. Shay cringed as she could feel her skin loose around the nails dug in, broken and oozing blood quickly. Her eyes met her wound. While she couldn't see the torn flesh beneath her sweat pants, she could see the whole bottom cuff soaked in her own blood. Shay grabbed her ankle, her hands instantly soaked in blood. "FUUUUCK!!" She screamed. Shakily, she let go of her ankle. She reached up and lifted her sweater to reveal her shirt. She used the blade to tear off a large piece. Letting the sweater fall back down, Shay quickly swung the piece of cloth over the ankle, tying a strict double knot to secure it in place. It would slow the bleeding and she could address the broken flesh later. Shay didn't linger much longer. She leaned over and wiped her hands on the chest of the dead one then got up on to her right leg, steadying herself by letting the tip of her left shoe keep her balance. She kept as much weight on her right leg as possible and made her way back to the solar car. At least she had taken out a large group.

Shay heard Fen's howl. He needed their help with something and he didn't sound far. She quickly arrived to the solar car and looked for the others. Would they go help Fen?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheCheshire
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Ravenia made it through the Dead just in time to see Shay's leg torn into. She snarled viciously as she came upon the Dead about Shay. In a moment's notice she had leveled the Dead about them. "Get in, I'm driving. Wrap that up tight. Also, pull this tight about your thigh to cut off the blood flow." Ravenia instructed as she quickly removed her belt and handed it over to Shay. "Anora, mount up, doll!" Mother called as she quickly hopped into the driver's seat.

She felt the fatigue resting in her bones. Phasing all the Dead had put a huge tax on her. Her palms were clammy and her mouth was dry. Wiping the back of her hand across her forehead she felt the cold sweat that was lining her brow. If she didn't know any better she was Probably pale or something. Physically, she could carry on fighting but if she tried anymore phasing or even shifting into a Raven she would pass out. Ravenia slammed her foot onto the gas and whipped the wheel hard, causing the solar car's back end to Peel out in a wide circle. Correcting the wheel, the vehicle shot forward and roared across the Red Waste making its way towards Fen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Merman Below the Surface

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sun was still waiting for Ramera to take the fortune, when he had heard the distinctive howl coming from the Red Waste. Fen. Something was wrong. There must of been more to this situation....more than even he had dreamt about. Moments later, Marcus used his ability to fling the gates open as a Solar Streaker came striking in through the gates like a baseball player sliding to base. Sun stood up hastily, and practically shoved the fortune into Ramera's hand. He looked back over the car and saw Tobias hopping out, along with the two children he had dreamt about and...Clo. Hah! Clo was there as well. Sun let out a sigh of relief and looked back to Ramera...smirking. "I can't say for sure, but it looks like this fortune was a good one", he said teasingly in reference to seeing Clo, albeit bruised. But alive....and that was all that mattered.

His attention was taken away from Ramera by Tobias' calling voice. Sun bowed to the metallic winged harpy and jogged over to Tobias. His lovely gaze fell upon the children as he became teary eyed. He was so relieved to see they were alright. Sure they didn't really know eachother, but he kinda knew them. At least through his dream. He was just relieved is all. He barely even looked at Tobias as the man gave him directions, as his attention was so invested onto the young boy and girl. Eyes watery like a bubble, he took a moment to look at Tobias and nodded. "I understand. Right away sir.", he said politely. "But...please be careful when you go back out there", he added. His still watery eyes then fell upon Clo, and he smiled to her warmly, shaking his head playfully as if thinking...Oh brother.

"Mother is going to have a fit with you once this is all over you know.", he chimed at her teasingly. "But...I'm just glad to see your alright", he added, his smile bright and resonating. With Tobias off speaking with the others on his plan to return back to the Red Waste, Sun redirected is gaze back upon the two kids, who at this point looked somewhat leery and frieghtened, their hands clasped as though nothing in the world could pull them apart. Sun stared for a bit at their clasped hands and pondered. It was such a simplistic beautiful display of the love they had for eachother. They literally just went through hell and yet....they never let go of eachother. It was heartwarming and tear jerking for sure. He carressed his dainty fingers underneath his bottom eyelids and looked to them affecitonately. His face was calm, his lips curled in a gentle smile, his eyes fluttered lightly as he looked back and forth between the two of them. "The Doctor is right you know...", he began in a calm and ethereal voice, almost...angelic tone. "You don't have to be afraid. I'm going to help you and get you to...", he stopped abruptly...cut off by the voice of an obviously annoyed Jacob.

