Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Kyriakos blinked at the fairy's answer, and she chuckled a little sardonically, "I don't think being a healer qualifies me as a sage, now does it..." She of course did pick up the pace, not because the fairy told her to, but so that she could get this meeting done with, and possibly go back to her shop before anyone who desperately needs healing arrives at her shop/home. When the fairy mentioned that some of them were in the city, she commented, "Oh good! I get to meet some of these sages ahead of time, should I have the luck of running into them,"
She then started, talking to the fairy, "By the way, I never did catch your name..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thanatosDefiant
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"Unique crowd you're collecting..." Gin said as he began to follow the path to royal family's castle. "But they'd better not look down on me! There hasn't been a single God-damn hylian that hasn't looked at me funny since I got here!" His face grew even angrier than it was before, it was obviously a very sensitive subject. "Even if I am a scrub I still know my way with magic!" He said haughtily.

Gin arrived at the main gates through the cobble path, he saw a figure way taller than the average hylian. He had a blue fairy of his own, meaning that he was likely a sage himself. He had a bad feeling about this guy, if only for his height. He figured that he'd have to get to know him later on, after the meeting was done. Gin greets the guard at the entrance.

"Afternoon, guard."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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The guard looks up at Dane as he and the very approach, and behind them, the Deku Shrub and fairy. Dane turned to look back saw the fairy with the Deku Shrub and looked forward again, motioning Bubby closer. "Next time," he says only loud enough for Bubby to hear, "I'm not making any jokes about potential sages. The goddesses seem to find it funny to make me eat my words." Once he was close enough to speak with the guard, he opens his mouth to speak only to find himself cut off by the oddly enthusiastic guard.

"Ah! Bubby's with you! The Princess said to inform anyone who came along with Bubby to return tomorrow at noon. Here is a letter of board from the royal family. Just show this at any inn or tavern and they will provide you with a place to stay on the royal family's coin until your business with the royal family is completed. The princess would also like to give you this purple rupee for spending money on your visit. Have a good day, and may the only darkness that follows you be your shadow." Taking both the letter and the rupee and reading over the letter, Dane sighs.

"Thanks for the info, friend. Guess I'll be back tomorrow." With that, he walks off, putting the letter in one pouch as the rupee with the others in his wallet. It brought his total up to one hundred fifty rupees, a nice sum in case he needed more supplies before he went...where ever he would need to go. The fact that the guard new about Bubby only seemed to confirm most of what he'd been told, though Dane still had a hard time buying the sage part. "Alright Bubby, we've got all day to kill. Anything new you'd like to do? You did seem a bit preoccupied just trying to find me and the other sages."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thanatosDefiant
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"So you do get what I'm saying!" Gin exclaimed to Bubby. "Sounds rough!"

After the other sage left, the guard repeated almost word for word what he had said before. Gin happily accepted the money, its been a couple of days since he's last had a decent meal! He also took the letter of board, even if he would much prefer to sleep in one of his species' deku flowers. "Thanks...er, friend." He took it upon himself to emulate Dane, seeing as he has rarely been able to keep up a conversation with a hylian before.

Gin began walking back down the cobblestone road. "Hey, Bub," He began, using addressing Bubby with another nickname. "So what'll we do until tomorrow? I've been eyeing this mask shop for a while now, feels kinda close to home, y'know?" Gin briefly wondered what his master was doing at the swamps. He rubbed his head with a sigh, his up weird hair springing up as soon as he stopped pushing it down. The flower on his head also began to wilt slightly, as if responding to Gin's emotions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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"Fortune teller, fortune teller..." Dane rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he walked. As they neared the town proper, he snapped his fingers. "Carmena! I actually have been meaning to pay her a visit anyways. Follow me." he takes off down the path leading back to the town proper, whistling a tune to himself as he walks. Once they reach it, he leads the way down a small side path to a small tent. Stopping, he indicates the small structure. "Welcome to the tent of Carmena the fortune teller. Might I ask what misgivings the princess had about her?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Aline trudged across Hyrule Fields. It was a long expanse of land in the center of Hyrule. It was not particularly unpleasant, walking through the desert was much worse but it was very very empty. There were monsters every now and again which Aline dispatched quickly, otherwise it was just a lot of land that no one seemed interested in developing. Almost as if the fields had heard her thoughts over the next hill Aline saw a structure, it was more or less walled off from the rest of the fields, no doubt to keep the monsters out.

