Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheCheshire
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Ravenia couldn't help but let out a laugh at Tobias's words. "I've never once done anything with the intent to get myself killed. Besides, if I did that, I wouldn't get to see you anymore." Her bright green eyes watched Tobias's hard form sling and crush the Dead. She watched one of the Dead go flying across the Red Waste. "Damn." She muttered as it kept going. She turned to Tobias, grinning widely at him. Her attention was suddenly snapped over to Jacob.

"You've got it! Keep it condensed though! Try not to damage the wall!" She called out, nodding to Jacob as he asked for the permission to use his powers fully. She made her way even closer to Tobias, she knew what he was thinking. He was going to use himself as a shield against the radiation blast to protect her. She debated for a moment or two, chewing her cheek. She wondered if she could phase him, what worried her the most was pulling him out of the shadows. He would be too heavy. The thought of losing him in the darkness was too much for her. Momentarily, distracted by the thought, she was hit hard by a stumbling zombie. He was once a behemoth of a man, probably standing 6'5" or so. The hit sent Ravenia to the ground, sprawled on her back in front of Tobias. Quickly, she shot him a quick smile and sunk down into his shadow.

She erupted from the shadow of the large zombie, she drove her rapiers through the Dead's head and planted her feet into its back. It fell forward, Ravenia holding onto her embedded rapiers to follow after it. When it fell flat before Tobias, she pulled the rapiers from the Dead's head and stood up on its back. She grinned devilishly at Tobias as she flicked the brain matter from her rapiers. "I've got somewhere else you could follow me to, Tobias." With another wink she jumped from the back of the Dead and moved closer to him. Placing her back against his chest she eyed the Dead around them. "Jacob is gonna go nuclear in a little bit. Doc, I can't phase us in your current state. You'd be too heavy to pull back out of the darkness and I won't take that risk. Can we survive the blast?" The heat he exhumed was a bit much but it was comforting to Ravenia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by docblargle


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Receiving the go ahead from Ravenia, Jacob charged forward. He wasn't worried about collateral damage at this point. The wall would remain undamaged from his blast. Aside from a slight shock wave from the actual explosion, the primary destructive force was heat and radiation. The harpies should have worked out his goal by now, and were probably moving for either distance or cover. As for Tobias and Ravenia, Jacob had full confidence in Tobias's abilities to weather the storm at the range he was shooting for. Tobias was a survive, if only because of his gift, and Jacob could respect that, if nothing else. Jacob sprinted towards the main group of the horde, blasting any dead that got too close with his eye beams. As he reached the main group, he dived forward, tackling the the first few in the group. As he did so, Jacob reached into the depths of his power, the burning radioactive furnace that was at his core, and released it from his entire body all at once.

A loud, roaring noise went forth as radioactive energy was unleashed in a single blast. The first line of dead that had been right on top of Jacob instantly disintegrated from the sheer heat and energy. The majority of the herd around him were thrown back from the shockwave, bits and pieces of them burnt to a crisp, or just thrown clean off. A small mushroom cloud of dust billowed for a few seconds at the epicenter. Jacob himself was now on the ground, a green aura surrounding him. His entire body itched from having his skin burnt clean off his body. Jacob flared his energies for a few seconds, finishing the work on his body the explosion had begun. Every trace of skin and hair on his body was gone, replaced by a glowing skeleton. Jacob climbed to his feet, and felt a dull numbness coating his body. He wasn't worried, as it was part of the finished process. Jacob looked around, his expressionless skull still seeing perfectly well. Not all of the dead had been killed, as some had gotten away with burns, their composition still intact.

Jacob called back to the wall. "It's clear, but only engage the dead behind me. I'm finishing the job up here." Their was another side note to Jacob's power that only the more trusted of the blessed ones were aware of, including Ravenia, Tobias, and the harpies. The power levels Jacob used when his skin was on rarely went higher then a specific level was because of the physical irritation he felt when using them. However, with his skin now gone, this was no longer an issue, meaning Jacob could increase the energy level of his abilities without repercussions. If Jacob had a face to express with, he would have a snicker right about now. Aiming his hands forward, he discharged massive beams of energy at the remains of the main group of dead. Jacob remained at his spot, melting large swathes of dead at a time. Only one manged to reach him from the side. Jacob merely flared up his side, knocking the dead back before he backhanded it, the sheer heat of his body melting it enough so its head was knocked clean off its body.

So long as he could hold the remains of the main group back here, the battle was all but assured. It was only a matter of time before he finished off the remains here, and the rest of the defense team eliminated the dead behind him that remained.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Tobias smiled at her comment about not getting to see him anymore. "your too stubborn to get killed, but still i would worry" ripping one dead in half, before crushing its head. he looked back at her, seeing her grinning at him. "what?" he asked, not sure why she was grinning like that as he continued to cut a path toward her, hearing her give the okay to Jacob, Tobias knew this battle, something done on purpose by unknowns or naturally occuring was going to be ended quickly, and if anyone was watching they were about to get a taste of what true power Paradise had and would use to protect itself and its people.

