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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WanderingSpirit
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WanderingSpirit Wish Cloud 9 existed...

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Rion sighed thankfully as he had the company of his allies now to help handle the two gaints. He wasnt all specialized in taking down these large creatures, he would fare better with the smaller one latter in the journey but for now he had to overcome of these obstacles of his and thought about the scenario that they were facing. He had a risky idea in mind about blinding the two giants but it would require him to get really up close to the giants but it was worth it. The plan would require a lot of Ki but he should have enough to get through with a little leftover. So he swapped out his bow for his QuarterStaff.

Before he approached the giants, he concentrated his Ki and enveloped his whole body, feeling it cover him in its warmth. The ki that coated him protected him a bit from the cold and snow that was falling down, but then his body twitched, as he solidify the Ki Coat that surrounded him into a armor. It was very inefficient but it would have to do, and began to approach the giant that was the shot by the arrow to the neck. His Ki covered his Quarter Staff enchanting it as he began to swing increasing the speeding and strength of the blow. As the Quarter Staff hit the Giant, its energy dissipate and the Ki traveled from the skin of the giant to the muscle and all the way to the bone shocking everything it went through. Rion quickly backed off several feet away from the giant panting slightly as he was fatigue now, breathing heavily as he was at the same time keeping up with the Ki Coat along with the other abilities that he used was indeed wearing him down.

He was prepared to be grabbed and he strengthen his Ki Coat, coughing a bit as the energy was sapped from him, staggering a bit. But he managed to stand with the help of his Quarter Staff. It would be close but he knew he would have enough Ki to preform his ability if he timed it right...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JJ_Maxx


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Lander clung the the giants neck for what seemed like an eternity. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the wolf running toward them. Lunging at the giants legs, the wolf tried to attack its knees. The giant instinctively swug it's arm around and caused Lander to fly from the creature and land about ten feet away with a thud. The giants hand connected with the wolf with a thud and it went lfying through the air.

Feeling the infusion he had given to his boots was still working he took off toward the animal. His speed was incredible. In no time at all, Lander caught the large wolf and soften its fall, landing only a few feet from one of the cabins. The wolf whimpered.

"Easy boy," Lander said running his hands along the major bones in the animals body. Surprisingly, he seemed to be unharmed, if not just a little shaken up. He caught the eye of the elf and nodded to her with a look that he hoped put her mind at ease as she had all her attention still focused on the giants along with Rion.

Lander set the wolf on the ground gently. He was still unsure of his footing. "Just relax," he said. "She'll be alright. I promise I won't let anything happen to her." Then he found his sword and ran toward the nearest giant. Jumping through the air, he plunged his sword into the giants thigh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wildflower


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It was like slow motion for Bregil she saw the giant's hand come down and swat Faervel sending him flying.
“Faervel!” she shouted.

She couldn't get to him she needed to help kill these giants. She cursed them, cursed them for coming here and cursed them for hurting her dear friend. Bregil then noticed the man from the Company who was helping them fight this giant run so fast it put her speed to shame, and to Bregil's relief catch Faervel. The man looked up at her and gave her a reassuring nod. She released a breath she didn't know she was holding. Faervel was going to be fine, she hoped...at least until she is able to get there.

Bregil released another arrow at the giant she noticed the Monk was casting another spell he looked worn out. Bregil wished she was close enough to him to send him a boost of energy. She was feeling pretty useless right now. She looked back over to Faervel as the man put him down and ran toward the giant stabbing it's thigh.

Bregil shot another arrow at the giants ear. She felt a nudge at her leg and looked down to see Faervel. He looked a little shaken but seemed to be okay. She threw her arms around him forgetting for just a moment that she was fighting.

Bregil got back up and met the man's eyes.

“Thank you for ensuring his safety, it means everything to me.” She smiled warmly at the man and turned back to the giant, she released another arrow at it. She would have to properly thank the man later for she was sure he didn't realize what he had done. He didn't just save some animal, he saved her best friend.

