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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"I'm fine," Garsinsaid as he rasched out a hand to help her up. Howerver, it already seemed as though she was up and running again. "I'll catch you later!" "Uhm... yeah, you too," he stammered, although since she was already running down the hall, he doubted she heard. He let out a sigh and continued down to the street. He pulled out his map which he kept folded in a small pocket case so that it wouldn't get damaged or flatten out, and started to look for the cafeteria.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alternax
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hearing Josive's voice telling them about the sound Jared took this as a hint that they couldn't be heard, climbing up the ladder just enough that his torso showed, Jared responded. "We found some pods of some kind, they're hooked up into the ceiling by a bunch of wires and cords." Looking around he noticed that Bella was gone, but keeping in mind priorities Jared focused his mind back on the girl apparently being shot at. "About that girl, maybe you could do something on that computer to help her?" Jared asked, still hanging on the ladder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[Josive] Josive noticed Jared looking around the room, and guessed he was looking for Bella. "She went back to her room. We have a clue from the Aelita on the screen. She said she remembered something in her room, and Bella went to get it." he told him. "As for helping her... there's nothing I can really do. There's no manual, so I might end up damaging something. I have the diary from the one kid Jeremy, so if him and his friends ended up making this computer, I might be able to figure something out from the diary. I asked Bella to get my laptop and the cd's, so when she get's back I can check them for something. They were locked before, but with this computer, I might be able to crack them faster." he explained his plan. "I'm not sure what those pods could be. I'm sure the diary would explain it though, if they had anything to do with this before...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Bella Bella hurried into her room. Okay, the girl said it was somewhere under the bed. She crawled under, shoving random objects out of her way. Finally she found it. Bella scurried out from underneath the bed and looked at the piece of paper. It bore the mark that Aelita had told her to look for. She shuddered, the symbol seemed to echo with some sort of darkness. She folded it up and shoved it in her backpack so she wouldn't have to pay much attention to it. Now done searching her room, she hurried out to to go find Josives computer and CD's. It wasn't until she got down to the boy's floor that she realized that he hadn't told her which number his room was. Oh no, she thought. Bella looked around, wondering which one could be his. She didn't want to go back empty handed. She walked down the hallway and stopped, seeing a blueish light shining under one of the doors, the same light that a computer usually gives off. I hope this is it, she thought, turning the door knob. She looked inside the room, which was pretty messy, just like Josive had mentioned it being. She looked on the desk and saw a laptop and a bunch of computer disks. Yes! She grabbed them and put them into her backpack then quickly hurried out. She crossed the school grounds and returned to the sewer entrance. The journey back didn't take quite as long to get back. Soon Bella was at the factory again. She ran through the corridors and managed to find her way back to the elevator. Bella paused to try to catch her breath while the elevator was moving. "I'm back," she called breathlessly when the doors opened. She hurried over to Josive at the computer, noting that the other two kids seemed to be exploring some other room. "Here's everything," she said, handing her backpack to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Flippy heard Bella announce her return he didn't even noticed she was gone, so Flippy climbed back up the ladder and walked over to Josive and Bella. "So did I miss anything important while down there. It's kinda cool you should really check out those chambers they seem to have some massive wiring linked to all three of them." Flippy said before glancing at the computer screen "so have we figured out this mystery location of miss missing student." He added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

September 2nd, 7:58pm, Introduction Day.
School's out!