moving toward Ravenia, plowing down Dead with punches and well placed elbows.. his shirt and pants covered in claw and bite marks, but his body unharmed underneath. he wondered why she had stopped, his eyes widened when he saw one massive zombie, the Russian recovering in the room would pale compared to this one, and that was saying something.. Tobias kicked his feet harder. "Ravenia" he said, seeing her drop to the ground and she fell in front of him, but seeing that smile and then her vanishing he shook his head, and he bit back words he wanted to say, but watched as she flew up out of the big man's shadow. "hello big guy" Tobias said, just as the twin rapiers pierced through its head. "goodbye big guy" he grumbled out in that deepened voice of his. "showing off now?" he asked, before laughing. "oh if i followed you there my virtue might come into question" teasing right back as she backed up into his chest and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. "yes he is, and i wouldnt ask you to do that, my weight alone would tire you" he bent closer, his head right up against her ear, his hot breath against her neck for just a moment so he could whisper. "im not stranger to radiation, we will live to fight another day" he said, knowing he was burning hot and not knowing that she was comforted by it. he crouched down. "tuck your legs up the moment we are off the ground" he said, before he put all of his strength into his legs, and kicked up. as it was, her sides and legs would be unprotected, and while the blast and radiation should hit him and fly off and around him, he didnt want to take that chance, so the next best thing.. they would sore into the air a good ten feet, and hoping she picked her legs up, his weight would pull them down even faster then they shot up, and when he hit the ground it gave away to the stronger force, and created a large enough hole. leaning over with her tucked against him and secured enough now in the depression he had made from dropping, he held her tightly, his body now the shield as the first blast of heat came and slammed against his back. with no nerve endings he felt nothing as the radiation and heat slammed against him.

he moved not a muscle, keeping her tucked against him as tightly as he could without crushing her. "and here i thought my first time holding a woman like this it be a romantic setting and we both wouldnt be covered in gore.. and out in the open. just goes to show you fate is a fickled bitch who likes a good laugh doesnt it?" he asked, his voice a little muffled since he was compressed around her as he was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OoTrillionoO
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OoTrillionoO A Sarcastic Man

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Ramera turned to her right, hearing her sister’s plan to round up a single larger group. In turn, she simply nodded her head before beginning to work parallel to her sister, flying low, and drawing the dead in closer so that Jacob would be able to blast them.

However, Anora suddenly backed off and displayed what could’ve been either an annoyed or disappointed expression upon her face. Ramera turned to the object of Anora’s attention. Not too far away Ravenia and Tobias had begun working their way into the dead side by side, Ravenia rushing through with dual rapiers in either hand and Tobias now resembling some sort of humanoid. Upon their appearance she could feel a twinge of annoyance travel throughout her body.

Although, it became apparent their work had not been all for naught with Jacob’s calling down to Ravenia. He was going to become ‘nuclear’ She began flying up, driving herself into the sky until she became parallel with the top of the wall. “Anora, we best distance ourselves for a while,” she said as she flew past her sister. Radiation was something that was best not tampered with. After all, look at what it had done to the world. Imagine what it could do to individual people.

After feeling a rush of heat atop the wall, she heard Jacob’s call, assuring them that the area was clear. She reached into the pockets in her maid’s uniform, feeling the weight of the daggers. It was most likely best to stay airborne. Although the majority of the dead appeared to have been killed off to assure her own safety it was best to avoid direct confrontation. The others would be focused on groups, so in this scenario the strays which demanded the least attention would become the most dangerous. “Anora, let’s let the other’s finish off the groups. Aim for the stray dead,” She said to her sister. Not even waiting for confirmation she flew off, pulling out the stone daggers, grasping them individually in each hand. She spun the daggers in her hands, getting a feel for their weight and sizes, before scoping out a few survivors of the blast. She grasped the tips of each dagger before drawing her arms up, criss-crossing in front of her face. She then swung her arms down in opposite directions, with a satisfying fsh they sailed through the air before landing a hit on their targets. One fell to the ground, one of his knee caps presumably shattered from the impact. The other dropped immediately; the dagger had embedded deep enough into his throat to severe his spine. A smile flashed across her face. They were going to win with zero casualties.

She glanced down at Jacob’s form, now a mass of muscle and bones. With his grotesque form he seemed to be completely obliterating any groups daring to approach with radiation emanating from his body. She wondered how close she’d have to fly to be affected by it as well. Well, it wasn't like she was going to be testing any time soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Shay's eyes widened as Sun gleefully spoke his unfiltered mind to the group. Marcus and Shay never had a label for the relationship they shared but they were close. For their own reasons they never pursued the underlying interest that simmered between them. To have Sun say out loud in layman's terms how she felt made her blush and glance awkwardly away, looking to the bed where the Russian was laying down unconscious. A shudder of pain rippled down her spine. At Sun's clap, Shay turned her head back to them, glancing to Marcus. If he were to meet her eyes she would give a small smile to him as Sun rattled off his plans. "...like an egg." Sun finished. Shay vaguely heard what he had said, instructions wise.

Shay looked to Isam, who had been sitting and listening within the conversation, his chin probably resting on his chair from how tired he was. "Isam? Could you check the gates and see if Ravenia and the others are ok?" She was helpless at this moment and it was her only option to give support to the city in their current time of need. He hoped he could handle the request and gain a second wind. If he agreed she would thank him with deep gratitude. He had done a lot of not knowing any of them besides Fen on an intimate level.

And then, Shay felt her weightless body begin to move. The pain receded, a deep breath expelling from her as she felt some relief from the intense pain she was feeling off and on through her body. With the pain gone she could focus on the sensation of her body, or lack there of. And then after another moment, Shay felt her body lift up off of the bed, the blanket sliding off of her and dropping to the ground.

Shay tried to counter balance the awkward feeling of weightlessness. Rather than letting go of Marcus' hand, her grip tightened, almost too much, as she used her core to struggle in regaining her 'balance', hovering slightly over her bed.

"Wow, Sun!" Shay exclaimed, looking to him. "This feels pretty incredible!" She smiled, finally a large and pain-free smile. She was ready to go if Marcus was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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Marcus' eyes widened as Sun used the term 'girlfriend' to describe Shay when speaking to the mechanical man. If he had been drinking something he surely would have spit it out at that word. He never had a word or term to describe what relationship he and Shay had. He was curious to know it any of the others saw him and Shay like that. It seemed that Sun didn't think before he spoke, as he covered his mouth soon afterwards. Perhaps it was a musing that just happened to have been spoken aloud instead of safely contained in the confines of ones head.

