Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


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While waiting for Naina's reply Instructor W observed the large man leave the briefing room. He recalled how the man talked about seven wars in space that wiped out most life on Earth fifteen years ago. He eerily found the description as what Earth would be like if the White Fang succeeded in dropping the collossal battleship Libra, bringing a nuclear winter on the planet that will effectively kill all life on it. The man's world was not lucky. "Looking forward in working together Mr. Cross." He said to him.
Donna thought more on the world the ship and the whole crew including Jerkstar came from. She found how strange that how some people would be willing to genetically engineer their unborn child and the result of the brand of "super-humans" who see others inferior as a dog is unsurprising. Her speculation on why genetic engineering isn't as wide-spread is how the Romefeller could've found it against their standards or a pacifist like former-President Relena Yuy banned it for the fear of causing friction in humanity. Ironically, a friction made during an economic recession built the Falson War she and Instructor W know (and those from other worlds don't know of) today. She noticed how the girl that's guiding them to the rooms stood still and it will be a good idea to make the conversation short. Seeing that she tugged the Instructor's labcoat.
With the tug Instructor W's attention was turned to Donna. She shortly brought his attention to the waiting girl. Seeing what she means, he decided to wrap the conversation. "We should go and retire for the day." He told Naina. "It's good to speak to a friend of Katherine." He turned to the girl in the OMNI uniform. "We're ready to be taken to our rooms now." He informed her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

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The girl whom had been awkwardly fiddling with her uniform suddenly and quickly spun around and almost tripped over herself but recovered quickly, "I'm SOOO sorry. I didn't want to interrupt your conversation so I kinda spaced out for a second. I know it is unbecoming of a military soldier so I apologize." She said bowing to them in apology. She looked like she wanted to smile but she didn't mostly because it was clear she felt awkward to her. She didn't know these people but she knew that it was better to make a friend than an enemy and that everyone deserved a chance or even possibly a second chance on occasion. "Well this way...lucky for us the doors are numbered right?" She said as she turned around and led the group down the hallway. She kept a positive attitude and a small grin but she wondered if it was wasted in this way but her training and experience in her field told her otherwise. "So....what are your names? My name is Crew Member Second Class Catherine Baker. I'm a trainee who was assigned to this task to learn off of my superior officers and Captain Jason's crew needed more men so I was placed onboard. I'm just a lowly bridge soldier but I know I can get something done even if it means working my butt off. There's people on this ship I know I have to protect at all costs." Baker told them as she walked down the long hallway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


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Instructor W and Donna followed Baker through the hallway, keeping an eye on the numbers engraved on the doors. "I go by my codeman Instructor W." He introduced. "And this is Second Lieutenant Donna Lindemann."
Donna thought Baker was likable in contrast to Blackstar by how she wasn't stuck-up like him. Not everyone's anti-social like him now she knows.
"Convenient indeed." The Major agreed with how the ship was designed. "There actually isn't a floating ship in the Earth-Sphere forces. I did hear of the Falson Coalition having a land-battleship but I haven't heard of this ship. The closest thing we have to this is are airships but you can tell transportation is not really our best." He listened to how the girl was new to the job. "Well I understand how you feel at a new job." Instructor W related. "Just don't worry." His job long time ago was pretty different but he still managed to pull it off.
Donna was thinking of asking about Blackstar but realised that she might know as much. "So do you provide spare clothes as well?" She asked. She couldn't think of another thing to talk about.
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

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"Nice to meet you both I suppose. Well from what I heard from the captain was that this ship was build to maintain months worth of supplies for long field operations. We should be fine assuming the crew gets us out of here quick enough." Baker replied as she shrugged at the comment about her new job, "I'm just trying to get adjusted....it's been one heck of a first day after all and I'm not all that experienced at it at that. I'm still trying to read up all I can so I don't make mistakes." Baker added quickly overall she just seemed more nervous to meet the newcomers than the actual problem of them being dislocated themselves. "I....I can't answer that I would hope so but most of the stuff here is likely just uniforms. I'd ask the captain or one of the maintenance people instead. Sorry I can't answer that question for you." She said as she suddenly stopped walking and saluted a passing by group of soldiers with the label of ALPHA stamped on their vests. She sighed when they didn't really notice her and only one saluted back. "Oh this is going to get some getting use to."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

