Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by phantori


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The burning sensation disappeared when the boy ran into me, and I collapsed, letting out a quiet squeaking sound. I looked down at my hands and saw that they were smaller. I gave myself a once-over and discovered that whatever had altered my personality like that had worn off. I tried to stand up when the boy was apologizing, but felt lightheaded and collapsed again. I was exhausted, and could only assume it was because of the strange change. He introduced himself and I managed to stutter out "I'm...um..." before he shouted something else and grabbed my hand. I could feel my face flushing a bright scarlet, probably the color of my hair, though I couldn't see it. He picked me up and began carrying me on his back as he ran, but I was too tired to protest. It was only now that I saw his pointed white ears and long, fluffy tail trailing behind him.

He stopped in front of a group of people, all fairly odd-looking, though I suppose we weren't much better. He offered to help, sounding nervous, and, biting my lip, I decided to speak up. "I...I could help too....I guess I can punch things...I-I mean, I broke my door...I guess..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 7 mos ago

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keepa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
More people, it was better that way...as was Kapra taking the baton and stun gun from me. I could imagine she would be better with them than I was. "My name is Keepa...really" I say with an assertive cough, folding my fingers behind my back while I waited for others to arrive...and as much as I could have wished they didn't.
Some kind of hound-boy showed up, his eyes darting between Kapra and I. Something inside of me seized up and I made eye contact for a moment before it spoke.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kapra ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Right to the wall, Keepa was in the corner from the dogboy. The prospect wasn't too unnatural, really, no more than Compound-Fracture Man. I...guess I didn't really know the kid that well. You'd think he'd been attacked by a dog when he was younger by the way he tried to hide in plain sight. I stepped aside for them to join us, though cautiously on guard if it got bad; who knew what kind of influence they may have been under to become so feral.
"Ehrm...go easy on the Ice Queen, hes already had a rough day" I try to explain with a chuckle, aware that the comment may have been too far by his death-glare he shot back. "Oh, its just a dog...its not even a dog" I try to explain
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YuukiSuzuki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It seemed that taking over for Twenty Seven helped, although 003 knew he couldn't do that too many more times otherwise he'd start loosing focus again. He just need a little while to recover and after that, those guards were more than welcome to try and stop him. Try being the critical word here. Seeing Twenty Seven step back allowed him to work quickly and without needing to worry about his powers flying off course, he'd done that before when he'd first arrived here so long ago (or was it?). After that day he had not spoken to anyone for three months, it was a horrible event that he didn't want happening again. 003 knew it wouldn't be easy, but life never was. If it was, none of them would have ended up in this situation in the first place would they? Still, from when he let go of Six, glancing behind to see her body slightly tense. Hm. Best not to leave her alone like that too often in the future then.

The sudden jump from Six when he retook her hand, took the tall male by surprise. Thanks to using his powers, yes his whole body had become colder, but was quickly warming back up to regular but still cooler than normal body temperature. Of course, having been like this for such a while, he never noticed the affect it had on others, and so put it down to Six simply being nervous that guards might show up and grab one of them. Letting the young boy known as Twenty Seven go ahead of them, it looked like he would naturally anyhow. For now however, it looked like he'd need to keep an eye on Six, even more so with others around and all the chaos that would most likely soon occur. It wouldn't be a good idea to go off to far for now, at least until they were outside of this hell hole. Squeezing Six's hand lightly almost to reassure her that he wasn't about to just leave her in the middle of nowhere, they kept moving forward.

