Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Angelo worked through his class. Like any other class it was just a simple math class, Angelo was board out of his mind but regardless Angelo worked hard at it to get a good grade so that he could leave his current situation and get a better life in the future. His current situation being his new gang starting to fight against the dragons, Angelo hardly had anyone on his side but those that were had real martial arts training not the stupid street fighting that most of the dragons lackeys use, really it was just them busting heads of people that cant fight back. Angelo hated thugs and bullies and Angelo hoped that the people that decided to join his gang agreed as well.

Once the bell had rung for lunch period Angelo got up and took his bags heading to their "headquarters" if someone would really call it that when in reality it was really just the abandoned school building nearby, the reason it was abandoned was because of some mishap during the chemistry class and it was nearly burned down. However it stands strong as ever the school was just to cheap to bother paying someone to fix it up. Angelo walked in and went into one of the classrooms that was still mostly unburned by the fire and had all its desks and chairs still their. Angelo was leading this small group against an entire gang which seemed like an impossible goal but for now Angelo needed to lead them and point his more questionable "friends" in the right direction of their enemy. Some of his new members are aggressive to say the least and Angelo will have a hard time getting them to follow his orders but Angelo knew that he had to find a way to let them loose in the right direction.

Angelo waited in the old classroom knowing that the others are meant to show up soon so Angelo can discuss with them and ask their opinion on what they should do first. Angelo was in no means unsure of himself but the road to friendship starts with trust as they say so Angelo needed to let them know that he wants their opinion and wants them to know he values it and will consider it before making a move against the dragons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Jack was basically unconscious all during class, snoring so loud that if the class was watching a video, he snoring would be to loud to hear the show. Even though Jack was reported to the Dean many times, the school decided to give up, they knew he would not stop anyway; so who cares if is future was probably some fast food restaurant on or something, he really really did not at all, he was planning to live for moment and deal with the rest of it later.

After about a half hour of blissful sleep the bell rung for the class to go to lunch. Jack woke up just as the last of the students were leaving. Picking up his stuff he lazily walked out of the classroom, "You learn anything today Jack." his teacher said to him sarcastically as he walked out of the classroom. "I learned regulate my breathing while I sleep." Jack said sharply but sarcastically, and he walked out of the class room.

After grabbing his lunch he walked out the school doors to the abandoned school not to far from it. He was planning to meet some kid who wanted him to join his gang, but all Jack heard was " I want to be your friend." So instead of being his usual self and punching the guy in the face for being a child, he would be nice for once and see what this kid had in store for him at his "headquarters". He walked and and strolled down the destroyed hallways to find a nearly undamaged class room with the kid in it. He walked in and sat not to far from the kid, "So, what is this supposed to be about, and were are the rest of your toddler friends." he yelled with a fry in his mouth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Liam listened to his history class with an uncharacteristic amount of attention. He clearly enjoyed this subject more than he should. Well Granddad basically had told him he was not staying in this life. He was going to get an education and get out of his life. No matter what. Granddad Paddy basically had his grandson on a short leash. There was no way Liam was going to be like his father or anyone in his neighborhood. No drug using or anything of the type. The old man even stopped his grandson from even thinking if the idea of steroids even as half of the people the man trained used it.

He hated bullies and thugs. Another of those lessons from the old man was to never lord your strength over others and these thugs seemed to be doing this exact thing. So he was going to help with this. He had to. Sensei taught him his own brand of honor and this seemed to fit. Fighting for those who could not. Liam walked into the area not grabbing any lunch. He could not each all that much especially not the fried foods this placed served. "Right Toddler. Whatever you say Stick Bug." He said to the guy who asked where the rest were. His accent was very lightly Irish since his Granddad was from the Isles. He looked round. "So why are we here?" He asked curious but bored.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Niles sat in his chair listening to his nut job of a history teacher talk about some important time in history. He was weeks ahead in the assignments for the class so he didn't really need to pay attention, but then again what else did he have to do. After a few minutes Niles started thinking about the so called "gang" he was asked to join, although the boy didn't like getting close to people, he decided it would be a good idea to put his skills to the test and be able to regain his family's honor. When the bell rang Niles stood up and headed towards the abandoned school building not too far from the school.

