Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Waterfront Warehouse #67

The Monster and Supernatural Extermination Squad, or Pandora Squad as some liked to call it, had finally narrowed down the location of the loading to this warehouse. While normally a task for the police, because this particular group of black market specialists were dealing with exotic extradimensional insect life it was deemed dangerous and unnatural enough for them to get called to take care of it. Alexi cautiously made her way through the large containers that were stacked around the place, at the moment they were just trying to locate where the eggs were so being in stealth mode was to their advantage as one of the scumbags might lead them to the location. It was mostly dark, not that it was a problem for a dragon as her race naturally had strong eyes that could pick up even the faintest photons of light, but then there were several lights up ahead at the far end of the tunnel.

Alexi floated up on top of a stack of shipping containers to get a better look, sure enough there were quite a few flashlights and two headlights from what appeared to be a forklift that was in the middle of picking up a rather large container. This would not have been very interesting if it weren't for the fact that at least a dozen heavily armed men were in the immediate vicinity. Alexi narrowed her eyes and made sure to open her ears as well. The men wore dark clothing to better conceal themselves in the night and most had at least a machine gun on hand. Alexi spoke into her headpiece to the others, "I see fourteen men, armed with machine guns and I believe two grenade launchers." It was accurate information but unfortunately even though she had remembered to press the button on the side when speaking, she had never actually turned it on in the first place so no one actually heard her report. Of course she was feeling proud of herself for finally getting the hand of technology but unknowingly had just failed, big time.

The container started to tip over as the fork lift started to turn to leave, so one of the men spoke up, "Don't turn stupid, just back out the way you came! You gotta be careful with that thing, if it falls and those eggs get smashed we lose most of our profits."

"I don't see why we had to be so heavily armed, I mean not like the cops care what happens to a bunch of bugs, they aren't coming." A rather large man yawned as he swung a gun over his shoulder.

"Of course they wouldn't, the heavy firepower ain't for them, its for them." Another guy pointed to the leaving container. "You ever seen what some of these monsters can do? If those things decided to hatch, well that's what these babies are for." He stroked his grenade launcher as if it was his most prized possession. "They're classified as 'biological weapons' for a reason. Also I've heard some rumors about some law a-biding monster unit they have cleaning the streets these days, kind sick to think about, those freaks being used as government beat sticks."

Alexi had heard enough and once again failed to tell her teammates anything, "The eggs are in the container on the industrial forklift, lets go! Umm guys ya copy?" She tapped the device a few times, and her fingernail gouged it out, "ah...not again..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lilith quickly scaled the building, climbing quickly and silently, the plan was to get into position and wait for things to happen, at the sound of the first person who was inside, Alexi. But it seemed the blasted girl had either forgotten to turn her coms on, or she was captured, the later one being very unlikely but still a situation that needed to be handled. She had opted to go in first, but Alexi seemed to be adamant on being the "leader" so to speak on the missions at hand. Lilith cursed under her breath as she further climbed the building, this wasn't her thing at all, she pretty much hated everything about stealth, but she didn't exactly say that she was going to go check things out, more or less kind of just disappeared from the others and went off on her own. Then she would only have to worry about herself for the time being, at least that was what she hoped, but some of the others within the group seemed to be full of a lot of ambition, to much of it in her opinion.

Making it to the top Lilith quickly opened the slanted warehouse building window and creeped inside, her eyes adjusting to the dark quickly and she looked around for any sign of Alexi. First she saw lights, then heard the sound of a machine or two, before perking up her ears and drowning out background noise. She heard a dozen or so voices, though she couldn't tell the exact number. She quickly moved at a fast jump like movement and stood still when she saw the number of men with modern weapons, machine guns and some grenade launchers. Then she saw Alexi fidgiting with her device, and saw that the men were talking about the eggs, meaning it was somewhere in the general vicinity of the area they were guarding. Lilith jumped down from the ledge and rolled across the floor muffling her foot steps as best she could. She quickly approached Alexi and jumped up quickly crouching next to her whispering before she got up behind her "Hey sparky, you have to turn the damn thing on before you talk in it" she joked slightly and turned her head to the men "So whats the situation, and here use mine, I have no need for it" she passed her device over Alexi, holding it back for a second to make sure it was turned on, then handing it over to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightfall
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Nightfall The Spider of Shadows