It was daring of these folks to continuing living this far from civilization what with the strange happenings that had been taking place in the land recently, ancient monsters awakening, anyone of them could raze this place to the ground.

Aline decided that if anything else she need some new supplies, her food was almost run out. As she approached she saw an old sign hanging that read, "Lon Lon Ranch". It was made with care but clearly had seen better days. Aline glanced up the path to make sure no one was coming before she took a pick and tension wrench of her a leather pouch and set about opening the padlock that kept the gate shut. It was an old thing that should have been replaced years ago and so Aline had no difficulty sliding the tumblers into place. With a satisfying click the lock cracked open. Aline slid it off the gate pushed it open and set the lock on the ground just inside.

As Aline walked up the path she came across a girl. Her skin was pale by Gerudo standards but tanned likely from working outside, her hair was red, perhaps a little duller than Aline's natural color but it accented her blue eyes nicely. She was wearing a white blouse and had a yellow banana tied round her neck, her skirt was modest and pale pink with a belt that had the Triforce inscribed upon it. She was lugging a bucket of milk.

When she saw Aline coming up the path the girl gave a small gasp and dropped the bucket. It fell on its side and creamy milk saturated the road. Feeling guilty Aline ran towards it and pushed the bucket back up before anymore of its contents could be lost.

"I'm really sorry, I ain't trying to cause any trouble or nuttin'." Aline said looking up at the girl.

"No it's my fault, we aren't used to getting visitors out this far. How did you get in by the way, the gate's supposed to be locked."

Thinking on her feet Aline chose the simplest lie. "Wasn't when I got there, there was an old rusty padlock lyin' on the ground though."

The girl gave an exasperated sigh, Papa'll have forgotten again. I swear the only thing he ever thinks of are sleep and his Cuccos. My name's Malon by the way, yours?"

"Alexandra but most just call me Alex, listen I've been on the road awhile, was looking for somewhere to board and some food to take with me when I go. I've got ruppees, can pay ya for it."

Malon smiled, "Visitors are always welcome, it gets right lonely all the way out here. Come on I'll fix you something to eat, you look like you could use a good meal."

The sun had been setting when Aline had arrived at the ranch and by the time she and Malon (her father was likely elsewhere) were finished a supper of hot stew it was well dark outside. Malon was kind enough to show Aline to a spare room. It was modest but much more comfortable than anything Aline had ever had living at the Gerudo complex. Everything there was purely functional, only the King possessed quarters that steered more towards comfort.

Aline crawled between the covers and as she was drifting off she heard a sweet melody coming from the pastures, Malon must be singing to the horses. With that tune in her head Aline fell into a deep sleep.

She was awakened roughly the next morning by a ball of blue light, "I've found you I've found you I've found you!" it shouted bouncing up and around in the air far too happy for this early in the morning. Not of course that Aline was lazy, she was capable of going from deep sleep to a weapon in hand in a matter of seconds when the time called for it however unless this fairy turning into something actually interesting this was not one of those times.

"Princess Zelda needs to see you at the castle at ONCE! All the sages are gonna meet there! Hurry up! Wake up you lazy bum and rub that sleep out of your eyes! Honestly, how can the fate of the whole world rely on such a lazy person! C'mon already! Zelda'll answer all your questions when we get there!"

Aline was tempted to laugh, her one of the sages. The Goddesses must truly have a deplorable sense of humor. The next instant however it occurred to her what this actually might be. It was far to convent that she was one of the great sages and was needed at the Castle a place full of Hylean guards that had been trying to capture her for years. There was a far more likely scenario. Finally fed up with false sighting of her and leads that went no where the guards had resorted to magic to bring her.

In one swift movement Aline drew a curved scimitar from her back and pointed it with deadly aim at the fairy. If necessary Aline was fully capable of slicing the creature in half. Then again, on the off chance that this glowing bug was telling the truth she may as well give it a chance to explain.