Only a few minutes passed until they both reached 002's cell only a few moments after Twenty Seven had. Now there was one problem with this, the door... into the cell, or rather the height of it. Being as tall as he was, his cell door had been made taller to fit him easily, but with this he'd have to duck to get inside. Ugh. Great. Coming to a stop while half leaning against the door's right edge, with Six just off to his left side, but still allowing entrance and exit into the room if anyone needed to get past. Huh. Interesting people we had here. "My, my. Looks like we've got quite the bunch of people here. How quaint." 003 spoke in a sarcastic but still lilting tone, if the amount of here was anything to go by. It seemed they would be just fine with getting out of here, unless someone passed out on the way, or got knocked out, one of the two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Six heard a lot of commotion going on, and Shin’s commentary on the quaint bunch of people apparently arranged in 002’s cell area. She raised an eyebrow, desperately wanting to peek at this zoo of other subjects, but she knew that would certainly do more harm than good. She opened her mouth to speak, squeezing Shin’s hand a little tighter prior. ”It’s been awhile since we broke out… surely the guards know by now?” she said the statement in a questioning tone, as if she wasn’t sure if she should speak up or not, chewing her lip slightly whenever she would pause in speaking. ”And if we’re all going to work together, we might need to know names so… I guess just call me Six. I would open my eyes and get to know everyone through sight but well… whatever they did to me makes these energy blasts come continuously from my eyes if I open them and I don’t want to hurt anyone. Except maybe a guard or two,” she said with a small smile, looking a little downwards and tucking some of her hair behind her ear. ”So, I guess if a guard is coming just point me in that direction and tell me to open my eyes. I’m sure it would do some damage or help someone escape,” she concluded, hoping she had proved her usefulness and that the others would follow suit. She was still making her mental list of who everyone was and what they did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

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Jalo saw where number Six was going with introducing herself, and agreed it would be a good idea. The fact that he even struggled to give simple yes or no answers correctly could make this a pain. Then again, the one who called himself Shin seemed to be able to understand him. at least with simple phrases. Maybe with that he could get at least a bit though.

Seeing nobody else speak up after Six had finished her introduction, he decided to go. "Sisenikelet ,mu htiw ,naem I...Srood eht fo tol a ekorb ,mu ,I...Olaj...Neves-ytnewt." He didn't want to say too much, being embarrassed of the fact he couldn't speak straight, but felt himself rambling and stuttering a bit anyway. He was never good at talking to crowds, even one as small as this. As he talked, he looked down, fidgeting with his sleeves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YuukiSuzuki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It wasn't long before people began to speak up once they had arrived, the first being none other than Six standing beside him. At the increase of pressure against his hand, he merely returned it. She seemed a little nervous about speaking to so many like them now, him? He had no problem with it whatsoever, finding it easy as if he were throwing insults at guards all over again. How nice. Glancing over towards the young female as he spoke, it was only then did he fully notice quite how short she was compared to him. Huh, weird how you only notice things at certain times. Then again, this was a do or die breakout, so who could really complain about that one? Shrugging lightly at her first comment, he was the first to answer that. "Sure, ya can bet they do. Doesn't mean they know how many of us are here, or how well armed we are. I'd say they're just waiting until they think it's the right time to come rushing at us." The tall silver haired male explained calmly, it was logical sure. But he doubted any of these lot of 'guards' were all that smart. More like hired thugs really. Great.