"So... This is His idea of a 'gang headquarters'?" He sighed, "This better be worth my time." He strolled in and found a classroom with a couple of students in it, he assumed they were his fellow "gang members" and entered. Niles leaned up against a wall and glanced both of the students, "I hope there are more competent people joining... I'd be a shame to know I was the only member who wasn't inept." He looked at the one with a fry in his mouth and sighed with a hint of irritation, "Oh and did you have a nice nap... You better have, cause I could hear you from 3 classes away." Niles didn't have any friends at the school, but he pretty much knew of everyone in it. He would study them quickly while walking past them in the halls and could tell you who someone was and almost everything about them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Katherine sat attentively in class, doing what one usually does. Take notes, doodle when the teacher rants, occasionally stretch, repeat. While some subjects really interested her, she generally felt the day was feeling empty and despite the change in scenery, the new school and new life was very similar to that of the states. Until she heard through the grape vine that someone was starting a gang to combat the so called "Dragons". She vaguely remembered one of their "ambushes" when she decided to take a short cut through an alley. To put it simply, they found out the hard way why she favors the tight spaces of the alley. "Sounds interesting enough" she thought to herself while doodling a tank in her notes. The bell rang, indicating it was lunch time, and after quickly grabbing her lunch, she headed over to the so called headquarters of the new gang.

"Wow... very... cliche..." she said aloud, standing in front of the school. With a huff, she strode into the ruined school and made her way to the less ash covered part of the building. Upon walking in, she began to feel a little nervous. "Damn... these are some sketchy looking people...." she thought as she gave a glance into the classroom. Sighing, she lit a cigarette and walked into the room, putting away her lighter. She kept her cigs hidden usually, as naturally she was not aloud the smoke. "Considering the circumstances, I'm sure these guys won't mind" she thought.

"So hey, this is the so called gang to deal with our lizard problem right? I didn't walk in on some sort of drug den or something?" she said light heartily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRider


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Alastair sighed gently, his fingers brushing quickly through his snow white hair. Underneath the brushed away fringe and the thin glasses lay bright green eyes, focused on the book in front of him. He looked over the paragraphs he was meant to be studying for his ancient history class, his free hand twirling a pen before scribbling a few notes on the honour code of the Japanese Samurai. Naturally his assignment choice would be a government necessitated marital artist, what else would he study. He gave a short grin at the librarian assistant, a bespectacled girl with long black hair, brushed past him. That grin turned into a devastatingly charming and slightly lop sided smile before his eyes snapped back to his book. He was lucky that he had free time right now, his pen twirling between his fingers as he thought upon what Angelo had asked of him.

“Take back our streets? Are you nuts Angelo?” Alastair had said exasperated with his old friend. Angelo never was one to think of himself and the black eye and laceration he bore on him that day told him that was not a turning point to return from here. Alastair gave a short sigh and simply nodded “Fine…I can’t really say no…just…maybe round up more than the two of us?” He laughed as he waved Angelo off and went back to work in the atelier of his Master. Alastair received quite the training session that afternoon.

Alastair shut the book, the thick slap sounding out through the hushed silence of the library. The assistant gave a small cute squeal of surprise and Alastair took that as his sign to leave, walking out of the building quickly. He knew exactly where to go as the bell rang out and signified a break for the school. He opened the door to find Angelo, three unknown males and the new exchange smoking. The three unknowns seemed to be fighting amongst themselves before pointing questions at Angelo. Alastair just jammed his hands in the pockets of his dress pants and took a seat, kicking his feet up on a spare table “How quaint…” He said idly, pushing back with his feet and tilting the chair. His green eyes flicked up and looked at the roof, as he absently began humming the notes…or at least a rough approximation of the notes of one of Mozart’s violin concertos.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GodOfChaos
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Kilian. Kilian please pay attention." Kilian's eyes slowly raised to the front of the room. "I understand you are upset because of what happened recently, but that doesn't mean-" The teacher was cut off by a voice off by the the student. "My family has nothing to do with what I do in school. Don't speak of them." The teacher let out a sigh and almost immediately went back to teach the class, which was cut short again when a student spoke towards Kilian. "Yeah teach, even when his family was alive he wouldn't pay attention, so what does it matter?" Kilian's head shot up to the front of the room and his glare landed on the bully of the school. He shot up from his seat and stormed towards the bully only to be stopped by the teacher who quickly kicked him out of the room. "To the principle's O'Ryan."