Once Sun finished speaking, Marcus nodded to the young man. He glanced at Shay a few times before returning his full attention to Sun, who currently seemed to be summoning or creating or doing something to make the sprites appear. Marcus didn't really care how it was done, and he didn't want to know. He knew of a saying "Magic is just science we don't understand yet," but it was thrown out the window when certain blessed powers came to mind, Sun's and his own for examples. All of the other powers could be explained by science, but sprites and fortune telling were magic.

The feeling of flying was quite an odd one. It was odd because there was no feeling at all, other than the absence of his arm. With the numbing feeling cloaking him, he could really feel like there was nothing where his arm should be. He had used the metals so many times that it had almost become a part of him. He couldn't explain it, but he could feel the arm to some level more than just moving it around.

Despite most to all of the feeling in his body being numbed he could feel Shay's hand tightening around his own, but it was only the pressure of the hold that he felt. As he floated into the air with Shay, a few words floated through his mind. "Fucking magic." He said to himself, throwing his stubbornness out the window along with his beliefs of science and technology.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheCheshire
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When Tobias whispered to her and his breath tickled her throat and ear, she shivered. Something stirred in her at the intimate feeling it left. The fact that he was holding on to her so tightly didn't help much either. "You got it." She said to the command about picking here feet up. When he burst upwards, Ravenia's stomach felt like it had bottomed out and she lost her breath. She tucked her feet up, squeaking slightly as they came rushing back down towards earth. The sight of them falling like they were was a little unnerving to Mother, she didn't like the feeling of control being taken from her, No matter how brief it was.

When they hit though, a laugh bubbled out of her throat. The landing had jarred her but once she caught her breath and stomach again she realized she liked the short ride. It as definitely different than flying. She tried to pull her body tight against Tobias, to both protect what he couldn't and also make his job a bit easier. At his words about romanticism she could help but laugh again. "Well if that's what you're looking for we can Maybe see about a repeat in a different setting." She teased with a chuckle.

Her small laugh was cut short as the wave of heat grew more intense, causing her to sweat. A tendril of the radiations heat licked at her arm, burning the tanned flesh. She hissed at the pain but ignored it, she was No newcomer when it came to Jacob's radiation. She had been burned a few times. Especially when he had first been taught how to wield them. She cried out as a particularly wicked wisp of heat seared her side through her shirt. She turned her head and buried it underneath Tobias's head as she blocked out the pain that was left from her burns. She was thankful for Tobias's abilities. Without them she'd be one cooked little Mother. "Man, if I have to take a radiation bath to soothe the Burns after this I'm gonna be so pissed." She said through clenched teeth, her fingers clutching hard at Tobias's rock-hard arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

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Libby opened the door to their room to peek out, watching as everyone seemed to clear out of the room the Russian man and Shay had been. She looked back at Copper and gave him a hesitant smile, then gulped as she slowly creeped out of their room and down the hall. The curtain was still half drawn around the Russian man's bed, but she could tell that he was still asleep. She slipped past the drape and stopped to stare at him. He was big and scary, just as he'd always been. That was why she had to do this now; because once he woke up, she'd never get the chance.

The girl looked up at the IV that was replenishing the man's blood. She could make this look like an accident if she just poured something bad in there. Libby wasn't sure what to use, but there were several bottles around. She was sure that if she used them all, something was bound to happen. The girl took a slow step forward, reaching out to take a small, glass bottle of lidocaine. She had no idea what it did, but it looked important. She looked up at the IV and tried to see how the bag would open; she couldn't even reach up there!

Suddenly, the man gave a couple wet coughs. Libby jumped, backing away from him quickly. He coughed again, harder this time, and then again. The nurse came hurrying in quickly, making Libby step to the side and quickly hide the bottle in her pocket.
"Is he going to be okay?" She asked innocently. The nurse took a rag from the counter and began wiping bloody sputum from the man's mouth.
"I'm not sure," She said truthfully, "Why don't you go back to your room, sweetie?" Libby hesitated, then quickly retreated down the hall.

The man coughed into the rag a couple more times before trying to raise himself up off the bed.
"Sir," The nurse said, gently holding him down. "Sir, I need you to stay flat, alright?" The man hacked again, then tried to clear his throat. The nurse quickly gave him some water to drink. After washing down the crud in his throat, the man finally stopped his coughing fit.

"Are you okay, sir? How do you feel?" The nurse knelt down to be on eye level with the Russian.
"Like shit," The man managed to croak. His opened his blue eyes to look at the woman. The nurse smiled a little.
"I would think so. You've been through a lot today, sir." She paused. "What's your name?"

The Russian man cleared his throat again before answering. "Sasha," He said, his voice hoarse. "Sasha Belov."
Isam made his way towards the gate. There was something strange going on just outside, and he wasn't sure just how close he should get to it. It looked as thought the radioactive man, Jacob or something, was letting his powers loose. It didn't really look like they needed any more help, so he decided that he should get his well earned rest.

Isam's feet carried him towards the back end of the city, where the people he had led there now resided. He remembering having been on his way to Omar's this morning, but never making it. The man's farm came into the view at the front of the Arab neighborhood. Cows grazed on the grass within their pens, and chickens ran loose as they pleased. A cat was playing with a dead mouse off by the barn. Isam looked at the few remaining horses in their paddock, munching on hay. His group wouldn't have gotten too far without them.

