Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whitepulse


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Name: Arne Holt

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Personality: Arne holds a strong sense of loyalty taking responsibility of his actions with great determination. He also possesses slightly naive side. When entering into combat has a bad habit of getting extremely fire up with heat of battle. possessing strong justice and morals of right and wrong, he aims to better himself further. Aiming to train himself further always exhausting himself rather than improving, always feeling the need to better himself.

Brief Backstory: Hailing from Norwegian country Arne Holt was trained in martial arts from young age with his constant need for improvement caught certain eyes and invited to become a Custodian. with his strong sense of justice and morals, made him a perfect fit. Making him a Pilot of Real class Robot Ullr-1. Named after Norse God of Winter, Hunt and Duel.

Skills: Arne is specialized in martial arts and has still bit learning to do before he's perfectly able to control his mecha. He prefers to approach enemies with close combat with mecha.

Abilities: None


Name: Ullr -1

Type: Real Robot


Specification: When it came to notice that the long range attack were not as effective against certain enemies than close range, real type Ullr was created to combat against these enemies. With increased speed and mobility, equipped with close range weapons, made Ullr unit lethal close range weapon.

Equipment system: Ullr unit has been equipped with Melee weapons such as claws and vibroblade's with additional hidden projectiles for close range blast surprise or fending of incoming enemy projectiles. With additional energy shields added for extra protection against projectiles that get past vibroblade's reflecting. Ullr-1 has been mounted with wings boosters for additional travel speed to decrease the time required for getting close to enemy. Unit runs with nuclear powercore that has been heavily modified and protected to prevent radiation leaks and unstability.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 17 days ago

Apologies for my... tantrum, earlier. My job makes me a bit testy at times.

I've also updated my CS, though as you did not mention what specifically made the Tyrant overpowered, I just had to hazard a guess at it.

I may contribute a Real Robot at a later date, though my experience with such genres is far limited in comparison to Super Robots. Maybe at a point further along, I'll go "to hell with it" and make a Demonbane knockoff.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Pilot & Custodian Staff

Name: NA-TA

Age: 10 years since creation.

Gender: Agender (For ease of interaction, NA-TA accepts 'he' as a pronoun.)

Appearance: Full Body | Close Up

Personality: NA-TA is defined by their quiet confidence, adherence to logic and strategic insight, but below all that is something which he had long thought locked away - his emotions. They are definitely present, but he views them as a sort of weakness in his line of work, approaching life from an analytic perspective rather than an emotive one. Because of this, it can be hard to tell when NA-TA is upset, but the trained eye will notice how NA-TA only becomes more logical when distressed. In many ways, he is still very immature, liking to view himself as a sort of paragon of logic and reason, when he is anything but. In reality, NA-TA is as turbulent as a teenager.

Friendship is not beyond the pseudo-human, though, and is greatly appreciated. He finds himself drawn to uncompromisingly honest individuals who, like himself, seek to grow and learn more. About what, exactly? Anything. When around friends, NA-TA reveals a cautious, subtle caring which usually manifests its self in asking for approval or second opinions and small smiles.

Brief Backstory: In 19XX, something devastated the Shanxi province of China. An explosion that reached the stars and took countless lives in its blastwave, heat and light. It was reported and brushed off as a volcanic eruption, something believable if you looked at the epicentre today. Soldiers who were deployed and officials, though, know different. Three vast entities from beyond Earth landed, making the centre of China, Shanxi, their battleground. After days one remained, weak from the ravages of combat, just enough so for the military to finish it off. The people tried to forget while the Chinese Government made its move.

The remains of the beings were taken to an underground complex, beneath Beijing and under everyone's noses, and promptly experimented on. Many secrets were torn from the extraterrestrial flesh, all applied towards the idea of weaponisation. First, came the mecha: The Guan Yu, the Ao Guang and the Nu Wa. Then they made the pilots. Built from the ground up, a majority of their being human genetics, but sharing genetic makeup with their own mecha, the Xenocores were born.

Skills: Singing, long and short term planning, strategy and micromanaging, trained in self-defence and running mecha diagnostics. Fighting game monster.

Abilities: As a Xenocore, and sharing attributes with a gigantic super alien, NA-TA has access to limited push and levitation based telekinesis. When in the Nu Wa, NA-TA gains some minor empathy-based telepathy.