Listening to Six introduced herself, 003 knew he might as well. "Suppose introductions are due on my end as well. It's Three, or Shin whichever is easier for ya all. Cryo-Pyrokinesis, or so I've been told anyhow." Shin explained, rubbing the back of his neck lightly, sure he had been told that. And had produced such flames, but he was never told the full extent of his powers. Oh well, guess he'd find out about that one eventually wouldn't he? Hearing Twenty Seven or now Jalo as he had found speak, both backwards and stuttering quite a bit, it was no wonder. He seemed to be as, if not more nervous than Six. Poor thing. Guess he'd better help the kid out before others started to wonder what the hell he was saying. Gesturing to the young man, he spoke again explaing to those present who weren't aware. "Jalo here speaks backwards, and he's simply saying his number as Twenty Seven and his other name, like mine I'd guess. As well as being able to use telekinesis, also being the one who broke down most of those other cell doors back there, quite an interesting sight actually." Shin grinned lightly after finishing, both explaining what Jalo was saying, as well as providing his own little comments in an upbeat and lilting manner as per usual.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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"Oh, its just a dog...its not even a dog" Skylar looked at the girl bunny, who said that remark. "I'm not a...dog...I'm a wolf...human...I think?" Skylar looked at the bunny boy, he thought he should go over to him, and show him, that he didn't mean to scare him. Before he went over to him, Skylar stopped, if he got near him, he would probably freak him out more, making Skylar grin, being scary, was in his wolf genes. For now, he would just stay back and talk to him, maybe he could play a prank on the bunny boy later. Before he started to talk again, another group of people came. One was super tall, he couldn't even fit into the cell, another one didn't make even more sense, then Skylar when he tried to talk. The tall guy, translated for him, he could use telekinesis, that was cool. Then there was the girl, who was blind? But then she said that, if she had opened her eyes, she would obliterate everyone, and everything. He waved at them, then he realized, that the girl wouldn't see him wave. "Hi...I'm...*Growl*...Skylar, sorry...just getting use to...*Growl*...being a human." Knowing that people would look at him crazy, Skylar started to explain. "It...seems, that I may...*Growl*...been born a wolf...or something...hence the ears...and fluffy white tail...and the whole...*Growl* thing...and I guess, thanks to my genes mutation...I have super strength...super speed *Growl*...super hearing...and a super howl." Skylar, became nervous, not knowing if anyone would, think he was weird, not realizing, that everyone in this cell, was some kind of mutant, gifted creature, of science, and man made machinery. "So...bunnies?...What are *Growl*, your names...and gifts *Growl*, or powers?" Skylar wanted to make nice, he smiled, his biggest smile, even though, he had wolf teeth, which were sharper, then broken glass, and as thick as steel, and that would tear them to pieces, if he wanted too, he still look so damn adorable, smiling, hoping, that they wouldn't be afraid, anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by phantori


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A large crowd had gathered, and it was making me nervous. One said she'd kill everyone if she opened her eyes, which just made me tremble more...

Another, with his nose bleeding (I hoped he was okay), said something incomprehensible, and a taller man with weird hair translated for him. They both seemed nice, but the bunny people gave me a weird feeling. I probably wouldn't be able to remember anyone's names, but I tried to ingrain them in my memory anyway.

I realized I was still on the dog boy, and was regaining my strength, but was still too tired to try and get off. I also noticed most people seemed to be introducing themselves by their numbers. I knew what mine was, but didn't want to go by it for any length of time, so I scoured my mind for something, anything I could use as an alias. A strand of my hair fell in my face, and, mildly irritated, I blew it away. Then it hit me.

"I...I'm Red. O-or, I guess you can call me that...I can punch things really hard...and there's this red light...that makes me...I mean...." I knew what I wanted to say, but blushed at the ridiculousness of it. How could I say that I had a power that turned me into a boy?? They'd probably think I was disgusting...I didn't want that... So instead, I buried my face in Skylar's fluffy white hair and stopped talking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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'These are just children.' Bone thought as he examined the group that had assembled al most out of nowhere. Bone then stands up, it looked like he had something to say like introduce himself, but instead he stayed quite. He took a step out into the hallway to check to see if anyone was coming. So far, so clear, which was confusing, 'I would have expected more resistance from the guards but so far none have shown up.' "Strange..." He said as he looked down the hallway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 7 mos ago

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kapra ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"See? Wolf. Iz not scary...ehrm. Vell, you get vaht I mean" I try to explain, realizing it may not have helped. I rolled my eyes and approached Skyler as he called himself. Unsure if it would be rude or anything to offer for him to shake, I merely tried to show that the boy was an ally. "Vell, I am known as Kapra zeh Ram" I begin with a pleasant smile, glancing back to Keepa who calmed down a bit but still remained where he was. "I broke zeh two ouf us out with my strength...him?" continuing with a small laugh at Keepa's expression but waiting in case he actually wanted to say anything.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keepa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ehrm...Keepa" I say, giving a small wave as I take a breath to continue before Kapra butted back in. "-Ice Queen over here controls temperature at zeh atomic level. He likes freezink better because...hm?" She said, referencing the joke I had made a week or two ago, although putting me on the spot was a little embarrassing. Still, I couldn't hold back the smile as I reply, "...because iz cooler!" trying not to blush.
If Skyler's attempt to smile was to help comfort people, it wasn't doing me many favors. Something about the fangs sent chills down my spine.
Keepa's eyes shimmered dully from the corner, ears perked and tail flicking occasionally as they watched Skyler, still quite cautious though trying their best to be friendly, all things considered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Realizing where the situation was going as that is was quiet after the bunny introductions Runa quickly stood up and bend down in a typical Japanese greeting.
"Ko.. Konichiwa, My name is 002, My power is aqua-kinessis, I am also trained in medical matters so if ant of you have anything, please come and see me, I hope we will all get along"