Omar's home was humble and inviting. Isam took his shoes off at the door before letting himself in. With Omar nowhere in sight, he walked into the living room and collapsed on the couch. Omar had the most comfortable couch...or maybe he was just very tired. Isam found his eyes getting heavy as he laid there, and soon, he was asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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feeling her tightening against him more, he held her even tighter if that was possible, making sure he was her shield from what Jacob was doing to end this, and end it fast. hearing her laugh, Tobias smiled. "hm" he said, no need to worry about being overheard, it was only them and they wernt talking loudly. "perhaps so, i certainly wouldnt say no" and he wouldnt have, while to him he was sure no one knew of his 'feelings' toward their leader, but more then likely it was noticed, and he would admit the teasing and enuendos of hers didnt help her case, if anything it made him desire her more.

with her laugh cut short, and he heard her hiss of pain. "im sorry" and he moved, leaning over her more, tightening around her. "im sorry" and he was, she had gotten hurt, and then her cry as she was obviously hit again, Tobias growled in his annoyance of not protecting her properly and then she burned her head underneath his, he tucked it against her.. then hearing her he chanced a laugh. "if that is required, you'll do it.. but to make it easier, i will suffer a shower with you, i will put my own needs aside to be there for you in your time of need" he smiled, like it would be that much a chore for him, hell like it would be with anyone, most would jump at the chance and he was one of them, more so then anyone else he'd put money on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Sun was in bliss when he flew. It wasnt often that he did so, but when he did, it was a marvelous feeling. It was as if everything else in the world halted and seized to matter. His sprites had a way of numbing the body on many different levels. Finally outside the hospital doors, Sun looked to Shay and Marcus and chuckled lightly, watching as they floated somewhat awkwardly. "Try not to end up like Icarus", Sun said teasingly. He took a deep breath and levitated himself to his preferred altitude of comfort, and flew off in the direction of Shay's home. As he flew, he looked behind himself, hoping Shay and Marcus were tailing behind him.

If they were still flying behind him, Sun would somersault backwards, looping above them and steadying himself behind them. Better since they are new to flying, that he fly at a position behind them, just so he could keep an affectionate and watchful eye on them. Enough had already happened today and he wasn't looking for something awful to occur from something as simple as flying home. Sun's eyes looked out over the wall that surronded PL, and smiled from the warmth of the sun meeting the horizon. It was evening for sure, and the sun would be setting in a matter of hours.

Sun twirled himself and began flying on his back, looking up at the sky in a position like an otter trying to crack open a clam shell. He chuckled lightly, before twirling himself back to a front position, holding his hands out and breathing in the air as it passed his face. He made sure to keep a close eye on Shay and Marcus as he did so, floating and trailing behind them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheCheshire
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Ravenia gritted her teeth at the pain in her side and arm. She hated the feeling of being burn, it was something you just couldn't get fully used to. Yeah, you could endure it but that didn't mean you were used to it. Being burned was the worst, that sensation stayed for forever and any time you hit it was like somebody was slapping it for you. She felt a sigh of relief leave her as the intensity of the heat slowly ebbed away. "Fuck. That." She deadpanned, glad that the heat was finally gone. She didn't move from Tobias's hold, she wanted just a moment to catch her breath.

Resting her head on his chest, Ravenia chuckled at his words. "I might actually need some help with the shower, truthfully. I think my shirt melted to my skin. This is going to be a bitch wrapping this. You'll probably be seeing me on a daily basis to doctor and wrap this thing." She craned her neck to look at him and smile wide. Even though the pain in her side and arm were almost unbearable, she wouldn't let it ruin her humor. Slowly, she moved from his arms and stood up. She cursed at the pain that stabbed into her side and looked down. "Oh boy..." She muttered, seeing that her shirt had in fact melted against her skin. That was going to be a tough one to get off.

"I wished it had been hotter so it would have just burned the shirt off." She muttered as she smiled at Tobias. She looked around at the crispy, charred remains of the Dead. A good deal of them were only partially burned so they twitched and groaned but too much of their body was damaged so they couldn't go anywhere. She patted Tobias on the chest and nodded towards the gates. "C'mon, big guy, power down. I need those soft hands of yours doing your magic on me. And I plan on complaining like a bitch." She said and held arm tight against her and the other up at an awkward angle so it didn't brush her wound. She waved her hand at Jacob, signalling his good work. She was far too tired to shout to him. "You know, I think I want a nap. Wanna go take a nap?" Ravenia asked with a quirk of her eyebrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by docblargle


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jacob took a glance back towards Tobias and Ravenia, less out of worry for them and more for their roles for the city. At least, that was what he told himself. He was stunned for a second to find them, of all things, still holding each other! It had been at least 30 seconds since the blast went off. But instead of helping finish off the remnants of the dead, there they were CUDDLING! At the very least, Ramera and Anora were holding their own. Now pissed off that his "glorious leader" wasn't even pulling her own weight, Jacob glanced off at what was left. One small group of dead remained in front of him. Jacob charged for a second, then fired one last beam at them, roasting them until the collapsed. Jacob took one last look at the waste around him. The battle was theirs.

Jacob would have wiped sweat off his face if he had a face at the moment. As it stood, however, he did not. Instead, Jacob cracked his neck side to side, making sure he was still in one peace. Jacob gave a loud "Clear!", announcing their success. Jacob looked back at the two lovebirds, as Ravenia gave him a wave. Jacob again wished he had the benefits of a face so he could glare at the two of them. He settled for calling in his usual emotionless tone "Alright, enough fraternizing. We still have a lot of work ahead of us to make sure the city remains secure. The two of you can do...... whatever it is you do...... AFTER we're done." He called up at the sky to the two harpies. "Anora, Ramera! Can one of you grab my coat and gloves from the top of the wall? We remember what happened last time I walked in like this. Let's avoid a panic this time." The coat and gloves would cover most of his skeleton. Only his head would stick out. The reason he wore it wasn't even appearances anyway, though a number of civilians didn't know that. It was actually to minimize the radiation he emitted.