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Gabriel nodded and gave a salute to the captain before exiting the room thinking on the last bit of what he had said. From what he could gather this captain would be a good man, and that much was a relief. He left the room thinking and almost missed the professor talking to him. He quickly looked up, "I look forward to working with you as well Professor." He said back to the man before returning to his thoughts. He found the guide who was supposed to take him to his room and went on his way. It didn't take Gabriel long to reach his room as it seemed his guide knew the ship quite well. "I wonder how this Grant will turn out, if these rooms are anything like the ones I remember things might be a little tight and I really hope he doesn't turn out to be annoying..." He thought to himself as they walked to the room. Once he got to what would be his room Gabriel thanked his guide, "So do I some sort of Conscript Brochure? You know with a map of the ship, a list of important people to know, and maybe a list of benefits? I really hope there is a good retirement plan, I don't plan on fighting forever." He joked to his guide before going into his room. Once inside he looked around for a bit taking in the room before plopping himself down on what looked to be an unclaimed bed and stared at the ceiling. "Even if it is a hard military cot, still the most comfortable thing I have had in a long time." he said out loud enjoying a simple privilege he had almost forgotten.
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

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The girl named Baker looked at him and was clearly distressed in wondering what to say or do but she took a deep breath and calmed down, "I'm sorry sir but I don't believe it would be prudent to just hand out information like that. The doctors can and will take care of you if you need it but any of their names is classified until further notice. Wilbur is the doctor's name however and he is a very....strange but patient man. It's going to take some time to warm up to them but Beta Leader, I'm sorry I've never heard of his name before, and Paul Lyons are both how you would say....militaristic in their ideals. You'll have to make friends with them somehow if you want more information than why they're how they are. I know some details about Lyons by rumor but it's just that rumors. His past is shrouded in mystery because of his age and his high rank. Not many people his age reach lieutenant in such a short amount of time." She informed them as they finally reached the room at the end of the hall. "Well this is your room you guys. I believe I heard that the others get separate rooms? I'm not sure but the other one is down the hall on the same side as you. If you have any more informational based questions there's I thought I saw Paul down in the mess hall and there's always the captain assuming he isn't busy. There's a communications telephone over in the corner. Number 23242 is the code to contact bridge staff. Your mobile suits are in hanger 2 on the right side of the ship. More information on those suits should be provided by Head Engineer Boris. You can't miss him he's a small fellow and his hair color is a light bluish hue." Baker said before bowing and quickly moving, or as fast as walking would take her, down the hall. She would stop if someone asked her a question if not she would continue to go to the bridge.
Jason watched as the steely cold doctor in his thick spectacles walked into the room and sat down heavily in the seat next to him, "So Captain is there something you need me for the ship is busy and they need their captain." Wilbur said to Jason as the man looked at his old friend with the same stoic eyes he always had on when they talked. Wilbur was a close associate of Jason's for a multitude of reasons and things would only escalate if the two of them were off talking somewhere instead of working. "I'll make this quick then I need you to watch out for the new crewmembers of this ship there's quite a few but I need someone who I can trust to get things done. Paul is to hotheaded to take care of it and the others are not cut out for it. You're one of the most skilled naturals in the whole of the OMNI Enforcer roster Wilbur can you do this for me?" Jason said as if he had not already known his answer. Wilbur sighed and wondered where he could get a flask of beer to calm himself down. "Fine I'll keep my eyes open and I'll make sure they're not trouble for you. Not sure how much I can do though I'm a bloody doctor not a warrior who smacks people with energy axes like your dear lieutenant." Wilbur simply commented as he got up and left. The conversation was kept as brief as possible and even so Jason decided it was time to head back to the bridge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Thank you." The Instructor thanked Baker with humility. "We'll contact them when we need any help." He entered the room to find it something he didn't expect, well he doesn't really know how the interior of a flying carrier should look like. If compared to an airship then it's slightly better. "Bed looks decent." He remarked.
Donna looked at the room as well but since she hasn't been on any carrier it's hard to tell if it's good or bad. She touched the bed, which was slightly hard, presumably to harden the soldiers sleeping on it. "I have a spare set of clothing inside Sandrock." She remembered. "But I can get it tomorrow."
The Instructor took the top bunk. "We can expect to be here for a while." He told her. "We'll cooperate with them until we can return back on our way to Warsaw." He took off his goggles to have a look at it. Katherine was in his thought.
Donna thought about the whole situation she didn't like at all while taking the bunk below the Instructor, but she has to swallow some discontent also. From what she heard of Blackstar he had the rank of lieutenant for doing well. He would be a superior pilot compared to her when she was personally trained by Instructor W and received her rank due to political reasons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