"Alright Fairy, ya've got about two minutes to prove this ain't a hoax before I cleave ya in two."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"So its not just me... The goddesses have forsaken our world. I guess we are the last hope. That is untill the goddesses notices us again." Shade says. They can see the southern bridge, people rushing in. "Well, that's new." He thought himself lucky to wear the shroud. He looked no different then the refugees that were moving in. He looked down and continued to move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Shade walked into the crowd of refugees on the bridge, and just like that he was camouflaged in plain sight. The only noticeable feature was the fairy, but it could be floating to with anyone. He reaches the square, and very little had changed. He starts remembering when he was a kid running through it on his quest. If he could smile he would. He was about to walk up to the castle, like he did when he was a lad, and teen. He put a hand to his face, "We need to make a quick stop." He then turns around. He walked around the square untill, "Ah-ha, there." He points at the happy mask shop. Although relieved, he had been dreading this since the fairy told him to go to the castle.

He entered the mask shop, a chill ran down his spine when he saw the happy mask salesman. The salesman said his introduction, Shade doesn't say anything he just points to the Zora mask. As the man gets the mask he attempts to strike conversations, "You've met with a terrible fate haven't you." That saying put made Shade insanely uncomfortable, all that he could muster was "Hmm." "That's why anyone comes to see me anymore, typically people with scars ,or deformities. One guy had both." The salesman hands him the mask. Shade quickly puts it on, and in a flash he dropped his shroud, and where he stood was a Zora, wrinkles covering his face as if he was as old as he was. "Thanks. I'll see you again." Shade said as he left. He walked back to the pathway to the castle, then walked up to the guards. "Hey," he waves, "I have this thing." The guard says what he does and hands Shade the royal paper and the rupee. "Thank ya, young blood." He leaves back down the path. "Well fairy, we have the night... There's just one thing I have to do." He starts walking toward The Temple of Time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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After Bubby made his comment, she sighed through her nose, not bothering to ask what made her a sage. After the fairy gave her its name, she answered back "Nice to meet you, Bubby,"
She soon reached the guard at Hyrule Castle and the same thing was repeated to her, and she too was given a purple rupee. She thanked the guard politely before she turned to leave. She didn't let the fact that the guard didn't recognize her faze her. When she was far enough away from the guard, she commented "A whole day hm...I guess I can use this time to prepare," She then started walking off towards the potions shop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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"Right..." Well, he was already here and he doubted he'd have time over the next day to come back, so into the tent Dane went. Inside the small tent is what appears to be a fortune telling booth. No fortune teller... not a single person around... just... a booth... As you approach closer to the pedestaled glass box, torches on the ground around the tent erupt in a blue light... revealing... a mechanical cucco. The cucco's eyes turn red and it begins to speak... "Welcome to Carmena the Cucco's Palace... I was created by Burana, the legendary fortune teller, and left here because we knew you would arrive. We also knew you'd be willing to part with a measly ten rupees for the trouble of placing this booth here just for you. Just feed them into the machine, and I will lay the egg that was predetermined for your arrival. If you are not willing to part with the rupee's then our prediction could not be true yet, and it is not time for us to tell your fortune... But beware! If it IS your time, and you refuse this fortune out of spite, you will forever be unaware of the secret you were destined to receive! Dare you tempt... fate? Then the cucco's eyes grow dim and it's robotic head points down as though sleeping. Dane raises an eyebrow at the mechanical contraption and looks at Bubby.

"Well, there's your answer to the mysterious giving of artifacts. She probably stocked it up with a bunch of 'em until she could come back. Might as well give it a try." The machine whirrs and clanks loudly, rocking back and forth the cucco's eyes light up, its wings spread, and its head points toward the ceiling...

"Macs-a Ylsuoiv-bo si, Siht Nom'k!" A mist swirls around the booth, dark and foreboding, and as the chant completes, she lets out a loud crow, and stands up. An egg pops out of the cucco and into a small hole in its synthetic nest. Dane hear it roll down through the mechanisms until finally, a slot pops open revealing his egg. "Carry this egg, and in a few hours, (maybe even less, depending on your exposure to sunlight...) It will hatch! Revealing the harbinger of your fortune within! Do not try to break the fortune out... or it will perish undeveloped. The fortune must identify you, feel your warmth to determine who the fortune is for... that it is really you..." Picking up the egg and looking it over, Dane shakes his head and heads back out of the tent with Bubby in tow and looks around, noting that the sun is at about the noon position.