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Raymond Arachnos, or 'Slinger' to anyone who didn't want to find themselves suspended from the ceiling in a web prison, watched from the shadows. Position wise, he had opted to deviate from the rest of the group, as was normal for him. Observe and surgically strike, eliminating key targets while they were unaware of his presence. With lithe agility he scurried from the shadows of one warehouse box to the next, shifting ever closer to the gathering of people. He could hear the commotion of the stupid dragon and the blood-thirsty demon over the comm system. Once he had served his term with this crack group, Ray was going to leave as fast as he could. With a shake of the head, he returned his head to the situation at hand. His primary targets was the one holding the launchers. Supernatural or no, that would cause harm. Second target was the operator of the forklift. The rest could be dealt with in any order. A small flick of light far to his right caught the Arachnes attention. One of the guards had slipped behind some containers away from the others and had lit up a cigarette. Not one to waste an opportunity, Ray slunk over to his location. With a sick and twisted smile, he whispered into the comm system: 'Time for a little fun' and then clicked it off.

The guard walked forward slightly, flicking his cigarette ash into the wind. It was half-way back to his mouth when he suddenly felt it fly from his hands. Turning around, his mouth was suddenly filled with web. Reaching for his gun, he found his hands had already been bound to each-other in front of him. Turning to run, he tripped over, his feet snagging on a line of web. He was caught before he could land on the floor and make a noise though, and was slowly turned around to look eyes to eye with a humanoid with eight long spider legs protruding from his back, short brown horns and a gleaming white smile filled with fangs.
"Good evening."
The smile widened as the creature gently placed him against a container. The guard tried his best to do something, anything, but all he could manage was a muffled gurgle. The spider creature just smiled and began to run its spider legs over him. Long silken threads began to be drawn from the tips of the legs and before long, had bound the man completely, leaving only his neck an d head free, his mouth thoroughly filled with web.. The spider creature nodded at his handiwork.
"Now, I want answers, but I am too worried you will scream. So, first I am going to...soften you up..."
Without any further warning, the spider creature bit into the mans neck. The man convulsed involuntarily as neuro-toxin was pumped into his system. He felt his already bound body go stiff from paralysis. The fear in his eyes just seemed to fuel this monster on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Stealth". Jack had heard this term used many times before. The way he understands it, it means moving unseen... Which is a truly confusing thing for one who walks the shadows themselves. Literally. From the dark corners where light did not reach, he watched as the Black Dragon fumbled with her device. He watched as the Demon crept in and joined her, and even saw the Slinger creep around and sink his teeth in some unsuspecting, but not less horrified, victim. Jack saw this all, for he was everywhere and nowhere. He was where the light could not reach, or where it was blocked by physical objects. This is how he moved, and observed.
The time he had spent with humans and other supernatural beings, he had learned that they do not always realize his pressence. Therefore he decided to whisper to the Black Dragon and the Demon from the shadows around them. "I am here." he whispered to them, a calm deep and lingering voice that seemed to not originate from anywhere but rather manifest in one's mind. This is how Jack communicated.
Overlooking the situation one more time, Jack realized he did not know how the others would want to proceed with the situation. With the same horrible whisper (he didn't know better, he didn't really understand that the others would find it creepy or otherwise unnerving) he spoke again to the others present. "I am ready. How shall we proceed?" he whispered, awaiting direction rather than take action himself, like Slinger had.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monochromatic
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Monochromatic Manic Episode Full Blast

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Syn leaned his head heavily against one of the large crates that sat outside of the building, on the docks. The serpent had wedged his human-self between two of the large empty crates with just enough leg room to be considered a large inconvenience for someone who was not use to having two feet instead of a single long, slender tail. And cramming himself into such a space was not exactly his genius idea, either. He had been told prior to even arriving that he was to keep himself out of the way of the others, not to engage them without orders. If anything, Syn was only brought along as extra insurance in case things headed south, so he didn't have to directly involve himself unless called upon. He wasn't a real fighter unless he was told to be, it just wasn't in his blood to aggressively attack people or other creatures, be it for a righteous cause or otherwise. And keeping himself out of the way usually meant something like this, as it had most other times unless someone was willing to carry him in his serpent form.

A silent sigh escapes him as he wiggles a bit, trying to get more comfortable. Finally though after a bit of persistent wiggling, he was in a decent spot to where he could actually see the building from his position. He lightly tapped the comm-collar that was tightly secured around his neck, speaking softly int the silence he was surrounded by.