When Sun looked up, he saw a young boy equipped with a satchel full of goodies that looked particularly familiar. Arent those...he began to think until his thought processes were once again disrupted by Jacobs now irritated vocals. "Oh dear...", Sun whispered to himself softly. He listened to Jacobs request and frowned lightly, but complied. Sun was only 16 and baby sitting two unknown freightened children was going to be enough as is, let alone a third one. A third one who seemed particularly boisterous for his age. But whatever he could do for everyone, he would. Sun nodded to Jacob and looked to the young boy with all the "lost and found" weapons.

He smiled warmly, like a big brother would and spoke calmly and softly..."Hey there. I'm Sun and....I see you wanna get into the action. But...you know...a good offense is a good defense. I mean...you see these two kids...", he said, pointing his hand briefly to the boy and girl who had just been rescused. "Well...they need our help and I was planning on taking them to the medical center, but...I was hoping you'd help me take care of them once we get there. I don't think I can do it by myself...", he said with a pouty look on his face, hoping it would convince the boy to come with him. Sun's eyes widened briefly as he had the perfect seller to win the boy over. "Hand me that rifle on your back and I'll even fly us there...", he added a bit awkwardly.

He took a moment to speak to Clo. He traced his eyes up and down her body. She looked pretty bruised herself. She probably couldn't fly due to her fatigue. Must explain why she wasn't able to simply fly the children here on her own. He looked to her with a worried countenance on his face..."Do you need a lift as well...or...would you like to speak to your sister? She's been worried sick about you..", he said to her, nodding his head in the direction of Ramera.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luminance
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Luminance A light in the dark

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Breathing deeply through her nose, her eyes tilting up towards the sky, Anora shrugged in defeat. She knew that her suggested course of action would be denied, as it had been many times before, but there was nothing wrong with still asking, after all the answer may be a yes at some point in time. She had been wanting to set fire to a hoard of the dead for awhile now, purely for testing reasons and to see how effective it would be.

When Ravenia’s next orders came to return to the solar car while taking out as many corpses as possible, Anora was just about to follow after the mother, but stayed in place when she heard the familiar howl of a certain wolf shifter. It was a request for help.

With a single flap of feathered white wings she took flight, heading in the direction of the howl while flying low enough so that she could still strike down the dead. The others made it over to the solar car and it was soon heading in the same direction that Anora was. The direction that Fen’s howl came from.

Flying in front of the car as it fell behind a little, she looked around in front of her and spotted two figures a little ways off. One was lying down and the other couched by the first. As she drew closer Anora noticed that it was Fen and another man that she hadn’t seen before. Taking caution because of the stranger she landed a few meters away from the two men.

“Who is this man Fen?” She asked, slowly moving closer to the two and then couching down beside the man and across from Fen. With a critical eye, Anora looked the man over. He was heavy set with muscle and looked to be tall. These two factors, not to mention her weariness was increasing, this meant that carrying the man was going to be difficult for Anora.

“He will be too heavy for me to carry, so either you can shift back into a wolf and I’ll help him onto your back or we will need to wait for Ravenia and the Solar Car. However, your howl has gained the attention of not just us but the dead too and they are approaching.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Tobias stood with Marcus and Jacob, when he too heard the voice and he turned around, sighing when he saw what he did, and his first thought was where in the hell the boy kept getting all the weapons from, everyone within Paradise knew to watch out for Michael and his sticky fingers. Tobias was the one the boy was brought to when a new explot got him in trouble and hurt, the scars on the boy were evident of that, he got himself hurt a lot, and he could only imagine how many times he'd had his ass whipped or ground even. looking to Jacob, hearing him put the next to impossible Task to Sun, he couldnt help but smirk. "Michael" figuring he'd help Sun out, cause the way he was going it wasnt going to work. "im sure Mother would appericate it greatly if you took point and helped guard the two Children, they were top Priority" winking to Sun, he turned back as Jacob spoke. "sounds good to me, i welcome you along Jacob" giving the man a clap on the back, then looking back to Marcus. "your being put to work triple time today it seems" giving a smirk, before heading back to the Solar Car to take back off and head after Fen and to make sure Ravenia and Arora and Shay were okay.