Jacob strode toward the gates as he waited for his coat, also awaiting it to open up. On that note, Jacob once again wondered where Marcus had run off to. He didn't really care, either. They had been in the midst of an attack, and Marcus had just ditched his post. He would have to have a chat with Marcus about that when he got the chance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

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Despite the pain being gone, Shay struggled to catch her breath as she held it often in her awkward balancing act. Getting used to the weightless feeling was difficult and definitely not relaxing. This was supposed to be a freeing and exciting experience and it seemed more like a frustrating unwanted challenge. Her hand gripped Marcus', not realizing how hard due to the numbness flowing through their bodies from Sun's sprites. Shay looked to Marcus hoping she wasn't the only one awkwardly trying to gain control of her body. It was then that she saw how hard of a grip she was holding on him and quickly released. When he would meet her eyes she would give a small embarrassed laugh; she was glad to see he had some measure of difficulty like her.

Soon enough, as they reached outside and moved up higher in to the air, Shay felt like she had started to regain her balance. The feeling of flying was a freedom that couldn't be expressed in to words. Is this what it felt like for the harpies? For Mother? It was simply amazing! Not only was her pain gone but with the wind blowing in her face she could take deep, relaxing breaths of air as it blew past her worn and dirty face. The colors of the sky, the warmth of the sun on her face, made her feel more alive than ever.

Just when Shay thought she had full control of her balance she teetered over towards Marcus. With a small "ah!" and reached out grabbing Marcus' shirt sleeve to help balance her out. As she leveled back she looked to him. She grinned impishly and pulled him close to her, their shoulders banging against each other softly. She didn't say anything but laid her head down against him, their torsos close together as they moved forward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Twilights Curse

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Tobias knew the Heat and Radiation was ebbing, but he wasnt taking a chance til he was sure it was clear. "if its bad, you will i'll have to cut your clothes off around whats burned then slowly peel the fabric off" he said, hearing that the shirt had melted to her flesh he sighed. "it wont be a bitch to wrap it" grinning back, which in his current state wasnt much of one. "well i will just endure seeing you daily as we clean and wrap it" he said.

Once she stood. Tobias would lean back slowly, looking around just as Jacob gave the all clear. laughing deeply. "every time you have to come see me, your complaining or running, im use to it" pulling the remains off his shirt off as it was nothing but a blacked charred mess, revealing his chest, though at the moment was still Armored up. he stepped out of the hole, straightening to his full height, and his hand went to the remains of his pants cause with no more waist band, it currently crumbling from the heat it had taken, it was the only thing keeping everyone from seeing his Armored up ass. using his free hand to signal Jacob all was okay, he then heard his words, rolling his eyes he called back, his voice like a damn fog horn, deep and booming. "i wasnt going to move til i knew it was safe, and i believe the term you were looking for is 'playing grab ass'" he said, shaking his head. "we know the protocol Jacob, we all helped Develop them.. the newer ones anyway" looking to Ravenia, nodding. "i've forgotten what a nap was if we are being honest" as he talked to her, his body seemed to ripple, as if water, and he changed back, catching his pants again before they fell as he returned to normal, taking a deep breath.. his chest now bare, his hair back to its usual wildness. "if you can shadow to the Med Center we can go now, you need to get those clothes off and those wounds dressed, and if they are bad" he looked at her with the look. "your going to have to get a shot, we dont need you getting Rad sick" looking down at himself then ."its a good thing i've got back up clothes, we'll both need something to wear" waiting on her, before turning around to Jacob "Marcus is busy right now, the gate will have to be Manually opened and anyone in need of medical attention" his eyes falling to Jacob. "you know where to go or i'll find you, i usually do"

Tobias wasnt one of those that cared how Jacob looked, why would he judge when he himself was looked at oddly, everyone knew and saw the days when his ability did something to make him stand out.. "i mean it too Glow Stick, if you need to be checked out, get to the Medical Center" looking up at the Harpies, two of three. "Clo is there resting, if you need to be checked out or seen or just want to check on her, go ahead" now he was ready to go if Ravenia was going to take them, he didnt like the way that arm looked, and he could only imagine how her side was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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Marcus was having a difficult time getting use to the weighlessness. To him, it didn't feel like flight, this was more like a lack or gravity. He didn't fly from point A to point B, he floated there. To him, flying mean having to push upwards using the same amount of force or more that is pushing you down. He felt nothing pushing him down like he would have if he were flying, and due to this he was having a difficult time. There was literally nothing to it where there should have been, and it was messing with what his body was telling him.

When he felt the pressure of Shay's hand getting weaker, he looked at the woman who's hand he had he laughed along with her, using a similar nervous laugh, or simple chuckle in his case.Although he didn't say anything when she had lost her balance, his eyes widened and looked at her as he saw her grabbing onto the sleeve of his shirt and pulling him closer to her. He didn't object to her actions, and actually enjoyed her closeness. Anything that Sun had said wasn't being registered in his head, as he could only focus on flight and Shay at the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheCheshire
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ravenia felt her lips turn down in a scowl at Jacob's words. "We weren't fucking playing. Excuse me for being a little slow to stand up, I'm a little crispy feeling." She snapped, exhaustion causing her to be a little testy. She sighed at Tobias's words and took one of the rapiers and sliced it quickly across her shirt, cutting it all the way around so it revealed her stomach and lower back. She cut around the edges of the wounds and the fabric that was melted to her skin. She tossed the fabric to the side and looked back to Tobias.

"Sorry, hon. I can't phase again. That heat took it out of me, I'm too exhausted. I wouldn't be able to even pull myself out of the shadows. We've gotta hoof it." She said, a tired smile gracing her lips. Her good hand moved to her cloak and unfastened it, quickly she had thrown it over Tobias's shoulders. "Mind carrying that? The feathers are irritating my sensitive skin right now." She laughed at the ridiculous sight of Tobias but something about the sight of him in her cloak was endearing. It wasn't very often that Ravenia was seen without her raven-feathered cape. She made her way off towards the gates, stabbing the half-burnt Dead in the head with her rapier.