Only kids living off campus are allowed to leave. Students are allowed to get permission to leave campus by Jim, or the principal. (Not the RP rules... you can get kicked out of Kadic for breaking them, not the RP)
[Josive] As Bella entered the room, the screen bleeped with a message. "Tower Activated in Forest Sector." was what it read on the screen. I ignored it for the moment, and turned my attention to Bella as she entered the room. "Alright, let's get this thing going." I said to her as I saw she had my laptop, cds, and possibly the note. I accepted the backpack and looked through it until I found the note. I pulled it out and set it on the keyboard, while handing back her backpack. I quickly set up my laptop on my lap, not plugging it in as I knew I didn't need it charged for very long, nor where there any options to do so. "Okay everyone, gather around. This is what I found." I told everyone, putting in the original CD that worked into my laptop and let it play. As it started, I grabbed the note off the computer's keyboard, and started to read it. "Oh wow, this is interesting." I whispered lightly so I wouldn't interrupt the video. The video started. "Hello, my name is Jeremie Belpois, and this is my first video diary at Kadic Junior High." he said as he adjusted himself in his seat. "Today I'm going to go explore a factory I found earlier to find some parts for my robot." he continued. "I've discovered there is a sewers in the park that leads to the factory, which I'm going to take so I can sneak off campus. They have very strict rules here, and I'd rather not make a big scene trying to leave on my first day." he added. He then went on to discuss his classes and other unimportant parts. Josive ended the video at this point. "Not much to it. But, he has tons of other videos here! I couldn't manage to get them unlocked before... but with this note, I think I can get in now." I told everyone. I searched through the cd's, until I found one labeled correctly. I replace the cd in my laptop with it, and ran it. A small window popped up, allowing you to type in four digits, then hit the "Confirm" button. I looked at the note, and typed in the four numbers on the top, then hit the confirm button. The window closed, and waited for a short moment. Another window popped up that read "ERROR. TERMINATING PROCESS." for a few seconds, with a countdown on the bottom counting down from three, two, one. "Oh no, I typed it right!" I yelled out, panicked. The message then suddenly changed before it could say zero at the bottom. "PASSCODE CONFIRMED. DISCS 2-3 NOW ACCESSIBLE." it announced, before simply closing out after another three second countdown. "Phew...." I found the second cd, then plopped it into the computer, letting it run. "Hello, my name is Jeremie Belpois, and this is my first video diary at Kadic Junior High." the kid announced once more, seemingly exactly like before. "Today I'm going to go explore a fact-" he started saying before the doors to his room opened up. "Get out here Jeremy!" a three kids told him. "Hey, guys! Those are the other missing kids! But, Aelita isn't there." I announced to everyone watching. "Wha- who are you?" he asked them, surprised that they had entered his locked room. The three smiled, then entered his room and abducted him. The one with giant yellow hair looked into the camera, and made a face before shutting it off. "Okay... does anyone find this video weirder than the first? What was that, a reenactment or something?" I asked everyone. I put in the third cd, hoping it would be of more use. The video started with the kid sitting in his chair, facing the camera and already adjusted. "Looks like this one's different." I hoped aloud. "If you're watching this video, you have gotten a hold of my video diary. My friends and I have made a startling discovery. Inside the factory I explored yesterday... or... to be more exact, earlier today... I found what appears to be a lab. There is a super-calculator inside of it, which contains a virtual world known as Lyoko. I found a girl inside of it, who's name is Aelita. There is also an artificial intelligence known as XANA, who wants to destroy us. We have discovered there are scanners that allow you to virtualize yourself into Lyoko, to help fight monsters that XANA summons to attack Aelita, and prevent her from accessing activated towers, which gives XANA powers in the real world. Aelita travels through Lyoko to shut them down, but can't without the help of myself and my friends. Here is a list of programs I've managed to uncover." the kid said, before a flash of images appeared on the screen with very precise codes. "You can access them on the super computer using these key combinations." he said, reappearing on the screen before a new set of images appeared, much cleaner and easier to read. They were still complicated though, and had full details as to what each combination did. "XANA must be stopped at all costs. If you find this, and I am nowhere to be found, you must free Aelita from the Super Computer, but you also have to defeat XANA and stop him from escaping." he said, turning even more serious than he was before. "One last thing. We've also discovered the Super Computer has a hidden power-" he started saying, before banging was heard on the door behind him. He reached for his computer, and shut off the video instantly, without saying anything else. "Wow. I... I'm not sure what to say after all of that." I leaned back in my chair after shutting my laptop and putting it away. "This sounds like we're in over our heads. This 'XANA' sounds dangerous. Maybe that's the reason these kids disappeared? I'm thinking we should shut the computer down. I remember seeing a part about how to do that." I said, already turning to the computer...
Somewhere on the upper floors of the Factory.