Bregil grinned at Faervel. “I bet he told you to stay put too.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Her brother was gone and there was nothing she could do about it. She had done everything right but his wounds were too extensive and he had lost too much blood. All she could do now was cry but the fighting outside still continued and others would need her help. A man about her age wearing armor carried a younger woman inside and laid her down. His condolences were earnest, that helped her accept that her brother was gone. She had a job to do after all.

She wiped her hands on her robes, which didn't make much difference, and got up from her brothers body looking over it one last time before she turned to the man. He looked like he had seen this kind of mayhem before, probably during the Scourged War. Emilia had seen her share of death and destruction during the war as well but it was always different when it was family. She regained most of her composure as the man directed her attention to another patient that needed her help.

Emilia made her way over to examine her injuries. A decent sized wound on the back of her head seemed to be the only real problem. Emilia scanned her entire body to be sure but there were thankfully no broken bones or fractures and none of her vital organs were damaged aside from her brain which had a slight contusion of the brain, thankfully her skull had taken the brunt of the impact. Emilia used some of the higher grade liquor that her brother kept under the bar counter to clean the wound and closed the immediate cut to stop any superficial bleeding. She then used her magic to bring down the brain's swelling which would probably cause great relief for the patient. Aside from a mild headache this woman was going to be well enough to get back in the fight soon enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 2 days ago

The giant in front of Mel toppled and collapsed onto the inn. She really hoped nobody got hurt because that was all on her if someone did. But more troubling than that giant was the second giant charging the inn. Mel focused and was just about ready to fire another fireball but the armored man came and finished it off convincingly. That left two, or so Mel thought as she witnessed only two of them off in the distance near some cabins. Mel began heading over there, a slight falter in the occasional step as she still clutched her side in an attempt to not move it as much. Her bare feet pressed slightly into the snow, making a very faint crunching sound as she pressed on in a brisk pace.

When she felt like she was within range, she noticed one of the giants enveloped in a pinkish aura. That was a magic she had never seen before, but the giant looked paralyzed so Mel figured that they had that giant taken care of. The other giant in the vicinity though was just now being stabbed in the thigh. Fearing the giant was going to turn and try to swat the guy on his thigh so Mel decided that giant was more of a priority. Mel was still limited by her injuries so she couldn't flourish enough to get anything big enough to cause major damage. Another fireball would have to do. Squeezing her fist together she lit it on fire until it began trembling and then when she thought it had enough power behind it, she let it loose right towards the giant's big head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Caspian was a little disheartened by the fact that he could not really assist his fellow comrades. Caspian was a sea dweller, not a land lubber, so Caspian's combat would not be on par yet. It also did not help the fact that he had been in jail for a while.

Caspian watched his other comrades, one of them seemed to have a head injury. The iron golem seemed to be consoling someone inside the Inn. Another one of his comrades was fighting a giant using special pink looking magic, and another was throwing fire balls at a second giant.

Caspian decided to help the fight with that giant. He ran towards the giant, putting away his crossbow and pulling out his second cutlass. Running at full speed, he lodged his left foot onto a cabins window ledge and rolled onto the roof. Getting back on his feet, he jumped onto a second room that was facing the right side of the giant. With a running start, he sprinted off the roof, jumping towards the giant with his blades facing downward, holding it in an unorthodox way. He aimed to stab both of his blades into the soft neck tissue of the giant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 19 days ago

“You okay?” The voice faded in and out, a distant echo in the back of her brain. All she could feel was the intense thump, thump, thump of her skull. Groaning, Sipley urged herself to get up. To stop being such a pansy – she was a woman, damnit, and a real strong one at that. She could do this! She needed to do this!

The ground blurred and she lifted into blackness, spiraling in nothingness. The cold black empty air around her was hard and Sipley found herself bending without consent. Her eyes barely blinked open – she was on that oaf’s back! How dare he? She was his equal! Not some burden to be carried around. It was a simple head wound, nothing a good pushing couldn’t fix. She didn’t need some hero or rescuer! She was no damsel! Sipley’s head fell back onto the cold iron plate, her hands relaxing and the energy fleeing her body. Dreariness pulled at her eyes and they were suddenly lead, too heavy to keep open as they kept slipping and slipping down. A good talking to was in order…after she slept a little.