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Paul had been sitting down with a group of soldiers in order to consolidate what was going to happen in his head. The soldiers had welcomed their lieutenant but had no included him too much in any conversation. It was possibly because of the age difference between them regardless of what it really was about however Paul had taken to simply not caring. With unknowns aboard his ship he had to prepare extra guards to patrol. That would get some of the men a bit more pissed off at him but it would be worth it to protect the majority of the crew. Even if these guys weren't enemies and he was just wasting time with guarding them he'd be a fool to just let them wander around the Sundown this late at night, or what he assumed was night, without some sort of soldier watching. And of course since the majority of them were women he'd have to make sure the guards were good enough to resist certain temptations or be able to shoot the other if he didn't do his job. Maybe female guards would be better for the job, Paul thought to himself as he took a sip of a water bottle he had gotten from the soldier working the counter. He breathed in deeply as he looked around the nearly empty room. This would be a constant thing for the next couple days if not more and Paul knew that he and Jason would need to hold the ship together else anarchy fall. The bridge crew, Beta, and what remained of Alpha including their Captain Grant would remain loyal to Jason but SIGMA and some of the others....those would bring trouble if things got out of hand. After finishing his drink Paul decided that it was time to go to bed and try to simply sleep on his ideas. After saying good bye to a couple of the soldiers who were still there he left and walked to the room he and Jason both bunked in and sat in his usual spot in the bed to the far left with the one in the middle being left open and Jason took the one on the far right. Jason wasn't there by the time he got there and it was probably because he was off at the bridge talking with the 'night' crew about what to do. The 'night' crew's job was to be active on deck while the main crew slept. They were a sort of B Squad while the main kids slept. Jason's crew ,while diversely young and old alike, were all talented individuals and the only reason they were here in the first place.