After the teacher slammed the door in Kilian's face he slowly made his way to the principle's office. It was nothing new and he was quickly sitting in front of the man who currently ran the school. "Five times in the past three days. Kilian, whats going on?" Silence filled the room for a few minutes. Kilian didn't see a reason to have to answer. Deep down it might have been his family's death. After all it was all he had in the first place. "Kilian, you don't understand how lucky you are right now. I could have suspended you for a few days if I really felt the need to." There was silence for a few more moments as Kilian glared at the little clay art of an island on the desk. "You know what? Ill give you a warning, again. However, if you enter this office because of a fight or argument with a teacher, or anything similar, you will be suspended for a few days. Got it?"

As soon as the principle said that, the bell went off. The principle nearly jumped due to the sound. "Glad you understand. Now go." Kilian stood up from the seat and made his way across the room. The principle gave him one last word of "advice" as he walked out of the office. "Not one more time O'Ryan!" Kilian went to the lunch room, where he decided that he wouldn't eat lunch that day. He was low on cash and decided to save it for dinner. Instead he made his way over to the abandoned school building. "The 'headquarters' seems to be in great shape."

Kilian made his way into the building and walked the halls for a bit. He came across a room that seemed to be completely untouched by the fire that broke out here years ago. As he walked in he made his way to a more quiet part of the room. He recognized all these people from seeing them in the halls but he never actually knew any of them. He quickly put his head down as if not wanting to be noticed, which would be hard to do because of his height and frame.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GodOfChaos
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(Double post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Angelo sighed a little taking a breath to stay calm regardless of what they will say when Angelo starts to talk to them. Angelo knew he had snow on his side but everyone else needed to be convinced to join and show the dragons who is boss and that every action has a consequence and that would be nothing but complete disbandment of their gang of exploiters and thugs.

Angelo looked at all of them and started to talk "everyone we are here to discuss a serious problem. I am sure you all have heard of the dragons, the exploit everyone, beat people that cant stand up to them, and they disgrace our art that we all have learned for years. Martial arts isn't about hurting people just cause you can, we all have our reasons for learning to fight and I wont blame you for not agreeing with my sentiment about how fighting is meant to get stronger but to protect people that cant protect themselves. We are all here because I purpose we join together and form our own gang, I say that we the ones that can truly fight should take them on. I will not force any of you to join with me cause lets face it this will be dangerous taking on a gang like this but I will fight no matter what cause I will not stand aside another minute while they might be beating down someone to the dirt for pocket money. For some of you this is a way to vent out your anger to someone who really deserves it and for all of us to put our skills to the real test. The choice is yours, I will not force you into a commitment but can you really leave knowing you can truly fight, that you can truly make a difference to everyone that lives here, and that you will be known as martial artist. that choice is yours" Angelo said taking a breath once he finished his speech and he sat back down in his seat waiting for their responses calmly....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 23 days ago

"Really, Slick Bug, that is what you got...Hahaha." Jack could not contain his laughter, the boy had called him a Slick Bug, Jack could not even tell if that was supposed to be an insult or a joke. Jack finally stopped laughing and wiped a rear from his eye, taking a bight of his burger, he decided to ignore the guy who stated the obvious about his snoring.

After couple of minutes the kid who had invited this group of misfits decided to make a speech about working together to take down a gang of bullies. At first he thought that us was to cliche for him, and then he remembered the bit about fighting, he hadn't had a food fight in months and this was a good time to brush up in his skills, and on real people also.