The abyss welcomed her and she wrapped herself in the cool blanket, lying softly with euphoria pulsing upon her features. But then that dastard thumping was back. Thump, thump, thump. A horrible pain filled her being and she desired most to scream, to shriek like a banshee, but she couldn’t. Her body was immovable, her limbs numb. It was her worst nightmare. Then a heat soothed down her brow, smoothing down the creases of her forehead and taking the pain away. Slowly, and at last, she awoke.

Sipley sat up gradually, afraid to jar her head around though she would be in the fight again. Aldred was next to her and the assassin was quick to grab him by the head opening of his armor, bringing him down to her eye level. “Don’t ever carry me again.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Both of the giants went down within seconds of each other, the first one in flames as the skin on its head burned from the fireball, the other after receiving several wounds in vital areas. The enflamed one squirmed as it hit the ground with a thud, shaking the area around it as it continued twitching, the sickening smell of flesh burning filling the air.

The other stumbled then fell down, blood leaking from the arrows and cuts on its neck and head. It landed face down near the other. The ground shaking again as the massive beast went down for the count, a crimson pool of blood forming underneath it. All six of the giants were dead, their bodies laid in various positions of death.
"I'm sorry, my ice queen, next time I'll leave you on the cold ground while I go save the day." Aldred replied with a slight smile on his face, his voice brimming with sarcasm. He grasped her hand, removing her grip from him, then rose to his feet, turning towards Emilia.

"Thanks for your aid, the name's Aldred. We'll talk later, after the two other giants terrorizing the town are taken care of." He said with a grateful, then walked out of the inn through the large hole in the wall, his eyes scanning the area, noting the four dead giants. Then the two final ones dropped dead, one right after another, one in flames.

"Make sure they're dead!" He shouted across to others, making sure they heard. The last thing he wanted was for them to walk away, then one of the giants got back up and attacked the town again. If he learned one thing from fighting so many battles, it was to make sure the enemy was dead.

"Then when that's done meet back up in the tavern!," He said. "Er, what's left of it." He added, in a quieter tone after noticing the massive hole, the boulder and how a large chunk of the building was gone as the giant had fallen onto it. Nothing some repairs couldn't fix. Aldred then turned back around, reentering the inn, approaching Emilia and Sipley once more.

"The beasts are dead." He said with a sigh of relief, then picked up a knocked over chair and sat down, tired from the battle, as he sat he realized a good portion of his armor was covered in giant's blood. It would take too damn long to scrub that out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Before the girl could answer, or pass out, or anything really, Aldred came over. He explained what had happened to her, and expressed that he blamed himself for it. "It isn't your fault." Lucio replied with a grin. "Its a battle, shit happens." Normally Lucio didn't like to swear, but it fit so well with the situation that he couldn't help it. The warrior lifted up the girl, intent on taking her to safety. The half-elf nodded when he was told to rejoin the battle. He turned to face it, seeing that there were only two giants left. This group was strong, no wonder they were chosen. It didn't seem like there was much the bard could do. It was practically over already.

Everybody was battered, bruised, and bleeding from this battle. They had just fought giants so it was understandable. Lucio had a feeling they would be resting the night before moving on. Injured people made very grumpy travelers. Rested injured people silently nursed their wounds for a while, then started complaining after a while. But they were all alive, so that was a plus. Lucio didn't know about anyone else, but he was satisfied. There wasn't much else to do but make sure the giants were dead and then get back to the tavern, as Aldred had told them to do. He was pretty sure they were all dead, but he humored the warrior by helping the others check.