Name: 女娲, the Nu Wa

Type: Real/Super

Appearance: The attainments on the arms act as the drone hangars.

Specifications: Support-type. Made to observe and direct a battle-field from a great distance and provide strategic/tactical advice and updates. Capable of long-distance fire support. Bio-mechanical. Mysterious super-mode.

Equipment System:
TIAN: Transcendental Interface for Assisting Navigation - A detection and jamming suite. TIAN allows for the Nu Wa to keep track of all the players in a battle, unless it is being counter-jammed by opposing forces.

Pillar of Heaven Drone System - A miniature hangar is attached to each of the Nu Wa's arms, housing miniature drones that respond to the Nu Wa and its pilots wishes. There are three types among the drones: 15 Shield drones, which appear to be akin to rectangular plates which project laser grid shields; 5 Canine drones, almost fang shaped with beam edges at the points; 10 Ray drones, made for ranged combat, they use beam ammunition..

A-Axis Propulsion - When in zero gravity and otherwise suspended, the Nu Wa can create hardlight discs beneath its feet briefly to 'push' its self off of, allowing for fast position adjustment and bursts of speed.

醒: AWAKE. - The Nu Wa reclaims some of its former being, energy visibly coursing beneath and through its armor. This is a brief transformation which is still not yet known to NA-TA or the original creators of the Nu Wa, lasting only a few minutes before the Nu Wa 'sleeps'. While like this, it is effectively a super robot no longer relying on the 'scientific' side of its base form, gaining access to improved combat parameters and energy based attacks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

This world is epic. We have travelers from a parallel verses, lizard monsters, and genetically engineered beings. And these doesn't even include the events that led up to such productions. I just want to admit that these ideas are really awesome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Wyvern: Your kooky mad scientist is accepted.

@Vita: Laser Princess is accepted.

@Incredible: Johnny Rocking Tsunami is totally accepted.

@Gentelman: Jovian Lizard accepted.

@Art: Ambiguous gender person is accepted. You're using canon mecha though so unfortunately that's gonna get vetoed. ^^.

@ Renny: Change the Gundam part of its name and it'll be accepted.

@ Dead Cruiser: Change the pilot picture from young Lordgenome and it's accepted.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqRqhTRndAY&list=PLHdCofMqInFktOwUYs7R9tWs70sR-XsrY Also as thanks for the fun profiles, copy and paste this into the address bar and watch glorious mecha gameplay at work. Totally the tone for this setting. And discussion thread will b e up either tonight or tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Grey Star said
@Wyvern: Your kooky mad scientist is accepted. @Vita: Laser Princess is accepted.@Incredible: Johnny Rocking Tsunami is totally accepted.@Gentelman: Jovian Lizard accepted. @Art: Ambiguous gender person is accepted. You're using canon mecha though so unfortunately that's gonna get vetoed. ^^.@ Renny: Change the Gundam part of its name and it'll be accepted. @ Dead Cruiser: Change the pilot picture from young Lordgenome and it's accepted.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqRqhTRndAY&list=PLHdCofMqInFktOwUYs7R9tWs70sR-XsrY Also as thanks for the fun profiles, copy and paste this into the address bar and watch glorious mecha gameplay at work. Totally the tone for this setting. And discussion thread will b e up either tonight or tomorrow.

Changed and changed. At least the names anyway, I don't recall there being anything else in there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sorry this took longer than I thought, couldn't find a picture that worked for me and I woke up feeling like crap today. Anyway. When everyone is a very unique character such as genetically engineered soldiers, dimension shifters, super geniuses, lizard people and so on, many of them not even old enough to drink yet, having an older, down to earth dude what pilots good is nice and different. I realize picking a Macross unit for a transforming airplane unit isn’t exactly the most original choice and that you've shot down others for using canon units, but it’s kind of hard to top Macross in that area, especially when it comes to original artwork.

Designing a properly transforming machine is hard, and where else am I going to find one that looks this dumpy and not at all like a standard modern jet or typical humanoid mech, thus complimenting its whole "it's an old ass unit modified to be combat-worthy" thing in the story? Besides, I think I picked a fairly non-standard machine, AFAIK it’s never been animated, though a variant did turn up for like a single episode of Dynamite 7, and I changed its arsenal around somewhat by adding a pair of very Gundamlike weapons and making its machineguns into what amounts to Mass Effect guns on account of beams not being good weapons underwater. Everyone knows as much.