She looked over her shoulder at Tobias with a wide grin and spoke. "Doc, I don't think I need a shot. I feel-" but Ravenia didn't get to finish her sentence when she felt it. She stumbled suddenly, falling to her hands and knees, and wretched pitifully. She wretched a time or two more before she slowly sat back on her knees. Using her rapier as a crutch, Ravenia managed to get to one knee as she caught her breath. "So I totally just lied. I think the sickness is starting, Doc. Dammit." She muttered and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Ravenia stood up shakily and slowly sheathed her rapier. 'Damn,' she thought 'I gotta get a shot.' Mother chuckled to herself and waited for Tobias to catch up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shay was finally beginning to relax. The Dead were still a threat as far as she knew but if Ravenia, Tobias, Ramera and Anora needed any help they would have certainly made it very clear. They knew how to reach all of them if the situation became too dire. Jacob was their secret weapon. She felt especially safe with him. Many people of the city that didn't know Jacob as well were afraid of his powers and his stale attitude didn't help. But Shay understood him a bit better as she knew him through the trainings they had with the Harpies. She trusted Mother and Mother most certainly trusted Jacob. He was on their side.

With Sun behind them guiding them along with his sprites, Shay looked ahead, her hair, hell her whole body and clothes a complete mess. She looked forward to getting cleaned up and be back home. Shay lifted her head off of Marcus' shoulder and looked at him. "I can hear your mind racing" she teased. She knew he wasn't a fan of abilities that spread past their conventional understanding of logic, science and technology. There was no proper explanation for the powers that Sun had that could be found through reason, math or textbooks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The nurse gave the man a medical form to fill out while he was awake. It was just a series of questions meant for his medical records, but Sasha was clearly not too interested. He felt like shit, and his attitude showed in his word.

Medical History Form
(Please print)

Name: ____Sasha Belov____
Age: ____30 something. I lost count.____
Sex: ____Yes____
Race: ____Human____

Height: ____6'6"_____
Weight:____220 or something like that_____

Please answer the following questions truthfully to ensure the best possible medical care.

Are you in good health? ___I was shot.___

Has there been any change in your general health in the past year? ___I was shot.___

My last physical examine was on ___My last girlfriend___

Have you ever had a serious illness, operation, or hospital visit in the past five years? ___Yes, right now.___

If so, what was the illness or problem? ___I got shot.___

Are you taking any medications? ___Occasionally___

Is there any possibility you could be pregnant? ___Definitely___

Have you had any abnormal pain or bleeding? ___Yes. I got shot.___

Sasha groaned when he looked at all the questions he had left. Why was this thing so long? He shoved it onto the nightstand beside his bed and laid his head back down. He hated laying on his stomach; he had always been a back sleeper. He supposed he wouldn't be doing that for a while.
Afghanistan, 25 years ago

The winds swept across the dusty earth on a hot day. The breeze was nothing but warm air gusting around, throwing sand into people's eyes. Isam stood on the small, wooden porch of his equally small house, watching the sand get kicked up. A couple chickens pecked and scratched at the bare earth, trying to find something to eat. Isam feared that soon, that could him.

He turned and went back into the house, which was mostly devoid of furniture so that there would be room to walk through it. It looked as though it had been hand built by someone who didn't know a single thing about architecture. The boy walked back into the bedroom, where his mother was laying in bed. She was sick, and there was nothing he could do to help her. She had been the worker, the one that brought home money and food. But now, she was too ill to work, and Isam had no money to pay for medical care. It was all he could do to keep her and himself fed. Luckily, they owned animals and had a small garden.

"Ommah?" The boy's voice was quiet and hesitant as he approached. It looked as though his mother was sleeping, but the blankets didn't rise and fall with her breath. The boy came to stand by the bedside to peer at her, then shake her lightly. The woman didn't wake or even respond. The boy's breath quickened.
"Ommah," The boy's voice broke, "Min fudliki, ezteqad." But she didn't open her eyes. Isam knew that she was gone, but he couldn't except it. Tears began to leak down his young face, leaving streaks in the dirt on his skin. He whimpered quietly as he crawled onto the bed and curled up next to his late mother. She had always taught him not to cry, but he couldn't help it now.
By the time Fen came back to the medical center, Shay had already gone home. He was clean and properly dressed now, save for his bare feet. The man timidly entered the room where the Russian had been placed and peeked past his curtain. The man was asleep in his bed, a clipboard with a few sheets of paper sitting on the bedstand next to him.
"He need to rest."

Fen almost jumped out of his skin. The nurse had somehow managed to take him by surprise. It didn't happen often. He turned to look at her curiously. "Did he, uh... did he say anything while he was awake?"
"He said his name was Sasha Belov. Other than that, he didn't seem to want to answer questions. Kept wanting to see the kids down the hall, but I told him that whatever he wanted to say could wait. I don't even know how he knew they were here."