He went back into the remains of the tavern and instantly went to where his was pack still sitting. It seemed something had landed on it during the chaos. He moved it off and opened it up. Luckily there wasn't anything breakable in it, except for his harp. Which he pulled out with a heavy hearted sigh. The impact had snapped it into two clean pieces. "I can fix it." He said to no one in particular. But for now he put it back it his pack, picked up the entire thing, and joined Aldred near the girl who hates music, another girl he had never seen before. And the bartender who appeared to be dead. "A king has been lost today." He said as he neared them. Still going by his bartenders are kings in the bar thing. "I can sing for him if you like, I know a song of passing. Though I can't play anything at the moment, my harp was broken during the battle."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JJ_Maxx


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Just as quickly as it had begun, the battle was over.

The hot blood of the giants created an eerie mist as it was exposed to the cold air, mixing with the seared flesh. It was as if their souls were leaving their bodies. He took no pleasure in taking their lives, though he knew it was necessary. He walked over the one of them and knelt down next to its giant head, its eyes still wide open.

“It did not have to be this way,” he said pushing the eyelids closed his voice barely a whisper. “You should not have come here. I am sorry.”

Pain shot through his leg as he stood up. He must have twisted it at some point during the battle but the adrenaline had made him unaware of it. The others were tending to the wounded and slowly making their way back into what was left of the tavern. Lander didn’t want to go in, didn’t want to deal with the world of death and destruction. So much death… He looked at the giants and then back to the tavern.

Something brought these creatures down here, he thought, or was it someone? Did this have anything to do with we he was summoned here? Perhaps this Aldred person brought the giants here on purpose to test us, to weed us out. Perhaps to find out who is weak and who is strong enough.

His heart ached for the dead, both inside the tavern and outside.

I am weak, Aldred, he thought to himself, slowly walking back to the tavern. I am weak...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wildflower


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Bregil breathed a sigh of relief as the last giant fell. She was very weary from battle. Bregil reached for her satchel and took out her water skin.

“You want some water my friend?” she asked Faervel, his tag wagged in reply and Bregil poured it in his mouth until he had his fill.

“You fought well Faervel,” she said kneeling down to pet him, she looked him over for any injuries he seemed fine. Fearvel stood and grunted in the direction of the Man who caught him. The man was kneeling next to a giant looking remorseful. Bregil tilted her head in thought, the rest of the company was heading back to what was left of the tavern but not this man. Unusual.
She watched as the man stood and winced. Faervel whined and looked at Bregil.

“would you like to go properly thank him?” Bregil smiled to Faervel. “Come on let's go then.”

Bregil and Faervel made there way over to him. Faervel approached him first giving the man's hand a nudge and a low sympathetic whine. Bregil smiled at the man.

“Hello my name is Bregil and this is my friend Faervel, we wanted to thank you for catching Faervel before any harm came to him. I would like to return the favor, where are you inured?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Caspian retrieved his body blades that had been lodged inside the neck of the giant. Caspian had to say he enjoyed that, he had not felt the rush of combat in months. Caspian began to walk back to the Tavern, bloody blades in hand, and watched in awe at the destruction the giants had caused. Though Caspian had seen worse at sea. It never failed to surprise him each time, but the Crimson Company also impressed him. They all proved to him that they each could handle themselves in battle.

Caspian walked into what was left of the Tavern, walking straight towards the bar. Caspian needed a drink, he lodged both blades in the ground. Finding a bottle of gin that was still intact, he sat in the floor next to his blades, ripped out the cork, and took a long, large swig. Almost taking half of his Gin he took the bottle away from his mouth, be grabbed one of his blades and began to clean the blood of it. "Aye, today was a good day." Caspian said aloud. He could not help but be happy, rough many died, he was freeded from captivity and the death sentence, drunk a whole lot, helped kill giants, and drink some more. This was something Caspian had not experienced in months, he took another swig of his Gin and continued to clean his blades.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 19 days ago

Sipley snarled at Aldred’s back; hah, his ice queen. A determination to be the most difficult swirled in her mind, but she wasn’t the vengeful type. Well, at least not the kind that could hold long grudges it was either payback now or never. The assassin received at least a little comfort from jabbing a lewd gesture while he sauntered away, armed to the teeth. How could someone walk around with so much weight? He was more metal than man.