Jason's job was to take them and mold them into stronger individuals but recently the ship had turned into a training camp for certain individuals and was starting to slowly become more and more annoying as the time passed. All because ZAFT's 'rogues' were still raiding here and there and not in mass anymore the blasted generals all decided to stick them with less experienced men and women more and more. It was going to turn this massive ship he had learned to call home a boot camp. Paul sighed and removed the main part of his uniform leaving his shirt and pants on and simply fell flat down on his bed and fell asleep again forgetting to go and tell the guards to step up patrols in the officer's deck where the 'new' crew members were located at. Jason on the other hand had already kept his mind going around the possible outcome of him being at the short end of the stick for once in his life. He had always had a place to run in his military service and now he was out in the middle of nowhere with this place as a 'base' and this 'base' only consisted of a couple of mobile suits and this over-grown battleship carrier. Williams looked at Jason who was sitting there and looking out the window with unblinking eyes. "Captain sir at you ok?" Williams asked of him whom nodded slowly, "I'm just tired...I'm sure Paul is as well since all of this crazy business is going to go down I'm going to have to go and make sure everyone's role is definitive. We're on our own. I've already sent out rationing orders and the guards are to rotate stations between the squads until we all get back." Jason proclaimed to Williams as she sat there unsure of herself. The Baker girl was meanwhile reading a small book and studying the controls intently. The girl is as green as summer grass....was this all the general had to offer him? SIGMA was welcome but at the same time he hadn't seen them fight before and he was cautious about trusting their loyalties to the cause. They'd obey like good soldiers until they figured out that he had no solution to this problem. "Where's Axer at Williams?" Jason asked the girl who replied he had gone to bed and she was taking control of both stations. Jason sighed and supposed the boy had worked his butt off getting this whole ship moving was a massive task and with only a handful of crew on the bridge it'd only get worse. But he had little interest in thinking of the worst that could happen only the BETTER of what could happen. He had lost his own men somewhere out there after a roll call found that squad members were missing from Beta and SIGMA and the whole of OMEGA was gone as well. But in exchange he at least gained three gundams class or level suits in that regard and their armor was...interesting it didn't show up on radar and the lack of phase shift or batteries like in Raigo disturbed him. These weren't ordinary GUNDAM models if there were ordinary gundam models at all...."Well Williams I suppose it's time you and Baker hit the hay." Jason said as the 'night' crew started to funnel into the ship. Williams nodded to her captain and the rest of the crew saluted their commanding officer before they themselves all went to bed. However Williams was pulled aside from Baker for something before she could get out of the building. "Uh excuse me I forgot which room I'm supposed to be bunking in...can you please allow me to come with you it won't prove to much of a hassle." Baker asked Williams who thought about it. She could just help her find her own bunk but she didn't want to seem rude to the new girl so what the heck why not they had an extra bunk anyways she could use luckily enough. One of their comrades had gone off this ship and had left it vacant before they had taken off for this mission. "Sure why not just come along with me." Williams told Baker as the two K(C)atherines both went off to their destination.
Chapter 1: The Initial Conflict
Timeskip - One Day later Later approximately 2:00-
The next day and a half had gone on without much of a hitch except for the strange reading found around the nearby area. The reason they had not tried to go into space is because the ship was not capable of doing so without some sort of help and because the gravity was to strong in the upper atmosphere as if the place had been designed to keep anything on the ground trapped inside. It was quite the conundrum as Jason had never seen anything like this before and the nearby citadel and military style bases provided little to no help. They found some basic rations and food inside the bases along with some typical fire arms that seemed rather generic but no mobile suits or anything regarding human life. All the technology inside the military bases to the west and east and south have proved to have no technology that belonged to any one group. It was as if they were just left up for grabs. Jason speculated this as he switched around the groups for patrolling. They had tried to send out a signal to any nearby humans but had received no luck as of late. He wasn't sure what was going on but his long range scouts in Murasames had told them that there was a nearby desert for some strange reason and outside of that there was possibly some more bases out on the other end. Jason pondered what to do as he couldn't stay here for much longer without complaints about inactivity from his soldiers. He leaned forward in his chair looking out the window into the clear sky above him and twirled a coin around in his hand. Nothing had been especially new about the new arrivals as it seemed more and more likely that they wouldn't be able to much even if they had the chance to do so. Jason had still not relaxed his guard however and made sure Wilbur had the soldiers report to him and then him to Jason so if things got hairy Jason could say that Wilbur had been watching them because he didn't trust him leaving himself clear to any blame. Wilbur would take the blame because he was the head doctor and a close friend so he could understand what Jason needed from him. On top of that fact he had once heard, "You don't hurt your white mage." from one of his crew members whatever that meant he assumed white mage was similar to a doctor in that you don't hurt him without consequences.
Paul was sitting in the hanger modifying the Raigo to better work because he had little else to do along with head engineer Boris. The small man had been tweaking the gundam to make sure the thing smoothly operated in the terrain that was nearby. He wouldn't be much help if rocky terrain hindered him and despite the talk he had some time ago with the new crew members when they first met he would have been in a huge disadvantage if he had attacked them. Raigo was still configured to space flight at that time and while he knew this machine in and out he couldn't just reprogram the damn thing on the fly like some sort of super engineer. Paul moved the gundam's arms to make sure it was working as Boris told him everything was going fine. Breathing in heavily Paul considered how the day would play out if they were not moving or finding some sort of life nearby. Jason was probably feeling the heat right now as people knew nothing about where they were and they wanted someone to tell them. If Jason didn't provide they would start getting more and more discontent and Paul was not about to allow that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donna had a hard night trying to sleep with stress and a stiff bed. When she woke up in the morning she found Instructor W gone, presumably waking up early. Realising that she has to get her change of clothing in her Sandrock, she would be forced to go to the hangar anyway. When she made it to the hangar she found Jerkstar modifying his own Gundam. She remembered how the Sandrock is meant to endure extreme terrains so maintenance would be minimal. Just as she thought, the Instructor was at work the Sandrock. “Hello Instructor, I’ll just get my change of clothes from the cockpit and I’ll be on my way.” She declared to him.
The Instructor gave a nod of acknowledgement. “Got it.” He replied. “When you’re finished with your shower are you able to get a cup of coffee for me? By this time the crew should get their breakfast done and the leftovers should go to us.”
The Gundam pilot opened the compartment of the Sandrock that stored a few set of field uniforms and a helmet that looks like if it belongs to a Russian tank crew. “Yes sir.” She answered back. She got the spare uniform and left the hangar. She made sure her shower was quick enough and minimized water in case one of the crewman decides to complain. After changing she made her way to the mess hall to get the coffee as she promised. She waited a minute for the machine to produce two cups of the liquid. When the machine indicated it was done she took them back to the hangar. “Here’s the coffee sir.” She passed one on to her mentor.
Instructor W paused his work to receive it. “Thank you.” He replied with gratitude. Holding the cup he took a sip. He noticed how Donna placed hers on a table to let it cool first. “I remember how you wait for yours to cool first.” He smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Naina had just listened to the conversations going on around her and went to her room afterwards. She hadn't really felt like conversing since leaving the captain's room. She went over the stuff that had happened ever since she followed that signal and afterwards went to bed.
When she woke up in the morning she wondered what she would do. She was on an unknown 'friendly' ship in an unknown place. She guessed that she didn't really have anything better to do than to go check up on her Tallgeese. Arriving here may have broken some systems and she didn't really about checking it yesterday. She quickly cleaned herself with a wet towel since she didn't want to get her hair wet and after getting dressed again she left for the hangar. When she got there she just saw Donna leave while carrying some clothes. Looking over to the Sandrock she saw instructor W working on it and she was less pleased when she saw the annoying blackstar. Going over to her own Tallgeese she went inside the cockpit and started the system up. Going through a checklist ended up with her suit being in top condition. So her Tallgeese ended up here being in the exact same condition as she left. It also proved that nobody in this ship had tempered with it. It made her feel a bit more secure about leaving her suit on this ship.
Seeing as she didn't need to do anything else she left the cockpit and saw Donna had returned to the hangar and was talking with instructor W. She decided that she could get a bit closer to the only ones who according to her own insane theory about alternate earths came from the same one. When she got close enough she greeted them. "Good morning Donna, instructor W. Sorry about not saying much yesterday, I had a lot on my mind." After hearing their greetings she asked with a small smile: "So has the situation become a bit less crazy for you two?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Instructor W noticed Naina's voice. "Hello Naina." The Instructor gave a friendly reply. "A sleep did make me feel a bit better but it is still crazy as you say it."
Donna returned a smile back to Naina. "Took a while for me to sleep actually." She answered while touching her cup of coffee to see if it's cooled down enough to drink. "But I managed to feel a bit better after a shower." Having a superior Earth-Sphere officer that doubles as a mentor stuck with her helped reduce some crazy as well.
The Instructor looked at Naina's Tallgeese. "I haven't touched your Tallgeese if you are wondering." He added. "I'll need your permission if I'm going to do anything with it." He took another sip of his coffee. He remembered how he heard the pilot of the Mobile Suit is Milliardo but the girl he was talking to did have some resemblance.
Donna looked at the Mobile Suit as well. She doubted that she would see one in her life due to improved models driving it to obscurity. "So is your Tallgeese built like the original or does it have some new parts to make it better?" She asked out of curiosity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