Fen looked back at the man. Sasha was kind of a funny name, but with a name like Fenrir, he could hardly judge. Fen quietly went over to the bed Shay had been on and sat down to wait. He needed to ask the Russian man questions about his mysterious riddle, but he guessed it wouldn't hurt to let him wake up on his own first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Twilights Curse

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when Ravenia snapped at Jacob, he knew why she did or partly.. she was tired and hurting. watching her actions with a raised brow, when she was finished "or we could do that as well, that works to" while she did that, he took and pulled the side of his non existant waistband, and tied a knot, hoping that would keep his pants up, nodding at her words. "hoofing it is not a problem then, i wouldnt put you at any undo risk" he said.

taking her Cloak, he laughed. "no, i dont mind thank you so much for asking me" he said, walking after her as they headed back toward the gate. "Marcus is with Shay, we'll have to use the manual for the door" he said softly as they walked, seeing that over the shoulder look. "you dont know that, dont even start with that.." but his words died out as he ran forward, seeing her stumble he came up behind her. "totally lied" helping her to stand. "we'll get you the shot, relax you wont feel a thing" the moment her rapier was sheathed. "you can kill me later for this" and with a quickness he swept her legs out from under her, picking her up in a Cradle, before he hurried toward the gate, hoping someone got to the Manuel control switch and could get the gate open and to the Med Center.. his bare feet hurrying them across half baked bodies or ash piles.


Two Hundred Miles away, in Jackson Mississippi.. a man crouched down on one knee.. he wore what looked like remains of a shirt, it was tattered and frayed around the ends, his chest bare open.. what held the item on was the two thick leather crisscrossing straps that went across his chest, buckling and securing it on.. across his right arm was a metal like gaunlet, protecting that arm, while the left one was bare. a hood pulled up over his head as he sighted down the scope of a beaten, battered old sniper rifle. his breath came slowly, his finger resting on the trigger as he looked around, finding a dozen undead walking around what had been a nice looking river Barge, that seemed to still be floating. he was perched in an old, run down building for the moment, behind him eight undead already lying scattered around, some with their limbs and heads blown off, others thick stab wounds right between their eyes or for some the sockets where eyes would have been.

clearing his throat, he spoke.. his voice rough, but with an edge of seduction about it ."ye though i walk through the vally of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil.." a squeeze of the trigger. eighty yards away a head exploded from the shot. "Cause i carry a BIG MOTHAFUCKING STICK" he yelled out, laughing as he pulled the trigger again, this time a leg blew off, the undead stumbling and falling over into two others, knocking them down. "and im the meaniest motherfucker in this vally" he finished his little quoting, and probably wasting a dozen unnecessary shots, he was toying with undead, playing as it were.. blowing limbs off, leaving them arm and legless on the ground but not killing them til the end. once the path was clear. he stood up, groaning, he tossed the hood back that was over his head.. he had a small scar going across his nose, his eyes were muddy brown.. his hair was short and raven black, the stubble on his face was days old, giving the look of a nice coming in beard though he wasnt old by any means.. rifle over his shoulder he smirked, a cocky, arrogant smirk.. his pants hung loosely at his waist, even with the belt he wore, it looked like his hips were the only thing keeping them up. "damn im good" turning around he walked out his perch and headed back down the building.. coming outside, his land runner sat parked there.. the frame of an older vehicle he'd read was called a Dune Buggie, he had it loaded down with junk.. on the back was his travel supplies, strapped to the back frame. he dismantled his sniper rifles and put it back where it went in the black, hard case, closing it and latching it secure he peeked inside, smiling. "did you catch those shots?" he asked, grinning he pulled his long curved blades out from the sheaths, twirling them around before he climbed in.. who was he talking to? sitting on the front of the runner, a half charred, bent out of shape bobble head sat there. "you can go ahead and say it, im a bad motha fucker, i already know" thumping its head, which hung off to the side a big it began bobble heading. "oh stop, your too kind" laughing he started the runner and tore off, bumping up and down on the old roads, yelling like a mad man as they were tumbling around corners and turns before he skidded around, coming up to the river and the old barge. "of course its going to work" looking over. "im driving us right up onto the thing" he scoffed, looking at the bobble head. "even if the engine doesnt work, we can float right on down it" shaking his head, he sped up, the engine whinning as he burst through the gate, sending old boxes and crates crashing into the water as he drove right up on the dock and then right off of it, slamming down onto the barge, which groaned and creaked, distrubing the water. "see" he said. "told you"

unhooking all the lines had been easy, he cut through them with ease, or he used a gun to shot the lines off.. each shot was right on target, what he aimed at, he hit. "so, i figure we ride this bad boy on down, straight for Paradise" he said loudly.. the Bobblehead guy ontop of the Runner now, having been moved there to 'watch' him. "they are not going to shoot me, im sure Mother has already forgiven me of what i did and will give me my rank back among the warriors, if i want it.. i dont know yet" shrugging as he stood on the dock, looking down. "i might be going back for her too, so what?.. you dont know, just wait til you see her" grinning as he relived the memories. "she'll probably jump me the moment she sees me, im just saying its going to go from shock to we are doing it right in the middle of the city, you just watch.. but not to much, cause that could be creepy.. but Ravenia and me were Wild, and that was when we were teenagers, can you imagine now, i know i can" last line undone, the Barge began creaking and groaning.. the thing probably stuck there for a good while, but it started moving, the current taking it. "ah, told ya" and then pain erupting on his leg.. he looked down. "son of a bitch!" an undead, the one he'd shot the legs off of, had crawled toward him the whole time he hadnt been paying attention, and now had a nice piece of his pants leg and skin in its mouth.. "fucker!" he raised his leg and brought his foot down on its head once, twice, then three times til the head popped like a grape.. hissing from the burning pain he dropped onto the barge and hobbled toward his Runner, going past it into the wheel house.. taking the wheel he spun it and when the barge began going in the direction he sighed. "good, we can steer.. oh im not going to look forward to whats coming from this bite, not one bit" sitting down, he opened a pouch on his belt, pulled out a dirty squirt bottle and a bandage roll.. pulling open the top he took three quick breaths before he squeezed the entire contents of the bottle into and on the bite wound.. screaming in pain as it burned and hissed, and stung like a bitch.. "ahh DAMN IT!!" yelling, he wrapped the bite mark, tying it off tightly til it almost cut off Circulation. "Paradise, im coming home" and he started laughing as he looked out the broken window of the wheel house.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 13 days ago


It was a soft voice, barely audible above the noise of the hustle and bustle that was Cypher's home. If he hadn't taken the time to catch a break he probably would have missed it altogether. He'd paused wiping sweat from his brow and turned to meet Kaiden's gaze, watching as an unusually large smile spread across his lips. The man was one of the newest members to the family. Cypher and a few others had found him and his mother accompanied by two from their previous group wandering the waste. They all exchanged quick words and It didn't take long for Cypher to accept them into his group. Their gifts were shared openly to Cypher's surprise and of course there was always room for a skilled cook. Sure they had the food but so few in the waste had the wisdom to take an ingredient and turn it into a meal... a real meal. Thanks to Kaiden's mother, who'd just recently been promoted to head the kitchen, the entire camp enjoyed fresh made dinners every few days.