Josive's robot was bumping back and forth between the wall and a column, trying to figure out how to escape it's dilemma. It was stuck between a column and a hard place. A wire sticking out of the wall sparked, releasing a Spectre onto the robot. The robot sparked a few times before stopping. The Eye of Lyoko appeared on the camera on the front of the device, before the wheels spun out of control, sending the robot out of it's stuck position. It dove into a pile of parts, picking them up with a small set of robotic tools, and started messing with them....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Bella "Wow", she said, not really knowing what to think of this. A virtual world? It wasn't possible. Was it? She thought about the girl from the computer monitor. And then there were those weird repeat videos. It was like the Deja Vu from the Matrix movie. Something wasn't right. Bella thought about what Josive said about XANA. Part of her wanted to stop Josive from shutting down the computer to keep going and see how this plays out. But another part of her was scared. Bella didn't want anyone to get hurt. It did seem like they were in over their heads. So she decided not to say anything. It would only be right to keep investigating if everyone agreed to it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Flippy was lost in his own imagination of what it would be like to in this virtual world, but he was shot down to earth when he heard Josive mention they should shut it down. "No we can't Josive. Just listen if we shut it down then we lose two things, one our only lead on the missing kids, and two we lose one of the missing students." Flippy explained to Josive. "Besides I think we have a pretty good chance at entering this virtual world, so I say we go deeper." He added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alternax
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jared patiently viewed the video as soon as it started. What kind of super calculator is this? Deciding to respond to Josive Jared began to speak up. "It doesn't matter if we're in over our heads, we're Aelita's only chance of getting back out. We're their only chance of getting back out. If we try to tell someone they would never believe this, we have to continue." Jared said, then he began to recall specific parts of the video. "Wait, the video said that towers in there give this Xana powers out here right? How come it hasn't done anything yet?" Jared questioned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Somewhere on the upper floors of the Factory.
Josive's robot was now slightly bigger, with an extendable arm, and with faster treads. On top of that... there were several tiny little versions of itself all lining up, and building others like themselves. The main robot's eye flashed with electricity, signalling for two groups of robots to roll out side-by-side. Once they reached the top floor, one group parted ways and started making their way into town... heading straight for the school! The other group lined themselves outside the elevator, waiting at attention for the elevator to move up. [Josive] "What!? Are you guy's crazy!? This is nuts! We can't risk who know's how many lives with this thing! If those kids disappeared... and if they built it... what makes you guys think we can do any better? I'm sorry, but I'm out of this. Good luck trying to save the world and all, but I don't want any part of any of your deaths." he yelled at the two. His eyes darted at Bella as well when he mentioned the deaths part. "I'll leave my laptop here, and you can watch the video again and take notes on those programs yourself. I'll expect it in my bedroom tomorrow morning, before classes, if you survive." he continued. He looked at the screen, and put on his headset, "I'm sorry Aeilita, but I'm out of this thing. I hope you make it... but I'm not risking my own life, or countless others, on such a dangerous thing." he told her before taking them off before she could speak. "If I don't see me laptop, I'll assume all of you are missing too, and I'll shut off the computer." he said, standing up and forcing his way over other elevator. He pushed the button to open the doors, but it didn't work. He tried it a few more times, until it sparked once and shocked him. The doors opened, but seemed to be fighting something... eventually, they opened enough for Josive to jump in before they closed right behind him. Ugh. Those kids are nuts! What do they think they're going to do, play hero? The sound of that tower thing doesn't sound very fun, so I might as well head back to school as fast as I ca- Josive thought as the elevator climbed, and the doors opened. "What the-?" he said to himself as an army of miniature upgraded versions of his robot waited in line for him. "I... didn't program that...." he said, before seeing the flash of XANA's symbol on their cameras. "Wait... that's the symbol on the paper, and Aelita was talking about. You're not...?" he started speaking to himself, before they all charged him and leapt into the air at him! He stumbled around, trying to shove them off and crush them, until he managed to smash into the button and let the elevator go down. Once the doors opened on the lab floor, Josive was on the ground, holding one in his hand just inches from his face as it tried to attack him. Most of the others were smashed, but some were rolling through the doors to give the one robot a little more time for it's attack, seeing as it was winning against Josive's strength.