066 looked at the gathering, it felt like someone was missing, he had seen the numbers and from the looks of it, even if he added skylar to the numbers, it seemed like 3, no 4 were missing, at least one he knew who was missing, number 013 the cyborg, but the other 3 numbers...
He was quite as everyone introduced themselves, partly because he was resting still after overloading himself as he was calling it now, partly because he wanted to listen to everyone, hear who they were and what they could do, trying to piece the pieces together to form a plan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by resiak verdungert

resiak verdungert

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"Aqua-kiessis." Lucky said "Cool! me and you could definitely make some devastating combo attacks." he then turned to address 066 "More importantly how do we get out of here. We have a sizable group here so we should have no problems when it comes to force. Do you know of anyone we might need to retrieve?
He then looked at all the assembled "people" "I'm glad to meet you all. lets try not to leave anyone behind. Oh, and if anyone sees a metal chain of decent length i'd like to have it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Amidst the chaos

080's cell

Time unknown

Alex sat along one of the walls of his cell, patiently crafting a new poem as he awaited the inevitable training to come. He was not happy to do it, but it was conditioning him to enact his later plan, so he went along with it and kept the testers happy. A crackling of the intercom brought his attention back to reality and he heard the first message sent to detainees. He assumed that the time had come to make his way out of this place and stood up, looking about for possible escape routes. His cell was made to restrict his ability to leave, so there were no obvious ways out. However, once he heard a second communication, he had to make a decision. He was normally kept under watch considering his training, so he began to misbehave, loudly.

The guard responded as expected and came in to check on what was happening. Alex ambushed him and quickly killed the man by snapping his neck. Taking his equipment, Alex made his way into the halls, dashing quickly and quietly towards the objective he sought. He had no idea what he would do once he met the others, but he did know he was going to leave at some point. Before finding the lower levels, he found the room where they kept his weapons and armor. Inside, there were two guards. Both were in full armor and armed with carbines.

"Hm. Great. Any way to trap them?" Looking around, he saw a ventilation shaft. A quick strike and jump later, he had nestled into it. Crawling patiently along, careful to control breathing and positioning, he moved until he was over his targets. Planning his attack, he popped the grate and fell onto one man, smashing his face to the ground and knocking him unconscious. The other guard reacted quicker than anticipated and fired a burst into Alex's shoulder. The sound of ricocheting bullets rang through the room and he pounced the guard, silencing him with a strike to the trachea to collapse his airways. Alex was fine, mostly. His shoulder now sported cracks and fissures in a circular pattern where each bullet hit. A minute amount of blood had seeped through before his lipids had hardened, lending an almost pink shade to the fissures.

His enemies now dead or incapacitated, Alex stole the keycard and broke into the locker. He geared up quickly, skipping all but the chest armor in the aim of time and stealing the underclothes of the guard most closely fitted to him. The rucksack they gave him for occasional intel mission tests worked well to store the rest of the armor and he hefted in on his back as he darted out the door. "Lower levels, here I come." It took him little time to find his way down to 002's cell, where he walked near silently and simply stood nearby, waiting for notice to shift to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 7 mos ago