It didn't take Gabriel long to slip into a slumber after laying down on the bed, but like most nights it wasn't a good nights sleep as memories of his old battles filled his head causing him to toss and turn all night. This caused Gabriel to have an early start on his day waking up early and just giving up on sleep. Having not been assigned any official duties Gabriel made his way to the Hanger to work on his suit. As the others woke Gabriel watched their actions, but never joined into the conversation. When he was finished making his adjustments to his suit Gabriel looked around the hanger, things were going smoothly considering the recent events, no one had pulled a gun on the others yet so that was a good thing. He then walked over to Paul's suit. "So how are the adjustments coming? Space Combat is quite a bit different than fighting under gravity's pull isn't it." He said to him trying to strike up a conversation with the young pilot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

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"Yeah space is a pain in the ass I suppose since there's no gravity there's so many god damn considerations you need to take. It's one of the reasons I hate fighting in space on top of that there's my disgust for aqua suits. Specialization in water is one thing but solely dependent on it is a death sentence." Paul replied he didn't really like this guy coming over by Raigo, especially being an unknown newtype and all but hey if there was one person he didn't need to piss off it was the newtype. The crew was already wondering if this was all a set up and this guy was specially sent on a mission along with the rest of these....various named characters that found themselves aboard just to make sure they had a counter to their lieutenant. Whatever at this point Paul and his men had searched everywhere without telling these unknowns and found no one within the radius of communications that was possible on those suits without long range support. He couldn't help but feel this was still a trap after all what kind of gundam pilot gets himself stuck like this....wow he was one to talk wasn't he? Paul groaned and wiped some sweat off his brow. "You know your suit is interesting it doesn't run on the same system I use on Raigo. Before you ask the tech baby genius told me down there. Yuri is small but he's more than able to tinker with any machine. If I tried to pilot it the thing would be clunky as god knows anything." Paul told Gabriel honestly as he popped some gum in his mouth and groaned as a system started beeping. He had to go back inside and edit the damn thing. "Wait here." Paul told him with annoyance in his voice as he quickly jumped into the cockpit and told the engineers down there to reboot the system. It took him a couple of minutes before he got out. The thing had accidently worked in the wrong program...someone below must have hit a key wrong or something. It was back on track now but it would take even more time before he could properly move the thing in atmosphere. [B]"Damn it Raigo you've fought in Greece how the hell are you breaking down in the middle of China or whatever the hell this place is called..." Paul muttered as he got out and went back to Gabriel, "Is your suit adjusting well the engineers can't do it without your help because the damn thing is so damn foreign to Raigo down to it's armor. You're not running on Phase Shift like me meaning electricity routing is different and your armor is always on compared to this grey color Raigo goes into by default. What's up with that? Some sort of nuclear core?" Paul asked him genuinely curious about the other machine. Besides finding out anything about it would be a major plus. What he has told him is nothing he couldn't tell the random plebe walking down to get some ice cream from the store.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Naina listened to instructor W saying he wouldn't touch the Tallgeese and answered: "Well you have my permission though, I have just run through a checklist and strangely it is in the exact same condition as it was when I left the hangar in the academy. Not a single thing pointing to traveling a long distance." It was very strange and only made their crazy theories look less crazy. She then heard Donna ask about how it was built. "Well this Tallgeese was built with the original in mind. It is almost completely the same except for some fine tuning of specific parts. It does contain an experimental G force reducer in it. I was supposed to test it, but then I ended up here so it hasn't been calibrated correctly yet." She figured that if she would let him check out her suit she could at least tell him this much. She wouldn't tell them that one of the reasons they chose her to test it was that her father piloted the original. "What about your Sandrock? From what I heard you say you developed it yourself instructor W. Is it any different from the original?" She figured that she could ask the same questions they asked her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donna heard the explanations given by Naina. "So a replica?" She responded. "But unlike us it's for test piloting. We have to rely on old blueprints here."
The Instructor answered her question. "This Sandrock is actually a reconstruction." He replied. "We lost most technologies following the Great Disarmanent after the Mariemeia Rebellion so we had to start from scratch, using whatever we can find data on to manufacture. When we found the blueprints of the Gundam we began manufacturing it in hopes of changing the war for our favour." He gave a brief look at the black, green and red colour scheme. "The colour does not indicate a modification with the exception of the pilot's specification in mind. These are her personal colours as well." He gave a thought about the Tallgeese's calibrations. "Maybe I can give a look at the calibrations of the G force reducer with you later if that helps." He offered. "The Tallgeese is the ancestor of all Mobile Suits so I have the know-how at least."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gabriel listened as Paul complained about space and aquatic fights, "Space fights aren't to bad, as for under water, I have never had to fight underwater, but I could see it being a pain." he agreed with Paul for the first bit, "I think you are right our power sources seem a bit different, I mean my armor doesn't change color depending on if power is ran through it or not, as for piloting the suit, it was designed specifically to be used by Newtypes, so I don't think you would have as much trouble as you think. And even if there was a little trouble, you would work into the suit quite quickly." He added before Paul ran off to tinker with his suit. When Paul returned Gabriel listened to his questions and gave a slight grin, it was easy to tell that Paul was fishing for any information he could use, but that wasn't exactly a bad thing especially given the current circumstances. "The GX is doing just fine, the planetary conditions are close enough that I didn't have to make many adjustments to accommodate wherever we are, As for my power system, It is a miniature Nuclear Reactor, don't worry, as long as no one messes with it we don't have to worry about any radiation leakage, and if I really need to do maintenance on that section of the suit I'll take it outside and away. Last thing we need in the Hanger is my suit going critical." Gabriel answered in a somewhat joking, yet serious tone, trying not to make it sound like his suit could be a danger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"We'd be fucked if it did regardless...unless we could find an N-Jammer..." Paul said thoughtfully as he rubbed his chin and wondered if it would be possible to shut that thing down. Nuclear power....it was such a double edged sword where it came from and it was normally banned. It was clear that it was not the case here unless ZAFT was stupid enough to try to pull this on them. They'd be putting a nuclear powered suit with strange unused technology in front of high level tech specialists. ZAFT would be awfully cocky to try and pull something like this off. However as he was in the middle of his thoughts the call rang out through the speakers and he immediately charged for the changing room in order to get all of his stuff on as fast as humanly possible. "NOW HEAR THIS ALL UNITS RETURN TO THE SUNDOWN! NOW HEAR THIS ALL UNITS RETURN TO THE SUNDOWN!" came the loud speaker which sounded the computerized voice into the nearby area. It was immediately followed by "ALL HANDS PREPARE FOR MILITARY ACTION! WE ARE MOVING TO INTERCEPT AN HOSTILE FORCE FROM A POSSIBLE FRIENDLY PAIR OF UNITS!" called The Captain's voice from the speakers this time as Paul hurried to put on the space suit he had worn to combat so many times before. The suit despite being of ZAFT make was something he'd prided himself on wearing and he'd make sure to wear that until he had no other reason to. However Paul wondered if Raigo was properly ready for a battlefield situation as of yet. It had to be if it wasn't then...then he'd make the best of it. Ready or not he was a pilot for Earth and he'd make it work!