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Bella Bella watched as Josive stormed out of the room. She felt a brief spark of anger at his words and willingness to just walk out on them and Aelita. She just shook her head though, shrugging off her frustrations for the moment. They would need to focus to try to help Aelita, assuming that everyone else agrees to continue trying to figure this out. Bella decided that at this point she wouldn't be able to live with herself if something bad happened to the girl and she could have done something to prevent it. Bella took a deep breath to compose herself. "Okay, Flippy, Jared, are you two still willing to stay and help?" she asked. Bella turned to the laptop, getting ready to scroll through the videos and documents when she heard the elevator come back, this time with loud banging noises coming from it. She stood up. "What in the world-" she said as the elevator opened and Josive fell out, surrounded by an army of mini robots. She hurried over to try to get the robots away from him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alternax
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

As Josive explained that he wasn't willing to risk his life for Aelita, whatever happened to the previous kids could happen to them and that scared Jared, but right now they were the only ones even remotely capable of saving her. Although he knew Josive's reasoning he didn't like it and consequently felt annoyed as he seemingly left Aelita to her fate. Wanting to help Aelita and find the remaining missing kids Jared looked back and forth from Josives' laptop and the room's computer. Shortly after Bella asked the rest of the group, including Jared, if they wanted to stay. "Yeah, we're the only one's who can." Jared replied. Suddenly the loud machinery of the elevator sounded, alerting everyone to it's presence. Did he change his mind? Jared thought, but as the doors opened Josive and a robot came out wrestling each other, and it didn't seem like Josive was going to win. Following after Bella's lead Jared took off his backpack and swung it at the robot, hoping to knock it off or destroy it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Amid all the chaos, Garsin happily ate his dinner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Flippy wasn't that surprised when Josive bailed on the whole thing "I'll make sure to never mention your name when we find the missing kids." Flippy said to Josive as the elevator doors closed. Before anything else Flippy was just dying to sit in that chair in front of the big computer with the video thing of Aelita, so he climbed up and sat in the chair while Bella took the laptop. When Bella asked if he was still in Flippy responded "yes" but his reason why was cut short after the elevator doors opened up again to reveal Josive being attacked by small robots. Flippy quickly ran over to Josive and grabbed two robots and throwing them at the wall before stomping on a third one. "What is going on here Josive?" Flippy asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Factory's Lab Room
Bella was the first to respond to Josive coming down the elevator, coming to the rescue and clearing a small path through the robots. They were small enough to be smashed and pushes aside, and luckily slow enough to not actually hurt anyone now that they were thinning out. Jared jumped through the new opening, swinging his backpack, and knocking the robot it Josive's hands into the wall, smashing it into a mess. Flippy came in at behind everyone else, just as more robots were starting to surround Bella, but he luckily caught two of them as they leaped into the air to attack her, and stomping a third one rolling in. "Uh... thanks guys...." Josive said pushing himself back to the wall of the elevator and standing up with it's help. "I'm just as shocked as all of you." he said, scratching his head as he exited the elevator. The elevator started it's closing process, and moved up shortly after he stepped out. "I'll explain everything in a second, I need to lock the elevator before they get more down here." he said, making his way to the computer quickly. He looked back at his laptop, which was already opened and used, and found the program he needed to mess with the elevator. He quickly closed it, and locked it's position. "Now..." [Josive] "Thank you everyone... I'm..." he said, turning to face everyone. "I'm sorry I bailed out on all of you. It's just... you just saw what they did! I saw that symbol in their cameras, just before they attacked me. It must have been that XANA the video talked about! We have to do something to stop all of this." he sighed, turning back to the screen. "I guess I'm in, for now. But after this, I'm never talking about it again. You're all insane to risk the entire world for a group of kids." Josive sighed, looking at the list of programs once again. "He said something about scanners to virtualize you onto Lyoko? Maybe those are the giant pod things you found down there." Josive said, pointing over at the hatch. "He said you guys had to help Aelita... or, he did and his friends... to deactivate the towers on Lyoko. Maybe if you guys go down there, your'll be able to see some sort of screens in them to control something. Maybe Aelita is stuck inside a similar pod? If you guys head down there I'll take a look through these programs and figure out how to make the scanner pods work." Josive said, now adverting his attention to his work.