Next time I’ll leave you on the cold ground.” she mocked, standing up on steady legs. She half expected them to wobble but they remained sturdy.

After the brief condescension of Aldred, Sipley felt a little more uplifted until the new news were relayed: “The beasts are dead.”

The woman hefted a piece of rubble in her hand and hurled it at one of the only remaining walls to release pent up frustration. How weak! She should’ve at least killed one giant with her own hands! She was a failure! Unworthy of being a woman, that’s what she was. It wasn’t fair! How come everyone else got to prove their worth while she lay like a worthless princess? “Agh!”

Gritting her teeth, she stalked from the building and to the giant she almost climbed earlier. Easily finding her grapple hook amongst the dirt, she lifted it and looped the rope multiple times for easier managing. Next she found her rucksack where she collapsed, sliding it onto a shoulder blade and running a hand through her blood-crusted hair. She probably looked more of a man than a woman right now. She scowled, moving back to the damaged inn with thoughts of murder. An assassination job would be the only thing that could release the tension in her body.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JJ_Maxx


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“Hello my name is Bregil and this is my friend Faervel, we wanted to thank you for catching Faervel before any harm came to him. I would like to return the favor, where are you injured?”

The young elf woman had come up to Lander, her wolf licking his hands. In the dim light coming from the tavern, he could see she was half elven. Even though she was quite disheveled from the battle, her beauty was undeniable and her smile brought Lander a welcomed reprieve from the carnage of rubble that lay before them.

“You are most welcome,” he said, smiling. The action felt strange and Lander realized he hadn’t had reason to smile in a long time. “He is quite remarkable. I’ve never seen a wolf this size before. It appears you are as lucky to have him as he is lucky to have you. Your skills with a bow are extraordinary.”

Lander envied her animal companionship; often times wishing he had a loyal and faithful friend to share his days with. Even though he despised the haughty aristocrats that paid for his services, he did enjoy having the company on a hunt, as short-lived as it always was.

Lander winced as another round of pain shot through his leg.

“Right, this,” he said, rubbing his thigh. “I think I twisted it back there when I was thrown from the creature. Thank you, but I’m sure it will be perfectly fine in a few days.” Lander took a step toward the tavern and his leg buckled, sending his knee into the ground. He let out a muffled grunt and then looked up at Bregil smiling through the pain. “Then again, maybe not.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nyx tried her best to keep calm, and try to keep the people of the town off the streets and in their homes but the longer the battle partook the harder it became. She finally gave up and forced herself towards the warzone but the closer she came the harder she shook. She pulled out her bow and tried to fumble a arrow in to place, her breathing was too heavy and her head was too light for her to keep a straight aim. She pulled back and released, watching the arrow shoot straight up in to the night's mist. She hissed under her teeth and put the bow back and searched for her daggers but she had left them in her night bag inside the ruined tavern. She was useless at this moment, while everyone had some productive way to intervene in the fight.

Before her mind could withstand the destruction these things had caused the last beast fell to it's knees and the entire place came to a still. The snow was gently coating everyone as they tried to recover from the last moments. Strangers had come together so fluently that she could only stand in awe from her perspectives. A strong feeling in her gut twisted, she didn't belong here. It didn't matter whether she did or not, she was here and she was going to learn how to fight or die trying if that's what it came down to. She climbed down from Balto and walked him to the stables once more, leaving his reign untied from the post. She didn't know whether to use the door or the large hole in the wall but made it inside either way. Everyone looked tired but proud of their victory. Nyx searched for her bag and placed it over her shoulder while stepping through the rubble.