"In position." Syn murmured quietly before tapping the collar again to turn off the speaking function, just as he had been shown how to do. And without a worry nor a care, he digs into one of his few pockets and promptly pulls out an entire green mango. Since he was so far on the docks and well away from any danger that might actually happen, it was alright for him to snack! Quietly he opens his mouth and quickly bites into the fruit, ripping away at the thick skin, the slight bitter insides, and seed alike. Fruit that had yet to fully ripen was by far his favorite snack as of late, and nothing was better to pass the time than to eat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Max was waiting outside, armor powered up and waiting while he held his gun known as the cyclops ready for primary fire and forget targeting the get-away vehicle ro taking down a wall with the Cerberus on standby with the hydra ready to be brought up for suppression fire and mulch maker. Until he got the okay to open fire, he was as situated as the serpent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Victoria Hellsmith
How rare, thought Victoria. Up until now, she had exclusively worked alone on missions, and almost always in covert operations. Tonight, however, she would be sent into action alongside several other agents, in order to track down and eliminate an operation related to the black market. Her job was to infiltrate the building and provide cover for the other agents while they move in for the kill.

A good plan, on paper, but the other agents probably wouldn't have been briefed on Victoria's abilities, except that she was a covert specialist. So, things were about to get very awkward.

"Hello, is anybody there? I seem to have lost my dog." A young girl's voice calls out conspicuously into the night, followed by the quiet sound of boots stepping on the hard floor. The sound of her movements and voice echo throughout the enviroment, ensuring that absolutely everybody nearby would probably hear her coming. For emphasis, Victoria raises her hands to her mouth in a common human gesture and calls again, louder this time.

"Spoooot! Where are you?"

She steps out into the immediate vicinity of the forklift, and her face is immediately illuminated by a ready flashlight. There was no time to react. A flash of light, the smell of gunpowder, and several metal objects pierced her body at high speeds. The sound was deafening as it echoed through the confines of the warehouse, amplified by the moments of silence that followed shortly after.


She falls to the ground, blood quickly sprouting from the holes in her thick winter coat. Several of the men approach her shakily, shining the light back on her face to reveal her appearance- that of a young girl. There was nothing strange about her, nothing at all besides the sheer volume of blood that was pouring from her silent corpse. It spread quickly, creating a wide pool of red around the spot where she landed. As tough as they were, confusion spreads through the group of criminals-

"The fuck was that?-" "Did one of those fuckers get out?-" "Who the fuck...?-" "I'm sorry, man, I panicked...-"

shouts one of the larger men of the group, immediately silencing the lot of them.
"We've gotta get this done quick, in case some other good citizen comes wandering along. Hustle it!"

There is some murmured agreement among the group, and they immediately get back to work, quite a bit more aware of their surroundings compared to before. Lying on the floor silently was the young girl, who was apparently supposed to be the covert agent.

She was, of course, dead as a brick.

She wasn't breathing, her heart had stopped beating, and she had lost enough blood to fill a small bathtub.

Most definitely, certainly, and thoroughly dead.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Alexi grudgingly took the offered comm but because she was a prideful dragon was not about to admit that she was at fault, "I didn't forget it was just broken." It wasn't entirely a lie, she did manage to break her piece of equipment but really she did forget so it was at most a half-truth. Her horns glowed like the embers of a fire in embarassment but thankfully most people thought that a dragon's horns glowing just meant they were preparing their fire breath. Discarding her own for Lilith's she once again spoke to the rest of the squad, this time those with comms would hear. "There are a dozen guards...make that 11," she changed the count as one of them had decided to wonder off on his own and no doubt one of the other members of the squad had already taken care of him. "The ones of note have grenade launchers so lets make sure to take them down first, also from what I heard, the industrial forklift is carrying the egg container to a waiting ship as we speak."

As she finished speaking Victoria appeared and very promptly got shot by some very itchy trigger finger guard. "Err...well now that was flashy...anyway they'll definately be on their guard now," Alexi pried herself away from the gory scene trying to ignore what just happened, "Primary objective is the forklift, we cannot under any circumstances let the package escape out to sea! Those who have a clear path try and take down the grenade launchers first, their firepower will at least be quite painful. Other than that happy hunting, lets procure us some eggs!"

Black Marketers

"Well if we weren't on the cops radar before we certainly will be now. Killing some kid is never a good thing to have on your record, we're black market not gangsters, the less amount of fuss we create the better." The man wrinkled his nose at the bloody mess and tried to stay away from it as much as possible. "Get that thing moving fast! We gotta get this done quickly now and then lay low!"