The School Grounds.
"What the heck? I know you can hear me in there! Stop messing around and come out here and clean up these bot things before I confiscate them!" Jim said, leaning in close to one of the robot's camera. It's eye flashed, showing XANA's symbol. "Huh?" Jim said as he notice it. The other robots all leaped over this lead robot as Jim stood up, sending him backwards and into the ground. They all started trying to attack him, but he kept grabbing them and tossing them off of him. If no one came to help him... he might not be able to take them all on his own. Other students started gathering around, before some robots split off and started chasing after them. A group of the students ran towards the cafeteria, throwing themselves inside and holding the door closed. "What are those things!? Why are they attacking us!" one of the students yelled. Others started grabbing chairs and blocking up the doors as the robots started piling up outside the doors. Other groups of robots started rolling down the halls, checking each room and smashing up the rooms and looking for something... eventually, they came up to Mike's and Arndt's room, and knocked the door open. "What the- what's going on?" Mike said, turning to face the robots suddenly bursting open the door. The robots split into two groups there, one that started tearing things up, grabbing things, searching, reading... and the other, started to attack!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"What things? What is it?" Garsin asked, a little worried about all the sudden commotion. "What is everyone so worked up about?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Bella "Yikes!" Bella yelped as the two little robots jumped at her. Flippy quickly knocked them away though. "Thanks," she said, looking around the room. Little piles of broken parts littered the ground. Thankfully it looked like they had smashed all of them. She turned back to Josive at hearing his voice. She was glad that he was joining them again, even though he didn't seem too pleased about it still. "Alright," Bella said when he suggested looking at the pod things downstairs. While she still didn't believe the impossible nonsense about this digital world, she supposed that the pods had to have some sort of purpose. They had to be important somehow or else they wouldn't be there. She climbed down the ladder and walked over to one of the pods. It was a strange looking contraption. Bella put a hand on the side of it. A door slid open automatically, and a glowing yellow light filled the pod. She didn't see any controls on the outside, so she stepped into it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alternax
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Swinging his hefty backpack into a robot Jared sent it flying into the elevator, shattering it in the process. With Flippy helping to finish off the last of the robots Jared relaxed, placing his backpack back where it belonged. Jared wasn't sure if he could have destroyed the mini mechs like Flippy but hopefully it wouldn't happen often. With the situation over Josive expressed his thanks and his willingness to work together, for now at least, along with the beginnings of a plan. "Last time me and Flippy were down there we didn't see anybody, sorry." Jared replied, following Bella down the ladder Jared entered the pod on the far side of the ladder. Looking around he didn't see anything besides the light panel at the top. "Anybody see anything? My pod's empty!" Jared yelled, still looking around and feeling the inside of the pod.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Flippy followed Jared and Bella down the ladder after hearing Josive reconsider helping them with this mystery. When Flippy got off the ladder he saw that Bella and Jared were already looking in two of the three pods, so Flippy looked in the third one checking the outside one more time for any controls. He didn't see any sort of controls so he slowly stepped inside and started looking around for any sort of buttons and what not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

School Cafeteria
"There's robots out there attacking Jim!" one of the students yelled over the noise from all the kids panicking and boarding themselves up in the room with the chairs and tables. "Forget Jim, they attacked us too! There's these little tiny robots with tank-treads rolling around campus." another kid tried to help explain. Another kid brushed past you as they carried another chair to the door.
Factory Lab
Josive "Hmm... alright. Transfer, Scan, and Virtualize... maybe that turns on the 'scanner pods' downstairs. Alright, worth a try." I said, moving over to the main computer and putting on my headset once again. "The feeling's getting stronger again. I can feel these pulsations...." Aelita told me as soon as I sat. "The ones you felt as soon as the tower had activated?" I asked her, and she nodded. "Alright, try to concentrate on that. You might have some sort of location-radar thing to help find it." I told her, starting up the transfer process in the scanners. The doors all closed, and indicated they were all loaded. I didn't know the doors closed, however, and I had no way to communicate with anyone down there. "By the way, there's one more red dot heading your way. Also, I think I found something... it might help. Hold out just a little longer." I told her. Okay... starting... Scanner.... I said, as the scanners started up and started scanning everyone inside the pods. "And... the last one is... Virtualization." I said, finishing the process.