She didn't look at anybody and walked straight back to the bar, she was scared they were all going to ask her where she was during the fight, and how come she didn't put forth in the battle. She looked back to watch the woman Sipley walk in with blood marking running from her hair, Nyx quickly took her eyes off her and looked down at the drink in front of Caspian. "Whatever that is, I want it." The bartender's eyes widened, the girl who had come in with no experience with alcohol was asking for Gin, not like she knew the difference. He poured the small glass and passed it to her which she quickly took a sip of. Her face screwed together as the burn hit her throat. "That's disgusting.." She huffed out, a fluttering feeling hit her as she turned to look at the group once more. "You know, you guys looked like knights you'd hear about in stories." She whispered to Caspian as she watched everyone settle back in to the ruined tavern as if it was home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Caspian took the final swig of his now almost empty bottle Gin. Caspian sighed a in ecstasy as the warmth flowed down his throat and through his limbs. Effectively warming his body up better than a fire ever would. Know that the dust had settled and peace finally returned to the small town, Caspian could finally relax, lose him self in thought. But before he could do that he had to make something clear. " Hey ya drink giver, I ain't paying g for nothing, got that." Caspian said menacingly to the bartender.

It was not long after that when the beautiful Nyx reappeared. For some reason Caspian had not seen her though out the whole fight. But Caspian though nothing of it, he would rather not have he delicate face hardened and scared by the ruthlessness of battle. Caspian watched her from the corner of his eye as she walked up to the bartender and asked for the same thing he was drinking, Hard Maple Gin. After only taking a sip her face contoured in disgust.

"That's disgusting.." Nyx said aloud
"Aye thats Gin for you" Caspian said to her, looking at his now shinning blade.

"You know, you guys looked like knights you'd hear about in stories." She whispered to Caspian.
"Haha, and a pirate, I'm basically a fairy tale." Caspian replied quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The fighting was over but the victory had a bitter sweet taste. She watched as the 'Ice Queen' sauntered off without even a simple thank you. It wasn't like she expected to be worshiped for her work but it was usually appropriate to be somewhat grateful. "You're welcome..." Emilia muttered under her breath as the woman left to gather her tools.

Another Crimson Company member arrived, from his features she guessed he was a half elf and by his own statement he was clearly a bard by trade, she thought it was a bit odd for a bard to take on mercenary work but then stranger things had happened. "I appreciate the thought but here in Esterfell we do things a bit differently." Emilia went over to Ansa, the barmaid, she had some minor cuts but all superficial. Emilia quickly sealed Ansa's cuts and made a request. "Will you go fetch Thadius? You can use Hansel so you don't have to stay in the cold too long. I need to take care of the others and he can take care of Jonathan." Ansa simply nodded and went outside to get Hansel, her brother's horse, from the stable and ride to Thadius the local healer.

The next member to return to the Inn was quite clearly a pirate. She supposed that having a member with knowledge of sailing might be useful at some point. She watched him guzzle down good gin and wash his blades of the blood as she walked behind him and scanned his body. "Don't mind me I'm just scanning for injuries." She winced at his comment. "It wasn't a good day for Jon." She couldn't find anything wrong with the pirate. "You, on the other hand, are fine."

Emilia went back to Aldred as he rested on one of the chairs. She recognized his armor once she got close, it was the armor of a Dominion Vanguard. She had met someone wearing that armor during the Scourged War. Emilia had been following behind the front lines tending to those who were injured during the fighting. She recalled that the Vanguard she had met lost his left arm and still insisted to be allowed to rejoin the fighting. She had also heard stories of other Vanguards doing amazing things, although most of those stories were just speculations made by common soldiers. Emilia placed her hands on his back and scanned his body, he clearly had a long history of combat, his armor was enough of a testament to that. "It's been a while since I've seen anyone with armor like this." She avoided saying Vanguard outright just in case he didn't want that to be public information.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aldred remained in his seat, watching each of his new companions return to the inn, figuring that some still had to walk on over. He watched as Sipley, apparently completely healthy, rose from her position on the floor, then stormed out of the room in a fit of anger, sadness or some negative emotion. She was a definite ice queen, that was for sure.

His train of thought changed as Emilia approached him, her eyes and hands examining his old armor, the various marks, cuts and bruises adorning it like stripes on a dress. He looked up at her, and spoke.