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keepa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My ears perked up as what sounded like muffled gun shots rang out from deeper into the facility. Glancing at Kapra, it was clued that perhaps either they didn't hear it or didn't care; these ears were at least good for something. I stood, making my way past the group, taking my time to skirt past the wolf, aware it may still know I was leaving, and down the hall just in time for a...woah...
Keepa almost tripped over themselves, being caught off guard by the Gargoyle strapped to the horns with weaponry, or at least looked like they were by how they shown in the neon overhead lights; their flesh shining almost with the same hue as the guns. Assuming the man had no intention of using all of the weaponry...as well as their monstrous appearance which, in some ways, wasn't too terrifying compared to Claws back in 002.
"Uhh...hey!" He started, glancing back to the group; Kapra, at least, having noticed. "Vould you...like some help vith zeht?" Keepa asked, more impressed than intimidated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex looked at the one who spoke to him. His expression was relatively grim, but when he opened his mouth, the tone was cheery enough to show he was neither annoyed nor bothered. "Help with what? I thought I'd instead stop by to see if I could be of assistance. I could use some help with finding whoever is leading this group. I need to speak with them to determine what must be done." He was quite blunt and his stance showed quite a bit of tension and discomfort at being around a group. His time in isolation had definitely left him a bit on the socially anxious side for sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 7 mos ago

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keepa again ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Vaht you're carryink..." I begin, taking a few steps back and gesturing for him to follow, assuming he had it covered. He seemed tense and I didn't want to crowd him...more than he may have been about to...mostly because I was certain I weighed less than what he carried and didn't know how stable he was...like others we've found so far. "...beink polite I suppose~" I chirp, feigning cheerfulness while leading him down the hall while turning my bracelet around my wrist. I guess not many people had the luxury of having someone, even like Kapra, to talk to...having to make do with...well, nothing. The truth was that the majority of us were scared, so I believed. It could all go wrong in so many ways at any moment and, until now, most of us thought they were alone...

We owed a lot to 066...
Already, even if it may have just been his power to have the ability to do so, his words brought us together.
He was as much of a leader as we could call one. Few, if any, would disagree... "I've never really seen him, but I suppose only a so-many could be oh-six-six" I go on, trying to make conversation before Kapra stepped out, beckoning for us to join the group before cheering-

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kapra ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Keepa! It looks like you made a friend, already..." I mused aloud, watching Keepa walk back with the giant...and mostly the weapons. it would help the plan tremendously, if not whatever rocky had to bring to the table. I step aside so him and the group could introduce themselves. "Oh, yeah, that's Kapra, my neighbor" Keepa asks which I reply to with an exaggerated pout. "Y-yes, and I am Keepa" Keepa said, surprising me yet again that he took so long to introduce himself. We made eye contact for a moment before he shook his head, knowing that I was about to say "-Although he prefers 'Ice Queen'"

"Oh gawd- I DO NOT!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"I'm Number 10, I was never really given a nickname by the guards. The really feared me after training, with good reason." He said itching his face with his claw, finale introducing himself. "Although we really should get to stepping" He says turning back to watch for guards, "We can be all kinds of friendly when we aren't still technically prisoners." Not wanting to come of as an asshole he just didn't like the concept dieing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

066 Sighed and slowly stood up having rested enough.
"we are missing 3 people still, but I guess your right" he said in general but looked at 010 about being right.
"Everyone, I am 066, from this point on I hate to say it, but unless we find the the others we might need to leave them behind, if we start searching now, then we all might risk getting captured again"
He really did hated it, he wanted to go out and look for the 3 remaining members ASAP, but he knew that it had been odd that it had been this quite for such a time, they are planning something and the longer they take on getting out, the bigger the chance was to get out, he felt responsible for these people, having rounded them all up, he had to get them out at least.
"Chances are that the last 3 might not even wanted to get out to start with or took their own path, I hope its more the later then the first"
Then He noticed something, an other subject came running towards them, his clothes covered with blood and the look on his face was... madness.
Yet the man stopped quite a few paces from them lifting his arms "I am 033 and I am free, lets kill these suckers that used us as their playthings"

066 sighed, now only 2 were missing but the one that joined at the last second seemed crazy, but he had to do.
"whats your power" 066 asked the newcomer
"acid gel from my body of great one"