Credit where credit is due, though, in order: The pilot armor is the Browsuperior (I swear that's the name) Riding Suit from Genesis Climber Mospeada. The plasma pistol is apparently the Battlestar Galactica Matsuo pistol, whatever that is. The mech is the VA3-M Invader from Macross, I think it's from a PS1 game, hastily modified with MSPaint tier work by me to remove a stupid looking anglerfish-like antenna and UN Spacy symbols.

Pilot/Custodian Staff Member

Name: Raymond “Ray” Lowe
Age: 35
Gender: Male

An athletic, tanned man of 6 feet 2 with hazel eyes, messy blonde hair and a perpetual stubble that takes more work to maintain that Ray cares to admit, it tends to surprise people that this jovial-looking man is 30 or that he’s spent the last decade as a Custodian. When not wearing his piloting armor colored navy blue and white (his personal colors, shared with his craft), he usually wears black boots, jeans, a white shirt and a beaten up blue flight jacket. Hidden by the jacket, though worn openly with the piloting armor, is a shoulder holster carrying a military grade plasma pistol.

Upbeat, carefree, irreverent and, most of all, friendly, Ray doesn’t act like the uptight veteran most people would expect someone with a decade of Custodian experience to be like at all, remaining laid back and good humored through pretty much any situation. Despite this, he’s also rather opinionated and very straightforward, never afraid to voice his thoughts as they are. A dedicated pilot and something of a thrill seeker who very obviously enjoys high speed combat, dogfights and shooting duels in particular, he takes a good amount of pride in his skills and rarely ever hesitates when it comes to performing some manner of dangerous stunt or getting into close call situations. Over time, he’s formed a strange emotional attachment to his machine, often talking to it or referring to it as if it were a living being, his partner in battle.

Brief Backstory:
Ray’s grandfather was a plain old jet pilot, back when those were the cutting edge of technology, having served with the US Air Force in several engagements. He would tell the young Raymond stories about old wars and the history of human flight, and thus Ray developed a lifelong dream, some would say obsession, with becoming a pilot just like his grandfather, much to the displeasure of his straight-laced, paper salesman father. This soon developed into a full blown thrill-seeking personality, where Ray would engage in all manner of dangerous pursuits such as bike riding or boxing as a sort of replacement for his lifelong dream of being a pilot.

At 24, Ray finally managed to achieve his dream by joining the private fleet of the Apex Paradigm corporation, a small but relatively successful company that specialized in producing and fielding their own planes for non-military purposes. Ray was assigned as a test pilot for the then latest product the company had to offer, a craft created to serve not only in the sky but also in space and even underwater codenamed the Peregrine. Though expensive to produce, the machine was a workhorse ahead of its time, and with Ray as the pilot it displayed tremendous performance. So much so that, when the Custodian efforts became more pressing, Apex was asked to come on board as a mecha developer.

While the Paradigm execs refused on grounds of not wanting to become military developers, they did graciously offer the Peregrine test model and all of its data and blueprints to the Custodians. The plane was quickly modified, further enhancing its performance and implementing weapons and better armor materials for increased survivability in combat. Furthermore, the frame's solid performance and all-terrain nature proved ideal to introduce experimental transformation technologies, and soon the Peregrine was no longer just a plane but a transforming machine, capable of assuming a humanoid battle mode in the blink of an eye.

Ray, meanwhile, had jumped at the offer to join the war effort, seeking to follow his grandfather’s footsteps. Fighting to remain at the Peregrine's helm, since it was the first plane he'd gotten to pilot and he'd grown rather attached to it, he proved to have a natural aptitude for combat and was assigned as the machine's official pilot. Ray became a Custodian at age 25, and a decade of engagements followed. Despite his chosen craft soon becoming rather outdated technology, he refused to change into one of the newer machines derived from the research that went into the Peregrine, instead having it constantly updated and rebuilt with better internal systems, materials and even weaponry to keep up with the times.

Character theme: The Jester’s Dance by In Flames, looped until your brain meshes it all into an incomprehensible mess, just like in Super Robot Wars.