"Well, it's about lunch time. Wanna get some food?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thanatosDefiant
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"It's a long story, I'd rather not say anything." Gin began to remember back to when he was being taught by the witch, Cocoro. The constant strictness and bad attitude of her was enough to make Gin angry. "Gets me irritated now that I think about." Gin continued walking to the happy mask shop, observing a very old looking zora walk out of the shop, the sight was enough to make him shiver.

Gin walked into the shop, just as he thought, he felt oddly at home. Likely because his master also had several masks around their home. But he was still very disturbed by the happy masks salesman, especially his strange smile and enthusiasm. He spotted the deku mask and whispered to Bubby, "Psst, hey. That the mask you were telling me about?" He had to admit, he looked almost exactly like the mask.

Another one of the masks caught his attention, the giant mask. "Hey...could I take that mask?" He pointed the giant's mask to the salesman. "Oh? Looking to fix your height, Deku Boy?" Gin instantly scowled after the insult. "Just get me the damn mask." The happy mask salesman handed him the mask, which Gin accepted with a glare.

"Anyway," Gin began as he walked out of the shop, the mask wrapped around his arms. "I remember reading about the seven sages a while back, do we have titles like they did?" He was referring to how each sage had a distinct element they were associated with, like the Sage of Light or Forest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Shade stood in front of the temple, he bowed his head. He pushed open the door, he took a step in and the door quickly shut like a vacuum. He removed his mask, and changed back, he clipped it to his belt. "Is... Is it still here..?" Shade walks further in he looks at the three stones remembering what he did to get them and put them there. He looked up from the stones into the dark arch way. He walked up the steps and through the arch.

There it was in all glory, right where the Hero of Twilight placed it. The Master Sword, in its stone pedestal. He steps up to the sword, and pulls it, he holds it above his head, like he did years ago. Something was different, it didn't feel like it did before. I did feel like the sword of evils bane, I was... Just a sword. "Don't worry bud," he said to the sword, "I'll put you back when I fix this." He turns to bubby, "So fairy, any suggestion on what to do now?" He places his old sword in front of the pedestal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Kyriakos soon reached Telma's bar, and she was greeted by Teresa, "Why hello there sweetie! I'm Teresa! Welcome to my Bar and Inn. Yes, I know what the sign says but I've never gotten around to changing it... At any rate, I've got milk, food, and supplies for a fair price..."
She replied Teresa in a friendly manner "Hey Teresa. I'll take the usual supplies and a sleeping potion," She immediately handed 70 rupees to Teresa, who in return gave her ten apples, ten bread, and one bottle of sleeping potion. After thanking Teresa, she looked to the fairy when she felt as though Bubby was giving her a questioning look, "It's good to be prepared,"

She then asked as she sat at an empty table and packed the supplies, "So. What makes you think I'm a sage to begin with Bubby?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thanatosDefiant
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"What?!" Gin looked at the back of his hand. To his shock and surprise, there was a mouse symbol that he had never noticed before. "I'm...a Mouse sage?" He looked at the mark for quite some time in a morose fashion. His mouth was gaping wide open, unable to believe it. "How'd I get stuck with mouse when the others got such cool marks?" He looked especially crestfallen at the news. As if being a deku wasn't enough, as a mouse, he'd certainly be the laughingstock of the sages!

"C'mon, I've got another place I wanna go to!" Gin rushed off to the fortune teller, who explained the process of getting a fortune to him. He slipped ten rupees to the cucco, mist swirls throughout the booth. Soon, an egg pops out of the cucco. It rolls down to the synthetic nest and is revealed as the slot opens. Gin takes it with one hand and stuffs it into his pocket, still holding the mask with both his arms.

Next order of business is to get a sack to put my stuff in! Gin thought to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"Well, we could meet at the inn?" Shade suggests. He feels something on the back of his left hand, he looks at it. "A wolf? That's new." Shade puts the mask back on. He left the temple. He goes to the inn, nods at the lady. He sits at a table. "Well, fairy. Uhh... What's your name?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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