"Yes, I wore this during the war, have worn it ever since it ended, fought every battle in this armor, then when I left it came with me. They've changed the armor since the war ended, streamlined them, much less cumbersome they like to say. I'm just too used to this hunk I suppose." He said with a smile full of nostalgia as his eyes wandered to a chunk of rubble on the floor.

"You were one of the people I was told would be accompanying us on our journey, though I can understand if you want to decline after what has transpired today," Aldred said, pausing for a moment. "Make sure to have a messenger sent to the capital, they'll send some people out to help with repairs, then hopefully station some guards after seeing the giant's corpses."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 2 days ago

It was finished. Mel cautiously tipped back and softly fell on her bottom, using the snow as a cushion. She nursed her aching side with a greenish glow that caused the out of position bones, swelling, and general pain to sort of subside. It felt rough but Mel displayed nothing more than a wince or two at the pain's worst. The thing about healing yourself was that it takes awhile, at least the particular restoration magic she used. If it had been someone else, she would have an easier time because a lot of focus wouldn't be lost in a nagging pain. Still, Mel wasn't a stranger to healing herself. She had to admit something felt a bit 'off' when her comrades in her vicinity just kind of wandered back to the broken inn without so much as a glance in her direction. Mel thought there would be a sense of rapport and camaraderie that came from all this. I mean they did just fight a group of giants together. It was a distant suspicion that Mel didn't have any experience with so she let it slide. However, there was a complete lack of attention to the "make sure they are dead command". But again, Mel wasn't sure how things were supposed to be and just took the mantle of responsibility herself.

Once she felt like she was healthy enough to get moving again, she got up on her feet and walked over to the two giant corpses. They probably were dead but Mel had the same fear as the armored man and a rampaging beast would get away with a lot more destruction before being brought down a second time. So feeling better, Mel conjured up a small pool of a thick oily substance using her earth elemental ability and spread it around the two giants. The giant already on fire now burst into even greater flames and after a quick spark the other giant lit into flames. Mel watched the two bodies burn for a moment, looking for any movement, before officially calling them dead and heading back to the inn.

There was still some tenderness in Mel's side but she felt like she would be fine. Any noticeable display of pain would be minor. Mel crept in from one of the inn's openings and surveyed the damage. Snow was sprinkled just about everywhere on her but she appeared unconcerned about the cold. People were milling about, but Mel was glad to see the bard still on his feet. He took a nasty kick earlier but it seemed to not phase him not. Mel wandered up the bard again but this time gently tapped her cold finger on the tip of his nose. "I'm glad you lived and were not seriously maimed." She her hands placed right around the area she thought he got kicked, which was his chest, "Are you well? I can put your pain at an ease as easily as you can strum your music, bard." She cooed in a soft voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Lucio dipped his head when the girl said they didn't use songs of passing in Esterfell. Everybody had their own way of doing things, though more often then not people would have accepted the song. Even if just for their own peace of mind. As much as he loved singing, the songs of passing always sent chills down his spine. He did it for the peace of mind of the grieving more than anything as well. He personally didn't have a specific belief for the passing of the dead and was fine with any way people decided to do it. He'd only truly find out what was beyond when he died and not a moment before.

He was about to go elsewhere in the tavern, obviously not needed here for the moment, when the scantily clad elf girl came up to him and poked his nose. Her finger was rather cold, but after adrenaline and the heat of battle it felt nice. She expressed that she was glad he wasn't dead or badly hurt. "The same to you. It would be tragic to lose a companion before things truly began." He said with a smile. Her hands moved to his chest, causing him to wince as they touched the sensitive bruises there. As nice as some healing magic would have been, or whatever it was that she was talking about, there were people who needed it more. "I'm simply bruised, not broken. I can handle a little pain, why don't you save it for those who need it more." He said carefully, not entirely sure what it was.

"By the way, I never did get your name. I am Lucio Freedan, as you may know already, I'm a traveling bard." Though considering she may have never heard magic before, she may have not known what a bard was either. Ah well, he would just have to explain it to her. Though from a bard's point of view it was much different than from a normal person's. Normal people tended to find bards rather annoying at times.
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