Slightly Earlier....

Williams was sitting on her butt doing nothing but waiting for incoming calls from allied forces nearby and or regulating the men patrolling out in the field. It was boring work but she'd figured it was all she could do to make herself useful since she was a lowly cabin worker. Baker had sat down next to her instead of Axer whom was off sleeping still. Jason had let it go since the boy had run a late shift two days ago and had been working constantly. Besides Baker needed practice. So Williams sat there talking to the girl whom strangely grasped these concepts rather quickly as it seemed she had a knack for learning things. "So why did you become a military officer Baker?" Williams asked Baker who was about to reply but stopped and thought about it for a second, "I don't really have an answer to that come to think of it." she replied with a apologetic smile. Williams rolled her eyes after looking up into the ceiling. However a beeping noise came from the console and she immediately went into action. "Sir! Incoming message from a nearby area about twenty minutes away sir!" Williams replied immediately knowing how this worked was what made her get placed on this ship and it helped the tech was rather advanced...twenty minutes away was not to far away but why had they not received a signal before this....maybe because the ship was farther away from the citadel in the middle than it was or maybe because the mobile suit, which had a strange serial number and because they had sent out a signal to OMNI mobile suits which this suit was not instead was the code SVMS. "Let it through immediately!" The Captain said immediately which she complied with as usual. John C. helped enhance the signal as she worked on patching it through to their channel. When the picture display came up it was shaking slightly. "Damn it! This is Captain Graham Aker of The Union! I'm in need of assistance! Me, a gundam, and a little girl are under attack by a ship of some sort! It's a space ship but I didn't think they were that big just yet!" the man named Graham said as she grunted. "I need all the help I can get and in exchange I will help you out in whatever way I can afterward! Just hurry the coordinates are-" Graham said hurriedly as he gave a set of codes that Jason told John to put down but instead Baker managed to get them down faster which surprised him. "Breathe easy soldier we're on our way!" Jason said as the signal turned off after the pilot thanked them. "Prepare the pilots immediately! You know the drill get us to that place immediately! We have a soldier to save but prepare for ambushes on route!" Jason ordered as the crew replied with a mostly universal 'yes captain!"