Kaiden himself had a peculiar gift. Almost immediately after their meeting, he'd shared with Cypher his ability to communicate with different animals with varying success. The oddity piqued Cypher's interest right away as the applications for such a skill quickly became apparent. The most obvious task for someone with such an ability was scouting. A bird could cover twice as much ground and pick up more information from a single search than any normal man could. Patrols were a normal part of everyday life at Cypher's camp and Kaiden was one of the few who stood out among the rest of his soldiers. His reports to the triplets were always on time, extremely informative and of course accurate. If there was anything that needed to be found or searched for in the areas around the camp, Kaiden was his go to man. In fact, it was because of him that they'd found the group responsible for their recent theft and the murder of Crystal.

Even now the man never failed to impress him. He'd only been with Cypher for a short time but he was one of the hardest working. "How can I help?" Were the four words that came from his mouth. Nothing else.

Cypher returned the smile with one of his own as he placed himself in a stray chair. He patted a dirty cloth against his head picking off the last few beads of moister and finished catching his breath. All around the both of them, people continued to work, chat, prepare for the festivities to come. Kids continued to play, mother's continued to scream and father's continued their chores. The sun up above was beginning to set. It hadn't quite kissed the horizon but the shadows it cast were long and dark and warned for the approaching night. The fun was about to begin and Cypher wanted everyone to enjoy themselves... knowing full well they weren't going to find any enjoyment in the days to come.

"Thank you... as always Kaiden. Always the hard worker... going to put me to shame one day." He let a deep laugh tumble from his mouth. His eyes were smiling now showing the sincerity in his words. "I saw you making rounds earlier... I think you'll be needing a break. You and Akasha." He motioned toward the bird, the animal Kaiden had the deepest connection with after having nursed it from birth. "Have you found yourself a date for tonight?" He threw Kaiden a wink. It was friendly gesture meant to poke fun at the fact that he hadn't seen the man with a girl since they'd met. He was sure there was some woman in the camp who had his fancy though as he'd caught him staring at someone during his speech. "If you do, better get to it son... Small breeding pool this place and before you know it, the woman you want will be the woman of another man." He paused letting the laugh turn into a soft chuckle. "Not only that, it'll be dark soon and I'm sure your mother's nearly finished with the food. I know she'll want you eating with the rest so don't worry about the help. We're almost done her and you've done more than enough. Take the extra time to get ready for tonight. You'll be up till dawn with the rest of us."

He was going to say more but his attention was stripped by the arrival of Geoffrey and Eliza. The both of them were also new members to the family. Only a few days ago they'd been rescued from the edges of the waste where'd they'd washed ashore after having survived off of literally nothing. Their story was incredible and their presence in the camp was just as interesting as their past. Word about Geoffrey's altercation with another fairly new member of the camp had spread like wildfire and reached Cypher's ear long before the pair had returned. He'd already had his words in with Ray... perhaps more. Of course, there were two sides to every conflict and the stick burning at both ends needed to be extinguished twice. Such was Cypher's duty as leader among many others. A house of sticks... that was his home and if a stick had been charred from a burning, it needed to be replaced lest it break and threaten the integrity of his home.

Cypher was on his feet again as Eliza began their reintroduction. He remembered them both as he did with everyone. He had a good memory for faces and names. He nodded a smile to both and shook their hands, noticing the slightly stronger grip from Geoffrey and the way the air around him felt heavy. "I remember you both and as always I'm glad to have you two as a part of my family. As far as help goes..." He turned to look at Kaiden. "As I just finished telling Kaiden here, most of the preparations are already done. Really all that's left is to get ready for the party." He paused for a moment, looking at them both before continuing. "I know you've only been here for a so long but everyone is welcome including the both of you... However..." This time he focused solely on Geoffrey. "I heard about what happened earlier between you and Ray. I do not tolerate fighting within my camp. Personal matters are either resolved quickly and in private or taken to me if a resolution cannot be found. I understand this was simply a misunderstanding of interests... perhaps a misunderstanding of attitudes but a fight nearly broke out regardless and a fire is a fire. I don't want anyone setting fire to my home. Firestarters make for very poor guests and quick exits... Don't start any fires Geoffrey and I promise you won't be burned." He paused yet again, letting his words sink in. "Besides, I'm still extinguishing the other..." He smiled.

"Funny thing too... how that all ended wasn't it?" He turned to look at Eliza. "The two of you an inch away from each other's throats ready to slice the other and suddenly you're both okay... something about an odd odor." The small smile he'd been holding widened a little as he caught Eliza's gaze. "Whoever was responsible for stopping the both you and Ray from setting fire to my home has my gratitude. Not sure who it was... all just speculation at this point but I'll found out."


"Fuck this bullshit."

Ray pushed the edge of his shovel into the warm pile of manure and chucked it into the cart. The string of expletives that left his mouth like a stream was the only way he could block out the constant crying of the horses around him. This was to be his new and... permanent job.
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