"Oh don't be such a sissy," one of the more seedy looking fellows laughed and walked over to the corpse as the forklift started moving out and toward the docks where a boat was waiting. "I'm sure you've seen dead kids before," he sneered at the corpse and kicked it over, "stupid thing coming out here in the dead of night, if you had just captured her instead could have even made a little extra money." He leered at her, while the other man just looked disgusted.

"The heck you twisted son-of-a-peach! She's better off dead than whatever you're thinking!"

"Really...you and your substitute swear-words..." as that exchange occurred the group was a lot more cautious now as it proceeded to follow behind the forklift, guns at the ready for trouble. Of course they had no idea just what sort of trouble they were soon going to be in for, it would be of a very...fantastical nature.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lilith saw victoria get shot and suddenly she blacked out, from with in a rage swept over her body and she could single out the voices of the men. They talked about trading her to the sex trade and worse things, and then it only took one simple laugh from with in her head for her to switch "Oh? Is little miss Lilith angry for those men? Let big Sis make it all better" everyone in the warehouse would be able to hear the sudden echoed laughter as such a demon's child would have. The air got frigid and anyone who knew a demons touch would know what was going on.

"What the fuck was that?" the guard turned to his fellow men and aimed at the darkness "Hurry up with that fork lift! I dont think we're alone..."

Alexi would find that Lilith had disappeared and reappeared with in the darkness of one of the men who had strayed away with another man. Sis laughed again, a little girls voice and made the men turn back to see that Victoria's body was gone (In truth just simply resting behind a crate) "...was that kid human?" the men had a fearful look on their face.

A hand grabbed the closest shoulder and pulled him into the darkness, a scream ripped through the air, then suddenly something was thrown into the moonlight bleeding through the window. The man closest turned to look at it and looked away, repulsed, some even looking like they were going to hurl. The something that was thrown, was the mans head, making the "leader" of sorts look around "Listen this is not a game anymore, we need to transport the eggs no-!" another laugh interrupted him. From the darkness, Lilith or a more evil form of her, slowly walked out of the dark, the left side of her face and body still within darkness.

"Wanna play a game? I like to call it...kill" another sinister laugh came after the distorted female voice that came from Lilith. Sis threw the rest of the bloody body into the moonlight and the men looked on in terror at the mutilated body. Sis looked at the crate half hoping someone was on the move already to get the eggs. The men raised their guns and Sis's vision went back onto them, making her fade back into the darkness, as they began to fire in her direction, she quickly jumped over the crates and took cover [i]"Thats enough Sis, give me back my body, we got our revenge..." Lilith from within her mind spoke to the being who was in control of Lilith.

Sis laughed out loud "Ah but my dear sister, we might have got our revenge, but I have not gotten to the best part yet, just look at all the blood to be split" Lilith looked at almost a window in her mind out through her own eyes and to her hands that were dim in the dark, the were covered in blood and Lilith could feel Sis's blood lust. This was a bad situation for not only the men but her comrades as well.

By now the black Marketers were done firing and now trigger happy at everything that moved, in fear that whatever they just was coming back to finish them off "I told you man, that was one of the monsters that's apart of the that government bullshit I was talking about, where theres one, theres gunna be more"

"SHUT UP! focus, anything that moves waste it" the leader said shaking a bit as he looked through the sight of his gun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Seeing as the others had begun attacking the targets by now, Jack figured it was time he did the same. He just followed their lead, basicly.
When they were done firing at Lilith, Jack could feel how terrified they were. How horribly alone and scared they felt. The regret of having even come here. It fueled him. He fed off of their fear, growing in power... To cause even greater effect, he let his voice echo freely through the room, from each shadow and crevice... No escape... bounced upon the walls, and one of the black market men dropped his gun in fear. "AW TO HELL WITH THIS, I'M OUT!" he screamed and tried to run. Turning around he stopped dead in his tracks, for Jack had materialized in front of him. His blackened mask forever weeping, the empty hollow eyesockets staring at him. With a scream, Jack disappeared with the man into the shadows, and he was never seen again.

Jack sat back in the shadows. He had taken a victim, now he would feed upon the others' horror while the rest of the group dispatched of them. The man's scream still lingered eariely in the building, as if still there somewhere, in the distance, experiencing true horror...
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