<Bella>: After the scanners suddenly started up on you, carrying you into the air, and then wind rushing past you, everything seemed to turn white. Once your vision had reappeared, falling, then you had collided with the ground pretty hard, which took awhile to notice felt slightly different than normal grass. Looking around, you realized... you weren't in the factory anymore. Instead, you were in what appears to be a forest, nearby were a few... animals? and a tower that was described by the girl Aeilta. Not only were you not in the factory, but you were no longer in your old clothes. Instead, you wore something else.... Bella wears very white looking clothing, and a cap. Something similar to what a painter would wear. There is also a belt, with various holders for holding painting equipment easily. The first, holds a Paintbrush, another holds a Painting Palette. The paintbrush, when used, is a weapon. It can be brushed on the Painting Palette to pick up a color, then brushed in the air for various effects. When the brush is used, the clothing changes to match the same color, outfitted with various pictures of whatever power the color holds. <Jared>: The scanners having suddenly turned on, and the blinding light that happened after the sleepy gas seemingly put you out, you woke up with a jolt in the air above a forest, before falling and crashing into the grass below. Nothing appeared to be normal. The air was calm, the feeling of the grass was off, and the sun didn't have any heat. It was as if you were in a dream... a very weird dream, where you have very little feeling. The bump on the ground however was enough to feel, but it would have surely broken bones under normal situation. And under normal situations, you probably wouldn't be caught dead wearing what you're wearing now... Jared wears a blue shirt, and blue pants, which are barely seen with the heavy armor worn over top. Very fancy silver armor is outfitted, a little lighter than one might expect, but still a little heavy. A good-sized chest plate and skirt, and armored shoes. He wears two gloves outfitted with gems of some sort, warming with power, but seemingly dormant. He also wears a big floppy fancy hat, with nice red flowing material coming from the top of it. There are various red colors all throughout the outfit, including a belt around his waist. His main weapon is a long Qiang, an ancient Chinese spear. He also has two spare Dao, ancient Chinese sabers, which are Zhibeidao. <Flippy>: The scanners shut after you entered, and your vision started to blur. Air rushed past you as you lifted into the air, until you arrived in some new land, already having crashed face down into the ground. After you managed to gather your senses, or, what senses you still have, you noticed you were surrounded by your friends. Nearby was the tower, as well as four monsters standing nearby. Flippy wears a very plain black shirt and pants. He wears a white band around his forehead, with a symbol of Lyoko stationed on it. His outfit is probably the most plain when compared to the others, but it's also the lightest and easiest to move in. Flippy is outfitted with a traditional Bokken Sword, mainly used for training. The sword, when unsheathed, glows with electricity, sparking off less than an inch from the blade in rapid motions. Even though the sword is mainly used for training, it's new enhancement may prove it deadly. <Lyoko Warriors>: The four monsters gathered together, standing about fifty or so feet away from the tower, were all facing different directions. Two of them appeared to be tiny little crab-like creatures. They were both looking in the group's direction, before seemingly jumping from sudden shock, and turning to bump into the much larger in comparison, cube-like monster. The cube monster also had one of said little crabs on top of it's head. The cube was shooting a blue-ray at the tower, appearing to freeze the entrance very slowly. The mini-crab on it's head was shooting a small blue-laser as well, but straight down into the cube's laser, as if to enchant it somehow. Once the two mini-crabs bumped into the block, the mini-crab fall off into the freeze ray just as it was turning off, freezing itself as it landed in the grass below, now laying there. The block's laser shut down, and turned to face everyone else. It was also shocked, but recovered better than the now hiding mini-crabs behind it's body. Soon it backed up, and forced the other two to march forward towards the new heros, making them shoot lasers at them as they gathered in their new surroundings, gear, and the battle just now starting.
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