Skills: Motorcycle riding, sharpshooting, boxing, piloting anything that flies, years of experience as a Custodian give him a certain knack for battle less experienced people just don’t have.

-Heightened reflexes: Ray reacts fast, even for mech pilots. Not a supernatural or engineered ability, he was simply born with good reflexes and has developed them further as a result of his thrill seeking ways.

-Superior spatial perception: While having good reflexes is nice, you actually need to see, hear or feel things coming to react, right? Thankfully, Ray is also pretty good at that. He has terrific hand-eye coordination and the perception to match his reflexes. Again, not a supernatural ability or anything weird, it’s not a newtype flash, he’s just naturally better at these things than most in the same way other people have a better sense of smell or can build muscle faster than others.

-Pilot armor: An all-around effective survival suit that not only shields the pilot’s body from the strain of high speed combat but also serves as body armor, a piloting aid via helmet-mounted HUD and an effective space suit. The thick plate pieces are colored white, while the suit is navy blue.

-Plasma pistol: A military sidearm powered by a detachable battery good for some 30 shots and easily rechargeable in any military facility, it can fire both relatively harmless stun shots designed to incapacitate targets much like a tazer or deadly bolts of plasma. The pistol also has a supercharge setting where it expends the entirety of its battery in a single blast, capable of piercing battlesuits and even cause some damage to mechs, especially if used against particularly vulnerable areas such as visors. Though not quite standard issue, it’s not a rarity either. Ray carries the weapon and a spare battery in a shoulder holster.


Name: AP-LSAS-001C “Peregrine”
Type: Real robot
Appearance: What happens when you a take a Sea-Air-Space single pilot ship and modify it intro a transforming combat unit? This is what. The unit is primarily painted navy blue, with white highlights.

Around 18 meters tall in mech mode and only slightly shorter in plane mode, this dumpy-looking machine is designed to operate well in any environment, capable of functioning in the sky, space or even underwater unimpeded, while its bipedal mode gives it adequate ground combat capabilities as well. The entire thing isn’t particularly tough but it’s very fast and very agile as befit a transforming plane, using its capabilities to outspeed and outmaneuver threats. If there’s a particular failing with the machine is its relative lack of firepower compounded by its inability to use mass produced handheld weapons.

Equipment System:
-Crush pincers x2: in exchange for not having more humanoid hands, the Peregrine’s three-fingered claws are capable of exerting vise-like pressure and can be used to crush enemies in close range if need be.

-Rail machineguns x2: Built into the Peregrine’s arms/pontoons are a pair of machineguns which fire small slugs sheared from a solid block of material used as a cartridge. The slugs, though small when compared to bullets, are launched at tremendous speeds by a railgun-like mechanism altered to allow for rapid fire functions and impact with just as much power as a regular bullet, since they’re designed to squash on collision and transfer as much force to the target as possible. While regular railguns tend to be slow-firing, devastating single shot weapons, these rely on rapidly scoring multiple impacts to deal their damage. Ammunition is not much of a concern unless it’s an overly prolonged engagement with no chance to restock, but the pilot needs to watch for the weapon’s heat levels, as constant use will rapidly build up heat which needs to be dispersed before the weapon can continue to function.

-Beam sabers x2: The machineguns’ barrels aren’t just that. By switching to an alternate mode, they can be used to produce short plasma blades which don’t work very well underwater but supplement the unit’s defective close combat capabilities. A relatively recent addition. they’re perhaps the most damaging single-hit weapons in the Peregrine’s entire arsenal.

-Micro missile pods x2: Mounted on top of the mech’s shoulders, which become the section of the wings closest to the plane’s body (fuck me if I’m learning all of the proper plane terminology for all this), are a pair of micro missile pods. Much like the machineguns, the missiles themselves are not that powerful individually but many can be carried in the small-ish pods and can be used to rapidly saturate a target with detonations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Got space for one more?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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I don't think the RP is closing any time soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 17 days ago

Grey Star said @ Dead Cruiser: Change the pilot picture from young Lordgenome and it's accepted.

Changed to something similar, but not as flagrant. Suitably generic I hope.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mech editied.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Dead, Zero, and Art: Accepted.

OOC Thread is now up
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

am I accepted as well or denied?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

You're accepted too, Renny. Sorry for the wait. ^^.

And so is White. Sorry to you too.
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