Rushing back to the car, he climbed into the driver side, Jacob was right he could do a lot more damage himself, and having him free to work his ability would be best, so he would do the driving once again, so once the gate was opened and Jacob was in and set, Tobias turned the wheel hard left, gunning it, sending the car spinning around to face the gate before they shot out of it, quickly maxing out top speed as they went off toward the direction Fen's call came from. "the flare gun, we should send up green to let Fen and the rest know we are on the way" there should have been one in the car, somewhere.


Michael couldnt believe it, Powers had looked at him, actually spoke about 'him' he smiled with pride, not even caring he had technically been refered to as a 'that' that didnt even cross his mind. he was ready to go. "point me where you want me and i'll kick some ass" his white hair all over the place, nearly falling in his face, which caused him to constantly have to blow it back up out of his eyes.

When Sun himself started talking to him, he couldnt believe it. "oh i know who you are, your Sun also called Wallflower" smiling as he listened and nodded. "you got that right, im going to kick some ass" bringing the rifle off his back he held it, not even caring that Marcus was right there and would see it, it was his now. he watched Sun, listening. "best offence is a good defence?" he said. "that doesnt sound right to me.. uh.. Wallflower, best offence is you go and take down as many bad guys as you can" then he arched a brow, he was being asked to guard some kids. "im not a nanny, im a warrior of Paradise" stepping back when his rifle was mentioned. "its mine, i found it" then he looked up, seeing Alpha, he sighed.. that Blessed one was a big Tattle Tale. "ah, but.. Alpha i want to fight" he growled out, stomping his foot. "no one ever lets me fight" thinking. "fine, i'll help take the Children to the Med Center, then i'll come back and help Marcus or i'll come out and help take down some bad guys" looking at Sun, the idea of flying sounded cool, so cool. "Powers" he called out. "i wanted to talk to you, when you come back, you can meet me at the Med Center alright!" smiling. "i'll be waiting" moving up to the kids. "you can stick with me, you cant be in better hands you got Wallflower and me protecting you" they were probably older then he was.

Turning around, his knives all jingling from the sudden motion, he kept his Rifle in his arms, and headed on toward the Med Center. "lets move out then" he'd been watching to many training sessions for the warriors, which wasnt good, cause he'd been told not to, multiple times ,but the kid just didnt get it, he was too young to be a warrior.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OoTrillionoO
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OoTrillionoO A Sarcastic Man

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ramera looked down at the fortune, debating on taking the paper, afraid of the truth it would reveal, and what it might entail. She suddenly heard a howl in the distance; it must’ve been one of the others out there. She started to reach for the fortune, but then the metallic gates suddenly opened up, before Tobias came sliding in, another passenger in tow. She could feel Sun jam her fortune down into her hand, feeling it crumple in her palm she let out a long sigh as her chance to refuse was seemingly taken from her. She decided it wasn't even best to try to fold it at this point as she jammed it into the pocket of her maid’s uniform. "I can't say for sure, but it looks like this fortune was a good one,” he said with a smile across his face. The passenger that Tobias had must be either Clo or Anora

She then saw the two children appear out of the car, with Clo’s face behind them. Ramera felt coldness as she turned away from the return of her sister. She turned on her heel, before taking flight. She knew that she looked like some heartless bitch, and she felt like one too, but she knew she’d spent far too long down on the ground with Sun. She’d severely neglected her watch duties which she’d received direct orders to commit. There was an aching feeling in her chest, but she’d felt like she’d made the correct choice. Staying down there with Clo would simply extend her time on the ground. For every minute they didn't have some eyes in the sky all of Paradise Land was an inch more vulnerable. She'd decided to push off her fortune. She could save it for when she didn't have work to do, and by the looks of things back there, it was quite possible that Ramera would be taking Clo's shift on top of her own. "Ah well, I kind of deserve the extra time anyways" She whispered, hating herself for turning away from her sister.
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