"So, what do I get out of this besides beating up bullies and having the satisfaction of doing good." Jack asked out loud as he picked up another fry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Niles listened quietly to the one who invited him, fighting against the dragons was probably his only hope for the redemption of his family honor, the problem on the other had was that he would have to work with a team. He had always been an army of one and never really learned how to get along with others, but maybe this would be different... Maybe the fact that he would be thrown into dangerous situations with these guys would bring them closer. Well, as close as Niles was comfortable with that is. Besides, what did he have to lose anyways.

He pushed himself off the wall with his foot and stood up straight crossing his arms, "If it means bashing the heads of some Dragons I'm in, just make sure not to get in my way." That was it, no turning back now. Time to see what the other students are capable of. Let's hope I haven't doomed myself from the start... Niles thought to himself as he stood quietly with a determined and stern look in his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Liam had meant it as a joke but this guy seemed a bit off honestly. Well so was he if he was going to join this little crusade. He noticed a guy walk in who was clearly a boxer, cause as they said it took one to know one.It was a gift to be able to read people like he did but it had taken awhile and a ton of time to learn all this. This guy looked like a boxer. He nodded back at the guy ((Kilian)) as a sign of respect, one similar fighter to another. His Granddad had raised him well that way. Respect your friends and all that. He could use some friends at this school and this seemed an easy way.

"Well those Dragon bastards are in my street so I need them out. Hell the only reason they avoid my Granddad is cause of his connections but I have no idea how long that will take. Count me in. My unique fighting style could be of great use to us." He said sitting on one of the desks looking around. "We could use my Granddad's gym if we need a place to train." He offered figuring they all had places but it was polite to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Katherine could not help but smile. The whole situation couldn't help but make her laugh a bit on the inside. "Well.... This will be one hell of a story to tell.... I mean fighting off street gang, wide assortment of moody boys, and I get to be apart of it all! This is gonna be fun..." she thought once the teen named Angelo finished his little pep speech. Though it seemed one of her fellow peers, the one that had been essentially a sentient dick eating a lunch, piped up... unsurprisingly.

"So, what do I get out of this besides beating up bullies and having the satisfaction of doing good?" he said, acting as if it all bored him as he continued to nibble on his lunch. Katherine turned to face him.

"Well fry boy, ever seen a kung fu movie? We get to be the bad-asses of... well.. maybe not you... Okay some of us get to be bad-asses and take down an entire street gang. I don't know about you, but that seems pretty fun and makes my life at least a hell of a lot more interesting. Besides, who's gonna be my towel boy?" She said with a grin. Katherine then turned and faced Angelo. "You can count me in. I would enjoy introducing some of these Dragon guys to what an emergency room looks like. They deserve it for that god awful name alone." she finished with a laugh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Jack finished up his lunch and waited for his answer, although he liked the idea of fighting for the weak, he saw no advantage it doing it. No money, no free food, not even any girls. Jack would have to see how things went and go from there. Jack turned one of the newcomers, a girl, that was different.

"Well fry boy, ever seen a kung fu movie? We get to be the bad-asses of... well.. maybe not you... Okay some of us get to be bad-asses and take down an entire street gang. I don't know about you, but that seems pretty fun and makes my life at least a hell of a lot more interesting. Besides, who's gonna be my towel boy?"

Jack looked at her puzzled for a second and then laughed. "You got to be kidding me. Me... you towel boy, you gotta be kidding me, you outa sit in sidelines with the rest if them and the the professionals handles the fighting, wouldn't want you guys to break a nail." Jack said the a grin.
He turned back to his empty plate wondering what to do with it as he waited for the conductor to answer his question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRider


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Alastair watched as Angelo gave his speech, his own little piece on the subject of the Dragons wasn't necessary it seemed as people were chomping at the bit to join up. Alastair briefly ran through what he would've said if they had decided not to join up with Angelo. His pale lips curled gently into a soft smile as he thought of the time the Dragons had attempted to take protection from the Atelier of Ren.