Current time -

Paul sat in Raigo ready to launch at a moment's notice and he tapped his screen gently noting he was fully charged up on power...that's to the nuclear powered ship they'd never run out of energy...another reason to be wary of ZAFT forces nearby. However he wondered who the enemy was exactly that they were going to be fighting against. He didn't know who it was or how he was going to do it but he'd make it through this he had too...he had people he had to make it back to one way or another! "INCOMING WE ARE APPROACHING THE BATTLEFIELD ALL UNITS PREPARE FOR BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS. UNITS ONE AND TWO GO SOUTH OF THE LANDING ZONE! RESCUE THE MAN WHO SENT THE SIGNAL AND THE BLACK SUIT WITH IT! THOSE UNITS WILL BE CONSISTING OF RAGIO AND BETA TEAM! SIGMA AND MR. GABRIEL'S UNIT WILL GO WEST TO RESCUE THE LARGE ARTILLERY CLASS SUIT WHO NEED ASSISTANCE! THE REST OF THE UNITS ARE TO EITHER STAY AND PROTECT THE SHIP OR GO AND ELIMINATE ANY ENEMY TARGETS! ORDERS WILL CHANGE STAY ON CHANNEL ONE TWENTY SIX!" Jason shouted as loudly as ever over the speakers and the monitors of the suits. Paul breathed in deeply simply glad to have some sort of mission. "The orders are clear am I clear to launch!" Paul asked Williams as she appeared on the screen. "You're good to go lieutenant! I know you can do it!" Williams said to him as he grinned and closed his helmet's visor. "This is Black Star Paul Lyons in Raigo! I'm launching and eliminating the enemies of OMNI ENFORCER!" Paul said smiling widely as he launched however he felt strange like a newtype was nearby...but it wasn't a newtype...."One last thing there is heavy jamming in the area! Watch out for it we won't be able to constant keep in touch!" Williams warned Paul as he made a mental note of it.


Meanwhile -

"What enemy forces are approaching!? DAMN IT! I told you to jam that signal!" Glemy Toto growled as he clenched his fist. "Now we have to deal with Earth dwelling scum! Bring up the enemy ship on the screen and launch all available suits! Where is Captain Ash at!?" Glemy growled aggressively as he looked at the screen. "He is still in the hanger sir as you ordered." The Zeon soldier replied as Glemy wondered why the hell it had been so hard to jam the signal of these suits and why communications had been so damn hard to make!? "We can't lose Puru! We have to get her back!" Glemy insisted as Nena Trinity appeared on screen, "Don't worry Glemy I will get the little brat back!" She said with a grin as Glemy nodded to her. "Thank you Nena! You're an amazing help to this group! Now please get moving! And someone send orders for Captain Ash to launch!" Glemy said as the soldiers went to work launching the rest of the bawaoo class mobile suits out into the field.

"Damn it! These things are such a pain in the butt!" Graham said returning fire as Puru in her suit hid behind a massive pillar and returned fire using her suit's hands. "Mr. Graham I don't want to return to Glemy! He's mean and I wanna see Judau again! Glemy won't let me find him if he get's me back!" Puru said in a worried voice to Graham who simply nodded, "Yeah I understand I won't let them pick on a girl like you! Besides this fight is just starting to get fun! It seemed friends have arrived!" Graham said as on the edge of his screen he noticed more forces were approaching on the battlefield. "Friends!? YAY! I can meet 'em right Mr. Graham?" Puru asked cheerfully as Graham nodded, "Don't worry they'll want to meet you too I'm sure but first let's take care of these bad guys!" Graham said smiling, "Hey gundam I'm not sure if you can hear this but those suits coming from behind are on our side. I don't know about you but if you intend on surviving this I'd think you better get along with them." Graham said to Nalia who was fighting in the field far to his north west.

First Fight enemies:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gabriel didn't get to talk to Paul for as long as he would of liked before the alarm started to blare and battle stations were called. He followed Paul to the lockers and changed into his own flight suit before heading to the GX and preparing it for battle. After completing the operational checks and start-up procedures Gabriel moved himself into position for deployment. He listened to his assignment given from the Captain and watched as Paul and his Ringo Gundam launched. Gabriel didn't wait ling before he stepped up to deploy as well. "This is Gabriel Cross, Objectives Confirmed heading out." he stated before launch and heading to the battle field.