"great one?, never mind.Alright, I listened to all your introductions and what some of you can do, so now lets see if I can come with a good plan" 066 said to the group.
"Our first and utmost priority is getting the hell out of this hole, however if we can find any of the remaining 2, see if we can get them to join, also if we were to come across any vital equipment like the master computer, power generator, stuff like that, lets destroy it to prevent something like us in the future"

066 waited for a responce before continuing.
"to increase out chances I need to find a computer in order to download a map of the compound but as we dont know where any are, I'll say lets get out past there" pointing past 001 to the large and heavy looking door.
"either they have something important past it or its a fail save in just this case, if we can break trough it then we will have them by surprise one way or the other, I am sure they made that thing based on us individually breaking out and not all us together, from there on unless we find any way to get a good point of few of the compound we need to keep moving"
he then looked at 080 and 010 "those with high defense I want you to cover the front and the back in order to guard those that cant fight against guns and such, 080, I think you might be the one with the highest defense so I want you on front as I expect most of the attacks from that side"
Then 066 looked at 006 and Jalo "006 as you have our best range attack I need you right behind 080, Shin, I take it your going to keep supporting her unless we find an other reason for your you and Jalo I want you in the center" 066 then looked at Kapra "can you take one of those doors that are still in one piece with you? I need it for Jalo, that way he can use his powers when its needed to use the door as a portable wall"
"I will take second place rear guard together with Skylar, both of us can be super fast and are melee fighters, In case some soldiers or other dangerous people show up we will be the ones to move quickly and take them down, Those that have not been called will be in the center as well unless you find a way to use your power in any of the ways I just divided us in: fast melee, range, defense, for the melee fighters that are left I leave the ones that cant fight or fit in these settings to you, sorry 007 and 033 but your powers wont fit in these settings and using them results in hitting us all, so you guys need to be in the center and just follow us, I have idea's on how to use you guys but unless we get to these points you wont get much action"
"fuck" 033 said to that much.
"same for 002, with no water here she is just a medic with no equipment"

As 066 looked at the positions he continued "in worst case scenario we might need to use 073 and 033 powers to melt a wall and hope we can get out trough that, but we dont know where this base it, it might be underground or worst under water, the risk of too much to consider it anything more then a last resort"
Then 066 looked everyone in their eyes again.
"any questions, suggestions or complaints?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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Skylar could see that the group was getting bigger. The more people they had, the better the outcome, against the guards, would be. There was armored soldiers, people with psychic powers, laser eyes, fire power, electrical powers, he didn't know what the red head girl could do yet, she hid it well. Then there was Skylar, still getting the hang of his new found powers. Every time, he used his powers though, he would notice, his tail would get bigger, or he would get sharper teeth, and claws. Skylar just thought it was a side effect, nothing to worry about, for now. The one called 066, Skylar didn't know why everyone was going by their numbers, but 066, told everyone their positions. Skylar would be with him, in the rear, since they were the fastest, and they would take out anyone that came, after the additional guards, that would follow the group. "I...think...if everything...goes well...we will get everyone...*Growl*...out of here...hopefully." Skylar got in his fighting stance, on all fours, ready to pounce, if need be. He still smelt the rabbits, his psyque told him to eat them, he had to fight the urge, if he ate them, then the group would look at him different.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex nodded to 066's plan and then tossed his rucksack on the ground. He took the moment to quickly suit up the rest of the way. He winced when he tested his shoulder, but the wound was superficial compared to what he could readily handle. Once armored up, he had a full suit of body armor and his own natural armor to stop small arms fire. He then spoke up and made a suggestion for his side of the defense. "If we have time, I can set up traps along the area to allow the defense to cover other sides until the traps are sprung. They will be lethal traps, so the guards caught in them will either die or be too wounded to do anything but lie down and die." To add context to the type of traps he would set, Alex pulled out a few incendiary and explosive arrows as well as the hunting snares. "The snares will not kill them, but it will keep them in place as the steel cables cant be cut easily by a combat knife."
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