“Give us the money now!’ one of the Dragons spoke, a lieutenant of the gang apparently…Scales…something ridiculous like that, a thin finger jabbing into Alastair’s chest “We won’t ask again”

Alastair gave a short smile to the Dragons that circled around him “Please…can we take this outside” his voice coming out gently as he strode quickly through the open doorway, pulling a white handkerchief from his pocket and tying it across the lower half of his face. The action was more ritual than a way to really conceal his identity. He turned to face the Dragons, they moved like an ill-tempered swarm of ants. Their colours emblazoned upon their clothing, three stepped forward. Alastair fell into a stance that felt all too familiar; hands in the pockets of his pants and his upper body leaning back gently into a curve. He smiled underneath the white mask he wore and lifted his right leg up, bent at the knee and ready to strike.

The Dragons didn't return to the Atelier after that day.

Alastair snapped from his revelry as he watched Angelo’s fledgling gang begin to crumble already. The woman, who was admittedly rather cute, cut down one of the guys who had already showed himself to be a bit of a thick skulled human being. Alastair gave a short sigh and cleared his throat “I suggest you two simmer down and leave that misappropriated anger at the door” his head titled gently as he pulled himself off the chair and stood, hands in pocket and a grin on his lips “and save it for the people shaking down the stores” he gave a short shrug and he looked pointedly at the guy that was just chewed out by the girl and smiled as he started spouting about her sitting on the sidelines. He rolled his shoulders gently and gave a little whistling noise “A sexist too…I think I NEED to kick your ass now…just on principal…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Niles sighed and looked at the students yelling back and fourth, "Will you children simmer down. If we fight among ourselves then how are we suppose to be a "Team"?" The boy pinched the bridge of his nose, "And frankly your petty squabbles are giving me a headache." He shook his head slightly sighing deeply. How were they going to fight against the Dragons when these guys were already fighting each other? Not to mention this is the first time they've meet each other. "Oh also, let's not forget our enemy is the Dragon gang." He finished leaning against the wall once more, pulling out a handle which, with a flick of his wrist, snapped into to shape of a steel plated tonfa and started spinning it around. These numskulls better pull it together soon... Niles thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Angelo sighed a little seeing the rowdy one would be a problem unless he could get him to cooperate with the others, at least they saw the bigger problem and knew that working together was the only way to do so but since this guy wanted more Angelo thought he would tell him what would happen when they get bigger and stronger. " I cant offer you more then my support and leadership. however if we can all work together and make sure all our goals reach the same end then eventually our territory will expand, and with expansion comes people willing to follow us. some will want to follow a specific person because they may have saved them from a dragon group. When they do then that means that people will want to be your subordinates, we will grow in both territory and in numbers. Although the only way to reach that end is if we all work together and help people from the dragons. If your not willing to help us and work with us then the door is right their. Don't hurt your ass on the way out" Angelo said that last part sternly wanting to make sure he made his point that anyone not willing to work together Angelo wasn't going to deal with their crap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 23 days ago

"Hmm, subordinates you say, that I could live with. I guess I have no other choice but to join." Jack said to his new leader. Although he hated that word unless he was leading, he really did not trust the man to lead them, but he would have to live with it for know, at least this the prospect of having subordinates in mind.

"So when do we start." he said to the leader. Jack cracked his fingers, he couldn't wait to get started. Jack glanced at the other members, they all seemed proficient at something, one way or another. Although it was a little weird that the leader man knew each one if them had some kind of fighting experience, he would have have figure that out at a later date. Know all Jack needed to do was wait for them to get started.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Liam nodded his head as he listened to the speech. He was not the follower type but he was not a great leader either. So he figured he should join. He did not care for the guy's tone but he let it slide for now. He was not gonna start a fight right now. If he was joining this he was going to ask Sensei to teach him some more street fighting judo moves. He had them and Liam needed them badly. "So is this our new base? Not much to look at." He commented.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Yes, the worst that will happen to me is a may break a nail or something. You on the other hand, towel boy, will break an arm or a leg cause unlike you "professionals" I don't play fair. But whatever." she turned to Angelo. "I'm not walking out the door. Like I said this sounds like fun if anything. So then...."

"What's the game plan? Who, what, where and when?" she said with a grin.
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