As he approached the battlefield Gabriel began to scan the battlefield in his own way searching for any newtypes that could get in their way. And before they separated off he sent Paul a transmission. "I scene three other Newtype presences in the area, and one of them seems off I can't exactly place it. Either way keep your eyes open and good luck." After he sent his message Gabriel broke off heading to the battle. "So Sigma, I guess were going to be buddies for now, I'll cut a path and draw their attention. You guys mop up the rest alright. And if an enemy Ace shows up I'll keep it distracted flank and gun them down." Gabriel stated, almost giving orders out to the team before Jetting forward and destroying the first line of Zaku's that crossed his path. "Keep it efficient boys, we don't want to many to get near our base, but we can't leave the Gundam on its own for to long either." He said before continuing forward hoping the initial display of force on the enemy was enough to win him a little respect with the group. At least enough that they wouldn't shoot him in the back at least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Understood, Lieutenant Aker," Saturnalia replied respectfully. She turned her attention back to the black suit that had engaged her. It didn't make sense, as far as she could tell, the suit had literally appeared out of nowhere and began firing at her. This suggested to her that the black MS potentially had some sort of stealth, like her optical camouflage, though Virtue had to remain stationary to maintain its stealth. When Lieutenant Aker noticed an MS being pursued and decided to jump in to the rescue, Saturnalia decided to find a vantage point from which she could flank and surprise the large group of enemy MS's. For the black suit to appear here suggested that either they had anticipated her coming to this location, or they had some way of moving while stealthed, a technology that Aeolia Schenberg hadn't invented and that Veda hadn't predicted. However, considering how many unfamiliar MS's were currently attacking Lieutenant Aker, Saturnalia had to wonder who these rogues were and how they could have developed so many MS with such advanced technology outside of Veda's predictive capabilities.

At any rate, she was in a bit of trouble, she had originally intended to fire on the large group from her position of safety, providing Lieutenant Aker with cover fire while he rescued the other suit, but her position was disrupted by the appearance of this black gundam. Saturnalia wanted to refrain from using her GN bazooka as she didn't know if there were energy sources where she could refill her GN particles with, and firing the bazooka was too costly if she was trying to conserve. While the black suit was still further away, she had taken a few shots with her shoulder cannons but it's massive shield easily shrugged those off. As it got closed in, Saturnalia activated Virtue's GN field, providing herself with good defense, but now she couldn't fire with her shoulder cannons as the cannons themselves operated as her GN field generators when closed. Still unwilling to use her bazooka unless she really needed it, she pulled out two beam sabers and decided to stall. This way, she can take down her field while making a slash, but bring it back up immediately afterwards to protect herself from any openings. Since reinforcements were arriving, time was on her side. She just hoped the reinforcements came with a battleship or carrier where she could replenish her GN particles. If they did, she could unleash the full power of Virtue.

Th black gundam leveled a few shots at her from the beam rifle installed in its shield, but Virtue's field absorbed the damage easily, which was fortunate as the Virtue wasn't very maneuverable and would have a hard time dodging. She rushed towards the enemy and lowered her shield temporarily to make a complex two sword slash, but the enemy pilot had reflexes enough to block one sword with his shield and parry the other slash away with a beam saber that emitted from his shield. The black gundam then pointed its left arm and launched its massive three-pronged grappling arm at Virtue. Virtue's field lit up, stopping the full force of the grappler, though this drained a substantial amount of Virtue's GN particles. Saturnalia followed up with another slash, causing the black gundam t oback off, at which point ,Saturnalia decided to lower her field and opened fire with her shoulder cannons, seeing that the extent of the black gundam's firepower was far beneath her own and that even if his beam rifle got in a few good shots, her heavy armor would probably be able to sustain the damage. She just had to watch out for the three menacing missiles mounted in his all-purpose shield.

She didn't know who these people were or why they were harassing that one mobile suit, but for now, she would follow the one thing that she could easily recognize, Lieutenant Graham Aker, the ace pilot from Union.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The launch order from the speaker interrupted the conversation between the Instructor, his successor and the Martian. "It sounds like we have comapany." Instructor W commented. "Second Lieutenant, I would suggest assisting the forces by looking out and taking any units that may appear to be an enemy commander to weaken the opposing forces' command structure." He ordered. "Stay on the ship's channels so they can give you further orders." He gave a brief salute before letting her go.
Donna climbed to the cockpit of the Sandrock and turned on it's operating systems as the door sealed, not before returning a salute to her superior officer. She brought the channel to the Sundown's to work effectively with the ship's Mobile Suits while wearing the seatbelt and her helmet. As the other Mobile Suits left she walked to the catapult deck. "Second Lieutenant Lindemann, Sandrock will launch to assist by taking down possible enemy commanding units in battle." She declared to the bridge as she prepared to launch. "Major Instructor W has given orders to fight under the Sundown's command to coordinate with the ships Mobile Suits effectively."
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